-3— 1Yas sir; I got ‘possum. Know how to cok him now. Put h~i~ in a pot and~ parboil him, then put hi~ in a oven wid lots of lard. or fat— baok, and then bake him wid yallex~ yarn potatoes, flanked round and round, end then wash him down wid looust and persimmon beer followed by a pieoe of pumpkin pie. Dat make d. bestest meal I ‘members in slavery deys.~ ~U8 got fish out of Little River nigh every Saturday, and the~r wexrt~ good Sund&y morning • Us had Saturday evenin‘ s ‚ dat is ‚ de farm hands did, and then I got to go to see Sam so~ Sundays. His folks, de Sloan., give us a weddin‘ dinner on Sunday after us was marrIed, end they sho‘ did tease Sam dat day•“ . ~ “Like all rich buokra, de Lemons had hogs a plenty, big flock of‘ sheep, cotton gin, slaves to card, slaves to spin, and slaves to weave. Us was well clothed and fed end ‘tended to when sick. They was oonoerned ‘bout our soul‘ s salvation. Us went to church, learn de catechism; they ~as Presby— terians, and read de Bible to us. But I went wid Sam after freedom. Re took de name of‘ Davis ‚ and I jined de Methodist Ch*~Ø~II and waa baptized Louisa Davie.~‘ ~ ~4 ~ ?~ ‚ *Patro2.ler, .you ask me? ‘Speot I do ~mber thea. Wasn‘t I a goodlookin‘ woman? Didn‘t Sea want to aee me more than ~izi~e a week? Wouldn‘t he risk it wid.out cl. pass soins time? Sure he did. D. patroller. got after and run Sein n~ny a time.~ C&fter de war ~w pap~ went to Florida. He look just like a Indien, hair and all, busby head, straight and young lookin‘ wid. no beard. We never heard from him sino..~ e De sLavee wash de :E~ainily o].othes on Saturday and then rested after dom‘ dat. UI had a good t~ ~rist~s; .ve~ slay. ketch white folk. wid a holler, ‘C~i~e gift, ~areter‘. end they holler it to each other. Us all