From: Ross Donnelly To: A16.A16(kidstv) Date: 9/1/95 9:54pm Subject: Programming for children I am very much in favor of requiring television stations to provide educational programming for children. We have two children, ages 12 and 9, who are not selective in their television viewing. They want to watch television and will generally choose the best program available. When the choices are universally poor, however, they will still watch. Our solution has been to restrict the times when they can watch television, which automatically eliminates many of the most vapid and objectionable programs. I think to be most effective, a requirement to increase the number of hours when broadcasters must provide educational programs should stipulate that the programs be provided when young children are watching television. In our household that would be in the late afternoons when the children get home from school, and on Saturday mornings. The children generally do not watch television after supper on school nights, and on the weekends we will rent a video if there are no evening shows suitable for the family to watch. Other families may have different viewing habits, however, so I believe we need a system which requires broadcasters to coordinate their educational programs to insure that something is available during all the viewing hours when children are likely to be watching. --Ross Donnelly