Table of contents for Nationalism and the Israeli state : bureaucratic logic in public event / Don Handelman.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication information provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Acknowledgements	xi
List of Figures	xiii
Part I Preamble: Designs and Depositions
1	The Collapse of Versailles and the Nation-in-Arms	3
	Versailles Collapses, The State Ascends	7
	The Versailles Public Event	7
	The Nation-in-Arms, The Family-in-Arms	12
	The Event of Presentation	16
2	Bureaucratic Logic	19
	The Monothetic Forming of Form	20
	Tracing Bureaucratic Logic through Classification	22
	Bureaucratic Logic in the Science of Police	29
	Bureaucratic Logic and the State-Form	33
	The Bureaucratization of Politics in Jewish Palestine	38
3	Making Jews National in their Citizenship	43
	Citizenship	44
	Shaping Nationality	45
	Who is a Jew?	46
	Majority and Minority	48
	Jewish Ethnicities, Jewish Majority, Palestinian Minority	49
Part II The National and Bureaucratic Logic in Early Schooling
	Prologue: The Educating State and the Child	55
4	Celebrations of the National - Holiday Occasions in Kindergartens	61
	Hanukkah: Hierarchy, Family, Collectivity	64
	Mother's Day: The Creation of Family and Intimacy	68
	Jerusalem Day: Statehood in the National	71
	Celebrating the National	74
5	Celebrations of Bureaucratic Logic: Birthday Parties in Israeli 
	 Kindergartens	77
	A Kindergarten Birthday Celebration	78
	Individuation	81
	Reclassification by Age	83
	Temporal Continuity	85
	Age and Bureaucratic Logic	87
Part III The Fruition of the National and Bureaucratic Logic
	Prologue	93
	Zionist Cosmologic: The Dating of Days, The Shaping of Space	94
6	Opening Holocaust Remembrance Day - the Bureaucratic Logic 
	 and Aesthetics of National Mourning	101
	The Aesthetic Feel of Practice	101
	Bureaucratic Aesthetics in the Event of Presentation	103
	The Military Envelopment of the Memorial Gathering	104
	The Memorial Gathering	107
	A Memorial Gathering of the 1990s: Sequencing	113
	Performing Practices of Bureaucratic Logic	116
7	Sequencing the National - Opening Remembrance Day and 
	 Independence Day	119
	Opening Remembrance Day, Enclosing the National	119
	Opening Independence Day, Opening the National (somewhat)	126
	National Cosmology and the Encoding of Rhythmic Time	134
Part IV The Holes of Absence
	Prologue: Sacrificial Absence, Memorial Presence	145
8	The Presence of Absence - the Memorialism of National Absence	147
	The Military Cemetery	150
	The Memorial Place	153
	The Holocaust Memorial	158
	The Presence of Absence: Counter Cases	165
	Memory, Metonymy, and Metaphor in National Memorialism	167
9	Absence Rising - Telling Little Holocaust Stories, Shaping the 
	 National	171
	Absenting Presence	176
	Telling Stories	182
	Doing the Presence of Absence	184
	Stories and Audiences	190
	From Rising Absence to Redemptive Presence (and its Consequences)	194
Epilogue: The Cyborg State	201
Notes	209
Bibliography	241
Index	265

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Jewish nationalism, Jews Israel Identity, National characteristics, Israeli psychological aspects, Group identity Political aspects Israel, Communication Political aspects Israel, Memory Social aspects, Signs and symbols Israel History 20th century