Advanced Ducted Propfan Analysis Code (ADPAC)


The ADPAC code was developed by the Allison Engine Company under contracts from NASA GRC to solve the tightly coupled internal+external flows through future concept short duct turbofan engines. Features of the code are in this file: intro.pdf. Examples of the range of problems solved with ADPAC are shown as thumbnail images in: thumb.pdf

Code Distribution

The ADPAC code is still under development and is designated as export controlled under EAR - ECCN 9E003.b.2. ADPAC is not currently available for general release. U.S. citizens who represent Government organizations, U.S. aircraft industry or domestic entities may request the code. To request the code, start at the Commercial Technology Office's software page.


User's Manual


The file papers.htm lists several reports containing application and verification of ADPAC. Also useful is the final report from Task 7 with information on running the code with the implicit solver: A limited number of hard copies are available from

Job Sizing

Note: a single blade passage requires at least 250,000 grid points, and will run in 128MB of RAM. If you are using multigrid, the coarser grid levels are internally generated and count against the estimate above.

Storage: Files are stored as 32bit reals, so

If you use the one or two equation models the restart storage goes up plus you can write out turbulence info. to look at later, etc.

CPU Time depends on convergence level. Convergence (three orders of residual reduction) can be obtained in roughly ...

Sample Cases

A number of sample cases are included in the distribution, see the sample cases page to check the version and download them. You can also download all of them in a single 52MB sample.tar file. Newly added (and under construction): Note: all user's are required by the Use Agreement to provide feedback on their experiences (+ and -) with the code. Please send comments to Thanks!
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Updated: Fri Jun 9 08:49:15 EDT 2006