Audio-Visual Prototyping Project

Illustrative Example of Attachments for a Statement of Work

Typical Elements for Use in a Statement of Work for the
Digital Conversion of Sound Recordings and Related Documents

This illustrative example is not a request for the provision of services to the Library of Congress. It is intended to inform other libraries and interested parties of the types of information that might be included in a statement of work for contracted services.

1.  Contract Startup and Testing Activity
2.  Specifications for Analog Preservation Recordings
3.  Handling Original Recordings
4.  Headers for Audio and Image Files
5.  Contractor Facilities

Attachment 1. Contract Startup and Testing Activity

1 Startup and Testing

1.1 Background. Because of the complexity of the requirements and the variation in the Library's original materials, Lot 1 in this contract shall be a startup and testing activity. The startup and testing activity shall provide a time during which the contractor and Library staff shall work together to address and finalize a mutually agreed upon definition of particular matters related to technical requirements and to confirm this understanding through sample work. Technical elements include but are not limited to:

audio quality issues
database issues
accuracy of file-naming and delivery directory structure
measurement of playback and digitization system performance
image tonal resolution and color rendition
image cropping and orientation
safety of the contractor's systems

1.2 Government Furnished Items. Samples will be selected from three collections. The selected materials accompanied by instructions regarding the file naming and directory structure to be employed will be provided to the contractor.

1.3 Actions. The startup and testing activity shall include the following actions:

Initial Meeting The COTR and other Library staff members will meet with the contractor to discuss startup and testing activities and present sample items.

System setup The contractor shall set up and test the system(s) to be used. The time allotted for this setup shall be as proposed and agreed to prior to contract award.

Weeks after completion of system setup:

Week 1 The contractor shall digitize the sample items, completing database records, and assigning names to files and placing them in directories as specified. The items shall be placed on delivery media marked in accordance with delivery specifications.

Week 2 The samples and database shall be delivered to the Library.

Week 3 The Library will complete quality review of the samples and database and provide a brief preliminary written response concerning acceptability to the contractor.

Week 4 The contractor project manager and other contractor designated staff shall meet with the Library COTR and other staff to discuss the samples provided and to resolve any questions that may remain.

Attachment 2. Specifications for Analog Preservation Recordings

2 Specifications for Analog, 1/4-inch Open-Reel Preservation Recordings

When analog-tape preservation copies are produced in addition to digital files (see section 2.2.4), the following specifications shall be employed:

2.1 The original recordings shall be re-recorded on new, previously unrecorded, splice-free backcoated, 1/4-inch ferric oxide-coated, 1.5 mil polyester based, open-reel audio master recording tape, type Quantegy 478, or equivalent to be approved by the Library prior to the beginning of production.

2.2 No leader shall be spliced at the heads and tails of the new reels. Instead, a segment of tape shall be left blank at heads and tails to serve as leader. This tape shall be the equivalent in length (at each end) to one minute of tape as if played at 7.5 ips.

2.3 The contractor(s) shall deliver the new re-recording with an even wind (also called a "flat" or "tight" wind) on standard 10.5-inch slotless aluminum reels using the following track configurations: (a) ˝-track bi-directional at 7.5 ips when the original tapes are mono, 7.5 ips or slower and (b) 2-track stereo at 7.5 or 15 ips when the original is stereo at the same speed. Bi-directional tapes shall be delivered heads out, stereo tape, tails out.

2.4 The contractor(s) shall use record and playback machines with the lowest possible recording medium motion instability to minimize wow and flutter effects.

2.5 The contractor shall record two sequences of tones in immediate succession at the head of each tape: (1) 15 seconds of 1KHz sine wave tone at standard operating level and (2) 30 seconds of the CCITT tone sequence. Approximately 15 seconds of audio "black" (silence) shall separate the header and the beginning of program audio.

2.6 The recordings shall be timed accurately from the first audible sound in the program material to the last audible sound.

2.7 The new recordings shall be housed in industry standard tape boxes, to be supplied by the contractor(s) that meet the Library’s recommendations for storage containers. The containers shall have positive closure, they shall be dust proof, water resistant and accept labels on the cover and spine. Containers for 10.5-inch reels shall have a hub to support the reel. Plastic Reel Corporation (PRC) brand plastic containers shall be used, or their equivalent after approval by the Library. Samples of containers shall be submitted to for approval with the task order proposal requiring the production of analog preservation copies.

2.8  The contractor(s) shall affix a label to each new container. The contractor's name or logo shall not appear anywhere on the container. The label shall contain the following information:

Item identification number.
Title of item, if applicable.
Original date of recording.
"Reel 1 of 2," Reel 2 of 2, " etc., if applicable
Magnetic tape type, and manufacturer's stock or item number.
Date of re-recording.
Recording speed
Frequency and magnetic level of test tone.
Program time in minutes and seconds, measuring from the first program sound to the last audible sound within a given program.

It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure that the information is accurately indicated.

Attachment 3. Handling Original Recordings

3 Handling Source Recordings and Preparation for Duplication

3.1 Inspection. The contractor must, before copying, inspect each tape for damage and deterioration. The physical condition of the recordings varies is generally excellent, although some may suffer from sticky-shed syndrome. Tapes that, in the contractor's judgment, require extensive preparation and repair shall be discussed with the COTR before such work is undertaken and/or returned to the Library for further review and evaluation. Original recordings in extremely poor condition shall not be copied but returned to the Library for review and evaluation.

3.2 Cleaning. The only cleaning permitted under this contract shall consist of the manual removal of dirt and dust by means of a soft brush or a lint-free velvet cloth. Any other cleaning methods or techniques that may seem necessary shall be proposed to and approved by the Library prior to any work being performed.

3.3 Baking. Some polyester magnetic tapes suffer from sticky-shed syndrome and shall be baked prior to copying. The detailed specifications for the baking process (type, temp., duration, etc.) shall be proposed in response to the task order that requires baking, and agreed to by the Library in its acceptance of the task order.

Note that not all polyester tapes require baking and indiscriminate baking is not acceptable. When materials are analyzed at the beginning of any job, if baking is proposed, the Library and the contractor must agree on the establishment of criteria for determining the need for baking polyester tapes. Acetate tapes do not exhibit sticky-shed syndrome and should never be baked. The acetate failure mechanism is actually a dry shedding as compared to the more gooey sticky-shed syndrome commonly encounted with polyester.

Thus it is important to distinguish polyester from acetate tapes. The Library uses the following approach to make this distinction:

(1) Hold up the tape reel with open flanges to the light and if the pack is translucent then it is acetate and if light does not pass through then it is polyester.

(2) Attempt to break off the end piece of tape. If it snaps off cleanly then it is acetate and if not then it is polyester.

3.4 Work environment and handling of original recordings. The source recordings shall be handled in a clean work environment, with dust and clutter-free work tables, where smoking, drinking, and eating are prohibited.

3.5 Equipment. All playback equipment intended to come in contact with the original recordings shall be in good working order and cleaned between plays.

3.6 The temperature and humidity in the work environment shall be maintained within the limits of 65°F to 75°F and 40% to 60% RH with the least possible cycling of either parameter.

Attachment 4. Headers for Audio and Image Files

4.1 Audio File Headers

The following table presents the Library’s current understanding of the headers found in WAVE and MP3 files. In the latter case, column four in the table includes a listing that reflects current discussions for a version 2 of the ID3 header. The Library welcomes comment on this table, especially notification of incorrect information about the headers.

The vendor shall capture the data elements indicated in boldface in the third column ("Proposed LC data for this WAVE tag") and the fourth column ("Corresponding MP3 tag for ID3 v.1 field"). (See Statement of Work section 5.3.) There is no requirement associated with the emerging ID3 v.2 header.

The structure of the data takes into account the possibility of automated insertion of WAVE data into the ID3 v.1 header, which the Library believes have a 30-character limit.

WAVE tag

WAVE tag definition

Proposed LC data for this WAVE tag

Corresponding MP3 tag for

ID3 v1 field

Corresponding MP3 tag for proposed ID3 v2 field (optional)


Archival Location

Same data for all files:

Name of institution, identifier for the item from database field handle_agg_item.

Example: Lib Cong 54420001.03b2

[May not exist]

Archival Location

Sample data:

Lib Cong 54420001.03b2



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use




No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use





Same data for all files:

See accomp info


Same data for all files:

See accomp info


Same data for all files:

See accomp info


Creation Date

Date digitized by vendor as YYYYMMDD

Example: 19991104


Example: 19991104 [or truncate to 1999 if there is a four character limit]

Creation Date

Example: 19991104



Image information; not applicable

[May not exist]



Image information; not applicable

[May not exist]


Dots Per Inch

Image information; not applicable

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use




No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



Title for the item from the database field description_title.


Iwo Jima campaign, February 19, 1945

Song Title


Iwo Jima campaign, February 19 [truncated to 30 characters]

[Use a title field as indicated for WAVE, if one exists in ID3 v.2]


Palette Setting

Image information; not applicable

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



Image information; not applicable

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use



Source Form

No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]


Sound Scheme Title

No LC requirement; vendor may propose use

[May not exist]



4.2 TIFF Header Requirements for Images

TIFF version 5.0 or 6.0 (or; later) shall be satisfactory. The Library requires that data be provided for the TIFF tags listed below; see also section 6.3.1 in the Statement of Work. "Typical" or "expected" data are provided for most tags. Exceptions to the norm are noted in the comments column.

Description Tag Comments
NewSubfileType 254

ImageWidth 256 actual pixel count
ImageLength 257 actual pixel count
BitsPerSample 258

Compression 259

PhotometricInterpretation 262

DocumentName 269 collection identifier and filename from database field handle_agg_item. Example: 54420001.03b2
StripOffsets 273
SamplesPerPixel 277
RowsPerStrip 278
StripByteCounts 279
XResolution 282 **
YResolution 283 **
ResolutionUnit 296 **
DateTime 306 date digitized by vendor as YYYYMMDD; time indication is not required but may be added
Artist 315 Library of Congress

** At least two options exist for tags 282, 283, and 296, either one of which is acceptable:

Option 1 (often used for full-size uncompressed images)

Xresolution 282 actual pixel count
YResolution 283 actual pixel count
ResolutionUnit 296 1 (no unit specified)

Option 2 (often used for thumbnail images)

Xresolution 282 dots per inch
YResolution 283 dots per inch
ResolutionUnit 296 2 (inch)

Attachment 5. Contractor Facilities

5 Contractor Facilities

5.1 The Library’s originals must be safeguarded against theft, vandalism, unauthorized use, damage or destruction, or alteration of any kind. While on-site at the contractor's facilities, all Library property shall be stored in a locked area, except during periods of the actual contractual work, and secured from theft or damage. The contractor's facility shall be protected by fire detection and security systems. The contractor's facility shall have good ventilation, free from gaseous fumes such as those emitted from chemical stores, freshly painted rooms, or automobile exhaust.

5.2 The temperature and humidity in the work environment and any storage room shall be maintained within the limits of 65°F to 75°F and 40% to 60% RH with the least possible cycling of either parameter.

5.3 The Library reserves the right, during business hours and without notice, to inspect the contractor's facilities during the performance of this work.

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