CASSETTE BOOKS 1993 National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Washington, DC 1993 Fiction Adventure Asya RC 34566 by Michael Ignatieff narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes Russian princess Asya is born in 1900. Her idyllic childhood is altered by a near-fatal accident, her parents' deaths, and a civil war. As an army nurse, Asya falls in love with Sergei, who disappears into the revolution, resurfacing years later in Paris, where Asya is raising their son. World War II again takes Sergei from Asya, who does not rest until, at ninety, she travels to Moscow to learn Sergei's fate. Descriptions of sex. 1991. Bless the Beasts and Children RC 34787 by Glendon Swarthout narrated by Erik Sandvold 1 cassette (Reissue) Six boys, neglected and scarred as a result of absentee parents or broken homes, become outcasts at an expensive summer camp in the canyon country of Arizona. Together they set out to rescue a group of doomed buffalo, a mission that takes on dangerous proportions. For senior high and older readers. 1970. Desolation Island RC 35183 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 2 cassettes (Reissue) Captain Jack Aubrey's new command aboard the _Leopard_ with his good Irish friend, Dr. Stephen Maturin, includes transporting convicts to Australia. A female agent from France, captured by the British, provides romantic intrigue, and a chase through an Antarctic storm provides excitement. Sequel to _The Mauritius Command (RC 33624)_. Some strong language. 1978. The Far Side of the World RC 34925 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes The War of 1812 continues. Captain Jack Aubrey of the Royal Navy is thrilled to take his beloved _Surprise_ on assignment in the Atlantic with his physician-spy friend Stephen Maturin on board. They have orders to intercept the _Norfolk_, an American frigate bent on interfering with British whaling interests. They face extraordinary dangers as their pursuit leads them into waters on the far side of the world. Some strong language. 1984. Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers 1845-46 RC 34358 by George MacDonald Fraser narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes Her Majesty's army's cowardly womanizer Flashman is dismayed when his erroneous reputation as a hero once again thrusts him into danger. During the 1845 Sikh war, Flashy is instructed to spy in India's Punjab region. Surviving torture and amorous advances, Flashman becomes guardian of the Mountain of Light diamond. Some violence, some strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Foolscap RC 35233 by Michael Malone narrated by Gary Telles 3 cassettes Theo Ryan maintains a low profile. But the scholarly, retiring son of show-biz parents cannot break the mold completely. One day Theo's play, _Foolscap_, disappears and then shows up on the London stage. He is shocked to find it passed off as an authentic drama by Sir Walter Raleigh. All he had intended was a satire on the nature of life in academia, the theater, and the publishing world. Some strong language. 1991. The Fortune of War RC 34523 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes When Captain Jack Aubrey receives news in the Dutch East Indies of his appointment to command the best the Royal Navy has to offer, he and Doctor Stephen Maturin set off for England aboard HMS _Java_ with all due dispatch. En route the War of 1812 breaks out and the _Java_ is hit by the USS _Constitution_. Aubrey and Maturin go as prisoners of war to Boston, where previous undercover activities make them suspect, and they plot to get back to sea. 1979. Halfhyde and the Fleet Review RC 35077 by Philip McCutchan narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Halfhyde, retired from active duty but still in the Royal Naval Reserve, has been ordered to participate in the fleet review planned to honor Queen Victoria on her sixtieth birthday. He is to protect Admiral Watkiss, commander-in-chief of the Chilean navy and a former Royal Navy captain, from assassination by rival politicians. Halfhyde joins the fleet only to discover he must guard Watkiss from his own crew as well. Strong language. 1991. H.M.S. _Surprise_ RC 34524 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes Captain Jack Aubrey and Dr. Stephen Maturin have orders to escort an English envoy to India aboard the _Surprise_. They are aware, meanwhile, that one of Napoleon's ships is plying the Indian Ocean, intent on attacking the China fleet. Captain Aubrey is equally intent on capturing the French ship and the reward that would solve his financial problems. 1973. India Gate RC 34449 by Lacey Fosburgh narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes Phoebe and her brother Cully are reared in India until their American parents die in an automobile accident and the teenagers are sent to live with relatives in New York. Twenty years later, Phoebe is back in India searching for Cully, who had returned there to work and then dropped out of sight. Her investigation unearths some unsettling truths about her family and old acquaintances. Some violence and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Ionian Mission RC 34705 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes Captain Jack Aubrey and his longtime partner, surgeon and spy Stephen Maturin, are in the Mediterranean aboard the _Worcester_, engaged in a British blockade of Napoleon's navy. After several skirmishes, the admiral of the fleet suddenly reassigns the pair to the _Surprise_. They sail on a mission to the Ionian islands, but their battles take an unexpected turn when they are caught up in a political net off the Greek coast. 1981. The Last Farewell RC 34456 by Philip McCutchan narrated by Steven Crossley 3 cassettes When the _Lurentia_ sails from New York in 1915, its passengers are a cross-section of American and British society, as well as travelers of several other nationalities. The ocean liner also carries a supply of war materials. It's Captain William Pacey's job to ensure a safe trip to England. But Pacey is unaware that his ship may become a pawn in Britain's plans to draw America into the war. Violence and strong language. 1991. The Lost Steps RC 34555 by Alejo Carpentier narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes A Latin American composer living in New York City is contemplating his empty existence when suddenly he is offered an intriguing opportunity--to go into the jungles of South America in search of primitive musical instruments. In this first-person narrative, he embarks on a personal odyssey. Along with carrying out his primary mission, he rediscovers the nature and enchantment of the primitive world. 1956. Native Tongue RC 34373 by Carl Hiaasen narrated by Barry Bernson 3 cassettes The theft of the last pair of a rodent species from the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills amusement park sets off a wild chain of events. The park's new PR writer, Joe Winder, tries to sort out the involvement of the federally protected fugitive-turned-developer who owns the park, his steroid-popping security chief, two hapless burglars, and the elderly environmentalist who hires them. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Nutmeg of Consolation RC 34706 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes When a typhoon wrecks the _Diane_, its captain, Jack Aubrey; its surgeon, Stephen Maturin; and its crew plot their survival on an island in the Dutch East Indies. At first they are hoodwinked by a band of pirates. Eventually they take command of _The Nutmeg of Consolation_, a small ship with which they outwit a much larger French enemy vessel and proceed to Australia. There they become involved in assorted battles that have little to do with the sea. 1991. Outerbridge Reach RC 34785 by Robert Stone narrated by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes When the original skipper for a solo sail around the world mysteriously disappears, Owen Browne, ex-Navy man, welcomes the challenge. His wife, Anne, hopes the trip will revive their marriage. But cynical filmmaker Ron Strickland, who shoots a documentary about the trip, falls in love with Anne, while Browne confronts the hostile seas. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Peregrine Falcon RC 34669 by Robert Murphy narrated by Robert Gerringer 1 cassette (Reissue) The adventures of a peregrine falcon, who is the first to leave her nest above Chesterfield Inlet in Canada and wander among the bleak hills in her autumn migration to the south. 1963. Scotch on the Rocks RC 35336 by Howard Browne narrated by J.P. Linton 1 cassette It's 1932, and Texans Ambrose Dawson, his wife Ruby, and his mother Emily have just lost the farm. Traveling down the road, they happen upon a truck full of expensive illegal scotch but with a dead driver. The Dawsons soon unwillingly join forces with con man Lee Vance, who promises a buyer in Kansas City, and drunken mechanic Virgil Lucas, who can get the old truck there in one piece. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. +Sky Masters RC 33921 by Dale Brown narrated by Bob Askey 4 cassettes The Spratly Islands, located in the South China Sea, are rich in minerals. Although the islands were discovered by the Chinese, the Philippines has been in control for years thanks to the U.S. presence in that country. Now, in 1994, the United States has withdrawn all troops from the Philippines, giving China a chance to reclaim the Spratlys. A shoot-out follows, and suddenly war looms. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +The Stormy Petrel RC 33934 by Mary Stewart narrated by Jill Ferris 1 cassette Professor Rose Fenemore doesn't find much quiet time for writing. Her brother Crispin likes to have peace and tranquillity when he goes on holiday. So a rental ad for an "ivory tower" on an island off the coast of Scotland is just what they need. Crispin's delayed arrival leaves Rose time to enjoy the solitude and beauty of the island until one stormy night when her peace is shattered by the arrival of two men. For high school and older readers. 1991. The Surgeon's Mate RC 34704 by Patrick O'Brian narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes Captain Jack Aubrey, accompanied by surgeon and spy Stephen Maturin, is aboard HMS _Ariel_ on a mission to persuade Spanish troops under Napoleon to abandon the Baltic islands under their control and join British forces. With mission accomplished and en route home to report victory, they encounter a bizarre chase off the coast of Brittany and are taken prisoner by the French. Some strong language. 1981. Table Number Seven RC 31779 by Victor Canning narrated by Larry Shapiro 2 cassettes The SS _Andreas_ is sailing to the Holy Land via Gibraltar, Greece, and Cyprus. Aboard are Lily, who received the trip as a bequest from Mrs. Ellington, whose lady's companion she had been, and six others who share dining table number seven. Among these is the mysterious John Christopher, who seems to know an inordinate amount about each of them and is guiding them as they each realize their destiny. 1987. Tatham Mound RC 35213 by Piers Anthony narrated by Roy Avers 4 cassettes An Indian burial ground was discovered near Anthony's Florida home, and he has created a story of sixteenth-century Native Americans whose bones rest in Tatham Mound. Throat Shot is a young boy endowed with a gift for language, who is sent on a journey across the southeastern United States. His mission is to find the crystal Ulunsuti and save his people from the danger that threatens them. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Classics _Billy Budd, Sailor_ and Other Stories RC 34260 by Herman Melville narrated by Bob Askey 3 cassettes (Reissue) The title story is a classic nineteenth-century novel about naive, innocent, young Billy Budd, who is cruelly antagonized and unjustly accused by his evil master-at-arms, John Claggart. Speechless with rage, Billy strikes and kills Claggart, forcing Captain Vere to order his execution. Also included are "Bartleby," "The Piazza," "The Encatadas," "The Bell-Tower," and "Benito Cereno." 1986. Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth RC 34495 by Leo Tolstoy narrated by Noah Siegel 3 cassettes Originally published in separate parts in the 1850s, this trilogy portrays a fictionalized version of the author's formative years in Russia. "Childhood" and "Boyhood" were written when Tolstoy was in the army; "Youth" was composed during a visit to western Europe. Years later, he said, "What I aimed at was not to write my own history but that of friends of my youth." 1991. Clayhanger RC 34689 by Arnold Bennett narrated by Andrew Sofer 4 cassettes First published in 1910. Edwin Clayhanger is the central figure in this portrayal of Victorian lower-middle-class society. A shy young man, Edwin is bullied by his father, Darius, but he succeeds in developing his interests in spite of a restrictive environment. One of Edwin's interests is Hilda Lessways, a young woman from Staffordshire. Hilda proves to be independent and enigmatic, while Edwin proves that there are many ways to look at love. 1989. Cousin Bette RC 34926 by Honore de Balzac narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes First published in France in 1846, this classic novel paints colorful scenes of mid-nineteenth-century Parisian life. Lisbeth Fischer, or Cousin Bette, an eccentric, poor relative who works in gold and silver lace, is jealous of her beautiful cousin Adeline, wife of Baron Hector Hulot. Cousin Bette's deceptive behavior develops into a revengeful plot against her patronizing relatives. 1991. Cranford RC 35330 by Elizabeth Gaskell narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes First printed in the 1850s in serial form in _Household Words_, a periodical published by Charles Dickens. The Jenkyns family is at the center of life in the English village of Cranford, surrounded by characters ranging from the genial to the vulgar, each attempting to lead a genteel life. But Cranford is subject to the dramas of everyday life, complete with the unexpected quirks of human behavior. 1972. Far from the Madding Crowd RC 32653 by Thomas Hardy narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 3 cassettes (Reissue) In this late-Victorian novel, a penniless girl becomes a woman of means when she inherits her uncle's farm. The plot focuses on her changing relationships with the three men who court her, and on their personal relationships with other people. 1874. Fathers and Children RC 35354 by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes (Reissue) Classic nineteenth-century Russian novel portraying the conflicting points of view of two generations. The protagonist, Bazarov, is a young, radical intellectual who tries in vain to convert his aristocratic father and his friend's uncle to his theories of a new social order. 1991. The Fixed Period RC 34464 by Anthony Trollope narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes Controversial science fiction novel first published in 1882. In the Republic of Britannula, a former British island colony off the coast of New Zealand, the citizens create the doctrine of "Fixed Period." The major tenet is compulsory euthanasia at age sixty-seven. The plan first meets with ridicule, then with dismay, and soon the elderly try to persuade the British to retake the country. 1990. The House of Mirth RC 35369 by Edith Wharton narrated by Catherine Byers 3 cassettes (Reissue) First published in 1905. Lily Bart, the orphaned daughter of a New York merchant, is endowed with beauty and charm and hopelessly addicted to the pleasures of luxury and wealth. Though she relentlessly pursues her goal to marry someone with money, she is attracted to Lawrence Selden, a lawyer of modest means. 1991. Howards End RC 34285 by E.M. Forster narrated by Andrew Sofer 3 cassettes First published in 1910, this novel deals with class distinctions among the occupants of an English country house, Howards End, owned by the Wilcox family. The materialistic Wilcoxes, the Schlegels--two cultured and idealistic sisters and their eccentric brother--and an unemployed bank clerk interact in lives shaped by romance, social barriers, and violence. 1991. Laughing Boy RC 33829 by Oliver La Farge narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel set in the Navajo Southwest of 1915. In telling the haunting story of the young lovers, Laughing Boy and Slim Girl, the author depicts the lives of the Indians from his experiences as an anthropologist. 1929. Letters from My Windmill RC 35145 by Alphonse Daudet narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes A collection of short, humorous stories by the French author Daudet, first published in 1869. Daudet lived alternately in Paris and Provence, and his fiction explores the difference between the northern and the southern characters and temperaments. One of the most successful novelists in France, Daudet's work was admired by Flaubert, Dickens, and Henry James. 1978. Moby Dick; or, The Whale RC 34184 by Herman Melville narrated by Gordon Gould 5 cassettes (Reissue) Sailor Ishmael narrates this allegory of human potential and limitations. Seeking adventure, Ishmael signs on as a harpooner with Captain Ahab's whaling ship. Once at sea, the crew discovers that, despite dire warnings from other ships and a prophet, Captain Ahab is obsessed with killing Moby Dick, the white whale responsible for his missing leg. Violence. 1851. My Mortal Enemy RC 33575 by Willa Cather narrated by Laura Giannarelli 1 cassette (Reissue) Seen through the eyes of an admiring but younger friend, Myra Driscoll is portrayed as a willful, high-spirited girl, who eventually becomes a selfish, worldly, and discontented woman. 1954. _The Mysterious Stranger_ and Other Stories RC 34411 by Mark Twain narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes This collection of nine stories contains several humorous pieces, such as "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," which is about a trickster. Others, such as "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" and "Luck," are more satirical. The title story, which appears at the end of the collection, is pessimistic fiction reflecting the author's bitterness in his final years. 1962. Nineteen Eighty-Four RC 34268 by George Orwell narrated by Alexander Scourby 2 cassettes (Reissue) A frightening satirical novel about a future time under a totalitarian regime, where the people believe ignorance is strength and war is peace. For high school and older readers. 1963. _Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons,_ and _Sanditon_ RC 34170 by Jane Austen narrated by Carmella Ross 3 cassettes A collection of four works from the early nineteenth century. In _Northanger Abbey_, the daughter of a well-to-do clergyman is taken to Bath for the season by friends and there falls in love with a man, but causes difficulties by conjuring up a gruesome mystery about his eccentric father. _Lady Susan_ is written in the form of letters. _The Watsons_ was left incomplete by choice and _Sanditon_ by the author's death. 1990. Old Goriot RC 34559 by Honore de Balzac narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes First published in France in 1835. Anastasie and Delphine, daughters of Goriot, deplete their devoted father's estate when they marry. The ungrateful younger generation alternately humiliates and ignores the old man, finally abandoning him altogether. He is befriended by Rastignac, a law student living in a boardinghouse. As Goriot is losing touch with the world, Rastignac is learning what money and Parisian society are all about. 1991. Ragged Dick: Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-blacks RC 34470 by Horatio Alger, Jr. narrated by John Stratton 1 cassette (Reissue) A ragged little shoeshine boy struggles to overcome poverty and scorn. 1867. The Red Pony RC 34258 by John Steinbeck narrated by Bob Askey 1 cassette (Reissue) Jody Tiflin is only ten years old when he receives the red pony as a gift. But as Jody matures, his experiences with horses, an old ranchhand, and the birth of a colt teach him about the interconnections between life and death. 1933. Riceyman Steps RC 34157 by Arnold Bennett narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes First published in 1923, this James Tait Black Memorial Prize winner depicts a miserly London bookseller's life with his new wife and their kindhearted maid. The husband's frugality causes him and his wife to fall ill with malnutrition and reduces the servant to stealing household food and delaying living her own life with her troubled ex-soldier lover. 1923. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty RC 33562 by James Thurber narrated by Ray Hagen 1 cassette (Reissue) Originally written for the _New Yorker_ and perhaps Thurber's best known story. Walter Mitty is a hen-pecked husband who leads a rich fantasy life in which he is a dashing hero, a bold adventurer, and a gallant lover. 1983. The Spoils of Poynton RC 34502 by Henry James narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes First published in 1897. Owen Gereth is due to inherit a house filled with antiques and works of art. His mother believes he should marry Fleda Vetch, who would appreciate her treasures, but Owen is engaged to Mona Brigstock. With the question of love between Fleda and Owen unresolved, the matriarch removes her possessions from the house in a fit of pique. Suddenly the house goes up in fire, leaving the spoils of Poynton in a tangle. 1987. The Sun Also Rises RC 34114 by Ernest Hemingway narrated by Alexander Scourby 2 cassettes (Reissue) A wealthy group of English and American ex-patriates in post-World War I Europe move from the boulevards of Paris to the bullfights of Spain--bathing, eating, and drinking. The disillusioned characters reflect the war-weary "lost generation" of the 1920s. Some strong language. 1926. Their Eyes Were Watching God RC 35745 by Zora Neale Hurston narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes (Reissue) This classic novel tells the story of Janie, a handsome black woman, and her three marriages: to middle-aged Logan Killicks, a prosperous farmer; to Joe Starks, a go-getter who makes Janie Mrs. Mayor Starks of Eatonville, Florida; and to Tea Cake Woods, who teaches Janie, at forty, the reality of love and happiness. 1937. The Tragic Muse RC 34151 by Henry James narrated by George Holmes 4 cassettes Nick Dormer is a member of Parliament and married to the beautiful, wealthy Julia Dallow. But he is so drawn to the artistic life that he gives it all up to become a painter. Meanwhile, Miriam Rooth is a successful actress who believes that art is everything. James portrays their struggles with isolation, grinding work, the artistic temperament, and the need for recognition that accompanies the lives of most artists. 1948. Contemporary Boomfell RC 35070 by Douglas Hobbie narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes Charles Boomfell is a failed writer and former academic who now sells real estate. Erstwhile colleague and successful professor Eliot Singer, who in the past has seduced both Boomfell's lover and his wife, reenters Boomfell's life in suicidal despair over a current dysfunctional relationship. Meanwhile, Boomfell's wife contemplates a lesbian liaison. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Deal RC 33550 by Peter Lefcourt narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Unemployed producer Charlie Berns's classy suicide is rudely interrupted by his nephew, who bears a potentially lifesaving script. Charlie takes on Hollywood as he turns a story about a nineteenth-century Jewish prime minister of Britain into a terrorist action thriller. Some strong language. 1991. Frog RC 34430 by Stephen Dixon narrated by Fred Major 6 cassettes Frog is the nickname of the central character, a writer. In chapters with titles such as "Frog Fears," "Frog's Mother," and "Frog Dies," persons and episodes from the writer's life are described at a sometimes frantic pace, as in the outline of his wife's illness: "...partially paralyzed, released, gets worse, hospitalized, dies." Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. National Book Award finalist. 1991. Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture RC 33849 by Douglas Coupland narrated by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes A portrait of disenchantment at the end of the twentieth century. Andy, Claire, and Dag, all in their twenties, have dropped out of society and are living in Palm Springs in the Mojave Desert, working at low-paying, dead-end jobs. As they trade stories and secrets, it becomes evident that they are disturbed young people searching for permanence where there is none. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1991. A Home at the End of the World RC 33140 by Michael Cunningham narrated by Ray Hagen 3 cassettes Bobby and Jonathan gravitate toward one another in seventh grade. Bobby's disintegrating family leaves him lonely, and while Jonathan's family is intact, it is emotionally disconnected. The devoted friends grow up and go separate ways until they enter into a menage-a-trois with Clare. With the arrival of Clare's baby and Jonathan's former lover Erich, who has AIDS, the alternative family finds a sense of belonging. Some strong language. 1990. Landscape Painted with Tea RC 34466 by Milorad Pavi narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes In Book One of this experimental novel, Atanas Svilar, an unsuccessful architect in Belgrade, searches for his father, missing since World War II. In Book Two, Atanas changes his name to Razin, and leaves with his mistress, Vitacha Milut, for a new life in America. The author describes events in chapters that resemble a crossword puzzle, with "down" and "across" clues. 1990. The Mommy Club RC 34227 by Sarah Bird narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Trudy, a wacky San Antonio artist who supplements her income with a series of temporary jobs, meets Hilary, a yuppie wife who can't get pregnant. Seeing a chance to fulfill a long-ago promise to the spirit of her aborted baby, Trudy offers to be a surrogate mother. But, once she's living luxuriously in Hilary's mansion, Trudy longs for her past including her old unreliable boyfriend. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Muse-Echo Blues RC 35228 by Xam Cartier narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Kat is a young African-American composer fingering the piano keys and suffering from a lack of inspiration. She daydreams about the jazz scene in the 1940s and begins to fantasize about a soul sister named Kitty. Gradually Kitty and her sax-playing lover, Chicago, create a sense of spontaneity in Kat that manifests itself in an extended jazz improvisation. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Music of Chance RC 32918 by Paul Auster narrated by Larry Shapiro 2 cassettes Jim Nashe inherits enough money to leave his job and hit the open road. When his fortune is almost depleted, he meets an inveterate gambler named Pozzi. Together they risk everything in a poker game and find themselves trapped by a scheme to work off their debt. They have time to explore the mysteries of freedom and control inherent in every human choice. 1990. The Narrowing Stream RC 33573 by John Mortimer narrated by Grover Gardner 1 cassette Swinton is off to work leaving his wife, Julia, to get on with her care of the house and their three children. Suddenly little Sam reveals that there is a strange man in the boathouse. And soon Julia learns that this appealing person is the brother of Molly Paneth, a well-known actress who has just been found dead on a houseboat. When Swinton's cigarette case is found in Molly's bedroom, the situation becomes even more disturbing. 1954. The Ouroboros RC 34178 by Howard Coale narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes When his new college girlfriend, Kate, moves to Taiwan, Harry takes a teaching job to be near her. Obsessed and anxious about the relationship, Harry can't relate to Kate's international circle of friends. Despite Harry's infatuation, Kate falls for a Chinese corporal. Harry, increasingly frantic, believes that this man is the embodiment of evil and tries to save Kate. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Picture Makers RC 33972 by Emily Ellison narrated by June Carter 2 cassettes Eleanor Glass, a painter in her mid-thirties, lives in Atlanta with her second husband. Theirs is a fast-paced life--they know too many people and are on the go too much. Perhaps that is why Eleanor finds her mind constantly wandering back to South Carolina and the people for whom she feels she ought to be doing something. As Eleanor thinks about these people, we are treated to a family-album look at the events from which memories are made. 1990. Port Tropique RC 35053 by Barry Gifford narrated by J.P. Linton 1 cassette A forty-year-old American, Franz, is the new go-between in an ivory-smuggling operation out of Central American Port Tropique. When a sudden revolution leaves Franz cut off from his contacts and holding half a million in cash, he waits for retribution while his life passes through his mind in slow motion. Explicit descriptions of sex, some strong language, and some violence. 1980. Power Play RC 35491 by Penny Jordan narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Pepper Minesse has four very private files in her office on exclusive Beaufort Terrace in London. The information she has carefully gathered pertains to the four men who, in one night, shattered her life eleven years earlier. Now she has the final piece she needs to orchestrate her revenge. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. Bestseller 1988. Ruling Passions RC 34843 by Susan Crosland narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes 1976. Leaving her Princeton professor lover behind, Daisy Brewster arrives in London for a year-long stay. She takes a job on a London weekly newspaper and soon finds herself fighting off a lecherous boss, Ben Franwell. He seeks revenge for her refusals fifteen years later when Daisy's husband becomes Britain's new defense minister and her former lover becomes U.S. secretary of defense. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. The Runaway Soul RC 34494 by Harold Brodkey narrated by Richard Davidson 8 cassettes in 2 containers Wiley Silenowicz chronicles his experiences growing up adopted in a Jewish family in suburban St. Louis. Sifting through the events of his 1930s childhood, he expresses his thoughts about an overbearing mother, a slick father, and an obnoxious sister, and analyzes his reactions to this unhappy family. His soul-baring continues as he embarks on a literary career in New York. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1991. The Scissor Man RC 35059 by Jean Arnold narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Octavia narrates the story of her family--her father, a Spanish physician; her American mother; and her older sisters, Duncan and Maribel--all living on a Central American island. One summer when Uncle Clo, her mother's twin brother, and his son Julian came to visit, the household changed forever. Could what happened to Octavia and Maribel be the cause of the nightmares she has now? Violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Talking It Over RC 34498 by Julian Barnes narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes The tale of two Englishmen in love with the same woman is narrated alternately by the three protagonists, with viewpoints of minor characters interspersed. The two men are Stuart and Oliver, best friends since schooldays but complete opposites. The woman is Gillian, whom Stuart marries and whom Oliver falls in love with during the wedding ceremony. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Thicker than Water RC 34309 by Kathryn Harrison narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Isabel's teenaged parents divorce soon after she is born. After sexually molesting the child, Isabel's mother moves out, leaving her parents to raise the little girl. As a young woman, affection-starved Isabel cares for her dying mother and is drawn into an incestuous relationship with her father as she attempts to make sense of her life. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Uncle from Rome RC 35339 by Joseph Caldwell narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes Michael Ruane is an American singer who is in Naples to direct and star in an English opera, to perform a small part in an Italian opera, and, quite unexpectedly, to play a real-life role in a wedding. Lured into the guise of the "uncle from Rome" because he cannot say "no" to the diva, Michael soon finds that this Neapolitan tradition can become one of the most complicated and dramatic challenges of his career. 1992. Up Country RC 32933 by Alden R. Carter narrated by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes Living in the basement to get away from his alcoholic mother and the guys she brings home, sixteen-year-old Carl yearns for a better life. To finance his "Plan"--college, the suburbs, a BMW--Carl, an A student and electrical wizard, repairs stolen car stereos for a teenage gang. When his mother is committed to a detoxification center, Carl stays with relatives in the country. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. Vox RC 34337 by Nicholson Baker narrated by Ray Hagen 1 cassette Jim and Abby meet over the phone when they call a 900 number. He lives in a western city and she lives in the East. Because they like the sound of each other's voice, they begin a frank conversation in which they discuss intimate details of their lives. They talk about what they are wearing, but never what they look like. Descriptions of their sexual fantasies lead each of them to an increasingly erotic state. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Whistling Song RC 34596 by Stephen Beachy narrated by Harold Parker 3 cassettes Matt's childhood in Iowa is interrupted one morning when he discovers his parents have been murdered in their sleep. Life becomes a montage of bizarre characters and events as Matt and his new friend Jimmy escape from an orphanage and criss-cross the country. Matt's secret love for Jimmy and his search for a beloved babysitter from his past guide him through the next confusing decade. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Wild at Heart: The Story of Sailor and Lula RC 32932 by Barry Gifford narrated by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Sailor Ripley, just out of prison, and his girlfriend Lula Fortune are cruising around the South in Lula's Bonneville. They have left home because Lula's mother objects to her involvement with an ex-con. As they travel from North Carolina toward California they talk, eat, smoke, and make love. And when their money runs out in Texas, their dream of freedom turns into a nightmare. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1990. Family The Big Rock Candy Mountain RC 34439 by Wallace Stegner narrated by Fred Major 5 cassettes Angry at her recently widowed father's marriage to her best friend, Elsa runs away to live with her uncle. Once there, Elsa quickly falls for charming Bo Mason, although his footloose ways promise her a hard life similar to her dead mother's. Bo's job search takes his family all over the early twentieth-century United States, and through illnesses, infidelity, farming, and bootlegging. Strong language. 1938. +Colony RC 34040 by Anne Rivers Siddons narrated by Jill Ferris 4 cassettes Charlestonian Maude Gascoigne falls in love with Bostonian Peter Chambliss the night he takes her to the St. Cecilia Ball. But it takes much longer to fall in love with Retreat--the Maine summer cottage of Peter's family. At first Maude hates Retreat and all that it stands for. But over the next seventy years she finds herself fighting to save the cottage and passing that love on to following generations. Some descriptions of sex. 1992. Daughters of the New World RC 35234 by Susan Richards Shreve narrated by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes Four generations of women inherit an independent spirit that sustains them. The story centers around Amanda, who grew up motherless among the Chippewa. She becomes a self-reliant young woman whose enterprise and love of photography take her around the world and fortify her as she raises her fatherless daughter and influences her granddaughter and great-granddaughters. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Disappearing Moon Cafe RC 35056 by Sky Lee narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes A tale of four generations of the Wong women revolves around the issue of heirs. In 1986, Kae Ying Woo decides to explore her heritage. Moving between past and present, she focuses on Mui Lan, owner of the Disappearing Moon Cafe in Vancouver's Chinatown, who is concerned because her daughter-in-law has produced no son. As the story unfolds, Kae uncovers a legacy of guilt, fear, and lies. Some strong language. 1990. Family RC 32922 by J. California Cooper narrated by June Carter 1 cassette Clora, born into slavery, hovers over four generations of her family in life and death. She begins with her own desperate life on the plantation before the Civil War, a life that comes to an abrupt end. Her story continues from beyond the grave as she shares her wisdom with her daughter, Always, and watches over the children and grandchildren who are never very far from her voice and her indomitable spirit. 1991. Green Grass of Wyoming RC 34933 by Mary O'Hara narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes (Reissue) The theme of adolescent love and the author's understanding of horses combine in this story about the theft of a race horse. The third in a series of novels about the McLaughlin family. Sequel to _Thunderhead (RC 9855)_. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1946. Jack RC 33577 by A.M. Homes narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes It has been four years since his parents' not-so-amicable divorce, and Jack has finally begun to adjust. Now his mother, less bitter, seems happy with her live-in boyfriend and comfortable in a career. And Jack has begun seeing his father again, though their Wednesday-night dinners are strained. Then his father reveals that he is gay, and Jack feels shock, betrayal, and anger all over again. Some strong language. For high school and older readers. 1989. Morning's Gate RC 35052 by Ann Victoria Roberts narrated by Patrick Horgan 5 cassettes The story begun in _Louisa Elliot (RC 30889)_ continues as Louisa's great-great-granddaughter Zoe Clifford tries to piece together her ancestors' lives. Zoe's search leads her to a distant cousin, Stephen Elliot, and a mutual attraction results. As more clues are uncovered, it becomes apparent that the incestuous aspect of their relationship echoes that of Louisa's son Liam and his half sister. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Natural Selection RC 32907 by Frederick Barthelme narrated by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes Peter Wexler is forty and feeling disillusioned. His understanding wife, Lily, and their son, Charles, agree to an experimental living arrangement. There he hopes to take life less seriously. In the process he learns a thing or two and finds out too late just how good he has had it. 1990. The Pursuit of Happiness RC 34486 by Anne Roiphe narrated by Suzanne Toren 4 cassettes In an Israeli hospital, Hedy tells her unconscious daughter, who has been accidentally shot in the brain, the story of generations of her Jewish family. The Gruenbaums originated in Poland and emigrated to the United States, where the oldest son achieved success in the garment business. The following affluent generations' differing responses to their heritage culminate in Hedy's move to Israel. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Rose Thieves RC 33953 by Heidi Jon Schmidt narrated by June Carter 1 cassette Kate's account of growing up in rural New England with her parents, two sisters, and brother leaves the impression of looking through the family photo album with her. Kate tells of the tea party for the minister and his wife that turns into a social disaster; of her sixteenth birthday, when she awakens to find the family car full of flowers from her sister; of her parents' divorce; and of the hooker's shoe. 1990. The Scent of the Gods RC 35058 by Fiona Cheong narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Su Yen, a young girl of Chinese descent, narrates this story about her extended family living in Singapore in the 1960s. Su Yen and her cousins, Li Shin and Li Yuen, are orphans in a household headed by Grandmother, who disapproves of the younger generation's moves toward independence. Their struggle is further complicated when Li Shin becomes involved in rebellious political activities. 1991. Seventeen Morton Street RC 33965 by Catherine Hiller narrated by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes The Jennings sisters share an old Manhattan brownstone. Lucy, an academic type, lives on the top floor. Perri, more flamboyant, has the third floor. Sara, the eldest, and Gordon occupy the first two floors and await the birth of their third child. When the au pair Gordon hires turns out to be a handsome male college student, the entire household is suddenly thrown into disarray. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. So Much to Tell You RC 33616 by John Marsden narrated by Laura Giannarelli 1 cassette Marina, a fourteen-year-old living at a boarding school in Australia, has been facially disfigured under circumstances that are gradually revealed. Since that terrible event, she has not spoken. She is withdrawn and bitter toward the world. An English teacher makes diary writing a class assignment; the diary, this novel, becomes Marina's "voice." For junior and senior high and older readers. 1988 Book of the Year Award in Australia. 1987. +Such Devoted Sisters RC 34021 by Eileen Goudge narrated by Pam Ward 4 cassettes In 1954, vengeful over a man and her film prospects, Dolly Drake mailed a letter that ended her sister Eve Dearfield's movie career. Now in 1966, following Eve's death, her daughters, Annie and Laurel, have come to New York to live with Dolly and to develop their professions. But the sisters fall in love with the same man, and his decision will have serious consequences for all of them. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +A Thousand Acres RC 33926 by Jane Smiley narrated by Pam Ward 3 cassettes Larry Cook owns a thousand acres of Iowa farmland that is unmortgaged and some of the richest soil around. At a party given in celebration of the return of Jess Clark, a local man, after an absence of thirteen years, Cook announces that he is retiring and dividing the land among his three daughters. But the gift soon begins to tear the family apart, and secrets, long hidden, begin to surface. Some strong language. 1991. Typical American RC 34180 by Gish Jen narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Ralph Chang, who came to America to study engineering, is alone and cut off from his homeland after the Communist takeover in 1948. By chance, he discovers his sister Theresa and her friend Helen in New York. He and Helen fall in love, marry, and, with Theresa, set up housekeeping. Their goal is to become typical Americans while retaining their Chinese values. But Ralph's greed soon changes matters. Some descriptions of sex. 1991. Fantasy +All the Weyrs of Pern RC 34008 by Anne McCaffrey narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 4 cassettes For more than 2,500 years, the people of Pern have taken to the sky on their faithful dragons to attack the terrible spores known as Thread, and they have searched for a way to destroy Thread forever. Now with the discovery of their original landing site and the exposing of Aivas, the Artificial Intelligence Voice-Address System, they have the vital information. Sequel to _Renegades of Pern (RC 31007)_. Bestseller 1991. At the Sign of the Naked Waiter RC 35306 by Amy Herrick narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes At thirteen, Sarah sees a winged neighbor fly away. Her life continues to have magical touches as she advances through high school, college, law school, affairs, marriage, and motherhood. Leading even odder lives are Sarah's schizophrenic best friend Robin and Sarah's genius brother Fred, who searches for the origin of life and for a parallel universe. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Beauty RC 35097 by Sheri S. Tepper narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Tepper has taken the tale of ``Sleeping Beauty'' and added numerous other fairy-tale heroines and some environmental issues. Written in the form of a journal, this is Beauty's story of her life. Reared and taught by her father and aunts, she manages to escape the sleeping curse and begins a journey through time and space, from the fourteenth to the twenty-first centuries and from the elvish world to a future plundered earth. 1991. The Dragon Reborn: The Wheel of Time, Book 3 RC 34703 by Robert Jordan narrated by Jon Beryl 5 cassettes Rand begins to accept his role as the Dragon Reborn. But he must learn to control his use of the One Power in order to defend himself against the Dark One. As he searches for a teacher, Perrin seeks Rand, and Mat, in mortal danger, is taken to Tar Valon to be healed. But when the companions converge on Tear, an even greater test awaits them. Some violence. Sequel to _The Great Hunt (RC 34702)_. Bestseller 1991. The Elf Queen of Shannara: The Heritage of Shannara, Book 3 RC 34763 by Terry Brooks narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Continuing their quest to return the Elves to their own land, Wren and her companion Garth have gone to the demon-filled jungle on the desolate island of Morrowindl. As Wren, having learned she is herself an Elf, stands in the jungle awaiting the Elves, she has only her magic to protect her from the evil creatures. Sequel to _The Druid of Shannara (RC 32685)_. Bestseller 1992. The Eye of the World: The Wheel of Time, Book 1 RC 34701 by Robert Jordan narrated by Jon Beryl 6 cassettes "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass ... there are neither beginnings nor endings." Trollocs arrive in Emond's Field to capture three young boys--sheepherder Rand, rascal Mat, and blacksmith Perrin--born within a specific time frame. The villagers rally to protect the three, unaware that it is time to fulfill a prophecy within the Wheel of Time. Some violence. Prequel to _The Great Hunt (RC 34702)_. 1990. The Forge in the Forest: The Winter of the World, Volume 2 RC 35273 by Michael Scott Rohan narrated by Jack Fox 3 cassettes Elof has rewrought his magical black sword while recovering from battle wounds received at the end of _The Anvil of Ice (RC 27171)_. Because the evil Ekwesh are still causing trouble, Elof gathers a band of men to accompany him as he traverses the menacing Great Forest. He is attacked but is rescued by a band of duergars. Elof must also expel an evil spirit from his lost love, Kara. Violence. 1987. The Great Hunt: The Wheel of Time, Book 2 RC 34702 by Robert Jordan narrated by Jon Beryl 5 cassettes Rand, the sheepherder, appears to be the legendary Dragon Reborn--meant to save the world, but also to destroy it. Rand, however, refuses to accept the role. Instead he joins the hunt for the stolen Horn of Valere and a dagger, stolen at the same time, that is needed to save the life of his dear friend, Mat. But the Dark One wants the Horn and Rand. Some violence. Sequel to _The Eye of the World (RC 34701)_. 1990. The Healer's War RC 35232 by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough narrated by Mary Kane 3 cassettes Drawing upon her own nursing experiences in Vietnam, the author tells the story of Kitty McCulley, a nurse in Vietnam. While on duty, Kitty makes some bad decisions that result in contempt from her coworkers. But an amulet, given to her by a Vietnamese patient, allows her to help people in special ways. It comes in handy when she finds herself in the jungle with a crippled child and an American soldier. Violence and strong language. Nebula Award. 1988. Imajica RC 34327 by Clive Barker narrated by Steven Crossley 7 cassettes in 2 containers Imajica consists of five dominions, four of which are reconciled with each other, and a fifth, Earth, which is seeking reconciliation. The chance for reunion comes only once every 200 years. Judith Odell, John Furie "Gentle" Zacharias, and Pie 'oh' pah become pawns in the struggle between the forces that want reconciliation and those that wish to prevent it. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Ishmael RC 35383 by Daniel Quinn narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes Responding to an ad for a pupil who desires to save the world, a man finds Ishmael, a gorilla who telepathically communicates why humankind is destroying the environment. Ishmael explains that since the agricultural revolution, the myth that the earth belongs to humans has led them to destroy other species. Conversely, some societies didn't follow this track and still obey the peacekeeping laws of nature. Some strong language. 1992. King of the Dead: Lens of the World, Book 2 RC 34931 by R.A. MacAvoy narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes Nazhuret and his lover Arlin become heroes in spite of themselves when they are sent by the king of Vestinglon to help avert war in nearby Rezhmia. Their task is not an easy one, for they will become involved in political machinations, magic, and the rescue of Nazhuret's uncle. Some violence. Sequel to _Lens of the World (RC 33401)_. 1991. Letters from Atlantis RC 34431 by Robert Silverberg narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette This blend of legend and science fiction takes the form of letters from Roy, a time traveler from the twenty-first century. His body lies comatose in the Home Era, but his essence has invaded the mind of Ram, the crown prince of Atlantis. Roy and his girlfriend, Lora--to whom the letters are written--are commissioned to learn the secrets of the fabled continent. And what secrets they are! For junior and senior high and older readers. 1990. +Live from Golgotha RC 35866 by Gore Vidal narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes A computer hacker with access to a deadly virus attempts to erase Christian history from the memory of the world's computers. Only St. Timothy's gospel seems to be immune, and NBC is especially interested in Timothy's efforts. The network travels back in time to televise the crucifixion and resurrection live, and enlists the aid of twentieth-century characters to channel in to Golgotha. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Old Man and Mr. Smith: A Fable RC 34248 by Peter Ustinov narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Author-actor Ustinov's fable is a story of a visit to earth by God, who has ignored his creation for awhile, and by Satan, who is reluctantly along for the company. They stop first in America where, ignorant of modern times, they are arrested for forgery. The FBI chases the duo during their continent-hopping trip, and when they reach India, God finally finds mutual respect with a group of holy men. 1990. Pegasus in Flight RC 34796 by Anne McCaffrey narrated by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Rhyssa Owen is now the director of the Center for Parapsychic Talents founded by Henry Darrow, and it is her responsibility to assign the Talents to areas where they will be most valuable. But it is also her responsibility to see that their talents are not exploited. She is especially concerned about two young people, Tirla and Peter, who seem to have some unusual abilities. Sequel to _To Ride Pegasus (RC 34795)_. Some strong language. 1990. Pinocchio in Venice RC 34228 by Robert Coover narrated by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Coover has created an adult sequel to the child's fable of Pinocchio and his growing nose. Now an elderly art historian at an American university, Pinocchio is writing his life story. Fearing death is near and struggling to finish his book, the old man travels to Venice to search for the characters from his youth and the answers to his questions. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 1991. +Question Quest RC 33916 by Piers Anthony narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes She had fun as a child, but now that Lacuna has joined the Adult Conspiracy, life is blah, and she is suffering a blue funk. Her decision to do something about it leads her to approach the Good Magician with a question. But in order to see the Good Magician she must brave three challenges and print the Magician's autobiography, which may mean a trip to hell. Sequel to _Isle of View (RC 32442)_. Bestseller 1991. Rats and Gargoyles RC 35403 by Mary Gentle narrated by John Horton 3 cassettes In a fantasy city with a Renaissance setting, god-demons embodied in living stone control rat lords and gargoyle acolytes, rulers in turn of human slaves. The slaves resort to a variety of secret and mythical rites in an attempt to overcome their bondage. But their struggle coincides with an even greater threat to the survival of the universe. Will their revolt come in time? Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1990. The Sapphire Rose: The Elenium, Book 3 RC 34210 by David Eddings narrated by Jon Beryl 4 cassettes Sparhawk, Pandion Knight, has located Bhelliom--the jewel that can save Queen Ehlana, who has been poisoned and frozen in a block of crystal until the antidote can be found. But Sparhawk is being stalked by Primate Annias, who must have Bhelliom if he is to assume the throne of the Church. Sequel to _The Ruby Knight (RC 32298)_. Bestseller 1991. Sister Light, Sister Dark RC 35255 by Jane Yolen narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes When Jenna, known as the White Babe, came into the world, the circumstances foretold an unusual life. Orphaned at birth, Jenna is brought up by the warrior women in the mountains, who believe her to be the long-awaited incarnation of the White Goddess. Jenna learns to call forth her dark sister-twin, Skada, and with Pynt they travel to other lands as part of Jenna's growing-up ritual. Some violence. Prequel to _White Jenna (RC 35256)_. 1988. The Spiral Dance RC 35204 by R. Garcia y Robertson narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Anne Percy, countess of Northumberland, and her husband Tom are devout Catholics who want to help Mary Stuart regain her throne. As they journey to Durham to participate in a revolt, they are met by a prophetic woman who predicts Anne will travel to the Ends of the Earth because of her involvement. The prediction comes true, and Anne meets with faeries, werewolves, and magic. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Stress of Her Regard RC 34304 by Tim Powers narrated by James DeLotel 4 cassettes Nineteenth-century doctor Michael Crawford awakens after his wedding night to find his bride mutilated and killed. Fleeing in horror, he meets up with poets Byron, Shelley, and Keats, who explain to Crawford that, like them, he is being ruled by _lamia_, ancient vampire poet muses. Although these supernatural creatures supply creative genius, they also destroy their victims' loved ones. Violence and some strong language. 1989. Till the End of Time RC 33730 by Allen Appel narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes While his journalist girlfriend works on a story about Japanese biochemical experimentation, time-traveler Alex Balfour finds himself transported back to World War II. His knowledge of the war's outcome and the atrocities he and his girlfriend discover put Alex in a position to change history. The star-studded cast ranges from Albert Einstein to Betty Grable. Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. The Time Patrol RC 35105 by Poul Anderson narrated by James DeLotel 5 cassettes In eight short stories and one novella, Anderson explores the idea of time travel and the problems that can arise when a person wants to go back in time and change history. In most of the stories, it is the responsibility of Time Patrol agent Manse Everard to see that no one so irrevocably alters the past that the future to which he or she belongs never happens. His travels take him from 542 B.C. to the thirty-first century. Some strong language. 1991. To Ride Pegasus RC 34795 by Anne McCaffrey narrated by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Henry Darrow awakes from surgery knowing he is destined to marry nurse Molly Mahony; each has paranormal abilities. Together they establish the Center for Parapsychic Talents to protect and nurture people with special powers. Included are Molly, who heals with her hands; Barbara, who locates missing items; and Dorotea, a baby who intuits the presence of talents. Prequel to _Pegasus in Flight (RC 34796)_. Some strong language. 1973. +The Waste Lands: The Dark Tower, Volume 3 RC 33943 by Stephen King narrated by David Palmer 4 cassettes Roland continues his quest for the Dark Tower, joined by Eddie Dean and his lover Susannah who have traveled across time from their New York world. Roland begins losing his mind--thanks to Jake Chambers who died earlier but reappears here--and the group faces many new evils. Sequel to _The Drawing of the Three (RC 31000)_. Some strong language and violence. Bestseller 1991. White Jenna RC 35256 by Jane Yolen narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Warrior White Jenna, now an adult, continues to fulfill the prophecy that she is the future White Queen. Along with Skada, her dark sister-twin, she travels the war-torn land accompanied by three men. It is their task to warn other warriors of the dangers presented by Lord Kalas's desire to take over the land. But their capture and imprisonment are problematic. Sequel to _Sister Light, Sister Dark (RC 35255)_. Violence and some strong language. 1989. Who P-P-P-Plugged Roger Rabbit? RC 35192 by Gary K. Wolf narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes The cartoon and the human characters from _Who Censored Roger Rabbit? (RC 18093)_ are back in another zany romp through Toontown. Once again, hard-boiled detective Eddie Valiant must bail cartoon rabbit Roger out of trouble. Eddie is also asked to investigate rumors that Roger's sexily drawn wife Jessica is having an affair with Clark Gable. Toon Tonic, word balloons, and the casting of _Gone with the Wind_ all figure in this Hollywood tale. 1991. Folktales American Indian Stories RC 34542 by Zitkala-Sa narrated by Yolande Bavan 1 cassette This collection of essays by a Native-American woman, a Sioux from the Yankton Reservation, was first published in 1921. Several entries are autobiographical; others are short stories based on Native-American legends. Together they articulate the author's efforts to bridge the gap between the oral traditions of her culture and the literary world, and between the native way of life and the white man's world. 1921. Earthdivers: Tribal Narratives on Mixed Descent RC 35316 by Gerald Vizenor narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Vizenor explains that in Native American creation myths, earthdivers are tricksters who dove for sand to create the earth. He portrays mixed-bloods as earthdivers who plunge into the modern, urban environment in hopes of creating their own tribal culture. Vizenor combines real and imaginary characters and events in humorous, pointed essays about modern Native American life. 1981. Native American Stories RC 34361 by Joseph Bruchac narrated by Bruce Huntey 1 cassette Native Americans view human relationships with nature in terms of family, with the Earth as mother. This collection of tales and myths from various Native American groups focuses on this relationship. Chapter titles include "Creation," "Earth," "Wind and Weather," and "Plants and Animals." For junior and senior high and older readers. 1991. The Nemean Lion RC 35343 retold by Bernard Evslin narrated by Patrick Horgan 1 cassette A young girl, Palaemona, is destined to save the world from the clutches of the Nemean lion, a terrifying monster who is the servant and agent of destruction of Zeus, the highest of Greek gods. Palaemona, weak and sickly, conquers her own inadequacies to defeat evil--including the Bullman and a giant bee--and become a glorious heroine. A powerful retelling of the Greek myth. Violence. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1990. Old Indian Legends RC 34791 by Zitkala-Sa narrated by Jill Ferris 1 cassette First published in 1901. Fourteen Dakota Indian tales originally told in the Lakota language are retold here in English. Some characters, such as Iktomi, the spider fairy who plays tricks on other animals, appear in several stories. Some tales have a moral twist, while others portray Native American culture and traditions. Zitkala-Sa also published _American Indian Stories (RC 34542)_, a semiautobiographical collection. 1985. The Painted Alphabet RC 34947 by Diana Darling narrated by Yolande Bavan 2 cassettes Based on an ancient Balinese Hindu epic poem, this novel explores the timeless contradictions of good and evil, witchcraft, and magic. Siladri, a young farmer, goes to study with a holy man. His beliefs are threatened by a vivid array of colorful characters, and he is severely tested in his responses to their demands. The challenges he faces employ traditional mythic elements in modern settings. Some strong language. 1992. General Almanac of the Dead RC 35184 by Leslie Marmon Silko narrated by Richard Davidson 6 cassettes Tucson, Arizona, is at the center of this epic novel--a complex story about the Europeans who have exploited the land since their arrival 500 years ago. In the midst of a large cast of characters is Seese, a woman whose life is symbolic of the struggle between the declining culture of the conquerors and the impending uprising of the conquered. Descriptions of sex, strong language, and violence. 1991. The Best Revenge: A Novel of Broadway RC 33747 by Sol Stein narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Ben Riller is producing a Broadway play in verse, but he has received only 22 percent of the needed backing, and the money's already spent. As opening night looms and creditors hound him, Ben searches for money. Egged on by the voice of his dead father, who lectures him regularly, Ben approaches a Mafia loan shark. Ben's story is interspersed with chapters giving his wife's and other characters' points of view. Strong language. 1991. The Bloody Hoax RC 35342 by Sholom Aleichem narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 4 cassettes Written in the early twentieth century. Two school friends in czarist Russia--Hersh Rabinovitch, a poor Jew, and Grisha Popov, a wealthy Gentile--trade identities for a year. Their deception creates amusing and tragic situations until Popov is accused of murdering a Gentile to provide blood for a Passover ritual--a plot element based on a real-life blood libel case in Kiev. 1991. Body RC 35535 by Harry Crews narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Dorothy Turnipseed from Georgia has been transformed into Shereel Dupont, a rising star in the world of bodybuilding and a contender in the Ms. Cosmos contest. As she and the other competitors and trainers gather for the contest, they come up against the redneck Turnipseed family, here to see the show. Tension between the two wildly divergent groups builds to a surprising climax. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Brightness Falls RC 35349 by Jay McInerney narrated by Christopher Hurt 3 cassettes For Corrine and Russell Calloway, in their thirties, New York City in the 1980s is a combination of cut-throat competition, sex, and drugs. Corrine, a successful stockbroker, and Russell, a successful editor, appear to be a stable couple and the envy of all their single friends. But cracks begin to appear in their marriage when Russell, disenchanted with his publisher, attempts a hostile takeover. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Brotherly Love RC 34419 by Pete Dexter narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes When eight-year-old Peter Flood's baby sister is killed by a neighbor's speeding car, a chain of violent acts is set off within his mob-connected Philadelphia family. Peter deals with his grief and guilt over the girl's death by jumping off buildings and taking beatings in the boxing ring. When his cousin's violent streak gets out of control, Peter discovers a way to assuage his guilt. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Cabin Fever RC 34352 by Elizabeth Jolley narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes While attending a medical conference, English psychologist Vera Wright combats her hotel-room cabin fever by examining her lonely past. In a series of nonsequential vignettes, Vera soberly recalls the experience of her aborted nursing training and memories of her personal relationships, her illegitimate child, and a series of menial jobs. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. Changes at Fairacre RC 35774 by Miss Read narrated by Jill Tanner 2 cassettes Changes are taking place in Miss Read's beloved Fairacre. There is talk of closing the village school due to shrinking enrollment. Miss Read's friend Dolly Clare dies, leaving Miss Read her cottage in nearby Beech Green--a blessing when a hurricane seriously damages Miss Read's house. And then suddenly there are plans for the two new houses in the village that have been vacant since they were built. 1991. City of the Mind RC 34535 by Penelope Lively narrated by John Horton 2 cassettes Newly divorced Matthew Halland is an architect in London. Recently both his eight-year-old daughter's questions and his project site visits provoke reveries of the city's past. As Matthew explains to his partner, "This city is entirely in the mind. It is a construct of the memory and of the intellect. Without you and me it hasn't got a chance." The future finally beckons to Matthew when he falls in love. Some strong language. 1991. Company Man RC 35165 by Brent Wade narrated by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Billy Covington writes to a childhood friend, explaining how he, a successful black Republican executive with a beautiful wife and a Jaguar XJ6, came to be a maimed hospital patient recovering from a botched suicide attempt. Billy's recent impotence and paranoia, coupled with a threatened sexual harassment suit, are symptomatic of a lurking, complex problem connected with his lifestyle. Some violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Coromandel Sea Change RC 35362 by Rumer Godden narrated by Lisette Lecat 2 cassettes When Mary and Blaise Browne honeymoon at the Indian hotel, Patna Hall, the couple's growing incompatibility soon manifests itself in Blaise's disdain over Mary's love of the culture and her involvement in a local political campaign. The eighteen-year-old bride begins to reevaluate her rigid husband as she compares him to the beautiful, mystic politician, Krishnan. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Cousin It RC 34774 by Lynn Caraganis narrated by Kerry Cundiff 2 cassettes Seventeen-year-old Vickie lives with her Mormon cousin Ruth and Ruth's husband until she inadvertently offends her cousin. Vickie's remaining relative, Cousin It, saves the day by letting Vickie stay in his vacant dream house. In her zany 1950 teenager's vernacular, Vickie tells about this summer when she loses her boyfriend to her best friend and gains a dreamier boyfriend and a kitten. Some descriptions of sex. 1991. Daughters of Albion RC 35723 by A.N. Wilson narrated by John Horton 3 cassettes Sequel to _A Bottle in the Smoke (RC 33297)_ in the Lampitt Papers sequence. Although narrator Julian Ramsay has published a novel, he considers his life a failure, sustained only by a pedestrian job and his relationship with his wife Felicity. But their love is undermined by an eccentric, pseudo-religious, William Blake-like writer named Albion Pugh, who causes Julian to reflect on memories and mythology. Some strong language. 1991. The Devil in Texas/El Diablo en Texas RC 34281 by Aristeo Brito narrated by Robert Sams and Juan Ramirez 2 cassettes Reality and symbolism are mixed in this story of a Chicano family reduced to the status of sharecroppers in a Texas border town. The story opens in 1883 as the illegal grab for land by the Anglo invaders alienates the Uranga family. The plight of the family continues to unfold in 1942 and 1970. Winner of the 1990 Western States Book Award for Fiction. Bilingual edition in Spanish and English. Strong language and some violence. 1990. Devils, for a Change RC 34286 by Wendy Perriam narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 4 cassettes After twenty years as a cloistered nun, Hilary, beginning to question her faith, runs away from her strict convent. Immediately overwhelmed by all aspects of contemporary London and struggling to find work, Hilary joins a noisy household of curious and somewhat frightening characters. During the following year, Hilary examines her faith and her vows as she slowly sheds her hesitant demeanor. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Donadieu's Will RC 35299 by Georges Simenon narrated by Fred Major 3 cassettes After shipbuilder Oscar Donadieu's body is discovered in the harbor, changes begin to occur in the family he leaves behind. His wife and his children and their spouses all live together until young Martine runs away with troublemaker Philippe Dargens. Although Philippe soon has most of the weak family members following his orders, Donadieu did not leave a large enough legacy to satisfy him. Some violence, some strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1945. Ever After RC 35309 by Graham Swift narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes Bill Unwin is fifty-two, and three weeks ago he tried to kill himself. Now he looks back at his life and parallels it with that of a long-dead relative, Matthew Pearce, whose mid-nineteenth-century notebooks he possesses. Attempting to answer the question "Why should things matter?" Unwin recalls his boyhood in Paris, his marriage, and his father's death, and he considers such subjects as bees, poetry, and pears. Some strong language. 1992. The Facade: M.N.O.P.Q. RC 34741 by Libuse Monikova narrated by Suzanne Toren 3 cassettes Translated from German, this is a Czechoslovakian tale of three art scholars--Maltzahn, Orten, and Podol--and two archivists--Nordanc and Qvietone--and their irreverent work on the frescoes of a Bohemian castle. When winter arrives, they decide to vacation in Japan, but inept travel plans strand them in a Siberian thinktank. It will take some unusual feats to gain their release. Some strong language. 1991. +The First Wives Club RC 34004 by Olivia Goldsmith narrated by Pam Ward 3 cassettes The idea of forming the First Wives Club comes after Annie's best friend Cynthia mails her a suicide note detailing the extent of her ex-husband's cruelty. Annie's ex has also begun to do her wrong, as have Brenda's and Elise's. With the help of some friends, the three women plot to get revenge--for themselves and for their dead friend. Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Flowers for Algernon RC 33245 by Daniel Keyes narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes The narrator, a mentally impaired man of thirty-two, receives an operation to increase his learning ability. But although his mentality develops at high speed, there is always the possibility of regression. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1966. A Foreign Woman RC 34460 by Sergei Dovlatov narrated by George Backman 1 cassette Marusya is an affluent, bored Russian woman, who tends to do things on the spur of the moment, like falling in and out of love and emigrating to the United States. Once settled into New York's Russian community, Marusya realizes life is not much better. Money is more difficult to come by, the neighborhood is filled with familiar zany characters, and her Latin lover Rafael irritates her. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1991. Friends at Thrush Green RC 34921 by Miss Read narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes Everyone still keeps tabs on everyone else in the small English village of Thrush Green. In this episode, the two schoolteachers who moved away return for a visit, bearing hints of a possible romance. Meanwhile, the new teacher seems to be hiding something concerning his sickly wife, a farmer is raising eyebrows with his flirtatious ways, and something must be done about eighty-year-old Bertha Lovelock's sticky fingers. 1990. From the River's Edge RC 34767 by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn narrated by Fred Major 1 cassette John Tatekeya is a Dakotah rancher on the reservation. When his herd of cattle is stolen, he pursues the matter through the American court system, even though winning the case will not guarantee their return. Excerpts from the trial depict the humiliating treatment Tatekeya endures from members of the court. Outside the courtroom, the case affects his complicated love life. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Good Child's River RC 35272 by Thomas Wolfe narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Suzanne Stutman has edited this previously unpublished "novel" based on the life of Wolfe's lover, New York costume and set designer Aline Bernstein. The book is primarily a compilation of chapters concerning the protagonist's relatives, especially her colorful actor father. Portions of this work have appeared in other published works by Wolfe. Strong language. 1991. The Late Night Muse RC 35315 by Bette Pesetsky narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Bernadette Marrkey is dying of what she refers to only as Alois's disease, after the physician who discovered it. At the suggestion of a support-group member she decides to put her personal house in order. Because Marrkey is a poet, albeit a relatively unknown one, and wants to leave an impressive archive, she commences to fill twelve dozen boxes by back-writing her history. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Leading Lady RC 34314 by Kate Coscarelli narrated by Mara Swanson 3 cassettes Abandoned by her husband, Laverne plans to seduce Hollywood with her eight-year-old daughter Bunny. Over the years, nothing stands in the way of her quest for Bunny's stardom. She orders the girl to spend the night with a director, arranges and then destroys Bunny's marriage, and isolates Bunny's child Chelsea. Surviving her dysfunctional upbringing, Chelsea carves out a life of her own. Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Lila: An Inquiry into Morals RC 34335 by Robert M. Pirsig narrated by Ed Blake 3 cassettes Phaedrus, principal character of _Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (RC 8036)_, is now finishing up a book on the metaphysics of quality. He decides not to complete the book in isolation when he meets Lila in a bar. Despite warnings from his friend, Phaedrus invites Lila to sail with him, using her "quality" as inspiration for his book. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Mao II RC 33432 by Don DeLillo narrated by Reginald Metcalf 2 cassettes Well-known author Bill Gray has been living a secluded life of drinking, drugs, depression, and work on his latest book, while allowing the media to perpetuate the idea that he is dead. Then for the first time in over thirty years, he allows a photographer to capture him on film and push him into publishing his book. Events conspire to draw him out of seclusion, and he finds himself facing violence on the streets of Beirut. Strong language. 1991. Mariette in Ecstasy RC 34350 by Ron Hansen narrated by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes In turn-of-the-century New York, seventeen-year-old Mariette is entering the convent where her much older sister is prioress. Believing herself destined for sainthood since hearing Christ's voice, Mariette inspires the other nuns with her energetic devotion. But when she begins to display stigmata--the wounds of Christ--she faces doubt, jealousy, and scorn. 1991. Miami RC 34581 by Pat Booth narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Christa Kenwood, a top fashion model, opens her own agency in Miami. She lures Lisa Rodriguez, another top model, to her company, and together they plan a big campaign to introduce a new perfume for rich designer Mary Whitney. Mary, unfortunately, develops a crush on Lisa's religious boyfriend. Life is further complicated when Christa and Lisa's former agent plots against them. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Middle Kingdom RC 34454 by Andrea Barrett narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Grace has previously given up an artist husband and life as an art student. Now unhappily married to Walter, an acid rain ecologist, Grace has aborted her own ecological training. Accompanying Walter to China for a conference, Grace becomes enamored with the culture and elects to stay on her own. She learns to live in the middle kingdom rather than in the past or the future. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Murther and Walking Spirits RC 34949 by Robertson Davies narrated by J.P. Linton 3 cassettes Gil is murdered by his wife's lover, an arts critic known as "the Sniffer." The victim becomes a spirit who follows the murderer and, seated beside him at a film festival, is fascinated by a documentary about his ancestors, which is invisible to the Sniffer. Gil sees the Welsh side of his family, devout Methodists, engage in a swearing contest, and the Loyalist side present a history of eccentricity unknown to him in real life. Some strong language. 1991. The Neon Madonna RC 35735 by Dan Binchy narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes Father Jerry O'Sullivan's health is failing, and thus, with great reluctance, he gives up his position as a Vatican diplomat and returns to his native Ireland. But his village does not provide the stress-free environment he seeks. It seems that many of the women in the parish, including his housekeeper, believe that the local statue of the Virgin Mary moves and weeps. And Father O'Sullivan must deal with a band of IRA members. Strong language. 1991. The Northern Light RC 34852 by A.J. Cronin narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes When the London owners of a group of sensational newspapers try to buy out the provincial _Northern Light_, its owner, Henry Page, turns them down. Determined and revengeful, the newspaper owners compete with Page, but he challenges their low-class tricks with his continued high standards and personal dignity. Then, just as his campaign seems to be working, the Londoners create a scandal. Will Page's integrity hold up? Some strong language. 1958. Perfect Timing RC 34301 by Philip Lee Williams narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Ford Clayton, in the midst of a midlife crisis, recognizes a homeless woman being interviewed on television as his first love, Camille Malone. Ford, aided by his offbeat cousin, Clarence, locates Camille, who is zany as ever but still enticing. This unconventional trio creates a new religion and plans to introduce it at the conservatory where Ford teaches music. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1991. Persephone's Song RC 35179 by Mary M. Schmidt narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Rory McCormick has been Longianna Raimondi's friend since she started working with him at the record company. When Rory is diagnosed with AIDS and his panicked lover leaves, Gianna helps him cope with his illness and listens to the stories of his first true love and his family's rejection. Hoping for a reunion between Rory and his estranged family, Gianna attempts to contact his twin sister Pat about his illness. Some strong language. 1992. The Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story RC 34839 by Glenway Wescott narrated by Rick Foucheux 1 cassette One afternoon in a French village in the 1920s, Alwyn Tower is visiting another American friend, Alexandra Henry. The Cullens, an Irish couple, accompanied by their chauffeur and a trained bird, Lucy, stop by. Alexandra's servants, Jean and Eva, complete this peaceful scene. But as the afternoon wears on, Lucy upsets this cozy assemblage and therein lies a tale of love and fidelity. Some strong language. 1940. Plain Grief RC 34282 by Maxine Chernoff narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Thanksgiving begins ominously for Sarah Holmes, as her philandering husband seethes over his discovery that Sarah has a lover. The holiday quickly goes from bad to worse when they realize their teenaged daughter has run away with her anorexic cousin. Sarah and her lover begin a cross-country search for her daughter, and Sarah relives the events that led to this crisis point. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Reaching Tin River RC 32929 by Thea Astley narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes Belle, discontented with her jazz-playing mother, her absentee father, and her unsympathetic husband, seeks a more bearable life. After an unsatisfying reunion with her father in America, she returns to Australia, where she takes up a search for Gaden Lockyer, an obscure local statesman whose picture and diary have intrigued her. But that search becomes an obsession leading to mental unbalance. Strong language. 1990. Ride a Cockhorse RC 34777 by Raymond Kennedy narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Middle-aged, mild-mannered loan officer Frankie Fitzgibbons suddenly becomes an aggressive dynamo with a libido to match. After seducing a high school drum major, Frankie focuses her energy on the bank--creatively forcing her own promotion, charming the media, and arranging the staff into an adoring entourage. Although based on falsehoods, her tactics bear favorable results. Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Rosendorf Quartet RC 34474 by Nathan Shaham narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes In 1936, the members of a string quartet, newly formed by German emigre members of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, individually relate their experiences to a writer. While attending rehearsals the writer becomes intrigued by the quartet's democratic method of making music and determines to make the ensemble the subject of a novel. 1987. She and I RC 33787 by Eileen Lottman narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Sandy describes life with her hated Siamese twin Sheila (She for short). Growing up Jewish in Iowa during the depression and the war, the girls have fairly normal lives, aside from their inability to escape each other's unwanted company and friends. In adulthood, their shared existence becomes more complex and hateful, as they disagree about college, marriage, sex, and motherhood. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and violence. 1991. Southern Discomfort RC 34578 by Rita Mae Brown narrated by Carole Jordan-Stewart 2 cassettes A wry tale set in Montgomery, which, like most southern towns in 1918, has its social structure--aristocrats, poor middle-class whites, and blacks. Banana Mae and Blue Rhonda offer their services to the town's males in spite of Reverend Ray's efforts to save them. And Hortensia Banastre, a woman with social status and old money, falls in love with a black prizefighter. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1982. The Sweet Hereafter RC 34726 by Russell Banks narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes The little town of Sam Dent, New York, is rocked by a tragic school bus accident that kills fourteen children and injures others. Descriptions of the wreck and stories of its aftermath are told alternately by the school bus driver, an injured high school girl, the father of twins killed in the crash, and one of the lawyers who are dividing the town by trying to elicit a large settlement. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The World around Midnight RC 34513 by Patricia Browning Griffith narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Dinah Reynolds, forty-five, returns to her tiny hometown of Midnight, Texas, to run her recently deceased father's weekly paper while her mother recovers from a bad case of shingles. A surprise announcement from Dinah's husband coincides with the reappearance of her long-lost beau, the disappearance of her daughter-in-law and all of the yellow cats in town, her grandmother's new relationship, and a celebrity's plane crash. 1991. World of Wonders RC 35300 by Robertson Davies narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes (Reissue) The world's greatest illusionist and the world's greatest filmmaker collaborate on a television film about Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin in a castle in Switzerland. During the shooting, the illusionist tells his life story. It involves some of the film company, and each one has an opinion on the truth. The final volume in the Deptford trilogy, following _Fifth Business (RC 32480)_ and _The Manticore_. 1975. Growing Up And One for All RC 32936 by Theresa Nelson narrated by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Against the backdrop of the Vietnam War in the mid-sixties, twelve-year-old Geraldine tells a compelling story of her older brother, Wing, and his best friend, Sam. Geraldine's dad is a World War II veteran and fiercely patriotic. But Sam, whose father was killed in Korea, has antiwar sentiments to the core. And when Wing enlists in the marines, Geraldine anguishes over the rift between the two friends. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. Bless the Beasts and Children RC 34787 by Glendon Swarthout narrated by Erik Sandvold 1 cassette (Reissue) Six boys, neglected and scarred as a result of absentee parents or broken homes, become outcasts at an expensive summer camp in the canyon country of Arizona. Together they set out to rescue a group of doomed buffalo, a mission that takes on dangerous proportions. For senior high and older readers. 1970. Daniel and Esther RC 34432 by Patrick Raymond narrated by Gary Tipton 1 cassette At a British boarding school in the years preceding World War II, two teenagers fall in love, only to be swept apart by powerful forces. Esther, a Viennese girl, has been sent to Britain because her parents fear for her safety. Her cool reserve finally gives way to Daniel's intense, creatively chaotic nature. Daniel tells the story in 1939, three years after it began, from the safe haven of America. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1989. Donald Duk RC 34553 by Frank Chin narrated by John Stratton 1 cassette Twelve-year-old Donald Duk hates his cartoon name and his Chinese-American heritage, preferring to envision himself as the tap-dancing Fred Astaire. As Chinese New Year approaches, with constant reminders of his culture, Donald dreams about his ancestors working on the railroads. The truths he learns from the dreams and his father's lectures give Donald a history very different from the one taught in his private school. For high school and older readers. 1991. First Confession RC 34291 by Montserrat Fontes narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Andrea and her cousin Victor, both nine years old, spend the summer of 1947 going to summer school in a small town on the Texas-Mexico border and preparing for their First Communion. They see the summer as a last chance for sinning before they have to make their first confession. But their decision to visit the shanties down by the river and steal money from the local shopkeeper has unexpected repercussions. Strong language. 1991. Killer Diller RC 34236 by Clyde Edgerton narrated by Harold Parker 2 cassettes Wesley Benfield, twenty-four, who first appeared in _Walking across Egypt (RC 26187),_ is trying to make sense out of God's plans for his future. Most of the churching he received from Mattie Rigsbee took, but he is still "borrowing" cars, a habit that lands him in a halfway house on the campus of a North Carolina Baptist college. There he falls in love with a woman from Nutrition House and helps a special education student from Project Promise. 1991. That Was Then, This Is Now RC 33966 by S.E. Hinton narrated by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette (Reissue) A novel about two boys who have been best friends since childhood until one sees his girlfriend's younger brother on a bad drug trip and discovers his friend is a pusher. The boy must then decide whether to betray his friend or himself. For junior and senior high readers. 1971. White Peak Farm RC 33564 by Berlie Doherty narrated by Marcia Churchill 1 cassette "We were a house of secrets," says Jeannie, the narrator of this vivid story of relationships, told through a series of short vignettes, each about one family member. Their farm in Britain has been the family's lifeblood for generations and influences all of their lives. The young people are nearly shattered by a father who is stubborn and mean, and cannot understand that his children have dreams of their own. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1984. Wrestling with Honor RC 34164 by David Klass narrated by John Stratton 1 cassette Captain of the wrestling team, Eagle Scout, and A-student, Ron Woods is the straightest guy around. He has never taken drugs, but when the county imposes mandatory drug tests, he believes that his right to privacy is being violated. Reluctantly he submits to the test, but when his result is positive, he refuses to be retested and is kicked off the team. Now, more than ever, he yearns for his father--killed in Vietnam. For high school readers. 1989. Arrogance RC 34675 by Joanna Scott narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes In her fictionalized version of the life of the Viennese artist Egon Schiele (1890-1918), the author introduces a series of women who are the subjects of his paintings or who cater to his needs. She uses the voices of these women and the imagination of this man to symbolize the conflict at the turn of the century between the rising bourgeoisie and the declining aristocratic Austrian empire. Descriptions of sex. 1990. A Beggar in Jerusalem RC 35751 by Elie Wiesel narrated by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes (Reissue) David is with the crowd loitering at the Wall in the Old City. As he waits for his friend, he denies to himself that Katriel probably will not return from the Six-Day War. He expects to find Katriel's wife at the Wall too. An Auschwitz survivor, David begins to ponder deeper questions in this odyssey--questions about suffering, fear, war, life, and death. But the question tormenting him most concerns victory, which he defines as the ability to erase memories. 1970. Bride of the Morning Star RC 34226 by Don Coldsmith narrated by David Palmer 1 cassette Since his capture in the prequel _Return of the Spanish (RC 33712)_, Bear Paws has been living as a Pawnee and has happily married into the tribe. But when he learns that the Pawnees plan to sacrifice a member of his own People to appease a god, Bear Paws decides to risk his life to rescue the maiden. This is the nineteenth book in The Spanish Bit Saga series, which explores Native American culture by tracing an early family of the People. 1991. Bruegel; or, The Workshop of Dreams RC 34940 by Claude-Henri Rocquet narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes The setting of this historical novel is sixteenth-century Flanders--a scene familiar to the painter Peter Bruegel the Elder. Rocquet, an art historian, reconstructs Bruegel's spiritual and fantasy life, placed in the context of a politically turbulent period. By entering the artist's "workshop of dreams," the author creates a fictional account of Bruegel's creative processes, linking his thoughts to his work. 1991. Burden of Desire RC 35334 by Robert MacNeil narrated by Gordon Gould 4 cassettes Time: World War I. The calm of Halifax Harbor is shattered when a ship carrying ammunition explodes. Peter, a minister, finds Julia's secret diary amidst clothing for people made homeless by the accident, and he shows it to Stewart, a psychologist. Julia is torn between loneliness and a desire to remain faithful to her husband at the front, while Stewart and Peter struggle with conflicting emotions about their developing involvement with Julia. 1992. +California Glory: The Holts; An American Dynasty, Volume 4 RC 33944 by Dana Fuller Ross narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes 1893. Tim Holt has purchased a San Francisco newspaper, hoping to make it a widely read paper again. His hopes hinge on a story about the Pullman railroad car strike. But when he gets involved with Dan Schumann from Chicago, Tim finds that he has endangered his paper and his family--especially the family matriarch. Some strong language. Sequel to _Carolina Courage (RC 33006)_. 1991. The Campaign RC 34424 by Carlos Fuentes narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Bustos, the son of a wealthy nineteenth-century Argentine landowner and an avid reader of Rousseau, is torn between family loyalty and his ideals. When he kidnaps the newborn child of the presiding judge, he falls in love with its mother. His actions ignite a tale of searching--for the child and later for its mother; for repentance and revolution; and for recognition of the importance of time in the pursuit of justice and freedom. 1991. The Captive of Kensington Palace RC 35385 by Jean Plaidy narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 2 cassettes From the time Victoria is a small child, the adults in her life plan for and count on the time when she will become Queen of England. Victoria's life at Kensington Palace, like those of her princess aunts, is protected and dull. As the heirs positioned between Victoria and the throne grow old and die, remaining royalty jostle for a place of importance for themselves or their children in the future queen's court. Some strong language. 1972. Danzig Passage: Zion Covenant, Volume 5 RC 34905 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes Elisa, Leah, and their families have escaped, but there are still thousands of Jews in Germany. As terror spreads across Berlin, Helen and Karl Ibsen are arrested for aiding the Jews, and their children must find a means of getting away. Peter Wallich and his family also flee. Shops, apartments, and churches become stopping places on the way to Danzig. Sequel to _Jerusalem Interlude (RC 34904)_. 1991. Dawn's Early Light: Williamsburg Novels, Volume 1 RC 35473 by Elswyth Thane narrated by Jon Beryl 3 cassettes (Reissue) Julian Day, a shy, young Englishman, arrives in America alone. The colonists, unhappy with the tea tax, dislike the British, and Julian is uncertain of his fate. But luck intervenes, and he becomes a schoolmaster in Williamsburg, and then a major in the Continental Army. Later he marries, but it takes him a while to realize which girl he really loves. Prequel to _Yankee Stranger (RC 35474)_. 1943. Death of the Fox RC 34269 by George Garrett narrated by Andrew Sofer 4 cassettes (Reissue) A fictional portrayal of Sir Walter Raleigh, imprisoned in the Tower of London for thirteen years for crimes against the court of James I. Bestseller 1971. Deep Summer RC 35466 by Gwen Bristow narrated by Janis Gray 3 cassettes (Reissue) In the 1770s, fifteen-year-old Judith Sheramy is traveling to Louisiana with her family when she meets up with Philip Larne. Against her parents' wishes, she marries Philip and moves onto his newly acquired plantation. Her family settles nearby and her brother soon marries a Cuban woman. During the following decades the families are altered by illness and infidelity, but the plantations survive. Some strong language and some violence. 1937. Explosion in a Cathedral RC 34547 by Alejo Carpentier narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes Victor Hugues, the son of a baker in Marseilles, travels frequently to the Caribbean as a cabin boy before he decides to settle there and open a shop in Port-au-Prince. The rebellious spirit that he left behind in France is suddenly rekindled when a band of revolutionary Haitians attacks his shop. Hugues recruits two wealthy orphans, Esteban and Sofia, to his rebel cause, but war and use of the guillotine disillusion Esteban. 1963. A Falling Star RC 33676 by Pamela Belle narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 5 cassettes Silence, now a grandmother, still rules the St. Barbe family living at Wintercombe. A bitter battle for Wintercombe rages between grandchildren Alex and Charles. Alex is also trying to win the heart of Louise, whom Charles loves. Charles vows revenge and gets his chance when the Duke of Monmouth, a Protestant, attempts to overthrow King James II, a Catholic. Again Wintercombe is at risk. Sequel to _Herald of Joy (RC 33675)_. 1990. Fortune Is a Woman RC 35404 by Elizabeth Adler narrated by Catherine Byers 3 cassettes Francie Harrison's father wants a son, so she is rejected at birth, and at eighteen she sets out on her own. Annie Aysgarth has become mother to her young brother and servant to her father. In San Francisco shortly after the 1906 earthquake, Francie's and Annie's paths cross with that of Lai Tsin, a Chinese mandarin. Together they build a friendship and a strong, successful business alliance. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. +The Grass Crown RC 33912 by Colleen McCullough narrated by Chuck Benson 8 cassettes Continues the story of Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla begun in _The First Man in Rome (RC 32043)_. In the first century B.C.E., Roman consul Marius seeks to fulfill the prophecy that says he will be consul seven times. His former friend, Sulla, battles Marius for control amid conspiracy, assassinations, and civil war. Violence. Bestseller 1991. +Hawaii Heritage: The Holts; An American Dynasty, Volume 5 RC 34033 by Dana Fuller Ross narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Sam Brentwood, arrested for aiding the overthrown queen, suffers in prison while Annie struggles with their sugarcane plantation. His young sister Eden runs away to be with aspiring filmmaker Mike Holt in New York, where Dr. Janessa Holt Lawrence is helping Ellis Island immigrants. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Sequel to _California Glory (RC 33944)_. 1991. In the Fire of Spring RC 35301 by Thomas Tryon narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 6 cassettes Slavery continues to divide the Grimeses and the Talcotts in New England's Pequot Landing. Trouble begins when Appleton Talcott comes home with a young runaway slave girl, causing the establishment of a free school. Further trouble erupts when Sinjin Grimes arrives after a long absence and the now-widowed Aurora Sheffield returns with a secret. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. Sequel to _The Wings of the Morning (RC 33825)_. 1992. In the Shadow of the Crown RC 34927 by Jean Plaidy narrated by Jill Tanner 4 cassettes Born in 1516, Mary Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII, spent most of her life in the shadow of the crown. When her father divorced her mother and became a Protestant, he changed the course of history as well as Mary's position as heir. In 1553 Mary, still a devout Catholic, became queen. She died in 1558, saddened to know that her half-sister Elizabeth, a Protestant, would succeed her. The Queens of England series. 1988. Jerusalem Interlude: Zion Covenant, Volume 4 RC 34904 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes Elisa and John Murphy now reside in London where Elisa plays violin with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Charles and Louis are with them and will soon be adopted as their own. Leah and Shimon Feldstein have settled in Jerusalem--for them the Promised Land. But all is not as they had hoped and dreamed, because the struggle continues for a homeland for the Jews. Sequel to _Munich Signature (RC 34903)_. 1990. The Kingdom of This World RC 34532 by Alejo Carpentier narrated by George Backman 1 cassette Ti-Noel, a slave, narrates the violence he witnesses during the regime of King Henri-Christophe. Actual events are blended with superstitious beliefs and miraculous happenings. 1957. The Last Innocent Hour RC 35082 by Margot Abbott narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes After World War II, American photo analyst Sally Jackson goes to Berlin for a special project. Daughter of the prewar U.S. ambassador to Berlin, Sally had experienced the beginnings of Nazism and had married a childhood friend--naively ignoring his SS uniform. Now she must determine if her missing ex-husband is responsible for war crimes. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Living RC 35193 by Annie Dillard narrated by Janis Gray 4 cassettes Hardy men and women carve a place for themselves out of the wilderness of northwest Washington during the last years of the nineteenth century. A large cast includes indigenous Nooksack Indians who are farmers and fishermen, Chinese laborers who help build the railroads, a hermit who lives in a hollowed-out tree, and pioneers who prevail through wet, gloomy winters and fruitful summers. Violence. Bestseller 1992. Maria RC 34119 by Eugenia Price narrated by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes (Reissue) Historical tale of a valiant eighteenth-century American midwife who is widowed three times. She becomes a respected landowner and a woman of means, and she rediscovers her religious faith. 1977. The Marquis of Bolibar RC 34489 by Leo Perutz narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes First published in 1920, this novel is set in Spain during the winter of 1812. A town is occupied by German troops from Napoleon's army and surrounded by Spanish guerrillas under British leadership. The marquis, who has years of experience in such matters, offers to help the guerrillas retake the town. No one is prepared for this elderly nobleman's disguise as he quietly takes advantage of the Germans' susceptibility to evil. 1960. The Masked Man RC 35591 by P.C. Doherty narrated by Chuck Benson 1 cassette A man arrested near Dieppe in 1669 was imprisoned for thirty-four years, until his execution at the Bastille in 1703. Because he always wore a mask, he was known in legend as the "Man in the Iron Mask." Ralph Croft, who is imprisoned at the Bastille, is granted a pardon and the task of identifying the masked man. But his life is on the line when he makes a surprising discovery about the man's true identity. Strong language and violence. 1991. Mendelssohn Is on the Roof RC 35392 by Jiri Weil narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes First published in 1960. When the Nazis order the removal of Mendelssohn's statue from the roof of Prague's concert hall, an SS officer cannot identify the Jewish composer. As workmen prepare to topple the figure with the largest nose, the officer suddenly realizes that it is of Wagner, an idol of the Reich. This mistake demonstrates the horror of simple decisions that destroyed innocent people during the Holocaust. Some violence and strong language. 1991. Munich Signature: Zion Covenant, Volume 3 RC 34903 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes Elisa, Leah, Charles, and Louis face more dangers as they flee Austria. Leah and Louis walk across the Alps. Elisa, Murphy, and Charles flee to London to begin the long journey to America and the hope of surgery for Charles's disfigured face. But Elisa misses the boat and is left behind in London where she becomes a pawn in a perilous game. Sequel to _Prague Counterpoint (RC 34902)_. 1990. +My Sister the Moon RC 34011 by Sue Harrison narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes This sequel to _Mother Earth, Father Sky (RC 31959)_ focuses on the two sons of Chagak and her husband Kayugh and on Kiin, the girl-child of Gray Bird. Gray Bird had let Kiin live only because Kayugh promised to marry her to one of his sons. Now sixteen, Kiin, often abused by her father, is ready to be wed. But she is intended for one son and in love with the other. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Nationalists: The Australians, Volume 11 RC 35500 by William Stuart Long narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes In the 1890s, a generation of Australians now call themselves natives. They work together for the common goal of a united land, led by Java Gordon, daughter of Jessica Broome; Tolo Mason, heir to a fortune and defender of the aborigines; and Sabina Caldwell, who has the courage to stand up for justice. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. Sequel to _The Seafarers (RC 29596)_. 1989. Pacific Street RC 35325 by Cecelia Holland narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes In 1850 escaped slave Frances and peasant girl Daisy travel to San Francisco to make their fortunes. Using beautiful Daisy as her drawing card, shrewd Frances and a crew of minorities set up a saloon called the Shining Light. Although the town seems to grow more and more civilized, political secrets and love affairs gone wrong threaten to destroy the women's new lives. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Painted Bird RC 34922 by Jerzy Kosinski narrated by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes A Polish couple send their small son to a distant foster home for safety when World War II begins. Their arrangements are soon shattered, leaving the child to wander alone from village to village throughout the war. During his contact with peasants, he is exposed to physical and mental cruelty. While the author denies any autobiographical connection with this story, his early life closely resembles it. Violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1965. The Palace of Wisdom RC 35060 by Bob Marshall-Andrews narrated by George Holmes 3 cassettes Florence in the late seventeenth century suffered the Inquisition's persecution of heretics and scholars. Now nearing eighty, Frederico Credi looks back more than sixty years to that time when he and a band of conspirators (a dwarf, a giant, a monk, a scholar, and an actress) were part of the movement to save the Medici Library from destruction. Strong language. 1989. Pale Star RC 35075 by Don Coldsmith narrated by David Palmer 1 cassette Pale Star, Juan Garcia's great-great-grandaughter, is born in a dark year for "the People." Starvation has forced the band into the forests to hunt for food. Kidnapped and sold into slavery, Pale Star is carried far away to the land of the Big Water. There she learns the link between her captor's knife and her people's magic medicine--the Spanish Bit. Book nine of the Spanish Bit Saga. Sequel to _The Sacred Hills (RC 23616)_. Prequel to _River of Swans (RC 31391)_. 1986. The Pilgrim of Hate RC 35130 by Ellis Peters narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes In twelfth-century England, many pilgrims come to the abbey in Shrewsbury. Among those seeking help from Brother Cadfael at his herbarium are Ciaran, a young man with severe wounds who is returning to Wales to end his days where he began them, and Matthew, who accompanies Ciaran each step of the way. But Brother Cadfael surmises it is more than commitment that links them. 1984. Prague Counterpoint: Zion Covenant, Volume 2 RC 34902 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes Elisa Lindheim, back in her beloved Austria, cannot stand idly watching as Hitler's troops take over Vienna. She has to consider the safety of two five-year-olds, Charles and Louis, who have been placed in her care to be smuggled out of the country. If only John Murphy (the man she paid to marry her) were there to help! Sequel to _Vienna Prelude (RC 34901)_. 1989. The Queen and Lord M RC 35706 by Jean Plaidy narrated by Jill Tanner 2 cassettes In the sequel to _The Captive of Kensington Palace (RC 35385)_, eighteen-year-old Victoria, newly crowned queen of England, is at last free from her domineering mother's rule. The queen quickly forms a deep friendship with her prime minister, Lord Melbourne, and virtually ignores her mother. Reluctant to alter her new, enjoyable life-style, Victoria is wary of the marriage her uncle is arranging for her--until she meets Prince Albert. 1973. Quest for the White Bull RC 33748 by Don Coldsmith narrated by David Palmer 1 cassette In the seventeenth Spanish Bit Saga book, Coldsmith continues his chronicle of a Native-American tribe. In 1710 odd weather conditions have altered the buffalo grazing patterns, causing a hardship for the tribe. Medicine man Red Horse sets out on a quest to find the vanished herd and joins forces with another tribe's medicine man, who is also being guided to the buffalo by a vision. Sequel to _Fort de Chastaigne (RC 32345)_. 1990. The Reluctant Queen: The Story of Anne of York RC 35716 by Jean Plaidy narrated by Jill Tanner 3 cassettes When Anne Neville first met Richard of York they were both children. Her father was the powerful Earl of Warwick, who had crowned Richard's brother Edward king of England. But Edward's new wife's family wants the Neville power, and Warwick turns to the Lancastrian cause, with Anne a pawn in the plot. Events reunite Anne and Richard, who have no idea that Richard is in line for the throne. Some violence. 1990. +Russka: The Novel of Russia RC 33039 by Edward Rutherfurd narrated by Bruce Huntey 7 cassettes in 2 containers Beginning in A.D. 180 and continuing to 1945, Rutherfurd focuses on four families and the changing fortunes of the small town of Russka. As these family groups advance from one century to the next, they emerge as Tatars, cossacks, and tsars, and later as Socialists, Bolsheviks, and Marxists--moving through the eras of Ivan the Terrible, Catherine the Great, and Stalin. Bestseller 1991. Sacred Hunger RC 35725 by Barry Unsworth narrated by Patrick Horgan 5 cassettes A tale of the mid-eighteenth-century slave trade. In 1752, William Kemp has a cargo ship built to transport slaves from Africa to the West Indies. Shipboard life is terrifying. The ship is becalmed, the crew and slaves sicken and die, the ship's doctor leads a mutiny, and the remaining crew and slaves find shelter on the uninhabited coast of Florida. Some violence. Booker Prize 1992. Sarah Canary RC 35736 by Karen Joy Fowler narrated by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes Washington Territory, 1873. Chin, a Chinese man, is working on a railroad building crew when he discovers a wild, homely white woman. Convinced she must be insane, Chin escorts her to a nearby asylum but, consumed with guilt, rescues her soon afterwards. Keeping the elusive Sarah Canary out of trouble proves difficult, even with the help of her fellow escaped inmate B.J. and suffragette Adelaide Dixon. Some violence and some strong language. 1991. Season of the Sun RC 34721 by Catherine Coulter narrated by Jill Tanner 3 cassettes Viking Magnus Haraldsson had married at seventeen. Now a widower with an eight-year-old son, Egill, Magnus feels he has no need of a wife--until he meets Zarabeth, a red-headed Irish belle with a wicked stepfather. Zarabeth is happy with Magnus and believes she can trust him with her life and that of her sister, Lotti. But the only way they can be together is for Zarabeth to become Magnus's slave. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Shadow Catcher RC 34653 by Charles Fergus narrated by Richard Hauenstein 2 cassettes On a 1913 expedition as an Indian agent's stenographer, Ansel Fry uses a hidden camera to take candid photographs of Native Americans. His pictures differ greatly from the image promoted by the Indian Bureau and cause a stir when he publishes them anonymously. Along the way, Fry's boss meets up with his adopted Native American daughter and reminisces about his experiences. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Signore: Shogun of the Warring States RC 34453 by Kunio Tsuji narrated by Ed Blake 2 cassettes In the sixteenth century, a nameless Italian soldier murders his wife and her lover and takes to the sea. Several voyages later, aboard a Spanish vessel, he lands in Japan. There he joins the Jesuit missionaries and the Signore, a warlord, in an effort to overthrow a Buddhist colony. After years of witnessing slaughter, the Jesuits build a Christian church as a symbol of rational thinking and peace. 1989. Spartacus RC 34793 by Howard Fast narrated by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes Spartacus, a bold Thracian, incites his fellow slaves and gladiators to flee and form a renegade army. As the revolt spreads, the rebellious throng almost succeeds in its attempt to overthrow its cruel Roman masters. This story of Spartacus and his beloved Varinia was the subject of an epic film. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 1951. The Street RC 35376 by Israel Rabon narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes First published in Poland in 1928, this novel depicts Eastern European Jewish life after World War I. A young soldier who is released from the army casts about homeless and alone in a strange town. He eventually finds a job reading the titles on the movie screen aloud for illiterate townspeople. The author, who published one other novel and two volumes of poetry, was a victim of the Nazis in World War II. Strong language and violence. 1985. Sugar Street: The Cairo Trilogy, Volume 3 RC 34728 by Naguib Mahfouz narrated by Gordon Gould 3 cassettes The family of the aged Egyptian patriarch, al-Sayyid Ahmad, makes way for the third generation. One grandson abandons his Muslim heritage for fundamentalism, another becomes a Communist, and a third uses his homosexual relationship with a ranking politician to advance in the civil service. Sequel to _Palace of Desire (RC 32790)_. Some strong language. 1992. The Summer of the Danes RC 35131 by Ellis Peters narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes All is quiet during the summer of 1144. Too quiet, perhaps, for part-time sleuth Brother Cadfael of the Benedictine Abbey, who welcomes a diplomatic mission taking him to his native Wales. Soon, however, he is embroiled in a dispute between warring brother princes, one of whom engages an army of Danes to help settle the feud. When Cadfael and his companions are captured, it appears that not even the need to solve a murder will gain their release. 1991. The Summer of the Royal Visit RC 35229 by Isabel Colegate narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes In the summer of 1876, the drama of life in a small city, not unlike Bath, is played out against the backdrop of preparations for Queen Victoria's visit. A contest to design a new hotel, in hope of restoring the city's tourist trade, is juxtaposed with the passions of city inhabitants such as Stephen Collingwood, the local curate who falls in love with a young wife and mother, and Caspar Freeling and Madame Sofia, who are involved in mysterious activities. 1991. This Earth of Mankind RC 35356 by Pramoedya Ananta Toer narrated by Patrick Horgan 3 cassettes In 1898, Java is a race- and caste-dominated Netherlands Indies society. Minke, a Javanese student at a Dutch high school, falls in love with mixed-blood Annelies. He is enthralled with her family's story: her belligerent father; her concubine mother, who runs the family business; and her resentful brother and step-brother. Eventually the unrest in both the land and the family wreak havoc on Minke's own life. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. Trust and Treason RC 34476 by Margaret Birkhead narrated by Patricia Kilgarriff 4 cassettes In England at the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth I, the heirs of Sir Herbert Woodfall are occupied with family concerns at their grand estate, Highwoods. Robert, the grandson of Sir Herbert, is kidnapped and raised in the royal household. But when he goes to Highwoods to investigate rumors of treason, he learns of his heritage and falls in love with his cousin. Now he must choose among his country, his family, and himself. Some violence. 1989. Vienna Prelude: Zion Covenant, Volume 1 RC 34901 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes London 1972. A violin student with extraordinary talent, but little money, finds just the right instrument, whose origin is a mystery. The tale reverts to 1936 Prague where Elisa Lindheim, using the name of Linder to conceal her Jewish heritage, is playing with the Vienna Symphony. However, she will soon return to Austria and a web of danger and intrigue. Prequel to _Prague Counterpoint (RC 34902)_. 1989. The Walled Orchard RC 34491 by Tom Holt narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes In this sequel to _Goatsong (RC 32186)_, Eupolis, a cynical Athenian citizen, continues his history of his times--the fifth century B.C. He describes the martial expedition against Syracuse, the lack of necessary manpower to win, taking shelter within the walled orchard, his escape, and his return to Athens, where he is accused of treason. Once acquitted, he writes his final play, _The Demes_--a satire on Athens. Some violence. 1990. Warsaw Requiem: Zion Covenant, Volume 6 RC 34906 by Bodie Thoene narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes For those who made it to Danzig, there are still many miles to go before they reach safety. The Ibsen children await passage to England, and Peter Wallich travels on to Warsaw. But they cannot escape the constant bombing from Hitler's planes. Their only hope is Elisa Murphy's violin case, brought to Warsaw by her husband and containing passports hidden in a concealed compartment. Sequel to _Danzig Passage (RC 34905)_. 1991. A Woman Alone RC 34840 by Malcolm Macdonald narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 3 cassettes In nineteenth-century Cornwall, young, pretty Roseanne Kitto's staid life is disrupted when Stephen Morvah, a squire's son, takes an interest in her. Stephen's parents forbid the relationship, but the incident sends Roseanne's long-time beau, Mark Bodilly, into another's arms. Meanwhile, Roseanne adopts a young orphan, makes new friends, and narrowly escapes death. Sequel to _An Innocent Woman (RC 32670)_. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1990. Women of the Silk RC 35524 by Gail Tsukiyama narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Pei, a young girl from a poor Chinese family, is sent to live in a boardinghouse and work in a silk factory. She develops close relationships with other girls in similar circumstances. As the young sisterhood gains a certain independence, they organize a union and go on strike. Pei passes from a serf-like condition, common to poor women in China prior to World War II, to become a self-reliant, liberated feminist. 1991. Human Relationships The Accident RC 34562 by David Plante narrated by John Horton 1 cassette A young French-Canadian studying at a Catholic university in Belgium has lost faith, believing that religion should "knock you to the ground...and make you believe whether you want to or not." He is irritated by the contentment of his pious Irish-American companion, a fellow scholar, who appreciates the option to choose to believe. An automobile accident proves to be the turning point for more than one soul. 1991. +Acts of Faith RC 34023 by Erich Segal narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Daniel and Deborah Luria grew up with Timothy Hogan in Brooklyn. Daniel endured the regimen forced upon him by his father, a rabbi. Deborah rebelled against Jewish customs that made her subservient to males. Timothy, who knew neither of his parents, planned to become a priest. As their destinies bring them together time and time again, each is forced to choose between faith and renunciation. Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Alone RC 35498 by David Small narrated by Fred Major 3 cassettes When he learns that his estranged teenaged son has set himself on fire, Earl searches his own life for contributing factors. Earl is the child of an abusive, alcoholic father and a depressed mother, and his personal life has been a series of disappointments. After Earl's marriage ended because his hot-headed Italian wife discovered his one infidelity, Earl sabotaged his one successful relationship. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. +At Weddings and Wakes RC 35873 by Alice McDermott narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes On their twice-weekly visits to their relatives' New York brownstone, two young girls and their brother witness the rituals of their Irish-Catholic extended family. They hear stories of their mother's three sisters and stepmother, Momma, as well as those about their dead grandparents. Then, after they watch their Aunt May, the ex-nun, fall in love and marry the mailman, the children must come to grips with her untimely death. 1992. Beyond Deserving RC 34729 by Sandra Scofield narrated by Janet Kirker 3 cassettes A decade in the lives of twin brothers Fish and Michael is sketchily described by their wives. Vietnam veteran Fish and his wife Katie float in and out of a dysfunctional relationship while Katie's mother raises their child. Dependable high school teacher Michael and therapist Ursula deal with their troubled kids and the twins' parents. The brothers' forty-fifth birthday is a family turning point. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Bittersweet Country RC 34428 by Elaine Long narrated by Mara Swanson 3 cassettes Even when she goes away to college, Gracelyn's life is still controlled by her family, with their plans for business school and sororities. When a crack appears in her family's perfect facade, Gracelyn runs off to marry a Montana sheep farmer. As she adjusts to the isolated rural life and falls in love with her husband, Gracelyn learns to make time for her artistic goals and to come to terms with her past. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Blue Calhoun RC 35264 by Reynolds Price narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Blue Calhoun tells the story of his life to his grieving young granddaughter Lyn, who blames him for the loss of her mother. He begins thirty years ago--the day he fell in love with sixteen-year-old Luna Absher and his life changed forever. Blue describes the effect the brief relationship had upon the other women in his life--his mother, his wife, and his daughter, Lyn's mother. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Blue River RC 34758 by Ethan Canin narrated by Harold Parker 2 cassettes Ophthalmologist Edward's past resurfaces when his brother Lawrence appears on his doorstep after a long absence. As usual, Lawrence is in some kind of trouble, and Edward doesn't want any part of it. However, as memories from their shared childhood come flooding back, Edward realizes that each brother needs the other's forgiveness. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Body Snatcher RC 35268 by Juan Carlos Onetti narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes First published in 1964. Larsen, known as Body Snatcher, tries to set up the "perfect brothel" in Santa Maria. A legal permit is issued, but then the townspeople object. At the same time, crazed Julita starts an affair with her late husband's younger brother. Each story revolves around a tragicomic attempt to preserve ideals, but circumstances prevent such dreams from coming true. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Brief Lives RC 33551 by Anita Brookner narrated by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes Margaret Julia Wilberforce has died. Fay Dodworth Langdon read it in the paper this morning. Strange how they never really liked each other. Yet they had kept up a sort of friendship for nearly forty years because their husbands were partners in a law firm. As Fay reflects over those years, we learn about the separate lives of Fay and Owen Langdon, and Julia and Charlie Morton, and of their intertwined lives. 1990. Buster Midnight's Cafe RC 32945 by Sandra Dallas narrated by Marietta Benevento 2 cassettes If you want to know about Butte, Montana, go to the Jim Hill Cafe on Silver Street and talk to Effa Commander and Whippy Bird. You see, they were part of the Unholy Three--the other being May Anna, known to millions of movie fans as Marion Street. It is Effa who tells of the friendship that lasted more than fifty years and who finally puts pen to paper to relate the truth behind Marion's romance with Buster that landed him in jail. 1990. Chapters and Verse RC 34563 by Joel Barr narrated by John Stratton 1 cassette E Baker, now in her sixties, has owned Chapters and Verse for about twenty years and wants to retire. Luckily Matthew Mason, a new resident of Tangelo, Florida, has decided that selling ties is not for him and is easily convinced to buy the bookstore. As Baker travels the world searching for material for the book she plans to write, she sends letters to Mason that offer advice and paint a picture of a small southern town and its residents. 1990. Chloe and Olivia RC 34924 by Bell Gale Chevigny narrated by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Chloe and Olivia meet in 1961 when they are graduate students studying in Rome. Their friendship endures for the next fifteen years. Olivia marries her artist boyfriend, moves to Arizona, and has a child, while Chloe teaches in New York and becomes a social activist. Although uneasy with each other's choices and separated by a continent, their bond is kept alive through sporadic visits and calls. 1990. Closing Arguments RC 35085 by Frederick Busch narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes After twenty years, attorney Mark Brennan is still haunted by his experiences as a soldier and prisoner in Vietnam. His marriage is sexless and his relationships with his two children are faltering. When Mark takes on a pro bono murder case he is drawn into a dangerous affair with his client, a sadomasochistic woman whose sex partner died during "love-making." Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Cloudstreet RC 35724 by Tim Winton narrated by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes In Australia, the Pickleses and the Lambs are thrown together at a time when both families are down on their luck. Sam Pickles's income has dried up because he lost the fingers of one hand. He's inherited a huge old house but can't sell it for twenty years. The large Lamb family, reeling over the accident that left one son retarded, rent half of the house for the twenty years. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Cowboys Are My Weakness: Stories RC 35065 by Pam Houston narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 1 cassette The women in Houston's stories examine their desires for and their relationships with modern day "cowboys." In the title story, a New Jersey woman fantasizes about living with a true cowboy but finds, instead, a capitalist with a horse. In "For Bo," a woman defies her mother's plans by marrying a tattooed man who adores his dogs and weekends in bed. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Crossover RC 35159 by Dennis A. Williams narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes Richard Isaac enters an Ivy League school in 1969 alienated by his blackness, his white girlfriend Cheryl, and his studiousness. His fellow black students, who are fighting for their rights, demand loyalty from the politically naive Richard. Meanwhile, Richard's single, overprotective mother doesn't approve of his involvement with either the black radicals or Cheryl. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. A Dream of Kings RC 35128 by Harry Mark Petrakis narrated by Noah Siegel 1 cassette (Reissue) Leonidas Matsoukas operates a counseling service to support his wife, his two daughters, and his retarded son. An affair with a widow, a futile attempt at cheating in gambling, and several relapses in his son's health find Matsoukas and his son leaving America for his native Greece. Prequel to _Ghost of the Sun (RC 35129)_. Descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1966. Dreaming in Cuban RC 35414 by Cristina Garcia narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Staunch Castro supporter Celia del Pino dreams of a long-lost lover and laments that her daughter Lourdes's immigration to New York has separated Celia from her granddaughter Pilar. Meanwhile, Lourdes struggles with her father's death and a lack of respect from adult, punk artist Pilar. After the breakdown and death of Celia's other daughter, the three women reunite in Cuba. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Forgotten RC 35739 by Elie Wiesel narrated by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes Elhanan Rosenbaum has Alzheimer's disease and wants to bequeath his important memories to his son while he can still recall them. He tells Malkiel about his own father's martyrdom, army life, and his love for Talia, who died at Malkiel's birth. But Elhanan, a Holocaust survivor, is haunted by a crime in a Romanian village, a crime that sends Malkiel on a search for the truth. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Forms of Shelter RC 34382 by Angela Davis-Gardner narrated by Pam Ward 2 cassettes When Beryl is five, her father abandons her, her brother, and her depressed mother, Beatrice. Beatrice marries Jack, a wealthy professor who is eager to adopt and nurture the family. Beryl, desperately believing her father will return for her, is reluctant to give in to Jack's bids for friendship. When she is finally reconciled with the substitution, teenaged Beryl is once again betrayed. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Fortunate Lives RC 35156 by Robb Forman Dew narrated by Janet Kirker 2 cassettes Forty-year-old Dinah Howells prepares herself for her son David's impending move to college, but her family continues to try to come to terms with the death of the middle child, Toby, five years earlier. During this last summer together for the Howellses, thirtyish and intense Netta Breckenridge captures the attention of both father and son, and of Owen, the youth responsible for Toby's death. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. The Funeral Makers RC 35095 by Cathie Pelletier narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes The current inhabitants of the village of Mattagash, Maine, are all related to some extent, but the McKinnon family has always ruled the town. In 1959, the remaining McKinnons prepare for the funeral of old Marge McKinnon, who is dying of beriberi brought on by a thirty-year diet of rice and tea. First of a farcical series set in Mattagash. Explicit descriptions of sex. Prequel to _Once upon a Time on the Banks (RC 31320)_. 1986. Ghost of the Sun RC 35129 by Harry Mark Petrakis narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes In 1974 Matsoukas returns to Chicago after eight years in Greece, where his son died and he spent five tormented years in prison. His old neighborhood is changed, his wife has remarried, his daughters are grown, and his former torturer lives close by. But Matsoukas finds a ray of hope as he befriends a young unmarried woman with a baby boy. Sequel to _A Dream of Kings (RC 35128)_. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1990. Harmony RC 35305 by Susan Taylor Chehak narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Clodine Wheeler tells about her marriage's undoing in the small town of Harmony. She thinks it all began when the wife and baby of a death-row convict moved into the cabin next to the Wheelers. Lilly Duke's grim story fascinates Clodine, who secretly endures her own ongoing tragedy at the hands of her abusive husband, Galen. As the three get acquainted, their dysfunctional pasts lead them toward disaster. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Hourglass RC 34165 by Danilo Kis narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes Confused and hurt by recent events in his life, a Hungarian Jew writes a scathing letter to his sister. This biographical novel is based on that letter, written by the author's father in 1942, and uses journal entries and interrogation to fill in between the lines. Although the man's complaints center around his mistreatment by relatives and the reduction of his railway pension, the real horror he faces is the extermination of Jews. 1990. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents RC 34544 by Julia Alvarez narrated by Janet Kirker 2 cassettes The four Garcia girls and their parents escape the secret police in the Dominican Republic by moving to the United States. Vignettes from different family members' perspectives illustrate the culture shock they experience when they trade their pampered lifestyle for their new status as immigrants. The daughters become very Americanized, much to their Papi's disapproval. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1991. I Am the Clay RC 35720 by Chaim Potok narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes An elderly peasant couple is fleeing the Communists during the Korean War when they encounter a wounded orphan boy lying in a ditch. The old man is angry, but his wife refuses to abandon the boy, and so together the trio makes its way from Seoul to a refugee camp. They experience the terrors of war and the struggle to stay alive, but they also develop a surprising closeness, based partly on the couple's belief that the boy has magical powers. 1992. I'll Be There RC 34356 by Iris Rainer Dart narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes The story of singer-actress Cee Cee Bloom and her best friend Bertie, told in _Beaches (RC 25015)_, continues even after Bertie's death. Loud-mouthed, fun-loving Cee Cee is now guardian of Bertie's quiet, proper, eight-year-old daughter Nina and unsure of her parenting skills. Flashbacks cover the seven years since Bertie's death and reveal the rocky but loving relationship that Cee Cee and Nina develop. Strong language. 1991. Isaac and His Devils RC 34437 by Fernanda Eberstadt narrated by Harold Parker 3 cassettes Teenaged Isaac is near-sighted, overweight, hard of hearing, and brilliant. Isaac's intellectual pursuits are encouraged by his father, who gave up his academic dreams to support his family, and by his high school math teacher, who is falling in love with the awkward youth. College life and a family tragedy force Isaac to face the differences and similarities between his father's life and his own. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Jernigan RC 34595 by David Gates narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Jernigan's life seems one big downward spiral of late. After his father dies in a fire, Jernigan's wife is killed in a bizarre car accident. Left with a dead-end job and an adolescent son, he struggles to maintain a humorous facade of normalcy. This soon crumbles when the tangled lives of his son's girlfriend and her mother drive Jernigan further into alcohol and despair. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Jewel RC 34438 by Bret Lott narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes At thirty-nine Jewel Hilburn, a poor Mississippi woman, gives birth to her sixth child, Brenda Kay. When Brenda Kay fails to develop normally, Jewel learns from a doctor that her baby has Down's syndrome and a life expectancy of two years. The story of Jewel's fight to give her child a comfortable life is interspersed with scenes from her own difficult childhood. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Katie Mulholland RC 34861 by Catherine Cookson narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 4 cassettes (Reissue) A story of revenge and love, set in Victorian England. Katie is sixteen years old and working as a scullery maid for the Rosier family when she is raped by the son, Bernard, on the night of his engagement. From that time on, Katie carries within her a never-ending fear. Even when, with the love and help of a Norwegian sea captain, she becomes rich and powerful, the dread instilled in her by Rosier returns to threaten her time and time again. Violence. 1967. The Kindness of Women RC 34536 by J.G. Ballard narrated by Patrick Horgan 2 cassettes This autobiographical novel begins by reviewing its prequel, _Empire of the Sun (RC 22409)_, in which the young British protagonist is interned in a Japanese prison camp in wartime Shanghai. Returning to England, Jim tries medical school, the Royal Air Force as a pilot, and idyllic family life. In the 1960s a sudden tragedy propels him into experimentation with drugs, art, and sex. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Leaving Cold Sassy: The Unfinished Sequel to _Cold Sassy Tree_; with a Reminiscence by Katrina Kenison RC 35783 by Olive Ann Burns and Katrina Kenison narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes 1917. Will Tweedy, twenty-five, thinks of marrying Sanna Klein, a local teacher, in this sequel to _Cold Sassy Tree (RD 23090)_. Unfortunately, Burns died before finishing her account of their life together. Editor Kenison reminisces about time she spent with Burns and recalls Burns's plans for ending the story. 1992. Leaving Losapas RC 34278 by Roland Merullo narrated by Gary Telles 2 cassettes Trying to forget physical and emotional scars left by the Vietnam War, Leo Markin spends seven years on the small Pacific island of Losapas. When an American visitor appears on Losapas, Markin leaves his paradise and circle of friends and is drawn back to his Massachusetts hometown to confront his old life and loved ones. Some strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Lies Boys Tell RC 34220 by Lamar Herrin narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Dying of lung cancer, Ed wires his estranged son Larry, who has been on the run since his antiwar days. Ed wants Larry to help him die in the house and the bed he was born in. Without telling Ed's wife or his other son, the two set off on their journey, picking up Larry's ex-wife and son on the way. The family members reconcile their differences as they make their way back to Chumleyville, Alabama. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Lost and Found RC 34778 by Marilyn Harris narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes When she is sent away from home by her cruel father, Martha Drusso takes a job with the Salvation Army and unofficially "adopts" two children, R.C. and Belle. Tragically, R.C. accidentally puts three-year-old Belle on the wrong train, and she disappears from their lives. While Martha and R.C. spend the next three decades searching for her, beautiful, innocent Belle experiences one heartache after another. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Lost Father RC 34742 by Mona Simpson narrated by Barbara Caruso 4 cassettes Ann Stevenson, the twelve-year-old girl from _Anywhere but Here (RC 25479)_, is now a medical student in her late twenties who goes by her given name, Mayan Atassi. Her search for her elusive Egyptian father, whom Mayan met briefly a couple of times as a child, escalates from calling information operators to hiring a detective. As the search becomes an obsession, Mayan abandons her studies, friends, and health. Some descriptions of sex. 1991. Making History RC 35079 by Carolyn See narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes Los Angeles financier Jerry Bridges dreams of creating an Oriental island paradise for his family: his wife, Wynn; their children, Josh and Tina; and his stepdaughter, Whitney. But as Jerry becomes more successful in arranging business deals, his relationship with his loved ones begins to disintegrate--a situation made acute by a series of accidents. Some descriptions of sex, some strong language, and violence. 1991. The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez RC 34418 by John Rechy narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes As Amalia's Saturday begins, she sees a silver cross in the sky. The forty-something Mexican-American woman spends the rest of her day pondering the significance of this sign and reflecting on her troubled past. By the end of her "miraculous" day, Amalia's relationships with her live-in lover and her two teenagers change as she confronts their problems. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. My Father, His Son RC 34471 by Reidar Jonsson narrated by Steven Crossley 2 cassettes The adventures of Ingemar Johansson, which began in _My Life as a Dog (RC 32748)_, continue as the young Swede goes to sea searching for his absent father. The tale is interspersed with episodes of thirty-year-old Ingemar's struggle to make sense of his failing marriage to strident feminist Louise and his role as father to his son Jonas. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1988. My Sister Clare RC 34723 by Sara Hylton narrated by Yolande Bavan 4 cassettes Eve Meredith, born in India where her father is an army officer, visits Wales for the first time in 1920 when she is six. Her sisters Clare and Aimee remain in England to attend school, and Eve returns to India with her parents. Soon her father is dead and her mother, before long an alcoholic, remarries much too quickly. Eve is trying to cope with her mother's actions when Clare returns, bringing even more scandal. 1988. 1959 RC 35111 by Thulani Davis narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes In 1959, Turner, Virginia, is still segregated and has a dual school system. Twelve-year-old Willie Tarrant, living with her brother and her widowed college-professor father, is just beginning to experiment with kissing, makeup, and grown-up clothes when proposed school integration and a sit-in at the Woolworth's "whites only" lunch counter change the town forever. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. +Outer Banks RC 33919 by Anne Rivers Siddons narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Cecie, Fig, Ginger, and Kate reunite at Ginger's cottage on North Carolina's Outer Banks for the first time in twenty-eight years. Kate has withdrawn from friends and family as she faces cancer, but she attends the reunion at her husband's insistence. As the women reminisce, and Paul--Kate's old love--shows up, Kate comes to grips with her past. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. The Piranhas RC 34262 by Harold Robbins narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes As a young man, Jed Stevens had gone to South America with his Uncle Rocco's son, Angelo, on the pretext of buying emeralds, only to discover that Angelo had other plans. Angelo's death from a piranha attack embroils Jed in the international drug trade. Before long, Jed is caught up in a struggle with piranhas of another sort and faces a conflict between loyalties to his family and to himself. Strong language. 1991. Private Acts RC 35488 by Linda Gray Sexton narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes In 1986 a group of yuppie Wall Street friends and acquaintances begin a downward spiral of rifts and betrayals. Maggie and Sy's marriage begins to crumble as Sy spends more time on the road and Maggie resents giving up her career to face parenting alone. When their close friends Alexis and Nicolas split up, Alexis's career and love life take off, and Nicolas takes off after Maggie. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1991. Rabbit Redux RC 34888 by John Updike narrated by Bob Askey 3 cassettes (Reissue) In this sequel to _Rabbit, Run (RC 15182)_, it's the summer of 1969, Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom is ten years older, and now it's his wife who is leaving. Harry takes an eighteen-year-old runaway into his home, becoming her lover as well as her father-protector. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1971. The Ragged Way People Fall Out of Love RC 35068 by Elizabeth Cox narrated by Mara Swanson 2 cassettes Forty-two-year-old Molly Hanner's husband tells her one Sunday that he doesn't love her anymore. In the year that follows, the Hanner family searches for methods to cope with the impending divorce. Inspired by a couple who take in stray children and by the sad young man who wanders into her family's lives, Molly resolves that "it's not what we lose, but how we start again." Some violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Rich Rewards RC 33988 by Alice Adams narrated by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Daphne White, forty, jumps at the chance to leave Boston and help her friend Agatha redecorate a house in San Francisco. On her third day there, the name Jean-Paul appears in the paper and causes Daphne to remember the lover who she decides, twenty years later, was her one great love. As she becomes involved in the lives of Agatha and her friends, Daphne cannot forget the fact that Jean-Paul is coming to San Francisco. 1980. Sachiko's Wedding RC 35712 by Clive Collins narrated by Yolande Bavan 2 cassettes It is Sachiko Miura's wedding day--a day which, according to her father, should be the happiest one of her life. But it is not, for Sachiko is marrying Mr. Ueno, a man chosen by her father in accordance with Japanese customs and tradition. As she suffers through the long ceremony, Sachiko recalls her life up to this moment and wishes that Michael, her Irish prince, would come and rescue her. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. +Saint Maybe RC 33907 by Anne Tyler narrated by Harold Parker 3 cassettes Everything comes easily for the attractive, easygoing Bedloe family. When eldest son Danny suddenly marries Lucy, a divorcee with two kids, his family is accepting, glad to see him so happy. But then suspicious events concerning Lucy cause Danny's brother Ian to confront Danny about his wife. Shocked by the results of the confrontation, a guilt-stricken Ian spends the next couple of decades searching for atonement. Bestseller 1991. The Salon in Wurttemberg RC 34730 by Pascal Quignard narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes Charles Chenogne retires to his ancestral home in Wurttemberg to write his memoirs. He has faced many dichotomous situations in his lifetime, beginning with his birth in Germany and his childhood in France. Later he worked as a translator and a musician. Now dreams turn to reality as the memories of his friendship with Florent Seinece and his love affair with Florent's wife, Isabelle, haunt him. Bestseller in France. 1991. Savushun: A Novel about Modern Iran RC 34325 by Simin Daneshvar narrated by Yolande Bavan 3 cassettes Zari, a Persian wife and mother, is the central character in this renowned Iranian novel set during the wartime Allied occupation of Iran. Anxious to lead a peaceful life, Zari is at first quite different from her angry, daring husband. It is only after tragedy strikes her family that Zari lets go of her fear. A detailed look at the Iranian way of life. Some violence. 1990. +Scruples Two RC 34027 by Judith Krantz narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 4 cassettes Billy Ikehorn, owner of Scruples, is trying to find a way to tell her Oscar-winning husband she is pregnant when his unexpected sixteen-year-old daughter, Gigi, shows up. Gigi and Billy quickly develop a lasting friendship and together weather the storms when Billy's marriage crumbles. Sequel to _Scruples (RC 11422)_. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Scum RC 33261 by Isaac Bashevis Singer narrated by Ray Hagen 2 cassettes Max and Rochelle Barabander are living a comfortable life in Argentina when Arturo, their seventeen-year-old son, dies suddenly. Overcome with grief and fearing impotence, Max decides to visit his native Poland in search of healing and stimulation. But he finds little comfort in his old haunts, seduced as he is by women whose moral integrity is as questionable as his own. In the end his fantasies torment him with the knowledge that he is "scum." 1991. The Search RC 34468 by Naguib Mahfouz narrated by Gordon Gould 1 cassette Encouraged by his prostitute mother, Saber leaves Alexandria for Cairo to search for his wealthy father and escape from his sordid environment. There Saber meets two women--Elham, whom he loves and respects, and Karima, who becomes his mistress. Pressured by Karima to kill her husband and command his fortune, Saber succumbs to her scheme. Only then does he realize that he is responsible for making his own choices. By a Nobel Prize winner. 1987. Sent for You Yesterday RC 35708 by John Edgar Wideman narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes Set in Homewood, a black ghetto, the story travels back and forth in time from 1934 to 1970. Doot, the main narrator, provides a frame for the reminiscences of his uncle, Carl French; Carl's best friend, the albino Brother Tate; and Lucy Tate, Carl's mistress and Brother Tate's adopted sister. At the center of all their stories is the tragedy of Albert Wilkes, a gifted piano player shot by the police as he sat at the Tate's piano. Strong language. 1983. Set for Life RC 34760 by Judith Freeman narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes A family tragedy leaves retired carpenter Phil Doucet "set for life" with a newly transplanted heart but wracked with emotional pain. When he encounters defensive sixteen-year-old Louise Matthews, who is on the run from her neo-Nazi parents, both he and the girl are given the opportunity to love again. Some violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Shores of Paradise RC 34404 by Shirley Streshinsky narrated by Jill Ferris 4 cassettes In the late 1800s four children become fast friends in Hawaii--Vicky, a young princess; orphans Martha and the dwarf Liko; and abandoned, tow-headed True. Martha chronicles their adventures, tragedies, and loves, along with island politics, in a journal. True discovers a method of reuniting three of the friends forever on a ranch, and she continues a lifelong love for unavailable Evan. Some violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Slow Poison RC 35496 by Sheila Bosworth narrated by Mara Swanson 2 cassettes As Rory Cade and Johnny Killelea fly home to New Orleans, Rory reflects on their past. By the time they met Johnny in the 1960s, Rory and her two sisters had been shaped by the deaths of both their mother and their stepmother, as well as by the onset of their father's drinking problem. Although Johnny was Rory's boyfriend, circumstances led him to marry each of her sisters. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Something Blue RC 33567 by Ann Hood narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Three women struggle with careers, love, and friendships in New York City. Lucy is an aspiring illustrator supporting herself by giving whirlwind European tours. Her best friend, Julia, invents new identities as she jumps from one lover to another and house-sits a string of apartments. Lucy's college roommate, Katherine, has just joined the two friends after running out on her wedding. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Subterraneans RC 33815 by Jack Kerouac narrated by Christopher Hurt 1 cassette A Beat-generation author portrays the life-style of post-World War II bohemians in San Francisco. Leo Percepied, a dissipated white writer in their midst, is having an affair with Mardou Fox, a younger black woman. But just as Mardou is losing her interest in Leo, he begins to realize that his need for personal fulfillment is not satisfied by writing--he needs love. Some descriptions of sex. 1958. The Sun Maiden RC 35296 by Erika Taylor narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes In search of the father she never knew, J.O. drives her beat-up Gremlin to Los Angeles, moves in with a zany television actress, and gets a waitress job at the Sun Maiden diner. Believing herself a failure as daughter and waitress, J.O. finds solace in friendships with gun- toting Israeli night manager Rafi; rat-toting busboy Andy; and her landlord, Mr. Saul, who is building the car of the future. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Taking the Heat RC 33565 by Eugenia Zukerman narrated by Barbara Rappaport 2 cassettes Nora Waterman, a flutist, gives up her professional life to marry Bernie. When her imperfect marriage is marred by infidelity and then shattered by tragedy, Nora flees back to her musical career and a search for her mother's Jewish roots in Poland. The author is an internationally known flutist. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Tax Inspector RC 34691 by Peter Carey narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes When Maria Takis arrives to question the Catchprices about their taxes, she is caught up in a dysfunctional family whose lives revolve around a failing auto dealership near Sydney, Australia. Granny maintains control, while her married daughter, Cathy, and her eldest son, Mort, dream of a better life. In the next generation, Johnny finds escape as a Hare Krishna follower while Benny declares he is an angel. Strong language and some violence. 1991. Time Off from Good Behavior RC 34247 by Susan Sussman narrated by Pam Ward 2 cassettes Asher Rose has just sold his soup company for twenty million dollars. But now that he finally has the time and the money to enjoy himself, his wife Sarah's career takes off as she lands the coveted position of costume-design assistant for a TV movie. Unwilling to pass up this dream come true, Sarah urges Asher to travel, have a good time, and even love a little. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. +Treasures RC 34009 by Belva Plain narrated by Pam Ward 3 cassettes The death of their mother in 1973 heralds a parting of the ways for three siblings--Lara, Connie, and Eddy Osborne. Lara has married her childhood sweetheart and they are comfortably settled in Ohio. Connie takes off for Texas, and Eddy moves to New York. As the family members seek their fortunes, a sense of greed hovers over them, threatening to take away what they treasure most. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Two Lives: _Reading Turgenev_ and _My House in Umbria_ RC 35741 by William Trevor narrated by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes Two novels tell of two women's lives. In _Reading Turgenev_, an Irish girl, trapped in a marriage of convenience, finds escape when a young man reads Russian novels to her. But when he dies, she retreats into her mind. In _My House in Umbria_, a woman buys a villa in Italy with her earnings as a prostitute. She finds peace writing romances, until a terrorist bomb strikes. 1991. Very Old Bones RC 35384 by William Kennedy narrated by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes Another installment of the Phelan family Albany Cycle [_Legs (RC 21007)_, _Billy Phelan's Greatest Game (RC 21042)_, _Ironweed (RC 20612)_, and _Quinn's Book (RC 28416)_]. Aging artist Peter Phelan has gathered the remaining members of the discordant clan to hear the reading of his will. Orson Purcell thinks back over family highlights as he waits to see if Peter will claim him as his son. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Village: As It Happened through a Fifteen Year Period RC 32954 by Robert McAlmon narrated by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette In this novel, episodic stories depict life in a small town in North Dakota over a fifteen-year period. The characters are straightforward, lonely, and often perceived as failures. Some break away by going off to school, others by marriage. But the traditional life of the village changes when the younger generation challenges and slowly dissolves the caste system. 1924. Violence RC 35289 by Richard Bausch narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Since his wife, Carol, became unexpectedly pregnant, Charles Connally has felt a growing sense of unease about his life. The feeling heightens when Charles takes Carol to Illinois to meet his mother, and it peaks when he walks into a convenience store robbery. During and especially after the violent confrontation, Charles is forced to face his past and present demons. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. +Waiting to Exhale RC 35862 by Terry McMillan narrated by Pam Ward 3 cassettes Phoenix, Arizona, 1990. Four black thirty-something girlfriends commiserate over the lack of appealing eligible men. Bored with Denver, Savannah has moved to town at the urging of her friend Bernadine, whose wealthy husband has just left her for his young white bookkeeper. Robin jumps from one loser to another, while Gloria tries to ignore her nonexistent love life by focusing on her son. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Weight of Winter RC 35499 by Cathie Pelletier narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Twenty years after _Once upon a Time on the Banks (RC 31320)_, the very interrelated residents of Mattagash, Maine, endure a trying winter. While Amy Joy Lawler struggles over the decision to commit her mother Sicily to a nursing home, 107-year-old Mathilda Fennelson endures her own confinement by escaping into memories. Others take sides over the closing of the town bar, until a greater tragedy occurs. Strong language and some violence. 1991. Wild Apples RC 35231 by Lucinda Franks narrated by Marcia Churchill 3 cassettes When her mother dies, Augusta Woolsey abandons her Hollywood career to help the struggling family apple business recover. Back home she finds herself at war with her younger sister over everything: family mementos, the business, and Augusta's former boyfriend. When they stumble upon their mother's old diaries, the sisters discover family secrets and traits that help them accept themselves and each other. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Humor The Diamond Lane RC 35483 by Karen Karbo narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes When their mother is hit in the head by a ceiling fan, Mimi FitzHenry tracks down her sister Mouse, who has been filming African documentaries for the last sixteen years. Returning to Los Angeles with her British lover, Tony, Mouse faces culture shock and reluctantly gives in to family pressure to marry. As old and new relationships crumble around Mouse, her upcoming wedding becomes Hollywood material. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Final Addiction RC 35182 by Richard Condon narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes Owney Hazman's mother deserted him just before his ninth birthday. Now married and a successful salesman, Owney still searches for her. When his mother comes back into his life, she is looking for a middleman to help sell cocaine-laden supertankers, the money from which will finance her husband's presidential try. And she wants Owney to be the vice-presidential candidate. Suddenly Owney is the target of spies world-wide. Some strong language. 1991. The Folks That Live on the Hill RC 35420 by Kingsley Amis narrated by Richard Brown 2 cassettes Harry Caldecote, a retired librarian, is determined to protect his time and privacy. Instead, he becomes involved with an assortment of extended family members and friends in his Primrose Hill neighborhood. Harry's sense of responsibility leads to a life of adventure far removed from his dream of a retirement filled with idleness. Some strong language. 1990. The Heroic Life of Al Capsella RC 34854 by J. Clarke narrated by Andrew Sofer 1 cassette With deadpan humor Al Capsella, fourteen, tells his story. Al craves "normal" parents, for his are anything but normal! His father insists on wearing the same old K-Mart sweater every day, and his mother--who writes stories for _Women's Journal_--dresses out of the thrift shop and acts even more eccentric. Al is embarrassed by these oddballs, until he visits his grandparents and learns what "normal" is. For junior high and senior high readers. 1988. Highland Fling RC 32975 by Nancy Mitford narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 1 cassette Young Albert Gates, fresh from Oxford and uncertain what the future holds, is the hero of this comedy written in 1931. After spending two years painting in Paris, Albert joins his friends Walter and Sally Monteath who are hosting a shooting party at Dalloch Castle. An amusing group of guests, from the old established regime to the new generation of bright young pranksters, combine and clash, producing merriment and romance. 1976. Inherit the Mob RC 34942 by Zev Chafets narrated by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes Max Grossman dies and leaves his impressive share of Mafia profits and connections to his nephew, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist William Gordon. When a reluctant Gordon comes up against Max's old partner, Luigi Spadafore, he enlists the help of John Flanagan, his boss and a long-time Mafia fan, and a gang of retired Jewish mafiosos who are willing to go to the mattresses one more time. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. My Uncle Oswald RC 34355 by Roald Dahl narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes When Uncle Oswald was a Cambridge student, he sold pills containing an aphrodisiac--a fitting start for a career connected with sex. With assistance from one of the dons and a beautiful girl named Yasmin, he draws up a list of the world's greatest geniuses and potential sperm donors. The trio's escapades provide the background for this farce on sex novels. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1979. Pigeon Pie RC 32940 by Nancy Mitford narrated by Sheena Gordon 1 cassette Originally written and published in 1939, this story pokes fun at British high society, as Lady Sophia Garfield discovers a nest of German spies among her household staff. No one believes her, of course, so she must sleuth out the culprits herself, freeing her pet bulldog, which is held hostage, and finding out who has murdered the maid. 1976. The Planets RC 34507 by James Finney Boylan narrated by Rick Foucheux 2 cassettes Easter Sunday does not go well for a handful of Centralia, Pennsylvania, residents. Edith Schmertz starts things rolling when she commits suicide by jumping out of a plane. Her landing place ties together the unusual goings-on of a bald, nudist mime, her tied-up date, and a cop who loses his clothes and his vanful of prisoners, including Edith's ex-lover, her ex-best friend, and a burro-riding outlaw. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Return of Hyman Kaplan RC 33572 by Leo Rosten narrated by Ray Hagen 1 cassette A collection of humorous stories, published originally in _Harper's Magazine_ and the _New Yorker_, forms the sequel to _The Education of Hyman Kaplan (RC 17025)_. Hyman and his fellow classmates, all immigrants, attend beginner's grade in a New York night school for adults. Their teacher, Mr. Parkhill, patiently listens to their attempts to conquer the language of their new country. 1959. +The Road to Omaha RC 33949 by Robert Ludlum narrated by Bob Askey 4 cassettes MacKenzie Hawkins has found the information needed to reclaim his ancestors' land, confiscated by the federal government more than 100 years ago. It has taken the Hawk almost two years to put the claim together, but with the aid of Harvard lawyer Sam Devereaux he is ready to take his case to the Supreme Court. There is one problem: the Nebraska land is the headquarters for the Strategic Air Command. Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Short List RC 35109 by Jim Lehrer narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes When Oklahoma governor Joe Hayman is invited to give the keynote speech at the 1976 Democratic Convention, he takes his lieutenant governor, One-Eyed Mack, along for support. A twist of fate has Mack deliver the address instead, and the unassuming official finds himself on the short list for the vice presidency for a whirlwind two days before he is buried under a barrage of accusations and rumors. Descriptions of sex. 1992. +WLT: A Radio Romance RC 33947 by Garrison Keillor narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes In 1926, business is slow at Ray and Roy Soderbjerg's restaurant, maybe because the building was once a mortuary. So the brothers launch their own radio station--WLT (with lettuce and tomato)--to advertise the restaurant. It doesn't help the cafe, but for the next quarter century the station prospers as characters fill the airwaves with news, comedy, and romance. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. "A" Is for Alibi: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery RC 35069 by Sue Grafton narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes When prominent divorce attorney Laurence Fife was murdered in the picturesque Southern California town of Santa Teresa, his young and beautiful wife was convicted and sent to prison. Eight years later, out on parole, Nikki Fife hires attractive private eye Kinsey Millhone to find out who really killed her late husband. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1982. Acts of Contrition RC 34395 by John Cooney narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes In 1972, a trio of friends, star seminary students, face bright futures as Catholic priests. By 1990, one is an inexplicable suicide, another is deep in the leftist underground, and the third, charismatic television host Pat Hogan, is under consideration to be a bishop. The church, however, has received a warning about Hogan, referring to a hidden secret from his seminary days. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Against the Wind RC 34891 by J.F. Freedman narrated by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Santa Fe attorney Will Alexander is hired by four motorcycle gang members who are accused of a heinous murder. Although he's convinced that his clients are innocent, Will fears that their reputations may outweigh the evidence. Meanwhile, Will is battling his own problems with alcohol, angry partners, separation from his daughter, and a beautiful lawyer's advances. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. All That Remains RC 35556 by Patricia D. Cornwell narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Already four teenage couples have been murdered within a fifty-mile radius of Williamsburg. Now the car of Fred Cheney and Deborah Harvey, daughter of the national drug czar, has been found, and the two are missing. The cases have medical examiner Kay Scarpetta stumped. The bodies are always badly decomposed by the time they are found--and there is always a jack of hearts left at the scene. Some violence and strong language. Bestseller 1992. At Ease with the Dead RC 35324 by Walter Satterthwait narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Santa Fe private investigator Joshua Croft is commissioned by Navajo Daniel Begay to find a skeleton that has been missing since 1925. Its grave was robbed by El Paso academics looking for oil in the Navajos' Canyon de Chelly, and the skeleton disappeared when one professor was murdered soon after. Croft talks with the expedition participants' aging offspring, and incidents of harassment and murder follow. Strong language and violence. 1990. Backhand RC 35307 by Liza Cody narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes London private investigator Anna Lee's boring security work is interrupted by American fashion businesswoman Lara Crowther, who is concerned about her friend, sweater designer Penny Garden. Garden's husband has destroyed her business and disappeared, and her teenaged daughter has run off with an older man. Now Garden's confiscated designs are turning up with other labels. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Bitter Medicine RC 33810 by Sara Paretsky narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes A diabetic Hispanic teenager and her premature newborn die at the hospital. The girl's no-good husband suddenly has a new car and her doctor is found beaten to death. Private investigator V.I. Warshawski is on the case at the request of her old friend Lotty, the dead doctor's partner. Hampered by disappearing files, a vicious anti-abortion group, and a street gang, V.I. has to use all of her tricks. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1987. The Black Echo RC 34800 by Michael Connelly narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes When Los Angeles police detective Harry Bosch sees the tattoo on a corpse, he recognizes the man as William Meadows, one of his fellow tunnel rats in Vietnam. Although evidence points to death by drug overdose, Bosch's suspicions of foul play soon have him tangling with the FBI. With the help of Agent Eleanor Wish, Bosch begins to uncover a twenty-year-old robbery scheme. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. Black Girl, White Girl RC 35166 by Patricia Moyes narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes Chief Superintendent Henry Tibbett and his wife, Emmy, are supposedly vacationing on the Caribbean island of Tampica. In truth they are investigating strange accidents, phone tapping, and mail tampering that have their friend Miss Lucy Pontefract-Deacon in a dither. Their sleuthing uncovers heroin ("white girl") dealing and leads to Henry's posing as a drug runner. 1989. Body of Evidence RC 34300 by Patricia D. Cornwell narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes While inquiring into the brutal rape and murder of author Beryl Madison, Richmond's chief medical examiner, Dr. Kay Scarpetta, becomes dangerously involved in the case. Soon she, too, is stalked by the killer. Scarpetta's investigation is complicated by three related deaths, questions about her office's integrity, and the suspicious reappearance of her former boyfriend, who now works with Madison's devious lawyer. Violence and strong language. 1991. Booked to Die: A Mystery Introducing Cliff Janeway RC 35454 by John Dunning narrated by Gary Telles 2 cassettes When book scout Bobby Westfall is murdered, book-loving Denver cop Cliff Janeway suspects Jackie Newton, a killer of homeless men. After a last altercation with Newton, Janeway devotes himself full-time to book collecting, but this case won't leave him alone. Could the murder have something to do with the book business? Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Box Nine RC 34761 by Jack O'Connell narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Lingo is a new linguist-developed drug that speeds up speech and reading comprehension but has frightening side effects. Now Lingo has hit the streets, and undercover cop Lenore Thomas is assigned to work with a linguist on the case. Meanwhile Thomas's twin brother Ike, a mailman, investigates a related, gruesome mystery involving unassigned post office box nine. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Breakdown: A "Nameless Detective" Mystery RC 35100 by Bill Pronzini narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Using the name of Art Canino, "Nameless" visits the Hideaway, a San Francisco waterfront tavern frequented by blue-collar workers. His mission is to uncover the murderer in the hit-and-run death of Frank Hanauer. Frank's business partner of twenty years, Thomas Lujack, has been charged and has asked Canino to find out who set him up. But the detective soon realizes that _he_ may be the patsy. Strong language. 1991. Capitol Secrets RC 34678 by Maureen Dean narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Independent Congresswoman Laura Christen, determined to become Speaker of the House, lines up the necessary votes and calls a press conference. But the incumbent releases stories about her past, and she is questioned by a shady reporter who claims to have damaging evidence. When the reporter is murdered, a gossip columnist lifts a letter from his body. What secrets does it reveal? Explicit descriptions of sex and strong language. 1992. The Case of the Curious Bride RC 35458 by Erle Stanley Gardner narrated by Harold Parker 2 cassettes Carl W. Montaine, potential heir to a fortune, has recently married Rhoda against his family's wishes. Though it is more than seven years since the death of Gregory Moxley, Rhoda's previous husband, she is still afraid to collect his insurance. She also wonders if she could be prosecuted if Moxley's body is ever found. Poorly disguised as Helen Crocker, Rhoda consults criminal lawyer Perry Mason. 1934. The Case of the Gilded Lily RC 35464 by Erle Stanley Gardner narrated by Roy Avers 1 cassette This Perry Mason mystery begins as a suspense story, and the lawyer does not appear until later. It seems that middle-aged Stewart G. Bedford's recent marriage to Ann Roann hurts Elsa Griffin, Bedford's longtime secretary. But Elsa's hurt is only the first link in a long chain of events that eventually leads to court, where Mason works his magic. 1956. The Cat Who Could Read Backwards RC 34788 by Lilian Jackson Braun narrated by Bob Askey 1 cassette Jim Qwilleran arrives early for his appointment with the managing editor of the _Daily Fluxion_. His recent employment history is not good, and he really needs this job. But they want him to be an art writer! As Jim begins his assignment, he and his feline sidekick, KoKo, find themselves hot on the trail of a murderer at the art gallery. 1966. The Cat Who Had Fourteen Tales RC 35527 by Lilian Jackson Braun narrated by Jill Ferris 1 cassette Most of the cats in Braun's stories are of the Siamese variety and vastly superior to their human companions. In "The Fluppie Phenomenon," cat sitters take on a kitten with a mechanical fetish, putting their appliances in danger. The protagonist of "Phut Phat Concentrates" tries to teach his humans a more advanced method of communicating. "Stanley and Spook" are a cat and boy with oddly reversed traits. Some violence. 1988. The Cat Who Moved a Mountain RC 34783 by Lilian Jackson Braun narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Once Qwilleran's inheritance is straightened out, he and his two Siamese cats head off to the Potato Mountains for the summer to contemplate their futures. They arrive in the middle of a community feud; environmentalist mountain folk, called Taters, are upset over proposed development. Qwill and the cats are soon hard at work to clear the name of a Tater falsely convicted the year before of murdering a major developer. 1992. The Cat Who Played Brahms RC 35518 by Lilian Jackson Braun narrated by Bob Askey 1 cassette Fed up with his newspaper job, Jim Qwilleran accepts eccentric "Aunt" Fanny's invitation to stay at her cabin in remote Pickax City. Although somewhat charmed by the surroundings, Qwilleran and his two Siamese cats can't help noticing mysterious happenings around the cabin. When a neighbor is murdered, the cats point out clues for Qwilleran to pursue. Just as he solves the mystery, Qwilleran receives news that will change his life. Some violence. 1987. The Cavalier Case RC 33243 by Antonia Fraser narrated by Flo Gibson 2 cassettes Jemima Shore is researching haunted houses for a television series when she interviews Viscount Lackland, who refuses to believe that his estate houses its own ghost. A portrait of the first viscount of Lackland, a Cavalier poet who has been dead for three hundred years, hangs in the mansion. Jemima's interest is piqued when she learns that the figure of the poet has been seen stepping out of the painting with murderous consequences. 1991. The Choice RC 34357 by Barry Reed narrated by Gordon Gould 3 cassettes Since winning the case against St. Catherine Laboure Hospital in _The Verdict (RD 15528)_, attorney Frank Galvin's career has taken off. Now a partner in a prestigious firm, Galvin is defending a huge pharmaceuticals corporation against claims that their wonder drug causes birth defects. Although troubled to be up against his old partner Moe Katz, Galvin feels he has a strong case, until key people start to die. Some descriptions of sex. 1991. The City When It Rains RC 34331 by Thomas H. Cook narrated by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes Freelance photographer Corman shows up at the scene of a suicide he hears about on his police radio. Intrigued that the woman threw a doll out the window before jumping, Corman decides to investigate further. As he retraces the woman's decline that led to her suicide, Corman's own life starts to fall apart. He falls far behind in his rent, and his ex-wife threatens to sue for custody of their child. Strong language and violence. 1991. Clockers RC 35201 by Richard Price narrated by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes Strike Dunham, chief of a crew of clockers (crack dealers), and Rocco Klein, homicide detective, are suffering identity crises when the murder of another clocker brings them together. Strike's brother confesses to the crime, but Klein is convinced that Strike is the real killer and begins to watch every move he makes. Klein's investigation offers insight into urban street life and the crack culture. Violence and strong language. Bestseller 1992. Compelling Evidence RC 34895 by Steve Martini narrated by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes Attorney Paul Madriani worked for Ben Potter's firm until Ben discovered Paul was having an affair with Ben's young, promiscuous wife, Talia. Now, a year later, shortly after Ben and Paul reconcile, Talia is accused of murdering Ben. Paul, who becomes Talia's attorney by default, knows his client's only hope is finding someone else with a stronger motive. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1992. A Country of Old Men: The Last Dave Brandstetter Mystery RC 35636 by Joseph Hansen narrated by Roy Avers 1 cassette Despite failing health and his lover's objections, gay, wealthy, ex-private investigator Dave Brandstetter comes out of retirement for one last case. A young bruised boy claims he was kidnapped after witnessing a shooting. The shooting victim is an ex-con crack addict and rock guitarist, and the girl who kidnapped the child is a suspect. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1991. A Dance at the Slaughterhouse: A Matthew Scudder Novel RC 35110 by Lawrence Block narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Unlicensed private investigator Matthew Scudder has gained control over his drinking and has a new friend and assistant, call girl Elaine. Scudder has been hired by a man who believes his sister was murdered by her husband. He has also been asked to investigate a snuff films case. Scudder soon discovers the cases are related. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1991. A Dangerous Mourning RC 35113 by Anne Perry narrated by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Young and widowed, Victorian aristocrat Octavia Moidore is found stabbed to death in her bedroom. Evidence first suggests a burglary, but it is soon determined that no one except Octavia's extended family and servants could have entered the house. With the help of undercover nurse Hester Latterly, amnesiac Inspector William Monk learns the crucial and troubling information Octavia discovered the day she died. 1991. The Day the Rabbi Resigned RC 35146 by Harry Kemelman narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes Hoping to secure tenure, handsome professor Victor Joyce marries the niece of board member Cyrus Merton. Meanwhile, Rabbi David Small, after twenty-five years' service to his Barnard's Crossing congregation, is contemplating an academic career for himself. When Joyce is killed in an automobile accident, police chief Hugh Lanigan asks the rabbi to help him clear up some troublesome details about the smash-up. Some descriptions of sex. 1992. Death of a Warrior Queen RC 34948 by S.T. Haymon narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Detective-Inspector Jurnet is visiting the English village of Lanthrop with his lover Miriam, when they discover a dead woman buried in a sand dune. The body is identified as Annie Chance, mother of retarded eighteen-year-old Timmy, housekeeper to widow Milburn, and waitress at the Caff. A tampered archaeological site, Annie's two boyfriends, and an AIDS scare complicate the investigation. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Death of an Expert Witness RC 35545 by P.D. James narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes (Reissue) When Dr. Edwin Lorrimer, a much-disliked pathologist, is murdered with a weapon he is studying in his laboratory, Commander Adam Dalgliesh is called in from Scotland Yard. The victim is known to have bullied his unstable assistant, but secret relationships also point to other suspects. 1977. Death Qualified: A Mystery of Chaos RC 34317 by Kate Wilhelm narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes For the last seven years, Lucas has been drugged and hypnotized by doctors in a university psychology department. After secretly detoxifying himself, Lucas escapes and returns to his wife, Nell, only to be shot before he can speak to her. With Nell accused of the murder, her attorney searches for the reasons behind the victim's long absence. Violence, some strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Detective and Mr. Dickens: Being an Account of the Macbeth Murders and the Strange Events Surrounding Them; A Secret Victorian Journal RC 34445 by William J. Palmer narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes London, spring 1851. Inspector William Field investigates the brutal murder of an actor in _Macbeth_. Field is assisted by Charles Dickens and his protege, Wilkie Collins, who is keeping a secret journal. Complications arise when the amateur detectives encounter Victorian London's underworld. Some descriptions of sex and some violence. 1990. Doomed to Die RC 35694 by Dorothy Simpson narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Depressed over his daughter's leaving home, Inspector Luke Thanet eagerly delves into his latest case--the murder of young, artistic Perdita Master. Separated from her husband, Perdita worked as a temporary nanny for a friend's children. Her sketches of the man next door point to an affair. Did Perdita's husband kill her out of jealousy? The more Thanet probes, the more complex Perdita's last night appears. Some violence. 1991. +Double Deuce RC 34026 by Robert B. Parker narrated by Ray Foushee 1 cassette Hawk has been hired by the residents of Double Deuce, a Boston housing project, to help find the killer of a young mother and her infant daughter. As Hawk confronts gang leader Major Johnson, a replica of himself as a teenager, he learns that this was no random killing, but premeditated murder. Spenser, meanwhile, struggles with giving up his independence and moving in with Susan. Violence and strong language. Bestseller 1992. +Driving Force RC 35869 by Dick Francis narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Ex-jockey Freddie Croft has one strict rule for drivers of his horse vans: never pick up hitchhikers. A driver breaks the rule, and before the two reach their destination, the hitchhiker is dead. Then Croft's mechanic makes a discovery that results in the mechanic's death, and Croft is nearly drowned, his car is wrecked, and his house is ransacked. Even the investigator is in danger. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. East Is East RC 34775 by Emma Lathen narrated by Andy Chappell 2 cassettes Sloan Guaranty Trust is in trouble, for the Japanese have nosed them out of their position as the world's third-largest bank. John Putnam Thatcher, executive vice president of the Sloan, travels to Japan looking for investment opportunities. Once there, Thatcher becomes entangled with the problems of a Sloan client. And when a murder is committed, Thatcher once again puts his investigative skills to work. Some strong language. 1991. The End of the Pier RC 35196 by Martha Grimes narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Maud Chadwick works as a waitress during the day, and at night she sits at the end of her pier drinking martinis, reading poetry, and watching the party across the water. Frequently with her is Sheriff Sam DeGheyn, who muses about the three murders that have occurred in the last four years and worries that the real killer is not the man behind bars. He also fears that Maud may be the next victim. Strong language and some violence. 1992. Evidence of Blood RC 34436 by Thomas H. Cook narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes True-crime writer Kinley returns to his hometown in Georgia for the funeral of his best friend Ray. Once there, Kinley can't leave until he discovers why Ray was digging up information on the forty-year-old murder of local girl Ellie Dinker. As he pores over the case transcripts and interviews oldtimers, Kinley realizes that not only was the wrong man convicted, but the whole town, including his own family, has a lot of long-buried secrets. 1991. Fall into Darkness RC 32941 by Christopher Pike narrated by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Sharon McKay, eighteen, is on trial for murdering her best friend, the wealthy, beautiful Ann Rice. But Sharon is innocent. A series of flashbacks from Ann's perspective reveal that Ann blamed Sharon for the suicide of Ann's brother, who left a note indicating his love for Sharon. Seeking retribution, Ann concocted an elaborate scheme to frame Sharon. Violence. For high school and older readers. 1990. Fear of the Dark RC 33828 by Gar Anthony Haywood narrated by Roy Avers 1 cassette When Aaron Gunner becomes disillusioned with the private detective business, he turns to construction. But since there are no other black P.I.s around, Gunner's name comes up when a black murder victim's sister wants to find the white man who killed her brother. Reluctant acceptance of the case leads Gunner into a potential race war between white supremacists and black militants. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1988. A First Class Murder RC 33558 by Elliott Roosevelt narrated by Flo Gibson 2 cassettes In 1938, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt agrees to return from her vacation in France aboard a French luxury liner filled with celebrities. Her sleuthing abilities are called upon when a fellow passenger, the ambassador of the USSR, is found poisoned. The five-day trip is marked by additional mishaps as Eleanor zeroes in on the guilty party. This ninth mystery featuring his mother was published after the author's death in 1990. 1991. +Fugitive Nights RC 33930 by Joseph Wambaugh narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Breda Burrows, a Palm Springs private investigator, is hired to find out why a wealthy, balding, elderly gentleman donates to a sperm bank. She employs a detective awaiting his disability pension to help her. Meanwhile, a local policeman is tracking a bald drug smuggler who made an emergency desert landing and disappeared. Soon all three are searching funeral parlors and swank hotels for the same guy. Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Furnished for Murder RC 34217 by Richard Barth narrated by Jon Beryl 1 cassette When furniture salesman Leo Perkins's cuff links disappear, he suspects his daughter's piano teacher, Harmon Parrish, and begins to spy on him. His suspicions confirmed, Leo reports to the police, only to be informed that Parrish has been murdered. When clues point to Leo as a likely suspect, he enlists the help of his Russian chess partner, an ex-cop, to help clear his name. Some strong language. 1991. The Galton Case: A Lew Archer Novel RC 35216 by Ross MacDonald narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes (Reissue) Maria Galton is dying and, at her request, Lew Archer is hired to find her son, who left home twenty years earlier. Archer's investigation leads him through a perplexing tale of murder, adultery, impersonation, and involvement with the mob. 1959. Gideon's Fire RC 34718 by J.J. Marric narrated by Patrick Horgan 2 cassettes (Reissue) Commander Gideon of Scotland Yard deals with arson, bank robbery, a fraudulent bond issue, and the rape and murder of a young woman. 1960. The Gift Horse's Mouth: A Jimmy Flannery Mystery RC 35366 by Robert Campbell narrated by Gordon Gould 1 cassette Chicago sewer inspector Jimmy Flannery wants a Democratic party appointment from old party boss Ray Carrigan. But first Carrigan wants Flannery to investigate the suspicious death of his beloved retired secretary, Goldie Hanrahan. Seems that forty years ago, Goldie had many beaux and an illegitimate child. Will the initials in her elaborate but missing bridgework point to the killer? Some strong language. 1990. Guardian Angel RC 34303 by Sara Paretsky narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes Private investigator V.I. Warshawski is outraged when her yuppie neighbors, after discovering the neighborhood recluse unconscious, seize the opportunity to have the woman's beloved dogs put to sleep. Meanwhile, V.I. searches for a missing friend of elderly Mr. Contreras. The two issues turn out to be very much related and even involve V.I.'s irritating ex-husband. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1992. Hemingway's Suitcase RC 34290 by MacDonald Harris narrated by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes In 1922 most of Ernest Hemingway's stories are lost when the suitcase containing them is stolen in a Paris train station. In 1990, Nils-Frederik Glas, just back from Europe, offers his literary-agent son Alan the opportunity to publish a group of stories. But the stories appear to be the work of Ernest Hemingway. The prevailing question in this novel becomes "Who really wrote the five new Nick Adams stories?" Some strong language. 1990. Highgate Rise RC 35629 by Anne Perry narrated by David Palmer 3 cassettes In the Victorian London suburb of Highgate Rise, Inspector Pitt and his wife Charlotte investigate the murder by arson of Clemency Shaw. Was she killed because of her work against slum lords? Or had the murderer really intended to kill Clemency's husband, the outspoken doctor? Is the doctor himself an innocent widower? As the Pitts ponder the frustrating lack of clues, a similar murder forces the truth into the open. Some violence. 1991. Hire a Hangman RC 35326 by Collin Wilcox narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes When surgeon Brice Hanchett is murdered as he leaves his lover's apartment, Lt. Frank Hastings quickly rules out random killing. His search for a motive turns up several possibilities--Hanchett's wife, his ex-wife, his son, his abused stepdaughter, his lover's husband, his wife's lover, and a slew of angry patients. But after the first round of interviews, one of Hastings's suspects is killed. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. +"I" Is for Innocent RC 34020 by Sue Grafton narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Kinsey Millhone is now working with lawyers Kingman and Ives and has taken over a case handled by private investigator Morley Shine, who died of a heart attack. Ken Voight, the first husband of Isabelle Barney, is accusing David Barney of killing her, even though Barney has been acquitted of the murder. Kinsey's investigation leads to new evidence, suspicions about Shine's death, and threats to her own life. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. Icy Clutches RC 35222 by Aaron Elkins narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes Thirty years ago an Alaskan avalanche claimed the lives of members of a botanical research team. The only survivor of the team, having just completed his memoirs of the fateful trip, invites the victims' relatives to join him at the avalanche site. When the group stumbles upon some bones at that location, vacationing skeleton detective Gideon Oliver begins to uncover some old secrets. Some violence and some strong language. 1990. Indemnity Only RC 35223 by Sara Paretsky narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes Written in 1982. Detective V.I. Warshawski is approached by a mysterious client who wants her to find a missing girl. She promptly discovers the body of a murdered man, gets involved in a complicated insurance scam, and has to deal with some gangsters who want her off the case. Strong language. 1990. The Jewel That Was Ours RC 35728 by Colin Dexter narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When the American tourists arrive at the hotel in Oxford, Laura Stratton heads straight for her room to soak her aching feet. It is the last thing she does. Within an hour her husband discovers her body, and Inspector Morse and Sergeant Lewis are on the way. Missing from the room is the valuable artifact Laura was to present to the Ashmolean Museum. Morse soon has the murder of the museum's curator to deal with as well. Some strong language. 1991. Judas Priest: A Father Dowling Mystery RC 35713 by Ralph McInerny narrated by John Horton 1 cassette Father Dowling is surprised to find Chris Bourke waiting to see him. He and Bourke attended seminary together, but Bourke left the church, married an ex-nun, and established a cable TV program espousing sexual freedom. Now Bourke's daughter, Sonya, wants to become a nun. An intrigued Father Dowling agrees to talk with Sonya, but she is found dead, and soon Bourke's sidekick also dies. Will Father Dowling be next? 1991. +Kiss: A Novel of the Eighty-seventh Precinct RC 34003 by Ed McBain narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes The man accused of killing Detective Steve Carella's father has finally been brought to trial, and Carella wants to be there. But he is assigned to investigate attempts on the life of Emma Bowles, wife of stockbroker Martin Bowles. So why doesn't Carella close the case when the assailant is found dead and devote his time to the trial? Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Kissing the Gunner's Daughter RC 35778 by Ruth Rendell narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes Chief Inspector Reginald Wexford answers an emergency call to find aging author Davina Flory, her much younger husband, and her daughter gruesomely shot to death. The caller is Davina's seventeen-year-old granddaughter, Daisy, who survives a gunshot wound to her chest. As Wexford searches for a missing possible witness, puzzles over a connected murder, and quibbles with his own daughter, he becomes attached to young Daisy. Strong language and violence. 1992. The Last Detective RC 34719 by Peter Lovesey narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When an actress's nude corpse is discovered in a reservoir near Bristol, Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond suspects her husband, Professor Gregory Jackman. Jackman has not reported his wife missing and admits she tried to murder him a few weeks back. In the end, Diamond, who has been removed from the case, uncovers a complex scenario involving suspected adultery, drug use, and letters written by Jane Austen. Violence. 1991. Lieberman's Folly RC 35401 by Stuart Kaminsky narrated by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes It is ten years since Juan Hernandez, the proprietor of a tavern and whorehouse in Texas, was killed. Now Estralda, one of the prostitutes who took Juan's life and a share of his fortune, is murdered in Chicago while she is under police protection. Officers Lieberman and Hanrahan face an angry boss and a gang seeking revenge, not to mention a few problems of their own. Strong language and violence. 1991. Love and Desire and Hate RC 34780 by Joan Collins narrated by Marcia Churchill 3 cassettes Acapulco 1955. On the set of the epic film _Cortez_, three murders have taken place, and one of the cast or crew is guilty. In flashbacks to Paris in 1943, and on to cities such as Rome, London, St. Tropez, and Los Angeles, we meet the various cast members and learn of their sordid pasts. But which one of them is so consumed by love, desire, and hate that he or she would commit murder? Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Madness in Maggody: An Ozarks Murder Mystery RC 34769 by Joan Hess narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Mayor Buchanon is opening a new market and deli, to the outrage of the existing Maggody food establishment owners, including Chief of Police Arly Hanks's mother. When food poisoning causes mass vomiting at the new store's opening, Arly suspects the competition. The case is snarled by the disappearance of the mayor's partner and a more serious food poisoning incident. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1991. Maigret and the Burglar's Wife RC 35400 by Georges Simenon narrated by George Backman 1 cassette First published in France in 1951. The French detective is pitted against a surly dentist and his cunning mother. The wife of a respected safe-cracker has come to Maigret after her frightened husband tells her of stumbling upon a corpse while robbing the dentist's house. When the dentist and his mother deny being robbed or any knowledge of a corpse, Maigret must sharpen his interrogation skills. 1955. Maigret and the Saturday Caller RC 35125 by Georges Simenon narrated by George Backman 1 cassette A shy man with a harelip follows Inspector Maigret home to confess that he's been planning to murder his adulterous wife and her live-in boyfriend. A concerned Maigret insists that the man check in with him every day by phone. When the man vanishes, Maigret's concern turns to alarm. 1964. Maigret at the Gai-Moulin RC 35127 by Georges Simenon narrated by George Backman 1 cassette When two indebted Belgian youths attempt to rob their favorite nightclub, the Gai-Moulin, they stumble upon the body of a mysterious Greek man they had noticed there earlier. One of the boys is soon brought in for questioning and finds no one will believe or support his story. Why did the Greek's body reappear at the zoo, and why is Paris Inspector Maigret involved in the case? First published in France in 1931. 1940. Maigret Goes Home RC 35126 by Georges Simenon narrated by George Backman 1 cassette The French police ignore the anonymous note announcing that a crime will be committed in the church at St. Fiacre on All Souls' Day. But Maigret is determined to investigate, for St. Fiacre was his birthplace. 1967. Malice in Maggody: An Ozarks Murder Mystery RC 35186 by Joan Hess narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Back in Maggody after a failed marriage in Manhattan, Arly Hanks has the dubious honor of being the small town's first female chief of police. The job's dull monotony is interrupted by the suspicious disappearance of a government agent and the news that a local bad boy has escaped prison. Why is Arly's investigation being thwarted by the townsfolk? Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1987. The Mandeville Talent RC 34682 by George V. Higgins narrated by Rick Foucheux 2 cassettes When Joe Corey's wife Jill is offered an academic position in New England, he gives up his lucrative but boring career as a New York corporate lawyer. Since their new town is the scene of the twenty-three-year-old unsolved murder of Jill's banker grandfather, Joe happily sets to work to determine the identity of the out-of-town talent who performed the murder and the motive behind it. Some violence and some strong language. 1991. Marnie RC 32926 by Winston Graham narrated by Jeanne Evans 2 cassettes (Reissue) A novel about an English girl who is a professional embezzler. She defrauds one company after another using a series of different identities. 1961. McNally's Luck RC 35506 by Lawrence Sanders narrated by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes Archy McNally, head of the Discreet Inquiries Department at his father's law firm, is searching for a missing Persian cat named Peaches. Archy is not on friendly terms with Peaches, an ill-tempered feline, but the cat belongs to a Palm Beach client. However, Archy is not prepared for what takes place following Peaches's disappearance--threatening letters, encounters with mediums, and murders. Strong language. 1992. +McNally's Secret RC 34017 by Lawrence Sanders narrated by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes Archy McNally is in charge of the Discreet Inquiries Department of his father's law firm. Archy's job is to see that certain cases are solved without the least bit of scandal. His latest assignment is to discover the whereabouts of a block of stamps, known as Inverted Jennies, that belong to Lady Cynthia Horowitz. Before he solves the case, which he believes is an inside job, Archy will encounter murders and romance. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. Mischief in Maggody: An Ozarks Murder Mystery RC 35094 by Joan Hess narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Just as things were getting deadly dull for Maggody's chief of police Arly Hanks, the small town begins to buzz with the arrival of a psychic, a group of hippies, and a cute male high school guidance counselor. When the town harlot disappears, leaving her brood of unwashed children, Arly suspects the new arrivals have more to do with each other than meets the eye. Strong language, descriptions of sex, and some violence. 1988. Monsieur Pamplemousse Rests His Case RC 34564 by Michael Bond narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 1 cassette Monsieur Pamplemousse has been instructed to go to Vichy where six famous American mystery writers, Le Cercle de Six, are planning to reenact a famous meal from Alexandre Dumas's _Le Grande Dictionnaire de Cuisine_. He arrives, as instructed, upon a horse and dressed as d'Artagnan. But soon he finds himself riding the horse around the French countryside, investigating a murder, and being thrown in jail. 1991. Motown RC 34364 by Loren D. Estleman narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes The second of Estleman's Detroit crime series, which began with _Whiskey River (RC 34363)_, is set in 1966. The 1930s' gangster wars have evolved into impending conflict with the blacks who have been edging into Mafia territory. Meanwhile, the auto industry is in an uproar over a consumer advocate, and Detroit policemen--honest or corrupt--still have their hands in all of it. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1991. Much Ado in Maggody: An Ozarks Murder Mystery RC 35185 by Joan Hess narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes When Johnna Mae Nookim returns to work at the bank after maternity leave, she finds her position has been given to the bank chairman's son. Outraged, Johnna contacts a women's rights activist who has her own reasons for disliking the new teller. When a protest staged by the newly liberated women of Maggody ends in the burning of the bank and murder, Chief of Police Arly Hanks suspects blackmail gone wrong. Strong language. 1989. Murder at Madingley Grange RC 33427 by Caroline Graham narrated by Flo Gibson 2 cassettes Simon Hannaford and his sister, Laurie, short of cash while housesitting their great-aunt Maude's stately Victorian mansion, invite paying guests for a mystery country weekend. The fine line between fun and games and reality becomes serious when a real murder occurs. But is it real? By the author of _The Killings at Badger's Drift (RC 28201)_ and _Death of a Hollow Man (RC 32254)_. Some strong language. 1991. Murder at the Pentagon RC 35479 by Margaret Truman narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes The president and his cabinet listen in stunned silence to the report of bombings in the Middle East. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Richard Joycelen, chief scientist for Project Safekeep, is killed inside the Pentagon. As Margit Falk, assigned to defend the accused murderer, Captain Robert Cobol, investigates, she finds interesting connections between the two events. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. A Murder Is Announced RC 33786 by Agatha Christie narrated by Flo Gibson 2 cassettes (Reissue) Residents of the English village of Chipping Cleghorn are intrigued by an advertisement in the morning paper. It announces that a murder will take place that evening at the home of a neighbor. Thinking it a game, townspeople gather at the appointed time, only to be shocked by an actual murder. Visiting the village, elderly Miss Marple is given the chance to do some amateur sleuthing to assist Inspector Craddock with the case. Violence. 1950. Murder Machree RC 35390 by Eleanor Boylan narrated by Barbara Caruso 1 cassette Elderly amateur sleuth Clara Gamadge is astonished when Armand Evers, the brother of her old friend Rachael Shea, confesses that his look-alike cousin is trying to kill him. When Clara calls Rachael in Ireland, she is told that Armand is there with her. Before Clara can determine which man is the impostor, a suspicious death occurs, sending Clara rushing to Ireland to protect Rachael. Some strong language and some violence. 1992. Murder Observed RC 34552 by Eleanor Boylan narrated by Catherine Byers 1 cassette Seventyish Anna Pitman is still jealous when it comes to her ex-husband Barry. Concerned about the motives of Beth, a beautiful young German, Anna begins to snoop. After confiding her suspicions to elderly amateur sleuth Clara Gamadge, Anna falls victim to a skidding car, and Clara, too, becomes suspicious. With the help of family and friends, she uncovers a complex plot involving blackmail, Nazism, and an illicit love affair. 1990. No Forwarding Address RC 35320 by Elisabeth Bowers narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Canadian private investigator Meg Lacey normally doesn't search for "lost" adults, but she bends the rules for Vicky Fischer. Vicky's sister Sherry, who has been showing signs of mental problems, has taken her young son Mark into hiding. Vicky just wants Meg to find out if Sherry is taking care of Mark properly. But Sherry's "paranoia" proves horribly on target when she is killed the day after Meg locates her. Some violence and some strong language. 1991. Not Long for This World: An Aaron Gunner Mystery RC 35086 by Gar Anthony Haywood narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes Darrel Lovejoy, a man committed to saving black youths in Los Angeles, is killed in a drive-by shooting. Although a witness identifies gang member Toby Mills as the trigger-man, Toby's public defender believes it's a frame. Private investigator Aaron Gunner is thrown into the world of gangs as he tracks down the homeboy who can clear Toby's name. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. On the Third Day RC 35377 by Piers Paul Read narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When biblical archaeologist John Lambert dies suddenly, his protege, a monk named Andrew Nash, is stunned. Soon Andrew and his colleagues discover the skeleton of a crucified man in Jerusalem and ponder the possibility of a connection with Lambert's death. Did Lambert commit suicide? Is the skeleton a hoax? If not, what are the implications for Christianity? For Israel? 1990. Other People's Houses RC 34383 by Susan Rogers Cooper narrated by Bob Askey 1 cassette The Bell family members are discovered dead in their filthy house. Although their bright pink coloring from carbon monoxide poisoning points to a suicide gone awry, Chief Deputy Milt Kovak suspects foul play. Why did neat Mrs. Bell live in such squalor, and why weren't there any records of the family's past? When an FBI agent and a freelance reporter start nosing around, Kovak's suspicions are confirmed. Strong language. 1990. The Pilgrim of Hate RC 35130 by Ellis Peters narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes In twelfth-century England, many pilgrims come to the abbey in Shrewsbury. Among those seeking help from Brother Cadfael at his herbarium are Ciaran, a young man with severe wounds who is returning to Wales to end his days where he began them, and Matthew, who accompanies Ciaran each step of the way. But Brother Cadfael surmises it is more than commitment that links them. 1984. Poor Butterfly RC 34753 by Stuart M. Kaminsky narrated by Andy Chappell 1 cassette In 1942, detective Toby Peters is hired by an opera company in San Francisco. When a workman falls to his death, a note appears accepting responsibility and claiming to be from a new Phantom. Meanwhile anti-Japanese zealots protest the company's choice of "Madame Butterfly." Peters and his strange cohorts puzzle over successive murders, while dodging suspicious police. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1990. Pride's Harvest RC 35337 by Jon Cleary narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes When the police in Collamundra, Australia, call Sydney for help on a murder case, Inspector Scobie Malone jumps at the chance to join his vacationing wife and children. Because a Japanese-controlled cotton mill is the murder site and the mill's Japanese manager is the victim, Malone is suspicious of the townspeople's underlying racism. Some violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. +Private Eyes RC 34002 by Jonathan Kellerman narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Melissa Dickinson, a former patient of psychologist-detective Dr. Alex Delaware, calls on him with fears for her mother, Gina. Years ago Gina, an actress, was disfigured by a former lover, who is now out of prison and back in town. When Gina, now a recluse, disappears, Melissa's concern for her mother deepens. Delaware's search for Gina uncovers many dark secrets kept far too long. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Pushover RC 35195 by Lillian O'Donnell narrated by Terry Hayes Sales 2 cassettes Lieutenant Norah Mulcahaney is juggling two aggravating cases. In three instances, women have been killed by falling in front of subway trains, and there is no evidence that they were pushed. Meanwhile, a retired film star is murdered in her apartment and her young grandson disappears. Was he kidnapped, and, if so, why did the kidnapper kill the ransom source? Violence and some strong language. 1992. +Rising Sun RC 33933 by Michael Crichton narrated by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes An American call girl is found dead at the gala grand opening of Nakamoto Tower--new U.S. headquarters for Japan's electronics giant. Lieutenant Peter Smith, Los Angeles Police Department, is assigned to investigate and is offered the assistance of John Connor, an expert on Japanese matters. When Smith gets close to the truth, his family, career, and life are threatened. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Rostnikov's Vacation: An Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov Novel RC 35391 by Stuart M. Kaminsky narrated by Christopher Hurt 2 cassettes Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov is not used to taking it easy--it was not his idea to go to the beach. Surprised to meet an old colleague, he is suspicious when the man suddenly dies. And Rostnikov's new friend, an American, alerts him to his Soviet shadow. Meanwhile, Rostnikov's Moscow assistants delve into cases involving murder and computer theft. What a trip! 1991. Rough Cut RC 35076 by Bruce Cook narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes L.A. private detective Chico Cervantes is uneasy about his new assignment, but he can't turn down the money because his new girlfriend is about to have someone else's baby. Chico is to protect German director Ursula Toller, who has recently been attacked, while she completes the rough cut of her new movie. Why is a street-gang member after Ursula and a phony corporation interested in Chico? Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1990. Rules of Evidence RC 35444 by Jay Brandon narrated by Bob Moore 2 cassettes Police detective Mike Stennett, who works San Antonio's east side, is not one of black attorney Raymond Boudro's favorite people. Considering Stennett's arrest record and his reputation, Boudro suspects he is racist and violent. When Stennett asks Boudro to defend him against charges of murdering a black drifter, the attorney surprises himself by taking the case. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Sadie When She Died RC 34417 by Ed McBain narrated by Ray Foushee 1 cassette (Reissue) Although a local junkie has confessed to the killing of a man's adulterous wife, the detective is not satisfied. Strong language. An 87th Precinct mystery. 1972. Saratoga Headhunter RC 35655 by Stephen Dobyns narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Things start to go wrong for private investigator Charlie Bradshaw when ex-jockey Jimmy McClatchy asks to hide out in Charlie's house while waiting to testify for a grand jury. The next day Jimmy is found decapitated and everyone thinks Charlie got him killed. Trying to clear his name while holding down a temporary milkman job for a friend, Charlie soon sniffs out shady racetrack escapades. Violence and some strong language. 1985. Saratoga Hexameter RC 33811 by Stephen Dobyns narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Private investigator Charlie Bradshaw makes his sixth appearance, simultaneously taking on three cases that involve bad poetry. After receiving a cryptic message from an old acquaintance, Bradshaw arrives at their meeting to find the friend murdered. Bradshaw learns later that his mother's hotel has been robbed and that a poetry critic is being threatened at an artists' colony. Violence. 1990. A Sensitive Case RC 34488 by Eric Wright narrated by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes Inspector Charlie Salter is working on one of his touchiest cases. He must find the murderer of Linda Thomas, a massage therapist with a list of well-known clients, including a television host and a university president. Sergeant Pickett, who can retire at any time, has been assigned to help. When Pickett begins asking those inconvenient questions only he can afford to ask, the results are quite surprising. Strong language. 1990. Shadow of a Doubt RC 34397 by William J. Coughlin narrated by Bob Askey 3 cassettes Recovering alcoholic attorney Charley Sloan is hired by his former lover, Robin Harwell, to defend her stepdaughter Angel against charges of murdering her wealthy father. It looks bad for Angel, who has been in and out of mental hospitals, fought often with her father, and has given a confession of sorts to the police. The two women's faith in Charley, despite his reputation, keeps him on the case. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Sharpest Sight RC 35279 by Louis Owens narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes It isn't by chance that deputy Mundo Morales is standing on the bridge when the body of his best friend Attis McCurtain floats by. Native American spirits and visions from Attis's family, coupled with the ghost of Mundo's grandfather, assist the deputy and Attis's brother Cole as they solve the puzzle of the disturbed veteran's death and each comes to peace with his own heritage. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Smokescreen RC 34400 by Dick Francis narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes (Reissue) Edward Lincoln grew up around racing horses and is now a world-renowned actor riding horses in films. When his dear friend Nerissa, who has only a few months to live, asks him to investigate the losing streak of her race horses, he is happy to help--even if it means a trip to South Africa. He knows what to look for and quickly guesses why the horses are collapsing just before the finish line. What he doesn't know is why someone wants him dead. 1972. The Song Dog RC 34490 by James McClure narrated by Patrick Horgan 2 cassettes The murder of a small-town policeman in Zululand in 1962 brings Afrikaner Lieutenant Kramer and Bantu Detective Zondi together for the first of their numerous joint ventures. Why was respected Detective Kritzinger skulking about ill-reputed Annika Cloete's place the night both were killed? Was her absent husband involved or were the murders more than jealous revenge? Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Spotted Cats: A Brady Coyne Mystery RC 34329 by William G. Tapply narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes Boston lawyer Brady Coyne investigates the theft of a collection of gold Mayan jaguar figurines. The collection's owner is Coyne's client, Jeff Newton, a former big-game hunter transformed into a bitter invalid by a leopard attack. The robbery, which occurs while Coyne is visiting his client on the Cape, leaves a battered Newton comatose and Coyne one of the suspects. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1991. Steel Guitar RC 35317 by Linda Barnes narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes Red-haired, six-foot-tall Carlotta Carlyle, private investigator and part-time cab driver, plunges into a new case when blues singer Dee Willis flags down her cab. Carlotta used to belong to Dee's group, but they parted ways when Carlotta's ex-husband Cal ran off with Dee. Now Dee wants Carlotta to find another ex-band member, Davey Dunrobie, who has been making some disturbing claims. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Stolen Away: A Novel of the Lindbergh Kidnapping RC 34656 by Max Allan Collins narrated by Bruce Huntey 3 cassettes Hard-boiled detective Nate Heller enters the Lindbergh kidnapping case after accidentally aborting another kidnapping. Even though a child's body is found and identified as Lindbergh's, Heller doubts the man accused is guilty. Four years later, Heller, learning of a mobster conspiracy, discovers the child may still be alive. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Strange Death of Mistress Coffin RC 34503 by Robert J. Begiebing narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes When Englishman Richard Browne relocates to a New England village in 1648, he is called upon to use his knowledge of law to solve a baffling case. After the rape and murder of his wife, Balthazar Coffin inexplicably drops his charges against a likely suspect. Soon, both men have disappeared. Hints of adultery and worse evils drive Browne to discover and then conceal the truth. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Summer of the Danes RC 35131 by Ellis Peters narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes All is quiet during the summer of 1144. Too quiet, perhaps, for part-time sleuth Brother Cadfael of the Benedictine Abbey, who welcomes a diplomatic mission taking him to his native Wales. Soon, however, he is embroiled in a dispute between warring brother princes, one of whom engages an army of Danes to help settle the feud. When Cadfael and his companions are captured, it appears that not even the need to solve a murder will gain their release. 1991. Surfacing RC 33968 by Margaret Atwood narrated by June Carter 2 cassettes An atmosphere of menace and mystery surrounds a young artist who returns, with her lover and another couple, to a Quebec island in search of her missing father. As she looks for clues among the bric-a-brac of her childhood home, she discovers the truth about her own past. Some strong language. 1972. Tangle RC 35287 by Meg Elizabeth Atkins narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes A bereaved young man visits a medium, is befriended by a young woman, and then commits suicide. Now another Avenridge villager seems headed in the same direction. Is there a connection? Chief Inspector Henry Beaumont investigates the curious events in the small English town where he spent part of his childhood as a wartime evacuee. 1988. To Speak for the Dead RC 33821 by Paul Levine narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes The medical malpractice case that Miami trial lawyer Jake Lassiter is working on just took a new twist. Now the victim's daughter suspects the doctor and her stepmother of conspiracy to murder. Soon everyone is accusing everyone else, and Jake must examine evidence ranging from exhumed corpses to pornographic videos to determine the truth. First in a series. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. The Torching RC 34685 by Marcy Heidish narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes Alice Grey, Georgetown bookstore owner and author of historical horror novels, has just completed her story of Evangeline Smith, an eighteenth-century midwife accused of witchcraft. A series of ominous coincidences prompts Alice to reexamine her sources on Smith. Is Alice receiving spirit messages or is someone in her writers' group behind the sinister happenings? Violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Turquoise Lament RC 34393 by John D. MacDonald narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Florida boat bum Travis McGee springs into action when he receives a frantic call from Pidge, the daughter of his dead friend. On a honeymoon cruise in her father's boat, Pidge begins to suspect that either her husband Howie is hiding something or she's going crazy. After calming Pidge in Hawaii, Travis sorts through jumbled clues as the couple complete the last leg of their journey. Some violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1973. Tygers of Wrath RC 34161 by Philip Rosenberg narrated by Richard Davidson 3 cassettes Timothy, a junior high school student, is shot to death by a policeman before he can explain why his friend Ophelia is motionless in his arms. Convinced of the troubled youth's innocence in the girl's death, his teacher searches for the truth as a Bronx community passionately reacts to the killing. Some strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1991. Whiskey River RC 34363 by Loren D. Estleman narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes While testifying before a grand jury, journalist Connie Minor relives the previous decade of Prohibition in Detroit, gangster wars, liquor runs, and police corruption. A key figure in Minor's recollections is Jack Dance, a young hood who quickly rose through the ranks. First book of Estleman's Detroit crime series, followed by _Motown (RC 34364)_. Violence and strong language. 1990. Winds of Evil RC 35167 by Arthur W. Upfield narrated by Graeme Malcolm 2 cassettes A town in the Australian outback has been the site of two stranglings, a year apart, during vicious electrical sandstorms. Another year has passed and, sure enough, a young girl is found strangled almost to death. This time Detective-Inspector Bonaparte is on the scene, and the trap he sets reveals a killer with a strange story. Some violence and some strong language. 1937. Wish You Were Here RC 35425 by Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes Harry Haristeen, the postmistress of a small Virginia town; her cat, Mrs. Murphy; and her dog, Tee Tucker, are alarmed when two townspeople are found brutally murdered after receiving anonymous postcards. The cat and dog, who prove more proficient at sleuthing than Harry, leave her enough clues to uncover the ingenious operation behind the murders. Strong language and some violence. 1990. Witching Murder RC 35099 by Jennie Melville narrated by Terry Hayes Sales 2 cassettes Chief Superintendent Charmian Daniels is curious about the group of women who meet in her Windsor neighborhood. When one of the group is discovered dead, surrounded by odd items, Daniels learns they are practicing white witchcraft. While assisting the local detective assigned to the case, Daniels tries to determine if the "earth mothers" have moved on to more sinister witchery or if someone is framing them in a complex scheme. Some violence. 1990. Yellow Bird: A Doc Adams Mystery RC 34784 by Rick Boyer narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes While Doc Adams and his wife are visiting at the house of Doc's old classmate, they hear a gunshot from a politician's vacant home. When the victim turns out to be their friend George Brenner, the Adamses begin to suspect that their presence at the site was no coincidence. Doc and his brother-in-law, a policeman, investigate George's apparent double life. Strong language and some violence. 1991. Occult and Horror Fear RC 35221 by L. Ron Hubbard narrated by James DeLotel 1 cassette First published in 1940. Shortly after publishing a paper deriding superstition and denying the existence of demons and devils, ethnologist James Lowry awakens on a sidewalk, with his clothes disheveled. The past four hours are a blank. As he desperately tries to find out what happened, he experiences a horrific realization that supernatural forces may be taking revenge. 1991. +Hideaway RC 33940 by Dean R. Koontz narrated by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes Hatch and Lindsey Harrison are returning home from a weekend in the California mountains when a snowstorm causes their car to slide down an embankment into an icy river. Lindsey survives, but Hatch is dead--or at least for the eighty minutes it takes for a new resuscitation technique to work. However, Hatch returns from death with an evil Presence who threatens him, his wife, and their newly adopted daughter. Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Julian's House RC 35434 by Judith Hawkes narrated by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes Parapsychologists Sally and David Curtiss rent a small-town Massachusetts Victorian house to study its alleged ghosts. While waiting for some supernatural clues, the pair interview previous tenants and research the history of the longtime owners. After a medium finally jump-starts a ghost, Sally notices startling changes in David. Some strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Midnight Sun RC 34272 by Ramsey Campbell narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes Ben was a child when he ran away from his aunt's house to visit the graves of his father and grandparents in Stargrave. As he stood in the graveyard at the edge of Sterling Forest on a hot summer day, he felt the icy patch of air coming toward him. Now twenty years later, memories draw Ben, having returned home with wife and children, back to the forest and the icy presence that awaits him, just as it did his grandfather. 1991. +Needful Things RC 34001 by Stephen King narrated by Ray Foushee 5 cassettes Leland Gaunt, a new resident in Castle Rock, sets up a curio shop, Needful Things, where a person can have anything his or her heart desires--but for a price! Customers must play a prank on a designated person, and sometimes the jokes have serious consequences. Perhaps the residents are paying too high a price for happiness, for Castle Rock has become a battleground. Some violence and strong language. Bestseller 1991. Only Begotten Daughter RC 33800 by James Morrow narrated by Ray Hagen 3 cassettes Celibate eccentric Murray Katz is informed that one of his monthly sperm donations contains a fertilized egg. Fearing for his future baby's life, Murray steals the artificial uterus the egg has been transferred to and raises the child he names Julie. When it becomes obvious that Julie is the second child of God, she questions her Mother's actions. A visit to hell and conversations with her brother help Julie accept her identity. Some strong language. 1990. Out of the House of Life RC 34223 by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro narrated by David Palmer 3 cassettes The immortal vampire, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, lived for centuries as a demon-god of ancient Egypt. Now it is the early nineteenth century, and Saint-Germain's beautiful protegee, Madelaine de Montalia, joins an archaeological expedition to Egypt to learn more about the man who gave her eternal life. But Madelaine is plagued by unforeseen dangers, and perils of the present threaten her quest for the past. 1990. Psycho House RC 34353 by Robert Bloch narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes The sequel to _Psycho (RC 19378)_ and _Psycho II (RC 19431)_ continues the story of Norman Bates. When the Bates Motel and house are rebuilt as a tourist attraction, the murders begin again. Determined to write a book on Bates, Amy Haines finds Fairvale uncooperative when she visits the town during this latest murder epidemic. Everyone seems a likely suspect, even Amy, whose research is leading her closer to the killer. 1990. Stinger RC 34841 by Robert R. McCammon narrated by Rick Foucheux 4 cassettes It is dawn in Inferno, Texas, and Cody Lockett is making plans to leave town right after next week's graduation. Teacher Tom Hammond sees nothing but despair ahead for Cody and others like him, now that the copper mine has closed down and everyone is moving away. Then an indescribable fireball rolls through Inferno, stalking the residents with a terror worse than anyone can imagine. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1988. Victorian Ghost Stories: An Oxford Anthology RC 35421 by Michael Cox and R.A. Gilbert narrated by Richard Brown 5 cassettes Thirty-five scary tales about interactions between the living and the dead, selected from the period when supernatural fiction, especially with the help of small magazines, flourished. Many stories are by well-known authors, such as Henry James, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Conan Doyle, and R.L. Stevenson. Several are set in haunted houses, typically around Christmas. 1991. Political Themes The Beggar RC 35744 by Naguib Mahfouz narrated by Noah Siegel 1 cassette Omar was once a poet jailed for his socialist ideals, but now he is a lawyer and has succumbed to the good life following the 1952 revolution in Cairo. Meeting a former comrade who has retained his convictions in spite of great suffering forces Omar to confront his own shallow and irrelevant existence. His relationships deteriorate as he struggles to discover what really matters and becomes alienated from his world. Translation of 1965 work. 1986. A Certain Finkelmeyer RC 34483 by Felix Roziner narrated by Noah Siegel 3 cassettes Finkelmeyer, a Russian Jew working for his government and writing poetry on the side, may not publish anything but political verse. He concocts a scheme in which he disguises his efforts as a translation of the oral poetry of an obscure Tongor man. The lighthearted hoax turns serious when the KGB, looking for illegal artwork, begins to investigate. The poet's life is further complicated by his love for a refugee. Some strong language. 1991. The Chase RC 34478 by Alejo Carpentier narrated by George Backman 1 cassette First published in 1956 in Spanish as _El Acoso (RC 22549)_. A man pursued by two assassins takes refuge in a concert auditorium where a performance of Beethoven's _Eroica_ symphony is taking place. Here the condemned man reflects on his past and on the political involvements that spell his doom. 1989. Getting Used to Dying RC 34455 by Zhang Xianliang narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes The protagonist in this autobiographical novel lived in China from the 1930s until the late 1980s. Like the author, he spent many years in labor reform camps because of his writing and his views. The title of the book comes from the camp practice of sending a prisoner to an execution field and shooting everyone except him. Although he is exposed to Western culture, the writer elects to remain in China. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Great Indian Novel RC 34448 by Shashi Tharoor narrated by Patrick Horgan 4 cassettes The 2,000-year-old Indian epic, the _Mahabharata_, is rewritten as a political satire of twentieth-century India. Ved Vyas, the narrator, is dictating his memoirs. They chronicle his endeavors as a high-ranking civil servant and the careers of his Mahatma Gandhi-like half brother, his sons, and his Indira Gandhi-like granddaughter. 1989. The Miracle Game RC 35358 by Josef Skvorecky narrated by George Backman 3 cassettes In 1948 Danny Smiricky was teaching at a girls school in Czechoslovakia when a statue bowed to Father Doufal during Mass. Local communist powers, claiming it was a trick, tortured Doufal to death. Now, during the Prague Spring of 1968, the case is reopened and Smiricky becomes part of the controversy over whether a miracle occurred or a hoax was perpetrated, perhaps by the authorities. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1990. Patriots RC 35265 by Steve Sohmer narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes In 1991, following Desert Storm and the end of the Cold War, U.S. president Samuel Baker orders a radical scaling down of America's NATO forces as the "First Step" in the reduction of defense spending. When a select group of military "lifers" who vehemently oppose the move set in action a treasonous retaliation plan, Lieutenant Christy Russoff must choose her alliance. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Respected Sir RC 34452 by Naguib Mahfouz narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 1 cassette An extended religious metaphor by the 1988 winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. Othman Bayyumi, a petty clerk in an Egyptian government office, dreams of moving to the top of the bureaucratic ladder. Bayyumi pursues his goal with overly ambitious methods, never hesitating to use others in his quest for power. But his narrow pursuit leaves him alienated from people and costs him the possibility of a fulfilled life. 1986. Such a Long Journey RC 34739 by Rohinton Mistry narrated by John Horton 3 cassettes Gustad Noble, a Parsi in Bombay, witnesses the disintegration of his family life and problems in the bank where he works. In his depressed state, Gustad receives a letter from a friend in an investigative branch of the government, asking him to take part in a mission. He agrees and is innocently drawn into a scheme leading to personal gain for politicians and the creation of Bangladesh. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Tango Player RC 35375 by Christoph Hein narrated by George Backman 1 cassette It is 1968 in communist eastern Europe. Hans-Peter Dallow has spent nearly two years in an East German prison. His crime? Playing a tango with subversive lyrics on the piano. Haunted by the injustice of his sentence, released Dallow seeks to set his life in order. But there is talk of Soviet intervention in Prague, his Leipzig teaching position is gone, and he unsteadily tests his freedom in the confused political climate. Descriptions of sex. 1992. The Translator RC 34737 by Ward Just narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes Rejecting his German homeland, Sydney van Damm moves to Paris in 1956 and begins work as a translator of German and English. There he meets and marries Angela Dilion, who had rejected her American homeland, and together they raise a severely disabled son. Unfortunately Sydney's friend Junko Poole, with whom he once worked, involves him in an illegal deal that can't be solved with linguistic skills. Some strong language. 1991. Psychological Themes The Accident RC 35360 by Elie Wiesel narrated by Gordon Gould 1 cassette First published in 1961. A survivor of the Holocaust becomes a successful journalist in New York. Then he suffers a near-fatal accident. But is it an accident? Has the memory of the horrors of death camps caused him to contemplate suicide? By the winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Peace. 1962. _The Copper Peacock_ and Other Stories RC 35054 by Ruth Rendell narrated by Graeme Malcolm 1 cassette Eight of the nine short stories in this collection are psychological thrillers. In the title piece, a writer becomes so absorbed with himself that he fails to question the obvious signs of violence threatening his peaceful world. And in the final story, Rendell calls on Chief Inspector Reginald Wexford when a dysfunctional family falls victim to a manipulative child. Some strong language. 1991. Ten Seconds RC 34107 by Louis Edwards narrated by Reginald Metcalf 1 cassette A ten-second race at a high-school track meet is transformed into a slow-motion instant replay of Eddie's thoughts as he watches the event. Flashbacks of his past and images of his future depict the twenty-six-year-old black man's relationships and troubled home life. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. +Time's Arrow; or, The Nature of the Offense RC 33917 by Martin Amis narrated by James DeLotel 1 cassette Tod Friendly, near death, awakens covered by "a male shape, with an entirely unmanageable aura." Suddenly Friendly begins shedding false identities and moving backwards toward his birth as Odilo Unverdorben, a Nazi death doctor. Friendly's life reversal ends with the annihilation of consciousness at his birth, which restores German Jews to health. Strong language. Bestseller 1991. Two Girls, Fat and Thin RC 34206 by Mary Gaitskill narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes An interest in late cult leader Anna Granite draws two disturbed women together. Obese, reclusive Dorothy was Granite's secretary and ardent follower. Manipulative free-lance journalist Justine interviews Dorothy while writing an article about Granite. Flashbacks to the two women's childhoods reveal the abuse and loneliness that led to their present dysfunctional lives. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Religious Themes The Hungry Grass RC 35721 by Richard Power narrated by John Horton 2 cassettes Father Tom Conroy has not attended his ordination class's annual get-together for years, and when he finally does show up, the trouble-making Irish pastor dies during dinner. As Conroy's estate is being settled, hundreds of one-pound notes come to light, and the priest's life takes on a new aspect. 1969. Joshua in the Holy Land RC 35711 by Joseph F. Girzone narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes Wandering through the Middle East and visiting places recalled from long ago, Joshua ventures into the Arab camp of Sheik Ibrahim Saud. Joshua is welcomed, for he brings the lost lamb of the sheik's granddaughter, and he heals the child's snakebite injury. The grateful sheik gives Joshua an entree into the Arab community, where Joshua delivers his message of peace to Arabs, Jews, and Christians. Sequel to _Joshua and the Children (RC 30650)_. 1992. The Silver Chalice RC 35115 by Thomas B. Costain narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 4 cassettes (Reissue) As a young child, Ambrose was sold to a rich merchant who adopted him as his son, renaming him Basil. Upon the death of the merchant, Basil was displaced as heir and enslaved to an artisan in silver. Yet fortune shown on Basil, and he became an excellent silversmith. This portrait of the New Testament world traces Basil's career and focuses on his selection to fashion a holder for the sacred cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper. 1952. Spring's Gentle Promise RC 31897 by Janette Oke narrated by Dick Jenkins 2 cassettes The farm had belonged to Grandpa and Uncle Charlie. Now it belongs to Josh, and it is up to him to make the farm "bring forth" and support them. Then Josh adds the challenge of a family of his own. All is well until the Great Depression hits. It will take Josh's great faith in God to see that he and his family make it. Sequel to _Winter Is Not Forever (RC 31896)_. 1989. Romance Alessandra in Love RC 34287 by Robert Kaplow narrated by Ilona Dulaksi 1 cassette Through the pages of her journal, sixteen-year-old Alessandra tells of falling in love with Wyn, a talented, self-centered musician. Although they enjoy being together, they seem to have little in common. The relationship is plagued from the beginning by Alessandra's jealousy of Wyn's former girlfriend, Debbie. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. The Anonymous Miss Addams RC 33976 by Kasey Michaels narrated by June Carter 2 cassettes Pierre Standish is a man of wit, wealth, and abundant good looks. He is also terribly bored. His father, whom he has been visiting, challenges him to perform a totally unselfish deed. Pierre's chance arrives sooner than expected when he comes upon an unconscious young woman lying in the road. He returns with her to his father's country estate, but when she awakens she has no idea who she is or how she came to be without any memory. 1989. At the Rainbow's End RC 33967 by Jo Ann Ferguson narrated by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes Samantha Perry is bereft after the death of her parents and feels that she can no longer endure the humiliation she suffers by living with her brother and his family, so she accepts Joel Houseman's invitation to the Yukon as his "mail-order bride." But when she arrives, she discovers that he is in fact two men--Joel Gilchrist and Kevin Houseman--and each one wants to marry her. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. Beatrice Goes to Brighton: The Travelling Matchmaker, Volume 4 RC 34665 by Marion Chesney narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 1 cassette Miss Hannah Pym travels to Brighton with Benjamin, her new footman. She is reminded of her days as a servant when fellow passenger Lady Beatrice Marsham rudely responds to her cheerful greeting. However, it soon appears that Lady Beatrice, fleeing an arranged marriage, is just scared. Miss Pym does her best to put things right. Sequel to _Penelope Goes to Portsmouth (RC 34664)_. 1991. Belinda Goes to Bath: The Travelling Matchmaker, Volume 2 RC 34663 by Marion Chesney narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 1 cassette The matchmaker, Miss Hannah Pym, travels to Bath, and her companions include Miss Belinda Earle. Miss Pym decides Belinda is just the right match for the bachelor Marquess of Frenton, in whose castle they are residing after their coach plunged into a nearby river. But neither Belinda nor the marquess seems interested in the other. Sequel to _Emily Goes to Exeter (RC 34662)_. 1991. +The Bridges of Madison County RC 35861 by Robert James Waller narrated by Bob Askey 1 cassette Robert Kincaid, a photographer for _National Geographic_, arrives in Madison County, Iowa, on August 16, 1965, to photograph covered bridges. He stops at the home of Francesca Johnson to ask directions, but stays for four wonderful days--days that awaken within them a deep and abiding love, which creates another being called "us." But she is married, and they must let go of one another. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +Bygones RC 34014 by LaVyrle Spencer narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes Six years ago Bess and Michael Curran ended twenty years of marriage in a bitter divorce. Now they are thrown back together as their daughter, Lisa, announces she is pregnant and plans to marry. Lisa desperately wants both parents to escort her down the aisle. As Bess and Michael work together to plan Lisa's wedding, they begin to reassess the reasons for their separation. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Captive Passions RC 35469 by Fern Michaels narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes Sirena Cordez is accompanying her devout sister Isobel to Java for Isobel's arranged marriage to Dutch Regan van der Rhys. When pirates attack their ship, Sirena and a young shipmate are the only survivors. Blaming van der Rhys for the attack, Sirena devises a plan for revenge. She will be his devout, mourning widow to cover her true identity, that of the avenging pirate Sea Siren! Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1977. Changes and Chances RC 35199 by Mary Elmblad narrated by Mara Swanson 3 cassettes In the sequel to _All Manner of Riches (RC 26664)_, Cassie Taylor is now married to Oklahoma state senator Dixon Steele and the mother of two children. Their happiness is marred only by some sordid family secrets until Dix is elected to Congress and is murdered as a result of his civil rights activity. Cassie, asked to finish Dix's term, finds a new love interest. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. +Daughter of Deceit RC 33905 by Victoria Holt narrated by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes As the daughter of the charming and highly acclaimed actress Desiree, Noelle Tremaston grows up among actors and actresses, enjoys elegant parties, and receives paternal regard from her mother's devoted beaux. But that all changes when Lisa Fennell enters the scene. From that fateful day, Noelle's existence becomes one of high hopes and hopes dashed. But when a set of old letters is uncovered, Noelle's life changes irrevocably. 1991. Deborah Goes to Dover: The Travelling Matchmaker, Volume 5 RC 35314 by Marion Chesney narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 1 cassette As Miss Hannah Pym journeys to Dover, she contemplates a match between two couples. One concerns a young woman and an Army officer who are travelling with Miss Pym. The other involves Lady Deborah Western, whom she discovers at a boxing match dressed as a man and accompanied by her twin brother and their neighbor, Lord Ashton. Sequel to _Beatrice Goes to Brighton (RC 34665)_. 1992. +The Duchess RC 33918 by Jude Deveraux narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes In 1883, Claire Willoughby, an American, must wed an "acceptable" man to inherit the fortune left by her grandfather. Scotsman Harry Montgomery seems to be that ideal husband. So when he suggests that Claire and her family travel to Bramley Castle in Scotland to meet the Montgomery clan, they are delighted. There Claire meets Trevelyan, and her love for Harry is suddenly in doubt and so is her inheritance. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Emily Goes to Exeter: The Travelling Matchmaker, Volume 1 RC 34662 by Marion Chesney narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 1 cassette When Miss Hannah Pym is left a legacy by her late employer, she decides to travel around England. On her way to Exeter, Miss Pym and fellow passengers are snowbound at a secluded inn. Realizing that one of the "male" passengers is really Miss Emily Freemantle, Miss Pym sets about creating a match between Emily and fellow traveler Lord Ranger Harley. Prequel to _Belinda Goes to Bath (RC 34663)_. 1990. +Eternity RC 34049 by Jude Deveraux narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Maine, 1865. Carrie Montgomery, used to a pampered life thanks to her family's wealth and the attention of her seven brothers, has set up a mail-order bride service for the hundreds of lonely men out West. The men send in pictures of themselves and descriptions of their needs in a wife. When Joshua Greene's picture arrives, Carrie decides to marry him. But Josh wants a wife used to hard work on a farm. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +For All Their Lives RC 33908 by Fern Michaels narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes In 1966 Mac Carlin volunteers for Vietnam to get away from an "icy" wife, pregnant by someone else. Casey Adams has been given a commission in the army because of her nursing experiences. They meet and fall in love, and later in Vietnam they consummate their passion. Then a fire-bomb blast hits, leaving Casey disfigured, misidentified, and disillusioned. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +For Love Alone RC 34045 by Ivana Trump narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 5 cassettes Katrinka Kovar has a chance to win a gold medal in skiing for Czechoslovakia at the 1972 Olympics. But, worried about the political situation in her country, she decides to ski for freedom instead. In Munich Katrinka launches a world-wide chain of small hotels. She later marries and becomes part of New York's high society. Then a secret from her past returns to haunt her. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Fortune Hunter RC 34690 by Jo Beverley narrated by Marcia Churchill 2 cassettes The de Lacy children are in a pickle. Their parents are dead and there is no money for dowries for the three girls--Beryl, Amy, and Jacinth--or to restore Stonycourt for their brother Jasper and future heirs. Their only hope is for Amy, the stunning beauty of the family, to marry a man with a fortune. Unfortunately, Amy finds herself falling in love with Harry Crisp, whose income is much too small. 1991. +French Silk RC 34022 by Sandra Brown narrated by Terry Hayes Sales 3 cassettes Claire Laurent, plagued by a recurring nightmare, knows that unless she does something about the force behind it, her future will be ruined. She is the owner of French Silk, a mail-order lingerie firm, but now she becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a TV evangelist who is harassing her company. She is also falling in love with the man assigned to question her. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Generous Earl RC 34792 by Catherine Coulter narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes When English duke Ian Carmichael inherits a Scottish earldom, he seizes the opportunity to visit his new property. The new earl's plans to make the ancient estate self-sufficient are complicated by his growing attraction to his young relative, seventeen-year-old Brandy, along with an unexpected visit from his fiancee and a mysterious attempt on his life. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1981. Georgina RC 34680 by Clare Darcy narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes A young English lady who has been raised by her grandparents upsets them by refusing a proposal of marriage offered by a respectable young man, so she is sent to Ireland where she falls in love with an Irishman of whom they thoroughly disapprove. 1971. The Gold Bug Variations RC 35118 by Richard Powers narrated by Catherine Byers 5 cassettes In the 1950s, Stuart Ressler's cutting-edge genetic research is interrupted when he falls in love with a married member of his research team. Thirty years later, when Ressler is working in a dead-end night job, his co-worker Frank Todd suspects that the brilliant man is hiding a secret past. Todd turns to local librarian Jan O'Deigh for help, and another romance begins. Jan tells the two alternating stories. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Golden Journey RC 33974 by Agnes Sligh Turnbull narrated by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes (Reissue) Anne Kirkland has been paralyzed in a car accident. The doctors say that there is no physical reason for her being unable to walk. Then one doctor gives her father, James, a faint ray of hope--the story of another young woman who seemed to be in the same situation as Anne. Using his power as the state's political king-maker, James bargains with a young politician, Paul Devereux, to marry Anne in return for political support. Will it work? 1955. The Golden Tulip RC 34477 by Rosalind Laker narrated by Lisette Lecat 4 cassettes For Francesca Visser painting is natural. Her father, Hendrick, is a well-known artist in Amsterdam, and Francesca often visits Rembrandt's studio. She is to serve her art apprenticeship in Delft with Jan Vermeer, but Hendrick's weakness for gambling almost destroys her chance and results in her being promised in marriage to a former privateer. If it were not for tulip grower Pieter van Doorne all would be lost. 1991. +Happy Endings RC 34036 by Sally Quinn narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 5 cassettes Allison Sterling and Sadie Grey, heroines of _Regrets Only (RC 23915)_, are still searching for the right man. Sadie, a new widow with a young son, pursues Dr. Michael Lanzer as they work on an AIDS project for the new first lady. Allison, now an editor of the _Washington Daily_, marries Des and becomes pregnant. But the road to happiness will not be smooth for any of them. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. The Homeplace RC 34277 by Janet Dailey narrated by Katrina Van Dyne 1 cassette On a knoll above the Boyer River in Iowa, Catherine Carlsen surveys the land around her, reliving wonderful memories of the Homeplace. But she must not let herself cry over what is no longer hers. Her grandfather has died, and the farm is being sold--and to an easterner, no less! Besides, she is going to marry Clay Carlsen, her childhood friend. Then she meets the new owner, Rob Douglas, and her plans begin to change. A Harlequin romance. 1976. If My Love Could Hold You RC 35263 by Elaine Coffman narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes When Charlotte Butterworth prevents the hanging of Walker Reed, she changes her life forever. Afraid of men (the result of seeing her mother brutalized and murdered), Charlotte has become a bitter spinster. When Walker learns the reasons for Charlotte's attitude, he decides to repay her for saving his life by awakening those feminine passions she has so long denied. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. +Jewels RC 34019 by Danielle Steel narrated by Pam Ward 3 cassettes Sarah, Duchess of Whitfield, is celebrating her seventy-fifth birthday. As she awaits the arrival of her children and grandchildren, she reflects on her life. Sarah recalls her first marriage (which ended in divorce), her marriage to the Duke of Whitfield, the births of their children, the struggle to survive World War II, and the founding of the family business. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Joy and Anger RC 35104 by Jennifer Blake narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Julie, daughter of a famous director, is herself directing a movie in the swampland of Louisiana, with backing from her producer fiance. Rey, a mysterious Cajun, is ideal for providing Julie with authentic advice on local color, but the growing attraction between the two scares her. When accidents and deaths occur on the set, Julie begins to question Rey's motives. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1991. The Joyous Hills RC 32937 by Peggy Gaddis narrated by Ardyth Heller 1 cassette Sally cannot marry Tom if he insists that she give up her career in the city and follow him to a remote area that lacks a future for her. The decision is rougher on Sally than she anticipates and requires a period of rest in an isolated mountain community known as "The Joyous Hills." Sally does not expect to meet anyone of interest in this backwoods town, let alone Ben, who helps her learn the value of simple virtues and true romance. 1955. Love Follows the Heart RC 34297 by June Masters Bacher narrated by Janis Gray 2 cassettes Two young couples are married in a double wedding ceremony, and on their joint honeymoon they receive a cryptic telegram--"Take care of business and come home." When a death in the family forces one of the couples, Marty and Midgie, to take over the Double N Ranch in Oregon, the other couple, Wil and True, join them. In this rugged new land, the faith and the depth of love of all the young people are tested. 1990. +Man of My Dreams RC 34047 by Johanna Lindsey narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Megan Penworthy doesn't plan to marry just any man, she plans to marry the Duke of Wrothston. But when she first meets the duke, he is disguised as Devlin Jefferys, a horse breeder who will be living on her family's estate. Megan's father is privy to the duke's deception, but Megan isn't, and so she faces a dilemma when she begins to fall in love with Jefferys. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Moods RC 34412 by Louisa May Alcott narrated by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Sylvia Yule is an adventurous tomboy who goes on a river camping trip with her brother, Mark, and his two friends, Adam Warwick and Geoffrey Moor, both of whom fall in love with her. At seventeen Sylvia impulsively marries Geoffrey, but soon recognizes her mistake--she is in love with Adam. For a nineteenth-century woman such a predicament is a form of bondage and just cause for moods. 1991. Nevada Captive RC 34510 by Catherine Creel narrated by Ilona Dulaski 3 cassettes When U.S. Marshal Jake Brody arrives in Elko, Nevada, in 1872, it does not appear to be a town in need of taming, but Brody knows appearances can be deceiving. He immediately has a run-in with the owner of McAlister Stage and Transport Company, Caley McAlister, who thinks that work is all she needs to keep her happy. But with the arrival of Brody, Caley finds herself with other thoughts. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. +No Greater Love RC 33938 by Danielle Steel narrated by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Edwina Winfield, her parents and siblings, and her fiance are all exceedingly happy as they sail home to America aboard the _Titanic_ in 1912. But Edwina's life changes forever the night of April 14. Suddenly she is left with five younger children to care for and her father's newspaper to run. As the years pass and the children go their own ways, Edwina is finally able to free herself from the past and take a new chance on romance. Bestseller 1991. Not under the Law RC 35270 by Grace Livingston Hill narrated by Janis Gray 2 cassettes When Joyce Radway's beloved aunt dies, Joyce's life takes an ominous turn. Her aunt's son and his wife appropriate Joyce's childhood home, consigning the young woman to a life of servitude, with no concern for her or her need for independence. When life becomes unbearable, Joyce leaves home for the unknown. Unyielding faith and the love of a man she has known since childhood help her forget past hurts and disappointments. 1925. The Nutmeg Tree RC 32949 by Margery Sharp narrated by Ted Eiland 2 cassettes An indiscretion in 1916 resulted in the irrepressible Julia's having a baby and then marrying. In 1937 her daughter Susan writes from France begging her mother to come to her aid. Susan is in love and wants to marry, but her grandparents, who have raised her, object to the match. Julia flies to her daughter's side to help--and to escape creditors. 1937. Out of the Storm RC 32883 by Grace Livingston Hill narrated by Jeanne Evans 1 cassette When Gail Desmond's parents die leaving her with no money, she takes a job as a traveling companion to Mrs. Adelia Patton, who is planning an ocean voyage. Disaster strikes! Their ship begins to sink and Gail suddenly finds herself being rescued by a man she doesn't know. Now afloat on a makeshift raft, she is desperately trying to keep the same unknown, and now unconscious man from slipping away. 1929. Penelope Goes to Portsmouth: The Travelling Matchmaker, Volume 3 RC 34664 by Marion Chesney narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 1 cassette Miss Hannah Pym is off to Portsmouth with Miss Penelope Wilkins, a very practical young woman. Also on board the coach is Lord Augustus Railton. Miss Pym's matchmaking plans almost go awry before she gets the couple together. In the meantime, she rescues an innocent man about to be hanged and he becomes her footman. Sequel to _Belinda Goes to Bath (RC 34663)_. 1991. +Perfect Partners RC 34024 by Jayne Ann Krentz narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes When Letty Thornquist, an Indiana librarian, inherited Thornquist Gear, she knew her life would be different. What she did not foresee were constant battles with bull-headed CEO Joel Blackstone, who feels the small Seattle company he built into a large mail-order business should be his. Sparks fly in many directions as Letty and Joel do battle in and out of the boardroom. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. Pomfret Towers RC 32942 by Angela Thirkell narrated by June Carter 2 cassettes Alice Barton is terrified when she learns that she has been invited to Pomfret Towers for a weekend house party. She is painfully shy and afraid of Lord Pomfret, who is known for his gruffness. But, not wanting to embarrass her parents by refusing the invitation, and depending on her brother Guy for support, Alice accepts. The grim weekend turns into a lark, and the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. 1938. The Princess RC 34283 by Celia Brayfield narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 4 cassettes Prince Richard, fictional son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, is bright, handsome, and looking for a wife. Enter three Cambridge roommates from varied backgrounds: Victoria, an aristocrat and one of his former playmates; Jocasta, daughter of a movie actress and a star in her own right; and Martha, a Jamaican model and law student. Richard has a fling with each before making his choice. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1990. +Prisoner of My Desire RC 34007 by Johanna Lindsey narrated by Pam Ward 2 cassettes Rowena Belleme is being forced by her stepbrother Gilbert to wed the elderly Lord Lyons. Gilbert wants an heir and the lands lost to him by Rowena's father. But Lyons is old and Rowena is contemptuous of him and her stepbrother. Lyons dies before bedding Rowena, and Gilbert must find a suitable replacement, or all his plans will be for naught. Warrick de Chaville might be a perfect substitute. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +Remember RC 33932 by Barbara Taylor Bradford narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 2 cassettes Nicky Wells is a world-renowned war correspondent. Having been in mortal danger while reporting from Tiananmen Square, she goes to Provence, at the insistence of cameraman Clee Donovan, for a much needed rest. The two have been friends for several years, but suddenly love blossoms. As Nicky is deciding to marry Clee, the face of her former fiance, believed dead, appears on her TV screen. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +Rendezvous RC 34006 by Amanda Quick narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes All of London is celebrating victory at Waterloo--except Harry Fleming, the Earl of Graystone. For him the war can never be over until the man known as Spider is brought to justice. But for now, he will look for a woman of virtue to be his wife. Wild Augusta Ballinger has no idea why Harry wants her for his bride. As they match wits, an old enemy arrives to threaten their love and lives. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Royal Passion RC 34687 by Jennifer Blake narrated by Ilona Dulaski 3 cassettes In the late 1840s, while Mara Delacroix of New Orleans and her grandmother are visiting Europe, they find themselves seriously indebted to evil Nicholas de Landes. In repayment he mysteriously demands that Mara secretly seduce Roderic, the Prince of Ruthenia. Amid political conspiracy and personal misunderstandings, a growing attraction for the prince torments Mara. Explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 1985. Ruling Passions RC 34843 by Susan Crosland narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes 1976. Leaving her Princeton professor lover behind, Daisy Brewster arrives in London for a year-long stay. She takes a job on a London weekly newspaper and soon finds herself fighting off a lecherous boss, Ben Franwell. He seeks revenge for her refusals fifteen years later when Daisy's husband becomes Britain's new defense minister and her former lover becomes U.S. secretary of defense. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1989. +The Secret RC 34048 by Julie Garwood narrated by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes Although the twelfth-century Scots dislike the British intensely, Laird Maitland agrees to allow Lady Judith of England to attend his brother's wife when she gives birth to her first child. Judith looks forward to the visit because she has another special reason for visiting Scotland, but she is totally unprepared for her reaction to Laird Maitland when he comes to escort her. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Shadow and the Star RC 34499 by Laura Kinsale narrated by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes In 1869, Samuel is rescued from a horrifying London childhood and brought to Hawaii by Lady Ashland. In his efforts to eliminate the past, he has trained his body, mind, and spirit to be chaste and pure and hopes to prove himself worthy of marrying Lady Ashland's daughter. When a London shopgirl enters his life, he finds his years of self-discipline crumbling. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +The Sherbrooke Bride RC 34032 by Catherine Coulter narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 2 cassettes England 1803. Douglas Sherbrooke, Earl of Northcliffe, is pressured by absolutely everyone about the lack of an heir for his earldom. He finally agrees that he needs to start a family and decides to wed Lady Melissande. But the earl goes to war and sends a friend to act as his proxy. Things don't go as planned, and the earl finds himself married to Melissande's sister. Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +The Side of the Angels RC 34038 by Leona Blair narrated by Mary Woods 4 cassettes When beautiful Sydney abandons her professor husband and young daughter Kate to have an affair with her own cousin, Kate vows never to become like her. Impressed by Kate's studious nature, Sydney's influential mother tries to lead her into politics. Instead, Kate becomes a feminist historian, and when she finally falls in love, no one approves of her choice. Explicit descriptions of sex, strong language, and some violence. 1992. +Sleeping Beauty RC 34035 by Judith Michael narrated by Pam Ward 4 cassettes At fifteen, Anne Garnett told her wealthy Chicago family that her Uncle Vince had been sexually abusing her for two years. Vince lost his position in the family business, and Anne, getting no support from her family, left home. Now a successful but single Los Angeles lawyer, she returns for the first time, to attend her grandfather's funeral. Vince is not too happy to see her. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Spanish Serenade RC 35291 by Jennifer Blake narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Spain, 1788. Beautiful Pilar, desperate to escape her evil stepfather, Don Esteban, begs her stepfather's enemy, outlaw El Leon, to kidnap her and deliver her to her aunt. When Don Esteban viciously retaliates, El Leon's renegade band and Pilar prepare to chase him to New Orleans. Out at sea, Pilar and El Leon finally give in to their mutual attraction. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 1990. +Sweet Liar RC 35865 by Jude Deveraux narrated by Mary Woods 3 cassettes To receive her inheritance, Sam Elliot must spend a year in New York searching for Maxie, her grandmother, who disappeared in 1964. The year is to be spent in an apartment rented from Mike Taggert, her father's friend, who has an interest in Prohibition-era gangsters. Sam's initial meeting with Mike infuriates her, and she wants only to escape. Yet something keeps her there. Some strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +Tangled Vines RC 35867 by Janet Dailey narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 3 cassettes Kelly Douglas grew up in Napa Valley, but a troubled childhood forced her to move away and change her name. She found success in television and has just become hostess of a new prime-time magazine show. Her first assignment is a story on the Napa Valley wine industry, and especially the Rutledge Estates. But a trip back to California stirs up more than unpleasant memories. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. That None Should Die RC 35283 by Frank G. Slaughter narrated by John Polk 3 cassettes Ran Warren emerges from medical school as an up-and-coming star in his chosen profession. An orphan, Ran finds his social skills don't match his surgical expertise, but the ladies see the potential--especially red-headed nurse Ann Trent. Ran tries to sort out his love life and his colleagues' problems, even as he is drawn into the politics of creating national medical insurance. Some strong language. 1942. That Sweet and Savage Land RC 34934 by Emma Drummond narrated by Jill Tanner 3 cassettes Because Elizabeth Delacourt fails to conform to her new husband's idea of a nineteenth-century British soldier's wife, he leaves her with his family when he is assigned to India. Lonely and bored, Elizabeth falls in love and breaks the heart of another soldier who mistakenly believes she is a widow. Chastened, Elizabeth demands passage to India from her in-laws, only to find both men fighting side by side. Violence. 1990. Thunder on the Plains RC 34835 by Rosanne Bittner narrated by Marcia Churchill 4 cassettes Fifteen-year-old heiress Sunny Landers first meets Colt Travis when the twenty-year-old orphaned half-Native American is hired by Sunny's father as a scout. Their growing mutual attraction is marred by differences in life-style and Mr. Landers's disapproval. After a tumultuous and heartbreaking decade, Sunny and Colt meet again. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Time's Fool: Tales of the Jewelled Men, Volume 1 RC 35257 by Patricia Veryan narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes After six years at war, Captain Gideon Rossiter returns to England eagerly anticipating his marriage to Lady Naomi Lutonville. But he finds that his father is bankrupt, his family is disparaged, and Lady Naomi has broken their engagement. Treachery, murder, and kidnapping abound as Gideon attempts to sort things out. Prequel to _Had We Never Loved (RC 35258)_. 1991. To Catch the Sun RC 34171 by Fiona Bullen narrated by Lisette Lecat 4 cassettes The saga's heroine, Ursula, spends an idyllic childhood in Singapore with her British colonial father. Orphaned during World War II, she is forced to live with unsympathetic relatives. Ursula works as a governess, then enters into a disastrous marriage. After the birth of her daughter and a romantic affair, she flees to Australia where further struggles await. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. A Treasure Worth Seeking RC 35560 by Sandra Brown narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes Ken and his baby sister Erin are adopted by different families after their mother dies. Years of searching bring Erin O'Shea to Ken's house. But rather than having a chance to talk with her brother, Erin finds herself questioned by Lance Barrett, a U.S. government agent. Suddenly Erin is on an emotional roller coaster that involves family ties, secrets, theft, and love. Some strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1982. Until There Was You RC 33982 by June Masters Bacher narrated by Marietta Benevento 1 cassette Loralei Coleman is supposed to be married in a few weeks. She should be happy. But God seems to have a different plan. Her doctor has just told her that she has only a year to live! All she can think of is escaping to Mazatlan--land of romance. Shortly after arriving she meets Jerrod Barker and each of them feels that God has brought them together. But each of them is harboring a secret, and the revelations could destroy their love. 1984. Assignment in Eternity RC 34812 by Robert A. Heinlein narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Four stories by the master science fiction writer. The short novel "Gulf" is an espionage adventure on the moon, in which a superspy is revealed to be the leader of a league of intelligent supermen. The short story "Elsewhen" is an adventure in alternate time by a university professor and his students. Other stories are "Lost Legacy" and "Jerry Was a Man." 1953. The Currents of Space: A Galactic Empire Novel RC 35224 by Isaac Asimov narrated by John Polk 2 cassettes What Rik knows about the future can destroy a solar system, so the rulers of Sark sear the memory from his brain and leave him for dead. Then a lonely peasant girl adopts him and turns him into a man. 1952. +The Disinherited RC 34044 by Peter David and others narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Captain Kirk and the crew of the _Enterprise_ have been sent to investigate the attack by an alien fleet on the colony of Gamma Xaridian. Seeing the destruction, Kirk realizes that the Federation is in trouble, but he doesn't know how serious the situation is until Spock makes a discovery of his own. Some strong language. A Star Trek Novel. Bestseller 1992. The Face of the Waters RC 35311 by Robert Silverberg narrated by James DeLotel 3 cassettes Earth no longer exists, so a small group of humans now lives on an island on the planet Hydros, where they are barely tolerated by the amphibious natives. When one human commits a crime, all of them are set adrift on the waters to find a new home. But they cannot leave the planet, and they are turned away from other islands. Their only hope is the mysterious land, Face of the Waters. Some violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Fall of Hyperion RC 33584 by Dan Simmons narrated by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes The war between the Hegemony and the Ousters continues on the planet Hyperion. The seven pilgrims, who have come to confront the Shrike, are waging their own war within the Time Tombs against this hideous creature whose freedom will mean death to humanity. Sequel to _Hyperion (RC 33583)_. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1990. Fantastic Voyage RC 35208 by Isaac Asimov narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes This science fiction story of inner space is based on the popular motion picture, which tells of an experiment in miniaturization to clear a blood clot from the brain of an indispensable scientist. Prequel to _Fantastic Voyage II (RC 27172)_. 1966. The Fixed Period RC 34464 by Anthony Trollope narrated by George Holmes 2 cassettes Controversial science fiction novel first published in 1882. In the Republic of Britannula, a former British island colony off the coast of New Zealand, the citizens create the doctrine of "Fixed Period." The major tenet is compulsory euthanasia at age sixty-seven. The plan first meets with ridicule, then with dismay, and soon the elderly try to persuade the British to retake the country. 1990. The Garden of Rama RC 34359 by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee narrated by John Stratton 3 cassettes The exploratory mission to the mysterious alien spacecraft _Rama II_ was a disastrous failure. Now three astronauts, two men and a woman, are trapped aboard the vast, dazzling spaceship that is leaving the solar system for an unknown destination. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Sequel to _Rama II (RC 31474)_. 1991. +Ghost-Walker RC 33924 by Barbara Hambly narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Elcidar Beta Three is home to the Midgwins, a peaceful group of people who have lived for years off the natural resources of their planet. Now, however, they face extinction unless they learn to farm their land. Captain Kirk and the crew of the _Enterprise_ have come to teach them how. But outside forces are working to keep Captain Kirk and his men from completing their mission. Some strong language. Star Trek novel. 1991. He, She, and It RC 34743 by Marge Piercy narrated by John Stratton 4 cassettes In 2059 in Norika, Shira Shipman returns to her childhood home of Tikva, where she hopes to recover from a custody battle and the loss of her son. War and environmental disasters have destroyed the land, and most people now live in dome corporations. Tikva is still free, and Yod, a young robot with a human personality, protects it. But falling in love with a human being will destroy his powers. Strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Heavy Time RC 33843 by C.J. Cherryh narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Hoping to salvage the drifting ship they've just discovered, two asteroid miners find themselves rescuing the delirious pilot and trying to comprehend his rambling accusations. The pilot's partner and lover is missing, and he's blaming the vast ASTEX mining monopoly. Soon the two miners are dangerously involved in helping the pilot expose a coverup. Strong language and some violence. 1991. I Feel like the Morning Star RC 33955 by Gregory Maguire narrated by Mimi Bederman 2 cassettes Pioneer Colony has been home for survivors of the nuclear holocaust for the past five years. Living in the subterranean sphere, the inhabitants know only the monotony of artificial days and nights. The abyss requires compliance with many rules enforced by the dreaded J-guards. Teenagers Sorb, Mart, and Ella unite to pursue their dream of freedom, risking all to return to the earth's surface. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. Imzadi RC 35626 by Peter David narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes "Imzadi" is a term used on the planet Betazed to describe a long-standing bond of friendship between people. Commander Riker of the _USS Enterprise_ and crew member Deanna Troi now consider themselves Imzadi. When Deanna dies of a mysterious illness, Riker finds himself having to choose between strict Starfleet rules and Imzadi. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. Bestseller 1992. The Lantern of God RC 32904 by John Dalmas narrated by Jeff Halberstadt 3 cassettes Two races have evolved since an interstellar ship became defective two thousand years ago, and was forced to off-load its cargo on a deserted planet. One group, the Hrummans, are androids; the other, the Almeons, are human descendants of the ship's crew. Elver Brokols, the Almeon ambassador, knows his emperor intends to conquer the Hrummans. But Elver falls in love with an android and sides with the Hrummans against his own people. 1989. Neuromancer RC 34589 by William Gibson narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes Case, a twenty-first century computer interfacer, is caught stealing and receives nerve damage as punishment. When even Japan's medical minds can't repair the injury, drug-addicted and penniless Case loses hope, until he is kidnapped by strangers who promise to cure him if he uses his expertise on their dangerous project. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards. 1984. One Side Laughing: Stories unlike Other Stories RC 34480 by Damon Knight narrated by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes A collection of seventeen short stories, each with an introduction by Knight. The topics include time travel, alien interlopers, the accidental exchange of minds, hoboes, and an alphabet with only twenty-four letters. Some strong language. 1991. Pacific Edge RC 35071 by Kim Stanley Robinson narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes The concluding volume of the Orange County Trilogy depicts a community in sync with nature in 2065. People of El Modena ride bikes, fly pedal planes, play softball, and work on projects such as ripping up highways and converting buildings to be ecologically sound. Capitalism has been replaced by an economy run by the UN. Conflict arises when an ambitious mayor conspires with developers. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. The Paratwa RC 34207 by Christopher Hinz narrated by John Polk 3 cassettes In the conclusion to a futuristic series, the paratwa, genetically engineered assassins who exist simultaneously in two bodies, have returned to the space colonies circling the ravaged Earth. It appears they have their own plans for the planet. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Sequel to _Ash Ock (RC 30927)_. 1991. +Perchance to Dream RC 34025 by Howard Weinstein narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Captain Picard and the crew of the starship _Enterprise_ encounter an alien race called the Tenirans, who vie with the humans over possession of a newly discovered world. When an _Enterprise_ shuttle craft disappears, Picard is ready to blame the Tenirans. But when Picard himself suddenly vanishes from the _Enterprise_ bridge, it becomes apparent that a much more powerful alien force is at work. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. 1991. +Probe RC 35859 by Margaret Wander Bonanno narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes The Romulan Praetor has died and the Federation has joined together for talks that they hope will at last bring peace to the galaxy. But news that the Probe has entered Romulan space sends Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the crew of the _Enterprise_ on a dangerous mission and a confrontation with the menace. Some strong language. A Star Trek novel. Bestseller 1992. +Reunion RC 33941 by Michael Jan Friedman narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes _Enterprise_ commander Picard, a past captain of the _Stargazer_, has been asked to escort his former ensign, Morgen, to Morgen's homeworld of Daa'V. Picard is looking forward to a pleasant reunion with Morgen and other former crew members. Suddenly an accident caused by an assassin propels the _Enterprise_ into Romulan space. The assassin must be found before peace is destroyed within the galaxy. Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. Bestseller 1991. +The Rift RC 34029 by Peter David narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Three times a century a rift opens up in space and joins the Federation with enigmatic aliens called Calligar. A Federation delegation led through the rift by Mr. Spock is captured, leaving Captain Kirk to discover the evil mystery of the Calligar and to rescue his friends before the rift closes for another thirty-three years. A Star Trek novel. Bestseller 1991. The Singers of Time RC 34659 by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes A few centuries into the future, Earth is under the command of an advanced race known as Turtles. Because the planet has prospered under the Turtles, humans have no problem with being treated as inferior. But when the Turtles' home planet and their Mother Turtle (their single fertile female) disappear into a wormhole, these lowly humans become the Turtles' only hope for survival. For high school and older readers. 1991. +Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country RC 34031 by J.M. Dillard narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Captain Kirk and the crew of the _Enterprise_ are sent to escort a Klingon emissary into Federation space for peace talks. An insidious assassination terminates the discussions, and Kirk and Dr. McCoy end up in the hands of the Klingons, charged with murder. Meanwhile Spock and the rest of the crew must identify the real murderer to avert a galactic war. Star Trek novel based on the motion picture. 1992. The Summer Queen RC 34560 by Joan D. Vinge narrated by Barbara Caruso 8 cassettes in 2 containers Now that Tiamat has moved from its generations-long winter to its lengthy summer, Arienrhod, the Snow Queen, has been replaced by Moon Dawntreader, the Summer Queen. Moon wants her people to return to traditional customs and to stop killing the mers--amiable sea creatures whose extinction heralds the end of the world. But the Summers resist her reforms. Sequel to _The Snow Queen (RD 20257)_. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Time Patrol RC 35105 by Poul Anderson narrated by James DeLotel 5 cassettes In eight short stories and one novella, Anderson explores the idea of time travel and the problems that can arise when a person wants to go back in time and change history. In most of the stories, it is the responsibility of Time Patrol agent Manse Everard to see that no one so irrevocably alters the past that the future to which he or she belongs never happens. His travels take him from 542 B.C. to the thirty-first century. Some strong language. 1991. Unification RC 35623 by Jeri Taylor narrated by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Ambassador Spock makes an unauthorized journey to the center of the Romulan Empire. Federation leaders suspect defection. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the _Enterprise_ are sent on a dangerous, secret mission to Romulus, the home world of the Romulans, to find Spock and discover his intentions. A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. Bestseller 1990. Voyage to the Red Planet RC 32951 by Terry Bisson narrated by Randy Means 2 cassettes Science fiction adventure and satire that portrays the wonders and heroics of space exploration at the mercy of materialism and the shallow priorities of a consumer-driven society. Early in the twenty-first century the idea of space exploration has been all but abandoned due to the bankruptcy of NASA and the takeover of the government by private corporations. Then a Hollywood producer decides to film a blockbuster movie on Mars. 1990. Winterlong RC 34231 by Elizabeth Hand narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes In the far future, a post-holocaust civilization has created a nightmarish, sensuous world populated by bizarre, genetically altered humans. Wendy, a young, neurologically augmented empath, finds herself drawn to a young man trained from birth as a sacred prostitute. Together they attempt to foil an insane dictator who plots a final revolution that would signal the end of humanity. Strong language and some violence. 1990. Xenocide RC 34265 by Orson Scott Card narrated by Bob Askey 4 cassettes The planet Lusitania is now inhabited by three intelligent species--humans, the indigenous pequeninos (piggies), and a hive queen and her descendants (buggers). The planet, however, is teeming with descolada, a sentient virus essential to the life cycle of the planet natives, but deadly to humans. Ender Wiggins and a group of aliens try to find a solution to the problem. Sequel to _Speaker for the Dead (RC 24421)_. 1991. Short Stories _The Apple-Green Triumph_ and Other Stories RC 34868 by Martha Lacy Hall narrated by Mary Woods 1 cassette In the title story, twice-widowed, seventy-five-year-old Lucia drives an apple-green sports car to the airport to pick up her brother Everett for the funeral of his twin sister, Ann. Lucia ponders aloud the predicament of squeezing Everett's bulk into the car. Eight more stories concerning the domestic lives of southern women display gentility, a touch of comedy, and a serious interest in food. Some strong language. 1990. Assignment in Eternity RC 34812 by Robert A. Heinlein narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Four stories by the master science fiction writer. The short novel "Gulf" is an espionage adventure on the moon, in which a superspy is revealed to be the leader of a league of intelligent supermen. The short story "Elsewhen" is an adventure in alternate time by a university professor and his students. Other stories are "Lost Legacy" and "Jerry Was a Man." 1953. +_The Awakening_ and Selected Stories RC 33806 by Kate Chopin narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes First published in 1899, _The Awakening_ is a novel about a liberated young woman who rebels against the constraints of marriage and engages in extramarital love. The results are disastrous, in the book and on the career of the author. In an introduction to the novel and the twelve short stories in this collection, the editor reflects on Chopin's continuing impact on feminist literature. 1983. The Barnum Museum: Stories RC 34587 by Steven Millhauser narrated by Jon Beryl 2 cassettes A collection of ten short stories probes the distinctions between the real world and the world of mystery and imagination. In the title story, Millhauser leads a guided tour through a museum dedicated to bewilderment and fantasy. In "Alice, Falling" and other stories, he turns familiar tales into satires on scholarly interpretations. Semifinalist for 1991 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. Beautiful Girl: Stories RC 33734 by Alice Adams narrated by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes Adams's stories focus on sadness in relationships. The first three stories feature the relationships of the southern Todd family and their maid. Others tell of a woman afraid of losing her lover and a woman's hatred of a priest who had been her best friend's lover. Most of the stories were previously published in magazines. Some descriptions of sex. 1978. The Best American Short Stories, 1991: Selected from U.S. and Canadian Magazines RC 34838 edited by Alice Adams and Katrina Kenison narrated by Laura Giannarelli 4 cassettes Alice Munro, John Updike, and Siri Hustvedt are among the twenty established and new writers in this volume. The protagonists are as different as a prizefighter and an actress, emotions range from fear to nostalgia, and characters form unexpected relationships and do both benign and dangerous things. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. The Best Short Stories of Theodore Dreiser RC 35096 by Theodore Dreiser narrated by Fred Major 3 cassettes Although Dreiser worked as a newspaperman in St. Louis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York, he is best remembered for his fiction. This collection of his short stories includes "The Shadow," "The Old Neighborhood," and "The Prince Who Was a Thief." 1947. _Billy Budd, Sailor_ and Other Stories RC 34260 by Herman Melville narrated by Bob Askey 3 cassettes (Reissue) The title story is a classic nineteenth-century novel about naive, innocent, young Billy Budd, who is cruelly antagonized and unjustly accused by his evil master-at-arms, John Claggart. Speechless with rage, Billy strikes and kills Claggart, forcing Captain Vere to order his execution. Also included are "Bartleby," "The Piazza," "The Encatadas," "The Bell-Tower," and "Benito Cereno." 1986. A Cat, a Man, and Two Women: Stories RC 34570 by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki narrated by Yolande Bavan 2 cassettes Three stories first published in Japanese between 1918 and 1936. In the title story, Shozo strives to assert himself in a world dominated by females--his ex-wife, his new wife, his mother, and his cat--the subject of a custody battle. In "The Little Kingdom," another power struggle takes place, between a schoolteacher and a bossy pupil. And in "Professor Rado," a journalist finds a noted academic has an unknown side. 1990. The Cat Who Had Fourteen Tales RC 35527 by Lilian Jackson Braun narrated by Jill Ferris 1 cassette Most of the cats in Braun's stories are of the Siamese variety and vastly superior to their human companions. In "The Fluppie Phenomenon," cat sitters take on a kitten with a mechanical fetish, putting their appliances in danger. The protagonist of "Phut Phat Concentrates" tries to teach his humans a more advanced method of communicating. "Stanley and Spook" are a cat and boy with oddly reversed traits. Some violence. 1988. Circe's Mountain RC 33621 by Marie Luise Kaschnitz narrated by Kimberly Schraf 1 cassette Twelve short stories are translated from their original German to create a sampler of this poet, novelist, and essayist's work. Some stories have an autobiographical basis, some are set in Italy--her second home, some share her concern with the inner lives of her characters, and all share a fascination with the connection between the living and the dead. 1990. Collected Novellas RC 34384 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes "Leaf Storm," the first story by the Nobel Prize-winning author, conjures up the whirlwind of humanity that descends on a small Colombian town as a result of a civil war and a new company. "No One Writes to the Colonel" is a portrait of a proud, elderly, and impoverished man who is forced to sell his belongings to buy food. The final work, "Chronicle of a Death Foretold," reconstructs a crime executed while others stood by. Strong language. 1990. The Collected Stories of Chester Himes RC 35396 by Chester B. Himes narrated by John Stratton 4 cassettes The son of a college professor and a teacher, Himes went from honor student to prison inmate by the age of nineteen. In these sixty short stories, Himes, a prolific writer best known for his detective novels, explores the gamut of African-American experiences during the 1930s and 1940s. Most stories are terse, emotionally charged accounts of violence and desperation fueled by racism. Strong language and violence. 1990. Complete Collected Stories RC 34190 by V.S. Pritchett narrated by Graeme Malcolm 8 cassettes This collection of eighty-two short stories covers sixty years of the writer's career. His tales are set mainly in England and concern everyday life. He closely observes the quirks of human nature and creates out-of-the-ordinary characters in tales such as "Handsome Is as Handsome Does," "You Make Your Own Life," "The Fly in the Ointment," and "The Key to My Heart." 1990. _The Copper Peacock_ and Other Stories RC 35054 by Ruth Rendell narrated by Graeme Malcolm 1 cassette Eight of the nine short stories in this collection are psychological thrillers. In the title piece, a writer becomes so absorbed with himself that he fails to question the obvious signs of violence threatening his peaceful world. And in the final story, Rendell calls on Chief Inspector Reginald Wexford when a dysfunctional family falls victim to a manipulative child. Some strong language. 1991. Crimes of Conscience RC 34916 by Nadine Gordimer narrated by Lisette Lecat 1 cassette Eleven short stories set in South Africa demonstrate the author's lifelong opposition to apartheid. Many selections deal with betrayal--sometimes of the character and sometimes of the cause--each one portraying the emotional conflict and corruption under such a political system. Another theme is the pleasure of finding unexpected goodness in people, even in the midst of violence. Gordimer is the 1991 winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. 1991. False Gods RC 34717 by Louis Auchincloss narrated by Gordon Gould 2 cassettes Ancient Greek deities inspire these six twentieth-century New York stories. In "Polyhymnia, Muse of Sacred Song," a would-be priest stuggles with his spiritual and aesthetic natures. In "Charity, Goddess of Our Day," a young lawyer leaves the family firm to become a zoo fundraiser. In "Hephaestus, God of Newfangled Things," an aged architect reflects on his life's work and the turns it has taken. Some strong language. Bestseller 1992. Fever: Twelve Stories RC 35220 by John Edgar Wideman narrated by Bruce Huntey 1 cassette In the title story an African-American nurse-undertaker narrates the catastrophe of a yellow fever epidemic in eighteenth-century Philadelphia. Two stories are about a jazz player and a bluesman. Several scenes return to Wideman's Pittsburgh neighborhood for themes with different perspectives, each using the fever metaphor to depict suffering in many forms. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. First Encounters/Primeros Encuentros RC 34667 by Sabine R. Ulibarri narrated by Juan Ramirez and Rick Foucheux 1 cassette Nine bilingual stories explore the interactions between Hispanics and Anglos in a small northern New Mexico town. An Anglo stranger takes refuge with a New Mexican family in "The Gallant Stranger"; a marriage between a Hispano and a gringa is beset by intercultural pressures in "They Got Married ..."; and a Hispanic boy becomes friends with an Anglo nun in "Sister Generose." In Spanish and English. 1982. The Flannery O'Connor Award: Selected Stories RC 35740 edited by Charles East narrated by Barbara Caruso 2 cassettes One story from each of the twenty-one writers who have won the award, established in 1981, for promising American writers of short fiction. Included is Antonya Nelson's "The Expendables," in which a Sicilian wedding party spills into the street and gets mixed up with a Gypsy funeral procession. Some strong language. 1992. +_Flowers in the Rain_ and Other Stories RC 34018 by Rosamunde Pilcher narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes A collection of sixteen stories, mostly concerned with the romances of British women in their thirties. The title story tells of a reunion between a young woman who visits an old friend and the friend's grandson, on whom she once had a crush. Other stories portray a mother talking with her son on his wedding day; a young woman jilted by her lover; and a boy's love for his sister and widowed mother. Bestseller 1991. Great Short Works of Joseph Conrad RC 34475 by Joseph Conrad narrated by Graeme Malcolm 3 cassettes Collection of seven short works of fiction by one of the masters of the novel form. The Polish-born Conrad led a varied life that enabled him to write authoritatively on a wide range of human problems. Contains "An Outpost of Progress," "The Lagoon," "The Nigger of the Narcissus," "Youth," "Heart of Darkness," "Typhoon," and "The Secret Sharer." 1967. _Heat _and Other Stories RC 34694 by Joyce Carol Oates narrated by Laura Giannarelli 3 cassettes Stories that explore events touched with violence or despair. In the title story a young girl tells her version of the deaths of her friends, identical twins molested and murdered by a retarded youth. In "The Knife" a woman is robbed and raped in her home, while "Shopping" uses a trip to the mall to illustrate the emotional strain between a mother and her teenage daughter. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Historical Christmas Stories 1990 RC 33997 by Nora Roberts and others narrated by Ardyth Heller 2 cassettes Roberts reintroduces the MacGregor family, when a young widow falls for wounded minuteman Ian MacGregor. Another story explores the conflicting emotions of relatives and sweethearts divided by the Civil War. Finally, a rancher's daughter and a former town troublemaker are reunited. Some descriptions of sex. 1990. _The Housebreaker of Shady Hill_ and Other Stories RC 35486 by John Cheever narrated by Jon Beryl 1 cassette Most of these stories, about the terrors and triumphs of suburban life, appeared first in the _New Yorker_. In the title story, Johnny Hake tries to convince himself that family obligations override his habit of filching wallets. In another tale, the aging track star, Cash Bentley, leaps hurdles over the furniture at parties. But how is it that Shady Hill has a country club and no library? Some strong language. 1958. I Cannot Get You Close Enough: Three Novellas RC 35282 by Ellen Gilchrist narrated by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Three interconnected novellas feature southern author Anna Hand and her extended family. "Winter" details Anna's search for evidence against her ex-sister-in-law, who wants to regain custody of the child she bore to Anna's brother. In "De Havilland Hand," an unknown niece contacts Anna. "A Summer in Maine" takes place after Anna commits suicide to foil cancer. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1990. _The Last Word_ and Other Stories RC 34782 by Graham Greene narrated by Andrew Sofer 1 cassette Twelve short stories spanning nearly seventy years of Greene's writing. In the title story an old man, whose memory has been obliterated in an accident, turns out to be the pope and faces execution because there are no more Christians. One story, "A Branch of the Service," is published here for the first time. 1990. The Lilac Bus: Stories RC 35332 by Maeve Binchy narrated by Terry Donnelly 2 cassettes Every weekend seven villagers travel home from Dublin to Rathdoon aboard Tom Fitzgerald's Lilac Bus. Separate sketches, which combine to create a larger tale, portray the villagers' concerns: Judy Hickey's loss of the custody of her two children, Mikey Burns's affluent brother, and Tom's hospitalized sister. The collection also includes _Dublin 4_, stories set in the city. 1984. The Literary Dog: Great Contemporary Dog Stories RC 33695 edited by Jeanne Schinto narrated by Jack Fox 3 cassettes Schinto has selected this group of dog stories "for lovers of good fiction--with a healthy side interest in dogs." The collection of thirty-four short stories, which have all been published since 1963, contains works by such authors as Doris Lessing, Alistair MacLeod, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Bobbie Ann Mason, Alice Adams, John Updike, William Trevor, and Ann Beattie. Some strong language. 1990. Louisa May Alcott: Selected Fiction RC 33781 by Louisa May Alcott and others narrated by Yvonne Fair Tessler 5 cassettes One of the most prolific authors of her day, Alcott (1832-1888) is perhaps best known for _Little Women (RC 18128)_. This anthology displays the wide range of her fiction, and the evolution of a thoughtful, expressive woman who wrote about war, race relations, family, and single life. 1990. _A Model World_ and Other Stories RC 34512 by Michael Chabon narrated by Rick Foucheux 1 cassette Each of the six stories in the first part of this collection reveals an individual's response to a change in a relationship with a spouse, an ex-lover, a parent, or simply a friend. Five stories in part two deal with progressive stages in the life of Nathan Shapiro as he learns to deal with his emotions when his parents divorce. Some strong language. 1991. Music of the Swamp RC 34308 by Lewis Nordan narrated by Harold Parker 1 cassette A collection of stories about Sugar Mecklin's youth on the Mississippi Delta. Although Sugar's gloomy alcoholic father claims that the Delta is full of death, and, in fact, Sugar does seem to be meeting up with quite a few dead bodies, the boy tries to maintain an optimistic love for his life and his family. Some strong language. 1991. _The Mysterious Stranger_ and Other Stories RC 34411 by Mark Twain narrated by Fred Major 2 cassettes This collection of nine stories contains several humorous pieces, such as "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," which is about a trickster. Others, such as "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" and "Luck," are more satirical. The title story, which appears at the end of the collection, is pessimistic fiction reflecting the author's bitterness in his final years. 1962. One Side Laughing: Stories unlike Other Stories RC 34480 by Damon Knight narrated by Richard Davidson 2 cassettes A collection of seventeen short stories, each with an introduction by Knight. The topics include time travel, alien interlopers, the accidental exchange of minds, hoboes, and an alphabet with only twenty-four letters. Some strong language. 1991. Pangs of Love: Stories RC 34554 by David Wong Louie narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes Louie's stories depict the twentieth-century Asian-American experience. The title selection illustrates a second-generation Chinese-American's frustration with his mother's refusal to learn English and his own inability to speak more than rudimentary Cantonese. Other stories explore failed relationships between Asian and white Americans. Descriptions of sex. _Los Angeles Times_ Book Award. 1991. Red Wolf, Red Wolf RC 34177 by W.P. Kinsella narrated by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes In introducing his collection of thirteen short stories, Kinsella pays tribute to his Yugoslavian grandmother, from whom he inherited his love of storytelling. He explains how she always introduced her stories with the image of people sitting at home when "knocks at the door a stranger" who will enter into and change their lives. Kinsella also uses real people, into whose lives come strangers who will bring change. Strong language. 1987. A Relative Stranger: Stories RC 33571 by Charles Baxter narrated by Reginald Metcalf 2 cassettes Baxter's stories explore feelings, interactions, and relationships. Many, including the title story, are narrated by men in different situations. In "A Relative Stranger," the appearance of an unknown brother complicates life for a man who is reeling from his inability to handle his new role as husband and father. Other stories involve men's feelings about their mothers, wives, lovers, and the meaning of life. 1990. The Return of Hyman Kaplan RC 33572 by Leo Rosten narrated by Ray Hagen 1 cassette A collection of humorous stories, published originally in _Harper's Magazine_ and the _New Yorker_, forms the sequel to _The Education of Hyman Kaplan (RC 17025)_. Hyman and his fellow classmates, all immigrants, attend beginner's grade in a New York night school for adults. Their teacher, Mr. Parkhill, patiently listens to their attempts to conquer the language of their new country. 1959. The Rose Fancier: Stories RC 34401 by Olga Masters narrated by Jill Ferris 1 cassette Seventeen short stories, ranging in time from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century, offer insight into family life in Australia. The title story tells of two elderly sisters, Petula and Violet, and a long-ago event that has kept them in their childhood home, where their father's rose garden now stands in ruin. In "Home Sick," a sick young boy goes to school so he won't spoil his mother's plans. 1988. Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand RC 35644 by Ursula K. Le Guin narrated by Mara Swanson 2 cassettes Most of the characters in these twelve short stories live along Searoad in the Oregon coastal village of Klatsand. The tales center mainly around women. The men involved are mostly obtuse husbands, bullies, and misfits. Townspeople include the couple who own a decaying motel, a librarian who has a brief affair with the bookstore owner, and four generations of the Herne women. Strong language. 1991. Shape-Shifter: Stories RC 35431 by Pauline Melville narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes Short stories shift back and forth from England to its former colonies, evoking reactions ranging from alarm to humor. Characters, too, share in the transformation. One person hears the wonderful reggae music of the West Indies while another sees only the crab-infested mud flats. A seamstress in Soweto longs to sell her clothes to Harrods in London: the dream is always on the other side. Some strong language. 1990. The Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe RC 34284 by Thomas Wolfe narrated by Rick Foucheux 3 cassettes (Reissue) A representative sample of the twentieth-century American novelist's works; includes an editorial introduction and notes. 1961. Short Stories of Jack London RC 33425 by Jack London narrated by John Stratton 6 cassettes London was a travelin' man whose "Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan" won a newspaper contest and was published when he returned from the Pacific at the age of seventeen. It is included in this selection of short fiction, along with his last story, "The Water Baby." Also included are a biographical essay and forty-eight of London's other short stories. For high school and older readers. 1990. Sleepwalker in a Fog RC 34939 by Tatyana Tolstaya narrated by Noah Siegel 2 cassettes In the title story Denisov dreams that he shares his bagel with starving citizens in Leningrad. He awakens and feels enormous guilt when he finds himself in Moscow with a full refrigerator. In each of the eight stories in this collection, Tolstaya weaves the fantasy lives of ordinary people into the reality of life in Russia under the Communist regime. By the author of _On the Golden Porch (RC 32371)_. 1991. Squandering the Blue: Stories RC 34271 by Kate Braverman narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes In the title story, a young girl is disgusted by her alcoholic poet-mother. Other stories also feature fortyish, addicted female poets and themes of illness and dysfunctional relationships. Some characters show up in more than one story: two friends, a poet and an attorney, struggling with physical and mental illnesses, and an abused wife who gives up a comfortable life-style to escape. Strong language. 1989. The Stories of John Edgar Wideman RC 35457 by John Edgar Wideman narrated by Harold Parker 4 cassettes This volume, by a two-time winner of the PEN Faulkner Award, contains two earlier collections, _Fever_ and _Damballah_, along with the completely new _All Stories Are True_. Wideman, who frequently returns for his settings to Homewood, the black section of Pittsburgh where he grew up, weaves autobiographical elements and family members into his fiction. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Tales of the Southwest RC 34203 by Benjamin Capps narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Born in 1922, Capps grew up in Texas and has based many of these stories in his home state and some on his own youth. Although a few of the tales are set on ranches, most focus on the interactions of twentieth-century small-town folk, their children, and their animals. 1990. _The Tattered Cloak_ and Other Novels RC 35406 by Nina Berberova narrated by Suzanne Toren 2 cassettes Six novellas originally published in Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s. Set mainly in Paris, Berberova creates characters, such as desperate Tania in _The Waiter and the Slut_, whose lives, loves, and losses resemble those of the author and other displaced persons. In the title story, she uses the image of an old cloak to symbolize the protection that she and her fellow emigres were seeking after the Russian Revolution. Some strong language. 1990. They Brought Their Women: A Book of Short Stories RC 35696 by Edna Ferber narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 2 cassettes A collection of eight short stories written between 1927 and 1933. The title story describes the gulf between two Chicago couples, Leonard and Muriel Starrett, steel-mill aristocracy from the North Side, and Jeff Boyd and his wife, Hank, from the South Side. Other stories include "Glamour," "Fraulein," "Meadow Lark," "Hey! Taxi$," "Wall Street--'28," "No Foolin'," and "Keep It Holy." 1933. The Things They Carried RC 34768 by Tim O'Brien narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes In the title story, which serves as an introduction to a series of twenty-two related stories, O'Brien uses the paraphernalia that young American soldiers in Vietnam carried as a metaphor for their inner burdens--cowardice, peer pressure, self-delusion, and fear. He continues the sequence with discussions about his own decision not to flee to Canada, friends, fetishes, killing, love, and how to tell a true war story. Strong language and violence. 1990. _The Time and the Place_ and Other Stories RC 34469 by Naguib Mahfouz narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 1 cassette Set almost entirely in Cairo, each of these twenty stories by the Nobel Prize-winning author is about a search of some sort. In the title story, he creates an allegorical scene in which the central character is visited by a voice directing him to search for a box--a search that teaches him to respect time and place. Other stories are about a search that is never resolved, perhaps suggesting life and death. 1991. The Time Patrol RC 35105 by Poul Anderson narrated by James DeLotel 5 cassettes In eight short stories and one novella, Anderson explores the idea of time travel and the problems that can arise when a person wants to go back in time and change history. In most of the stories, it is the responsibility of Time Patrol agent Manse Everard to see that no one so irrevocably alters the past that the future to which he or she belongs never happens. His travels take him from 542 B.C. to the thirty-first century. Some strong language. 1991. Toward the Radical Center: A Karel Capek Reader RC 34540 by Karel Capek narrated by George Holmes 3 cassettes English translations of three plays and several short stories, essays, and assorted sketches on gardening and travel provide a sampling of the work of this prolific Czechoslovakian writer. The word "robot" from his 1922 play _R.U.R._ (_Rossum's Universal Robots_), included here, has entered everyday language. 1990. Trigger Dance RC 34405 by Diane Glancy narrated by Pam Ward 1 cassette Poet Glancy presents a collection of stories depicting today's Native Americans and their struggle with opposing cultures. A few of the selections are written in dialect form--"werd yeu stayed out thar all winder?"--and others are interspersed with poetry. In the title story, Roan and his sons "conflab" about the state of the earth while Roan's dying father begs them to defy tradition and cremate him. Explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Truth Tales: Contemporary Stories by Women Writers of India RC 34166 by Kali for Women narrated by Yolande Bavan 2 cassettes Short stories selected from the seven major regions and languages of India. The authors, all women, write about the experience of being a woman amid the turmoil of late twentieth-century India. The subjects are diverse, including the status of women, predicaments caused by varying social classes and castes, political oppression, and, above all, an interest in writing. 1986. Victorian Ghost Stories: An Oxford Anthology RC 35421 by Michael Cox and R.A. Gilbert narrated by Richard Brown 5 cassettes Thirty-five scary tales about interactions between the living and the dead, selected from the period when supernatural fiction, especially with the help of small magazines, flourished. Many stories are by well-known authors, such as Henry James, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Conan Doyle, and R.L. Stevenson. Several are set in haunted houses, typically around Christmas. 1991. A Vocation and a Voice: Stories RC 33561 by Kate Chopin narrated by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes This small collection of stories was canceled by a publisher in 1900, following the public's hostile reaction to Chopin's _The Awakening_. One of her recurrent themes is women--independent, naive, victimized, aggressive, and full of dreams. Themes of music, love, and nature also appear in many stories. But her characters, like her idol, Guy de Maupassant, seem to have an obsession with madness. Some strong language. 1991. War Fever RC 34408 by J.G. Ballard narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes The title story of Ballard's collection is set in war-torn Beirut. A young soldier realizes that if everyone put on the blue helmets of the United Nations' observers, a ceasefire would take effect. When he is proven correct, he is arrested by U.N. officials who explain why the war must continue. Other stories have unusual formats: one is answers to an unseen questionnaire; another is an index to an autobiography. Violence. 1990. What Was Mine RC 33428 by Ann Beattie narrated by Kimberly Schraf 2 cassettes Beattie portrays ordinary people going about their everyday lives in this collection of eleven short stories and one novella. The consequences of choice and the things beyond one's control shape and complicate the drama in the daily lives of her characters. In the title story, "What Was Mine," a young man ponders his fatherless childhood and finally understands his sense of abandonment. 1991. Sports End Zone RC 35693 by Don DeLillo narrated by Bruce Huntey 2 cassettes (Reissue) Gary Harkness plays college football at an obscure Texas college but worries about the speed and violence of the game. When the coach's constant prodding to "hit somebody, hit somebody" finally gets to him, Gary protests with a hunger strike. 1972. Hoops RC 34574 by Walter Dean Myers narrated by Bruce Huntey 1 cassette Skeptical of authority and afraid of emotional commitments, Lonnie Jackson, eighteen, is suspicious of Cal Jones, a former pro-basketball player who takes over coaching his Harlem youth team. A friendship slowly develops, and Cal reveals how he was forced to quit the pros for sports betting. Now gamblers are pressuring Cal to fix the tournament by keeping Lonnie on the bench. Some descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1981. Spy and Espionage An Agent in Place RC 35407 by Robert Littell narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes Fearing the end of the Cold War, a mysterious, autonomous American agency hatches a plot to thwart changes in the Soviet Union. The bureau's patsy is agent Ben Bassett, sent to Moscow supposedly to eradicate all paper traces of a CIA operation called Ironweed. While both American and Soviet operatives track his movements, Ben further complicates the plan by falling in love with a Russian poet. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1991. Brotherhood of the Tomb RC 34332 by Daniel Easterman narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 2 cassettes This theological thriller starts with the discovery of a tomb containing the bones of Christ and centers on a sinister brotherhood whose agenda involves the murder of priests and a plot against the pope. Entangled in the mystery are an ex-CIA agent; his long-dead Italian lover; his current lover, a CIA agent; a KGB operative; and a bishop. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. +City of Gold RC 34034 by Len Deighton narrated by Andrew Sofer 3 cassettes In the final months of 1941, General Rommel has managed to stop Britain's forward march to Cairo, City of Gold. His success is due to a series of secret intelligence messages from an unknown traitor. Bert Cutler, assigned the formidable task of uncovering the turncoat, dies en route to Cairo, and his identity is assumed by his prisoner, Jimmy Ross. But can Ross get away with the deception? Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1992. Condition Black RC 34837 by Gerald Seymour narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes When his good friend and fellow FBI agent is mistakenly killed during an Iraqi assassination, Agent Bill Erlich vows to find the British hit man, known only as Colt. His search leads him to England, where Colt is involved in persuading a financially dissatisfied nuclear scientist to transfer his allegiance to Iraq. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1990. Crossing at Ivalo RC 34443 by Rod MacLeish narrated by George Backman 2 cassettes A KGB officer defects with Mandelbaum, the principal scientist of the Soviet Star Wars system. Mandelbaum, hoping to be reunited with his daughter in Israel, is instead held hostage by the officer and offered up for auction to the two superpowers. Yarrow, the CIA analyst in charge of trying to locate the scientist, has mixed feelings about turning Mandelbaum over to either country. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Dark Star RC 34183 by Alan Furst narrated by Robert Blumenfeld 3 cassettes Andre Szara, a Polish-born Jew and a journalist for _Pravda,_ is forced to become a Soviet intelligence agent during the days immediately before World War II. His assignments take him close to the rapidly changing political landscape of much of Europe as Stalin and Hitler increase their power. Szara writes about the gripping fear, joins efforts to help fleeing refugees, falls in love with a German woman, and tries to protect his sources. 1991. +The Doomsday Conspiracy RC 34012 by Sidney Sheldon narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Witnesses had stared in horror at the crash of a "weather balloon" in the Swiss Alps. Commander Robert Bellamy of Naval Intelligence has been ordered to find all of them and ensure their silence. His only clue is that the witnesses were on the same tour bus. As Bellamy travels the globe, he discovers he is in the midst of an international conspiracy guided by alien forces. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +Harlot's Ghost RC 33909 by Norman Mailer narrated by Roy Avers 8 cassettes in 2 containers A fictional history of daily life in the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s is also a two-part memoir of CIA operative Harry Hubbard. One part traces Harry's CIA training. The other focuses on his godfather Hugh Montague, AKA Harlot, and Hugh's pursuit of a monumental dream. Also features Hugh's wife, who later becomes Harry's wife, and figures such as Howard Hunt, Fidel Castro, and J. Edgar Hoover. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +A Hooded Crow RC 34016 by Craig Thomas narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes Sir Kenneth Aubrey is on medical leave when two cohorts discover a plot to ship illegal high-tech instruments to South Africa. Apparently some high-ranking Russians have a shopping list for which they are willing to risk their intelligence network. When Sir Aubrey gets a letter from an old friend in Namibia telling him about a downed plane, he springs into action. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. The Innocent RC 34179 by Ian McEwan narrated by Steven Crossley 2 cassettes In 1955, British electrician Leonard Marnham is recruited to Berlin to take part in a joint British-American espionage project: tapping Russian communication lines. While in Berlin, twenty-five-year-old Leonard falls in love with a thirty-year-old German woman. The appearance of her ex-husband has drastic results for Leonard's private life and his work. Some strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Jaguar RC 34169 by Loup Durand narrated by George Backman 3 cassettes In the 1920s, a young Brazilian pacifist, forced into the military by his millionaire father, escapes to Germany. To win the heart of a beautiful American woman, the Brazilian invents a new identity as a fearless anarchist called Jaguar. When a Russian spy frames Jaguar for a series of murders world-wide, the young lovers find themselves fighting for their lives, pursued by the law and the spy. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. The Last Good German RC 34811 by Bill Granger narrated by Chuck Benson 1 cassette Devereaux, a.k.a. the November Man, was framed fifteen years ago by Pendleton, another Section agent. Now Pendleton, after rising through the ranks, reverses Devereaux's disability leave and blackmails him into another assignment involving the same German spy who shot him during the set-up. Everybody has his own conflicting agenda for coveting a new Japanese code machine. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Mexico Way RC 34797 by Robert Moss narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes U.S. president Butler and his rich Texas friends are involved in something shady in Mexico, and so is the president's former mistress, Shelley Hayes. When Jim Kreeger, a CIA agent in Mexico City, rescues his friend's kidnapped daughter from Mexican drug lords, he unwittingly puts himself in the middle of a bungled coup. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Moscow Club RC 34457 by Joseph Finder narrated by Ken Kliban 4 cassettes Charlie Stone, a CIA analyst, has a knack for predicting the usually unpredictable actions of Kremlin leaders. While assessing smuggled Soviet tapes about a deathbed letter by Lenin, Stone realizes that a coup is in the making. As he searches for the woman who can identify the coup's leader, the Moscow Club, a secret group, plans to oust Soviet president Gorbachev. Strong language. 1991. Moscow Magician RC 34446 by John Moody narrated by Noah Siegel 3 cassettes Viktor Nikolaich, a driver at the American embassy in Moscow, is referred to as the Magician because of his ability to produce desired goods. When he finds himself unjustly accused and hassled by the KGB, Viktor realizes he must escape the Soviet Union. With the help of a Jewish dissident, he plans his daring maneuver. Violence and some strong language. 1990. Second Sight: A Paul Christopher Novel RC 35333 by Charles McCarry narrated by Christopher Hurt 3 cassettes It has been twenty years since Paul Christopher worked for the Outfit. But David Patchen, the Outfit's director, visits him with distressing news. Two of their people have been kidnapped and returned with a videotape documenting all the information they spilled. Only Paul can find the villains and stop them from revealing the secrets. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. Soviet Sources RC 34168 by Robert Cullen narrated by Ken Kliban 2 cassettes A Moscow correspondent has news that could be very important to Washington and the scoop of his career. When the story is out, he learns that he has been trapped by the KGB. No longer sure of his sources and endangered by a rapidly changing political climate, he turns to the U.S. embassy for assistance. But it seems that the United States is using him in an agenda of its own. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. 1990. Apparent Wind RC 35271 by Dallas Murphy narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes After Doom Loomis serves his prison term for literary fraud, he attends the funeral of his father, a Florida con artist. Dennis Loomis has left his son a sailboat and the sneakily obtained ownership of Doom's hometown, the sinking remains of a land mass artificially constructed in the 1920s. When Doom discovers his father was murdered over the property deal, he seeks revenge. Strong language, violence, and descriptions of sex. 1991. +Blindsight RC 33936 by Robin Cook narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Forensic pathologist Laurie Montgomery is concerned about the number of yuppies turning up in the morgue from overdoses of cocaine, especially when their families swear the victims were not involved in drugs. Investigation is squelched by Laurie's superiors, and she gets no help from her cop friend, who is more interested in corpses of mob victims. Laurie risks life and career for answers. Strong language. Bestseller 1992. Bones of Coral RC 34275 by James W. Hall narrated by Rick Foucheux 2 cassettes Paramedic Shaw Chandler returns to his boyhood home in Key West after he stumbles upon his long-missing and just-murdered father while on an emergency call. His high school girlfriend, Trula Montoya, has also come home to Key West after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. While rekindling their romance, the duo uncovers clues linking mysterious deaths with biological warfare. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. +Boy's Life RC 33904 by Robert R. McCammon narrated by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes Zephyr, Alabama, 1964. Cory and his father, Tom, are making milk deliveries when suddenly a car speeds past them, hurtles down an embankment, and plunges into a lake. Tom immediately leaps into the lake, hoping to save the driver. But when he reaches the car, he sees the face of murder. As Cory and his father seek answers to the killing of the unknown man, Cory finds himself in a world of adult evils. Violence and strong language. Bestseller 1991. Carnal Innocence RC 34831 by Nora Roberts narrated by Ilona Dulaski 3 cassettes Famous violinist Caroline Waverly has come to the town of Innocence, Mississippi, to mend her broken heart by relaxing in her deceased grandmother's house for the summer. But a serial killer's latest victim is found in her backyard, and her notoriously flirtatious neighbor Tucker Longstreet is having a strange effect on her. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. The Deep End RC 34051 by Joy Fielding narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes Shortly after her husband announces that he needs some time away from their marriage, Joanne receives a series of sinister phone calls that turns her depression and loneliness into fear. Claiming to be an infamous local killer-rapist, the caller insists that Joanne will be his next victim. Everyone else thinks he is either harmless or a figment of Joanne's lonely imagination. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 1986. The Deep End: A Novel of Suspense RC 35103 by Chris Crutcher narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes For family therapist Wilson Corder two difficult cases are taking on nightmarish qualities. Four-year-old Jerry Parker is terrified after witnessing his sister's kidnapping, and three-year-old Craig Clark blames his burn injuries on his stepfather, a reputable child psychologist. As Wilson gets closer to the truth, his own family receives dangerous threats. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1992. Downtown RC 34312 by Ed McBain narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Florida businessman Michael Barnes's trouble begins on Christmas Eve in a New York bar, where he's killing time before his flight home. First he's accused of stealing a woman's ring, then a fake detective steals the contents of his wallet, and finally a fake movie producer steals his car. When the "producer" turns up dead, Barnes begins a frantic, humorous search for clues to clear himself. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1989. Drover RC 35137 by Bill Granger narrated by J.P. Linton 2 cassettes Drover was a sportswriter until childhood ties linked him to the Mafia. Now the mob is offering to help Drover's former girlfriend take revenge on a relentless gambler who caused her husband's suicide. In exchange they want Drover to investigate their suspicions that commodities traders are fixing pro football games. Unfortunately, the gambler isn't pleased with the arrangement. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 1991. +The Ebony Swan RC 34037 by Phyllis A. Whitney narrated by Jill Ferris 2 cassettes After the violent death of her mother twenty-five years ago, Susan Prentice's father spirited Susan away from her grandmother's home in Virginia. Now that her father has died, Susan feels compelled to return to her ancestral home and to become reacquainted with her grandmother. But Susan's visit stirs up long-suppressed memories within her, her grandmother, and other members of the community. Is the carving of the ebony swan the connection? 1992. Embrace the Serpent RC 34814 by Marilyn T. Quayle and Nancy T. Northcott narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 2 cassettes Fidel Castro is dead! But there is an immediate conspiracy among Cuba's ministers to keep the death a secret until they select a successor. But Maria, a member of the household staff and of the opposition underground, leaks the information. Before long Senator Bob Grant of the U.S. intelligence committee knows, and it is up to him to convince the government that Castro's successor may be a Russian puppet. 1992. Exceptional Clearance RC 34893 by William J. Caunitz narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes When a second black woman is found with a hole in her throat, renegade New York Detective Lieutenant John Vinda is pulled out of "detention" and assigned to find the vampire-like serial killer. After two white victims erase any racial motivation, the killer adds explosives to his routine, reveals an obsession with nuns, and finally lashes out at the pursuing Vinda. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. +Eye of the Storm RC 34050 by Jack Higgins narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Saddam Hussein, seeking to avenge losses in the Gulf War, hires Sean Dillon, a master terrorist, to exact that revenge. When Dillon's attempt to kill Margaret Thatcher fails, he decides to strike at a bigger target: Prime Minister John Major and the War Cabinet. Then Dillon learns that his old enemy, Martin Brosnan of America's Special Forces, has been hired to track him down. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller 1992. A Faint Cold Fear RC 34209 by Robert Daley narrated by Ray Foushee 3 cassettes When New York cop Ray Douglas upsets his superiors, he finds himself working in Colombia for the DEA. Afraid he will never be asked to return to New York, Ray soon strikes a deal with transplanted New York reporter Jane Fox: he will supply her with inside information on drug trafficking if she will mention him in her articles. Jane and Ray soon find themselves in love and in danger. Violence and explicit descriptions of sex. 1990. Flight to Yesterday RC 32948 by Velda Johnston narrated by Gillian Wilson 2 cassettes After spending four years in prison for a murder she did not commit, Sara Hargreaves escapes to visit her dying mother. She takes a job at Sammy's Hamburger Haven because it looks like a safe place to hide out. Here, she is befriended by prelaw student Mike Rolfe, and together they return to the scene of the crime to uncover the real murderer. 1990. Flying Hero Class RC 34298 by Thomas Keneally narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes It should have been a routine flight from New York to Frankfurt for Frank McCloud, his wife, and the Australian aborigine dance troop he manages. Their New York show had been a success, and Frank had sold his novel. But a group of Palestinians hijacks the plane and tries to convince the dancers that their country is being taken over and that McCloud is to blame. He is subjected to a show trial and witnesses an execution before the flight ends. Strong language. 1991. Funeral March RC 34392 by Frank De Felitta narrated by Chuck Benson 2 cassettes Los Angeles police detective Fred Santomassimo suspects a serial killer is at work when two gruesome murders occur. Film professor Kay Quinn agrees with Santomassimo that the murders are staged as slightly altered scenes from Alfred Hitchcock films, and two more murders prove their hunch. As the duo tries to predict the next "scene," the killer picks them as his next two "actors." Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Head Count RC 35646 by Brian Duffy narrated by Barry Bernson 2 cassettes Since his best friend Tom Mireles left the post fifteen years ago, Humberto Gub has been the chief of detectives for the African capital of Fado. Now with the FBI, Mireles is returning to Fado to help Gub decipher the meaning behind the upsetting appearance of severed shaved heads all over town. Meanwhile, Gub and his mute seven-year-old sidekick furiously dodge the mysterious bad guys. Strong language, violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. High Sierra RC 32927 by W.R. Burnett narrated by Jack Carroll 2 cassettes Roy Earle has come a long way from an Indiana farm childhood. He is now a pardoned ex-con convinced that the good guys just get pushed around and ready to do some of the pushing himself. His plan is to rob a hotel in the California Sierras, but things go wrong, very wrong. This story was made into a film, by the same title, in which Humphrey Bogart starred. Some strong language. 1940. Just Cause RC 35293 by John Katzenbach narrated by Ray Foushee 4 cassettes Miami reporter Matthew Cowart receives a plea for help from death row inmate Robert Ferguson, a black college student convicted of the rape and murder of a young white girl. Ferguson claims that his confession was beaten out of him, his trial was a farce, and he has since learned the true identity of the killer. After Cowart wins a Pulitzer Prize helping to clear Ferguson, his nightmare begins. Violence and strong language. 1992. Killer Cinderella RC 34693 by Simon Shaw narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes Although British banker Mark Harvey is peeved about his wife Maddie's affair, he really doesn't mean to kill her. Fearing a prison term for her accidental death, Mark pretends she's still alive, fooling even her myopic lover and causing a neighbor to fall in love with the new, improved Maddie. In his frantic struggle to lead two lives and stay ahead of the police and reporters, Mark begins to prefer being Maddie. Strong language and some violence. 1992. The Killing of the Saints RC 34253 by Alex Abella narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes When investigator Charlie Morrell is assigned a murder case, the past he fled comes back to haunt him. The defendant in the murder case is a Cuban who claims to be possessed by a god of the Santeria cult in Los Angeles's Cuban refugee community. An exiled Cuban himself, Morrell is drawn into a web of spirits, violence, and passion. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. The Lemon Garden RC 34853 by Elizabeth Rossiter narrated by Jennifer Mendenhall 2 cassettes When twenty-three-year-old Joanna Fleming, an English actress, awakens in an Italian hospital, she has no recollection of who she is or of the accident that put her there. Film director Frank, actor and lover Roddy, Aunt Steffy, and Steffy's son Angelo try to help her remember. But Joanna wonders if she can trust any of them and why she is overcome with terror when she finds one earring and when she visits her aunt's lemon garden. Some strong language. 1983. +Loves Music, Loves to Dance RC 35864 by Mary Higgins Clark narrated by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Erin Kelley and Darcy Scott, friends since college days, agree to help one of Darcy's friends with a research project about people who answer personal ads and the experiences they have. Erin and Darcy answer an ad that begins "Loves Music, Loves to Dance," and soon find themselves facing a serial killer. Bestseller 1991. MacKinnon's Machine RC 34846 by S.K. Wolf narrated by Andrew Sofer 2 cassettes MacKinnon, a British ex-commando, is asked to train an American strike team to assassinate Qaddafy. He knows something's amiss when someone tries to kill him after the training is completed. Then a librarian's computer search reveals that Qaddafy is not scheduled to be at the planned assassination site, and MacKinnon realizes the hit is aimed at someone else. Some strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 1991. Mind Tryst RC 35418 by Robyn Carr narrated by Ilona Dulaski 2 cassettes After her young son is accidentally killed, attorney Jackie Sheppard moves to a small Colorado town to start over. She soon strikes up a friendship with the carpenter who is remodeling her house and learns that he, too, has suffered a tragedy. When she discovers someone has been entering her house, Jackie's growing paranoia and distrust extend even to her new friend. Strong language, violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. The Missing Sixth RC 35538 by Mark Graham narrated by Chuck Benson 3 cassettes The thieves that steal five paintings from a South African collector are found murdered. Michael Meade, a visiting American investigative reporter, discovers that the collector's security system was designed by the daughter of a local Nazi who was responsible for the death of Meade's father. Meade, his son, and his friends are soon dangerously involved in tracking down a Nazi document. Some violence and some strong language. 1992. +Night over Water RC 34013 by Ken Follett narrated by Mitzi Friedlander 3 cassettes It is September 1939, and England has just declared war on Germany. A group of passengers, fleeing the approaching conflict, board a luxurious Pan Am Clipper for a thirty-hour flight to New York. Among them are an English fascist and his family, a Jewish refugee, a jewel thief, a princess, and an American widow and her brother. None are prepared for the nightmare journey over the ocean. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1991. +The Pelican Brief RC 33948 by John Grisham narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Two Supreme Court Justices are murdered on the same night. One is very old and extremely liberal; the other is young, erratically conservative, and a closet homosexual. A top law student, Darby Shaw, makes the mistake of investigating the cases due to eventually come before the high court and pinpoints the mastermind behind the murders. Now Darby's running for her life. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Petals on the Wind RC 34341 by Virginia C. Andrews narrated by Barbara Caruso 3 cassettes (Reissue) Carrie, Chris, and Cathy finally escape from the attic where they had been imprisoned for more than three years by their greedy mother and sadistic grandmother. They attempt to pick up the pieces of their lives, but Cathy is determined to get revenge at any price. Explicit descriptions of sex. Sequel to _Flowers in the Attic (RD 15485)_. 1980. Platinum Blues RC 32912 by William Deverell narrated by Don Emmick 2 cassettes Elora Gulliver brings her rock-musician boyfriend, Gilley, home to meet her lawyer father, Oliver. When Gilley's car and the demo tape of one of his songs are stolen and a plagiarized version of the song hits the charts, Oliver decides to take the case himself. It appears to be fun and games until someone gets killed in a posh Hollywood restaurant. Some strong language. 1990. Prayer for the Dead RC 35088 by David Wiltse narrated by David Palmer 2 cassettes Using insurance data, Roger Dyce has been carefully selecting men from a few neighboring towns, injecting them with a paralyzing drug, and slowly draining their blood. When the nephew of a local chief of police disappears, the chief turns to ex-FBI agent John Becker, who has retired to his hometown in self-disgust over his tendency to overempathize with the criminals he stalked. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Reasonable Doubt RC 34789 by Philip Friedman narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes Attorney Michael Ryan has been dealt a double blow. His estranged wife, drunk and angry, is killed in a car accident. Then, three years later, his son Ned, who denounced him at the funeral, is murdered. When Ned's wife is accused of the murder, she asks Ryan to represent her. Suspicious of his son's shady business dealings, Ryan decides to take the case. Some strong language, some violence, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1990. Rules of the Road RC 34311 by Lucian K. Truscott IV narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Sam Butterfield, Jr., is between military assignments. Just returned from Germany, he visits his mother in Illinois before reporting to Kentucky. He has chosen the army as his career because its regimentation offers a haven from the unpredictability of civilian life. But his intervention in the beating of an old man may profoundly affect his future as he becomes enmeshed in a world of political intrigue and blackmail. Strong language. 1990. +Rum Punch RC 35863 by Elmore Leonard narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes Jackie Burke works for a gunrunner, but having been caught by the feds with $50,000 in her pocket, she now has a choice to make--risk her life and squeal on her boss, or be quiet and spend time in jail. But perhaps there is another option. When she meets her bail bondsman, an immediate chemistry between them coincides with her desire to outsmart both her boss and the feds. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. A Scandal in Belgravia RC 34533 by Robert Barnard narrated by Graeme Malcolm 1 cassette Peter Proctor, ex-cabinet member, is writing his memoirs. The first part was easy, but now that he has come to the early 1950s and his service in the Foreign Office, he is experiencing writer's block. The image of deceased Timothy Wycliffe keeps popping up--just as Tim used to pop into his office thirty years ago. Proctor must dig into Wycliffe's death before he can get on with his memoirs, and two shocks await him. Some strong language. 1991. +Seven for a Secret RC 34041 by Victoria Holt narrated by Jill Ferris 3 cassettes "And seven for a secret never to be told" is part of a poem written on the wall of Lane Cottage. Although simple, it serves as a reminder of secrets to be kept and foreshadows great tragedies. Frederica, who has come to live in Harper's Green with her Aunt Sophie, quickly makes friends with two classmates. As the three grow up they find love, betrayal, marriage, and murder before they know the secret never to be told. Bestseller 1992. Silent Prey RC 35298 by John Sandford narrated by James DeLotel 2 cassettes In this sequel to _Eyes of Prey (RC 33069)_, serial killer Dr. Bekker manages to escape custody during his trial. When his killing pattern surfaces in New York City, the police turn to Lucas Davenport, the ex-cop who captured Bekker the first time. Trying to flush Bekker out, Davenport helps an ex-lover on the force investigate suspected police vigilantism. Strong language, violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1992. Strong Motion RC 35284 by Jonathan Franzen narrated by Gary Tipton 4 cassettes Environmental issues, abortion rights, and religious freedom are featured in the story of Louis Holland, twenty-three, whose mother inherits a fortune in Sweeting-Aldren stock following a Boston earthquake. Louis vows the money will have no effect on him, and it doesn't until he meets Renee Seitchek, a seismologist who believes the earthquake and subsequent tremors were caused by Sweeting-Aldren. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1992. The Suspect RC 35374 by Georges Simenon narrated by Gordon Gould 1 cassette Although Pierre Chave lives in Belgium, with a theater job and a wife and child, he still has ties with Parisian anarchists. When Chave learns that his brand of peaceful radicalism is being replaced by violence, he risks arrest by rushing to Paris to stop his protege Robert from participating in a bombing. First published in 1938. Some strong language and some violence. 1944. +Turtle Moon RC 34039 by Alice Hoffman narrated by Mary Woods 2 cassettes Like most Florida cities, Verity is hot and humid in May. But in Verity, when the sea turtles begin their migration across West Main Street, "mistaking the glow of streetlights for the moon," the people begin to go a little crazy. Lucy Rosen, new to Verity, is totally unprepared when her neighbor is murdered and her son disappears along with the baby of the murder victim. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. +Twilight's Child RC 33942 by V.C. Andrews narrated by Carole Jordan Stewart 3 cassettes Dawn Cutler's evil grandmother finally dies, and Dawn is reunited with her baby and given control of the Cutler's Cove hotel. She and Jimmy marry, but they must still contend with Dawn's extensive, mostly hateful family. As many long-hidden relationships and cruelties are exposed, Dawn and Jimmy's chance at happiness is constantly threatened. Sequel to _Secrets of the Morning (RC 33037)_. Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller 1992. War Stories The Forty-third War RC 35172 by Louise Moeri narrated by George Backman 1 cassette Twelve-year-old Uno, his cousin, and a friend are taken from their village and conscripted into rebel forces in a Central American country. They leave behind their families, their sense of security, and their innocence. They are taught to ambush, loot, survive in the jungles, and kill. But they develop a new awareness of their nation's problems, loyalty, and a precocious passion for life and its treasures. For junior and senior high readers. 1989. Rising like the Tucson RC 34863 by Jeff Danziger narrated by Rick Foucheux 2 cassettes Lieutenant Kit, an intelligence officer in Vietnam, is totally incapable of making up his mind about anything. Add to this the pressure he is getting from his ambitious real-estate-tycoon father in America, who prods Kit to buy up the war-torn land as a good investment and ideal future development opportunity. Kit, oblivious to political reality, engages Lieutenant Stevenson in a scheme that has satirical overtones. Strong language. 1991. The Secret of Santa Vittoria RC 34115 by Robert Crichton narrated by Alexander Scourby 3 cassettes (Reissue) Just after the death of Mussolini, in an isolated Italian hill town occupied by the Germans, the mayor attempts to save one million bottles of wine, and comedy ensues as the Germans try to guess the hiding place. 1966. Sentries RC 34573 by Gary Paulsen narrated by Madelyn Buzzard 3 cassettes The common theme of nuclear disaster and human vulnerability interweaves the lives of four young people with the lives of three veterans of past wars. The young people are Sue Oldhorn, a seventeen-year-old Ojibway Indian; David Garcia, a fourteen-year-old illegal immigrant; Peter Shackleton, a rock star and band leader; and Laura Hayes, a sheep rancher's daughter. For junior and senior high readers. 1986. Steel Tiger RC 33599 by Mark Berent narrated by Roy Avers 3 cassettes In his sequel to _Rolling Thunder (RC 30721)_, Berent moves his story of Vietnam forward to 1967. Colonel Lochert, thrown in jail for murder, learns of a smuggling ring and becomes involved in the black market; Bannister, now a major, becomes a fighter pilot extraordinaire; and Toby Parker, still fighting alcoholism, meets a danger for which he is unprepared. We also meet Soviet fighter pilot Vladimir Chernov. Strong language and descriptions of sex. 1990. The Things They Carried RC 34768 by Tim O'Brien narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes In the title story, which serves as an introduction to a series of twenty-two related stories, O'Brien uses the paraphernalia that young American soldiers in Vietnam carried as a metaphor for their inner burdens--cowardice, peer pressure, self-delusion, and fear. He continues the sequence with discussions about his own decision not to flee to Canada, friends, fetishes, killing, love, and how to tell a true war story. Strong language and violence. 1990. +All the Pretty Horses: The Border Trilogy, Volume 1 RC 34043 by Cormac McCarthy narrated by David Hartley-Margolin 2 cassettes Texas 1949. John Grady Cole, sixteen, is on the threshold of adulthood when his world turns upside down. His grandfather has died, and his mother has no desire to keep the 18,000-acre ranch, which is the only home and way of life John knows. With a friend he sets out for Mexico and finds work on another ranch. But John falls for the owner's daughter and finds himself in jail. Strong language and violence. Bestseller 1992. The Assassins RC 33817 by F.M. Parker narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes Tim Wollfolk, on his way to New Orleans in 1847 to claim a large inheritance, is shot and left for dead. Lew Fannin, an ex-Texas Ranger, witnesses the attack and assumes Wollfolk's identity. But Wollfolk is rescued and nursed back to health. When the two "Wollfolks" meet, they must decide if they want to be enemies or friends--and form a united front against those who wish to destroy the Wollfolk dynasty. Strong language. 1989. Captain Jack: The Story of John Coffee Hays RC 35093 by Gene Shelton narrated by John Polk 2 cassettes Although trained as a surveyor, John Coffee (Jack) Hays becomes a Texas Ranger after his encounter with a party of Comanche Indians, who have violently killed three family members and captured a young girl. Captain Jack soon becomes known in Texas as a man to be reckoned with when it comes to outlaws and Indians--especially after he arms his men with the new Colt pistols. Some violence. 1991. A Cold, Dark Trail RC 34433 by Frank Watson narrated by Roy Avers 1 cassette Sean O'Fallon, injured in the Civil War, rushes back to his Tennessee bride only to learn she has been raped and murdered by the notorious Culver gang. Vowing to avenge her death by killing the gang leader, O'Fallon sets off on the cold trail. With the help of an Indian woman who survived a gang member's attack, O'Fallon discovers that, in addition to raping and pillaging, Culver now has his eye on Indian land. Violence and descriptions of sex. 1991. Dead Man's Badge RC 34479 by Doyle Trent narrated by John Stratton 2 cassettes Deputy Billy Walker never wanted to be sheriff, but when Sheriff Koen gets shot by cattle rustlers, nobody else in Concha Lake, Colorado, wants the job either. Reluctantly agreeing to be sheriff until the next election, Billy soon learns that the recent crime wave has something to do with a neighboring town's bank. As he tries to untangle the puzzle and to dodge bullets, Billy gets to know his constituents, including the independent Angelina Peterson. 1991. Gold Rush Prodigal RC 33753 by Brock and Bodie Thoene narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette David Bollin, son of a missionary to Hawaii, is on his way to Boston and life as a gentleman when a freak accident aboard ship tosses him overboard. He is rescued by a whaling ship, and when it docks in California months later, the gold rush has begun. Lured by the dream of a life of ease, Bollin is drawn into a web of murder and greed. And his plan to be a gentleman seems to have collapsed. Saga of the Sierras series. 1991. The Gringo Amigo RC 34543 by Gary McCarthy narrated by John Stratton 1 cassette Michael Callahan left Ireland's potato famine to strike it rich in America. Wooed by tales of California's wealth, Michael is disappointed by the sullen defeated miners he finds there. Beaten and robbed of his hard-won gold, Michael is rescued and befriended by vaquero Joaquin Murieta. He is given the chance to return the favor when an aggrieved and widowed Joaquin becomes an infamous hunted outlaw. Violence. 1991. Longarm and the Medicine Wolf RC 33975 by Tabor Evans narrated by Phil Regensdorf 1 cassette Gus Hackett had become a Texas legend. As a sheriff, he killed his share of outlaws and kept many judges and hangmen busy. But now that he was retired, why would someone want to kill him? Some people feel it was an accident, but Longarm is not convinced and sets out to find the killer. Some strong language. 1989. Mackenna's Gold RC 34699 by Will Henry narrated by Luis Van Rooten 2 cassettes (Reissue) In Arizona in 1897, a young prospector learns from a dying Apache of a valley filled with gold and is then forced to lead a band of outlaws to the hidden treasure. 1963. The Medicine Trail: Book 1 RC 35187 by G. Clifton Wisler narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes Dreamer is not like the other young men of his tribe. He begins to work with his uncle Touches the Sky, a healer and keeper of Mahuts, the four sacred arrows that protect the tribe. Soon Dreamer is a healer, renamed Cloud Dancer. Wearied by tragedies that plague his people, Touches the Sky passes the arrows to Cloud Dancer who must now groom his own follower. Prequel to _Stone Wolf's Vision (RC 35188)_. Violence. 1991. Mustang War RC 34310 by Frank Roderus narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes An environmentalist couple is appalled to hear that grazing-range wars have led to the slaughter of hundreds of protected wild mustangs in Nevada. Determined to stop the destruction, they attempt to photograph the killers in action. Instead, they find themselves in a violent confrontation with three men who are trying to save their family ranch. Strong language and violence. 1991. Pillars of the Sky RC 35653 by Will Henry narrated by Ray Foushee 2 cassettes (Reissue) In this western, originally published under the title _To Follow a Flag,_ Indians ambush a wagon train and capture a beautiful young girl. When Sergeant Bell tries to rescue her, he touches off the bloodiest fighting of the old Northwest Territory. 1953. Powderkeg RC 34267 by Leo V. Gordon and Richard Vetterli narrated by Bob Askey 2 cassettes With a strong commitment to preserve the Union, President Buchanan is forced to send out the army when he hears that Utah's Mormons have rebelled. Unknown to the president, Southern cabinet members hope this diversion of troops will lead to easy secession. But nobody foresees the indignant reaction of the Mormons, who have gunfighter Rockwell, a former "brother," to lead their defense. Violence. 1991. Raw Land RC 35662 by Luke Short narrated by John Polk 2 cassettes Did Will Danning buy the Pitchfork ranch to use it as a base for a cattle-stealing gang, as Angus Case and others suggest? Or did Will have some other reason for acquiring the rocky, godforsaken place? Only Will knows, and his secret is bound to cause him plenty of grief. Violence. 1940. Sackett's Land RC 33963 by Louis L'Amour narrated by Phil Regensdorf 2 cassettes (Reissue) The Sackett saga goes back to England and follows Barnabas Sackett from his struggles in the English countryside and intrigue in Elizabethan London to the New World, where he establishes a western dynasty. 1974. Sequoia Scout RC 33754 by Brock and Bodie Thoene narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette Will Reed has been searching for his fortune in the High Sierras for ten years. Now he stands on the threshold of Spanish California--the land, so stories say, of riches. Few Americans have survived the trip through the mountains. It is not just nature and the Mohave tribe that make the trip hazardous, but also the threat posed by newly independent Mexico. But Will has never shied from danger. Saga of the Sierras. 1991. Silvertip's Trap RC 35277 by Max Brand narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette Bill Naylor considers it a very lucky day indeed when the drowning man he saves turns out to be the famous outlaw Barry Christian. After nursing the fugitive back to health, Naylor joins his hero's gang. Christian is set on getting back at the one man who is causing him grief--the equally famous but law-abiding Jim Silver. When the confrontation finally occurs, Naylor is surprised by a turn of events. Some violence. 1933. The Sixth Rider RC 34237 by Max McCoy narrated by Roy Avers 2 cassettes The youngest of fifteen kids, Samuel Dalton follows his outlaw brothers' footsteps after he seeks revenge for one brother's murder. Known as the Choctaw Kid for the time he spent with the tribe after rescuing a Choctaw girl, Samuel is now back in his Kansas hometown to help the Dalton gang with a bank holdup. Strong language and violence. 1991. Stone Wolf's Vision: The Medicine Trail, Book 2 RC 35188 by G. Clifton Wisler narrated by Jack Fox 2 cassettes Like his grandfather before him, Stone Wolf is the keeper of Mahuts, four sacred arrows that were brought into the tribe when a prophet foresaw the danger of the white man. As keeper, Stone Wolf must also invite the dreams by inducing fevers from fasting and bleeding. Just as he receives a warning about danger, the power of Mahuts is taken from his people. Sequel to _The Medicine Trail (RC 35187)_. Violence. 1991. Sudden Country RC 34212 by Loren D. Estleman narrated by David Palmer 1 cassette Thirteen-year-old David Grayle's life is suddenly filled with adventure when one of his mother's boarders is killed by outlaws. The boarder had been involved in the 1863 theft of an army payroll by Quantrill's raiders and had spent the last twenty years in prison for murder. When David discovers the ex-convict's crude map, he joins an expedition to search for the missing army gold. Strong language and violence. 1991. Tamer of the Wild RC 35319 by Max Brand narrated by John Polk 2 cassettes Rory Michel, a virtual skeleton after six months tracking a wild stallion, stumbles into the Ware mining camp. He gains a reputation for healing, and an Apache chief asks him to heal his son, ill with a fever. Rory sees the Indian medicine man using a pigeon's blood ruby to heal the sick child, and itches to own the beautiful gem. Can he win the stone by wager, or will he have to kill to get it? 1931. Texas Comebacker: The Baynes Clan, Book 2 RC 35101 by John S. McCord narrated by John Polk 2 cassettes Traveling across Texas in 1868, twenty-three-year-old Milt Baynes stumbles upon a hanging in progress. He soon realizes that scaring off the would-be killers and rescuing the young rancher is only the beginning of a nightmarish adventure. Accompanied by the rancher's quick-tempered sister, the two men continue to fight for their lives in a town run by vigilantes. Sequel to _Montana Horseman (RC 31619)_. Violence. 1991. Walk Tall, Ride Tall RC 34773 by Burt and Budd Arthur narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette Former Texas lawman Canavan finds himself up against the leading citizens of Indian Head when he settles down on his new ranch and tries to mind his own business. Only fast guns and the spilling of blood will convince them that he would prefer to be left alone. Some violence. 1965. Wilde West RC 34661 by Walter Satterthwait narrated by Fred Major 3 cassettes An enigmatic Doc Holliday is but one of the odd entourage Oscar Wilde has acquired on his 1882 lecture tour in the American West. Soon the entire group, including Wilde, are under suspicion for a series of brutal murders of red-haired women that are occurring in towns on the tour circuit. Wilde assists drunken Marshal Grigsby on the case while secretly romancing lovely Baby Doe. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1991. Wind River Kill RC 35209 by Robert Kammen narrated by Jack Fox 1 cassette As a young boy, Jedekiah Starlight had been left to die in the wilderness. Fifteen years later, he's on the trail of the cold-blooded killer with a mighty vengeance. Violence and some strong language. 1987. Women of the West: An Anthology of Short Stories by Contemporary Western Women Writers RC 32882 by Kathryn Ptacek narrated by Sheena Gordon 2 cassettes Stories about women of the old and the new West. An old woman recalls the massacre of her husband and nine children in "Size of a Silver Dollar," and a woman gives up the prejudices of her childhood to study the Apache language on the reservations in the 1920s in "The White Woman." Violence and some strong language. 1990. ***6/2/94 (gft)***