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  Action Responsible Person Time 

Frames *

1. Obtain FAIMS and FFS Reports for month being reviewed (Exhibit 3 lists reports and data elements to be reviewed) FA Fiscal Staff; FC Systems Staff Days 1 - 3 FFS reports may not be available until Day 3
2. Research discrepancies between FAIMS and FFS: FA Fiscal Staff Days 3 - 15 FA fiscal staff should consult with NBC and FC staff as appropriate.
2a. For grant transactions that occurred after the FAIMS/FFS interface, follow established daily discrepancy resolution process (see Exhibit 1)      
2b. For grant transactions prior to the FAIMS/FFS interface, perform the following resolution process:      
  If FAIMS correction required, make necessary changes in FAIMS      
  If FFS correction required: 

- Prepare reconciliation report to forward to NBC (Use standard Microsoft Excel format provided in Exhibit 4.) 

- Provide supporting documentation (see Exhibit 5 for documentation requirements for common types of corrections)

3. Submit Reconciliation Report to NBC using the excel file format agreed upon (hard copy via FedEx) FA Fiscal Staff No later than Day 15 Copies to: FA/WO; FC; Finance/WO
4. Confirm receipt of Reconciliation Report to FA Fiscal Staff in each Region NBC Finance Staff Day 17  
5. Perform initial review of Reconciliation Reports to determine: 

- Adequacy of documentation 

- Completeness of explanations

NBC Finance Staff Days 17 - 20  
6. Contact FA staff for additional information as necessary NBC Finance Staff Days 15 - 30  
7. Determine corrections that can be made without additional research, and enter adjustments in FFS NBC Finance Staff Days 15 - 30  
8. Perform additional research on remaining corrections, and work with FC to resolve, as appropriate NBC Finance Staff; DFC Accounting Operations Staff Variable Corrections involving adjustments to cash balances need to be forwarded by NBC to FC for review
9. Notify NBC Finance Staff on status of corrections being researched by FC staff FC Accounting Operations Staff Day 29  
10. Prepare report to FA Fiscal Staff in each Region on status of corrections, including: 

- corrections completed 

- corrections still pending from current report (and reasons) 

- corrections still pending from prior reports

NBC Finance Staff Day 30 Use reconciliation report format with additional column explaining status of corrections.
11. Provide report (via e-mail) to Chief, Division of Federal Aid Washington Office on status of reconciliations, including: 

- completed corrections to FAIMS and FFS 

- pending corrections, and additional required actions

FA Regional Division Chief (prepared by FA Fiscal Staff) 7 days after receipt of status report from NBC Forwarding a copy of the Excel file received from NBC (Step 10 above) with comments and/or clarification would suffice.
12. Follow up on issues remaining unresolved after 2 months with responsible officials in NBC, FC and FA Regions, as appropriate Chief, FA Washington Office 7 days after receipt of reports from FA division chiefs  

* Time frames based on 30-day month. If the scheduled date falls on a nonbusiness day, the next business day applies.