QUESTION: Do you have to use space food? ANSWER from April Whitt on October 22,1995: Hi: April Whitt here. Astronauts who will be staying in space for several days or weeks take along space food. The Kuiper landed every night (or day, depending how long the flight was!) so we didn't need to take space food. We all took lots of water and juice along. It's very dry inside the plane at altitude and our bodies needed water replenishing often. But the whole crew did bring along snacks or "supper" for the flight. Terry Rager (the pilot) had some wonderful smelling soup one night. Other people brought sandwiches or bags of chips (ours popped when we got to altitude - less air pressure outside the bag made the air sealed inside the bag expand and it popped the bag open) or my personal favorite: chocolate! Good question! April Whitt