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United States Court of Appeals
February 08, 2009

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October 2007
Listed by Date of Issuance (Newest First)

Listing 41 - 60 of 143 results.

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Monthly Log:
Case Number Docket Number Date Issued Opinion Type .PDF File
07-10558 05-00153 CV-2 10-19-2007 NEW view
06-15448 05-00238 CV-JOF-1 10-19-2007 NEW view
06-12226 02-01145 CV-CAP-1 10-19-2007 NEW view
07-11848 06-00091 CR-01-ODE-1 10-19-2007 VAC view
07-10488 04-01361 CV-S 10-18-2007 NEW view
06-13790 05-60248 CR-MGC 10-18-2007 NEW view
06-15647 02-02881 CV-CC-1 10-18-2007 NEW view
07-12393 06-00072 CR-4-RH-WCS 10-18-2007 NEW view
06-16171 A95-246-682 10-18-2007 NEW view
06-14662 05-00176 CV-UWC-S 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-12881 06-00865 CV-3-IPJ 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-11847 05-01930 CV-GET-1 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-12183 04-00122 CR-001-WDO-5 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-10119 02-14078 CR-DMM 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-10835 05-00348 CV-CAR-5 10-17-2007 NEW view
07-10943 06-00314 CV-C-S 10-17-2007 NEW view
06-15623 05-00028 CV-WDO-5 10-17-2007 NEW view
06-16597 04-00014 CR-ODE-1 10-17-2007 NEW view
06-13818 05-20118 CR-ASG 10-17-2007 NEW view
06-15086 06-60112 CR-JIC 10-17-2007 NEW view

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