World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 18:30:16 (GMT -0500)

Totals for Summary Period: Oct 1 2001 to Oct 31 2001

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           25551
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       365747704
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     824
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                11798313

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.07  0.02        61983       18 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.05  0.04       152926       13 | ar    Argentina
 0.09  0.03       103758       23 | at    Austria
 1.21  0.83      3039313      308 | au    Australia
 0.38  0.08       302846       98 | be    Belgium
 0.08  0.78      2834913       20 | br    Brazil
 1.50  0.95      3465760      384 | ca    Canada
 0.18  0.08       278357       45 | ch    Switzerland
 0.05  0.02        81416       13 | cl    Chile
 0.14  0.35      1291454       35 | co    Colombia
 0.02  0.01        47669        6 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.26  1.44      5258046       67 | cz    Czech Republic
 1.06  0.95      3489521      270 | de    Germany
 0.05  0.03       125842       13 | dk    Denmark
 0.05  0.01        18347       12 | ec    Ecuador
 0.10  0.21       755991       26 | ee    Estonia
 0.38  0.15       535355       96 | es    Spain
 0.19  0.15       539224       48 | fi    Finland
 0.71  0.70      2565524      182 | fr    France
 0.17  0.08       275104       44 | gr    Greece
 0.02  0.01        32099        4 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.01  0.06       220514        3 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.03  0.02        62293        8 | hu    Hungary
 0.14  0.04       158028       35 | id    Indonesia
 0.07  0.02        75625       17 | ie    Ireland
 0.02  0.02        70630        6 | il    Israel
 0.13  0.08       307886       32 | in    India
 0.01  0.01        41658        2 | is    Iceland
 0.36  0.44      1595891       93 | it    Italy
 0.51  2.32      8476213      130 | jp    Japan
 0.00  0.00        17432        1 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.06  0.26       962230       15 | lt    Lithuania
 0.02  0.01        36759        4 | lu    Luxembourg
 0.52  0.20       714004      132 | mx    Mexico
 0.13  0.06       208042       34 | my    Malaysia
 1.82  0.71      2594343      466 | nl    Netherlands
 0.12  0.06       212155       30 | no    Norway
 0.00  0.00         7965        1 | nu    Niue
 0.19  0.07       248002       49 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.01  0.05       193257        3 | pe    Peru
 0.06  0.04       146198       15 | ph    Philippines
 0.14  0.08       297801       36 | pl    Poland
 0.22  0.55      2003583       55 | pt    Portugal
 0.09  0.03       106608       22 | ro    Romania
 0.05  0.03       119488       14 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.00  0.00         2633        1 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.14  0.15       546812       37 | se    Sweden
 0.23  0.21       777155       60 | sg    Singapore
 0.01  0.02        75186        3 | si    Slovenia
 0.02  0.01        53744        5 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.11  0.02        70304       29 | th    Thailand
 0.02  0.02        58848        6 | tr    Turkey
 0.00  0.00        13461        1 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.10  0.08       298422       25 | tw    Taiwan
 0.00  0.00         6858        1 | ua    Ukraine
 1.68  0.70      2561027      428 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.43  0.28      1015883      109 | us    United States
 0.01  0.00        14982        2 | uy    Uruguay
 0.02  0.01        37179        4 | yu    Yugoslavia
 0.03  0.05       165672        8 | za    South Africa
36.54 22.93     83877822     9336 | com   US Commercial
 5.15  2.51      9182506     1317 | edu   US Educational
 0.54  0.51      1869042      138 | gov   US Government
 0.02  0.01        33882        5 | int   International
 1.11  0.90      3275476      284 | mil   US Military
22.39 43.72    159910593     5722 | net   Network
 1.11  1.66      6058146      284 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.00  0.00         9277        1 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 1.49  2.53      9257795      381 | 
17.36 11.60     42442946     4436 | unresolved 

Total Transfers from each Archive Directory

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
98.48 99.61    364309819    25163 | /
 0.02  0.18       663941        6 | /c630/
 0.02  0.01        36884        4 | /cgi-bin/
 0.02  0.01        36884        4 | /cgi-bin/HyperNews/
 0.02  0.01        36884        4 | /cgi-bin/HyperNews/get/
 0.02  0.01        39080        6 | /export/
 0.02  0.01        39080        6 | /export/local/
 0.02  0.01        39080        6 | /export/local/www/
 0.02  0.01        39080        6 | /export/local/www/nssdc_news/
 0.02  0.01        39080        6 | /export/local/www/nssdc_news/sept01/
 0.04  0.00        17610        9 | /nasa/
 0.04  0.00        17610        9 | /nasa/Images/
 1.73 40.38    147701313      443 | /ncf/
 0.14  1.32      4829740       36 | /ncf/fits/
 0.11  1.30      4762436       28 | /ncf/fits/documents/
 0.11  1.30      4762436       28 | /ncf/fits/documents/nost_1.2/
 1.59 38.00    138992477      405 | /ncf/nost/
 1.59 38.00    138992477      405 | /ncf/nost/isoas/
 0.08  0.42      1535441       21 | /ncf/nost/isoas/french/
 0.02  0.03       104008        4 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int01/
 0.07  2.18      7969146       18 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int02/
 0.04  0.53      1951316        9 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int03/
 0.09  1.77      6489976       22 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int04/
 0.10  5.25     19201945       26 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int05/
 0.07  3.06     11205188       18 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int07/
 0.13  8.46     30954425       32 | /ncf/nost/isoas/int08/
 0.15  2.16      7906139       38 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us01/
 0.09  0.17       635736       22 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us02/
 0.09  1.52      5563646       24 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us03/
 0.05  0.40      1469146       14 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us04/
 0.02  0.34      1258192        4 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us05/
 0.09  1.00      3667222       24 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us06/
 0.18  2.67      9755526       47 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us07/
 0.03  1.58      5793184        8 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us08/
 0.05  2.40      8763864       14 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us09/
 0.09  0.39      1432818       22 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us10/
 0.04  0.07       257036       10 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us11/
 0.07  3.10     11349031       19 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us12/
 0.02  0.37      1369528        6 | /ncf/nost/isoas/us14/
 0.01  1.06      3879096        2 | /ncf/photo_gallery/
 0.01  1.06      3879096        2 | /ncf/photo_gallery/hi-res/
 0.01  1.06      3879096        2 | /ncf/photo_gallery/hi-res/planetary/
 0.01  1.06      3879096        2 | /ncf/photo_gallery/hi-res/planetary/mars/
96.63 59.01    215813155    24689 | /nost/
 0.00  0.00         4500        1 | /nost/./
 5.93  4.03     14741520     1515 | /nost/fep/
 0.03  0.11       414378        8 | /nost/fep/documents/
 2.25  3.57     13052198      575 | /nost/fepc/
 0.03  0.05       196826        8 | /nost/fepc/documents/
 0.46  0.49      1806298      118 | /nost/formats/
 0.09  0.01        28501       22 | /nost/images/
84.47 48.63    177861284    21583 | /nost/isoas/
 0.17  0.10       377945       43 | /nost/isoas/./
 0.02  0.01        33897        4 | /nost/isoas/././
 0.00  0.00         5309        1 | /nost/isoas/././french/
 0.00  0.00         8412        1 | /nost/isoas/././us/
 0.00  0.00        10899        1 | /nost/isoas/././us01/
 0.01  0.00        18132        2 | /nost/isoas/./dads/
 0.01  0.00        10618        2 | /nost/isoas/./french/
 0.00  0.00         2908        1 | /nost/isoas/./french01/
 0.04  0.02        61473       10 | /nost/isoas/./int01/
 0.04  0.01        53202        9 | /nost/isoas/./int01/./
 0.02  0.01        45234        4 | /nost/isoas/./int02/
 0.01  0.01        41193        3 | /nost/isoas/./int02/./
 0.00  0.00         3452        1 | /nost/isoas/./int03/
 0.01  0.01        45997        2 | /nost/isoas/./int04/
 0.00  0.01        40171        1 | /nost/isoas/./int04/./
 0.00  0.00         3529        1 | /nost/isoas/./int05/
 0.02  0.02        78683        4 | /nost/isoas/./int06/
 0.02  0.01        23789        4 | /nost/isoas/./us/
 0.01  0.00         7412        2 | /nost/isoas/./us/./
 0.00  0.00        10899        1 | /nost/isoas/./us01/
 0.00  0.00         6322        1 | /nost/isoas/./us19/
 0.00  0.00         6157        1 | /nost/isoas/./us20/
19.55 15.95     58319090     4996 | /nost/isoas/awiics/
 1.98  1.35      4948444      505 | /nost/isoas/awiics/ClosingCertification/
 1.96  0.76      2769904      500 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningCertification/
 1.14  0.43      1583489      291 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIdentification/
 4.59  2.98     10888159     1172 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIngest/
 1.39  0.60      2199016      355 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningIntroduction/
 6.31  5.37     19633333     1612 | /nost/isoas/awiics/OpeningMoore/
32.79 12.41     45395492     8378 | /nost/isoas/dads/
 0.08  0.09       342634       21 | /nost/isoas/dads/barkstrom/
28.42  7.17     26221108     7262 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/
 3.96  0.61      2249129     1011 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Dollar/
 1.37  0.15       540373      351 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Frew/
 1.04  0.11       413736      266 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Lippincott/
 4.14  1.49      5455816     1058 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Newlin/
 8.94  2.16      7901042     2283 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 5.40  1.84      6716207     1379 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/VanBogart/
 1.19  0.14       506643      304 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/VanCamp/
 1.59  0.23       845503      405 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Waters/
 0.62  0.09       342437      158 | /nost/isoas/dads/presentations/Williams/
 0.22  0.08       276804       57 | /nost/isoas/french/
 0.04  0.01        23558       11 | /nost/isoas/french01/
 0.96  0.43      1585805      246 | /nost/isoas/int01/
 0.29  0.24       868614       73 | /nost/isoas/int02/
 0.40  0.28      1009694      102 | /nost/isoas/int03/
 0.25  0.24       870337       65 | /nost/isoas/int04/
 0.43  0.26       941954      111 | /nost/isoas/int05/
 0.52  0.68      2483922      133 | /nost/isoas/int06/
 6.22  2.50      9153781     1588 | /nost/isoas/presentations/
 0.14  1.50      5482848       37 | /nost/isoas/presentations/IEEE/
 6.05  1.00      3664891     1545 | /nost/isoas/presentations/USDA_19990219/
 1.08  0.45      1639785      275 | /nost/isoas/us/
 0.43  0.29      1044917      110 | /nost/isoas/us01/
 0.13  0.07       269643       33 | /nost/isoas/us02/
 0.42  0.43      1565181      108 | /nost/isoas/us03/
 0.25  0.18       647518       64 | /nost/isoas/us04/
 0.08  0.02        60406       21 | /nost/isoas/us05/
 0.12  0.09       326768       30 | /nost/isoas/us06/
 0.27  0.15       551607       70 | /nost/isoas/us07/
 0.32  0.17       639848       81 | /nost/isoas/us08/
 0.32  0.15       561426       83 | /nost/isoas/us09/
 0.56  0.27       982689      142 | /nost/isoas/us10/
 0.11  0.02        73116       29 | /nost/isoas/us11/
 8.89  2.50      9134053     2272 | /nost/isoas/us12/
 0.01  0.00          196        2 | /nost/isoas/us12/barkstrom/
 7.53  1.01      3690724     1925 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/
 0.83  0.04       139124      211 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Dollar/
 0.39  0.02        64414      100 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Frew/
 0.50  0.03        95012      128 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Lippincott/
 1.04  0.46      1676147      267 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Newlin/
 2.34  0.24       894969      599 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/OAISRMTutorial/
 0.76  0.08       288873      194 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/VanBogart/
 0.67  0.05       172473      170 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/VanCamp/
 0.65  0.05       167455      167 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Waters/
 0.29  0.01        52338       74 | /nost/isoas/us12/presentations/Williams/
 0.31  0.13       475302       80 | /nost/isoas/us13/
 0.37  0.17       613508       95 | /nost/isoas/us14/
 0.14  0.03       117026       37 | /nost/isoas/us15/
 0.30  0.32      1183200       77 | /nost/isoas/us16/
 0.00  0.00         2037        1 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningIngest/
 0.08  0.01        36346       21 | /nost/isoas/us16/OpeningIntroduction/
 0.24  0.08       297277       61 | /nost/isoas/us17/
 0.23  0.06       235889       60 | /nost/isoas/us18/
 0.42  2.51      9188517      107 | /nost/isoas/us19/
 0.41  3.43     12556571      104 | /nost/isoas/us20/
 0.41  0.86      3152675      104 | /nost/stats/
 0.42  0.28      1010802      107 | /nost/workbench/
 0.04  0.00         3387        9 | All Icons (server)
 1.36  0.35      1280769      348 | Code 404 Not Found Requests
 0.01  0.00          521        2 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        11743        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        13993        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        12894        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        14400        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        12560        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         7464        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        13351        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        12786        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         8488        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        13663        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00        12940        1 | http:/
 0.01  0.00          526        2 | http:/
 0.01  0.00          520        2 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1580        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1833        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1784        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1505        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1557        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1715        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1983        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1726        1 | http:/
 0.00  0.00         1829        1 | http:/
 0.01  0.00          395        2 | http:/
 0.00  0.00          419        1 | http:/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0.4