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Mesoscale Dynamics and Modeling Group



About Us

Dr. Bo-Wen Shen
Assistant Research Scientist
ESSIC, University of Maryland,  College Park
Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Branch (Code 613.1)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 614-6251

Ph.D., Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, 1998
M.S., Atmospheric Physics, National Central University, 1992
B.S., Space Physics, National Central University, 1990

2006 - Present: ESSIC, University of Maryland
1999 - 2006: Research Scientist, Science Application International Corporation
1998 - 1999: Research Scientist, North Carolina State University

Honors and Awards
The runner-up in the most readable poster category at the second Science Exploration Directorate New Yea's Poster Party Blowout, NASA/GSFC, 2009
Outstanding Contractor Award in Science, NASA GSFC Laboratory for Atmospheres, 2006
Outstanding Performance Award, NASA GMAO/SRT, 2005
Outstanding Performance Award, NASA GMAO/SRT, 2004
Outstanding Contractor Award, NASA Laboratory for Atmospheres, 2004
Group Achievement Award, NASA DAO/STR, 2001
Outstanding Performance  Award, AFWC, 1994.

High-resolution hurricane modeling research (e.g., Shen et al. , 2006a,b) has been selected as an AGU Journal Highlight and highlighted in Science (p. 1040), the SAIC 2006 annual report (p. 34), and the GSFC LAS 2006 annual report (p. 62-63). In addition, these two articles have been cited by the following (20) articles (as of August 22, 2008).

Membership in Academies, Professional Societies, and Editorships
Member, American Meteorological Society and American Geophysical Union, IEEE Computer Society

Reviewer of articles for Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Monthly Weather Review, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Reviewer of proposals for National Sciences Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautic and Space Administrations (NASA), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Special Experience
Dr. Shen has more than 10 years of experiences in mesoscale and global modeling, and in model's application to numerical weather prediction (NWP). During 1992-1994, he worked as a Unix system application developer, and developed a real-time multi-tasking client-sever-based meteorological information system. During the past years, he has gained valuable experiences in model's framework and performance with different mesoscale models such as MM4/MM5, NCSU-GFDM, ARPS, WRF. After working at GSFC, he has worked on the scientific improvement and computational development of the fvGCM's (finite-volume general circulation model) and developed a NWP suite with the fvGCM. During 2004-2006, he has successfully implemented an ultra-high resolution fvGCM on the NASA Columbia supercomputer, aimed at improving our understanding of the impacts of multi-scale interactions and multiple processes on hurricane dynamics. He joined the Dr. Tao modeling team in 2006, and worked on the development of multi-scale modeling framework (fvMMF).

Refereed Publications

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, Y.-L. Lin, R. Reale, J.-D. Chern, C.-D. Peters-Lidard, K.-S. Kuo, 2007: Forecasts of Tropical Cyclogensis with a Global Mesoscale Model: Preliminary Results with Six Tropical Cyclones. Under revision.

W.-K. Tao, J. Chern, A. Hou, S. Lang, W. Lau, C. Peters-Lidard, X. Li, T. Matsui, B.-W. Shen, J. J. Shi, and X. Zeng, 2008: A Goddard Multi-Scale Modeling System with Unified Physics. Submitted to Annales Geophysicae Special Issue dedicated to The 1st International Conference on From Desert to Monsoons (to appear).

Li, J.-L. F., D. Waliser, C. Woods, J. Teixeira, J. Bacmeister, J. Chern, Z-M Kuang, B-W Shen, A. Tompkins, 2008: Comparisons of Satellites Liquid Water Estimates with ECMWF and GMAO Analyses, 20th Century IPCC AR4 Climate Simulations, and GCM Simulations. Submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett (accepted).

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, and R. Atlas, 2007: Improvements in the Scalability of the NASA Goddard Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework for Hurricane Climate Studies. Submitted to the International Journal of High-Performance Computing Application. Under revision.

Shen, B.-W. et al., 2008: Predicting the Formation of Tropical Cyclone Nargis (2008) with a High-resolution Global Model. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08). Austin, Texas, November 15-21, 2008.

Tao, W.-K., D. Anderson, R. Atlas, J. Chern, P. Houser, A. Hou, S. Lang, W. Lau, C. Peters-Lidard, R. Kakar, S. Kumar, W. Lapenta, X. Li, T. Matsui, R. Rienecker, B.-W. Shen, J. J. Shi, J. Simpson, and X. Zeng, 2008: A Goddard Multi-Scale Modeling System with Unified Physics. World Climate Research Programme Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (WCRP/GEWEX) Newsletter, Vol 18, No 1, 6-8.

Biswas, R., M.J. Aftosmis, C. Kiris, and B.-W. Shen, 2007: Petascale Computing: Impact on Future NASA Missions. Petascale Computing: Architectures and Algorithms, 29-46 (D. Bader, ed.), Chapman and Hall / CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Shen, B.-W., et al., 2007: Computational Science: Modeling Hurricanes on the NASA Supercomputer. In preparation

Shen, B.-W., R. Atlas, et al., 2007: Multiscale Simulations of a Mei-Yu Front Accompanied by a Drifting Meoscyclone with a General Mesoscale Model. To be submitted to Weather and Forecasting for publication. (part of results were presented as a poster at the CMMAP meeting in February, 2007).

Atlas, R., S.-J. Lin, B.-W. Shen, O. Reale, and K.-S. Yeh: 2007: Improving Hurricane Prediction through Innovative Global Modeling. EXTENDING THE HORIZONS: Advances in Computing, Optimization and Decision Technologies, 1-14 (Editors: E. Baker, A. Joseph, A. Mehrotra, M. Trick), Springer, New York, NY. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-48793-9_1

Shen,B.-W., R. Atlas, O. Oreale, S.-J Lin, J.-D. Chern, J. Chang, C. Henze,and J.-L. Li, 2006b: Hurricane Forecasts with a Global Mesoscale-Resolving Model: Preliminary Results with Hurricane Katrina(2005). Geophys. Res. Lett., L13813, doi:10.1029/2006GL026143. (This has been selected as an AGU JournalHighlight, and has also been highlighted in Science, 25 August, 2006)
Supplemental Materials

Atlas, R., O. Reale, B.-W. Shen, S.-J. Lin, 2006: The use of remotely sensed data and innovative modeling to improve hurricane prediction. Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XII. Proc. SPIE, 6233, 62330U, DOI:10.1117/12.673221.

Shen,B.-W., R. Atlas, J.-D. Chern, O. Reale, S.-J. Lin, T. Lee, and J.Change 2006a: The 0.125 degree Finite Volume General Mesoscale Circulation Model:Preliminary simulations of mesoscale vortices. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05801, doi:10.1029/2005GL024594. (This work has been cited as a " A Global/Mesoscale Modeling Breakthrough.'')

Putman, W., S.-J. Lin, and B.-W. Shen, 2005: Cross-Platform Performance of a Portable Communication Module and the NASA Finite Volume General Circulation Model International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 19: 213-223.

Atlas, R., O. Reale, B.-W. Shen, S.-J. Lin,J.-D. Chern, W. Putman, T. Lee, K.-S. Yeh, M. Bosilovich, and J.Radakovich, 2005: Hurricane forecasting with the high-resolution NASAfinite-volume General Circulation Model, Geophysical Research Letters,32, L03801, doi:10.1029/2004GL021513.
(This has been selected as an AGU JournalHighlight.)

Shen, B.- W., and Y.-L. Lin, 1999: Effects of Critical Levels on Two-Dimensional Backsheared Flow over an Isolated Mountain Ridge on an f-plane. J. of Atmos. Sci., 56, 3286-3302.

Shen, B.-W., 1998: Inertia Critical Layers and Their Impacts on Nongeostrophic Baroclinic Instability. Ph.D. Dissertation. North Carolina State Univ., p. 255.

Shen, B.-W., and N.-H. Lin, 1995: A Theoretical Study of the Effects of an Isolated Mountain on Particle Deposition. J. of Atmos. Sci., 23, Taipei, Taiwan (in Chinese), 237-264.

Shen, B.- W., 1992: The Linear Solution of a Three-Dimensional Flow over an Isolated Mountain, Master Thesis, National Central University, Taiwan, (in Chinese), p. 85.

Reprints/Technical Reports:

Shen, B.-W., 2009: Experiences with Global Mesoscale Modeling: Prelimiary Multi-scale Simulations of Tropical Cyclogenesis and Madden-Julian Oscillations. A talk presented at the branch meeting (code 613.1), February 5, 2009.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas et al., 2009: Hurricane Forecasts with a Global Mesoscale Model on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer. The 2nd SED (Science and Exploration Directorate) Poster Party Blowout, January 21, 2009, Greenbelt, MD. the second place in the most readable poster category among over 150 posters from Earth sciences to astrophysics.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, and R. Atlas, 2009: Scalability Improvements in the NASA Goddard Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework for Tropical Cyclone Climate Studies. International Conference for High-Performance Computing in ASIA-Pacific Region 2009. Proceedings, p249-256. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 2-5, 2009.

Shen, B.-W. and W.-K. Tao, and R. Atlas, 2009: Hurricane Forecasts with the Global Mesoscale model on NASA Supercomputers. International Conference for High-Performance Computing in ASIA-Pacific Region 2009. Proceedings, p649-650. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 2-5, 2009.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, C. D. Peters-Lidard, J.-L. Li, 2009: Extended-Range Predictions of Madden-Julian Oscillations with the Goddard Multi-scale Modeling System. 21st Conference on Climate Variability and Change. The 89th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, January 11-16, 2009.

Shen, B.-W, W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, 2008: Predicting Tropical Cyclogenesis with a Global Mesoscale Model: Preliminary Results with Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Nargis (2008). AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2008.

J Li F., J Teixeira, D Waliser, C Woods, J Chern, B.-W. Shen, J Bacmeister, A Tompkins, W Tao, M Koehler, 2008: Comparisons of Cloud Structure from Satellite Estimates to ECMWF and GMAO Analyses, 20th Century IPCC AR4 Climate Simulations, and GCM Simulations. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19, 2008.

Shen, B.-W. and W.-K. Tao, 2008: High-Impact Tropical Weather Prediction with the NASA Multi-scale Modeling System. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08). Austin, Texas, November 15-21, 2008. Selected as one of NASA top three project demonstrations at SC008.

Shen, B.-W. and W.-K. Tao, and R. Atlas, 2008: Hurricane Forecasts with the Global Mesoscale model on NASA Supercomputers. International Conference for High Performance Computing,, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08). Austin, Texas, November 15 21, 2008.

Shen, B.-W, 2008: Tropical Cyclogenesis Simulated with a Global Mesoscale Model on NASA Supercomputers: Very Severe Tropical Cyclonic Storm Nargis (2008). National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 16, 2008. (an invited talk)

Shen, B.-W, 2008: Global Mesoscale Modeling, Concurrent Visualizations, and Supercomputing Systems: Application to High-impact Tropical Weather Predictions. National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, October 14, 2008. (an invited talk)

Shen, B.-W, 2008: Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer: Application to Hurricane Forecasts. Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan, October 13, 2008. (an invited talk)

Shen, B.-W, 2008: Global Mesoscale Modeling, Concurrent Visualizations, and Supercomputing Systems: Application to Hurricane Forecasts. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, October 7, 2008. (an invited talk)

Shen, B.-W. and W.-K. Tao, 2008: Tropical Cyclogenesis Revealed in Global Mesoscale Simulations: Very Severe Cyclonic System Nargis (2008). CMMAP Team Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 29-31, 2008.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, C. D. Peters-Lidard, and J.-L. Li, 2008: Extended-Range Predictions of Madden-Julian Oscillations with the Goddard Multi-scale Modeling System. CMMAP Team Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 29-31, 2008.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, et al., 2008: A study on the Comparisons of Goddard MMF Simulations with SP-CAM and Satellite Data. CMMAP Team Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, July 29-31, 2008.

Peters-Lidard, C., W.-K. Tao, J. Santanello, S. Kumar, B.-W. Shen, C. Alonge, J.-D. Chern, 2008: Land-Atmosphere Coupling at Local, Regional and Global Scales. AGU Meeting 2008 Joint Assembly, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 27-30, 2008.

Shen, B.-W, W.-K. Tao, Roger Shi et al., 2008: Using a Multiscale Modeling Approach to Simulate and Forecast hurricanes. Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP) Workshop, Miami, March 11-12, 2008.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, 2007: Hurricane Mdoeling and Supercomputing: Can a global mesoscale model be useful in improving forecasts of tropical cyclogenesis? AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 10-14, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., 2007: Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer: Application to Hurricane Forecasts. ESSIC, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. December 3, 2007.

Chern, J.-D., W.-K. Tao, B.-W. Shen et al., 2007: Evaluations and Improvements of Goddard Multi-scale Modeling Framework using high-resolution NASA Satellites. International Workshop on Computational Hydrometeorology and Prof. H. L. Kuo's Memorial Symposium. National Center of High-performance Computing, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, October 15-17, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao et al., 2007: Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer: Application to Weather and Hurricane Forecasts. International Workshop on Computational Hydrometeorology and Prof. H. L. Kuo's Memorial Symposium. National Center of High-performance Computing, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, October 15-17, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, C.-D. Peters-Lidard, J.-D. Chern, R. Atlas, Y.-L. Lin, R. Reale, , K.-S. Kuo, 2007: Global Mesoscale Modeling on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer: Modulation of Tropical Cyclogenesis by the MJO in May 2002. 3rd Annual NEWS PI Meeting, Huntsville, AL, September 19-21, 2007.

Tao, W.-K., J.-D. Chern, C.-D. Peters-Lidard, B.-W. Shen, R. Atlas, S. Lang, J. Luo, G. Stephens, 2007: Evaluation and Improvements of Cloud Model Dynamics and Microphysics in Multi-Scale Modeling System. 3rd Annual NEWS PI Meeting, Huntsville, AL, September 19-21, 2007.

Chern, J.-D., W.-K. Tao, B.-W. Shen, R. Atlas, S. Lang, Z. J. Lu, and G. Stephens, 2007: Evaluation and Improvements of Cloud Model Dynamics and Microphysics in Multi-Scale Modeling System. 3rd Annual NEWS PI Meeting, Huntsville, AL, September 19-21, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, Y.-L. Lin, R. Reale, J.-D. Chern, C.-D. Peters-Lidard, K.-S. Kuo, 2007: Forecasts of Tropical Cyclogensis with a Global Mesoscale Model: Modulation of Six Tropical Cyclones by the MJO in May 2002. CMMAP Team Meeting, Fort Collins, Colorado, August 7-9, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, 2007: Simulations of Multiple Tropical Cyclones with a Global Mesoscale Model: A Preliminary Study on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer. "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling" (edited by J. Cote), Report 37, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) WMO/TD-No. 1397, 6.7-6.8.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, J.-D. Chern, 2007: Improvements in the Scalability of the NASA Goddard Multiscale Multicomponent Modeling Framework for Hurricane Climate Studies. "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling" (edited by J. Cote), Report 37, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) WMO/TD-No. 1397, 3.17-3.18.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, J.-D. Chern, S.-J. Lin, 2007: Multiscale Simulations of a Mei-Yu Front Accompanied by a Drifting Meoscyclone with a General Mesoscale Model. CMMAP Team Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, February 20-22, 2007.

Shen, B.-W., 2006: Hurricane Research. In the section "Highlights of Laboratory Activities in 2006" of the annual report "Laboratory for Atmospheres 2006 Technical Highlights", NASA/GSFC.

Shen, B.-W., W.-K. Tao, R. Atlas, T. Lee, O. Reale, J.-D. Chern, S.-J. Lin, J. Chang, C. Henze, J.-L. Li, 2006: Hurricane Forecasts with a Global Mesoscale-resolving Model on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer, AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, December 11-16, 2006. (PowerPoint file, 9.3 MB)

Tao, W.-K., A. Hou, W. Lau, J.-D. Chern, S. Lang, B.-W. Shen, C. Peters-Lidard, R. Shi, X. Li, X. Zeng, S. Kumar, C.-L. Shie, 2006: Applications, Evaluation, and Important of Multi-Scale Modeling Systems. High-End Computing at NASA, 40-41. (Editors: T. Lee, R. Biswas, and W. Webster).

Shen, B.-W., R. Atlas, W.-K. Tao, T. Lee, O. Reale, J.-D. Chern, S.-J. Lin, J. Chang, C. Henze, J.-L. Li, 2006: Experimental High-Resolution Weather/Hurricane Predictions with the NASA fvGCM. High-End Computing at NASA, 48-49

Chern, J.-D., W.-K. Tao, C. Peters-Lidard, B.-W. Shen, 2006: Use of a Coupled, Global Cloud-Scale and Land Surface Modeling System to Study the Impact of Land Surface Processes on Energy and Water Cycles. 2nd NEWS PI Meeting, College Park, Maryland, September 26-28, 2006.

Shen, B.-W., R. Atlas, O. Oreale, S.-J Lin, J.-D. Chern, J. Chang, C. Henze, 2006: Hurricane Forecasts with a Global Mesoscale-resolving Model on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer Preliminary Simulations of Hurricane Katrina (2005), AGU 2006 Ocean Meeting. January, 2006.

Atlas, R., B.-W. Shen, O. Reale, S.-J. Lin, T. Lee, 2005: Application of NASA's high-resolution finite-volume General Circulation Model (fvGCM) to hurricane prediction. 5th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Costa Mesa, California, June 20-24, 2005.

Shen, Bo-Wen, 2004: Hurricane Forecasting with the NASA's high resolution GCM on the NASA's Columbia Supercomputer. International Workshop on Monthly-to-Seasonal Climate Prediction. Taipei, Taiwan. December 13-31, 2004.

Atlas, R., B.-W. Shen, O. Reale, J., W. Putman, J., J.-D. Chern, S.-J. Lin, M. Bosilovich, T. Lee, J. Radakovich, K.-S. Yeh, J. Ardizzone, and D. Bungato, 2004: The NASA finite-volume General Circulation Model: The 2004 hurricane season -- a high-resolution NWP application, The SC2004 High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 6-12, 2004. Selected as one of NASA top four project demonstrations at SC04.

Lin, S.-J., B.-W. Shen, W. P. Putman, J.-D. Chern, 2003: Application of the high-resolution finite-volume NASA/NCAR Climate Model for Medium-Range Weather Prediction Experiments. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003. (Abstract)

Radakovich, J. D., G. Wang, J.-D. Chern, M. G. Bosilovich, S.-J. Lin, S. Nebuda, and B.-W. Shen, 2003: Implementation of the NCAR Community Land Model (CLM) in the NASA/NCAR finite-volume Global Climate Model (fvGCM). 14th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations.

Chang, Y., S. D. Schubert, S.-J. Lin, S. Nebuda, B.-W. Shen, 2001: The climate of the FVCCM-3 Model. Technical Report Series on Global modeling and Data Assimilation, p. 127.

Lin, Y.-L. , S. Chiao, T.-A. Wang, B.-W. Shen, G. Lai, and M. L. Kaplan, 2000: Heavy orographic rain induced by a tropical depression over Taiwan. International Conference on MCSs and Heavy Rain in East Asia, 24 26 April, 2000, Seoul, Korea.

Lin, Y.-L. , S. Chiao, T.-A. Wang, B.-W. Shen, G. Lai, C.-P. Pu, and C.-W. Lee, 2000: Interaction of a tropical depression with Taiwan topography and its impacts on producing heavy orographic rainfall. Ninth Conference on Mountain Meteorology, 7-11 August 2000, Aspen, Colorado.

Shen, B.-W., and Y.-L. Lin, 1999: Nongeostrophic Baroclinic Instability in a Three-Layer Atmosphere. Its Role on Mesoscale Wave Ducting. Reprints, 8th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Amer. Meteor. Soc.

Shen, B.- W., and Y.-L. Lin, 1998: Effects of Critical Levels on Two-Dimensional Backsheared Flow over a Mountain Ridge on an f-plane. Part II: Inertia Critical Layer Instability. Reprints, 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105-112.

Shen, B.- W., and Y.-L. Lin, 1997: Effects of Critical Levels on Two-Dimensional Backsheared Flow over an Isolated Mountain Ridge on an f-plane. Reprints, 11th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 199-203.

Shen, B.-W., P. Fuh, and S. G. Wu, 1994: Development of Meteorological Information Service System --- The Second Generation of Current Weather Answering System. Weather Forecasting and Analysis. 140, Taipei, Taiwan (in Chinese), 24-48.

Shen, B.-W., 1994: Development of the Meteorological Information Service System at the Air Force Weather Wing Center, Air Force Weather Wing., Taipei, Taiwan (in Chinese), p. 31.

Shen, B. -W., and P. Fuh, 1993: Meteorological Automatic Operation Improvement Project Part II: Transferring the Computer Meteorological Products. Weather Forecasting and Analysis. 138, Taipei, Taiwan (in Chinese), 15-26.

Shen, B.- W., and M. T., Lu, 1993: The Application of Fourier Transform in Atmospheric Sciences, Weather Forecasting and Analysis. 136, Taipei, Taiwan (in Chinese), 25-43.


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Last Updated: 12/12/2006