[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 4]
[Revised as of January 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 7CFR225.16]

[Page 151-156]
                          TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE
                 Subpart C--Sponsor and Site Provisions
Sec. 225.16  Meal service requirements.

    (a) Sanitation. Sponsors shall ensure that in storing, preparing, 
and serving food, proper sanitation and health standards are met which 
conform with all applicable State and local laws and regulations. 
Sponsors shall ensure that adequate facilities are available to store 
food or hold meals. Within two weeks of receiving notification of their 
approval, but in any case prior to commencement of Program operation, 
sponsors shall submit to the State agency a copy of their letter 
advising the appropriate health department of their intention to provide 
a food service during a specific period at specific sites.
    (b) Meal services. The meals which may be served under the Program 
are breakfast, lunch, supper, and supplements, referred to from this 
point as ``snacks''. No sponsor may be approved to provide more than two 
snacks per day. A sponsor may only be reimbursed for meals served in 
accordance with this section.
    (1) Camps. Sponsors of camps shall only be reimbursed for meals 
served in camps to children from families which meet the eligibility 
standards for this Program. The sponsor shall maintain a copy of the 
documentation establishing the eligibility of each child receiving meals 
under the Program. Meal service at camps shall be subject to the 
following provisions:
    (i) Each day a camp may serve up to three meals or two meals and one 

[[Page 152]]

    (ii) Residential camps are not subject to the time restrictions for 
meal service set forth at paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of this section; 
    (iii) A camp shall be approved to serve these meals only if it has 
the administrative capability to do so; if the service period of the 
different meals does not coincide or overlap; and, where applicable, if 
it has adequate food preparation and holding facilities.
    (2) NYSP Sites. Sponsors of NYSP sites shall only be reimbursed for 
meals served to enrolled NYSP participants at these sites.
    (3) Restrictions on the number and type of meals served. Food 
service sites other than camps and sites that primarily serve migrant 
children may serve either:
    (i) One meal each day, a breakfast, a lunch, or snack; or
    (ii) Two meals each day, if one is a lunch and the other is a 
breakfast or a snack.
    (4) Sites which serve children of migrant families. Food service 
sites that primarily serve children from migrant families may be 
approved to serve each day up to three meals or two meals and one snack. 
These sites shall serve children in areas where poor economic conditions 
exist as defined in Sec. 225.2. A sponsor which operates in accordance 
with this part shall receive reimbursement for all meals served to 
children at these sites. A site which primarily serves children from 
migrant families shall only be approved to serve more than one meal each 
day if it has the administrative capability to do so; if the service 
period of the different meals does not coincide or overlap; and, where 
applicable, if it has adequate food preparation and holding facilities.
    (c) Time restrictions for meal service. (1) Three hours must elapse 
between the beginning of one meal service, including snacks, and the 
beginning of another, except that 4 hours must elapse between the 
service of a lunch and supper when no snack is served between lunch and 
supper. The service of supper shall begin no later than 7 p.m., unless 
the State agency has granted a waiver of this requirement due to 
extenuating circumstances. These waivers shall be granted only when the 
State agency and the sponsor ensure that special arrangements shall be 
made to monitor these sites. In no case may the service of supper extend 
beyond 8 p.m. The time restrictions in this paragraph shall not apply to 
residential camps.
    (2) The duration of the meal service shall be limited to two hours 
for lunch or supper and one hour for all other meals.
    (3) Meals served outside of the period of approved meal service 
shall not be eligible for Program payments.
    (4) Any permanent or planned changes in meal service periods must be 
approved by the State agency.
    (5) Meals which are not prepared at the food service site shall be 
delivered no earlier than one hour prior to the beginning of the meal 
service (unless the site has adequate facilities for holding hot or cold 
meals within the temperatures required by State or local health 
regulations) and no later than the beginning of the meal service.
    (6) The sponsor shall claim for reimbursement only the type(s) of 
meals for which it is approved under its agreement with the State 
    (d) Meal patterns. The meal requirements for the Program are 
designed to provide nutritious and well-balanced meals to each child. 
Sponsors shall ensure that meals served meet all of the requirements. 
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the following tables 
present the minimum requirements for meals served to children in the 
Program. Children age 12 and up may be served larger portions based on 
the greater food needs of older boys and girls.
    (1) Breakfast. The minimum amount of food components to be served as 
breakfast are as follows:

           Food components                      Minimum amount
                          Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) or.....  \1/2\ cup.\1\
Full-strength vegetable or fruit      \1/2\ cup (4 fluid ounces).
 juice or an equivalent quantity of
 any combination of vegetable(s),
 fruits(s), and juice.

[[Page 153]]

                     Bread and Bread Alternates \2\
Bread or............................  1 slice.
Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins,  1 serving.\3\
 etc. or.
Cold dry cereal or..................  \3/4\ cup or 1 ounce.\4\
Cooked cereal or cereal grains or...  \1/2\ cup.
Cooked pasta or noodle products or    \1/2\ cup.
 an equivalent quantity of any
 combination of bread/bread
                                Milk \5\
Milk, fluid.........................  1 cup (\1/2\ pint, 8 fluid
                   Meat and Meat Alternates (Optional)
Lean meat or poultry or fish or.....  1 ounce.
Alternate protein product \6\ or....  1 ounce.
Cheese or...........................  1 ounce.
Egg (large) or......................  \1/2\.
Cooked dry beans or peas or.........  \1/4\ cup.
Peanut butter or an equivalent        2 tablespoons.
 quantity of any combination of meat/
 meat alternate or.
Yogurt, plain or flavored,            4 ounces or \1/2\ cup.
 unsweetened or sweetened.
\1\ For the purposes of the requirement outlined in this table, a cup
  means a standard measuring cup.
\2\ Bread, pasta or noodle products, and cereal grains (such as rice,
  bulgur, or corn grits) shall be whole-grain or enriched; cornbread,
  biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc., shall be made with whole-grain or
  enriched meal or flour; cereal shall be whole-grain, enriched or
\3\ Serving sizes and equivalents will be in guidance materials to be
  distributed by FNS to State agencies.
\4\ Either volume (cup) or weight (ounces), whichever is less.
\5\ Milk shall be served as a beverage or on cereal or used in part for
  each purpose.
\6\ Must meet the requirements in appendix A of this part.

(2) Lunch or supper. The minimum amounts of food components to be served 
as lunch or supper are as follows:

           Food components                      Minimum amount
                        Meat and Meat Alternates
Lean meat or poultry or fish or.....  2 ounces.
Alternate protein products \1\ or...  2 ounces.
Cheese or...........................  2 ounces.
Egg (large) or......................  1.
Cooked dry beans or peas or.........  \1/2\ cup.\2\
Peanut butter or soynut butter or     4 tablespoons.
 other nut or seed butters or.
Peanuts or soynuts or tree nuts or    1 ounce=50%.\4\
 seed \3\ or.
Yogurt, plain or flavored,            8 ounces or 1 cup.
 unsweetened or sweetened or an
 equivalent quantity of any
 combination of the above meat/meat
                          Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) \5\....  \3/4\ cup total.
                    Bread and Bread Alternatives \6\
Bread or............................  1 slice.
Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins,  1 serving.\7\
 etc. or.
Cooked pasta or noodle products or..  \1/2\ cup.
Cooked cereal grains or an            \1/2\ cup.
 equivalent quantity of any
 combination of bread/bread
Milk, fluid, served as a beverage...  1 cup (\1/2\ pint, 8 fluid
\1\ Must meet the requirements of appendix A of this part.
\2\ For the purposes of the requirement outlined in this table, a cup
  means a standard measuring cup.
\3\ Tree nuts and seeds that may be used as meat alternate are listed in
  program guidance.
\4\ No more than 50% of the requirement shall be met with nuts or seeds.
  Nuts or seeds shall be combined with another meat/meat alternate to
  fulfill the requirement. For purposes of determining combinations, 1
  ounce of nuts or seeds is equal to 1 ounce of cooked lean meat,
  poultry or fish.
\5\ Serve 2 or more kinds of vegetable(s) and/or fruits or a combination
  of both. Full strength vegetable or fruit juice may be counted to meet
  not more than one-half of this requirement.
\6\ Bread, pasta or noodle products, and cereal grains (such as rice,
  bulgur, or corn grits) shall be whole-grain or enriched; cornbread,
  biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc., shall be made with whole-grain or
  enriched meal or flour; cereal shall be whole-grain, enriched or
\7\ Serving sizes and equivalents will be in guidance materials to be
  distributed by FNS to State agencies.

[[Page 154]]

(3) Snacks. The minimum amounts of food components to be served as 
snacks are as follows. Select two of the following four components. 
(Juice may not be served when milk is served as the only other 

           Food components                      Minimum amount
                        Meat and Meat Alternates
Lean meat or poultry or fish or.....  1 ounce.
Alternate protein products \1\ or...  1 ounce.
Cheese or...........................  1 ounce.
Egg (large) or......................  \1/2\.
Cooked dry beans or peas or.........  \1/4\ cup \2\.
Peanut butter or soynut butter or     2 tablespoons.
 other nut or seed butters or.
Peanuts or soynuts or tree nuts or    1 ounce.
 seeds \3\ or.
Yogurt, plain or flavored,            4 ounce or \1/2\ cup.
 unsweetened or sweetened or an
 equivalent quantity of any
 combination of the above meat/meat
                          Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) or.....  \3/4\ cup.
Full-strength vegetable or fruit      \3/4\ cup (6 fluid ounces).
 juice or an equivalent quantity or
 any combination of vegetable(s),
 fruits(s) and juice.
                     Bread and Bread Alternates \4\
Bread or............................  1 slice.
Cornbread, biscuits, rolls, muffins,  1 serving.\5\
 etc. or.
Cold dry cereal or..................  \3/4\ cup or 1 ounce.\6\
Cooked cereal or....................  \1/2\ cup.
Cooked cereal grains or an            \1/2\ cup.
 equivalent quantity of any
 combination of bread/bread
                                Milk \7\
Milk, fluid.........................  1 cup (\1/2\ pint, 8 fluid
\1\ Must meet the requirements in appendix A of this part.
\2\ For the purposes of the requirement outlined in this table, a cup
  means a standard measuring cup.
\3\ Tree nuts and seeds that may be used as meat alternates are listed
  in program guidance.
\4\ Bread, pasta or noodle products, and cereal grains (such as rice,
  bulgur, or corn grits) shall be whole-grain or enriched; cornbread,
  biscuits, rolls, muffins, etc., shall be made with whole-grain or
  enriched meal or flour; cereal shall be whole-grain, enriched or
\5\ Serving sizes and equivalents will be in guidance materials to be
  distributed by FNS to State agencies.
\6\ Either volume (cup) or weight (ounces), whichever is less.
\7\ Milk should be served as a beverage or on cereal, or used in part
  for each purpose.

    (e) Meat or meat alternate. Meat or meat alternates served under the 
Program are subject to the following requirements and recommendations.
    (1) The required quantity of meat or meat alternate shall be the 
quantity of the edible portion as served. These foods must be served in 
a main dish, or in a main dish and one other menu item.
    (2) Cooked dry beans or peas may be used as a meat alternate or as a 
vegetable, but they may not be used to meet both component requirements 
in a meal.
    (3) Enriched macaroni with fortified protein may be used to meet 
part but not all of the meat/meat alternate requirement. The Department 
will provide guidance to State agencies on the part of the meat/meat 
alternate requirement which these foods may be used to meet. If enriched 
macaroni with fortified protein is served as a meat alternate it shall 
not be counted toward the bread requirement.
    (4) If the sponsor believes that the recommended portion size of any 
meat or meat alternate is too large to be appealing to children, the 
sponsor may reduce the portion size of that meat or meat alternate and 
supplement it with another meat or meat alternate to meet the full 
    (5) Nuts and seeds and their butters listed in program guidance are 
nutritionally comparable to meat or other meat alternates based on 
available nutritional data. Acorns, chestnuts, and coconuts shall not be 
used as meat alternates due to their low protein content. Nut and seed 
meals or flours shall not be used as a meat alternate except as defined 
in this section under paragraph (e)(3) and in this part under Appendix 
A: Alternate Foods for Meals.

[[Page 155]]

As noted in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, nuts or seeds may be used 
to meet no more than one-half of the meat/meat alternate requirement for 
lunch or supper. Therefore, nuts or seeds must be combined with another 
meat/meat alternate to fulfill the requirement. For the supplemental 
food pattern, nuts or seeds may be used to fulfill all of the meat/meat 
alternate requirement.
    (f) Exceptions to and variations from the meal pattern.--(1) Meals 
provided by school food authorities.--(i) Meal pattern substitution. 
School food authorities that are Program sponsors and that participate 
in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program during any time 
of the year may substitute the meal pattern requirements of the 
regulations governing those programs (Parts 210 and 220 of this chapter, 
respectively) for the meal pattern requirements in this section.
    (ii) Offer versus serve. School food authorities that are Program 
sponsors may permit a child to refuse one or more items that the child 
does not intend to eat. The school food authority must apply this 
``offer versus serve'' option under the rules followed for the National 
School Lunch Program, as described in part 210 of this chapter. The 
reimbursements to school food authorities for Program meals served under 
the ``offer versus serve'' must not be reduced because children choose 
not to take all components of the meals that are offered.
    (2) Children under 6. The State agency may authorize the sponsor to 
serve food in smaller quantities than are indicated in paragraph (d) of 
this section to children under six years of age if the sponsor has the 
capability to ensure that variations in portion size are in accordance 
with the age levels of the children served. Sponsors wishing to serve 
children under one year of age shall first receive approval to do so 
from the State agency. In both cases, the sponsor shall follow the age-
appropriate meal pattern requirements contained in the Child and Adult 
Care Food Program regulations (7 CFR part 226).
    (3) Statewide substitutions. In American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, 
the Virgin Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the 
Northern Mariana Islands, the following variations from the meal 
requirements are authorized: A serving of a starchy vegetable--such as 
ufi, tanniers, yams, plantains, or sweet potatoes--may be substituted 
for the bread requirements.
    (4) Individual substitutions. Substitutions may be made by sponsors 
in food listed in paragraph (d) of this section if individual 
participating children are unable, because of medical or other special 
dietary needs, to consume such foods. Such substitutions shall be made 
only when supported by a statement from a recognized medical authority 
which includes recommended alternate foods. Such statement shall be kept 
on file by the sponsor.
    (5) Special variations. FNS may approve variations in the food 
components of the meals on an experimental or a continuing basis for any 
sponsor where there is evidence that such variations are nutritionally 
sound and are necessary to meet ethnic, religious, economic, or physical 
    (6) Temporary unavailability of milk. If emergency conditions 
prevent a sponsor normally having a supply of milk from temporarily 
obtaining milk deliveries, the State agency may approve the service of 
breakfasts, lunches or suppers without milk during the emergency period.
    (7) Continuing unavailability of milk. The inability of a sponsor to 
obtain a supply of milk on a continuing basis shall not bar it from 
participation in the Program. In such cases, the State agency may 
approve service of meals without milk, provided that an equivalent 
amount of canned, whole dry or nonfat dry milk is used in the 
preparation of the milk components set forth in paragraph (d) of this 
section. In addition, the State agency may approve the use of nonfat dry 
milk in meals served to children participating in activities which make 
the service of fluid milk impracticable, and in locations which are 
unable to obtain fluid milk. Such authorization shall stipulate that 
nonfat dry milk be reconstituted at normal dilution and under sanitary 
conditions consistent with State and local health regulations.

[[Page 156]]

    (8) Additional foods. To improve the nutrition of participating 
children, additional foods may be served with each meal.

[54 FR 18208, Apr. 27, 1989, as amended at 54 FR 27153, June 28, 1989; 
Amdt. 2, 55 FR 1377, Jan. 14, 1990; 55 FR 13470, Apr. 10, 1990; 61 FR 
37672, July 19, 1996; 62 FR 10191, Mar. 6, 1997; 64 FR 72487, Dec. 28, 
1999; 64 FR 72487, Dec. 28, 1999; 65 FR 12437, Mar. 9, 2000; 65 FR 
82251, Dec. 28, 2000]