The Library of Congress >> Overseas Offices >> Nairobi, Kenya >> Search the Index
Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature

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Article Titles

Pilgrim (Nairobi, Kenya) [address]
Pilgrimage to Robben Island (1997)
Pilgrimage to the Kunene Mouth (1997)
Pilgrims or tourists? (1995)
Pill piracy on the increase (1993)
A pilot project for AIDS/STD education in Ethiopian schools (1990)
A pilot study of mangrove litter production in the Bonny Estuary of southern Nigeria (1992)
Pilot study on problem oriented and student centered teaching of physiology in a large class setting (2000)
A pilot study to assess the immunologic and virologic efficacy of generic nevirapine, zidovudine and lamivudine in the treatment of HIV-1 infected women with pre-exposure to single dose nevirapine or short course zidovudine and their spouses in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe (2006)
Pilot-scale production of cocoa pectin (2003)
Piloting an adaptive research process to address farmer's information gaps (2004)
Piment cher piment (1989)
A pink shop in Khwai Village (1998)
Pinstripe gurus : the new prophets of profit (1991)
Pintora moçambicana absorve raízes de Trás-os-Montes (1994)
Pio Gama Pinto: conspiracy of silence (2005)
Pio Gama Pinto: independent Kenya's first martyr (2005)
A pioneer among us (2006)
The Pioneer column and the occupation of Mashonaland (1991)
Pioneer converts in East Africa, 1848-1862 (2000)
The Pioneer road: Tuli to Fort Victoria in the Chibi District (2003)
Pioneer spirit lives on (1992)
A pioneering African businessman : Samuel Mbugua Githere 1925-1997 (1997)
Pipe conveyor system (1992)
Piperaceae of the Flora Zambesiaca area (1996)
Pistes et Recherches [address]
Pitch and tonality in contemporary African music: Nigerian gospel music as a case study (2005)
Pitfalls in providing advice (1998)
Pitfalls in rural development : the case of Tanzania (1990)
Pitfalls of opposition (1995)
Pitman measure of nearness (1997)
Pits, pots and the far-west streams (1994)
Pitse ya Naga mo Maotwaneng (1997)
Pitse ya Naga to secondary schools (1998)
Pituitary abscess (1997)
Pièges à tsé-tsé en polyéthylène : variation imprévue de l'attraction pour glossina fuscipes fuscipes en République Centrafricaine (2000)
PL investigations on a range of differently grown GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs MQW systems (1997)
The place and purpose of prayer in awakenings (1999)
The place and role of imperialism in the conflict between CONSAS and SADCC (1991)
The place and role of women in African theology (2003)
Place de la végétation dans le traitement des lavaka au Lac Alaotra (1993)
Place des centres Catholiques dans la lutte contre la tuberculose (1995)
Place du biogaz dans la politique énergétique de Madagascar ou contribution du biogaz à l'indépendance énergétique (1989)
A place for traditional medicine in medical education in Africa : a case for consideration (1997)
A place in the world (1990)
Place names in Ethiopian history (1991)
Place names of Mauritius (1989)
The place of a woman in decision making policy (1990)
The place of Africa in a fast developing world (1997)
The place of African culture on Christian practice : food thought for Nigeria's major seminaries (2003)
The place of dictionaries in English as a foreign language (1998)
The place of donor aid (1996)
The place of English in the Tanzanian education system : the political and economic dimensions to current and alternative language policy options (1989)
The place of functional communication in self-help development projects among adults in Osun state, Nigeria (1985-1999) (2006)
The place of gule wamkulu in dreams attributed to spirits, nominal reincarnation and spirit possession : the Nankumba experience (1996)
A place of her own : women and land (1995)
The place of international human rights conventions in the 1994 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) constitution (2000)
The place of native language in science teaching and learning in the junior secondary schools in Ghana (1998)
The place of Pan-Africanism in world history (1995)
The place of special children in educational reforms in Tanzania : a critique (1999)
The place of the doctor in contemporary Tanzania : a profession in a crisis (1993)
The place of the European in Kenyan society (1992)
The place of theology in the university (1990)
The place of traditional African musical instruments in Church service (2007)
The place of women in cultural history : the Luo community of Lake Victoria, Kenya (1995)
A place to call home (1996)
A placebo controlled double blind clinical trial of mitomycin C in primary trabeculectomy in Ethiopian patients (2006)
Placement of children into special classes : parents' attitudes : Masvingo region, Zimbabwe (2001)
Placenta praevia in a regional hospital in Uganda (1998)
The placenta-eater lepidoptera of orchids (1997)
Placing the Abuja Treaty on the agenda (1994)
Placing the Christological quest in our context (2004)
Plague epidemiology and control in eastern and southern Africa during the period 1978 to 1997 (1999)
A plague of plastic (2005)
Plague outbreaks in Zambia : an overview (1999)
Plaidoyer en faveur des enfants du Zaïre (1995)
Plaidoyer pour la formation é l'entretien (1990)
Plaidoyer pour la justice sociale (1992)
Plaidoyer pour le tronc commun (1990)
Plaidoyer pour les études de Lettres (2003)
Plaidoyer pour une meilleure gestion des catastrophes naturelles au Cameroun (2000)
Plaidoyer pour une nouvelle année : pour une troisiéme catégorie de main-d'oeuvre (1992)
Plaidoyer pour une nouvelle politique nationale de la lecture publique au Zaïre (1993)
Plaidoyer pour une politique nationale de l'information (1991)
Plaidoyer pour une redistribution du savoir sur le savoir? : réflexions sur le récent livre d'Alvin Toffler (1992)
Plaintain in the early Bantu world (1994)
Planification et marketing linguistique pour la généralisation du bilinguisme L1-L01 à l'école primaire au Cameroun (2001)
Planification et utilisation des langues zaïroises dans l'éducaton et l'administration (1987)
Planification familiale et diverses déclarations des droits de la personne humaine (1990)
Planification régionale comme instrument de développement, étude de cas dans le domaine de la santé (1987)
Planned development in Tanzania, the twilight zone (1991)
Planned preventive maintenance programmes: an occupational health and safety intervention tool (2002)
Planning a library user education programme (1990)
Planning a sustainable future (1995)
Planning and development of human settlements in Tanzania (1989)
Planning and maintenance of social services : health and education in Mhondoro (1992)
The planning behavior of small and medium enterprises in a developing economy : evidence from Botswana (2002)
Planning education in Africa : towards the 21st century (2002)
Planning familial et perception de l'enfant chez les Massa du Cameroun (2001)
Planning for and measuring productivity in the public/civil service (1991)

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The Library of Congress >> Overseas Offices >> Nairobi, Kenya >> Search the Index
January 22, 2009