function line_chianti,elem,pres,temp,ang,trans,kev=kev,ikey=ikey,jkey=jkey,$ econf=econf,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,n_e=n_e,istate=istate, _extra=e ;+ ;FUNCTION line_chianti ; returns a 2D array containing line cooling emissivities at a set of ; temperatures for all available spectral lines (in a CHIANTI style ; database []) for the ; specified element at the specified pressure or density ; [1e-23 erg cm^3 s^-1] (NTEMP,NANG) ; NOTE: Ion Balance is NOT included!!! ; ;SYNTAX ; fx=line_chianti(elem,pres,logT,ang,trans,kev=kev,ikey=ikey,jkey=jkey,$ ; econf=econf,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,n_e=n_e,istate=istate,/tex,chidir=chidir) ; ;PARAMETERS ; elem [INPUT; required] name of element e.g., "He", "C", etc. ; * may specify ionic state (e.g., 'Fe XXII') ; * if an array, only the first element is looked at ; pres [INPUT; default: 1e15 cm^-3 K] pressure at which to compute ; level populations ; temp [INPUT/OUTPUT] log(Temperature[K]) at which to compute the ; line fluxes. if not given, then TEMP=4.0+FINDGEN(81)*0.05 ; * best results if evenly spaced in log(T) ; ang [OUTPUT] all the wavelengths [Angstrom] ; trans [OUTPUT] 2D array of transitions -- ; trans[0,*] lower levels; trans[1,*] upper levels ; ;KEYWORDS ; kev [OUTPUT] all the line energies (same as ANG, but in [keV]) ; ikey [OUTPUT] ionic state of element producing the line at ANG ; jkey [OUTPUT] ionic state that matters to ion balance ; econf [OUTPUT] 2D string array of e-configurations -- ; econf[0,*] lower levels; econf[1,*] upper levels ; wmn [INPUT; default: 0 Angstrom] minimum value of wavelength ; to include in output ; wmx [INPUT; default: 900 Angstrom] maximum value of wavelength ; to include in output ; n_e [INPUT] electron density [/cm^3] ; * OVERRIDES values determined using PRES and TEMP ; istate [INPUT; default: ALL; overridden by ELEM] limit calculations ; to specified ionic states (1=neutral, 2=singly ionized, etc.; ; can be an array) ; ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] used to specify ; * /TEX -- TRANS in TeX format (1) or not (0) ; * CHIDIR -- path name to the CHIANTI installation ; ;RESTRICTIONS ; * uses the CHIANTI database ; * requires subroutines: ; -- GET_IONLIST ; -- SYMB2ZION [LAT2ARAB] ; -- RD_CHIANTI [READ_WGFA2(%), READ_ELVLC(%), READ_SPLUPS(%)] ; -- POPSOL [DESCALE_UPS(%), NENH] ; -- TRANSLABEL ; -- KILROY ; (%): CHIANTI subroutine, used as is ; ;HISTORY ; vinay kashyap (Nov96) ; removed ion balance, changed input keyword CONF to output ECONF, ; changed mult. factor from 1e30 to 1e23 (VK; Dec96) ; added level excitation check (VK; Jun97) ; corrected bug with TEMP specification; forced ELEM to be scalar ; (VK; Nov98) ; changed call from POPLEV to POPSOL (VK; SepMM) ; added keyword JKEY; corrected calls to modifications of GET_IONLIST, ; RD_CHIANTI, and POPSOL to account for dielectronic recombination ; lines; converted syntax to IDL5 (VK; OctMM) ; bug correction: CHIDIR was not being passed on; caught and ; filtered -ve population levels (VK; DecMM) ; bug correction: transition labels were being filtered on wavelength ; twice, once within TRANSLABEL and once here. now forced the range ; in TRANSLABEL to be ignored (VK; Jun01) ; bug correction: was failing if ELEM contained ION info (VK; May02) ;- np=n_params(0) if np eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: fx=line_chianti(element,pressure,logT,wavelengths,transitions,$' print,' kev=energies,ikey=ion_wvl_key,jkey=ion_balance_key,$' print,' econf=e_configurations,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,n_e=n_e,istate=istate,$' print,' /tex,chidir=chidir)' print,' returns 2D array of line fluxes for given element at' print,' all wavelengths and given temperatures' return,-1L endif ;pressure if n_elements(pres) eq 0 then pres=1e15 ;temperature array nt=n_elements(temp) if nt eq 1 then t=[float(temp)] if nt lt 1 then begin ;undefined nt=81 & t=4.0+findgen(nt)*0.05 & temp=t endif if nt gt 1 then t=float(temp) ;initialize fx=fltarr(nt) & ang=[-1.] & kev=ang & ikey=[0L] & jkey=[0L] ;output arrays ktrans=-1L if not keyword_set(wmn) then wmn=0. ;[Angstroms] if not keyword_set(wmx) then wmx=900. ;[Angstroms] ;figure out which element and in which ionic state symb2zion,elem[0],z,ist if keyword_set(istate) and not keyword_set(ist) then ist=fix(istate) ;make sure that data exists for (Z,ISTATE) availon=get_ionlist(z,dielec=dielec,_extra=e) ;default list of ions if ist[0] eq 0 then begin ist=availon ;"ALL" ide=dielec ;dielectronic recombination flag endif else begin ide=0 & oldist=ist ;for ii=0L,n_elements(availon)-1L do begin for ii=0L,n_elements(oldist)-1L do begin oo=where(availon eq oldist[ii],moo) if moo gt 0 then begin if not keyword_set(ide) then begin ide=dielec[oo] & ist=availon[oo] endif else begin ide=[ide,dielec[oo]] & ist=[ist,availon[oo]] endelse endif endfor if n_elements(ide) ne n_elements(ist) then ide=intarr(n_elements(ist)) endelse nion=n_elements(ist) & kion=intarr(nion)+1 ;any "bad" ions? for i=0,nion-1 do begin oo=where(ist[i] eq availon) if oo[0] eq -1 then begin ;bad ion. baad, baad ion. message,'ION state '+strtrim(ist[i],2)+' has no data; eliminating!',/info kion[i]=-1 endif endfor oo=where(kion gt 0) ;any good ions? if oo[0] ne -1 then ist=ist[oo] else ist=-1L if ist[0] eq -1 then begin message,'NO IONS FOUND',/info & return,fx endif nion=n_elements(ist) for i=0,nion-1 do begin ;for each ion... jon=ist[i] delec=ide[i] ;dielectric recombination flag (1=yes, 0=no) if keyword_set(delec) then print,'Ionic state (DR)',jon else $ print,'Ionic state ',jon ; read in atomic data from CHIANTI database ; ;chline=rd_chianti(z,jon,delec=delec,chidir=chidir) chline=rd_chianti(z,jon,delec=delec, _extra=e) ;-----------------------------------------------------; ; CHLINE is a structure which is described by ; ; CHELP=RD_CHIANTI() & HELP,CHELP,/STRUCTURE ; ;-----------------------------------------------------; ; are there any lines in the specified range?? ww=chline.wvl & oo=where(abs(ww) gt wmn and abs(ww) le wmx,nw) print,'# of lines in wavelength range = '+strtrim(nw,2) if nw gt 0 then begin ;(there are some lines ; get level populations for the various temperatures for this ion ; nlev=chline.nlev & pop=dblarr(nt,nlev) & popt=dblarr(nlev) for j=0,nt-1 do begin tt=10.^(t[j]) & eden=pres/tt ; ;tmp=poplev(tt,pres,chline,n_e=n_e) tmp=popsol(tt,pres,chline,n_e=n_e, _extra=e) ; ; the following 2 lines added in Dec 2000 to avoid the problem ; of -ve emissivities mtmp=max(tmp) & obad=where(tmp lt 1d-30*mtmp,mobad) if mobad gt 0 then tmp[obad]=0. ; popt[0]=tmp[*] & npop=n_elements(tmp) if keyword_set(n_e) then popt=popt/n_e else popt=popt/eden ; pop[j,0:npop-1]=popt[0:npop-1]*1e23 > 0 ;multiply by 1e23 just to make the numbers large and get of ;any -ve values which are surely just numerical errors kilroy; was here. endfor ;j=0,nt-1 print,'' ; for each transition, get intensities for the set of temperatures ; ntrans=chline.ntrans ;how many transitions splups=chline.spups for j=0,ntrans-1 do begin ;{for each line wvl=ww[j] & l2=(chline.lev2)[j]-1 & a_val=(chline.a)[j] ;; can this level be excited? ;upssiz=size(splups) & upssiz2=upssiz[2]-1 ;if l2 le upssiz2 then begin ;maxups=max(splups(*,l2,0)) ;if maxups gt 0. then upstst=1 else upstst=0 ;endif else upstst=0 ;if abs(wvl) gt wmn and abs(wvl) le wmx and upstst gt 0 then begin ; include this line in calculation? ; NOTE: CHIANTI's CH_SYNTHETIC selects lines based on the ; criteria evaluated below. We however ignore the one that ; rules out lines of 0 intensity based on the population ; fraction, because of the manner in which our emissivities ; are stored -- can't have the wavelength grid depend on the ; density at which the calculation is carried out! ok='ok' siz_chianti=-1 & siz_true=max([chline.splstr.lvl1,chline.splstr.lvl2]) if total(pop[*,l2]) ne 0 then siz_chianti=siz_true i_spl=where(chline.splstr.lvl2 eq l2,mi_spl) ;THIS LINE COMMENTED OUT DELIBERATELY; if siz_chianti lt 0 then ok='no lines of 0 intensity gets into line list' else $ if l2 gt siz_true then ok='not possible to excite this level?' else $ if mi_spl eq 0 and delec eq 1 then ok='exclude lines already in '+$ 'standard list from turning up in DR spectrum as well' else $ if abs(wvl) lt wmn then ok='line falls below range' else $ if abs(wvl) gt wmx then ok='line falls above range' else $ if a_val eq 0 then ok='A=0' if ok eq 'ok' then begin ;(go ahead and compute emissivity ;------------------------------------------------------------; ; you are here. this is why you are here. ; ; ; ; emissivity = (h*c/wvl)*A*pop_fraction ; ; [1e-23 erg cm^3/s] = ; ; [(erg s * cm/s)/cm * (cm^3/s) * (1e-23)] ; ; ; ; but please do keep in mind that pop_fraction does ; ; NOT include ion balance! ; ;------------------------------------------------------------; ; A -> cm -> hz -> erg -> keV if wvl eq 0 then nrg=0. else $ nrg=((6.626d-27*(2.998d10/(abs(wvl)*1d-8)))/1.602d-9) hc = 6.626d-27 * 2.998d+10 * 1.d+8 / abs(wvl) intens=dblarr(nt) if siz_chianti gt 0 then for k=0,nt-1 do intens[k]=hc*a_val*pop[k,l2] ; append each transition to output(s) fx=[fx,intens] & ang=[ang,wvl] & ikey=[ikey,jon] jkey=[jkey,jon+delec] & kev=[kev,nrg] if not keyword_set(ow) then ow=[long(j)] else ow=[ow,long(j)] endif ;OK) endfor ;j=0,ntrans-1} ;level designations and configurations ;tmp=translabel(chline,config=config,wmn=wmn,wmx=wmx,_extra=e) ; NOTE: ABOVE SHOULD NOT HAVE WMN AND WMX SAME AS IN THIS PROGRAM ; BECAUSE OF OW FILTER BELOW. tmp=translabel(chline,config=config,wmn=-1e10,wmx=1e10,_extra=e) if keyword_set(ow) then tmp=tmp[*,ow] else tmp='' if keyword_set(ow) then config=config[*,ow] if keyword_set(ow) then print,'# included = '+strtrim(n_elements(ow),2) ow=0L if not keyword_set(itrans) then begin ;first if tmp[0] ne '' then begin trans=tmp[*] & econf=config[*] & itrans=1 endif endif else begin ;subsequent if tmp[0] ne '' then begin trans=[trans,tmp[*]] & econf=[econf,config[*]] endif endelse endif ;wmn