MONSIEUB LE MINISTRE. 25 ted brusquely, seeing the expression of ,epenishment on Vaudrey's face. • -aught up a handful of the papers she bad into her open work-box, and said in a thrown Tnf angry disgust: ki»,\?on see theseT? They : poi are all bills from im- >e creditors—upholsterers, locksmiths, rin9 and dear knows what." "frf; your house?" «Did you suppose I had paid for it? It is ¦ r rented and I owe for every article of fur- °t within its walls." And she laughed a harsh, unmusical laugh. ¦ * "How do you suppose Kayser's niece can , [[jgluxurious existence in which you found ifr? I have not a penny, not a single penny; m for all that, I was guilty of the inexcusable