NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILENAME=IFF VERSION 1.0 N=448982 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-5 Sample person identification number SEQN 448982 00003-53621 NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Recall status code See note DRPSTAT 438829 1 Reliable and complete 6684 2 Reliable, but incomplete 3469 5 Breast-feeding infant or child 7-8 Interviewer ID code DRPIID 448982 01-12 9-10 Meal number See note DRPMN 448982 01-21 11-12 Food number See note DRPFN 448982 01-37 13-14 Component number See note DRPCN 448982 01-20 15-16 Meal name code See note DRPMNC 84440 01 Breakfast 2641 02 Brunch 93257 03 Lunch 97328 04 Snack/beverage 122375 05 Dinner/supper 22264 06 Infant feeding 894 07 Extended consumption 225 08 Other 4722 09 Desayuno (Spanish) 3274 10 Almuerzo (Spanish) 6172 11 Comida (Spanish) 1404 12 Merienda (Spanish) 6628 13 Cena (Spanish) 3358 14 Entre comidas/bebida (Spanish) NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-18 Meal place code See note DRPMPC 319863 01 Home 31728 02 Work 20102 03 School 3817 04 Day care/day camp 9332 05 Fast food/take out 496 06 Delicatessen 23441 07 Restaurant 2393 08 Cafeteria/self-serve buffet 1476 09 Store 20073 10 Friend's/someone's home 647 11 Community feeding program 6167 12 Transit (walking, car, plane, etc.) 9447 13 Other 19-26 Meal time of eating See note DRPMTOE 448982 00:00:00-23:59:00 27 Recipe flag See note DRPREC 341591 0 Non-recipe food 107391 1 Recipe food 28 Variable ingredient flag See note DRPVIF 371440 0 No variable ingredients 77542 1 Variable ingredients 29 Combination food flag See note DRPCFF 216337 0 Non-combination food 232645 1 Combination food component NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30-31 Type of combination code DRPTCC 55264 01 Sandwich 118 02 Frozen meal 17168 03 Salad 6850 04 Mixed dish 4552 05 Mixed dish with additions 1942 06 Soup or stew 42008 07 Beverage 10949 08 Other foods eaten together 20505 09 Bread with additions 30064 10 Cereal with additions 10809 11 Meat, fish, or poultry with additions 14488 12 Vegetable with additions 1618 13 Vegetable combination 4365 14 Dessert 11945 15 Tortilla with additions 216337 Blank 32-38 Component food code See note DRPFCODE 448982 0001143-9351200 39-42 Food ID code See note DRPFID 363220 0001-7295 85762 Blank 43-47 Brand ID or fast food code See note DRPCOMM 85762 00001-10478 363220 Blank 48-50 Preparation description code See note DRPPPDC 45088 001-109 403894 Blank NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 Component amount unknown flag See note DRPCAUF 440166 0 No 8816 1 Yes 52-56 IFF Total grams of food See note DRPIGW 447584 00000-10800 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 57-60 IFF Alcohol (gm) DRPIALCO 447584 0000-0605 1398 8888 Blank but applicable 61-65 IFF Calcium (mg) DRPICALC 447584 00000-07218 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 66-71 IFF Carbohydrate (gm) DRPICARB 447584 000000-1543.6 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 72-76 IFF Carotenes (RE) DRPICARO 447584 00000-24308 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 77-80 IFF Cholesterol (mg) DRPICHOL 447584 0000-3376 1398 8888 Blank but applicable 81-84 IFF Copper (mg) DRPICOPP 447575 0000-36.4 1398 8888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 85-89 IFF Total dietary fiber (gm) DRPIFIBE 447584 00000-072.7 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 90-94 IFF Folacin (micrograms) DRPIFOLA 447575 00000-03725 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 95-99 IFF Iron (mg) DRPIIRON 447584 00000-167.6 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 100-104 IFF Food energy (kcal) DRPIKCAL 447584 00000-09775 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 105-108 IFF Magnesium (mg) DRPIMAGN 447575 0000-1212 1398 8888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 109-113 IFF Total monounsaturated fatty DRPIMFAT acids (gm) 447575 00000-172.5 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 114-118 IFF Niacin (mg) DRPINIAC 447584 00000-186.1 1398 88888 Blank but applicable NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 119-123 IFF Total polyunsaturated fatty DRPIPFAT acids (gm) 447575 00000-183.8 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 124-128 IFF Phosphorus (mg) DRPIPHOS 447584 00000-04613 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 129-133 IFF Potassium (mg) DRPIPOTA 447584 00000-10995 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 134-139 IFF Protein (gm) DRPIPROT 447584 000000-0313.8 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 140-144 IFF Total saturated fatty acids (gm) DRPISFAT 447575 00000-196.4 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 145-149 IFF Sodium (mg) DRPISODI 447584 00000-19080 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 150-155 IFF Total fat (gm) DRPITFAT 447584 000000-0428.3 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 156-161 IFF Vitamin A (IU) DRPIVAIU 447584 000000-243092 1398 888888 Blank but applicable NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162-166 IFF Vitamin A (RE) DRPIVARE 447584 00000-44361 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 167-171 IFF Thiamin (mg) DRPIVB1 447584 00000-13.99 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 172-176 IFF Riboflavin (mg) DRPIVB2 447584 00000-15.84 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 177-181 IFF Vitamin B6 (mg) DRPIVB6 447545 00000-18.74 1398 88888 Blank but applicable 39 Blank 182-187 IFF Vitamin B12 (micrograms) DRPIVB12 447575 000000-233.79 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank 188-191 IFF Ascorbic acid (mg) DRPIVC 447584 0000-1304 1398 8888 Blank but applicable 192-197 IFF Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol DRPIVE equivalents) 447578 000000-0349.8 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 6 Blank 198-202 IFF Water (gm) DRPIWATE 447584 00000-16884 1398 88888 Blank but applicable NHANES III Individual Foods Data File from the Dietary Recall ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDIVIDUAL FOODS FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Positions Item description SAS name Counts and code Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 203-208 IFF Zinc (mg) DRPIZINC 447575 000000-0742.6 1398 888888 Blank but applicable 9 Blank NOTES DRPSTAT: Status of interview 1 Reliable and complete: The information provided by the respondent was deemed to be reliable and complete. The count of Phase 1 examinees with DRPSTAT=1 in this file is seventeen fewer than the interim file NCHS released for Phase 1 in September, 1995 (U.S. DHHS, 1995). The interim file included seventeen examinees whose replicate dietary interview was substituted for a missing initial interview. Replicate recalls were excluded from this final file because the replicate recall data did not reflect dietary intakes for the 24-hour time period prior to the MEC examination when other data were obtained. Excluding the seventeen replicate recalls does not affect the overall Phase 1 findings published earlier. Also, two examinees with DRPSTAT=1 consumed no foods or beverages on the recall day. 2 Reliable but incomplete: The information provided by the respondent was reliable but incomplete. Approximately one-third of the recalls that were coded DRPSTAT=2 were coded incomplete because information for a significant portion of the recall day was not available; two-thirds of the incomplete recalls were coded incomplete because information (other than food amount information) for one or more meals, foods or beverages was not obtained. The Individual Foods File includes information for the partial dietary recall interview. 5 Breast-feeding infant or child: The foods reported during the dietary recall interview included human milk and the volume of milk consumed was not quantified. The number of minutes per feeding session was recorded, but it was not possible to calculate total nutrient intakes for infants and children who were breast-fed. Total nutrient intakes are coded "Blank but applicable" in the NHANES III Total Nutrients File. The other foods consumed by nursing infants and children are reported in the Individual Foods File. 8 Blank but applicable: The examinee should have a dietary recall interview but either was not interviewed or refused the dietary interview component. Some examinees do not have 24-hour dietary recall data because the proxy did not know what the examinee ate the day before. In some instances, the proxy was able to answer the post-recall questions pertaining to drinking water consumption, salt use, and food sufficiency. Blank Home examinees were not eligible for the Dietary Interview component. DRPMN: Meal number Meal numbers in recalls that were complete and reliable (DRPSTAT=1) always begin with meal number=1; meal numbers increase by one for each consecutive meal or snack reported during the dietary interview. If a recall was coded reliable, but incomplete, (DRPSTAT=2) the meal numbers may not be consecutive; information is reported for meals that were reported during the dietary interview. Meal numbers are not sorted by the time of day. DRPFN: Food number Every food has a food number. Foods are numbered within meals. If the recall was coded complete and reliable (DRPSTAT=1), the first food in each meal has a food number=1, and the other foods reported in the same meal are numbered consecutively. If the recall was coded reliable, but incomplete,(DRPSTAT=2) the food numbers may not be consecutive; information is reported for all foods that were reported by the respondent. DRPCN: Component number Foods are comprised of one or more components. An example of a single component food is a slice of bread. A sandwich is an example of a multiple component food or combination food; in this example, the component foods consist of bread and sandwich filling components. If a recall was coded reliable and complete (DRPSTAT=1), all components are numbered consecutively within a given food; the component numbering sequence for the first food begins with component number=1 and increases by one for each additional component in the food. The numbering sequence is repeated for each additional food reported. If the recall was coded reliable, but incomplete,(DRPSTAT=2) the component numbers may not be consecutive; information is reported for the components that were reported by the respondent. DRPIGW: Total grams of food Grams of food were computed for foods that could be quantified. Blank values were assigned to food records of nursing infants and children when human milk intake was reported as "minutes nursed" because there was no way to actually quantify the amount of milk consumed; some human milk was reported in amount units that could be quantified and were included in the IFF. The Total Nutrient Intake file included two examinees with DRPSTAT=1 who did not consume any foods or beverages during the recall day; there are no IFF or foods records for these respondents. DRPVIF: Variable ingredient flag Recipe foods that have variable ingredients have DRPVIF=1; otherwise, DRPVIF=0. DRPMNC: Meal name code This is a numeric code that denotes the meal name that was specified by the respondent. Each numeric code has an English or Spanish language description. DRPMPC: Meal place code A numeric code was used to designate the place where the meal was consumed. Each numeric code has an English or Spanish language description. The meal place code designates the location where foods were eaten rather than the source of the foods. For example, foods that were purchased at a carry-out restaurant and eaten at home, have a meal place code of "01" (eaten at home). DRPCFF: Combination food flag Combination foods (DRPCFF=1) are foods that are comprised of more than one component food. Single component foods have DRPCFF=0. DRPREC: Recipe flag Recipe foods have ingredient records associated with them. Some recipe foods reported during the survey had variable ingredients that were specified by the respondent during the dietary interview. Variable ingredient information is reported in the Variable Ingredients File. DRPFCODE: Component food code A food code was assigned to all component foods reported in the survey. Most of the food codes that were assigned to the component foods were USDA Survey Nutrient Data Base food codes. A small number of NCC food codes were used when USDA food codes were not available; NCC nutrient values were used for components that were coded using NCC food codes. DRPFCODE text descriptions are found look-up table called "Codebook". DRPFID: Food ID code A unique 4-digit code that provides additional descriptive information about the component foods reported in the survey. All food ID codes have a corresponding text description found in a look-up table called "IDCODE". DRPCOMM: Brand ID or fast food code All brand name and fast food restaurant items reported during NHANES III were assigned a 5-digit DRPCOMM. DRPCOMM codes are linked to a look-up table called "BRANDS". DRPCAUF: Unknown amount flag Foods that were not quantified during the dietary interview have DRPCAUF=1; default food amounts were assigned to these foods. NCHS developed editing guidelines for the survey. Default amounts were either calculated using the survey editing guidelines or were assigned based upon reference values. A number of references were used including USDA Survey Nutrient Data Base Survey Codebook default amount gram weight data and food manufacturer information. No attempt was made to quantify human milk when the amount was reported as "minutes nursed". DRPMTOE: Meal time of eating The time when a meal or snack was eaten is reported in 24-hour clock or military time units. DRPPPDC: Preparation description code A food preparation description code was assigned to foods that had NCC preparations. A look-up table called "PREPD" provides text descriptions for each DRPPPDC. DRPPTYPE: Preparation parent type code NCC preparations were applied to component foods and some ingredients that were used to prepare some recipe foods. This code denotes the type of record (component or ingredient) to which the NCC preparation pertains. DRPSAPF: DDC System-assigned preparation flag Denotes foods that had a preparation assigned to them automatically. In most instances, the respondent would not be able to provide this information. DRPVIDC: Variable ingredient default code The DDC System assigned variable ingredients to foods automatically when the respondent was unable to specify the ingredients that were used to prepare recipe foods. Each DRPVIDC has a text description associated with it; the text descriptions for DRPVIDC are found in the VIF file documentation. An example of DRPVIDC is DRPVIDC=MIX; the text description for this DRPVIDC is: "Unknown-prepared from commercial mix".