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Bursting The Bubble; Supper At Our House

Pres. Obama has voiced concern that he will become out of touch with the people while living in the White House bubble, so I have a suggestion that can help him keep in touch. I call it, Supper At Our House.

Once a month or every six months, his children could randomly pick an area of the United States from which to invite a random family (or two) to supper with the First Family. The school kids across the country could become involved in raising the funds to support it. Presidents dine everyday with the mighty and the well connected, so it would send a powerful message to the Average Joes of this country, that our voices matter too and that the White House is truly the “People’s House!”


1/14/2009 3:19 PM
Since when was Obama in touch? Almost all long-term politicians become out of touch.
Having a meal with them will not help.
1/14/2009 3:23 PM
I nominate el48 as the first guest and "sour grapes" as the first desert.
1/14/2009 3:26 PM
When I first read about the idea of an organic garden at the White House, I thought along these lines, too.  My idea was that a video camera might record Supper with the First Family (complete with grandma) - maybe Live - or maybe edited to be broadcast at evening mealtime on TV perhaps once a month.  Doesn't the White House have its own TV channel?  The menu could be published with emphasis on local whole foods etc. and the family values this could engender in everyone.  It might even be comforting to those that do not have this opportunity with their own families.  There are many possibilities.  Those who cook for their families give them a whole lot more than just food!
1/14/2009 4:24 PM
I like the idea and have the feeling that the Obamas would too. 

Maybe the families that meet with the Obamas could bring things to the dinner that would help them to keep up with the parts of life in America that the Obamas would miss because they will be protected so much. (Remember how George Bush, the first, was surprised by supermarket scanning equipment?)

Hopefully the families that meet with the Obamas would be screened for their abilities to socialize and to bring an enjoyable presence to the first family (as well as for the usual security matters).
1/14/2009 4:52 PM
As a nurse I have to deal with all kinds of personalities and as such I've learned to bring out the best in all of them...  even in the maximum security prison where I work.  Every person has a story to tell and they need  to be heard regardlesss of  their social skills.  And from what I can tell, President Obama has learned that lesson well. 

1/14/2009 5:23 PM
I would prefer having them come to our house.  It would give new meaning to the phrase "how the other half lives".  Sorry, I'm a little bitter, it's hard for me to believe they would even understand.  There's no Harvard degrees in my home (& it's not for a lack of trying) & it's certainly not comparable to his half million dollar house in Chicago, let alone the White House.  & tell 'em to leave the Secret Service at the curb, I believe thats part of the "disconnect" that comes to/from DC.  To many people trying to kiss their collective butts. [its understandable, but most of 'em don't even admit it]
1/15/2009 2:35 AM
YES, Great idea!
1/15/2009 7:10 AM
Great idea, super easy to implement.  I hope they serve me a burger, fries, and a beer when they invtie me.  :)
1/15/2009 8:41 AM
This is a great idea.  In addition to families with children, the program could represent all facets or our society - singles, couples, retirees, single parents, etc.  Policies can affect each of these groups in dramatically different ways.    
1/15/2009 8:46 AM
I like this idea and was thinking along similar lines myself. I don't know about dinner, perhaps a gathering of a few people on occasion - citizens meet with the President. I imagine a salon type setting with discussion  and conversation.
1/15/2009 1:33 PM
Maybe host the writers of the top 10 on this site to a bar b que
1/16/2009 11:33 AM
Better yet, instead of people going to dinner with the Obama family at the White House, let the Obama family come to dinner with regular people at their homes.  Get out of the ivory tower and be reminded how the little people live.  My husband is a terrific cook; so our home is open anytime.  Smile!  DLSM  
1/17/2009 2:35 PM
It would be nice to see, especially with families in rural areas and inner cities.
1/17/2009 5:06 PM
I think the Obama family should go to a citizens home, no fan fair, no hype...see how the other half lives...
Eric Arthur Blair
1/17/2009 8:01 PM

Creative idea, Citizen Jane -- and worthwhile.   I like it a lot.  I can see it working well.  It could not be turned around, as several have suggested, to have the Obamas go TO the random family's house, for reasons of security and logistics.  But, in your version, I think it works nicely.  ~EAB  ps: I appreciate and endorse your reply to CPAnnie.  Everyone has worth AND a story.

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