Class DijkstraCostItem

  extended by gov.nih.mipav.model.structures.DijkstraCostItem
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DijkstraCostItem
extends Object
implements Comparable

Contains information for a point used in the the Dijkstra minimum cost path algorithm. This class implements the Comparable interface which is required of any node to be inserted in any SortedSet implementation which is required for finding a minimum cost path.

Field Summary
static int KEY_UNDEFINED
          Identifies an undefined key value.
Constructor Summary
DijkstraCostItem(int iKey)
          Setup to associate this instance with a particular sample in the volume.
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Object kObject)
          Implementation required by the Comparable interface.
 float getCost()
          Get the current accumulated cost.
 float getDistance()
          Get the current accumulated distance.
 int getKey()
          Get the unique key identifier associated with this point.
 int getKeyPrev()
          Get the unique key value for the point which is used to get to this point along the minimum cost path.
 int getNumPrev()
          Get the number of samples along the current minimum cost path that preceed this sample in the volume.
 boolean isFinalized()
          Test whether or not the sample has had its cost finalized.
 void markFinalized()
          Mark the sample as having its cost finalized, meaning that it can no longer be updated.
 void markStart()
          Mark this sample as the beginning of the minimum cost path.
 void update(float fCost, float fDistance, int iKeyPrev, int iNumPrev)
          Mark this node as being visited along the minimum cost path if not already done so, but only if the point has not been marked as having its distance finalized.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int KEY_UNDEFINED
Identifies an undefined key value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DijkstraCostItem(int iKey)
Setup to associate this instance with a particular sample in the volume. Initially the sample is marked as having the maximum possible distance but that its distance has not be finalized.

iKey - Value uniquely identifying this point.
Method Detail


public int compareTo(Object kObject)
Implementation required by the Comparable interface. Compares this object with the specified object for order.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable
kObject - the object to be compared
a negative (positive) integer if this object is ordered before (after) the specified object, or zero if the two objects are considered have equal ordering


public float getCost()
Get the current accumulated cost.

current accumulated cost


public float getDistance()
Get the current accumulated distance.

current accumulated distance


public int getKey()
Get the unique key identifier associated with this point.

int Non-negative unique key identifier


public int getKeyPrev()
Get the unique key value for the point which is used to get to this point along the minimum cost path.

Unique key value for this previous point, or KEY_UNDEFINED if point is not connected yet along the minimum cost path.


public int getNumPrev()
Get the number of samples along the current minimum cost path that preceed this sample in the volume.

non-negative integer for number of preceeding path samples along path. Should be zero for the starting point along the path.


public boolean isFinalized()
Test whether or not the sample has had its cost finalized.

true if the cost for this sample has been finalized


public void markFinalized()
Mark the sample as having its cost finalized, meaning that it can no longer be updated.


public void markStart()
Mark this sample as the beginning of the minimum cost path.


public void update(float fCost,
                   float fDistance,
                   int iKeyPrev,
                   int iNumPrev)
Mark this node as being visited along the minimum cost path if not already done so, but only if the point has not been marked as having its distance finalized. Update the accumulated distance for this sample including an indication of the point from which to get to this sample along the current minimum cost path.

fCost - accumulated cost to update for this sample; must not be negative
fDistance - accumulated distance to update for this sample; must not be negative.
iKeyPrev - Unique key value for the point which is used to get to this point along the minimum cost path.
iNumPrev - number of samples along the minimum cost path leading up to this sample. Should be one more than the same field value for the point having key value iKeyPrev, if there is such a previous point.