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1. The Use of Portfolios in Coordinated School Health Programs: Benefits and Challenges to Implementation (EJ756545)

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Barnes, Seraphine Pitt; Torrens, Anna; George, Valerie; Brown, Kelli McCormack


Journal of School Health, v77 n4 p171-179 Apr 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Portfolios (Background Materials); School Personnel; Health Programs; Content Analysis; School Health Services; Interviews; Program Evaluation; Portfolio Assessment; Elementary Education; Middle Schools; High Schools; Comprehensive School Health Education; Health Promotion; Evaluation Problems; Child Health

Background: Coordinated school health programs (CSHP) frequently struggle with how to adequately evaluate implementation. The CSHP framework provides flexibility in how it is implemented; however, this flexibility makes it a challenge to effectively evaluate. Portfolios have been used as a technique for evaluating progress and achievement. This article describes the development and implementation Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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