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2008 Workshop Presentation
2006 Workshop Presentation
PI: Rongxing Li
Ohio State U

Integration of Orbital, Descent and Ground Imagery for Topographic Capability Analysis in Mars Landed Missions
The goal of the proposed research is to develop advanced geo-information technology to integrate orbital, descent, and ground imagery for topographic capability analysis in Mars landed missions. Objectives of the project are to: (1) Investigate how to integrate the orbital, descent and ground imagery within a true 3D integrated geometric model, (2) Estimate the precision of topographic features mapped on the Martian surface, and (3) Develop innovative applied information methods to register orbital, descent and ground imagery through distinctive landmarks, and to develop methods for automatic mapping of large terrain features such as major craters, hollows, and hills. Systematic assessment of topographic mapping capabilities of orbital, descent and ground imagery will be conducted based on photogrammetric bundle adjustment and statistical analysis. The current bundle-adjustment technology, which has been used during MER (Mars Exploration Rover) mission operations for MER landing-site mapping and rover localization using ground images, will be extended to include orbital and descent images within an integrated geometric model. Using an extended bundle adjustment, the positions and orientations of all three types of images will be adjusted in this integrated image network to achieve the best possible accuracy. Topographic products, such as digital terrain models (DTMs), orthophotos, and 3D dynamic models (VRML), will be generated after bundle adjustment of the image network. These products are very important for topographic and geological characterization of landing sites, for crater mechanics modeling, and for other scientific research in future Mars landed missions. The data to be used to verify the developed technology include MOC NA imagery (cPROTO, 0.5-m resolution), Mars Express HRSC stereo imagery (10-m resolution), MOLA original profiles and DTMs (Digital Terrain Models), descent (DIMES) images, and MER Pancam and Navcam stereo images taken at the two landing sites of the MER mission. The proposed research goes beyond existing efforts because it integrates orbital, descent and ground imagery in a new comprehensive geometric model and facilitates high-precision topographic mapping. The developed methods can be used in future missions for regional topographic mapping to support landing-site selection, for topographic characterization before landing, and for mission planning and surface operations at an extended landing site.

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NASA Official: Joseph H. Bredekamp
Last Updated: 01/18/2005