------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents Federal Register Vol. 63, No. 227 Wednesday, November 25, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agriculture Department See Farm Service Agency See Forest Service See Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Antitrust Division NOTICES Competitive impact statements and proposed consent judgments: Omnipoint Corp. et al., 65228-65244 [FR Doc. 98-31431] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: International Competition Policy Advisory Committee, 65244 [FR Doc. 98-31504] [TEXT] [PDF] Broadcasting Board of Governors NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 65168 [FR Doc. 98-31669] [TEXT] [PDF] Civil Rights Commission NOTICES Meetings; State advisory committees: New York, 65168 [FR Doc. 98-31537] [TEXT] [PDF] Commerce Department See Economic Development Administration See Export Administration Bureau See Foreign-Trade Zones Board See International Trade Administration See National Institute of Standards and Technology See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 65169 [FR Doc. 98-31439] [TEXT] [PDF] 65169 [FR Doc. 98-31440] [TEXT] [PDF] Commodity Futures Trading Commission NOTICES Contract market proposals: Chicago Board of Trade-- Wheat, 65175-65177 [FR Doc. 98-31494] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Global Markets Advisory Committee, 65177-65178 [FR Doc. 98-31631] [TEXT] [PDF] Customs Service RULES Drawback; manufacturing, unused merchandise, etc. Correction, 65060 [FR Doc. 98-31488] [TEXT] [PDF] Defense Department RULES Freedom of Information Act; implementation, 65419-65454 [FR Doc. 98-31103] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65178 [FR Doc. 98-31418] [TEXT] [PDF] Civilian health and medical program of uniformed services (CHAMPUS): TRICARE program; specialized treatment services program; regional facilities designations-- David Grant Medical Center, Fairfield, CA, 65180 [FR Doc. 98-31422] [TEXT] [PDF] Keesler Medical Center, Biloxi, MS, 65179 [FR Doc. 98-31420] [TEXT] [PDF] National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, et al., 65181-65182 [FR Doc. 98-31424] [TEXT] [PDF] Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA, 65180-65181 [FR Doc. 98-31423] [TEXT] [PDF] St. Joseph Hospital, Atlanta, GA, et al., 65179-65180 [FR Doc. 98-31421] [TEXT] [PDF] Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, 65178-65179 [FR Doc. 98-31419] [TEXT] [PDF] Committees; establishment, renewal, termination, etc.: Telecommunications Service Priority System Oversight Committee, 65182 [FR Doc. 98-31415] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Defense Intelligence Agency Science and Technology Advisory Board, 65182 [FR Doc. 98-31416] [TEXT] [PDF] Science Board task forces, 65182 [FR Doc. 98-31417] [TEXT] [PDF] Economic Development Administration NOTICES Trade adjustment assistance eligibility determination petitions: Burley Design Cooperative, Inc., et al., 65169-65170 [FR Doc. 98-31479] [TEXT] [PDF] Energy Department See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NOTICES Natural gas exportation and importation: Chevron U.S.A., Inc., 65182-65183 [FR Doc. 98-31525][TEXT] [PDF] Environmental Protection Agency RULES Pesticides; tolerances in food, animal feeds, and raw agricultural commodities: Azoxystrobin, 65078-65085 [FR Doc. 98-31545] [TEXT] [PDF] Carfentrazone-ethyl, 65073-65078 [FR Doc. 98-31546] [TEXT] [PDF] Hydramethylnon, 65071-65073 [FR Doc. 98-31389] [TEXT] [PDF] Tebufenozide, 65085-65087 [FR Doc. 98-31544] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Superfund program: National oil and hazardous substances contingency plan-- National priorities list update, 65161-65163 [FR Doc. 98-31540] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Pesticide, food, and feed additive petitions: Platte Chemical Co., 65204-65206 [FR Doc. 98-31248] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticide programs: Rodenticide cluster reregistration eligibility decision; comment request, 65200-65201 [FR Doc. 98-31395] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticide registration, cancellation, etc.: Agrium Inc. et al., 65202-65203 [FR Doc. 98-31392] [TEXT] [PDF] Babolna Bioenvironmental Centre Ltd., 65203 [FR Doc. 98-31393] [TEXT] [PDF] Ecogen, Inc., 65203-65204 [FR Doc. 98-31547] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticide registration process; notification, non-notification, and minor formulation amendments; document availability, 65201-65202 [FR Doc. 98-31250] [TEXT] [PDF] Pesticides; experimental use permits, etc.: Platte Chemical Co., 65206-65207 [FR Doc. 98-31249] [TEXT] [PDF] Superfund; response and remedial actions, proposed settlements: Osage Metals Superfund Site, Kansas City, KS, 65208 [FR Doc. 98-31538] [TEXT] [PDF] 65207-65208 [FR Doc. 98-31539] [TEXT] [PDF] Executive Office of the President See Presidential Documents Export Administration Bureau NOTICES Meetings: Materials Technical Advisory Committee, 65170-65171 [FR Doc. 98-31558] [TEXT] [PDF] Farm Service Agency PROPOSED RULES Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production adjustments: Peanuts, 65133-65134 [FR Doc. 98-31563] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Aviation Administration RULES Airworthiness directives: Aerostar Aircraft Corp., 65056-65057 [FR Doc. 98-31435] [TEXT] [PDF] Boeing, 65054-65055 [FR Doc. 98-31324] [TEXT] [PDF] Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A., 65050-65052 [FR Doc. 98-31316] [TEXT] [PDF] Eurocopter France, 65052-65054 [FR Doc. 98-31330] [TEXT] [PDF] Grob Luft-und Raumfahrt, GmbH, 65048-65050 [FR Doc. 98-31317] [TEXT] [PDF] Lockheed, 65045-65047 [FR Doc. 98-31319] [TEXT] [PDF] McDonnell Douglas, 65047-65048 [FR Doc. 98-31318] [TEXT] [PDF] Stemme GmbH & Co. KG, 65057-65060 [FR Doc. 98-31434][TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Airworthiness directives: General Electric Co., 65136-65147 [FR Doc. 98-31437][TEXT] [PDF] New Piper Aircraft, Inc., 65147-65149 [FR Doc. 98-31436] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Meetings: RTCA, Inc., 65270 [FR Doc. 98-31533] [TEXT] [PDF] Noise abatement: Indianapolis International Airport, IN, 65270-65271 [FR Doc. 98-31532] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Communications Commission RULES Television broadcasting: Two-way transmissions; multipoint distribution service and instructional television fixed service licensees participation, 65087-65128 [FR Doc. 98-31334] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 65208-65209 [FR Doc. 98-31492] [TEXT] [PDF] Rulemaking proceedings; petitions filed, granted, 65209 [FR Doc. 98-31493] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NOTICES Electric rate and corporate regulation filings: Lakota Ridge, L.L.C., et al., 65192-65196 [FR Doc. 98-31445] [TEXT] [PDF] PacifiCorp et al., 65196-65199 [FR Doc. 98-31446] [TEXT] [PDF] Hydroelectric applications, 65199-65200 [FR Doc. 98-31453] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: ANR Pipeline Co., 65183 [FR Doc. 98-31467] [TEXT] [PDF] Canyon Creek Compression Co., 65183 [FR Doc. 98-31468] [TEXT] [PDF] Colorado Interstate Gas Co., 65183 [FR Doc. 98-31476] [TEXT] [PDF] Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 65183-65184 [FR Doc. 98-31473] [TEXT] [PDF] Dynegy Midstream Pipeline, Inc., 65184 [FR Doc. 98-31456] [TEXT] [PDF] El Paso Natural Gas Co., 65184 [FR Doc. 98-31462] [TEXT] [PDF] Granite State Gas Transmission, Inc., 65184-65185 [FR Doc. 98-31472] [TEXT] [PDF] Great Northern Paper, Inc., 65185 [FR Doc. 98-31452][TEXT] [PDF] Kentucky West Virginia Gas Co., L.L.C., 65185 [FR Doc. 98-31474] [TEXT] [PDF] 65185-65186 [FR Doc. 98-31475] [TEXT] [PDF] Kern River Gas Transmission Co., 65186 [FR Doc. 98-31469] [TEXT] [PDF] Mississippi River Transmission Corp., 65186 [FR Doc. 98-31470] [TEXT] [PDF] Mojave Pipeline Co., 65186 [FR Doc. 98-31461] [TEXT] [PDF] Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, 65186-65187 [FR Doc. 98-31464] [TEXT] [PDF] NorAm Gas Transmission Co., 65187 [FR Doc. 98-31471][TEXT] [PDF] Northern Border Pipeline Co., 65187 [FR Doc. 98-31454] [TEXT] [PDF] Northern Natural Gas Co., 65187-65188 [FR Doc. 98-31451] [TEXT] [PDF] 65188 [FR Doc. 98-31458] [TEXT] [PDF] Northwest Pipeline Corp., 65188 [FR Doc. 98-31448] [TEXT] [PDF] 65188-65189 [FR Doc. 98-31457] [TEXT] [PDF] PG&E Gas Transmission, Northwest Corp., 65189 [FR Doc. 98-31463] [TEXT] [PDF] Questar Pipeline Co., 65189 [FR Doc. 98-31450] [TEXT] [PDF] Southern Natural Gas Co., 65189-65190 [FR Doc. 98-31449] [TEXT] [PDF] Stingray Pipeline Co., 65190 [FR Doc. 98-31465] [TEXT] [PDF] Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 65190 [FR Doc. 98-31447][TEXT] [PDF] Trailblazer Pipeline Co., 65190-65191 [FR Doc. 98-31466] [TEXT] [PDF] TransColorado Gas Transmission Co., 65191 [FR Doc. 98-31460] [TEXT] [PDF] Transwestern Pipeline Co., 65191 [FR Doc. 98-31459] [TEXT] [PDF] Venice Gathering Systems, L.L.C., 65191 [FR Doc. 98-31455] [TEXT] [PDF] Wyoming Interstate Co., Ltd., 65191-65192 [FR Doc. 98-31477] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Housing Finance Board NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 65209 [FR Doc. 98-31629] [TEXT] [PDF] Federal Reserve System RULES Membership of State banking institutions (Regulation H): Simplification, update, and regulatory burden reduction Technical amendments; correction, 65281 Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Consumer and Community Affairs Division, Director, 65043-65044 [FR Doc. 98-31508] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Banks and bank holding companies: Change in bank control, 65209 [FR Doc. 98-31425] [TEXT] [PDF] Formations, acquisitions, and mergers, 65209-65210 [FR Doc. 98-31427] [TEXT] [PDF] Permissible nonbanking activities, 65210 [FR Doc. 98-31426] [TEXT] [PDF] Fish and Wildlife Service PROPOSED RULES Endangered and threatened species: Findings on petitions, etc.-- Wood bison, 65164-65165 [FR Doc. 98-31282] [TEXT] [PDF] Peregrine falcon, 65165-65166 [FR Doc. 98-31478] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Endangered and threatened species; permit applications, 65214-65215 [FR Doc. 98-31507] [TEXT] [PDF] Food and Drug Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Submission for OMB review; comment request, 65210-65211 [FR Doc. 98-31411] [TEXT] [PDF] Biological products: Patent extension; regulatory review period determinations-- Tisseel VH Kit, 65211-65212 [FR Doc. 98-31413] [TEXT] [PDF] Food additive petitions: International Association of Color Manufacturers, 65212 [FR Doc. 98-31505] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Biologics Evaluation and Research Center; medical device action plan; correction, 65212-65213 [FR Doc. 98-31412] [TEXT] [PDF] Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 65213 [FR Doc. 98-31410] [TEXT] [PDF] Foreign-Trade Zones Board NOTICES Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: California Pacesetter, Inc., modular buildings manufacturing plant, 65171 [FR Doc. 98-31550] [TEXT] [PDF] Florida Harris Corp., telecommunications/information systems, 65171 [FR Doc. 98-31549] [TEXT] [PDF] New York New York, expansion, 65171-65172 [FR Doc. 98-31551] [TEXT] [PDF] Washington Darigold, Inc., dairy/sugar food products, 65172 [FR Doc. 98-31554] [TEXT] [PDF] Forest Service NOTICES Environmental statements; notice of intent: Northern spotted owl; habitat management for National Forests and BLM districts, 65167-65168 [FR Doc. 98-31199] [TEXT] [PDF] Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration PROPOSED RULES Grain inspection: Rice; cost of living fees, increase, 65134-65136 [FR Doc. 98-31514] [TEXT] [PDF] Health and Human Services Department See Food and Drug Administration See Health Care Financing Administration Health Care Financing Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65213 [FR Doc. 98-31536] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings: Practicing Physicians Advisory Council, 65213-65214 [FR Doc. 98-31428] [TEXT] [PDF] Housing and Urban Development Department NOTICES Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.: Small cities community development block grant programs, etc.-- New York, 65455-65483 [FR Doc. 98-31515] [TEXT] [PDF] 65485-65499 [FR Doc. 98-31516] [TEXT] [PDF] Interior Department See Fish and Wildlife Service See Land Management Bureau See National Park Service See Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Internal Revenue Service NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65278-65279 [FR Doc. 98-31526] [TEXT] [PDF] 65279-65280 [FR Doc. 98-31527] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Administration RULES Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA); implementation: Countervailing duties; methodology, 65347-65418 [FR Doc. 98-30565] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Antidumping: Welded carbon steel pipes and tubes from-- Thailand, 65172-65173 [FR Doc. 98-31555] [TEXT] [PDF] Export trade certificates of review, 65174 [FR Doc. 98-31444] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: University of-- California, 65173 [FR Doc. 98-31552] [TEXT] [PDF] Hawaii, 65173-65174 [FR Doc. 98-31553] [TEXT] [PDF] International Trade Commission NOTICES Import investigations: Emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber from-- Brazil, et al., 65219-65221 [FR Doc. 98-31519] [TEXT] [PDF] Hot-rolled steel products from-- Brazil, et al., 65221 [FR Doc. 98-31517] [TEXT] [PDF] Roller chain from-- Japan, 65221-65222 [FR Doc. 98-31518] [TEXT] [PDF] Meetings; Sunshine Act, 65222 [FR Doc. 98-31630] [TEXT] [PDF] Justice Department See Antitrust Division See Prisons Bureau RULES Privacy Act: System of records, 65060-65062 [FR Doc. 98-31502] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Pollution control; consent judgments: Excel Corp., 65222-65223 [FR Doc. 98-31432] [TEXT] [PDF] Privacy Act: System of records, 65223-65228 [FR Doc. 98-31503] [TEXT] [PDF] Labor Department See Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration See Workers' Compensation Programs Office Land Management Bureau NOTICES Environmental statements; notice of intent: Northern spotted owl; habitat management for National Forests and BLM districts, 65167-65168 [FR Doc. 98-31199] [TEXT] [PDF] Realty actions; sales, leases, etc.: Wyoming, 65215 [FR Doc. 98-31433] [TEXT] [PDF] Withdrawal and reservation of lands: Colorado; correction, 65281 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NOTICES Meetings: Advisory Council, 65262 [FR Doc. 98-31496] [TEXT] [PDF] National Gambling Impact Study Commission NOTICES Meetings, 65262 [FR Doc. 98-31548] [TEXT] [PDF] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NOTICES Motor vehicle safety standards: Nonconforming vehicles-- Importation eligibility; determinations, 65271-65272 [FR Doc. 98-31534] [TEXT] [PDF] Motor vehicle safety standards; exemption petitions, etc.: American Honda Motor Co., Inc., 65272-65273 [FR Doc. 98-31523] [TEXT] [PDF] Nonconforming vehicles-- Defect and noncompliance decisions; annual list, 65273-65277 [FR Doc. 98-31535] [TEXT] [PDF] National Institute of Standards and Technology NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65174-65175 [FR Doc. 98-31557] [TEXT] [PDF] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration RULES Fishery conservation and management: Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone-- Pacific halibut and red king crab, 65129-65132 [FR Doc. 98-31520] [TEXT] [PDF] Whaling provisions; aboriginal subsistence whaling quotas and other limitation, 65129 [FR Doc. 98-31521] [TEXT] [PDF] National Park Service NOTICES Native American human remains and associated funerary objects: Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, AZ; headdress and wands, 65215-65216 [FR Doc. 98-31484] [TEXT] [PDF] Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California-Los Angeles, CA; Katisnas, etc., 65216 [FR Doc. 98-31485] [TEXT] [PDF] Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, NM; inventory from Pecos Pueblo, NM, 65216-65217 [FR Doc. 98-31482] [TEXT] [PDF] Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/Laboratory of Anthropology, NM-- Cotton textile fragment, etc., 65217-65218 [FR Doc. 98-31486] [TEXT] [PDF] Olmsted County Historical Society, MN; Iroquois medicine rattle, 65218 [FR Doc. 98-31487] [TEXT] [PDF] U.S Forest Service, Cibola National Forest, NM; inventory from Bernalillo, Cibola, and Sorroco Counties, NM, 65218-65219 [FR Doc. 98-31483] [TEXT] [PDF] Nuclear Regulatory Commission NOTICES Certificates of compliance: United Sates Enrichment Corp.-- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, KY, et al., 65263-65264 [FR Doc. 98-31498] [TEXT] [PDF] United States Enrichment Corp.-0- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, KY, 65264-65265 [FR Doc. 98-31501] [TEXT] [PDF] Environmental statements; availability, etc.: Wisconsin Public Service Corp., 65265-65266 [FR Doc. 98-31499] [TEXT] [PDF] Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: PP&L, Inc., 65262 [FR Doc. 98-31500] [TEXT] [PDF] Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp., 65262-65263 [FR Doc. 98-31497] [TEXT] [PDF] Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration NOTICES Employee benefit plans; prohibited transaction exemptions: John Taylor Fertilizers Co., 65244-65249 [FR Doc. 98-31510] [TEXT] [PDF] Keystone Financial, Inc., 65249-65262 [FR Doc. 98-31511] [TEXT] [PDF] Employee Retirement Income Security Act: Multiemployer welfare benefit plans; annual reporting enforcement policy, 65505-65507 [FR Doc. 98-31524] [TEXT] [PDF] Postal Service PROPOSED RULES International Mail Manual: International priority airmail service; postage rates and service conditions changes, 65153-65161 [FR Doc. 98-31438] [TEXT] [PDF] NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 65266 [FR Doc. 98-31670] [TEXT] [PDF] Presidential Documents PROCLAMATIONS Special observances: Family Caregivers Week, National (Proc. 7151), 65513-65514 [FR Doc. 98-31751] [TEXT] [PDF] Family Week, National (Proc. 7152), 65515-65516 [FR Doc. 98-31752] [TEXT] [PDF] Fisheries Day, World (Proc. 7150), 65509-65512 [FR Doc. 98-31750] [TEXT] [PDF] Prisons Bureau PROPOSED RULES Institutional management: Smoking/no smoking areas, 65501-65503 [FR Doc. 98-31556] [TEXT] [PDF] Public Health Service See Food and Drug Administration Research and Special Programs Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65277-65278 [FR Doc. 98-31480] [TEXT] [PDF] Securities and Exchange Commission NOTICES Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.: INVESCO Value Trust, 65266-65268 [FR Doc. 98-31443] [TEXT] [PDF] SunAmerica Asset Management Corp. et al., 65268-65270 [FR Doc. 98-31442] [TEXT] [PDF] Social Security Administration NOTICES Agency information collection activities: Proposed collection; comment request, 65270 [FR Doc. 98-31429] [TEXT] [PDF] Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office RULES Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Arkansas, 65062-65068 [FR Doc. 98-31490] [TEXT] [PDF] Texas, 65068-65071 [FR Doc. 98-31491] [TEXT] [PDF] PROPOSED RULES Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Oklahoma, 65149-65152 [FR Doc. 98-31414] [TEXT] [PDF] Transportation Department See Federal Aviation Administration See National Highway Traffic Safety Administration See Research and Special Programs Administration See Transportation Statistics Bureau RULES Workplace drug and alcohol testing programs: Opiate threshold levels; changes, 65128-65129 [FR Doc. 98-31495] [TEXT] [PDF] Transportation Statistics Bureau PROPOSED RULES ICC Termination Act; implementation: Motor carriers of proerty; reporting requirements, 65163-65164 [FR Doc. 98-31522] [TEXT] [PDF] Treasury Department See Customs Service See Internal Revenue Service Workers' Compensation Programs Office RULES Federal Employees Compensation Act: Disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S.; compensation, 65283-65345 [FR Doc. 98-31190] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Separate Parts In This Issue Part II Department of Labor, Office of Worker's Compensation Program, 65283-65345 [FR Doc. 98-31190] [TEXT] [PDF] Part III Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, 65347-65418 [FR Doc. 98-30565] [TEXT] [PDF] Part IV Department of Defense, 65419-65454 [FR Doc. 98-31103] [TEXT] [PDF] Part V Department of Housing and Urban Development, 65455-65483 [FR Doc. 98-31515] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VI Department of Housing and Urban Development, 65485-65499 [FR Doc. 98-31576] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VII Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, 65501-65503 [FR Doc. 98-31556] [TEXT] [PDF] Part VIII Department of Labor, Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, 65505-65507 [FR Doc. 98-31524] [TEXT] [PDF] Part IX The President, 65509-65516 [FR Doc. 98-31750] [TEXT] [PDF] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reader Aids Consult the Reader Aids section at the end of this issue for phone numbers, online resources, finding aids, reminders, and notice of recently enacted public laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Search Federal Register] [Browse 1998 FR Contents]