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Index of
Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson

compiled with annotations by
E. Millicent Sowerby

Library of Congress

Reproduced 2002.

Table of Contents   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

Go to:     A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


The arabic numerals refer to the serial numbers in the Catalogue except where a given page is indicated. The roman numerals refer to the volume number. In Volume V, pages 1 to 184 contain the entries of the Catalogue, Chapters XXXIX to XLIV, numbers 4616 to 4931. Other references to Volume V in the Index refer to the Additions, Notes and Corrections.

[Note: Volume I contains entries 1 - 1237; Volume 2, entries 1238 - 2322; Volume III, entries 2323 - 3662; Volume IV, entries 3663 - 4615; and Volume V contains entries 4616 - 4931.]

A Maximilien Robespierre, et a ses Royalistes, 2629       
Aandahl, Frederick, V, 3609                              
Abailard, Pierre: Veritable Lettres d'Abeillard et       
  d'Heloise, 4641; Vie de Pierre Abeillard, 4641         
Abbaye Prison, 2615                                      
Abbecourt, Abbe d', 2578                                 
Abdication, Debates on, 2923                             
Abeille Politique et Litteraire, 3640                    
Abercrombie, John: Gardener's Pocket Dictionary,         
  804; see also 803                                      
Abernethy, Thomas Perkins, 3085                          
Abondance, ou la Veritable Pierre Philosophale, 722      
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire Ancienne, 123         
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire d'Espagne et de       
  Portugal, 181                                          
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire de France, 187        
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire de Pologne, 254         
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire des Juifs, 124        
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire Ecclesiastique, 603   
Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire Universelle, 153      
Abrege chronologique de la Revolution de France, 232     
Abrege de Geographie ancienne et moderne, 3838           
Abrege de la Nouvelle Methode presente au Roi pour       
  apprendre facilement la Langue Latine, 4781            
Abrege du Systeme de la Nature de Linne, 1017            
Abridgment des plusieurs cases et resolutions del Com-   
  mon Ley, 1786                                          
Abridgment of Pomey's Pantheon, 4801                     
Abridgment of the Book of Common Prayer (1773),          
Abridgment of the Common Law (MS.), 1795                 
Abridgment of the Common Law (1725-6), 1789
Abridgment of the First Part of Ld. Coke's Institutes,
Abridgment of the Laws in force and use in her
  Majesty's Plantations, 2173
Abridgment of the Public Acts (MS.), 1794
Abridgement of the Public Permanent Laws of Vir-
  ginia (1796), 1867
Abridgment of the Publick Laws of Virginia (1728),
Abstract of the laws already in force against profane-
  ness, 2771
Abus et Dangers de la Contrainte par Corps, 2223
Academie des Sciences, 3767
Academie Francaise, 4823, 4828
Accomplish'd Conveyancer, 1935
Account of Denmark as it was in the year 1692, 262
Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Missis-
  sippi, 4169
Account of Louisiana, V, 3166a
Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Dis-
  coveries, 3723
Account of Switzerland, 296
Account of the European Settlements in America, 446
Account of the Interment of the Remains of 11,500
  American Seamen, 510
Account of the Life and Death of John, Earl of
  Rochester, 1687
Account of the Malignant Fever, 973
Account of the Manner in which the Protestant Church
  of the Unitas Fratrum  . . . preach the Gospel, 1544
Account of the Pelew Islands, 3942
Account of the People called Shakers, 1707
Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia, 4014           
Account of the Progress of the Reformation of Manners,      
Account of the reasons of the nobility and gentry's         
  invitation of his Highness the Prince of Orange into      
  England, 2905                                             
Account of the receipts and expenditures of the United      
  States (1801-7), 3166                                     
Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, 1046                
Account of the Societies for the Reformation of Man-        
  ners, 1643                                                
Account of the State Prison or penitentiary house, in      
  the City of New-York, 2365                               
Account of the Sugar Maple-Tree, 677                       
Account of the Trial of Thomas Cooper, 3224                
Account of the Voyagers undertaken for making Dis-         
  coveries in the Southern Hemisphere, 3937                
Accounts of William Ogle, Esq., 2937                       
Accusation contre Maximilien Robespierre, 2625             
Acherley, Roger, Britannic Constitution, 2711              
Achilles Tatius, Clitophontis & Leucippes amoribus,        
Acosta, Jose de: Historia Natural y Moral de las           
  Indias (1590), 4096; (1608), 4097                        
Act for establishing Religious Freedom passed in the        
  Assembly of Virginia (1786), 2566; see also 3028          
Act for regulating the Importation and Exportation of       
  Corn, 3590                                                
Act for Repealing the Duties on Tobacco, and Snuff,         
Act of Tonnage and Poundage and Rates of Mer-               
  chandize, 3615                                            
Act to enforce and make more effectual an act entitled,     
  An act laying an embargo on all ships, 3448                 
Act to regulate the Militia of the State of New-York,         
Action du Feu Central, 644                                    
Acts of Assembly, made and enacted in the Bermuda or          
  Summer-Islands (1719), 2170                                 
Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Barbadoes           
  (1721), 2168                                                    
Acts of Assembly, passed in the Province of New-York              
  (1719), 2169                                                                                                                                                   
Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of
  America (1791), 1873; see also V, 1873
Acts passed at the First Session of the Fifth Congress
  (1801), 1874
Acts passed at the First Session of the First Legislature
  of the Territory of Orleans (1806), 2178
Acts passed at the First Session of the Second Legislature
  of the Territory of Orleans (1808), 2179
Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami Epitome, 1363
Adair, James, History of the American Indians, 3997
Adair, James Makittrick: Medical Cautions, 910;
  Philosophical and Medical Sketch of the Natural
  History of the Human Body and Mind, 911
Adams, Abigail: Correspondence, 1352, II p.
  411, 3184, 3518; Letter from John Adams
Adams, Daniel, 2785, 2787
Adams, Ebenezer, 3666
Adams, George: Astronomical and Geographical
  Essays, 3797; Essay on Vision, 3748; Geometrical
  and Geographical Essays, 3718; Lectures on
  Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 3734;
  Micrographia Illustrata, 1040
Adams, Jacques, 1154
Adams, John: Collection of State-Papers (1782),
  3000; Defence of the Constitutions of Government of
  the United States of America (1787), 3004; Four
  Letters: being an Interesting Correspondence be-
  tween John and Samuel Adams (1802), 3287;
  History of the dispute with America (1784), 3001;
  Message of the President of the United States to both
  Houses of Congress (1798), 3210; Selection of the
  Patriotic Addresses to the President of the United
  States, with the President's Answers (1798), 3525;
  Thoughts on Government (1776), 3124.
    Books presented to, by Jefferson: Barton,
      Memoirs of Rittenhouse, 529; Jefferson, Notes
      on Virginia, 4167; Jefferson, Proceedings
      against Livingston, 3501
    Books relating to: Colvin, Republican Econ-
      omy, 3302; Mably, Observations sur le
      Gouvernement et les lois des Etats Unis, 2399;
      Wood, History of the Administration of John
      Adams, 506
    Correspondence: Adair, 3997; Adams' De-                 
      fence, 3004; American history, I p. 196;               
      Aristotle, 1014; Barton, 529; Batteux,                 
     1293; Botta, 509; Bry, 3983; Cabanis,                  
     1246; Calvin, 1538; Camus, 1014; Cart,                 
     2681; Chas, 2781; Cicero, 1314, 4633,                  
     4912; Cleanthes, 4466; Destutt de Tracy,               
     1239, 1296, 2327; Enfield, 1337; Holbach,              
     1260; Homespun, 4659; Hutchinson, 455;                 
     Ivernois, 298; Keith, 462; Kennett, 472;               
     Lafiteau, 3995; La Place, 3801; Lee, R.H.,             
     3076; Livingston, E., 3501; Middleton,                
     1525; Morton, 453, 4056; Notes on Vir-                
     ginia, 4167; Pamphlets, III p. 379; Plato,            
     1508, (Duport) 4399, (Liverpool Dis-                  
     senters), 1513; Religious Disputes, 1535;             
     Rights of Man, 2826; Smith, J., 461;                  
     Stewart, 1244; Taylor's Arator, 814; Thom-            
     son, C., 1474; Winthrop, 456                          
     Letter to Abigail Adams (American Remem-               
     brancer), 3520                                        
     Manuscript annotations by, 3000, 3004                  
Adams, John (teacher of mathematics), 3788              
Adams, John Quincy: Lectures on Rhetoric and            
 Oratory, 4659; correspondence, 2102, 3760              
Adams, Samuel, 3287                                     
Adams, Thomas, 416                                      
Adams & Rhoades, 3287                                   
Addison, Alexander, Observations on the Speech of       
 Albert Gallatin, 3203                                  
Addison, Joseph: Free-Holder, 2730; Miscellaneous       
 Works, 4546; Remarks on several Parts of Italy,        
 3908; see also 3901, 4412                              
Additional Observations on the nature and value of      
 Civil Liberty, 3110                                    
Address and Rules of the South Carolina Society for     
 promoting and improving Agriculture, 815               
Address at the opening of the Botanic Garden of Liver-  
 pool, 1085                                             
Address, delivered in Havre-de-Grace, 3417               
Address of Ajax, to James Bayard, Esq., 3293             
Address of the Committee of the City of New-York,        
Address of the Democratic Republican corresponding
 Committee of New-Castle county, 3304                                
Address of the people of Great-Britain to the Inhabi-
 tants of America, 3100
Address of the Royal Jennerian Society, 948
Address of the Society of Constitutional Republicans,
Address on the Advancement of Medicine, 988
Address on the natural and social order of the world,
Address on the Past, Present and Eventual Relations of
 the United States to France, 3299
Address to an Assembly of the Friends of American
 Manufactures, 3622, 3626
Address to Protestant Dissenters of all Denominations,
Address to the Americans at Edinburgh on Washing-
 ton's birthday, 3403
Address to the Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the
 abolition of the Bank of North-America, 3033
Address to the Citizens of Philadelphia (1806), 3340
Address to the Citizens of South-Carolina (1800), 3228
Address to the Citizens of the District of York, in
 Virginia, 3191
Address to the Committee of Association of the County
 of York, 2788
Address to the Congress of the US on the utility and
 justice of restictions upon foreign commerce, 3464
Address to the Convention of the Coloney and ancient
 Dominion of Virginia, 3125
Address to the Free electors of the County of Antrim,
Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania (1777),
Address to the Landed Interest, on the Corn Bill, 3594
Address to the Landed, trading and funded interests of
 England, 2775
Address to the Manufacturers of Pot and Pearl Ash,
Address to the People of New-England (1808), 3462
Address to the People of the State of New-York (1787),
Address to the People of the United States (Custis,
 1808, 731
Address to the people of the United States (Livingston,           
 1808), 3484                                                      
Address to the People of the U. States (Pickering                 
 1808), 3451                                                      
Address to the People of the United States (Wolcott,              
 1802), 3285                                                      
Address to the Public, on the present peace, by John              
 Earl of Stair, 2944                                              
Address to the Public, together with a copy of a letter to        
 S. R. Bradley, 3322                                              
Address to the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Cor-                
 poration of Kingston-upon-Hull, 2789                             
Address to the Shareholders and others interested in the          
 Canals of Virginia, 4044                                         
Address to the Society for the Improvement of British             
 Wool, 663                                                        
Address to the well disposed, reflecting and unprejudiced         
 freeholders of West-Chester County, 3266                         
 correspondence, 684, 834.                                        
Administration des Finances de France, 2437                       
Administration of the Colonies, 3054                              
Administration provinciale, 2374                                  
Administrations provinciales, memoire presente au Roi,            
 par feu M. Turgot, 2381                                          
Admiranda Narratio fida Tamen, 3973                               
Admirandis Naturae Reginae Deaeque Mortalium                      
 Arcanis, 1270                                                    
Adrain, Robert, 3683                                              
Adresse a l'Assemblee Nationale, pour l'Abolition de la           
 Traite des Noirs, 1385                                           
Adresse au Conseil Legislatif du Territoire d'Orleans,            
 3370, 3383, 3485                                                 
Adresse aux amis de la Paix, 2575                                 
Adresse aux Bataves par Condorcet, 2666, 2672                     
Adresse de la Societe des Amis des Noirs, 1382, 2558              
Advancement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce,                   
Adventures of Roderick Random (1763), 4355                        
Adventures of Sig. Gaudientia di Lucca, 4356                      
Adventures of Telemachus, 4307                                    
Advice concerning Bills of Exchange, 2108                         
Advice to shepherds and Owners of Flocks, 794                     
Advice to such as would remove to America, 2567
Advice to the people in general with regard to their
 health, 890
Advice to the Privileged Orders (1793), 2828; (1795),
Adye, Ralph Willett, Bombardier, and Pocket
 Gunner, 1148
Aedes Walpolianae, 4238
Aegyptiarium Originum et Temporum Antiquissi-
 morum Investigatio, 10
Aelfric, English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-Day of
 St. Gregory, 4865
Aelianus, Claudius: Varia Historia (1701, 3),
 103; (1587), 104
Aerostatics, 1134, 1140, 1141, 1228, 1212, 1121
Aeschines: Epistolae, 4625; In Ctesiphontem Oratio,
 4671; Oeuvres complettes de Demosthene et
 d'Eschine, 4664
Aeschines Socraticus, Dialogi tres Graece et Latine,
Aeschylus: Tragaediae (1746), 4524; (1782, 3,
 1779), 4525
Aesop, Fabulae Graeco-Latinae: Gr. Lat. (1755),
 4365, (1741), 4366, (1607), 4369; English
 (1777), 4368; (1792), 4367; French (1778),
Aetiologica, simeiotica et therapeutica morborum, 879
Affaire de Nancy, 3637
Affaire du Collier, see Diamond Necklace
Affectionate Address to the Inhabitants of the British
 Colonies in America, 3116
Affidavits and depositions relative to the commence-
 ment of the late hostilities in Massachusetts Bay,
African Institution, Reports of the Committee
 (1808), 427
Agiotage, 2447, 2448, 2449
Agis, a Tragedy, 4553
Agonie de Louis XVI, 3660
Agout, Capitaine d', Histoire de siege du Palais,
Agrarian Justice, 3187
Agricoltore Sperimentato, 736
Agricultural books recommended by Jefferson
  to W. C. Nicholas for the Library of Congress:
  Abercrombie, Gardener's Pocket Dictionary, 804;
  Bidet, Traite sur la Vigne, 786; Bordley,
  Sketches on the Rotation of Crops, 707; Bradley,
  General Treatise of Husbandry, 697; Bradley,
  Ten practical Discourses, 699; Dickson, Hus-
  bandry of the ancients, 692; Duhamel du Mon-
  ceau, Practical treatise of husbandry, 704; Esti-
  enne, Maison rustique, 694; Evelyn, Sylva, 793;
  Evelyn, Terra, 742; Forsyth, Treatise . . . on
  fruit trees, 808; Geoponica Bassi, 690; Hales,
  Statical essays, 709; Home, Principles of Agricul-
  ture, 711; Home, Gentleman farmer, 710; Lang-
  ley, Pomona, 807; Lasteyrie-du Saillant, Du
  cotonnier, 791; Lasteyrie-du Saillant, Traiti sur
  les betes-a-laine, 795; Livingston, Essay on sheep,
  796; McMahon, American gardener, 80o; Mau-
  pin, Nouvelle methode pour la vigne, 785; Mim-
  oires de la society  d'agriculture, 776; Miller,
  Gardeners dictionary, 8oI; Miller, Gardeners
  Kalendar, 800; Parmentier, Recherche sur les
  vegetaux nourissans, 74I; Ronconi, Dizionario
  d'agricoltura, 735; Saboureux de la Bonnetrie,
  Traduction d'anciens Ouvrages, 69I; Scriptores
  rei rusticae, 689; Serres, The&tre d'agriculture, 693;
  Traite theorique sur la culture de la vigne, 787;
  Tull, Horse-hoeing husbandry, 701; Vettori,
  Trattato delle lodi e della coltavizione degli ulivi,
  789; Young, Works, 705
Agricultural Enquiries on Plaister of Paris, 745
Agricultural pamphlets, 718-737
Agricultural reports, 747-767
Agricultural Society of New York, Transactions,
Agricultural society, First in the US, 707
Agriculture, Board of, pamphlets, 747-767
Agriculture: General View    of the agriculture of
  various counties in England and in Scotland,
  753-766; Jefferson on, I p. 323
Aiguillon, A.D. de Vignerot Duplessis Richelieu,
  Duc de: Aux Deputes de la premiere Legislature,
  2616; Aux troupes qu'il a commandoes, 2617
Aikin, C. R., Concise View of all the most important
  Facts concerning the Cow-Pox, 955
Ainsworth, Robert: Latin and English Dictionary
  abridged, 4803; Thesaurus Lingua Latina Com-
  pendarius, 4802
Air balloons, Illustrations of, 3684
Air-ship, Illustration of, 1 2 I
Ais-Eiridh na Sean-Chanoin Albannaich, 4882
Aislabie, John: Case of the Rt. Hon. John Aislabie
  Esq., 2915; Second Speech on his defence in the
  House of Lords, 2917; Speech upon his defence
  made in the House of Lords, 2916
Aitzema, Lieuwe Van, Notable Revolutions, 288
"Ajax," Address of Ajax, to James A. Bayard, Esq.,
Aland, Sir John Fortescue: Reports of select cases,
  2079; see also 2704
Alari, Abbe, founder of the Entresol Club, 1241;
  V, 1241
Albany Register, 587
Albers, Johann Abraham, Americanische Annalen
  der Arzneykunde, 4728
Alberti, Leonbatista, Architettvra di Leonbatista
Alberti tradotta in Lingva Fiorentina, 4199
Alberti di Villaneuve, Nuovo Dizionario Italiano-
  Francese, 4808
Albon, C. C. F., Discours sur l'histoire, le gouverne-
  ment, les usages, 2407
Alchemist, a Comedy (1739), 4606
Alciphron, Epistola, 4628; Lettres Grecques, 4629
Alciphron: or, The Minute Philosopher, 1522
Aldrich, Henry, Artis Logica Compendium, 4644
Alemanni, Nicolo, 99
Alembert, Jean Le Rond D': Melange de Littira-
  ture, d'Histoire, et de Philosophic, 4925; Synonymes
  Francais, 4833
Alessandri, Alessandro, Genialium Dierum, 4906
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia: Convention be-
  tween his Britannick Majesty, and the Emperor of
  Russia (x80o), 2869; mentioned by Jefferson,
  2332, 2361, 3021
Alexander, Caleb, I486
Alexander of Aphrodisias, De Fato, 1335
Alexis de Sommevoire, Tesoro della Lingua Greca-
  Volgare ed Italiana, 4777
Alexis et Justine, 4570
Aleyn, John, Select Cases in B. R. 22, 23, 24, 2055
Alfieri, Vittorio, 2421
Alfred the Great, 4867, 4868
Algebra, First systematic treatise of, 3663
Algonquian language, Dictionary, 3992, 3993
Ali-Gier-Ber, 1294
Alien and Sedition Acts, Vol. V. no. 3290; see
  also: The Bee, 602; Callender, J. T., 3184;
  Communications of several States, 3527; Debates,
  3212; Nicholas, George, 3196; Ogilvie, James,
  3195; On the election of the President, 3229;
  Thomson, James, 3526; Time Piece, 560; To the
  Freeholders, 3247; To the Friends of Freedom, 3290
All Impressments unlawful and inadmissable, 3355
All the proceedings in relation to the Aylesbury-men,
Alldridge, W. J., Universal Merchant, 3572
Allegations in behalf of the Lady Mary, now Queen of
  Scots, 2907
Allegre, Giles, note of provenance by, 1468
Allen, Ethan: Reason the only Oracle of Man, 1289;
  Vindication of the opposition of the inhabitants of
  Vermont, 498, 3146; see also 3538
Allen, Ira: Following Extract of a Statement was
  presented to the Hon. James Madison in December
  1803, 3306; Particulars of the Capture of the Ship
  Olive Branch, 3538
Allen, Paul, Correspondence on Lewis and Clark
  expedition, 4168
Allen, Thomas: Benefits of Affliction, 1666; Sub-
  mission to the Will of God, 1690
Allens, William O.: Correspondence on Notes
  on Virginia, 4167; regarding Logan's speech,
Allestree, Richard: Ladies Calling, 1628; Officium
  Hominis, 1623; Whole Duty of Man, 1624; see
  also V, 1624
Alliot, Paul, Reflexions historiques et politiques sur la
  Louysiane, 3510
Allobroges: L'Assemblee Nationale des Allobroges
  a la Convention Nationale de France, 2632;
  Proces-Verbaux de l'Assemblee Nationale des Allo-
  broges, 2623
Almanac des Ambassades, 2411
Almanach Americain (1784), 4064
Almanach du Commerce de Paris, 3602
Almanach du Voyageur a Paris, 3884
Almanach Imperial pour l'an 1807 (-1809), 2440
Almanach Royal (1785-1791), 2439, V, 2439
Almon, John: Anecdotes of the Life of William
  Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 388; Collection of scarce and
  interesting tracts, 2767; Remembrancer (1775-82),
Altham, Roger, 4673
Altieri, Ferdinando, 4811
Alvares-Deleon, 1249
Amazon river, First scientific exploration of,
Ambassades de Monsieur de la Boderie, 1450
Ambassadeur et ses Fonctions, 1428
Ambler, Charles, Reports of Cases argued and
  determined in the High Court of Chancery, 1758
Ambler, Jacquelin: Treatise on the culture of
  Lucerne, 718; correspondence with Jefferson
  regarding Notes on Virginia, 4167
Ambulator; or the Stranger's Companion in a Tour
  round London, 3875
Americae. Tertia Pars-Pars Undecima (1592-1620),
"American, An": see Barton, 5034; Ruston,
  3619; Sketches of the History of France, 228;
  Watson, 3871
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 521
American Advertiser, 569
American and British Chronicle of War and Politics,
  475; see also 444
American. And Daily Advertiser, 597
American Annals, 444
American Artillerist's Companion, 1160
American Atlas, 3961
American charters, 3149
American Constitution, Jefferson on, III, p. I.
American Convention for the Abolition of
  Slavery, 1400
American Daily Advertiser, 545, 593
American Distiller, 1208
American Gardener, 809
American Gardener's Calendar, 810
American Gazette, 581, 3071
American Gazetteer, 3964
American history, Jefferson on, I, p. 196
American Instructor, 1117
American languages, 4737, 4742
American Law Journal, 2098
American Library, 1158
American Magazine, 526
American Museum, or Annual Register, 4900
American Museum, or Repository, 4903
American Negotiator, 3575
American Ornithology, 1022
American Philosophical Society, Transactions,
  3753; account of, 3753; correspondence con-
  cerning Lewis and Clark expedition, 4168.
  See also: Barton, B. S., 681; Barton, W., 667;
  Cointeraux, F., 1177; Conover, 687; Cuvier,
  999; Ellicott, 657; Guyton de Morveau, 851;
  Ingenhousz, 828; Knox, 1114; Lasteyrie-du
  Saillant, 791; Lippi, 1098; Miller, 4727;
  Rumsey, 1217; Rush, 670, 680, 4677; Smith,
  Samuel Stanhope, 1010; Thornton, 1126;
  Williams, 660
American Remembrancer, 152
American Remembrancer; or, an impartial collection of
  essays, 3520
American Traveller, 3611
American Universal Geography, 3963
Americanische Annalen der Arzneykunde, 4728
"Americanism," word coined by Witherspoon,
Americanus examined, 3087
America's Deliverance and Duty, 1667
Amhurst, Nicholas: Observations on the Conduct of
  Great Britain, 2762; see also 2732, 2736, 2959,
  2960, 2969
Ami des Hommes, ou traite de la population, 2377
Ami des Patriotes, 2599
Aminta. Favola Boscareccia di. T. Tasso (1753),
  4385; (1804), 4455
Ammianus Marcellinus: Rerum Gestarum (1681),
  92; (1773), 93
Amoretti, Carlo, 4247
Amoribus Anthia et Abercrome (1726), 4345;
  (1781), 4344
Amphitheatrum Aeterna Providentia, 1269
Amsterdam, Guide (1772), 3873
Amusemens physiques, 1169
An deux mille quatre cent quarante, 1352
Anacreon: Anacreon Teius, (1721), 4407; Anacre-
  onte tradotto in Versi Italiani (1736), 4404; Ana-
  creontis Oraris (1802), 4405; Odes of Anacreon
  (1804), 4406; Works of Anacreon and Sappho
  (1713), 4408; Works (English, 1713), 4408,
  (English, 1804), 4406, (Greek, 1804), 4406,
  (Italian, 1736), 4404, (Latin, 1721), 4407
Anacreon in Heaven, Poem to Jefferson to the tune
  of, 320
Analyse raisonne de l'Origine de tous les Cultes, 1296
Analytical View of the Animal Economy, 1001
Analyze des Echecs (1749), 1173
Anatomia discorso, 997
Anatomical Exposition of the structure of the human
  body, 998
Anatomie du corps de l'homme, 995
Anatomy, Comparative, 1000
Anatomy, Jefferson on the study of, I, p. 450
Anatomy of the Human Body (1763), 996
Anatomy of the Human Body (1802-4), 1004
Anchoran, John, 4799
Ancient Physician's Legacy to his Country, 888
Ancient Testimony and principles of the people called
  Quakers, 3118
Anderson, Adam, Historical and chronological de-
  duction of the origin of commerce, 3545
Anderson, Sir Edmund, Reports, 2030
Anderson, George, 3692
Anderson, James, Correspondence: The Bee,
  4927; weights and measures, 3760
Anderson, Johann, 3871
Anderson, Joseph, Speech on the resolution offered
  by Mr. Hillhouse, 3460
Anderson, William, autograph signature, 3100
Andre, J. F., Observations sur les pretentions des
  trois ordres du royaume, 2515
Andre, John, 3139
Andrews, George, Reports of Cases, 2080
Andrews, John: Essay on republican principles,
  2791; History of the war with America, France,
  Spain and Holland, 486
Andrews, William, translator, Perier, Gilberte,
Anecdotes du Marquis de Pombal, 185
Anecdotes of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of
  Chatham, 388
Anecdotes sur M. La Comtesse Du Barri, 209
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d': De Orbo Novo,
  4099; Historie of the West Indies, 4083
Anglia Sacra, 622
Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica scripta,
Anglo-Saxon: see Chronicon Saxonicum, 4837;
  Elstob, 4861; Hickes, 4837; New Testament,
  4864; Orosius, 4868; Somner, 4862
Anglo-Saxon and Gothic Dictionary, 4863
Anglo-Saxon printed writings, Jefferson on,
Anglure, Marquise d', 2284
Anhalt-Dessau, Princesse, 3731
Animadversiones Historica 46
Animal Magnetism, Reports on, 956, 957
Anmours, Chevalier d', 4167
Annales du Musee et de l'Ecole Moderne des Beaux
  Arts, 4244
Annales et Historia de rebus Belgicis, 295
Annales of England, 354
Annales Romaines, 67
Annals of Administration, 3068
Annals of the Corporation, 3325
Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion,
Anne, Queen of England, Book bound for, 1949
Annecdotes Historiques sur les principaux personnages
  qui jouent maintenant un role en Angleterre, 400
Annesley, James, Case of James Annesley Esq., 2017
Annet, Peter, Life of David, 1286, V, 1286
Annius, Johannes, Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici, 1
Annuaire de la Libraire, 4730
Annuaire meteorologique pour l'an 8, 9, 10 de la
  Republique Francaise, 688
Annual Register (1762, 1779), 398
Anonymous Letter to Jefferson (Rochester),
Ans du Roy Richard le Second, 2023
Anson, George, Voyage round the World, 3830
Ansse de Villoison, J. B. G. d', editor, Bible (1784),
  1463; Homer (1788), 4265
Anstey, Christopher, New Bath Guide, 4508
Answer to Mr David Russen's Book, 1543
Answer to Mr Jefferson's justification of his conduct in
  the case of the New Orleans Batture, 3507
Answer to Mr Locke's Letter, 1240
Answer to that part of the Narrative of Sir Henry
  Clinton, 481
Answer to the Considerations, occasioned by the Crafts-
  man upon Excise, 2969
Answer to the Reply to the proposed Treasury pamphlet,
Answer to War in Disguise, 2118, 3352
Answere to the Fifth Part of Reports set forth by Syr.
  E. Cooke, 2139
Antecessoris Institutiones, 2198
Anthologia Graca, 4499, 4500
Anticipation, 3066
Antient right of the Commons of England asserted, 2885
Anti-Jefferson pamphlets: see Desaussure, 3228;
  Letter on the approaching election, 3372;
  Linn, 3226; Smith, William Laughton, 3174;
  Swanwick, 3028
Antique Literature Septentrionalis, 4853
Antiquarian Society of Charleston, 1076
Antiquitatum Judaicarum, 6
Antiquites de la France, 4209
Antiquites Romaines, 49
Antiquities of Athens, 4190
Antonini, Annibale, Grammaire Italienne, 4805
Antoninus, Augustus, Iter Britanniarum, 3864
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius: Commentarii
  (1744), 1304; (1775), 1305; (English, 1742),
Antonio, L. L., Della Necessita di Riformare la
  Legislazione, 3543
Anville, Duchesse d': Letter from Jefferson
  (ethics), II, page I; Note on, Vol. V, this ref.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', Maps by,
Apercu des resultats obtenus de la frabication des
  Sirops, 1200
Apercu presente au Comite des Monnoies, 3582
Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis, 900
Apicius, Coelius, De Opsoniis et Condimentis, 1192
Apollodorus of Athens, Bibliothecae, Libri Tres, 12
Apollonius, Levinus, Inventione; & rebus in eadem
  gestis, 4135
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautic Expedition, 4314;
  Argonauticorum Libri Quatuor, 4313
Apollonius Tyaenus, 1336
Apologia por los Agostes de Navarra, 269
Apology for Christianity, 1651
Apology for the Bible, 1652
Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. T. C. Phillips, 4360
Apology for the freedom of the press, 2831
Apology for the true Christian Divinity, 1537
Apophthegmata ex probatis Graecae, 111
Apophthegmata Graecae, 110
Appeal farther defended, 1646
Appeal to the justice and interests of the people of
  Great Britain, 3093
Appeal to the landholders concerning the reasonableness
  and general benefit of the excise upon tobacco and
  wine, 2966
Appeal to the Legislative of the United States, 3172
Appeal to the people of Great Britain, 2832
Appeal to the Public, 3393
Appel a l'Impartiale Posterite, par la Citoyenne
  Roland, 236
Appendix to the History of the Public Revenue of the
  British Empire, 2939; V, 2939
Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, 3225, 4051; see
  also no. 3343 and in Vol. V, 3225, 3343
Appendix to the present State of the Nation, 2755
Appianus of Alexandria, Romanarum Historiarum
  (1670), 78; (Italian, 1567), 79
Applegarth, Henry, 1801
Appleton, Thomas, Correspondence: Antonio,
  3543; Fabbroni, 3558; Lastri, 734; Trinci, 736
Application de la Theorie des lois, 2697
Arabic Language: see Erpinius, 4746; Evangelium
  Infantae, 4745; Vieyra, Antonio, 4743; Volney,
Arator, 814
Araucana, 4342
Arbustrum Americanum, 1078
Arbuthnot, John, Inquiry into the connection between
  the present price of provisions, and the size of Farms,
Arcana Clericalia, 1925
Arcana Historia, 99
Arcana Parliamentaria, 2878
Archaeologia Graeca, 40
Archaeologiae Philosophicae, 633
Archer, James, Inaugural Essay on the effects, &
  Modus Operandi, of the carbonates of lime, mag-
  nesia and Potash, 835
Archer, Michael, 1830
Archimedes, Arenarius et Dimesdio Circuli (1676),
  3704; (1784), 3692; Opera (1544), 3703
Architecture, Jefferson on, IV, p. 358
Architecture of A. Palladio; in Four Books (1715),
  4175; (1742), 4174; (French, 1764), 4215
Architecture di Leonbatista Alberti tradotta in Lingva
  Fiorentina, 4199
Arenarius of Archimedes (1676), 3704; (1784),
Aret, J. d', 919
Aretaeus, Aetiologica, simeiotica et therapeutica
  morborum, 879
Argenson, R. L. de V. de P., Loisirs d'un
  Ministre, 1350
Argis, Gaspard Boucher d', 2214
Argonautic Expedition, 4314
Argonautica, 4391
Argonauticorum, 4313
Argou, Gabriel, Institution au Droit Francois, 2214
Argument against Excises, 2959
Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers, in the Bankers
  Case, 2015
Arguments and reports of Sr. Hen. Pollexfen, 2056
Argus Homericus, 4274
Arias, Benedictus, 1483
Ariosto, Lodovico: Opere in versi, e in prosa,
  Italiane, e Latine, 4311; Orlando Furioso in
  English Heroical Verse. By Sr. John Harington,
Aristaenetus, Epistola Grace. Cum Latina interpre-
  tatione et Notis, 4627
Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus, 4716
Aristeas, 1500
Aristides, pseud., see Van Ness, W. P.
Aristophanes: Comoedia ex Optima Exemplaribus
  emendata studio R. F. P. Brunck, 4575; Comedia
  Undecim, Grace et Latina, 4574
Aristoteles: Ethica, 1308; Histoire des Animaux,
  1014; De Poetica, 4692; La Poetica, 4693;
  Politiques, 2347, 2328; Treatise on Government,
Arithmetical warlike treatise named Stratioticos, 1145
Arithmetick, 3665
Arithmeticorum, 3663
Arlington Institution, 731
Armisteed, John, signature of, 1816
Armoire de Fer, 2663
Armstrong, John: Art of Preserving Health, 4470,
  Oeconomy of Love, 4471; quoted by Jefferson in
  the Thoughts on English Prosody, 4470
Armstrong, John, General: see Skipwith, Ful-
  war, 2683; letter to Jefferson (Dynamometre),
  1106; note on, V, 1106
Arnal, Etienne: Nouveau Methode de naviguer le
  Rhone, 1226; Prospectus de la Navigation generale
  des rivieres du royaume, 1219
Arnaud, Francois, 4256
Arnauld, Antoine: Historia et Concordia Evan-
  gelica, 1491; see also 4750, 4780
Arnay, J. R. d', Vie privee des Romains, 115
Arnould, A. M., Resultats des guerres, des negocia-
  tions et des traites, 2686
Arret du Parlement la Grand' Chambre assemblee du
  31 Mai, 2270
Arrete de la Chambre des Comptes, 1 Sept. 1787, 2492
Arrete de la Cour des Monnoies, 22 Aug. 1787, 2480
Arrete des prevot des marchands et echevins, 1789, 2520
Arrete du conseil souverain de Roussillon, 3 Sept.
  1787, 2496
Arrete du Parlement de Grenoble, 1787, 2477
Arrete du Parlement de Rennes, 18 aout 1787, 2475
Arrete du Parlement de Rouen, 22 aout 1787, 2478
Arretes du Parlement: 6 Juillet 1787, 2483; 5
Aout 1787, 2489; 27 Aout 1787, 2493; 19 Sept.
  1787, 2494; 5 Decembre 1788, 2517
Arrets de la Cour de Parlement: Qui casse l'emprison-
  nement de Thomas Barklai, 1787, 2305; Qui
  ordonne qu'un Imprime in 4to intitule Memoire
  justificatif pour trois hommes, 1786, 2275; Du
  Parlement de Bordeaux, 1787, 2476
Arrets du Conseil d'Etat du Roi: Concernant le Com-
  merce des Grains, 1788, 2310; Concernant le com-
  merce etranger, 1784, 2293; Concernant les mar-
  chandises etrangeres, 1785, 2296; Portant a cinq
  livres par quintal la taxe imposee sur la Morue de
  Peche etrangere, 1785, 2298; Portant reduction des
  Droits sur les Vins D'Aunis, 1786, 2301; Portant
  suppression des Deliberations des Cours & autres
  Corps & Communautes, 2308; Qui accorde des
  Primes d'encouragement aux Negocians francois,
  1785, 2297; Qui accorde differentes faveuts au
  Commerce du Nord, 1784, 2294; Qui casse les
Arretes du Parlement de Paris, 1787, 2495; Qui
  excepte de l'Entrepot, 1788, 2307; Qui exempte de
  Droit de Transit, 1786, 2302; Qui renouvelle les
  anciennes defenses, 1785, 2295; Qui suspend
  l'Execution de ceux de 10 & 22 mai, 1723, 2300
Arrianus, Flavius: Expeditionis Alexandri Magni
  (1575), 24; (1757), 25; see also Epictetus, 1301
Arrowsmith, Aaron: Map exhibiting all the New
  Discoveries in the Interior Parts of North America,
  3846; Map of America, 3846; Map of Europe,
  Asia, Africa, 3843; New and Elegant General
  Atlas, 3836; see also Pinkerton, 3827; Pike,
Ars transferendi Dominium, 1937
Art de Conduire et de Regler les Pendules et les
  Montres, 1186
Art de la Vigne, 818
Art de soigner les Pieds, 855
Art de Tourner, 1183
Art de voyager dans les airs, 1228
Art des Experiences, 1184
Art du Meunier, Vermicellier et Boulanger, 1201
Art of Fingering on the Harpsichord, 4258
Art of Love, 4390
Art of Manufacturing Alkaline Salts, 1222
Art of Playing on the Violin, 4255
Art of Preserving Health, 4470
Artaud, F. S. d', 1019
Arte di fare il vino, 1210
Arte of Vulgar Arithmeticke, 3664
Arte Poetica, 4402
Arteaga, Esteban, Rivoluzioni del Teatro Musicale
  Italiano, 4256
Articles of an Association by the Name of the Ohio
  Company, 4042
Articles of Confederation and perpetual union, 1845
Artis Logica Compendium, 4644
Arts, Jefferson on, IV, p. 385
Arts Tracts, 1097- 1106
As the question whether the House of Representatives
  have a right to impeach a member of the Senate, V,
Ascenius, J. Badius, 4389
Ascham, Roger, Familiarum Epistolarum, 4639
Asgill, John, Defence on his expulsion from the
  House of Commons, 2743
Ashby, Matthew, Ashby and White, 2898
Assemblee Nationale des Allobroges, 2632
Assemblee Nationale et commune de Paris, 2571
Assemblee Nationale-Legislative, Journal des debats,
Assemblee Nationale permanente, seance du 26, 2572
Asser, Chronicle of, 340
Assurances sur la Vie, 2458
Aston, R., Placita Latine rediviva, 1883
Astronomical and Geographical Essays, 3797
Astronomical and Thermometrical Observations, 657
Astronomical Principles of Religion, 3792
Astronomicon, 4492
Astronomie, par M. de La Lande, 3796
Astronomie. Poeme, 4495
Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Princi-
  ples, 3793
Astronomy Improved, 3812
Astro-Theology, 3783
Astruc, Jean, General and compleat treatise on all
  the diseases incident to children, 894
Astutie Militari di Sesto Iulio Frontino, 107
Athenaeus, Dipnosophistarum, 42
Atkinson, J., 3788
Atkinson, J. A., Picturesque Representation of the
  Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians,
Atkyns, J. T., Reports of Cases, 1754
Atkyns, Sir Robert: Defence of the late Lord
  Russel's innocency, 2903; Enquiry into the power
  of dispensing with penal statutes, 2901; Lord
  Russel's innocency further defended, 2904; Power,
  jurisdiction and priviledge of Parliament, 2902
Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional, 3962
Atlas portatif a l'usage des Colleges, 3837
Attempt toward obtaining invariable Measures, 1214
Attempt towards a Natural History of the Polype,
Atterbury, Francis: Sermons and Discourses, 1563;
  see also 4281, 4384
Attorney's practice in the Court of Common Pleas,
Attorney's practice in the Court of King's Bench,
Attourney's Academy, 1921
Atwater, Jesse, Considerations, on the approaching
  Dissolution, 3396
Atwood, George, Analysis of Lectures, 3729
Atwood, William: Fundamental Constitution of the
  English Government, 2906; Reflections on Bishop
  Overall's Convention-Book, 2908; Superiority and
  direct dominion of the Crown of England over the
  Crown of Scotland, 3039
Aubert, Abbe, 2341, 2342
Aufrere, Anthony, Cannibal's Progress, 3198
Auger, Athanese, 4664, 4665, 4668
Auget, A. J. B. R., Baron de Montyon, 2506
Auncient Historie and onely trewe and syncere cronicle
  of the warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans,
Aurora, 544
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus, Opera, 4410
Austen, Rachel, Baroness Le Despencer, 1510
Austera, 250
Austin, Benjamin, Constitutional Republicanism,
  3534; correspondence, 1694, 3534
Austin, Charles, 1694
Austin, David, National "Barley Cake", 1668
Austin, J. T., Resistance to Laws of the United
  States, 3404
Austin, William: Essay on the human Character of
  Jesus Christ, 1505; Letters from London, 3877;
  editor, Selection of Patriotic Addresses, 3525
Authentic copy of the memorial to the Rt. Hon.
  William Wyndham Grenville, 2795
Authentic Narrative of a Voyage performed by
  Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, 3939
Authoritie et jurisdiction des Courts, 1876
Authority, Jurisdiction and Method of keeping
  County-Courts, 1877
Autun, Bishop of, see Tallyrand-Perigord\
Auvergne, Assemblee Provinciale, 2460
Aux Bataves sur le Stathouderat par le Comte de
  Mirabeau, 2415
Aux Germains. Par Condorcet, 2667
Aux juges de Louis XVI, 2660
Aux Manes du Colonel Mauduit, 2594
Avantures de Telemaque (1712), 4306; (1795), 4305
Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, 3996
Avenia, 4515
Averani, Benedetto, 1366
Avery, John, 3847
Avignon, Fanatics of, 1607
Aviler, A. C. d', translator, Scamozzi, Les cinq
  ordres d' Architecture, 4178
Avis au Peuple sur son premier Besoin, 1195
Avis aux Espagnols, 2665, 2673
Avis de plusieurs bons citoyens, 2519
Avis pour transport par mer des arbres, 675
Avocat de Province, pseud., see Voltaire, 2350
Aylesbury election, 2896, 2897
Ayogas vocabulary, 4077
Ayre, William, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of
  Alexander Pope, 384
Ayscough, Samuel, Compleat Catalogue of all Books
  and Pamphlets published for ten years past, 4723
Azara y Perera, J. N. de, 3896
Azuni, Dominico Alberto, Maritime law of
  Europe, 2113


Baba Kama Massehet Nezikin, 2462
Bache, Benjamin Franklin: Remarks occasioned
  by the late Conduct of Mr Washington, 3190;
  publisher, The General Advertiser and Political,
  Commercial and Literary Journal, 544; see also
  Fairplay, Oliver, 3317
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, pseud., To the Dem-
  ocratic Republican electors, 3318
Bachet, Claude Gaspar, 3663
Bachmair, J. J., Complete German Grammar, 4838
Backer, T. H., agent for Jefferson: Books sup-
  plied through: Connaissance des Temps, 3808;
  Gerard de Rayneval, 1444; Krafft and Ran-
  sonnette, 4214; Linnaeus, 1017; Lucretius
  Carus, 4461; Michaux, A., 1084; Prony,
  3744, 3746
Bacon, Sir Francis: Essay on Plantations, in
  Select Tracts, 3049; Essays or Counsels, 1339;
  Historia naturalis ventorum, 651; Historie of the
  reigne of King Henry VII, 352; Of the Advance-
  ment and Proficiencie of Learning, 4916; Works,
  4915; considered by Jefferson one of the three
  greatest men, 3720
Bacon, John, Conjectures on Prophecies, 1680
Bacon, Matthew: New Abridgment of the law,
  1792; Jefferson on, 1792
Bacon, Nathaniel (1593-1660): Historicall dis-
  course of the uniformity of the government of
  England (1672), 2713; (1689), 2714
Bacon, Nathaniel (1642?-1676): 534; additional
  note, V, 534
Bacqueville de la Potherie, C. C. Le Roy de,
  Historie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 3999
Bagshaw, Edward, Rights of the Crown of England,
Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich, editor, Hexaplorum
  Origenis, 1458
Bailey, Lydia, correspondence with Jefferson
  on Freneau's Poems, 4438
Bailey, Nathan, editor, 4372
Bailey, Theodorus, Letter from Jefferson (Map
  of New York), 3853
Bailey, William, Advancement of Arts, Manu-
  factures and Commerce, 3739
Baillet, Adrien: Histoire de Hollande, 290;
  translator, 4122
Bainbridge, William, 3281
Baird, Thomas, General View of the Agriculture
  of the County of Middlesex, 762
Baker, Henry: Attempt towards a Natural History
  of the Polype, 1038; Microscope made easy, 1039
Baker, Polly, 466
Baker, Sir Richard, Chronicle of the Kings of
  England, 357
Baker, Thomas, V, 329
Bakewell, Robert, Observations on the Influence
  of Soil and Climate upon Wool, 797
Baldwin, Abraham, Letter to Jefferson (Mans-
  field), 3733
Baldwin, George, Journey from Constantinople
  to Vienna, 3933
Baldwin, Samuel, Survey of the British Customs,
Baldwin, Thomas, Happiness of a people illustrated
  and explained, 1682
Balguy, John, 2332
Ball, Isaac, Analytical View of the Animal Econ-
  omy, 1001
Balloon ascent, Jefferson a spectator of, 1134
Ballow, Henry: Treatise of Equity (1737), 1719;
  (1807), 1720
Ballston Springs, 4453
Balsamo, Giuseppe, see Cagliostro, Alessandro
Baltimore Baptist Association: Minutes, 1703;
  address to Jefferson and his reply, 1703
Bancroft, Edward, Letter from Jefferson (Notes
  on Virginia), 4167
Bandiera, Alessandro, translator, 73
Bandini, Angelo Maria, Vita e Lettere di Amerigo
  Vespucci, 3970
Bank of Columbia, Statement, 3275
Bank of North America: see 3034, 3033, 3035,
  3036, 3032
Bank Torpedo, 3398
Bankhead, Anne Cary: Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Cicero, 74; Tacitus, 80; note on,
  V, no. 80
Banking Systems, 3400, 3401
Bankrupt Law of America, 1994
Bankrupts, Law against, 1992
Bankrupts, Statutes concerning, 1993
Banks, Henry: Observations designed to shew the
  propriety of an Independent System of Banking,
  3401; Sketches & Propositions recommending an
  Independent System of Banking, 3400
Banks, John, 382
Banks, Sir Joseph: 1037, 3937, 3940; note on,
  V, 3937
Banks, account of, written by Jefferson for the
  Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889
Banneker, Benjamin, 4902
Barailon, J. F., Opinion sur le jugement de Louis
  Capet, 2653
Barbadoes, Laws of, 2168, 2173
Barbary States, 3321
Barbat Du Closel d'Arnery, C. G., Abus et
  Dangers de la Contrainte par Corps, 2223
Barbe-Marbois, Francois, Marquis de: Comptes
  generaux du tresor public, 2438; Etat des Finances
  de St. Domingue, 2548; see also Destutt de Tracy,
  2327 (9); and for Barbe-Marbois connection
  with Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia see
  under Marbois
Barbeau de la Bruyere, Jean Louis, 160
Barbeyrac, Jean: Recueil de Discours, 1415;
  translator, 1427, 1405, 1406
Barbie du Bocage, J. Dennis: 41; note on, V, 41
Barbour, James: Letter from Jefferson (brew-
  ing), 1206; note on, V, 1206
Barcia Carbillido y Zuniga, 4084, 4131
Barclay, Robert, Apology for the True Christian
  Divinity, 1537
Barclay, Thomas: Arret de la Cour de Parlement,
  qui casse son emprisonnement, 2305
  Book agent for the purchase of: Acosta,
  4097; Dalrymple, 3897; Garcilaso de la
  Vega, 4131; Gumilla, 4127; Herrera y
  Tordesillas, 4107; Martinez de la Puente,
  3932; Sims and Frewin, 3614; Torque-
  mada, 4o10
Baretti, G. M. A.: Dictionary of the English and
  Italian languages, 4811; Dictionary Spanish and
  English and English and Spanish, 4818
Baring, Alexander, Baron Ashburton, Inquiry
  into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in
  Council, 3362
Barksdale, Clement, 6; V, 6
Barlaam and Josaphat, 1552
Barlas and Ward, publishers, 506
Barlow, Joel: Advice to the privileged orders (1794),
  2828; (1795), 2846; Columbiad, 4301; Joel
  Barlow to his fellow citizens of the United States,
  3213; Letter addressed to the people of Piedmont,
  2845; Letter to the National Convention of France,
  2825; note on, V, 2825; Oration delivered at
  Washington, July 4, 1809, 4686; Vision of
  Columbus, 4302; supposed author, Prospect
  before us. By Horatius Publicola, 2849, 2853;
  translator, Volney, The Ruins, 1278
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Columbiad,
  4301; Conspiracy of Kings, 2825; introduces
  Fulton, 1162; Gregoire, 1398; Marshall's
  Life of Washington, 496; Notes on the State
  of Virginia, 4167; Oration, 4686; political
  pamphlet, 3213; Vision of Columbus, 4302;
  Introduced by Jefferson to Richard Price,
Barlow, Theodore, 2037
Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, 2903
Barnes, Henry, Notes of cases in points of practice,
Barnes, John, correspondence with Jefferson,
Barnes, Joseph: Treatise on the Justice, Policy
  and Utility of establishing an effectual system for
  promoting the progress of Useful Arts, 1225;
  Jefferson on, 1225
Barnes, Joshua, editor: Anacreon, 4404, 4407;
  Euripides, 4527; Homer, 4269
Barnet, I. Cox, Letter to Jefferson (Chavannes),
Barnwell, William: Physical Investigations &
  deductions, 964; letter to Jefferson, 964
Baron, Richard, 2331
Baron and Feme, 1991 
Baronage of England, 412
Barotti, Giovanni Andrea, 4311
Barozzio, Giocomo, 4177
Barraud, John T, Letter from Jefferson
  (Rochon), 3805 
Barre Saint-Venant, Jean, Colonies modernes sous
  la Zone Torride, 2541
Barrin, R. M., Marquis de la Gallissonniere,
Barrington, Daines: Miscellanies, 1043; editor,
  Orosius, 4868; books from his library, 1777
Barron, William History of the colonization of the
  Free States of Antiquity, 2995
Barrow, Isaac, Works, 1559
Barruel, Augustin, 1657
Barry, James, Baron Santry, Case of Tenures upon
  the commission of defective titles, 2010
Bart, T. M., Considerations philosophiques et
  politiques sur le regime des colonies, 2540
Barthe, Dck, Correspondence with Jefferson, 4
Barthelemy, Jean Jacques, Voyage du Jeune
  Anarcharsis, 41
Bartoli, Casimir, 4199
Barton, Benjamin Smith: Collections for an Essay
  toward a Materia Medica for the United States,
  969; Elements of Botany, 1061; additional note,
  V, 1061; Fragments of the Natural History of
  Pennsylvania, 1028; Memoir concerning the fascinat-
  ing faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle-
  Snake, 681; New Views of the Origin of the Tribes
  and Nations of America, 3998; Observations on
  some Parts of Natural History, 4038; Remarks on
  the Speech attributed by Mr Jfferson to an Indian
  Chief named Logan, 3343; additional note, V,
  3343; editor, Pinkerton, Modern Geography, 3827
  Correspondence: American Philosophical
  Society, 681, 3573; botany, 1061; Indian
  Languages 3998; Lewis and Clark, 4168;
  Logan, 3343; Pallas, 3998; Persoon, 1073;
  Priestley, 1528; Rattle-snake 68; Vater,
Barton, William: Dissertation on the freedom of
  navigation, 2134; Memoirs of the Life of David
  Rittenhouse, 529; Observations on the probabilities of
  the Duration of human Life, 667; True interest of
  the United States with respect to State paper money,
  Correspondence: Duration of human life, 667;
  Freedom  of navigation, 2134; Rittenhouse,
Bartram, John, Journal, 4085
Bartram, William, Travels through North & South
  Carolina, 4029
Bases de la Constitution Francaise, 3644
Bashaw of Tripoli, Letter from Jefferson, 320
Basil the Great, Philocalia, 1584
Baskerville Press, 1537, 4287, 4288, 4462
Basset, Burwell, Letter from Jefferson (Palisot
  de Beauvois), 683
Bassi, Anton Benedetto, Lettre adressee a la Societe
  Olympique de Paris, a l'Occasion de l'Opera
  Bouffon Italien, 4564
Bassville, Nicolas Jean Hugon de, Precis Histo-
  rique sur la Vie et les Exploits de Francois le Fort,
Bastille Devoilee, 218
Batteux, Charles: Histoire des causes premieres,
  1293; Lettre d'Aristote a Alexandre, 1293
Battie, William, 4666
Batture Case, 3469-3509; see also 3439, 3440
Baudeau, Nicolas: Avis au Peuple sur son premier
Besoin, 1195; Explication du Table economique,
  2371; Idles d'un citoyen sur l'administration des
  finances du Roi, 2432
Baudry des Lozieres, Louis Narcisse, Second
  Voyage a la Louisiane, 4076
Baume, Antoine: Chymie experimentale et raison-
  nee, 839; Elements de Pharmacie theorique et
  pratique, 870
Baxter, Andrew, Enquiry into the Nature of the
  Human Soul, 1245
Baxter, John: New and Impartial History of Eng-
  land, 405; see also 370
Baxter, Richard, Of Justification, 1642
Bayard, Ferdinand Marie, Voyage de Terracine
  a Naples, 3912
Bayard, James A., 3293
Bayard, Samuel, Address to the well-disposed,
  reflecting and unprejudiced freeholders of West-
  Chester County, 3266
Bayle, Pierre: Critique generale de l'Histoire du
  Calvanisme de Mr Maimbourg, 1557; Diction-
  naire Historique et critique, 143; Pensees diversees,
  1276; Philosophical Commentary, 1282
Bayley, Sir John, 2077
Baynard, Edward, 918
Bazin, abbe, 1281
Beale, John, Herefordshire-Orchards, 799
Beattie, James, The Minstrel, 4433
Beaufoy, Henry, Substance of the Speech to the
  British Society for extending the fisheries, 2780
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de: Folle
  Journee ou le Mariage de Figaro, 4594; Oeuvres
  complettes, 4592; see also Collection des pieces et
  memoires, 2271; and under Caron de Beau-
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher, Comedies
  and Tragedies, 4585
Beaunoir, Madame de, Fanfan et Colas, 4598
Beau-Pledeur. A Book of Entries, 1899
Beaupoil, Marquis de, 2451
Beauties of Philanthropy, 1395
Beauties of Shakespear, 4540
Beaux Stratagem, 4609
Beauzee, Nicolas, 4832
Beawes, Wyndham, Lex Mercatoria Rediviva, 2101
Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Essay on Crimes and
  Punishments, 2349
Beck, Christian Daniel, 4527
Beck, Lewis Caleb, letter from Jefferson (Mis-
  sissippi Valley), 4167 (p. 329)
Becker, Wilhelm Gottlieb: Neu Garten und
  Landschafts-Gebaude, 4223; see also Porte-feuille
  des Artistes, 4222
Becket, Andrew, Concordance to Shakespeare, 4542
Becourt, Regnault de, Creation du Monde, 4930
Beddoes, Thomas, Observations on the Nature and
  Cure of Calculus, Sea Scurvy, etc., 960
Bede, Venerable: Historiae Ecclesiasticse gentis
  Anglorum (1644), 4866; (1565), 623
Bedell, William, 4877
Bedinger, Daniel, Letter from Daniel Bedinger, Late
  Navy Agent at Norfolk to Robert Smith, secretary of
  the Navy, 3432
Bedrott, Jacob, 4267, 4268
Bee, The, 602
Bee, or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, 4927
Bees, 1187
Belfast Literary Society, Select Papers, 4904
Belier Hydraulique, 1103
Belisarius, 4323
Belknap, Jeremy, History of New Hampshire, 499
Bell, Benjamin, System of Surgery, 856
Bell, Sir Charles, 1004
Bell, John: Anatomy of the Human Body, 1004;
  Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds,
  860; Principles of Surgery, 858
Bell, Robert, Address to everyfree-man, 3029
Bellanger, Francois, 49
Belle Arsene, Comedie Feerie, 4568
Bellenden, William, 2772
Bellers, Fettiplace, Delineation of Universal Law,
Bellewe, Richard, Ans du Roy Richard le Second,
Bellini, Charles, 1273, 1275
Bello Belgico, 284
Bello Peloponnesiaco, 14, 15
Bello Punico, 4315
Belloste, Augustin, 888
Beloe, William, 2722, 4441
Belsches, R., General View of the agriculture of the
  County of Stirling, 757
Belsham, Thomas, Memoirs of Theophilus Lindsay,
Belsham, William: History of Great Britain, from
  the Revolution to the Accession of the House of
  Hanover, 407; Memoirs of the Kings of Great
  Britain of the House of Brunswic-Lunenburg, 408
Bendlowes, William: Reports de Gulielme Benloe
  Serjeant del Ley, 2025; Reports de Gulielme
  Bendloes, 2043; corrective note, V, 2043;
  see also 2024
Benefits of Affliction, 1666
Benezet, Anthony: Caution to Great Britain and
  her Colonies, 1371; see also 1373
Benson, Thomas, 4862
Benson, William, editor, Psalms of David, 4398
Bentham, Jeremy, Panopticon, 2369
Bentivoglio, Guido, Cardinal: Della Guerra de
  Fiandra, 283; Relationi, 282
Bentley, Richard, editor: Aristophanes, 4574;
  Terence, 4576; see also Johnson, Richard, 4716;
  Menander et Philemon, 4578; Phalaris, 4624
Bentley, Thomas (of Liverpool), 1513
Bentley, William: Discourse, delivered in the East
  Meeting House in Salem, 1701; Sermon before the
  Governor, 1695; letter from Jefferson, 1074
Benzel, Eric, 4857
Benzoni, Girolamo: Historia del Mondo Nuovo
  (1572), 4103; (1578), 4105
Bergasse, Nicolas: Observations preliminaires sur les
  finances, 2600; supposed author, Journee des
  Dupes, 2586; see also 2451
Bergier, Certitude des preuves du Christianisme, 1294
Bergler, Stephan, 4628
Bergmann, Tobern Olof, 826
Berington, Simon, Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di
  Lucca, 4356
Berkeley, George, Alciphron: or The Minute
  Philosopher, 1522
Berlie, abbe de, Essai Historique et Chronologique,
Bermuda, Acts of Assembly, 2170
Bernard, Edward: Etymologicum Britannicum,
  4836; editor, 6
Bernard, Sir Francis, 3074
Bernoulli, Daniel, Hydrodynamica, 3742
Berosi sacerdotis Chaldaici, 1
Berquin-Duvallon, F., Vue de la Colonie Espagnole
  du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louisiane et
  Floride Occidentale, 4075
Bersabita, Francesco, pseud., 4101
Berthe, Jean Nicolas, Precis historique de la
  Maladie qui a regne dans l'Andalousie, 921
Berthollet, Claude Louis: Elements de l'Art de la
  Teinture, 1191; see also Societe d'Arcueil, 3754
Berthoud, Ferdinand, Art de Conduire et de Regler
  les Pendules et les Montres, 1186
Berthoud, James, 3340
Bertius, Petrus, 3835
Bertrand, Jean, 3954
Bertrand de Molleville, A. F. de: Denonciation
  faite au Tribunal contre le Sieur Carra, 2607; Dis-
  cours sur l'etat actuel de la Colonie de Saint-
  Domingue, 2560; Observations adressees a l'As-
  semblee Nationale sur les discours de Gensonne et
  Brissot, 2609; see also 2608
Bethel, Slingsby, World's Mistakes in Oliver
  Cromwell, 4062
Bette d'Etienville, 2231-2258
Betty, pseud., 2820
Beverley, Robert: Histoire de la Virginie, 503
  Books from his library: Brooke, 2012;
  Clerke, 2111; Degge, 2141; Hughes, 1787
Beverley, William, Abridgment of the Publick
  Laws of Virginia, 1870
Bexon, Scipion Jerome, Application de la theorie
  des lois, 2697
Beyerle, Jean Pierre Louis: Essai preliminaire...
  sur les monnaies, 3580; Il ne faut pas tromper
  le peuple, 2592
Beza, Theodore: 1482; see also 1477
Bezout, Etienne: Cours de Mathematiques a l'usage
  des Gardes du Pavillon, 3680; Cours de Mathe-
  matiques a l'usage du Corps Royale d'Artillerie,
Bianchini, G. M., 789
Bianconi, Carlo, Nuova Guida di Milano, 3911
Bible. Old and New Testament: Latin. English
  printing (1580), 1467; Hexaplorum Origenis
  (1769, 1770), 1458; Louvain recension (1571),
  1464; Septuagint, and the N. T. (1665),
  1473; Tremellius and Beza (1628), 1466;
  Vulgate (1555), 1465; Vulgate (1618), 1461;
  English (1796), 1470; (1798), 1469; (1804),
  1472; (1804-9), 1471; additional correspond-
  ence, V, 1471; (1808), 1474; French (1687),
  1468; Irish (1690), 4877
Bible. New Testament: English (1802), 1490;
  (1808), 1489; Gaelic (1767), 4879; Gothic
  (Lye, 1750), 4857; Gothic (Ulfilas, 1762),
  4858; Greek (1707), 1478; (1728), 1479;
  (1730), 1481; (1743), 1480; (1800), 1486;
  Greek and English (1729), 1487; Greek and
  Latin (1578), 1484; (1583), 1483; Greek,
  Latin and French (1628), 1482; Latin (1735),
  1485; Manx (1775), 4880; Paraphrase by
  Hammond (1653), 1488
Bible. Old Testament: Greek (1784), 1463;
  (Septuagint, 1653), 1460; (1665), 1473; (1707-
  9), 1459; Latin (1603), 1462
Bible. Separate books: Gospels, Greek and
  Anglo-Saxon, 4864; Isaiah (1794), 1476; Job
  (1653), 1475; Psalms, French (1658), 1477
Bible needs no Apology, 1653
Bibliographical information supplied by Jeffer-
  son or his correspondence: Beverley, William,
  1870; Braxton, Carter, 3125; Brown, Alex-
  ander Campbell [i. e. Leavenworth] 3158;
  Clinton, De Witt, 3197; Condorcet, 2522;
  Decius's Letters, 3152; Desaussure, 3228;
  Fairplay, Oliver [i. e. Bache], 3317, Genet,
  Edmond, 3243, 3244; Humphreys, Daniel,
  1653; Jefferson, 3085; La Poype, 2343; Nelson,
  William, 3206; Peyroux de la Coudreniere,
  668, 1369, 1378; Piroux, 1228; Price, Richard,
  1659; Randolph, John, 806; Stevens, John,
  3003; Stone, 720
  Dates: Chas, J., Parallele, 2860; Duane,
  Handbook, 1159; Millar, John, Observa-
  tions, 928
    Editorship, Rural Socrates, 705; establishment
      of first edition, Washington's official
      letters, 492
Bibliographie instructive, 4726
Bibliography of Americana: Kennett, White,
  472, V, 472; Pinelo, Leon, 4095
Biblioteca, La. Lettera di Giovanni Fabbroni, 2875
Bibliotheca Historico-Sacra, 1531
Bibliotheca Latina, 4719
Bibliotheca Politica, 2709
Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia, 472
Bibliothecum Legum, 4732
Bibliotheque choisie, 4720
Bibliotheque des Sciences et des Beaux Arts, 4731
Bibliotheque Physico-Economique, 1095
Bibliotheque portative d'Architecture elementaire, 4215
Biddle, John, 1460
Biddle, Nicholas, correspondance with Jefferson
  (Lewis and Clark expedition), 4168
Bidet, Nicolas, Traite sur la Nature et sur la Culture
  de la Vigne, 786
Biggs, James, History of Don Francisco de Miranda's
  attempt, 4160
Bignon, Jean-Paul, 4777
Billard, Pierre, Chretien Philosophe, 1626
Billinghurst, George: Arcana Clerica, 1925; Judges
  Resolutions, 1993
Billingsley, John, General View of the agriculture of
  the County of Somerset, 764
Bindings, Armorial: Anne, Queen of England,
  1949; Daguesseau, H. F., 625, 1487; De Thou,
Bindings for Jefferson: see Brand; March, John;
  Milligan, Joseph
Bindings for Jefferson by unidentified binders:
  Adams, J. and Mably, G. B., 3000-3002;
  Aeschines (1771 French calf, vase tool), 4625;
  Aislabie, J. (tree calf), 2915; Alberti, L.,
  Architettura (18th-century French calf), 4199;
  Allestree, R., Whole Duty (calf, gilt), 1624;
  Ammianus Marcellinus (French calf), 93;
  Apollodorus (French calf), 12; Argenson,
  Loisirs (French calf), 1350; Azuni, D. A.,
  Maritime Law (marbled calf), 2113; Barthele-
  my, J. J., Voyage (calf), 41; Bible, Old Testa-
  ment, Greek (calf, vase tool), 1463; Billard,
  P., Chretien Philosophe (calf, gilt), 1626; books
  on architecture (Migneron de Brocqueville,
  Sanvitale, Preti, Mascheroni, Etienne) (French
  calf), 4200-4204; Boucher, P. B. (tree calf),
  2103; Boulanger, N. A. (tree calf), 1274;
  Bourdaloue, L. (French calf, vase tool), 1570;
  Boyse, S. (tree calf, gilt), 1456; Burke, William
  (sprinkled calf), 446; Caesar, 1727 (tree
  calf), 60; Callieres, F. de (calf), 1426; Cart,
  J. J. (tree sheep), 2681; Cary, S. (tree calf),
  1709; Cazalet, J. A. (tree calf), 852; Chaix de
  Sourcesol (tree calf), 1608; Chas, J. (tree
  calf), 485; Cicero, 1524 (calf, gilt), 1314;
  Clarke, Samuel, Brief Concordance (tree calf,
  gilt), 1496; Clarke, Samuel, Observations (tree
  calf, gilt), 1645; Cloots, J. B. (calf, gilt), 1294;
  Code Napoleon (calf), 2218; Condorcet (calf,
  gilt), 1376; Cronstedt, A. F. (sprinkled calf),
  1090; De Britaine, W. (tree calf, gilt), 1618;
  Delisle de Sales (brown morocco), 1353;
  Deslandes (tree calf), 2998; Destutt de Tracy,
  Analyse raisonnee (tree calf), 1296; Destutt de
  Tracy, Projet d'Elements d'Ideologie (tree calf),
  1239; Dio Cassius (calf), 84; Dupont de
  Nemours, P. S. (tree calf, gilt), 2674; Eddy,
  T. (tree calf), 2365; English, G. B. Grounds
  of Christianity (tree calf, gilt), 1708; English,
  G. B., Letter to Mr Cary (tree calf, gilt), 1710;
  Felice, F. B. de. (calf), 1416; Fish, S. (half
  calf, possibly for Jefferson), 1615; Fourcroy,
  A. F. de (calf, gilt), 840; French Colony tracts
  (French marbled calf), 2531-2538; Gazzera,
  H., Importance et avantages (tree calf, gilt),
  1521; Gazzera, H., Nuits de Ste. Marie-
  Magdelaine (tree calf, gilt), 1554; Gazerra, H.,
  Veilles de St. Augustin (tree calf), 1553; Gerard
  de Rayneval (tree calf), 1444; Gibson, E.
  (tree calf), 1638; Herodianus (calf), 85;
  Home, Henry, Principles (calf, gilt, probably
  for Jefferson), 1718; Ingenhousz (French
  marbled calf), 828, 829; Jacobs, W. S.,
  Experiments (tree calf), 850; Jacobs, W. S.,
  Student's Companion (tree calf), 849; Justinus,
  M. J. (calf, gilt), 35; King, William (calf,
  gilt), 1455; Krebs, J. T. (calf, gilt), 9; Lactan-
  tius Firmianus (calf, gilt), 1588; La Metherie,
  J. C. de (French marbled calf, gilt), 846;
  La Poype, J. F. de (tree calf, gilt), 2343; Law
  tracts (sheep), 2018-2019; Leboucher, O. J.
  (calf), 403; Livius, Titus (calf, gilt), 53;
  Lycosthenes, C. (tree calf), 111; Lycurgus
  (calf), 4660; M'Calla, Daniel (tree calf),
  1713; Machiavelli, N. (mottled calf), 2351,
  2352; Mandrillon, J. (French calf), 497;
  Mazzei, P., Recherches (calf), 3005; Moreau,
  J. N., Memoire (French marbled calf, gilt),
  1451; Moreau de Beaumont, J. L. (tree calf),
  2408; Nepos, Cornelius (calf, gilt), 73; New
  Testament, Greek (calf, gilt), 1480, 1483;
  New Testament, Greek-Latin, 1628 (calf,
  gilt), 1482; Pamphlets, English, 1797 (half
  sheep), 2832-2836; Pamphlets, French, 1793
  (half sheep), 2675-2680; Perreau, J. A.
  (calf, gilt), 1445; Philo Judaeus (calf, gilt vase
  tool), 1579; Playfair, Wm. (calf, gilt), 2940;
  Plutarch (calf, gilt), 68, 69; Political pam-
  phlets, English, 1800, 1801 (half calf), 2802-
  2808; Political tracts, French, 1791 (half calf),
  2588-2605; Political tracts on the finances of
  France, England, and the US (half-calf),
  2948-50; Polybius (calf, gilt), 51; Priestley,
  J. (sheep), 2544; Proceedings of the Commis-
  sioners (half calf), 3528-3532; Robbery of the
  Bank of Pennsylvania (tree calf, gilt), 2321;
  Rouland de l'air (French mottled calf), 844;
  Sarpi, P. (sprinkled calf), 615; Scheele,
  K. W., Traite chimique (French calf), 826;
  Scheele, K. W., Memoires de chymie (French
  calf), 827; Sermons (marbled calf), 1572-78;
  Sigaud de la Fond (French calf, gilt), 845;
  Sinclair, Sir John, History of the public revenue
  (calf), 2939; Theophrastus (sheep, gilt),
  1347; Tracts, American (half bound), 3624-
  3631; Tracts, English, politics (marbled
  calf), 2773-2780; Tracts, foreign politics
  (French marbled calf), 2416-2421; Tracts in
  biography (sheep), 519-524; Tracts in English
  politics, 1780-1784 (French calf), 2781-
  2794; Tracts in foreign law (French calf),
  2280-2286; Tracts, King & Parliament
  (French calf), 2467-2499; Tracts of American
  History (calf), 512-517; Tracts on American
  commerce (French calf), 3618-3623; Tracts
  on money, French (half calf), 3581-3588;
  Tracts on slavery, French (blue boards),
  1383-1393; Tracts on the French E. India
  Company (French marbled calf), 2525-2528;
  Tracts, political, French (French calf), 2447-
  2457; Tracts, political, French (French
  marbled calf), 2458-2460; Tracts sur les etats
  generaux (French calf), 2500-2504; Tracts sur
  les etats generaux (French marbled calf), 2505-
  2522; Trial of the Boot & Shoemakers (tree
  calf, gilt), 2322; Washington, G., Journal
  (half bound), 473; Washington, G., official
  letters (tree calf), 492; Watson, R., Chemical
  Essays (mottled calf, gilt), 838; Xenophon
  (calf), 2355
Bindings, Presentation to Jefferson: Constitution
  of the Spanish Monarchy, 2424; Dickinson, J.,
  Political Writings, 3055; Foronda, V., Lecciones,
  832; Hauterive, A. M. B. de L., State of the
  French Republic, 2444; Macomb, A., Treatise on
  Martial Law (binding lettered), 2021; Moul-
  trie, W., Memoirs of the American Revolution
  (binding lettered), 494; Potocki, J., Principes
  de Chronologie, 4; Williams, D., Claims of
  Literature, 3553
Binns, John Alexander, Treatise on Practical
  Farming, 721
Biobla Naontha, 4877
Biographia Classica, 86
Biographia Gallica, 241
Bion and Moschus, 4394
Biponti editions, V, 1311
Birch, Thomas: Life of Dr John Tillotson, 376;
  see also 3750, 4917, 1560
Birch, Thomas Erskine, Virginian Orator 4680
Birch, Thomas Ledlie, Seemingly exprimental
  religion, 1693
Birch, William, City of Philadelphia, 4161
Bird, John, Method of dividing astronomical instru-
  ments, 1213
Bird's Eye Sketch of the Military Concerns of the
  United States, 3416
Biscoe, Robert, Merchant's Magazine, 3576
Bishop, Abraham: Connecticut Republicanism, 3235;
  Oration delivered at Wallingford, 3264; Oration in
  honor of the election of President Jefferson, 3473;
  Proofs of a Conspiracy against Christianity, 3277;
  see also 4680
Bishop, Samuel, 3271
Black, John, 4158
Black Hole of Calcutta, 3945
Blackbeard: I, page 395, 2120, V, 2120
Blackburne, Francis: Memoirs of Thomas Hollis,
  389; Two Sermons preached on a Fast Day, 1576
Blackstone, Sir William: Commentaries on the
  Laws of England (1770), 1806; (1803), 1807;
  Interesting Appendix, 2899 and V, 2899; Law
  Tracts, 2009; Reports of Cases, 2081; Jefferson on
  Blackstone, 1806; see also 1712
Blackwall, Antony: Introduction to the Classics,
  4714; Sacred Classics defended, 4715
Blackwell, Edward, Complete System of Fencing,
Blackwell, Thomas, Enquiry into the Life and
  Writings of Homer, 30
Bladen, Thomas, 2154
Blair, Hugh: Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles
  Lettres, 4658: see also 4377
Blair, James, Review of the criminal law of Kentucky,
Blair, John, Chronology and History of the World,
Blaise et Babet, 4599
Blake, James: Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Cortes), 4120; see also 3899
Blancard, P., Manuel de Commerce, 3562
Blanchard, Jean Pierre, Journal of my Forty-Fifth
  Ascension, 1134
Bland, Humphrey, Treatise of Military Discipline,
Bland, Richard: Books from his library pur-
  chased by Jefferson: Filmer, 2328; Hakluyt,
  4007; Journal of the House of Burgesses, 3161;
  Petyt, 2885; Pownall, 3054; Salmon, 155, Vol.
  V, 155; Temple, 366 V, 366; Virginia manu-
  scripts, 1824, 1825, 1831; Wollaston, 1252;
  note on, with Jefferson correspondence, V,
Bland, Theodorick, Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis,
Bland manuscript, 1824
Blane, Sir Gilbert, On the Yellow Fever, 974
Blankaart, Steven: Lexicon Medicum Renovatum,
  873; Physical Dictionary, 874
Blessings of America, 1674
Blin, 2599
Blodget, Samuel: Economica: a statistical Manual,
  3540; Thoughts on the increasing wealth and
  national economy of the US of America, 3254
Bloomingdale's Asylum for the Insane, 2365
Blount, Charles: Miscellaneous Works, 1287;
  Philostratus, transl., 1336
Blount, Thomas: Law Dictionary and Glossary,
  1811; editor, Rastell, Termes de la ley, 1810
Blount, William, Reports on his impeachment,
  V. 3168a
Blow at Priestcraft, 1685
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Manuel d'His-
  toire Naturelle, 1019; Short System of comparative
  Anatomy, 1000
Blunt, Edmund M., Nautical Almanac, 3810
Board of Treasury, Report on the establishment of a
  Mint, 3756
Boaz, James, Description of Diurnal and Nocturnal
  Patent Telegraph, 1104
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Il Decamerone, 4321
Bodin, Jean, Six livres de la Republique, 2358
Boerhaave, Hermann: Aphorisimi de Cognoscendis
  et Curandis Morbis, 900; Historia Plantarum, 1058;
  Institutiones Medicae, 881
Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae (1698),
  4867; (1751), 1326; (1520), 1327; see also 4420
Bohun, Edmund, 3825
Bohun, William: Collection of debates, reports,
  orders, and resolutions of the House of Commons,
  2931; English Lawyer, 1913; Institutio Legalis,
  1912; Law of Tithes, 2145; Privilegia Londini,
Boileau, Gilles, 33
Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas, 4491
Boissier de Sauvages de la Croix, P. A., Diction-
  naire Languedocien-Francois, 4835
Bolingbroke, Viscount; see Saint-John, Henry,
  Viscount Bolingbroke
Bolling: 1027; note on, V, 1207
Bollman, Justus Erich, V, 2327
Bolton, Sir Richard, Justice of Peace for Ireland,
Bombardier, and Pocket Gunner, 1148
Bond, John: editor, Quintus Horatius Flaccus,
  Poemata, 4479; Persius, 4488
Bonham, Thomas, 1062
Bonnard, 2283
Bonne, Rigobert: Atlas Portatif (with Grenet),
  3837; Principes sur les Mesures en Longueur et
  en Capacite, 3764; correspondence with Jef-
  ferson, 3764
Bonnet, Charles, Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle,
Bonnet de Nuit, 1351
Bonneville, Nicolas de, Esprit des Religions, 1361
Bonnieres, A. J. B. de, 2528
Bonpland, A. J. A., 4157
Bon-Sens, 1292
Book, The, 410
Book of Architecture, 4218
Book of Common Prayer, 1507
Book of Common Prayer, Abridgement, 1510
Book of Conveyancing, 1944
Book of Entries: Coke, 1889; Hansard, 1890;
  Levintz, 1891; Moyle, 1892; Rastell, 1894;
  Robinson, 1895
Book of Kings, 411
Bookmark, Jefferson's, 621
Bookplate, Armorial: Akehurst, 2112; Austen,
  1510; Bengough, 4643; Berkley, 4630; Butler,
  2043; Byrd, 54, 69, 77, 109, 1313, 1832, 2190,
  2335, 2464, 4179, 4195; Caumartin, 1583;
  Fanshawe, 604; Hay, 1414; Moore, 1616:
  Mountague, 2003; Murray, E. of Dunmore,
  1434, 1981, 4638; Randolph, P., 28 (missing),
  1742, 1789, 1897, 1919, 2024, 2025, 2028,
  2029, 2030, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045,
  2047, 2050, 2053, 2060, 2063, 2064, 2069,
  2071; Salzmann, 29 (missing); Skelton, R., 
  34, 86, 128, 613, 1257, 1318, 1785, 1790,
  1918, 1943, 1959, 1998, 2143, 2711, 2738,
  2739, 2927, 2928, 4632, 4635, 4636, 4706,
  Stith, 4624; Wythe, 55, 1479, 1747, 1791,
  1937, 1940, 1980, 2026, 2052, 2066, 2068, 4700
Booth, George, Nature and practice of real actions,
Bordley, John Beale: Country Habitations, 719;
  Essays and Notes on Husbandry, 708; Hemp, 821;
  Husbandry, dependent on Live Stock, 771; On
  Monies, Coins, Weights and Measures, 3758;
  Outlines of a Plan for establishing a State Society
  of Agriculture in Pennsylvania, 715; Sketches on
  Rotations of Crops (1796), 714; (1797), 707;
  founder of the Philadelphia Society of Agri-
  culture, 769
Boreas, pseud., 3411
Borough, Sir John, 2099
Bosman, William, Voyage de Guinee, 3953
Bosquillon, C. P., Code National, 2503
Bossu, Jean Bernard, Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes
  Occidentales, 3989
Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, Discours sur l'Histoire
  Universelle, 121
Bossut, Charles, Essai sur l'Histoire Generale des
  Mathematiques, 3695
Boston Patriot, 592
Boston Port-Bill, 3084; Jefferson on, 2723
Botanic Garden, 1072
Botanist, The, 1087
Botaniste Cultivateur, 1082
Botany, Jefferson on, I, p. 479
Botta, C. G. G., Storia della Guerra dell'Inde-
  pendenza degli Stati Uniti d'America, 509
Bottarelli, F., New Italian, English and French
  Pocket Dictionary, 4809
Boucher, Jonathan, 4040
Boucher, Pierre B.: Institution au Droit Maritime,
  2123; Institutions Commerciales, 2103
Boucher d'Argis, Gaspard, 2214
Bougainville, Jean Pierre, Dissertation qui a
  remporte le Prix de l'Academie des Inscriptions et
  Belles Lettres, 2997
Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 4087
Bougeant, G. H., Histoire des Guerres et des Negocia-
  tions qui precederent le traite de Westphalie, 1446
Bouguer, Pierre, Figure de la Terre, 3804
Bouhereau, Elias, Traite d'Origene contre Celeste,
Boulanger, N. A.: Recherches sur l'Origine du
  Despotisme Orientale (MS.), 1274; Richerche su'
  l'origine del despotismo Orientale, 1273; see also
Bounty, Mutiny of, 3942, 3943, 3944
Bouquet, Henry, 474
Bourdaloue, Louis, Sermons, 1570
Bourdon de la Crosniere, L. J. J., Plan d'un
  Etablissement d'Education Nationale, 1215
Bourgeois de New-Heaven, 2443
Bourgoing, J. F., Baron de, Nouveau Voyage en
  Espagne, 3899; see also 4120
Bourne, Vincent, Poemata, 4431
Bourrit, Marc-Theodore, 4143
Boursault, Edme, 4374
Boutel-Dumont, 4069
Boutt de Monvel, Jacques Marie: Alexis et
  Justine, comedie lyrique, 4570; Blaise et Babet,
Bowdoin, James: Translator, Daubenton, 794;
  eulogy on, by Jenks, 524; eulogy on, by
  Lowell, 521; correspondence with Jefferson
  (Burr), 1962
Bowdoin, Sarah: Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Jenks' Eulogy, 524; translation of Dau-
  benton, 794
Bower, Archibald, History of the Popes, 613
Bowers, James, Deceivers made Manifest, 1686
Bowles, William, Introduccion a la Historia
  Natural de Espana, 3896
Bowyer, William, 1480, 2727
Boxhorn, M. Z., 4630
Boyd, Walter, Letter to Wm. Pitt on the influence
  of the stoppage of issues in specie, 2808
Boyd, William, Earl of Kilmarnock, Trial, 1958
Boyer, Abel: History of the Reign of Queen Anne,
  381; editor, Political State of Great Britain, 380;
  translator, Fenelon, 4307
Boyer de la Prebandier, Pierre, 316
Boyle, Sir Charles, Phalaris, 4624
Boyle, John, Earl of Orrery: Remarks on the Life
  and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, 383; see
  also 4632
Boyle, Richard, Earl of Burlington, 4175, 4217
Boyle, Robert, Works, 3750
Boyle Lectures, 1596, V, no. 1596
Boylston Prize Dissertations, 986, V, no. 986
Boyse, Samuel, New Pantheon, 1456
Boyveau-Laffecteur, Denys, Observations sur les
  effets du Rob Anti-syphilitique, 958
Braccio, Alessandro, 79
Bracken, Henry, Traveller's Pocket Farrier, 943
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry: Considerations on
  the Jurisprudence of the State of Pennsylvania,
  3368; Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western
  Parts of Pennsylvania, 530; Modern Chivalry,
Brackenridge, H. M., Views of Louisiana, 4162
Bracton, Henry de, De Legibus et Consuetudinitis
  Angliae, 1771
Braddock, General, 1451, 3850
Bradford, Samuel F., Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Bell's Anatomy), 1004
Bradford & Inskeep, Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Lewis and Clark), 4168
Bradier, case of, 2272-2279
Bradley, Richard: Dictionarium Botanicum, 1057;
  Experimental Husbandman and Gardener, 698;
  General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening,
  697; New Improvements of Planting and Garden-
  ing, 799; Ten practical Discourses concerning
  Earth and Water, 699; Treatise concerning the
  manner of fallowing of ground, 1189
Bradley, Stephen Row, 3322
Brady, Robert: Complete History of England, 345;
  Discourse on Government, 2701; Historical Treatise
  of Cities, 2729; Introduction to the old English
  History, 2728
Braham, Robert, 4276
Brahe, Tycho, Opera Omnia, 3784
Braidwood, Thomas, 1125
Braithwaite, John, Histoire des Revolutions de
  l'Empire de Maroc, 318
Branagan, Thomas: Avenia, 4515; Beauties of
  Philanthropy, 1395; Penitential Tyrant, 4516;
  Preliminary Essay, 1394
Brand, Virginia binder, II, page 247
Brantome, Pierre de Bourdeille: Memoires con-
  tenant les Vies des Hommes Illustres, 205; Vie
  des Dames Galantes, 4363
Braschi, G. A., i. e. Pius VI, 2589, 2590
Braxton, Carter, Address to the Convention of the
  Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, 3125
Breboeuf, Jean de, 4003
Breckinridge, John, Letter from Jefferson
  (Toulmin), 2175
Bref du Pape Pie VI, 2589
Bremner, Robert: Rudiments of Music, 4252;
  publisher, Pasquali, 4258, 4259; Zuccari, 4260
Brenner, Domokos Antal Ignacz, Histoire des
  Revolutions de Hongrie, 257
Brent, Charles, Compendious Astronomer, 3790
Brent, Sir Nathaniel, 616
Brent, William, 4168
Breteuil, L. C. A. Le Tonnelier, Baron de,
  2296, 2301, 2308, 2495, 4889
Breton, Raymond: Dictionnaire Caraibe-Francois,
  4885; Grammaire Caraibe, 4884
Breve Summi Pontificis Pii VI, 2590
Brevia Judicialia, 1886
Breviaire des Politiques, 1340
Breviarum Historiae Romanae, 91
Breviarium Historicum de rebus gestis ab obitu
  Mauricij ad Constantium usque Copronymum, 95
Brevis Narratio eorumque in Florida America Provin-
  cia Gallis acciderunt, 3974
Brevis relatio de Wilhelmo, nobilissimo comite Norman-
  norum, 337
Brewing, 1204-1206
Brezillac, J. F., 3682
Bridault, Jean Pierre, Moeurs et Coutumes des Ro-
  mains, 116
Bridel, E. P., 1555
Bridel, Jean Louis, Le Pour et le Contre, 4033
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, Conveyances, 1936; see
  also 2062
Bridgman, Sir John: Reports, 2048; autograph
  signature, 2147
Brief Account of the Epidemical Fever, 685
Brief Account of the Proceedings of Committee, 1698
Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations,
Brief History of the Mississippi Territory, 4047
Brief Method of the Law, 1798
Brief Observations on the Militia, 3327
Brief Register of parliamentary, writs, 2890
Brief Remarks on the present and former war with
  France, 3381
Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century, 4727
Brief View of Missionary Proceedings, 1692
Briefe Treatise of Testaments and last Willes, 2147
Briel, J. H. D., Tableau des Revolutions de l'Empire
  d'Allemagne, 275
Brightland, John, Grammar of the English Tongue,
Brindley, James, Reports relative to a navigable com-
  munication between the Firths of Forth and Clyde,
Bringhurst, Joseph, Letter from Jefferson (John
  Dickinson), 3076
Brisson, Barnabe, De Veteris Ritu Nuptiarum, 2211
Brissot de Warville, J. P.: Denonciation au public
  d'un nouveau projet d'agiotage, 2448; Discours sur
  la necessite d'etablir a Paris une Societe, 1374; Dis-
  cours sur la rarete du numeraire, 3581; Examen
  critique des Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale,
  4039; La France et les Etats Unis, 3609; Independ-
  ence des Anglos-Americains demontree utile a la
  Grande Bretagne, 2989; Lettre a l'auteur du Mercure
  politique, 2991; Lettre a M. Barnave, 1389; Me-
  moire sur les Noirs de l'Amerique, 1383; Motifs de
  Commissaires, 2551; Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats
  Unis, 4024; Observations d'un Republicain, 2381;                
  Observations sur les Systemes de Turgot et de Necker,           
  2521; Philadelphien a Geneve, 299; Plan de Con-                 
  duite, 2565; Point de Banqueroute, 2450; Rapport              
  fait au nom de la commission extaordinaire, 2614;            
  Seconde Lettre contre la Compagnie d'Assurance,               
  2449; Testament politique de l'Angleterre, 2990;              
  Theorie des Loix Criminelles, 2363; see also Ber-             
  trand de Molleville, 2609; Donnez nous du Pain,               
  3661; Montesquiou-Fezensac, 2630; Reponses                    
  au Clootz, 3655                                               
    Correspondence with Jefferson: American                     
      Traveller, 3611; Discours, 1374; France et les             
      Etats Unis, 3609; Philadelphia a Geneve, 299;              
      note on, 299                                                 
Britain Independent of Commerce, 3360                           
Britannia: or a chorographical description of Great           
 Britain, 327                                                 
Britannia Romana, 328                                         
Britannia sive Florentissimorum Regnorum descriptio,          
Britannic Constitution, 2711                                 
British Antiquities, Essays on, 2007                         
British Cato, to the British People, 2843, 2847              
British Empire in America, 470                               
British Grammar, 4843                                        
British Honour and Humanity, 3185                            
British Merchant, 3574                                       
British Merchant, pseud., Considerations on the              
 French War, 2852                                            
British Tobacco and Corn Laws, 3589                          
British Treaty of 1806, Correspondence in                    
 relation to, 3537                                           
British wool, 663                                            
Britton, The second edition, 1773                            
Brizard, Gabriel, Eloge historique de l'abbe de              
 Mably, 226                                                  
Broadsides: Affidavits and depositions relative to the        
 commencement of the late hostilities in Massachu-            
 setts, 3102; Bache, B. F., 3318; Fairplay,                   
 Oliver, 3317; From the London Evening Post,                  
 29th April 1775, 3101; Georgia Republican Extra.,            
 3310; Petition of the Citizens of Orleans to                 
 Congress, 3476, 3499; Remonstrance and Petition       
   of a Convention of Elders, 3296; Tatham. W. T.,
   Topographical Analysis of the Commonwealth of
   Virginia, 3159
Brodin de la Jutais, Pierre, L'Abondance, ou la
  Veritable Pierre Philosophale, 722
Broe, S. de, 4080, 4134
Broekhuyzen, Jan van, 4401
Bromley, Mr., 2027
Bronson, Enos, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Roscoe), 171, V, 171
Brooke, Sir Robert: Graunde Abridgement, 1777;
  Reading upon the Statute of Limitations, 2012; see
  also 2023
Brookes, Richard: General Practice of Physic, 884;
  Introduction to Physic and Surgery, 883; translator,
  Du Halde, 311
Brosses, Charles de, Historie des Navigations aux
  Terres Australes, 4144
Brother Jonathan, origin of name, 3994
Brotier, Gabriel, 81 
Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron: Inquiry into the
  Colonial Policy of the European Powers, 2542;
  Speech before the House of Commons, 3363
Broughton, Arthur, 4153
Broughton, Thomas, Bibliotheca Historico-Sacra,  
Broutin, Madame, Correspondence with Jeffer- 
  son (Whately), 4227
Brouwer, Christoph, Fuldensium Antiquitatum, 279  
Browallius, Johannes, 1065
Brown, Alexander Campbell, pseud. [i. e., Mark  
  Leavenworth], Colony Commerce, 3158
Brown, Andrew, editor, Federal Gazette, and  
  Philadelphia Evening Post, 540
Brown, Charles Brockden: Address to the Congress
  of the United States, 3464; see also 3375, 4897,
Brown, John (1722-1787), Dictionary of the Holy   
  Bible, 1506
Brown, John (1736-1788), Elements of Medicine,
Brown, John (1757-1837), 3284, V, 3284
Brown, Richard, Essay on the truth of Physiognomy,
Brown, Samuel, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Appendix to the Notes on Virginia), 3225
Brown, Thomas, Account of the People called
  Shakers, 1707
Brown, William: Entring Clerk's Vade Mecum,
  1926; Formulae bene Placitandi, 1884; Modus
  intrandi placita generalia, 1885; Praxis Almae
  Curiae Cancellariae, 1734; Priviligia Parliamen-
  taria, 2884; Reports of Cases, 1757
Browne, Arthur, Compendious View of the Civil
  Law, 2109
Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, 1625
Brownlow, Richard: Brevia Judicialia, 1886;
  Latine Redivivus, 1887; Reports of divers
  choice cases, 2040
Bruce, James, Travels to discover the source of the
  Nile, 3958
Bruckner, John, Philosophical Survey of the Animal
  Creation, 1008
Brun, Joseph Andre, Triomphe du Nouveau Monde,
Brunck, R. F. P.: Gnomici Poetae Graeci, 4466;
  editor, Aristophanes, 4575
Brunt, Jonathan, Extracts, From Locke's Essay on
  the Human Understanding, 3320
Brusco, Giacomo, Description des Beautes de Genes,
Bruzen La Martiniere, Antoine August, Intro-
  duction a l'Histoire de l'Asie, 304
Bry, Theodore de, Great or American Voyages,
  Parts I to XI, in Latin, 3973-3983
Bryant, Jacob, New System, or, an Analysis of
  Ancient Mythology, 43
Brydall, John: Ars transferendi Dominium. The
  Second Part, 1937; Jura Coronae, 2706; Jus
  Sigilli, 1727
Buchan, William, Domestic medicine, 891
Buchan-Hepburn, Sir George, General View of
  the agriculture and rural economy of East Lothian,
Buchanan, C1., Two Discourses preached before the
  University of Cambridge, 1711; see also V, 1527
Buchanan, David; see Knox, John, 625
Buchanan, George (1506-1582): Opera Omnia,
  433; Rerum Scoticarum Historia, 434; translator,
  Psalms of David, 4399
Buchanan, George (1763-1808), Oration upon the
  moral and political evil of slavery, 2816
Buchanan, James, British Grammar, 4843
Bucolica, 4464
Bucoliques de Virgile, 4465
Budget opened, 2975
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de: His-
  toire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 1021; Histoire Na-
  turelle, generale et particuliere, 1024; supplements:
  Epoques de la Nature, 637; Mineraux, 1024; Oi-
  seaux, 1024
Builder's Dictionary, 4187
Builder's Price-Book, 1181
Building, Jefferson's books on, 1176-1182
Buller, Sir Francis, Introduction to the Law relative
  to the trials at Nisi Prius, 1974
Bullock, William, Virginia impartially examined,
Bulstrode, Edward, Reports, 2041
Bulstrode, Whitelocke, Charge to the Grand Jury,
Bunbury, William, Reports of Cases in the Court of
  Exchequer, 1753
Bunker Hill Association, Correspondence with
  Jefferson, 4688
Buommattei, Benedetto, Della Lingua Toscana,
Bureau des Achats, 2290
Burgh, James, Political Disquisitions, 2720
Burghers, Michael, Note on, V, 76
Burgoyne, John: State of the Expedition from Can-
  ada, 479; Substance of General Burgoyne's Speeches,
Burk, John Daly: History of Virginia, 464; Oration
  delivered on the 4th of March, 1803, 3297; pub-
  lisher, The Time Piece, 560; correspondence
  with Jefferson (materials for his History), 464,
  1841, 2089; (Jefferson on poetry), IV, p. 467;
  (references to his History added by Jefferson in
  Virginia Laws), 1828
Burke, AEdanus, Considerations on the Society or
  Order of Cincinnati, 3025
Burke, Edmund: Observations on a late State of the
  Nation, 2754; Reply to the Treasury pamphlet,
  2773; Speech on American Taxation, 3081; Speech
  on moving his resolutions for conciliation with the
  Colonies, 3097; Thoughts on the cause of the present
  discontents, 2757
Burke, William: Account of the European Settlements
  in America, 466; corrective note, V, 446
Burkhard, Johann Gottlieb, Elementary or Funda-
  mental Principles of the Philosophy of Natural His-
  tory, 1009
Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques: Principes du Droit Nat-
  urel, 1409; Principes du Droit Politique, 1408
Burlington, Earl of; see Boyle, Richard, Earl of
Burmann, Pieter, editor: Poetae Latini Minores,
  4411; Velleius Paterculus, 75; Virgil, 4279;
  note on, 75; V, 75
Burmann, Pieter II, 4279
Burn, John, Practical Grammar of the English Lan-
  guage, 4846
Burn, Richard: Ecclesiastical Law, 2151; Justice of
  the Peace, and Parish Officer, 1968
Burnaby, Andrew, Travels, 4017
Burnet, Gilbert: Exposition of the Thirty-Nine
  Articles, 1641; History of his own Time, 379;
  History of the Reformation of the Church of England,
  624; History of the Rights of Princes, 2710;
  Travels through France, Italy, Germany and
  Switzerland, 3902; translator, Lactantius, 1580;
  More's Utopia, 2337
Burnet, Thomas: Archaeologiae Philosophicae, 633;
  Theory of the Earth, 634
Burnet, William, V, 355
Burney, Charles; Present State of Music in France
  Italy, 4253; Present State of Music in Germany,
  the Netherlands, and United Provinces, 4254;
  correspondence with Jefferson, 4254
Burr, Aaron: The Examination of Col. Aaron Burr,
  3434; Message from the President of the US
  transmitting a copy of the Proceedings . . . on the
  Arraignment of Aaron Burr, 1963; Trial of Col.
  Aaron Burr, 1962; see also Ajax, 3293;
  ham, James, Letter to a Friend on the Coast
  the Adherents to Mr. Burr, 3445; Nine Letters
  subject of Aaron Burr's Political Defection,
  View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr,
  Daveiss, J. H., A View of the President's
  concerning the Conspiracy of 1806, 3350; A
  Tale, 3436; Thomson, W., A Compendious
  of the Trial of Aaron Burr, 3435; Van
  W. P., An Examination of the various
  exhibited against Aaron Burr, 3446; Wilkinson
  James, Memoirs, 3511; Wood, J., History of 
  Administration of John Adams, 506
   Jefferson on, 1962, 1963, 3434
Burriel, Andres Marcos, 4088
Burroughs, Samuel, History of the Chancery, 1723
Burrow, Sir James, Reports of Cases in the Court of
  King's Bench, 2085
Burscough, William, 1633
Burt, Edward, Letters from a Gentleman in the
  North of Scotland to his friend in London, 3866
Burton, Robert, pseud., 4368
Burwell, Elizabeth, Book from her library, 1643
Burwell, Nathaniel, Letter from Jefferson (music
  and novels), IV, page 400, 433
Burwell, Rebecca, 496, 1781
Burwell, William A., Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Decius), 3342
Busby, Richard: Graecae Grammatices Rudimente
  Usum Scholae Westmonasteriensis, 4755; Grammar
  Busbeiana, 4754
Busching, Anton Friedrich: New System of
  Geography, 3860; see also 4859
Bushe, Gervase Parker, Case of Great Britain and
  America, 3075
Bushnell, D., Letter to Jefferson on the principles
  of submarine construction, 3753
Busie Body, 4612
Butel-Dumont, Georges Marie, Histoire et Com-
  merce des Antilles Angloises, 4151
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 4505
Butler, Weeden, Indian Vocabulary, 4883
Butterfly, American, first illustration of, 1033
Bynkershoek, Cornelius van: Juris Romani, 2205;
  Traite du competent des Ambassadeurs, 1427
Byrd, William, of Westover, Books from his
  library: Culvinus, 2190; Dio Cassius, 77;
  Donati, 4195; Harrington, 2335; Laws of Vir-
  ginia, 1832; Livius, 54; Petit, 2464; Plutarch,
  69, 1313; Polyaenus, 109; Scamozzi, 4179
Byrne,Patrick, Books bought from: Almon,
  John, 388; Browne, Arthur, 2109; Enfield
  William, 1337; Home, Charles, 387; Mawe
  [Abercrombie], 803; Parr, Samuel, 2772; see
  also Priestley, Joseph, 1528
Byron, John, 3937


C., J., Thesaurus Brevium, 1881
C., R., Arcana Parliamentaria, 2878
Cabela, Mysteries of State (1654), 2724; (1691),
Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges: Coup d'Oeil sur les
  Rteotutions et sur la Reforme de la Medicine, 862;
  Du Degre de Certitude de la Medicine, 861; Rap-
  parts du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme, 1246;
  correspondence with Jefferson, 1246; Jefferson
  on, 951
Cabell, Joseph Carrington, Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Thomas Cooper, 853, 2120; Destutt
  de Tracy, 2327; Jean Baptiste Say, 3547;
  school for deaf and dumb, 1125; Workman's
  Political Essays, 3272; Biographical note, V,
Cabell, William H.: Letter to Jefferson (Acts of
  the General Assembly of Virginia), 1869; bio-
  graphical note, V, 1869
Cabinet, The (newspaper), 553
Cadmus, See Thornton, William, 1126
Cadogan, William: Dissertation on the Gout, 934;
  see also 935
Caesar, Caius Julius: C. Julii Caesaris quae exstant
  (1719), 59; (1727), 60; (French, 1708), 61
Cafe de Foy, 1174
Cagliostro, Alessandro, pseud.  See the tracts on
  the Diamond Necklace, 2229-2270; Mirabeau,
Cahier de l'Ordre de la Noblesse des baillages de
  Mantes et Meulan, 2498
Caines, Clement: Brief Remarks on the Present and
  Former War with France, 3381; History of the
  General Council of the Leeward Islands, 1401; Re-
  flections on the Embargo, 3382; Sketch of the Saxon
  Heptarchy, 3380; correspondence with Jeffer-
  son, 1401
Caius, pseud., Pinkney, William, 3238
Calamy, Benjamin, Sermons preached upon several
  occasions, 1567
Caldwell, Charles, 896
Caldwell, Sir James: Debates relative to the affairs
  of Ireland, 2932; Enquiry how far the restrictions
  laid upon the trade of Ireland, 2801
Calef, Robert, More Wonders of the Invisible
  World, 451, V, 451
Calepino, Ambrogio: Dictionarium Undecim Lin-
  guarum, 4739; Septem Linguarum Calepinus, 4738
Calidas, Sacontala; or, The Fatal Ring, 4435
California, 4088
California as an island, 3787
Call, Daniel: Reports of Cases, 2091; autograph
  signature in Manley's Clerk's Guide, 1900
Callender, James Thomson: History of the United
  States for 1796, 3515; Political Progress of Britain,
  3184, 3519; Political Register, 3514; Prospect Be-
  fore Us, 3518; Sedgwick & Co., 3517; Short His-
  tory of the nature and consequences of excise laws,
  3183; Sketches of the History of America, 3516
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Gabriel's
    Insurrection, 3240; Prospect Before Us,
    3518; Sedgwick & Co, 3517; Sketches of the
    History of America, 3516.
Callender's alleged History of the Congress of 1801,
  3521; Jefferson on Callender, 3184
Callender, Tom, Letters to Alexander Hamilton,
Callet, Jean Francois, Tables of Logarithms, 3696
Callieres, Francois de, Maniere de negocier avec des
  Souverains, 1426
Callimachus, Poems in Greek, 4396
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de: Etat de France,
  2543; Lettre adressee a M. Jefferson, 2303; Re-
  quete au Roi, 2472
   American Museum, 4903; Necker, 1520; cor-
    respondence with Jefferson, and his opin-
    ion of Calonne, 2303
Calthrop, Sir Henry, Reports of speciall cases, 2036
Calvin, Jean: Institution de la Religion Chretienne,
  1538; Rudimenta Fidei Christianae, 1515; Jefferson
  on, 1538
Calvinism, 1556, 1557
Calvinus, Johannes, Lexicon Iuridicum Iuris Caesaeri
  simul, et canonici, 2190
Cambridge, Richard Owen, History of the War in
  India, 305
Cambry, Jacques, Notice sur l'Agriculture des Celts
  et des Gaulois, 724
Camden, William: Anglica, Normannica, Hiber-
  nica, Cambrica, a Veteribus scripta, 340; Britannia:
  or, a Chorographical Description of Great Britain
  and Ireland, 327; Britannia sive Florentissimorum
  Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae Hiberniae, 326
Camerarius, Elie, 639
Camillus, pseud., Duane, William, 3471
Campagne de la Grande Armee, 238
Campbell, Archibald (1726?-1780), Lexiphanes,
Campbell, Archibald (d. 1744), Doctrines of a
  Middle State, 1534
Campbell, David: Letter from Jefferson (on
  law), II, page 210; note on, V, 210
Campbell, John: Lives of the Admirals, 393; Spanish
  Empire in America, 4106; editor, Harris, John,
  3829; see also 289
Campbell, John W., Correspondence: Notes on
  Virginia, 4167; Summary View, 3085
Campbell, Samuel, bookseller of New York,
  Letter from Jefferson (The Bee), 4927
Campbell, Samuel, of Elizabethtown, Something
  New in eight letters to Joseph Meeker, 1611
Campbell, Thomas, Pleasures of Hope, 4432
Camus, Armand Gaston: Histoire et Procedes du
  Polytypage et du Stereotypage, 1136; Lettres sur la
  Profession d'Avocat, 2215; translator, Aristotle,
  1014; Jefferson on, 1014; see also 1048
Camus, Nicolaus, editor, Terentius Afer, 4577
Canada: See Champlain, Samuel de, 4003;
  Charlevoix, 4004; Colden, Cadwallader, 445
Canada, early illustrations of, 3999
Canal between New York and Philadelphia,
Canal between the Forth and Clyde, 3745
Canal navigation, 1229, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236
Canals of Virginia, 4044
Candid View of the Facts, 3315
Candidus, Plain Truth, 3113, 3120
Candor of Henry Laurens, Esq., 512
Cannegieter, Joannes, 2200
Cannibal's Progress, 3198
Canning, Elizabeth, Trial of Elizabeth Canning,
  spinster, 1956
Canovai, Stanislao, Elogio d'Amerigo Vespucci,
  4163, V, 4163
Cantemir, Dumitru, Histoire de l'Empire Othoman,
Canter, Willem: Editor, Euripides, 4528; Trans-
  lator, Lycophron, 4343
Canterburies Doome, 1953
Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, 4319
Capell, Edward: Notes and Various Readings to
  Shakespeare, 4541; Prolusions; or select Pieces of
  antient Poetry, 4586
Capital punishment, Essays on, 3402
Capper, James, Observations on the Passage to
  India, 3933
Captives, Treatment of, Jefferson on, 1254
Caraccioli, Louis Antoine de, La Pologne, 2413
Caravane du Caire, opera, 4567
Care, Henry: English Liberties (1680), 2703;
  (1719), 2702
Careless Husband, A Comedy, 4614
Carew, Sir George, Reports or Causes in Chancery,
Carey, James, United States Recorder, 594
Carey, John: System of Short-hand, 1133; editor,
  Washington's Official Letters, 492; correspond-
  ence with Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe,
   Books from the library of: Arnaud (with
    autograph signature), 1491; Justin Martyr
    (with autograph signature), 1581; Maim-
    bourg, 1556; Justinian, 2195
Carey, Mathew: The Olive Branch: or Faults on
  both sides, 3539; editor, American Museum
  (1787-1792), 4903; American Museum (1799),
  4900; American Remembrancer, 3520; Debates and
  Proceedings of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania,
   Books bought from: Bible (1804), 1472;
    New Testament (1800), 1486
   Correspondence: Baxter's History, 405;
    Clark's Naval History, 531; Hatsell, 2894;
    Olive Branch, 3539
Carey, Stewart & Co., Letter to Jefferson (his
  report on weights and measures), 3760
Caribbean dictionary, 4885
Caribbean grammer, 4884
Caribbean vocabulary, 4152
Carkesse, Charles, Act of Tonnage and Poundage
  and Rates of Merchandize, 3615
Carli, Giovanni Rinaldo, Lettre Americane, 3969
Carlisle, Earl of, 1449
Carmichael, William, Books bought through:
  Acosta, 4097; Garcilaso de la Vega, 4131;
  Gumilla, 4127; Herrera y Tordesillas, 4107;
  Martinez de la Puente, 3932; Torquemada,
   Correspondence: Notes on Virginia, 4167;
    census, 3160; difficulty of buying Spanish
    books, V, 3932
   Death of, 4120
Carmichael, Mrs. William, Correspondence
  with Jefferson: (Cortes), 4080, 4120
Carmina Quadragesimalia ab Aedis Christi Oxon.,
Carmontelle, Conversations des Gens du Monde,
Carne, Mr., of Falmouth, 404
Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marquerite, Reponse au
  Rapport fait sur la Conjuration du 18 Fructidor, 235
Caro, Annibale, 4825
Carolana, Province of, 4028
Carolina, Abridgement of Laws, 2173
Carolina Gazette, 547
Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Princess of Wales,
Caron de Beaumarchais, Amelie Eugenie,
  Memorial and Claim, 3286
Caron de Beaumarchais, Pierre Auguste, 2271,
Carpeau de Saussay, Voyage de Madagascar, 3956
Carpenter, Stephen Cullen, History of the American
  Revolution, 3375
Carpenter, T., Shorthand writer, Trial of Col.
  Aaron Burr, 1962
Carr, Dabney: Books from his library, 1539,
  2009; epitaph by Jefferson, 3005; letter from
  (legal copyist), 1863; note on, V, 1539
Carr, Peter: Letters from Jefferson: Holt, 2072;
  Kames, 1716; New Testament, 1498; Physico-
  Mathematics, IV, 27; Pure Mathematics, IV,
  20; Sterne, 4335; travel, IV, 85; Vaughan, Sir
  John, 2061; see also 3305
Carra, Jean Louis, 2607
Carrington, Paul, 3021, V, 3021
Carrogis, Louis, 4623
Cart, Jean Jacques, Lettres a Bernard Demuralt,
Carta sobre algunas Ideas, 2690
Carta sobre Contribuciones, 2856
Carta sobre las Colonias a gran distancia, 2858
Cartaret, Philip, 3937
Cartas sobre la Policia, 2366
Cartas sobre los asuntos mas exquusitos de la economia-
  politica, 3557
Carter Charles, 2914, V, 2914
Carter, Elizabeth, translator, Epictetus, 1301
Carter, J.M. and J.B. publishers, correspondence
  with Jefferson, 814
Carter, Samuel: Lex Vadiorum, Law of Mortgages,
  1988; Reports of several special cases, 2062;
  Treatise concerning Trespass, 1989
Carthew, Thomas, Reports of Cases adjudged in the
  Court of King's Bench, 2071
Cartouche, I, page 395, 2120; note on, V, 2120 
Cartwright, John: Memorial of Common-Sense,
  3060; founder of the Society for Constitutional
  Information, 2781
Carver, John, Three Years Travels throughout the
  Interior Parts of North-America, 3994
Cary, Sir George, 1741
Cary, Sir Henry, History of the Life, Reign, and 
  Death of Edward II, 347
Cary, John, Essay towards the settlement of national
  credit, 2769
Cary, Richard, Letter from Jefferson (Miller's
  Gardener's Dictionary), 801
Cary, Samuel, Review of a Book entitled "The
  Grounds of Christianity Examined", 1709 
Casas, Bartolome de Las: Decouverte des Indes
  Occidentales, 4102; Istoria o breuissima relatione
  della Distrutione dell' Indie Occidentali, 4101;
  Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y prin-
  cipado universal, 4100; Tyrannies et Cruautez des
  Espagnols, 4104
Casaubon, Isaac, editor: Diogenes Laertius, 32;
  Historiae Augustae Scriptores, 83; Juvenalis, 4483;
  Polybius, 50; Strabo, 3820; Theophrastus,
   Note on, 32
Casaux, Charles, Marquis de, Considerations sur
  quelques parties du mechanisme des societes, 2946
Case laid before Counsel for their opinion on the claim
  to the Batture, 3495
Case of Great Britain and America, 3075
Case of Impotency debated, 2150
Case of Ireland being bound by Acts of Parliament in
  England, 3041
Case of James Sommersett, a Negro, 2019
Case of Stephen Sayre, 3295
Case of Tenures upon the commission of defective
  titles, 2010
Case of the planters of Tobacco in Virginia, 2976
Case of the Rt. Honble John Aislabie, Esq., 2915
Case of the third Auditor, 2919
Case stated of the jurisdiction of the House of Lords,
Case, Trevett against Weeden, 2018
Cases and Resolutions of 
Cases argued and adjudged to
  Chancery (1726-28), 1747
Cases argued and decreed in the
  cery (n. d.), 1744
Cases argued and determined in the
  Chancery (1788), 1756
Cases collect & report per Sir 
Cases in Equity during the time of
  Chancellor Talbot, 1752
Cases in Law and Equity, 2075
Cases in Parliament resolved and adjudged
Cases of Polygamy, Concubinage,
  & c., 1358
Caslon, William, Specimen of 
Casotti, Giovanni Battista, 4804
Cassandra, 4343
Cassini, Jean Dominique, Comte,
  D'Auteroche, 4089
Cassini de Thury, Cesar Francois,
  Voyages faits en Allemagne, 3806
Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus
  Omnia, 4910
Cassius, pseud., Burke, Aedanus, 3035
Castaing, John, Interest Book, 3699
Castamore, pseud., 1358
Castell, Robert, Villas of the
Castell, William, Petition exhibited to the
  of Parliament, 4058
Castellan grammar, 4814
Castellani, Giacomo, translator, 
  tolome de Las, 4101
Castera, Jean Henri, Histoire de
Castiglione, 1366
Castillon, Bernard, Campagne de la
Castries, C. E. G., Marquis de, 
Catalogue of Optical, mathematical, and
  Instruments, made and sold by William
  Jones, 679
Catalogue of Plants and Seeds, sold by
  Lee, 1080
Catalogue of the plants in the Botanic Garden at Liver-
  pool, 1086
Catalogue raisonne du Museum de Mr C. W. Peale,
Catalogus eorum qui adhuc in Universitate Harvardiana,
  ab anno 1642, 422
Catalogus Plantarum Americae Septentionalis, 1088
Catesby, Mark, Natural History of Carolina, Florida
  and the Bahama Islands, 1027. Note on, V, 1027
Cathcart, James Leander, translator, Discorsi del
  Signore Tommaso Jefferson, 3319
Catherine I, Empress of Russia, 3731
Catholic religion in Spain, Jefferson on, 2424
Catineau-Laroche, Pierre Marie Sebastien, Nou-
  veau Dictionnaire de Poche de la Langue Francaise,
Cato, Dionysius, Disticha Moralia, 1330
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 689
Cato Major, or Discourse of Old Age, 1321
Cato's Letters, 2738
Cattle fodders, Jefferson on, 244
Cause d'Irelande expliquee, 2983
Cause of Zion defended, 1614
Causes qui sont opposees aux progres du commerce, 3608
Caution, A; or, Reflections on the present contest, 3211
Caution to Great Britain and her Colonies, 1371
Cautions to young persons concerning Health, 994
Cavalier, Jean, 3101, V, 3101
Cavallo, Tiberius, History and Practice of Aerosta-
  tion, 1140
Cave, Edward, The Gentleman's Magazine, 4895
Cavendish, Sir Henry, Statement of the public
  accounts of Ireland, 2951
Cazalet, Jean-Andre, Theorie de la Nature, 852
Ce peuple nous mene a la guerre civile, en croyant
  l'eviter, 3654
Cebes, 1301, 1302
Cela est fort aise a dire, 3649
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, De Re Medica, 878
Censorship of books, Jeffeson on, 4930
Censure quorundam Scriptorum, 1502
Centlivre, Susanna: The Busie Body, A Comedy,
  4612; Mar-Plot: Or, The Second Part of the
  Busie-Body, 4613
Cerfvol, de, Memoire sur la Population, 2435
Certitude des Preuves du Mahometisme, 1294
Cerutti, A. J. J., Memoire pour le peuple Francois,
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: Don Quixote de
  la Mancha, 4347; Los Seis Libros de Galatea, 4349;
  Novelas Exemplares, 4351; Trabajos de Persiles y
  Sigismunda, 4350; Viage al Parnaso, 4352
Cesaris, Angelo Giovanni de, editor, Ephemerides
  Mediolanenses, 655
Cevallos, Don Pedro, Exposition of the Practices and
  Machinations which led to the Usurpation of the
  Crown of Spain, 3367
Chabroud, Charles J. B., Rapport de la procedure
  du Chatelet, 2582
Chainded book, 700
Chaix de Sourcesol: Evangile eternal, 1608; Livre
  des Manifestes, 1607; correspondence with Jef-
  ferson, 1607
Chaldaismus & Syriasmus, 4748
Chalmers, George, Collection of Treaties, 1432
Chalmers, Lionel, 926
Chambaud, Louis, Nouveau Dictionnaire Francois-
  Anglois, et Anglois-Francois, 4829
Chamberlayne, Edward, Magnae Britanniae Notitia,
Chamberlayne, Jason, Letter from Jefferson
  (rhetoric), V, page 13
Chamberlayne, John, editor, 395, 4742
Chambers, Ephraim, Cyclopaedia, 4892; see also
Chambers, Sir William: Designs of Chinese Build-
  ings, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, and Utensils,
  4220; Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Perspective
  Views of the Gardens and Buildings at Kew in
  Surry, 4225
Chambon, Commerce de l'Amerique par Mareille,
Chambrai, Roland Frerard, Sieur de, translator,
  Palladio, 4181
Chambre des Vacations, 3634
Champagne, Jean Francois, Mer libre, la mer
  ferme, 2115
Champlain, Samuel de, Voyages de la Nouvelle
  France Occidentale, 4003
Champy, Lettres a M. Roland, 2613
Chancellors' Revisal, 1861
Chandler, Richard, History and Proceedings of the
  House of Commons, 2927, 2928
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury, Appeal farther de-
  fended, 1646
Changes fait, ou Manuel du Banquier et du Negociant,
Channing, William Ellery, 1710
Chapman, George, translator, Homer, 4273
Chapman, Nathaniel, Letter from Jefferson
  (climate), 457, V, 457
Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean, Voyage to California,
  3923, 4089
Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude: Elemens de
  Chymie, 831; Traite Theorique et pratique sur la
  culture de la Vigne, 787
Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times,
Characters of Theophrastus, 1347
Charbuy, Francois Nicolas, Abrege chronologique
  de l'histoire des Juifs, 124
Chardin, Sir John, Journal du Voyage en Perse et
  aux Indes Orientales, 3928
Charge delivered by the Hon. James Wilson, Esq.,
Charges and Proofs respecting the conduct of Peter
  Landais, 516
Chariton, Racconti Amorosi di Cherea e di Callirae
  (1752), 4326; (1750), 4327
Charles I, King of Great Britain: Eikon Basilike,
  359; Relation veritable de la mort cruelle et barbare
  de Charles I, 362; Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae, 360;
  see also 358, 361
Charles V, Roman Emperor, Jornado de Carlos V.
  a Tunez por el Doctor Gonzalo de Illescas, 429
Charles City manuscript, Virginia laws (1662-
  1702), 1827; (1705), 1829
Charlett, Arthur, 2728
Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de: Histoire
  du paraguay, 4141; Histoire et Description
  generale de la Nouvelle France, 4004; book from
  his library owned by Jefferson, 4088
Charlton, Thomas Usher Pulaski, Oration, in
  Commemoration of America Independence, 3282,
Charpentier de Cossigny, Joseph Francois,
  Observations sur "L'art de faire le vin" par M.
  Chaptal, 1209; Observations sur le Manuel du
  Commerce des Indes Orientales, 3562; Recherches
  physiques et chimiques sur la Fabrication de la
   Poudre a Canon, 1202
Charrier, J. Samuel, editor, Nugent, New Pocket
  Dictionary, 4834
Charron, Pierre: Of Wisdome (1670), 1616;
  (1707), 1617; Jefferson on, 4916
Charrue, La, 780-782
Chart of West Coast of Florida and of the Mouth of
  the Mississippi, 3856
Charter granted to Connecticut by Charles II,
Charter granted to Massachusetts by William
  and Mary, 2157, 2158
Charter granted to Rhode-Island by Charles II,
Charters of the Province of Pensilvania, 2163
Charts of North America, 3844
Chas, Jean: Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la
  Revolution de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 485;
  Parallele de Bonaparte avec Charlemagne, 2860;
  Tableau Historique et Politique des Operations
  militaires et Civiles de Bonaparte, 237; editor,
  Diderot, Synonymes, 4833
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Diderot's
    Synonymes, 4823; Hilliard d'Auberteuil,
    450; Histoire Politique, 485; Longchamps,
    477; Parallele, 2860; Tableau historique, 237
Chastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de: De la
  Felicite publique, 2384; Travels in North-America,
  4023; Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale,
  4021; translator, Humphreys, David, 4447
   Correspondence: Notes on Virginia, 4167;
    Pauw, 3968; Robertson's History, 468; Ul-
    loa, 4123; Voyages, 4021; see also Brissot de
    Warville, 4039; Critical Review, 4722; Sim-
    coe, 4040
Chastenet, A. M. J., Marquis de Puysegur, 2586
Chateaunieres, 3823
Chateillon, Sebastien: Dialogorum Sacrorum, 1547;
  translator, Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum,
  1485; Oposopaeus, Johannes, 1454
Chatelet, Procedure du, 2582; 2661
Chatillon, 4798
Chaucer, Geoffrey: Canterbury Tales, 4319;
  Workes, 4317; Works, 4318
Chaudon, Louis Mayeul, 147, 212
Chauncey, Charles, editor, Transactions of the So-
  ciety for promoting Agriculture in the State of
  Connecticut, 772
Chauncy, Charles, 1646
Chauveton, Urbain, 4105
Chavannes, Daniel Alexandre, Expose de la Me-
  thode Elementaire de Pestalozzi, 1111
Chazelles, Laurent de, 802
Cheetham, James: Annals of the Corporation, 3325;
  Impartial Enquiry into certain parts of the conduct of
  Governor Lewis, 3345; Letter concerning the Ten
  Pound Court, 3326; Letter to a friend on the conduct
  of the adherents to Mr Burr, 3445; Letters on our
  affairs with Spain, 3311; Nine Letters on the Subject
  of Aaron Burr's Political Defection, 3444; Peace or
  War?, 3356; Remarks on the "Merchants' Bank",
  3328; Reply to Aristides, 3447; View of the Political
  Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq., 3443;
   Books bought from: Arrowsmith, 3846;
    Cheetham's own works, 3311, 3328, 3345,
    3445, 3447; Mackenzie, Sir Alexander,
    4087; Van Ness, 3446; Wood, John, 506,
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Arrow-
    smith's Map, 3846; Mackenzie's Travels,
    4087; Republican Watch Tower, 588; Wood's
    History, 506
Chemical and economical essays, 847
Chemical essays, 838
Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, 824
Chemistry, Jefferson on, I, page 374, 830, 833,
  968, 1208
Chemistry tracts, 835-836
Chemnitz, Martin, Examinis Concilii 
Cheselden, William, Anatomy of the Human Body,
Chess, books on, 1170-1174
Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip
  Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield
Cheves, Langdon, Oration delivered in St.
  Philip's Church on the Fourth of July, 4667
Child, Sir Josiah: Discourse concerning planta-
  tions, 3049; New Discourse of Trade, 3568
Chile, Storia de, 4159
Chillicothe, Junto, 3337
Chilmead on the globes, 3802, V, 3802
China, General history of, 311
Chinese designs, 4220
Chinki, histoire cochinchinoise, 2434
Chipeway vocabulary, 3994
Chipman, Nathaniel, Sketches of the principles of
  government, 2361
Chippendale, Thomas, Gentleman and Cabinet-
  Maker's Director, 4221
Chirchmair, Mathias, Grammatica della Lingua
  Tedesca, 4839
Chrestien, Jean Andre, De la Methode Iatrolip-
  trice, 906
Chretien Philosophe (MS.), 1626
Christ, Johann Friedrich, Dictionnaire des Mono-
  grammes, 4241
Christian Hero, 1620
Christian Panoply, 1714
Christianesimo svelato (MS.), 1275
Christianity as old as the Creation, 1279
Christian's Duty from the Sacred Scriptures, 1622
Christie, William, 390
Chronicle of the Kings of England, 357
Chronicon Alexandrinum, 105
Chronicon Paschale, 105
Chronicon Saxonicum, 4837
Chroniqueur Desoeuvre, 3893
Chronologie des Deux Premiers Livres de Manethon, 3
Chronologist of the Present War, 151
Chronology and History of the World, 134
Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, 135
Chrysal: or, the Adventures of Guinea, 4358
Chubb, Thomas, Collection of tracts on various sub-
  jects, 1284
Chudleigh, Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston,
  Trial of Elizabeth Dowager Duchess of Kingston
  for Bigamy, 1957
Chudleigh, Mary, Essays upon several Subjects in
  Prose and Verse, 1356
Church, Angelica, Book from her library (The
  Federalist), 3021
Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough, History
  of John Duke of Marlborough, 382
Churchman, John, Explanation of the Magnetic
  Atlas, 669
Chymie experimentale et raisonnee, par M. Baume, 839
Cibber, Colley: The Careless Husband. A Comedy,
  4614; The Double Gallant, 4607
Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Cato Major, or Discourse
  an Old Age, 1321; Epistles to Atticus, 4635; De
  Finibus bonorum & malorum, 1317; Lettres a Atti-
  cus, 4633; Lettres qu'on nomme vulgairement Fa-
  milieres, 4634; Morals of Cicero, 1318; Offices,
  1316; De Officiis, 1315; Opera omnia (1749),
  4912; (1758), 4913; Orations, 4669; De Oratore,
  4653; Philosophica, 1320; De Senectute, 1314;
  Thoughts of Cicero, 1322; Tusculanarum disputa-
  tionum, 1319; De Exilio Dialogus, 1302; Life of,
  by Middleton, 74
Cider, 1211
Cieza de Leon, Pedro de, Prima Parte dell' Historie
  del Peru, 4113
Cincinnati, Order of, 3024-3026, 4337
Cinq Ordres d'Architecture de Vincent Scamozzi, 4178
Cinquieme Conversation entre M. Richard et M. Cour-
  tois, 3651
Circular Letter, addresses to the State Societies of the
  Cincinnati, 3026
Citizen, A., i. e. Ogden, John Cosens, 3209
Citizen of Philadelphia, i. e. Webster, Pelatiah,
Citizen of the United States, i. e. Murray, Wil-
  liam Vans, 3151
Citizen of Virginia, 814
Citoyen de Virginia
Citoyen des
Citoyens, Letter to 
City of Philadelphia, 
Civil Law in its
Civil Officer of Maryland
Civilite puerile et
Clackmannan, Agriculture
Claesse, Lawrence,
  translated into the 
Claiborne, Richard,
  son: Acts of N. Orleans
Claiborne, William Charles
  lature of Orleans, 2176,
  and House of Representatives
    Case, 3501; Debase
    resentatives of Orleans
Claim and Answer in the 
  & Co., 3528
Claim and Answer with the
  the case of the Rt.
Claims of Literature, 355?
Clap, Roger, Memoirs of
Clap, Thomas,
  Motions of M
Clare, Martin, Motion of
Clark, Daniel, Correspondence
  (maps), 3859
Clark, George Rogers
  Cresap, 3225; note 
Clark, Thomas, 
Clark, William, 
  and Meriwether 
Clarke, Henry: 
Clarke, John: New Grammer
  4785; translator,
Clarke, Mary Anne, Evidence and Proceedings upon
  the Charges preferred against the Duke of York, 409
Clarke, Samuel (1626-1791), Brief Concordance
  to the Holy Bible, 1496
Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729): Discourse concerning
  the Being and Attributes of God, 1596; Letter to
  Mr. Dodwell, 1597; Observations on Dr Water-
  land's Second Defense of his Queries, 1645;
  Sermons on the following subjects, 1561; XVII
  Sermons on several occasions, 1562; editor, Homer,
  4263, 4271; See also 1414
Clarke, William, Connexion of the Roman, Saxon,
  and English Coins, 3578
Clarkson, Thomas, History of the Rise, Progress &
  Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African
  Slave Trade, 1400
Classical Geographical Dictionary, 3821
Classical writers (Latin and Greek), Jefferson on,
  IV, p. 410, 4788
Claudianus, Claudius, Opera, 4403
Claviere, Etienne: Adresse de la Societe des Amis
  des Noirs, 1382, 2558; Compagnie Royale
  d'Assurances, 2458; De la Foi publique envers les
  creanciers de l'Etat, 1788, 2455; De la France et
  des Etats Unis, 3609; corrective note on, V,
  3609; Reflexions adressees a l'Assemblee Nationale,
  sur les mayens de concilier l'impot du tabac, 2583
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Assurances,
    2458; France et les Etats Unis, 3609
Clavijero, Francisco Javier, Storia Antica del
  Messico, 4121
Clavis Homerica, 4766
Clavis Virgiliana, 4800
Clavius, Christophorus, 3692
Clay, Charles, Letters from Jefferson to: Burr,
  3934; Tacitus, 80; note on, V, 80
Clay, Cyrus, 80
Clay, Henry, Speech delivered on Friday, January 8,
Claybourn, William, 1823
Clayton, John, Topicks in the Laws of England,
Clayton, JOhn (1693-1773), 1075
Cleanthes, Hymn to Jupiter, Jefferson on, 4466
Cleirac, Estienne, Us, et Coustumes de la mer, 2121
Clement I, Pope, Clementis ad Corinthos Epistola
  prior, 1504
Clement of Alexandria, Opera quae exstant (1592),
  1582; (1641), 1583
Clendinin, John, Practical Surveyor's Assistant,
Clergy-Man's Law, 2143
Clergymans's Vade-Mecum, 2142
Clerici, Gaudenzio, Letter from Jefferson (Notes
  on Virginia), V, 4167
Clerisseau, Charles Louis, Antiquites de la France,
Clerk of Assize, Judges-Marshall, and Cryer, 1910
Clerke, Charles, Captain, 3938, 3939, 3941
Clerke, Francis: Practice of the Court of Admirality
  of England, 2110; Praxis curiae Admiralitatis An-
  gliae, 2111; Praxis in curiis eccesiasticis, 2154
Clerk's Assistant, 1928
Clerks Guide, 1900
Clerk's Manual, 1927
Clifford, Martin, 4421
Clinton, De Witt: Vindication of Thomas Jefferson.
  By Grotius, 3197; his claims for nomination to
  the Presidency, 3410, 3412, 3413, 3414
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Aaron Burr,
    3446; Vindication, 3197
Clinton, Sir Henry: Narrative relative to his Con- 
  duct, 480; Observations on some parts of the Answer
  of Earl Cornwallis, 482; see also 481
Clitherow, John, 2081
Clitophontis & Leucippes amoribus, 4324
Cloots, Jean Baptiste: Certitude des preuves du
  Mahometisme, 1294; Reponses au Prussien Clootz,
Clowes, John, Remarks on the assertions of the author
  of the Memoirs of Jacobinism, 1657
Clunie, Alexander, American Traveller, 3611
Cluver, Philip, Introductionis in Universam Geo-
  graphiam, 3835
Cnippingu, Borchardi, 4340
Coat-of-arms, Jefferson's, 416
Cobbett, William: Republican Rush-Light, 3223;
  Rush-Light, 3222; Weekly Political Register, 3420;
  editor, Aufrere, Anthony, 3198; Forsyth, Wil-
  liam, 808; translator, Von Martens, 1429
Cocchi, Antonio: Anatomia, 997; Matrimonio, 916;
  editor, Xenophon of Ephesus, 4344, 4345
Cocke, William, Books from his library: Bible,
  Old Testament, 1460; Burnet, Gilbert, 624;
  Clement of Alexandria, 1582; Platina, Bar-
  tolommeo, 612; Plutarch, 68, 1312
Cocker, Edward, Arithmetick, 3665
Cockman, Thomas, 1316
Code Civil de Francais, 2217
Code de Commerce, 2220
Code de l'Humanite, 1416
Code d'Instruction criminelle, 2219
Code Napoleon, 2218
Code National, 2503
Code Noir, 2289
Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, 1498
Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani, 2136
Codex Justinianus, 2195
Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, 1497
Cogan, Thomas, 1008
Cogdell, John Stevens: Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Cheves), 4687; note on, Vol. V, 4687
Coiffier de Verseux, Henri Louis, Dictionnaire
  Biographique et Historique des Hommes Marquans,
Cointeraux, Francois: Ecole d'Architecture rurale,
  1177; Nouveau traite d'Economie rurale, 773
Coke, Sir Edward: Book of Entries, 1889; First
  Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England, 1781;
  Second Part of the Institutes (1662), 1782; (1681),
  1783; Third Part of the Institutes, 1784; Reports in
  English, 2035; Jefferson on, 1781; see also 1785,
  2014, 2139
Coke, Roger, Treatise wherein is demonstrated, that
  the Church and State of England are in equal danger,
Colbertism, 3559
Colbourn, Trevor, V, 2717
Cold bath, Jefferson on, 918
Colden, Cadwallader: History of the Five Nations
  of Canada, 445; see also 1437
Cole, Abdiah, 885
Coles, Isaac, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Livingston, 796; Turgot, 2436; note on, V, 
Collectanea Graeca, 4908
Collectanea Graeca Minora, 4909
Collection de Comptes-Rendus, pieces authentiques, etc.,
Collection des pieces et memoires, 2271
Collection in English of the Statutes now in force, 1816
Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of
  Virginia of a Public and Permanent Nature (1794),
Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of
  Virginia, of a public and permanent nature (1803),
Collection of all such public acts of the General Assem-
  bly of Virginia, passed since 1768 and now in force
  (1785), 1861
Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Laws, 2144
Collection of all the statutes now in use in the Kingdom
  of Ireland, 2188
Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance and
  Commerce, 1453
Collection of Debates in the House of Commons in the
  year 1680, 2930
Collection of debates, reports, orders and resolutions of
  the House of Commons, 2931
Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of
  Massachusetts-Bay, 455
Collection of papers on Naval Architecture, 1227
Collection of Proceedings and Trials against State
  Prisoners, 1952
Collection of scarce and interesting tracts, 2767
Collection of select and modern entries, 1891
Collection of several Acts of Parliament, 2926
Collection of State Papers, 3000
Collection of Statutes made in the reigns of Charles I
  and Charles II, 1817
Collection of the several Statutes, and parts of Statutes,
  now in force, relating to High Treason, 1949
Collection of the Substance of several speeches, 2929
Collection of Treaties, 1432
Collection of Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, 4147
Collections for an Essay towards a Materia Medica
  of the U.S., 969
Collections of Essays and Fugitiv Writings, 4928
Collections of Plans of Towns, 3859
College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Facts and
  Observations relative to the Nature and Origin of the
  Pestilential Fever, 924
Colles, Christopher: Proposal of a Design for the
  Interests of the United States of America, 1235;
  Survey of the Roads of the United States of America,
Collesso, Vincentius, 4496
Collier, Jeremy, Great Historical, Geographical,
  Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary, 145
Collins, Arthur, 1597
Collins, William, bookseller, 534
Collins & Perkins, books bought from 858
Colloquia (Cordier), 4791
Colloquia (Erasmus), 4622
Colluthus: Rape of Helen, 4441; Raptus Helenae,
Colombier, Jean, Instruction sur la maniere de
  gouverner les insenses, 2385
Colonies modernes sous la Zone Torride, 2541
Colonne, Guido della, Auncient Historie and onely
  trewe and syncere Cronicle of the warres betwixte the
  Grecians and the Troyans, 4276
Colony Commerce, 3158
Colony tracts, 3045-3050
Colquhoun, Patrick, Treatise on the police of Lon-
  don, 2368
Colson, John, 3789
Columbiad. A Poem, 4301
Columbian Magazine or Monthly Miscellany, 4902
Columbus, Christopher, Portrait of, Jefferson's
  correspondence concerning, 3877, 4163
Columbus, Johan, Incerti scriptoris Graeci Fabulae
  aliquot Homericae de de Ulixis erroribus ethice ex-
  plicatae vertit, 4275
Columella, 689
Colvin, John B.: Candid View of the Facts, 3315;
  Colvin's Weekly Register, 3359; Historical Letters,
  138; Letter to the Hon. John Randolph, 3376;
  Republican Economy, 3302; author of a 
  of Memoirs of Gen. Wilkinson, 3511
   Correspondence with Jefferson: 136, 
Combe, William, 3545, 4087, 4143
Comberbach, Roger, Reports of several cases,
  Combes-Dounous, Jean Jacques, 1328
Combrune, Michael, Theory and Practice of 
  ing, 1206
Comedie Italienne, History of, 4580
Comedies, French, 4594-4599
Comenius, Johann Amos, Gate of Tongues
  and opened, 4799
Cometographie, 3800
Comines, Philippe de, Memoires, 196
Comite Autrichien, 2608
Commelinus, Hieronymus, Rerum Britannicarum,
Commentaire sur le livre des delits et des peines, 2350
Commentaires de Cesar, de la traduction de N. Perret,
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1770), 1806;
  (1803), 1807
Commentaries or Reports of Edmund Plowden
  (1578,9), 2026; (1761), 2027
Commentarios Reales que tratan de el Origen de les
  Incas, Reies, que fueron del Peru, 4131
Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of
  Laws, 2327
Commerce de l'Ame et du Corps, 1365
Commerce de l'Amerique par Marseille, 3607
Commerce et le Gouvernement, 3569
Commercial and Political Atlas, 2942
Commecial Dictionary, 3544
Commercio de Romani, 3561
Commissioners of the Alms-House vs. Alexander
  Whistelo, 3373
Commissions and Proclamations (MS.), 1823
Common Accidence Examined and explained, 4789
Common Law common-placed, 1802
Common Law epitomiz'd, 1801
Common-Place Book (MS.), 1797
Common-place Book, Jefferson's, 2325
Common Sense, 3112, 3117
Common-wealth of Oceana, 2335
Commonwealth's Man, 3351
Communication to those Citizens of the North-Western
  Territory opposed to the Alteration of the Boundaries
  of the States, 3337
Communications of several States on the resolutions of
  Virginia respecting the Alien and Sedition Laws,
Compact Maritime, 3242
Compagnie des Indes, 2282, 2525
Compagnie Royale d'Assurances, 2458
Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church
  of England, 1636
Comparaison des ligues des acheens, des Suisses, et des
  provinces unies, 2979
Comparative View of the public finances, 2807
Compendio de las Historias de la India Oriental, 3932
Compendio della Storia . . . del Chile, 4159
Compendious Astronomer, 3790
Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, 4850
Compendious View of the Civil Law, 2109
Compendium Ethices, 1251
Compendium of Algebra, 3670
Compendium of Physic and Surgery, 892
Compleat Attorney and Solicitor, 1916
Compleat Body of Husbandry, 700
Compleat Catalogue of all Books and Pamphlets pub-
  lished for ten years past, 4723
Compleat Clark, and Scriveners Guide, 1942
Compleat Collection of remarkable Tryals at the
  Sessions-House in the Old Baily, 1960
Compleat Collection of State-Tryals, 1951
Compleat Confectioner, 1194
Compleat English Copyholder, 2004
Compleat Geographer, 3822
Compleat History of the Treaty of Utrecht, 1435
Compleat Lawyer, 2095
Compleat Sheriff, 1932
Compleat Tutor for the Harpsichord or Spinnet; 4257
Complete Collection of all the Laws of Virginia now in
  force, 1832, 1837
Complete History of England (1700), 345
Complete History of England (1706), 377
Complete System of Fencing, 1168
Complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of 
Compte rendu a la Convention Nationals parts
  des Affaires Etrangeres, 2620
Compte rendu au Ministre de la Guerre, 2624
Compte rendu par Jerome Petion, a see
Comptes generaux du tresor public, 2438
Comptes rendues, 2445
Comyns, Sir John, Digest of the laws of England
Conciliateur ou lettres d'un ecclesiastique, 2378
Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis, 4670
Concise Account of North America, 4010
Concise Description of the English and French
  Possessions in North-America, 4035
Concise Historical Account of all the British Columbia
  in North-America, 471
Concise History of the Autumnal Fever, 984
Concise Natural History of East and West Florida,
Concise Sketch of the Debates and Proceedings, 3389
Concise view of all the most important facts which has
  appeared concerning of Cow-pox, 955
Concordance to Shakespeare, 4542
Concordance to the Bible, 1494
Concordance to the Holy Bible, 1496
Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, 1495
Condemned books: Arret, 2275; Atwood,
  William, 3039; Bayle, Pierre, 143; Cowell,
  John, 1812; Examen de la liberte originaire
  Venise, 2412; Fernandez, Diego, 4132; Fleurice
  3898; Gudin de la Brenellerie, 4495; Helv
  1242; La Motte, 227; M'Donald,
  Toussaint, 1619; Tursellinus, 44; Vanish
  1270; Voltaire, 2350
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de: Commerce a 
  Gouvernement, 3569; Logic, 4647; Logics,
Condorcet, M. J. A. N. Caritat, Marquir
  Adresse aux Bataves (n. d.), 2666, 2670;
  Germains, 2667; Avis aux Espagnols, 2665,
  Declaration des Droits, 2442, 2522, 2568; 
  de M. Franklin, 519; Esquisse d'un
  historique, 1247; Essai sur l'Application
  l'Analyse a la Probabilite des Decisions, 3685;
  Essai sur la constitution et les fonctions des
  Assemblees Provinciales, 2441; Lettre a M* * *,
  2668; Lettres d'un Bourgeois de New-Heaven,
  2443, 3005; Lettres d'un citoyen des Etat-Unis,
  2467; Nature des pouvoirs politiques, 2669;
  Opinion sur le jugement de Louis XVI, 2644;
  Pieces extraites du recueil periodique intitule: Le
  Republicain, 2670; Plan de constitution, 2675;
  Projet d'un Monument a la gloire d'Henri IV,
  2469; Reflexions d'un Citoyen non gradue sur un
  Proces tres connu (1786), 2273, 2274; Reflexions sur
  l'Esclavage des Negres, 1376; Reflexions sur la
  Revolution de 1688, 2605, 2671; Reponse a
  l'Adresse aux provinces, 2576; Republique Francaise
  aux Hommes libres, 2664; Sentiments d'un Republi-
  cain, 2468; Vie de Monsieur Turgot, 217; editor,
  Euler, Leonhard, 3731; translator, Mazzei,
   Correspondence with Jefferson (unit of
    measure), 3762
Condorcet, Sophie, Marquise de, translator,
  Mazzei, 3005
Conduct of a Rt. Hon. Gentleman, 2749
Conduct of Dr Lee in the Certificate Business, 3303
Conduct of Great Britain respecting Neutrals, 3357
Conduct of the late Ministry, 1438
Conestaggio, Girolarno Franchi, Historia della
  Guerre della Germania inferiore, 280
Confederation of the colonies, Plan for, 4028
Confederation ou arrete unanime de tous les Princes
  souverains de l'Europe, 2603
Conference entre un Ministre d'Etat et un Conseiller
  au Parlement, 2453
Conflated books: Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius
  (Lat. and Eng.), 1305; Cicero, M. T., De
  Senectute (Gr. and Lat.), 1314; Demosthenes
  (Gr. and Eng.), 4662; Dio Cassius (Gr. and
  Lat.), 84; Diodorus Siculus (Gr. and Lat.), 38;
  Epictetus (Lat. and Eng.), 1301; Frontinus,
  107; Herodianus (Gr., Lat., Eng.), 85; Plu-
  tarch (Gr. and Lat.), 68; Plutarch (Gr., Lat.,
  Eng.), 69; Plutarch (Gr. and Lat.), 1312;
  Polybius (Gr. Lat., Eng.), 51; Seneca (Fr. and
  Lat.), 1324; Tacitus (Lat. and Eng.), 80;
  Tacitus (Lat., Sp., and Eng.), 81; Xenophon
  (Eng. and Gr.), 1307
Congo vocabulary, 4076
Congress, Functions of, Jefferson on, 3004
Congreve, William, Dramatic Works, 4591
Conjectures on Prophecies, 1680
Conjectures upon the Nature and Motion of Meteors,
Connecticut, Laws of, 2160
Connecticut Republicanism, 3235
Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, 4050
Connecticut State Copyright Law of 1783, 3940
Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English coins,
Connoissance des Temps, 3808
Conover, Samuel Forman, Essay on the vermilion
  colour of the blood, 687
Conquest of Canaan, 4304
Conrad, C. & A.: Books bought from, 1160;
  correspondence with Jefferson (Lewis and
  Clark), 4168
Conset, Henry, Practice of spiritual or ecclesiastical
  courts, 2153
Considerations interessantes sur les affaires presentes,
Considerations occasioned by the Craftsman upon ex-
  cises, 2968
Considerations on an act of the Legislature of Virginia
  entitled An Act for the Establishment of Religious
  Freedom, 3028
Considerations on the approach of a war, 2797
Considerations on the approaching Dissolution, 3396
Considerations on the Bank of North-America, 3032
Considerations on the Bill concerning the British Sugar-
  Colonies in America, 3046
Considerations on the Causes, Objects and Consequences
  of the Present War, 3361
Considerations on the Corn Laws, 3593
Considerations on the expediency of admitting the im-
  portation of Irish Corn into Great Britain, 3595
Considerations on the French war, 2852
Considerations on the Government of the Territory of
  Columbia, 3256-3258, 3334, 3465, 3466
Considerations on the Jurisprudence of the State of
  Pennsylvania, 3368
Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect
  to the British Colonies in North America, 3082
Considerations on the mode and terms of a Treaty of
  Peace with America, 3058
Considerations on the nature and extent of the Legisla-
  tive Authority of the British Parliament, 3089
Considerations on the present German war, 2748
Considerations on the present state of Virginia examined,
Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati,
Considerations on the Substance of the Sun, 3814
Considerations philosophiques et politiques sur le regime
  des Colonies, 2540
Considerations presentees aux vrais Amis Repos et
  de Bonheur de la France, 1391
Considerations sur la Guerre actuelle des Turcs, 302
Considerations sur l'Esprit et les Moeurs, 1344
Considerations sur les interets du Tiers-Etat, 2516
Considerations sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus, 3024, 3194
Considerations sur quelques parties du mechanisme des
  societes, 2946
Considerations touching that question, 2888
Consolations de l'ame fidele, 1604
Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Washington Phoenix
  Fir Company, 3331
Constitution and Government of the Germanic Body, 272
Constitution and Laws of England conseder'd, 2708
Constitution de l'Angleterre, 2719
Constitution Francaise, 2596, 2597
Constitution Monetaire, 3584
Constitution of Parliaments in England, 2883
Constitution of the First Society of Unitarian Christians,
Constitution of the Germantown Society for promoting
  Domestic Manufactures, 3630
Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, 2424
Constitutional Information, Society for, 2781-
Constitutional Republicanism, 3534
Constitutional Rules of the Society of Unitarian
  Christians, 1656
Constitutional Society, Richmond, Va., 3030
Constitutional Telegraphe, 590
Constitutionalist, pseud., V., 3168a
Constitutionality of the Embargo Laws, 3391, 3392
Constitutions des Principaux Etats de l'Europe et des
  Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, 2406
Constitutions des treize Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, 3148
Constitutions of the several independent States of 
  America, 3006
Constitutions of the United States, 3007
Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria, 2099
Consultation pour les actionnaires de la Compagnie des
  Indes, 2528
Consultation sur l'affaire de la dame Marquise
  d'Anglure, 2284
Contes Moraux, 4322
Conti, Natale, 42
Continental Congress, Sept. 5, 1774, Extracts
  from the votes and proceedings, 3094
Contrat social, 2691
Controversy between Great Britain and her colonies
  reviewed, 3077
Convention between his Britannick Majesty and the
  Emperor of Russia, 2869
Convention between His most Christian Majesty and
  the thirteen United States of North America, 2309
Convention Nationale. Arrete et Petition de la Section
  des Gravilliers, 3641
Conversations des Gens du Monde, 4623
Conversations on Chemistry, 837
Conveyances, 1936
Convocation des Etats-Generaux, 2511
Convocation des prochains Etats-Generaux en France,
Cook, James, Captain: Journal of Captain Cook's
  last Voyage, 3938; Voyage to the Pacific Ocean,
  3941; see also: Ellis, W., Authentic Narrative of
  a Voyage performed by Captain Cook, 3939;
  Hawkesworth, J., Account of the Voyages, 3937;
  Ledyard, J., Journal of Captain Cook's Last Voy-
  age, 3940; Mortimer, George, Observations and
  Remarks, 3943; Sparrman, Anders, Voyage to 
  the Cape of Good Hope, 3957
Cooke, Sir George, Reports and cases of practice in
  the Court of Common Pleas, 1919
Cooke, Robert, Censura quorundam Scriptorum,
Cookery, Books on, 1192-1201
Coolidge, Joseph, Letter from Jefferson (Wil-
  son's Ornithology), 1022
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury:
  Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions,
  Times, 1258; see also 1262
Cooper, David, Serious Address to the rulers of
  America, 1373
Cooper, Myles, 3091
Cooper, Samuel (1725-1783), 3079
Cooper, Samuel (1780-1848), First Lines of the
  Practice of Surgery, 859
Cooper, Thomas (1517?-1594), Thesaurus Lin-
  guae Romanae & Britannicae, 4794
Cooper, Thomas (1759-1840): Account of the
  Trial of Thomas Cooper, 3224; Bankrupt Law of
  America, 1994; Introductory Lecture, 853; Opinion
  on the effect of a sentence of a foreign court of
  admiralty, 2120; Political arithmetic, 2804; Polit-
  ical essays, 3218; Reply to Mr. Burke's invective,
  2803, 2827; editor, Justinian, 2192; Priestley,
  Memoirs, 390
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Applied
    chemistry, I, 374; anatomy, I, 450; Bacon,
    Sir F., 4915; Bacon, Matthew, 1792; Bat-
    ture Case, 3501; Blackstone, 1806; botany,
    I, 479; Bracton, 1771; Brooke, 1777;
    Cabanis, 1246; chemists, I, 374; Coke on
    Littleton, 1781; Destutt de Tracy, 1239,
    2327; Dorsey, 1097; Fitzherbert, 1776;
    Glanville, 1769; Harvey (circulation of the
    blood), 901; Houard, 1774; Introductory
    lecture on chemistry, 853; Justinian, 2192;
    Lambarde, 1767; Locke, 1362; Madison
    (pamphlet by), 2116; Malthus, 2938;
    Opinion on sentence of foreign Court of
    Admiralty, 2120; Priestley's Memoirs, 390;
    Rush, B. (Jefferson's opinion of), 922;
    weights and measures, 1098, 3760; Wil-
    kins, 1768
  Jefferson's opinion of, 2120; note on, 853
Cope, Thomas Pym: Letter to Jefferson (Clark-
  son's History of slavery); 1400; note on, V, 1400
Copy of a Letter from an American officer in Paris
  (MS.), 2563
Copy of a Report from the commissioners appointed to
  explore the headwaters of the rivers Delaware,
  Lehigh and Schuylkill, 1229
Copyright, Early, 490
Copyright Law of 1783 (Connecticut), 3940
Corbin, R., Books from his library: Arcane
  Parliamentaria, 2878; Regula Placitandi, 1903
Corbin, T. H., Book from his library, 2956
Corbin, Thomas, Books from his library: Child,
  Josiah, 3568; Paterson, William, 3040
Cordage, Manufacture of, 1102
Cordier, Mathurin: Civilite puerile et honnete,
  1110; Colloquia, 4791
Cordier de Launay de Valeri, L. G. R.: Tableau
  Topographique et Politique de la Siberie, 3923;
  Theorie Circonspherique des deux genres de Beau,
Coreal, Francesco, Voyages aux Indes Occidentales,
Corinne ou l'Italie, 4353
Coriolanus, pseud., Smith, William Stephens,
Cormon, J. L. Barthelemi, Dictionnaire portatif
  et de prononciation, Espagnol-Francais et Francais-
  Espagnol, 4812
Corn Laws: Act for Regulating the Importation and
  Exportation of Corn, 3590; see also 3591
Cornwallis, Charles, Earl: Answer to that part of
  the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton, 481; see also
Corny, Palivae de, 2303, V, 2303
Corpus Juris Civilis . . . ex Dionysii Gothofredi
  recognitione, 2197
Corpus Juris Civilis Romani, 2196
Correa de Serra, Joseph: Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Fossombroni), 3921; (Say), 3547;
  note on, V, 3547
   Correspondance generale, ou Journal de la Societe
    des 83 Departemens, 2570
Correspondance politique, civile, et litteraire, 2420
Correspondance secrete des Deputes de Saint-Domingue,
  1384, V, 1384
Correspondence, (part of Livingston's Address),
Correspondence between George Nicholas and Robert
  Harper, 3196
Correspondence between Gov. Williams and James
  W. Braham, 3369, 3388
Correspondence secrete concernant la Constitution de
  la Prusse, 224
Corrie, Edgar, Considerations on the Corn Laws,
Corsica, Coup d'oeil sur la situation de la Corse,
Corsini, Bartolomeo, 4404
Corso di Agricoltura, 734
Cortes, Hernando: Historia de Nueva-Espana,
  4120; see also Bourgoing, 3899; Solis, Antonio
  de, 4080
Cortese, Giovanni Andrea, Opera, 1551
Cosmography in four books, 3825
Cosmotheros, 3785
Coste, Jean Francois, Oratio habita in capitolo
  Gulielmopolitiano, 4675
Costituzioni di Eleonora Giudicessa d'Arborea, 2213
Cosway, Maria: Letters from Jefferson: Latude,
  219; Pompadour, 208; note on, V, 219
Cotton, Charles: Genuine Poetical Works, 4507;
  Scarronides, 4506
Cotton, Clement, 1494
Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, Exact abridgement of
  the records in the Tower of London, 2727
Cotton, Cultivation of in America, 791
Cottonier et sa Culture, 791
Coulmiers, Francois Simmonet d'Escolmiers, dit
  De, Ni Banqueroute, ni Papier-monnaie, 2578
Countrey Justice, 1966
Country Gentleman's Vade mecum, 695
Country Habitations, 719
Coup-d' oeil politique sur le Continent, 163
Coup-d' oeil rapide sur les causes reelles de la Decadence
  de la Pologne, 256
Coup .d'oeil sur la culture de quelques Vegetaux exo-
  tiques, 727
Coup d'Oeil sur les Revolutions et sur la Reforme de la
  Medicine, 862
Coup-d'oeil sur la situation de la Corse, 2595
Coup-d'oeil sur la situation politique de l'Europe, 2812
Cours de Justice criminelle du Department de la Seine,
Cours de Mathematiques, 3682
Cours de Mathematiques, a l'usage de l'Artillerie,
Cours de Mathematiques, a l'usage de la Marine, 3680
Cours de Physique Experimentale et Mathematique,
Cours des Aides, 2491
Course of Experimental Philosophy, 3738
Course of Lectures in Natural Philosophy, 3736
Course of Lectures on Elocution, 4655
Course of Mathematics, 3683
Court and City Kalender, 420
Court Leete et Court Baron, 1878
Court of Chancery, Jefferson on, II, 192
Cousin, Louis, translator: Histoire de Constanti-
  nople, 96; Histoire de l'Empire de l'Empire de l'Occident, 98;
  Histoire de l'Eglise, 609; Histoire Romaine, 97
Coutinho, Jose Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo,
Covens, Johannes, Veteris Orbis Tabulae Geograph-
  icae, 3834
Covert, Nicholas, Scrivener's Guide, 1943
Cowdrey, Samuel, 510
Cowell, John: Interpreter, 1812; Law Dictionary,
Cowley, Abraham: Select Works, 4422; Works,
Cow-pox, 945-955
Cox, Thomas, Magna Britannia et Hibernia, 3865
Coxe, Daniel, History of the English Province of
  Carolana, 4028
Coxe, John Redman: Practical Observations on
  Vaccination, 953; association copies, 924, 981
Coxe, Tench: Address to an Assembly of the Friends
  of American Manufactures, 3622, 3626; Brief
  examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations, 3628;
  Enquiry into the Principles on which a commercial
  System for the United States should be founded,
  3623, 3625; Exposition of some Facts, 3422;
  Observations on the agriculture, manufactures and
  commerce of the United States, 3627; Plan for
  encouraging Agriculture, 3631; Reflexions on the
  State of the Union, 3639; Thoughts concerning
  the Bank of North America, 3624; View of the
  United States of America, 3632
    Correspondence with Jefferson: American
     Museum, 4900; Colony Commerce, 3158;
     Jay's Treaty, 3520; View of the US, 3632;
     see also Pictet, 3965
Coxe, William, Sketches of the Natural, Civil, and
  Political State of Swisserland, 3878
Coyer, Gabriel Francois: Chinki, 2434; Histoire de
  Jean Sobieski, Roi de Pologne, 253
Craftsman: being a critique of the Times, 2732
Craig, Sir Thomas, Jus Feudale, 1766
Crakanthorpe, Johann Andreas, Elements of the Art of
  Assaying Metals, 825
Cramer, Zadok, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Brown's Dictionary of the Bible), 1506
Cranato, Agostino, Raisons et Causes de Preseance
  entre la France & l'Espagne, 1436
Craufurd, George, Essay on the actual resources,
  for reestablishing the finances of Great Britain, 2945
Crawford, Adair, Experiments and Observations on
  Animal Heat, 842
Creation du Monde, 4930
Crebillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot, supposed
  author, Memoires de Madame la Marquise de
  Pompadour, 208
Creech, Thomas: editor, Lucretius, 4458; trans-
  lator, Lucretius, 4460
Creighton, Robert, 611
Cresap, Michael: See Barton, B. S., 3343, V,
  3343; Bridel, 4033; Filson, 4030; Jefferson,
  3225, 4051, 4167; Note on, V, 3225
Crette de Palluel, Francois, Memoire sur l'utilite
  qu'on peut tirer des marais desseches, 778
Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de:
  Letters from an American Farmer, 4018; Lettres
  d'un Cultivateur American (1784), 4019; (1787),
    Correspondence: Diamond Necklace, II,
     411; Homer, 4262; Soules, 484; see also
Crillon-Mahon, Duc de, 222
Crimes of Cabinets, 404
Criminal Recorder, 2096
Crise de l'Europe, 2992
Crisis Extraordinary, A, 3106
Crisis Extraordinary, The, 3138
Crispin, Daniel, editor: Ovid, 4339; Sallust, 55
Critica Botanica, 1065
Critical Dissertation on the Book of Job, 1550
Critical Dissertation on the Origin of the Ancient
  Caledonians, 432
Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the
  English Language, 4876
Critical Review: or Annals of Literature, 4722
Criticism, Artificial canons of, Jefferson on, V, 38
Critique generale de l'Histoire du Calvanisme de Mr
  Maimbourg, 1557
Croce, Luigi Annibale della, translator, Achilles
  Tatius, 4324
Croft, Sir Herbert: Letter from Germany, 4840;
  Love and Madness, 4338
    Correspondence with Jefferson: Anglo-
     Saxon language, 2079, 2704, 4840; Elstob's
     Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 4861; Johnson's Dic-
     tionary, 4874
    Corrective note, V, 2079
Croke, Sir Alexander: Remarks on Mr Schlegel's
  work, 2129; see also 2128
Croke, Sir George, Reports, 2052
Croke, Sir John, 2024
Crompton, Richard, Authorite et Jurisdiction des
  Courts, 1876
Cromwell, Oliver, 4062
Cronstedt, Axel Frederic, Essay towards a System of
  Mineralogy, 1090
Crookes, John, V, 3225
Crouch, Nathaniel, 4368
Crowninshield, Jacob: Hortus Siccus (MS.),
 1074; correspondence with Jefferson, 4685
Crowninshield, Miss: Specimens of penmanship
  (MS.), 1130; see also V, 534
Crozat, Antoine, 4074
Cruden, Alexander, Complete Concordance to the
  Holy Scriptures, 1495
Cruser, Hermann, editor: Plutarch, Vitae (1564),
  68; (1572), 69; Opuscula, 1312; see also 72
Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, Juan de la, Mapa
  geographico de America Meridional, 3857
Ctesiphon, 4671
Cullen, William: First Lines of the Practice of
  Physic, 895; Lecture on the Gout (MS.), 937;
  Treatise of the Materia Medica, 871; see also
  Rush, B., Eulogium in Honor of the late Dr.
  William Cullen, 523; note on, 871
Culpepper, Nicholas, 885
Culture de la Grosse Asperge, 805
Cumberland, Richard, Bishop of Peterborough:
  De Legibus Naturae, 1417; Treatise of the Laws
  of Nature, 1418; editor, Sanchoniatho's Phoe-
  necian History, 5
Cumberland, Richard, Memoirs written by him-
  self, 391
Cunn, Samuel: To the Ingenious Mr Ward
  (poem), 3668; editor, Sir Isaac Newton, 3675
Cunningham, Timothy: Law of Bills of Exchange,
  2107; Merchant's Lawyer, 2106; New and
  Complete Law-Dictionary, 1814
Cunningham, William & Co.: Claim and Answer
  in the case of William Cunningham & Co., 3528;
  Reply of William Cunningham & Co., 3529
Curran, John Philpot: Forensic Eloquence, 4678;
  Trial by Nisi Prius, 2857
Currie, James (1756-1805), Letter commercial
  and political, 2830
Currie, James, Dr., Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Aikin's Cow-Pox, 955; Barthélemy's
  Anacharsis, 41; Berthollet, 1191; Encyclopédie,
  4889; Frédéric II, Oeuvres, 270; Lavoisier,
  830; on medicine, I, 395
Curson, Henry, 1925
Cursory Reflexions on Government, 3199
Curtius, pseud., 3316
Curtius, Jacques, translator, Theophilus, 2198
Curtius, Letters of, 3526
Curtius Rufus, Quintus: Historia Alexandrii
  Magni (1673), 27; (1705), 28; (1716), 26;
  (1746), 29
Cushman, Joshua, Discourse delivered at Winslow,
  1678, 1681
Custine, Adam-Philippe, Plan d'une banque
  nationale, 2457
Custis, George Washington Parke, Address to the
  People of the United States, on the Importance of
  Encouraging Agriculture and Domestic Manufac-
  tures, 731
Cutbush, Edward, Observations on the Means of
  preserving the health of soldiers and sailors, 914
Cutler, Dr., Letter to Jefferson (Lettsom's Obser-
  vations on the Cow-pox), 949
Cutler, Manasseh, Explanation of the Map, 4041
Cutting, John Brown, Books inscribed to Jeffer-
  son: Beaufoy, 2780; Coxe, Tench, 3623;
  Mackintosh, 2545; Jenkinson, 3591
Cutting, Nathaniel, General Observations respecting
  a new mechanical process for manufacturing cordage,
Cutts, John, Baron, Poetical Exercises, 4504
Cuvier, Georges Léopold Chrétien F. D., Baron:
  Historical Eulogium on Joseph Priestley, 423, V,
  423; Leçons d'Anatomie comparée, 999; Tableau
  élémentaire de l'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux,
  1020; see also 682
Cyclopaedia, 4892
Cypher established with Captain Lewis, 4168
Cyrillic Alphabet, Books printed in: Pallas,
  4736, 4737; Romanzoff, 3601


Dacier, André: Editor, Horace, 4480; Plato,
  1310; translator, Horace, 4475
Dafforne, Richard, Merchants Mirror, in Malynes,
  Consuetudo, 2099
Daguesseau, Henri Francois, Books from the
  library of (with arms): Knox, 625; New
  Testament, 1487
Daignan, Guillaume, Tableau des Varietes de la
  Vie Humaine, 909
Daily Advertiser, N. Y., 573
Daily National Intelligencer, Washington City, 596
Dale, Antonius Van, Dissertatio super Aristea de
  LXX Interpretibus, 1500
Dalechamp, Jacques, 1011
Dalison, Sir William, Reports, 2024, 2025
Dallas, Alexander James: Address of the Society of
  Constitutional Republicans, 3338; Reports of Cases,
  2088; see also 2120
Dalrymple, Sir John: Address of the people of
  Great-Britain to the inhabitants of America, 3100;
  Essay towards a general history of Feudal Property
  in Great Britain, 2005; Memoirs of Great Britain
  and Ireland, 372
Dalrymple, John, Earl of Stair: Address to the
  Public, 2944; State of the public debts, 2943
Dalrymple, William, Travels through Spain and
  Portugal, in 1774, 3897
Dalton, Michael: Country Justice, 1966; Officium
  Vicecomitum, 1933
Dalton, Tristram, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Tull, 701; Young, 744
Dalzel, Andrew: Collectanea Graeca, 4908; Collec-
  tanea Graeca Minora, 4909
Damascenus, Johannes, Vita di san Giosafat con-
  vertito da Barlaam, 1552
Dampier, William, Nouveau Voyage autour du
  Monde, 4145
Danet, Pierre, 4372
Danican, Francois Andre, 1173
Daniel, Gabriel: Histoire de France, 186; Histoire
  de la Milice Francoise, 1155
Daniel, Pierre, 4280
Danish Monarchy, statistics, 2414
Danse. Par St. Mery, 1131
Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, 4310
D'Anvers, Caleb, pseud.: Argument against Excises,
  2959; Second Part of An Argument against Excises,
  2960; see also Saint-John, Henry, Viscount
  Bolingbroke, 2736, 2763, 2765, 2766
D'Anvers, Knightley: General abridgment of the
  Common Law, 1790; see also 2073
Daphnis and Chloe, 4328, 4329
Darigrand, Patrie vengee, 2429
Darlington, William, Dissertation on the mutual
  influence of Habits and Disease, 990
Darrell, William, Gentleman instructed, 1627
Darwin, Erasmus: Botanic Garden, 1072; Temple
  of Nature, 4473; Zoonomia, 896; translator,
  Linnaeus, 1069
Dashwood, Francis, Lord Le Despencer, 1510
Dassie, F., Description generale des Costes de
  l'Amerique, 3967
Daubenton, L. J. M., Advice to Shepherds and
  Owners of Flocks, 794
D'Auvergne, Edward, History of the Compagne in
  Flanders, 373
Dauxion-Lavaysse, Jean Francois, Voyage aux
  Iles de Trinidad, 4165
Daveiss, Joseph Hamilton, View of the President's
  Conduct, 3350
Davenant, Charles: Discourse upon grants and
  resumptions, 2953; Report to the Honourable the
  Commissioners, 2956; see also 2770
Davidson, Joseph, translator, Ovid, 4387
Davies, Benjamin, Bank Torpedo, 3398
Davies, John, editor, Caesar, 60
Davies, Sir John, Question concerning Impositions,
Davila, Discourses of, Jefferson on, 2826
Davila, Enrico Caterino, Istoria della Guerre
  di Francia, 198
Davis, George, Concise Sketch of the Debates and
  Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the
  Mississippi Territory, 3389
Davis, Lockyer, publisher, Biographica Gallica,
Davis, M. L. and W. A., Correspondence with
  Jefferson (on reprinting his writings), 3760,
Davis, Matthew Livingston: Brief account of the
  epidemical fever, 685; Oration delivered in St. Paul's
  Church, on the Fourth of July, 3232; Plot Dis-
  covered, 3395
Davis, William, editor: Newton, Sir Isaac, 3721;
  Simpson, Thomas, 3677
Dawkins, James, 4188
Dawn of Sense, 1375
Dawson, John, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Louisiana), 3509
Dawson, Thomas, 45
De Anglorum Gentis Origine Desceptatio, 332
De jure maritimo et navali, 2112
De la Constitution Monetaire, 3584
De la France et des Etats-Unis, 3609
De Legibus Naturae (1672), 1417; (Eng., 1727),
De Orbe Novo, 4099
De Particularis Graece Linguae, 4753
De Re Medica, 878
De Situ Orbis, 3819
De veteri ritu nuptiarum & jure connubiorum, 2211
Deaf and Dumb, Jefferson on, 1125; see also 1122
Deane, Silas, Paris Papers, 478
Deanes, Anne Devenish, 4545
Dearborn, Benjamin, editor, Useful Cabinet, 1105
Dearborn, Henry, Correspondence, 4169, V,
Death Penalty, Jefferson on, 2349
Debate at large between the House of Lords and the
  House of Commons 1688. Relating to the word
  abdicated, 2923
Debate in the House of Representatives of the Territory
  of Orleans respecting Gen. Wilkinson, 3437
Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of
  Virginia, 3011
Debates and Proceedings of the Convention of the State
  of New-York, 3010
Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of
  Pennsylvania, 3022
Debates and Proceedings of the House of Commons,
Debates in the House of Representatives of the United
  States, 3522
  Debates, of the Convention, of the State of Pennsyl-
  vania, on the Constitution, 3009
Debates of the House of Commons, 2934
Debates relative to the affairs of Ireland, 2932
Debates, Resolutions and other proceedings, of the Con-
  vention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 3008
DeBordes, Letter from Jefferson (on the Economy
  of Human Life), 1346
De Brahm, William Gerard: Levelling Ballance and
  Counter-Balance, 3716; Time an Apparition of
  Eternity, 1605; Voice of the Everlasting Gospel,
  1606; Zonical Tables, 3717
Debrett, John, Collection of scarce and interesting
  tracts, 2767
De Britaine, William, Humane Prudence, 1618
De Bure, Booksellers and auctioneers, Books  
  bought from their catalogues: Appianus of
  Alexandria, 78; Arrianus, 25; Hippocrates,
  877; see also 96
De Bure, Guillaume Francois, Bibliographie In-
  structive, 4726
Debure de Saint-Fauxbin, Jean Francois, Lettres
  d'un Solitaire, 1048; Decamerone, 4321
Deceivers made manifest, 1686
Decisions of Cases in Virginia, 1759
Decisions of the Court of Session, 2186
Decius's Letters on the Opposition of the New Consti-
  tution in Virginia, 3152
Decius, Jefferson on, 3342
Decker, Matthew, Essay on the causes of the decline
  of the Foreign Trade, 3567
Declamationum liber, 4673
Declaration des Droits, 2442, 2522, 2568
  Declaration d'une partie des deputes, 2598
Declaration du Roi pour la conversion de la Corvee,
Declaration du Roi pour la liberte du Commerce des
  Grains, 2315
Declaration of teh people's natural right to a share in
  the legislature, 3069
Declarations and pleadings, 1907
Decline and fall of the English system of finance, 3188
Decouverte des Indes Occidentales par les Espagnols,
Decreta Romanorum pro ludaeis facta, 9
Defense of Opposition with respect to their conduct on
  Irish Affairs, 2985
Defence of the Conduct of Commodore Morris, 3321
Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the
  United States of America, 3004
Defence of the enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of
  Great-Britain, 2764
Defence of the Examination of Mr Warburton's
account, 1600
Defence of the late Lord Russel's innocency, 2903
Defence of the Majority in the House of Commons,
Defence of the Measures of the Administration of   
  Thomas Jefferson, 3316
Defence of the Minority in the House of Commons,
Defence of the right of the public to the Batture of New
  Orleans, 3486
Defense a une Accusation d'Escroquerie, 2253
Defoe, Daniel, Jr., 379, V, 379
Degge, Sir Simon, Parson's counsellor, 2141
Dei Provvedimenti Annonarij, 3558
Deists: See Blount, Charles, 1287, 1336; Dud-
  geon, Wm., 1285; Leslie, Charles, 1684;
  Palmer, Elihu, 1290
Dejean, 153
Dejeuner Patriotique du Peuple, 3639
Del Bombice e del Bisso degli antichi Dissertazione,
Delacroix, Jacques Vincent, Constitutions des
  principaux etats de l'Europe et des Etats-Unis
  de l'Amerique, 2406
Delany, Patrick, Doctrine of Abstinence form Blood
  defended, 1633
Delaplaine, Joseph, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Jefferson's biography in Public Characters,  
  402; Jefferson's knowledge of languages, V,
  59; portraits of Columbus and Vespucci,
  3970, 3977, 4163; Vasari, 4240; see also V, 402
Delaware Gazette, 546, 561
Delaware Indian and English Spelling Book, 4886
Delessert, Madame, 1060
Deleuze, Joseph Philippe Francois, Eudoxe, 1123
Deliberation du Parlement, 2488
Delineation of Universal Law, 1403
Delisle de Sales, Jean Claude Izouard: De la
  Philosophie de la Nature, 1263; Lettre de Brutus,
Delorme, Philibert, Nouvelles Inventions pour
  bien bastir et a petits Fraiz, 4183
Delphin Editions of the Classics: Caesar
  (London), 59; Curtius Rufus (London), 28;
  Florus (London), 65; Horace (London),
  4480; Justinus (London), 36; Juvenal, 4481;
  Livy (Paris), 52; Lucretius (Paris), 4456;
  Martial (Amsterdam), 4496; Ovid (London),
  4339; Phaedrus (London), 4372; Plautus
  (London), 4573; Sallust (London), 55; Sue-
  tonius (London), 82; Terence (London), 4577
  Note on the Delphin editions, 52
Deluc, Jean Andre: Idees sur la meteorologie,
  652; Lettres Physiques et Morales, 643; Lettres
  sur quelques parties de la Suisse, 642
Demanet, Abbe, Nouvelle Histoire de l'Afrique
  Francoise, 3952
Demarara cotton, 665
Demaree, Samuel R., Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Destutt de Tracy's Commentary,
  2327; Dufief's dictionary, 4822; encyclo-
  pedias, 4891, 4893
Demetrius Cydonius, De contemnenda morte, 1334
Demetrius of Phalerum, De Elocutione, 4654
Demeunier, Jean Nicolas: Essai sur les Etats-
  Unis (1786), 2950; Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Cincinnati, 3025; Encyclopedie
  Methodique, 4889
Demosthenes: Oeuvres complettes, 4664; Orationes
  Philippicae, 4662; Oratorum Graecorum, 4663;
  Selectae Orationes, 4661; Several Orations, 4662
Dempsey v. the Insurers, Jefferson on, 2120
Denham, Sir James Steuart, Inquiry into the
  Principles of Political Oeconomy, 3555
Denison, John Evelyn, Letter from Jefferson
  (language of Shakespeare), 4538
Denniston, David, publisher, Republican Watch-
  Tower, 588
Denniston, David and Cheetham, James, pub-
  lishers: Annals of the Corporation, 3325; Wood's
  History, 506; present a book to Jefferson, 3299
Denon, Dominique Vivant, Voyage dans la Basse
  et la Haute Egypte, 3947
Denonciation au public d'un nouveau project d'agiotage,
Denonciation de l'Agiotage, 2447
Denonciation des libelles initules: L'Ami du peuple
  par Marat, 3658
Denonciation faite au Tribunal correctionel par M.
  Bertrand de Molleville, 2607
Derbigny, Pierre Auguste Charles Bourguignon:
  Case laid before Counsel for their opinion on the
  claim to teh Batture, 3495; Memoire a consulter,
  sur la Reclamation de la Batture, 3475, 3479;
  Refutation du Memoire en forme de consultation,
  3492, 3500; correspondence with Jefferson
  (Batture), 3492, 3501
Derham, William: Astro-Theology, 3783; Physico
  and Astro-Theology, 3727
Dernieres Decouvertes dans L'Amerique Septentrionale,
Des Marais, F.S.R., 4404
Desaguliers, John Theophilus: Course of Experi-
  mental Philosophy, 3738; Pitcairne, Archi-
  bald, 905
Desaussure, Henry William, Address to the citizens
  of South-Carolina, 3228
Descartes, Rene: L'Homme, 1003; Principia Philoso-
  phiae (1664), 3719; footnote by Jefferson con-
  cerning, 1247; mentioned in the Notes on
  Virginia, 1003, 3719
Description anatomique des Parties de la Femme, 1042
Description and Use of a new portable orrery, 678
Description and Use of Nairne's Patent Electrical
  Machine, 632
Description de l'Academie Royale des Arts de Peinture
  et de Sculpture, 4249
Description de l'Egypte, 3948
Description de la Louisiane, 4065
Description de la Maniere dont on fait le Goudron en
  Suede, 1185
Description des Beautes de Genes, 3910
Description des Indes Occidentales, 4109
Description des Terres Megellaniques, 4143
Description du Cap de Bonne-Esperance, 3954
Description du pont de Brienne, 4200
Description generale de la Chine, 3930
Description generale des costes de l'Amerique, 3967
Description generale, historique, geographique et phy-
  sique de la Colonie de Surinam, 4129
Description historique de la Ville de Paris, 3883
Description of a Chart of Biography, 118, 139
Description of Boaz's Diurnal and Nocturnal patent
  Telegraph, 1105
Description of East Florida, 4085
Description of Greece, 3920
Description of the English Province of Carolana, 4028
Description of the Principles and Plan of Proposed
Establishments of Salt Works, 1203
Description of the State of Great Brittain, 335
Description Topographique de six cents mille acres de
  Terre dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, 4046
Description Topographique, physique, civile...de
  la Partie Francaise de l'Isle Saint-Domingue, 4155
Desengano del hombre, 2333
Desforges, Pierre Jean Baptiste Choudard, La
  Femme Jalouse, 4596
Desgodets, Antoine Babuty, Edifices Antiques de
  Rome, 4198
Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses etc.,
Designs of Inigo Jones, 4217
Deslandes, Chevalier, Discours sur la grandeur &
  l'importance de la Revolution Americaine, 2998
Desmaizeaux, Pierre, editor: Bayle, Pierre, 143;
  Locke, John, 4918; Saint-Evremond, 4425
Des Marchais, 4130
Desmolets, Pierre Nicolas, 300
Despreaux de la Condamine, Simeon, Soirees de
  Ferney, 213
Desprez, Louis, 4480
Destruction de la Ligue, 174
Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude: Analyse
  raisonnee de l'origine de tous les Cultes, 1296; Com-
  mentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws,
  2327, V, 2327; Elemens d'Ideologie, 1239; Project
d'Elemens d'Ideologie, 1239; correspondence with
  Jefferson, 1296, 1239, 2327; Jefferson mentions
  his Commentary, 2326, 4733; Jefferson's
  opinion of, 1239
  Desultory Reflections on the new political aspects, 3220
Deux Billets, Les, 4597
Deux-ponts Editions, V, 1311
Devarius, Matthaeus, De Particularis Graece Linguae,
Deveze, Jean: Enquiry into and Observations upon
  the Causes and Effects of the Epidemic Disease, 684;
  Volney, 4031
Devilsburg, 1127
De Witt, Benjamin, 510
De Witt, Simeon, 3851
Dezallier d'Argentville, Antoine Joseph, Theory
  and Practice of Gardening, 4226
Dezede, N., 4570, 4599
Diacon, Joseph, Coup d'Oeil sur la situation
  politique de l'Europe, 2812
Dialogorum Sacrorum, 1547
Dialogue entre Ibrahim Pacha et un Municipal, 2587
Dialogues concerning Eloquence, 4657
Dialogues of the Dead, 4621
Dialogues Rustiques, 1539
Diamond Necklace: Pamphlets on, 2229-2270;
  La Bastille Devoilee, 218; La Motte, 227
Diary, The (newspaper), 568
Diaz de Castillo, Bernal, Historia verdadera de
  la Conquista de la Nueva-Espana, 4118
Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, compuesto por
  la Real Academia Espanola, 4816
Dickinson, John: Address on the Past, Present, and
  Eventual Relations of the United States to France,
  3299; Essay on the Constitutional Power of
  Great-Britain over the Colonies in America, 3086;
  Farmer's and Monitor's Letters, 3076; Political
  Writings, 3055; Remarks on a late pamphlet
  entitled Plain Truth, By Rusticus, 3121; corre-
  spondence (Appendix to the Notes on Virginia),
  3225; Jefferson's opinion of, 3076
Dickson, Adam, Husbandry of the Ancients, 692
Dickson, Joseph, 3233
Dictionaire, ou, Traite universel des drogues simples,
Dictionarium Botanicum, 1057
Dictionarium Historicum Geographicum, Poeticum,
Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, 4863
Dictionarium, seu, Latine Linguae Thesaurus, 4793
  Dictionarium Undecim Linguarum, 4739
Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, 4811
Dictionary of the English Language, 4874
Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 1506
Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and
  Spanish, 4818
Dictionnaire Biographique et Historique des Hommes
  Marquans, 148
Dictionnaire Caraibe-Francois, 4885
Dictionnaire d'Architecture, 4206
Dictionnaire de chimie, 841
Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francoise, 4823
Dictionnaire de la Langue des Sauvages, 3993
Dictionnaire de la Langue Francoise, 4825
Dictionnaire de Poche de la Langue Francaise, 4830
Dictionnaire de Trevoux, 4824
Dictionnaire des jardiniers, 802
Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Chiffres, Lettres
  Initiales, Logogryphes, Rebus, & c., 4241
Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 2696
Dictionnaire Domestique portatif, 1193
Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Francois, 4820
Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Francoise,
Dictionnaire etymologique des Mots Francois derives
  du Grec, 4826
Dictionnaire Francois-Anglois et Anglois-Francois,
Dictionnaire Historique et Bibliographique Portatif,
Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 143
Dictionnaire Languedocien-Francois, 4835
Dictionnaire, ou, Traite universel des drogues simples,
Dictionnaire portatif et de pronounciation, Espagnol-
Francais et Francais-Espagnol, 4812
Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplometique, 150
Dictionnaire Raisonne Universel d'Histoire Naturelle,
Dictionnaire Universel de la France, 3882
Dictionnaire Universel Francois et Latin, vulgairement
  appele Dictionnaire de Trevoux, 4824
Diderot, Denis: Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889;
  Memoires sur differens Sujets de Mathematiques,
  3687; Oeuvres de Theatre, 4583; Oeuvres
  philosophiques, 1262; Synonymes Francais, 4833
Didot, Firmin: Callet, 3696; Virgil, 4465
Didymus Chalcenterus, Homeri Interpres, 4266,
  4267, 4268
Dietrich, Philippe Frederic, Baron de, 826
Difference between an absolute and limited monarchy,
Digby, Sir Kenelm, 1625
Digest of all the laws relating to the customs, to trade,
  to navigation, 2104
Digest of teh laws of England, 1793
Digges, Leonard and Thomas, Arithmetical war-
  like Treatise named Stratioticos, 1145
Digges, Miss, 242
Dillon, Arthur, Compte rendu au Ministre de la
  Guerre, 2624; see also 1392
Dimension proper for an Unit of Measures pointed out.
  By a Citizen of America, 3768
Dinmore, Richard, Long Talk, delivered before the
  Tammany Society of Alexandria, 3312
Dinoth, Richard: De Rubus et factis Memorabilibus
  loci communes historici, 112; Sententiae Historicum,
Dinouart, J. A. T., 603
Dinsdale, Joshua, 4667
Dio Cassius Cocceianus: Romanarum Historiarum,
  77; Rerum Romanorum, 84
Diodorus Siculus: Bibliothecae Historicae, 37; His-
  toriarum, 38
Diogenes Laertius: De Vitis, Dogmatis & apoph-
  thegmatis clarorum Philosophorum (1616), 32;
  (1673), 31; (French), 33
Dionysius of Halicarnassus: Les Antiquites
  Romanines, 49; Opera Omnia Graece et Latine, 47;
  Scripta quae extant omnia, 48
Dionysius Periegetes: Geographia, 3831; Orbis
Descriptio, 3818
Diophantus of Alexandria, Arithmeticorum,
Dioscorides, Pedanius: Libri octo Graece et latine
  (1549), 1053; (Ital., 1573), 1054
Directions for the Transplantation and Management of
  young Thorn, 723
Discorsi del Signore Tommaso Jefferson, 3319
Discorsi sopra l'Antichita di Roma, 4194
Discorso di Tommaso Jefferson, 3260-3262
Discours de Jerome Petion, sur l'accusation intentee
  contre Maximilien Robespierre, 2627
Discours de Lycurgue, d'Andocide, d'Isee, de Dinarque,
Discours de M. de Bertrand, Ministre de la Marine,
Discours de M. Hues, maire de Troyes, au Parlement,
Discours de Thomas Jefferson, 3260
Discours d'ouverture et de cloture du Cours de Zoologie
  donne dans le Museum national d'Histoire naturelle,
Discours du Roi a l'Assemblee Nationale, 2606
Discours du Roi a l'ouverture du Lit de Justice, 2549
  Discours en Vers, adresse aux Officiers et aux Soldats
  des Armees Americaines, 4447
Discours prononce par le General Moreau, 2862
Discours prononce par le Ministre de l'Interieur a
  l'Assemblee Nationale, le 24 juin, 2612
Discours prononce par le Roi, a l'Assemblee Nationale,
  le 4 fevrier, 2553
Discours prononce par Pictet, membre du Tribunat,
Discours qui a remporte le prix de l'Academie Royale
  des inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2979
Discours sur l'art de negocier, 1425
Discours sur l'histoire, le gouvernement, les usages,
Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle, 121
Discours sur la grandeur & l'importance de la
  Revolution dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, 2998
Discours sur l'influence du commerce sur l'esprit et
  les moeurs, 3550
Discours sur la necessite d'etablir a Paris une Societe,
Discours sur la Rarete du Numeraire, 3581
Discours sur le prejuge des peines infamantes, 2362
Discours sur les Monumens publics, 4210
Discours sur les Monuments publics, 4212
Discourse concerning gleets, 931
Discourse concerning Inheritances in Fee simple, 2006
Discourse concerning the Being and Attributes of
  God, 1596
Discourse delivered at the Annual Meeting of the
  Salem Female Charitable Society, 1701
Discourse delivered at Winslow, Nov. 29, 1804, 1678,
Discourse, delivered in the Protestant Episcopal Church
  at Martinsburg, Virginia, 1688
Discourse of the Judicial Authority belonging to the
  Office of Master of the Rolls, 1726
Discourse of Trade, Coyn, and Paper Credit, 3563
Discourse on the conduct of the Government of Great
  Britain, 2127
Discourse upon grants and resumptions, 2953
Discourses concerning Government, 2330
Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Milk, Made-Wines, 917
Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds, 860
Discurso sobre las penas contrahido alas leves criminales
  de Espana, 2422
Diseases of children, 894
  Dispensary, A Poem, 4472
Disputationem de Indiarum Iure, 4092
Disquisitions on several subjects, 1523
Dissertatio Medica, inauguralis, de Cholera, 4676
Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, de Coctione Alimen-
  torum in Ventriculo, 674
Dissertatio Medica, inauguralis, de Dysenteria, 941
Dissertatio super Aristea, 1500
Dissertation Historique et Geographique sur le
  Meridien de Demarcation entre l'Espagne et Portugal,
Dissertation on Antient Tragedy, 4705
Dissertation on slavery, 2818
Dissertation on the freedom of navigation, 2134
Dissertation on the Gout, 934
Dissertatoin on the mutual influence of habits and
  disease, 990
Dissertation on the sexes of plants, 1071
Dissertation qui a remporte le prix de l'Academie
  Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 2997
Dissertation sur les Assemblees Nationales, 2502
Dissertation upon parties, 2736
Dissertationes historicae et politicae, 2389
Dissertations on Government, the affairs of the bank,
  and paper-money, 3035
Dissertazione sopra il Quesito Indicare le vere
  Teorie, 816
Dissertazioni di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile, 1034
Disticha Moralia, 1330
Distilling, 1207, 1208
Distrest Mother, A Tragedy, 4555
District of Columbia, Legislation over, 3255
Diversions of Purley, 4870
Divina Commedia, 4310
Divinarum Institutionum, 1588
Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated, 1598
Dix Livres d'Architecture, 4173
Dixon, Thomas, 1745
Dizionario d'agricoltura, 735
Dobson, Matthew, Medical Commentary on Fixed
  Air, 843
Dobson, Thomas, bookseller and publisher:
Book bought from, 1489; correspondence
  with Jefferson, 1489, 1698, 1699
Doctrina Placitandi, 1902
Doctrine and Application of Fluxions, 3677
Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood defended, 1633
Doctrine of Chances, 3686
Doctrine of Fluxions, 3678
Doctrine of Nativities, 3780
Doctrine of Phlogiston established (1803), 836;
  (1800), 3771
Doctrines of a Middle State, 1534
Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy compared with those
  of Revelation, 1528
Documents accompanying a Message from the President
  of the United States, 3168
Dodd, William: Beauties of Shakespear, 4540; Syn-
  opsis Compendiaria librorum Hugonis Grotii de jure
  belli et Pacis, 1414
Dodington, George Bubb, Diary, I, 195
Dodridge, Sir John: Historical Account of the
  ancient and modern state of the Principality of Wales,
  3038; supposed author, Lawes resolutions of
  women's rights, 1999
Dodsley, Robert: The Preceptor, 1116; editor,
  Fugitive Pieces, 4921; Select Fables of Esop and
  other Fabulists, 4367; supposed author, The
  Economy of human life, 1346
Dodwell, Henry, 1597, V, 1597
Doheny, Estelle, 1125
Domat, Jean, Civil Law in its natural order, 2212
Domergue, Joseph Francois, 4415
Domesday-Book, seu liber censualis Willelmi Primi,
Domestic medicine, 891
Dominion of the Sea, Treatise on, 2114
Domville, 2001
Don Quixote de la Mancha, 4347
Donald, Alexander, Letter from Jefferson (Notes
  on Virginia), 4167
Donald, Alexander and Co., Books ordered
  through: Antoninus, 1304; Bible, 4877; Bib-
  liotheque des Sciences, 4731; Euclid, 4744; Grabe,
  1592; Hume, 370; Keith, 462; Locke, 1338,
  4919; Mendes da Costa, 1091; Newton, 3721;
  Origen, 1585; Sparrman, 3957
Donaldson, James, General View of the agriculture
  in the county of Northampton, 763
Donati, Alessandro, Roma vetus ac recens utriusque
  Aedificis illustrata, 4195
Donne, John, Declaration of that Paradox, that Self-
  Homicide is not so naturally a Sin, 1631
Donnez-nous du Pain, 3661
Dormenon, Pierre, Reponse a des Calomnies, 3390
Dorsey, John, Report, from a Committee of the
  Senate, on the Subject of Weights and Measures,
Dossie, Robert, Handmaid to the Arts, 1094
Double Gallant, 4607
Doublet, Francois, 2385
Douette-Richardot, Nicolas, Pratique de l'Agricul-
	ture, 792
Douglas, Archibald James Edward, 2187
Douglas, George, translator, Anatomical Exposi-
  tion, 998
Douglas, John, Milton Vindicated from the Charge
  of Plagiarism, 4729
Douglas, Sylvester, Reports of Cases, 2082
Douglas, Heron and Co., 3080
Douglas, William, Summary, Historical and Political
  ...of British Settlements in North-America,
Doutes proposes a l'auteur de la Theorie de l'impot,
Doutes proposes aux philosophes economistes, 2372,
Douzieme entretien entre Jean Bart et le Pere Duchene,
Dover, Thomas, Ancient Physician's Legacy to his
  Country, 888
Dralse de Grand-Pierre, Relation de divers Voyages,
Draughts of such Bills as have been prepared by the
  Committee appointed, 1865
Drayton, Michael, Poly-Olbion, 4468
Drayton, William, Correspondence: S. Carolina
  Agricultural Society, 815; cultivation of olives,
  789; see also V, 789
Drayton, William Henry, Letter from Freeman of
  South-Carolina, to the deputies of North-America,
Drelincourt, Charles, Consolations de l'ame fidele,
Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix, 1405
  Droit de la Nature et des Gens, 1406
Droit des Gens (1758), 1411; (1775), 1412
  Droit public de l'Europe, 2398
Droits et devoirs du citoyen, 2402
Drouet de Maupertuis, Jean Baptiste, 246
Dryden, John: Dramatick Works, 4543; editor
  and translator, Juvenal, 4487; Plutarch, 69;
  Virgil, 4282
Duane, William: American Library, 1158; Caution,
  or Reflections on the present contest between France
  and Great-Britain, 3211; Handbook for Infantry,
  1159; Letter to George Washington, 3192; Minutes
  of Examination, taken in short notes, 3294;
  Mississippi question, Report of a Debate, 3469;
  Mississippi Question fairly stated, 3471; trans-
  lator, Destutt de Tracy, 2327
    Books bought or ordered from: Barton,
     B. S., Elements of Botany, 1061; Bartram,
     W., Travels, 4029; Cumberland, R.,
     Memoirs, 391; Ellicott, A., Journal, 4086;
     MacPherson, J., Poems of Ossian, 4377;
     Malthus, Principles of Population, 2938;
     Map of Maryland, 3848; Map of the United
     States, 3846; Marcet J., Conversations on
     Chemistry, 837; Maskelyne, N., Tables
     requisite, 3811; Moore, J. J., Mariner's
     Dictionary, 4872; New Testament, 1490;
     Playfair, Wm., Commercial and political
     atlas, 2942, V, 2942; Stephens, A.,
     History of the Wars, 430; Wilson, Sir R. T.,
     History of the British Expedition to Egypt,
    Correspondence exclusive of the foregoing:
     Ancient history, I, I; Baxter, J., History
     of England, 405; Destutt de Tracy, 1239,
     2327; Duane's financial embarrassments,
     2327; Duane's indictment under the Alien
     and Sedition Act, 544; English history,
     I, 139; Franklin's Works, 4931; Hume's
     History, 370; Jefferson's Proceedings of the Govern-
     ment (Batture Case), 3501; Komarzewski,
     Coup d'Oeil, 256; Lacretelle, Discours,
     2362; McMahon, B., 810; Magdalena,
     J. B., Correspondence, 2425; Miranda's
     expedition, 4160; Montesquieu's Spirit
     of Laws, 2325; Neef, J., Plan of education,
     1112; Say, J. B., Economie Politique, 3547;
     Williams, D., Lectures, 2326; see also
     544, 4086
Duane, William John, Law of Nations, 3377
Du Barri, Marie Jean Becu, 209
Du Bartas, Guillaume de Saluste, Deuine Weekes
  and Workes Translated, 4320
Dublin pirated editions: Ambler, Charles, 1758;
  Blackstone, Sir William, 2081; Brown, Wil-
  liam, 1757; Bruce, James, 3958; Buller,
  Sir Francis, 1974; Burrow, Sir James, 2085;
  Cambridge, Richard Owen, 305; Durnford,
  Charles, 2087; Enfield, William, 1337; Foster,
  Sir Michael, 1950; Goldsmith, Oliver, 399;
  Hinde, Robert, 1737; Homer, 4278; Ray-
  mond, Robert, 2077; Reeves, John, 3612;
  Salkeld, William, 2073; Strange, Sir John,
  2083; Vesey, Francis, 1756; Walter, Richard,
  3830; Williams, Wm. Peere, 1750; Wilson,
  George, 2086
   Ordered by Jefferson but not obtained:
    Atkyns, John Tracy, 1754; Barnes, Henry,
    1920; Home, Henry (Ld. Kames), 1716;
    Precedents in Chancery, 1748
Dubois, Voyages faits par le Sieur D. B. aux Isles
Dauphine ou Madagascar, 3955
Du Bois, Nicolas, 4175
Dubos, Jean Baptiste, Reflexions critiques sur la
  Poesie et sur la Peinture, 4696
Du Buat, Pierre Louis Georges, Principes d'Hy-
  draulique, 3743
Dubucq, Jean Baptiste: Le Pour et le Contre, 2531;
  Lettres critiques et politiques, 2529; Reponse au
  Contradicteur, 2535
   Books attributed to: Ligne de demarcation,
    2537; Precis pour les grands proprietaires,
    2536; Reflexions d'un Viellard, 2534; Re-
    flexions sur le commerce, 2538
Dubuisson, Captain, 1441
Dubuisson, Paul Ulric, Lettres critiques et politiques,
Duchene, Pere, 2650; 2659
Ducrest, Charles Louis, Marquis de, Memoire
  contre M. D'Orleans, 2287
Ductor Historicus, 131
Du Degre de Certitude de la Medicine, 861
Dudgeon, William, Philosophical Works, 1285
Du Fay, Michael, 4456
Dufief, Nicolas Gouin: Logic of Facts, 3425; Na-
  ture Displayed, 4819; New Universal and Pro-
  nouncing Dictionary, 4822
    Books obtained or ordered by Jefferson from
      Dufief: Adams, G., Astronomical Essays,
      3797; American Brewer and Malster, 1206;
      Athenaeus, Dipnosophistarum (Franklin's
      copy), 42; Belsham, Memoirs of T. Lind-
      say, 1661; Brown, T., Account of the Shakers,
      1707; Carnot, L. N. M., Reponse, 235;
      Chaptal, J. A. C., Elemens de Chymie, 831,
      V, 831; Chronologist of the Present War, 151;
      Cuvier, Lecons d'Anatomie, 999; Cuvier,
      Tableau elementaire, 1020; Derham, W.,
      Physico and Astro Theology, (Franklin's
      copy), 3727; Dumouriez, Memoires, 233;
      Errard and Freart de Chambray, Parallele
      d'Architecture, 4216; Freret, N., Lettre de
      Trasibule (MS. from Franklin's library),
      1291; Geoponica Bassi, 690; Gurtler, N.,
      Novum Lexicon, 4740; Hardie, American
      Remembrancer, 152; Helvetius, Oeuvres, 1242;
      Holbach, Bon Sens, 1292; Homer, 4267;
      La Place, Exposition du Systeme du Monde,
      3801; Livius, Historiarum, 52, 54; Lucretius,
      4461; Lysias, 4664; Massillon, J. B., Ser-
      mons, 1571; Meyer, F. J. L., Fragments sur
      Paris, 3895; Miscellanies on America (from
      Franklin's library), 3056-3068; Newton,
      Sir I., Principia, 3720; Paradis de Ray-
      mondis, Traite elementaire de Morale, 1249;
      Parliamentary or constitutional history of Eng-
      land, 2925; Philostratus (Franklin's copy),
      1336; Priestley, J., Doctrines, 1528;
      Priestley, Harmony of the Evangelists, 1492;
      Priestley, History of early opinions, 1527;
      Priestley, Institutes, 1524; Rabaut Saint
      Etienne, Impartial History, 229; Ramsay,
      Allen, Thoughts on the origin and nature of
      government (Franklin's copy), 3073; Re-
      membrancer, 3070; Roland de la Platiere,
      Appel, 236; Seneca, 1324; Tacitus, 80;
      Tull, J., Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, 701;
      Wheelock, M., Reflections, (Franklin's
      copy), 3072; Young, A., Rural Oeconomy,
      705; Young, Travels, 744
    Correspondence with Jefferson on books
      not in the foregoing list: Barton, Wm.,
      529; Becourt, Regnault de, 4930; Coiffier
      de Verseux, 148; Demosthenes, 4664;
      Dufief's Dictionary, 4822; Dufief's Nature
      Displayed, 4819; freedom of religion, 2424;
      Homer, 4267, 4270; Simpson, T., 3677
Dufour of Amsterdam, Books bought or ordered
  from: Aristotle, 1014; Connoissance des Temps,
  3808; Gerard de Rayneval, 1444; Krafft and
  Ransonnette, 4214; Landon, 4244; Linnaeus,
  1017; Lucretius, 4461; Map of the Gulf of
  Mexico, 3858; Michaux, 1084; Plinius, 1013;
  Prony, 3744, 3746
Du Fresne, Charles, Sieur Du Cange, Glossarium
  ad Scriptores Mediae & Infirmae Graecitatis, 4775
Dugard, William: Lexicon Graeci Testamenti
  Alphabeticum, 4763; Rhetorices Elementa, 4650
Dugdale, Sir William: Baronage of England, 412;
  Origines juridiciales, 2726
Dugnani, Count, Correspondence (American
  Phil. Soc. Transactions), 3753
Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, General History of
  China, 311
Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis: Avis pour
  transport par mer des arbres, 675; Histoire d'un
  Insecte qui devore les Grains de l'Angoumois, 738;
  Practical Treatise of Husbandry, 704; Traite de
  la Conservation des Grains, 737
Dujat, Jean, 52
Duke, George, Law of Charitable Uses, 1723
Duker, Karl Andreas, 14, 15
Dulany, Daniel: Observations on the part of the
  United States, 3530; Right to the tonnage, the
  duty of twelve pence per hogshead on all exported
  tobacco, 3051
Dulaure, Jacques Antoine, Nouvelle Description
  des Curiosites de Paris, 3885
Dumas, Charles Guillaume Frederic, 3926
Dumas, Charles Wilhelm Frederic, Correspond-
  ence with Jefferson: Gazette de Leyde, 164;
  Notes on Virginia, 4167; Turgot, 217
Dumas, Jean, Traite du suicide, 1632
Dumont, Jean, Nouveau recueil de Traitez, 1433
Dumont de Courset, G. L. M., Botaniste cultiva-
  teur, 1082; Meteorologie des cultivateurs, 653
Dumont de Montigny, L. F. B., Memoires His-
 toriques sur la Louisiane, 4069
Dumouriez, Charles Francois Duperrier:
  Memoires, 233; Pieces relative a la prise de Mons,
  2631; translator, Meyer, J. F. L., 3895
Dunbar, William, Letters from Jefferson: Davis,
  3389; Du Buat, 3743; Montucla 3694
Duncan, Andrew, 865
Duncombe, John, 89
Dunlap, John: Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser,
  545, 593; Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet, 564
Dunmore, Lord. See Murray, John, Earl of
Dupaty, Charles M. J. B. M.: Memoire justificatif
  pour trois Hommes condamnes a la Roue, 2272;
  Reponse au Requisitoire du II Aout 1786, 2276
Dupau, Jacques, Observations sur l'usage des
  vegetaux exotiques, 959
Duperron de Castera, Louis Adrien, Le Nouvel
  Antenor, 4332
Duponceau, Peter Stephen: Memoire en forme de
  Consultation, 3494; Opinion, on the case of the
  Alluvion Land or Batture, 3497; Review of the
  cause of the New Orleans Batture, 3506; translator,
  Gerard de Rayneval, 2132
  Letters from Jefferson: Bourgoing, 3899;
  Indian vocabularies, 4736; Lewis and Clark,
Dupont de Bigorre, P. C. F., Bases de la Constitu-
  tion Francaise, 3644
Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel: A messieurs
  de la Societe d'Emulation de Londres, 3551; Corps
  Legislatif. Conseil des anciens. Opinion de Du
  Pont (de Nemours), 2674; Idees sur les secours a
  donner aux pauvres malades, 2386; Irenee Bonfils,
  1704; Lettre a la Chambre du Commerce de Norman-
  die, 3617; Memoires sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de
  M. Turgot, 216; Observations sommaires et preuves
  sur le navire le New-Jersey, 2687; Pacte de famille,
  2579; Philosophie de l'Univers, 1264; Proces-verbal
  de l'Assemblee Baillivale de Nemours, 2524;
  Quelques Memoires sur Differens Sujets, 3749;
  Reflexions sur l'ecrit intitule: Richesse de l'Etat,
  2433; editor, Oeuvres de Turgot, 2436; ascribes
  Destutt de Tracy's Review to Jefferson and
  translates it, III, 9; disciple of Quesnay, 2370;
  Jefferson's Opinion of, 216, 1264
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Constitution
    of Spain, 2424; Dustutt de Tracy, 2327;
    his edition of Turgot's works, 2436;
    Memoires sur differents sujets, 3749; pam-
    phlets, 1705; Idees sur pauvres malades, 2386;
    Philosophie de l'Univers, 1264; Turgot's
    works, 2382; note on, 216
Duport, James, translator: Book of Job, 1475;
  Liturgia Anglicana, 1508; Psalms of David, 4399
Dupuys, Charles Francois, 1296, 3796
Duquesnoy, Adrien, 2599
Durand, David, 369
Duration of human life, Observations on, 667
Durnford, Charles, Reports of Cases, 2087
Du Rollet, Francois-Louis G. Le B. Bailli,
  Iphigenie en Aulide, 4562
Durret, Voyage de Marseille a Lima, 4136
Du Ryer, Pierre, translator: Curtius Rufus,
  Quintus, 29; Strada, Famianus, 286, 287
Dutens, Louis, Itineraire des Routes les Plus
  Frequentees, 3869
Du Tertre, Jean Baptiste, 4152
  Du Vernet, Theophile Imarigeon, Vie de Vol-
  taire, 211
Dwight, Jasper, of Vermont, pseud., Duane,
  William, 3192
Dwight, Timothy, Conquest of Canaan, 4304
Dyeing, 1191
Dynamometre, Description et usage, 1106
Dynasties du Second Livre de Manethon, 2


Eadmer, Historiae Novorum, 336
Eales, Mary, Compleat Confectioner, 1194
East, Sir Edward Hyde, Reports of Cases (with
  Durnford), 2087
East Lothian, 756
Eaton, Daniel Isaac, publisher: Barlow, 2846;
  Barlow, 2845; British Cato, 2843, 2847;
  Letter from a Rt. Hon. Aristocrat, 2839; Letter
  to Fox, 2840; Letters on men, 2837; Phil-
  anthropist, 2850; Political Classics, 2338; Politics
  for the People, 2844; Thomas, 2842; note on,
  V, 2837
Eaton, Dorothy, 1823
Ecclesiasticae Historiae, Libri XVIII, 605
Ecclesiastical History, Antient and Modern, 621
Ecclesiastical Law, 2151
Ecclesiastical laws, Collection of, 2144
Echard, Laurence, Classical Geographical Dic-
  tionary, 3821
Ecole centrale du Pantheon, 1444
Ecole d'Architecture rurale, 1177
Ecole de Mars, 1156
Economica, 3540
Economie rurale, 773
Economy of Human Life, 1346
Eddowes, Ralph: Constitution of the first Society of
  Unitarian Christians, 1699; Right, Duty and
  Importance, of Free Inquiry in Matters of Religion,
  1698; see also 1489
Eddy, Thomas, Account of the State Prison or peni-
  tentiary house, in the City of New York, 2365
Eddystone Lighthouse, Building of, 4213
Eden, William, Baron Auckland: History of New
  Holland, 3944; On Irish Affairs, 2800
Edgar, William, Vectigalium Systema: or, a New
  Book of Rates, 3613
Edgerton, Sir Thomas: Observations on the Lord
  Coke's Reports, 2014; Speech touching the Post-
  Nati, 2013
Edifices antiques de Rome, 4198
Edinburgh New Dispensatory, 865
Edinburgh Review: Edinburgh (1806), 2811;
  New York (1802-1814), 4733; Jefferson's
  opinion of, 2811, 2327, 3501, 4733
Edit du Roi concernant ceux qui ne font pas profession
  de la Religion Catholique, 2320
Edit du Roi portant creation d'Assemblees Provin-
  ciales, 2317
Edit du Roi portant suppression du Droit d'Ancrage
  sur les Navires Francois, 2319
Education, 1107-1126
Edwards, Bryan, History, Civil and commercial, of
  the British colonies in the West Indies, 4153
Edwards, James L., 557, V, 557
Edwards, Jonathan, Observations on the Language
  of the Muhhekaneew Indians, 4050
Edwards, Pierpont, 2160, V, 2160
Edwards, Richard, 410
Effects of Slavery, 2817
Effets du blocus continental sur le commerce des Isles
  Britanniques, 3251
Egypt, Commission des Arts, 686
Eidous, Marc-Antoine, translator: Gumilla,
  4082; Hasselquist, 3924
Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre written by
  Thucydides, 16
Eight Centuries of Reports, 2037
Eikon Basilike, 359
Eiodus, Marc A., 3924
Eirenarcha, 1964
Eleanora of Arborea, Carta de Logu, 2213
El Enbaxador, 1423
Election of President, 3410
Electricite sur les vegetaux, 666
Elegio d'Amerigo Vespucci, 4163
Elemens d'Histoire Generale, premiere partie, 126;
  seconde partie, 154
Elemens d'histoire naturelle et de chimie, 840
Elemens d'Ideologie, 1239
Elemens de Chymie, 831
Elemens de Legislation naturelle, 1445
Elemens de l'Histoire de France, 189
Elementa Geometriae, 3701
Elementa Jurisprudentiae, 2207
Elementa Linguae Graecae, 4756
Elementa philosophica de Cive, 2388
Elementa Rhetorica, 4649
Elementary or Fundamental Principles of the Philosophy
  of Natural History, 1009
  Elementi di Architettura, 4202
Elementi di Architettura Civile, 4201
Elements de Pharmacie theorique et pratique, 870
Elements de l'Art de Teinture, 1191
Elements of agriculture and vegetation, 712
Elements of Algebra, 3761
Elements of Botany, 1061
Elements of Botany (MS.), 676
Elements of Conchology, 1091
Elements of Criticism, 4699
Elements of Euclid, 3702
Elements of Geometry, 3711
Elements of Life, 981
Elements of Medicine, 897
Elements of Natural Philosophy, 3732
Elements of Physical and Geometrical Astronomy, 3794
Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals, 825
Elements of the Civil Law, 2209
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 1244
Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionensium, 331
Elevators, Jefferson on, 3682, 3738, 3946
Ellery, Christopher, 3300, V, 3300
Ellicott, Andrew: Astronomical, and Thermomet-
  rical Observations, 657; Journal, 4086; Several
  Methods by which meridianal lines may be found,
  3779; pamphlet wrongly ascribed to by
  Jefferson, 4043; Churchman asks Jefferson
  for information concerning, 669
   Correspondence with Jefferson: astronomical
    observations, 657; exploration of the
    Mississippi, 4086; geography of America,
    IV, 159; Joseph Izarn, 648; his Journal,
    4086; maps, 3852
Ellis, John (1698-1790), Canto added by Maphhaeus
  to Virgil's Twelve Books of Aeneas, 4284
Ellis, John (1710-1776), Natural History of many
  Curious and Uncommon Zoophytes, 1037
Ellis, William, London and Country Brewer, 1204
Ellis, William, Authentic Narrative of a Voyage
  performed by Captain Cook, 3939
Ellis, William, translator, Aristotle. A Treatise
  on Government, 2357, V, 2357
Ellys, Anthony, Tracts on the liberty of Protestants
  in England, 2715
Eloge de l'Imperatrice reine Marie-Therese, 277
Eloge de la Folie, 4510
Eloge de M. Franklin, 519
Eloge de M. le comte de Vergennes, 517
Eloge historique de M. de La Lande, 428
Eloge historique de l'abbe de Mably, 226
Elphinstone, Arthur, Baron Balmerino, Trial
  of, 1958
Elstob, Elizabeth, Rudiments of Grammar for the
English-Saxon Tongue, 4861; see also 4865
Elsynge, Henry, Opinions of several learned
  antiquaries, 2880
Elwall, Edward, 1578
Elwyn, Thomas, Letter to a Federalist, 3324
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 4794
Embargo: Act to enforce and make more effectual an
  act, entitled "An act laying an Embargo on all
  ships and vessels," 3448; Laws relative to the
Embargo, 3448
Embargo, Pamphlets against: Address to the
  people of the U. States, 3451; Pickering, Timothy,
Embargo, Pamphlets in favor of: Caines,
  Clement, 3382; Constitutionality of Embargo
  Laws, 3391, 3392; Granger, Gideon, 3462;
  Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 3463; Jackson, John
  George, 3374; Reply of the Majority, 3456;
  Resolutions of the Democratic Meeting, 3449;
  Resolutions of the Republican Citizens, 3461;
  Review of political affairs, 3453; Russell,
  Jonathan, 3455; Some Remarks and Extracts,
  3452; Truth without Guile, 3454
Embargo, Repeal of: Anderson, Joseph, 3460;
  Giles, W. B., 3457; Giles, W. B., 3458; Smith,
  Samuel, 3459; see also Philadelphia Prices Cur-
  rent, 598; Story, Joseph, 2156
Emerigon, Balthazard Marie, Nouveau Com-
  mentaire sur l'Ordonnance de la Marine, 2221
Emerson, William: Doctrine of Fluxions, 3678;
  Treatise of Algebra, 3672; editor, Sir Isaac
  Newton, 3721; Fluxions used by Jefferson in
  connection with Mould Board of Least
  Resistance, 3678
Emerson, William (1769-1811), Sermon delivered
  after death of Mr Charles Austin, 1694
Emigration, De l', 2567
Eminent Reporter, i. e. Sampson, William, 3409
Emlyn, Sollom, editor: Hale, Sir Matthew,
  1946; State Trials, 1951
Emmet, John P., I, 496, V, 496
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 440, V, 440
Encore une fois, rendez-nous nos dix-huit francs, 3657
Encyclopaedia; or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and
  Miscellaneous Literature, 4891
Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889, V, 4889
Encyclopedie Methodique. Commerce. Tome III,
  3579; see also 2950
Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences,
  des Arts et des Metiers, 4890
Enfield, William, History of Philosophy, 1337
English, George Bethune: Grounds of Christianity
  examined, 1708; Letter to the Reverend Mr. Cary,
  1710; see also 1709
English Grammar (1712), 4844
English Grammar (1811), 4851
English Historical Library, 4724
English language, Jefferson on, 4828
English Lawyer, 1913
English Liberties (1680), 2703; (1719), 2702
English Pilot, 3966
English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-Day of St.
Gregory, 4865
Englishman's right, 2794
  Enquirer, The (1797), 2360
Enquirer, The (1809-14), 575
Enquiries into the necessity or expedience of assuming
  exclusive legislation over the District of Columbia,
  3255, V, 3255
Enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties,
  and literature of the Negroes, 1399
Enquiry concerning the Liberty and Licentiousness of
  the Press, 3533
Enquiry how far the restrictions laid upon the trade
  of Ireland, 2801
Enquiry into and Observations upon the Causes and
  Effects of the Epidemic Disease, 684
Enquiry into the foundation and history of the law
  of nations, 1430
Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer, 30
  Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, 1245
Enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal
  statutes, 2901
Enquiry into the principles and tendency of certain
  public measures, 3175
Enquiry into the Principles on which a Commercial
  System for the US should be founded, 3623, 3625
Enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great
  Britain, 2760
Enquiry into the State of the Union of Great Britain,
Enquiry whether the Act of Congress [the Sedition
  Bill] is unconstitutional or not, 3206
Entendons-nous, ou le radotage du vieux notaire, 2430
Entick, John, General History of the late War, 397
Entresol Club, 1241, V, 1241
Entretiens de l'Autre Monde, 3892
Entretiens de Phocion, 2392
Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes, 3782
Entretiens sur les Vies et sur les Ouvrages des plus
  excellens Peintres, 4248
Entring Clerk's Vade Mecum, 1926
Epaminondas, i. e. Woodward, A. B., 3256,
  3257, 3258, 3465
Ephemerides astronomicae Anni 1779 ad Meridianum
  Mediolanensem, 655
Ephemerides d'un citoyen, 2371
Ephemerides Societatis Meterologicae Palatinae, 654
Ephemeris Parliamentaris, 2924
Epicoene: or, The Silent Woman, 4605
Epictetus: All the Works, 1301; Encheiridion
  (1595), 1301; (1680), 1302; (1758), 1300;
  Manuale et Sententiae, 1299
Epicureanism, Jefferson on, 1299
Epigrammata (1701), 4496; (1633), 4497
Epigrammatum Delectus, 4501
Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, 1696
Epistle to a Friend, on the Means of preserving Health,
Epistles of Ovid translated into English Prose, 4387
Epistles to Articus, 4635
Epistola Critica in Apollodorum ad Chr. Gottl. Heyne,
Epistolae ad Pisones, 4478
Epistolae, 4624
Epistolae Apollonii Tyanei, 4626
Epistolae et Panegyricus (1653), 4630; (Lat. and
  French, 1750), 4631
Epistole Oudij cum comento, 4389
Epitome de l'Histoire Romaine, 63
Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental i Occidental, 4095
Epitome de las Historias Portuguesas, 184
Epoques de la Nature, 637
Eppes, Francis: Letters from Jefferson: Ld.
  Bolingbroke, 1265; Catesby, 1027; Thomas
  Paine, 3112; note on V, 1265; see also 3681
Eppes, James, 1827
Eppes, John Wayles, Books with his autograph
  signature: Ambler, 1758; Barnes, 1920; Black-
  stone, 2081; Brown, 1757; Buller, 1974;
  Douglas, 2082; Foster, 1950; Hinde, 1737;
  Palladio, 4215; Precedents, 1748; Raymond,
  2077; Salkeld, 2073; Strange, 2083; Vesey,
  1756; Williams, 1750; Wilson, 2086
   Letters from Jefferson: Bezout, 3681; Binns,
     721; Monroe, 3524; oratory, 4669
Eppes family, Autograph signatures of, 1617
Erasmus, Desiderius: Adagorium Epitome, 1363;
  Colloquia, 4622; Eloge de la Folie, 4510; editor,
  Novum Testamentum, 1484
Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonso de, La Araucana, 4342
Ernesti, Johann Augusti, editor: Ammianus
  Marcellinus, 93; Hederich, Benjamin, 4762;
  Polybius, 51
Eroticas y Traduccion de Boecio, 4420
Erpenius, Thomas, Rudimenta Linguae Arabicae,
Errard, Charles, Parallele de l'Architecture Antique
  avec la Moderne, 4216
Erskine, David Steuart, Earl of Buchan: Address
  to the Americans at Edinburgh on Washington's
  Birth-Day, 3403; Essays on the Lives and Writings
  of Fletcher of Saltounn, 437
Erskine, John Francis, General View of the agricul-
  ture of the county of Clackmannan, 754
Erskine, Thomas, Baron: Retrospect of the Portraits
  lately delineated in the Short Review, 2778; View of
  the causes and consequences of the present war with
  France, 2833
Erving, George W., 794, V, 794
Eschenbach, A. C., 4391
Escolmiers, 2578
Espagnac, Comte de, Memoire pour, 2285
Esperienze intorno a Diverse Cose Naturali, 1033
Espion Anglois, 3891
Espion Chinois, 3888
Espion du boulevard du Temple, 3893
Esprit de l'Histoire Generale de l'Europe, 162
Esprit des Lois Romaines, 2204
Esprit des Religions, 1361
Esquisse d'un Tableau historique des Progres de
  l'Esprit Humain, 1247
Essai analytique sur l'air pur, 846
Essai de Geologie, 640
Essai generale d'Education physique, 1108
Essai Historique et Chronologique, 122
Essai historique et critique sur la Revolution Francaise,
Essai ou Discours historique et critique sur les
  Decouvertes faites en Anatomie, 1002
Essai preliminaire sur les monnoies, 3580
Essai sur differentes especes d'air-fixe, 845
Essai sur l'administration de St. Domingue, 2530
Essai sur l'Application de l'Analyse a la Probabilite
  des Decisions rendues a la Pluralite des Voix, 3685
Essai sur l'avantage des richesses fictives, 2866
Essai sur la constitution et les fonctions des Assembles
  Provinciales, 2441
Essai sur le Caractere et les moeurs des Francois, 3887
Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes,
Essai sur les Colonies Francaises, 2539
Essai sur les Etats-Unis, 2950
Essai sur l'Histoire Generale des Mathematiques, 3695
Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner les arts econo-
  miques en France, 777
Essais de Geographie, de Politique, et d'Histoire sur
  les Possessions de l'Empereur des Tures en Europe,
Essais de Michel de Montaigne, 1341
Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo-
  Americains, 450
Essais politique sur l'etat actuel de quelques puissances,
Essay concerning Human Understanding, 1362
Essay, containing a few strictures on the Union of
Scotland with England, 2980
Essay on Credit, 3036
Essay on Crimes and Punishments, 2349
Essay on design in gardening, 4698
Essay on government, 2339
Essay on Longevity, 985
Essay on naval establishments, 3268
Essay on ophthalmia, 982
Essay on republican principles, 2791
Essay on Sheep, 796
Essay on the actual resources for reestablishing the
  finances of Great Britain, 2945
Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages which
  respectively attend France and Great Britain with
  regard to trade, 3566
Essay on the best system of liberal education, 1114
Essay on the causes of the decline of the Foreign
  Trade, 3567
Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion
  and Figure in the Human Species, 1010
Essay on the character, manners and genius of women,
Essay on the Composition and Manner of writing
  of the Antients, 4704
Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great-Britain
  over the Colonies in America, 3086
Essay on the first principles of government, 2332
Essay on the history of civil society, 2348
Essay on the human character of Jesus Christ, 1505
Essay on the Law of Bailments, 1982
Essay on the Liberty of the Press, 2022
Essay on the Manufacturing Interest of the United
  States 3309
Essay on the nature and principles of public credit, 2947
Essay on the Origin, Antiquity of the Scots and Irish
  Nations, 426
Essay on the principle of population, 2938
Essay on the Theory of painting, 4236
Essay on the treatment of African slaves, 1377
Essay on the treatment of the gout, 936
Essay on the truth of Physiognomy, 989
Essay on the vermilion colour of the blood, 687
Essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear, 4711
Essay on Vision, 3748
Essay towards a general history of Feudal Property
  in Great Britain, 2005
Essay towards a Rational System of Music, 4250
Essay towards a System of Mineralogy, 1090
Essay towards the settlement of a national credit, 2769
Essay upon Prints, 4235
Essays and Notes on Husbandry, 708
Essays, Mathematical and Physical, 3733
Essays on Capital Punishments, 3402
Essays on Poetical and Prosaic Numbers, 4656
Essays on the Lives and writings of Fletcher of
  Saltoun, 437
Essays on the Principles of Morality, 1254
Essays, or Counsels, civil & moral, 1339
Essays, Political, Economical and Philosophical, 1182
Essays upon several subjects concerning British An-
  tiquities, 2007
Essays up several Subjects in Prose and Verse, 1356
Estat present de l'Empire de Maroc, 317
Este, Charles, editor, Carmina Quadragesimalia,
Estienne family, 146
Estienne, Charles: Dictionarium Historicum Geo-
  graphicum, Poeticum, 141; Maison Rustique, 694
Estienne, Henri: Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 4760;
  editor, Conciones, 4670; Dio Cassius, 77;
  Diodorus Siculus, 37; Homer, 4266; Orpheus,
  4391; Plato, 1311; Plutarch, 69; Thucydides,
Estienne, Robert: Dictionarium, seu Latinae Lin-
  guae Thesaurus, 4793; editor, Biblia, 1465;
  Juvenal, 4484
Estimate of the manners and principles of the times,
Estimate of the Temperature of different Latitudes, 650
Etat actuel de la Grande-Bretagne, 2851
Etat de la France, present et a venir, 2543
Etat des Cours de l'Europe, 2409
  Etat des Etoiles fixes au second Siecle, 3798
Etat des Finances de Saint-Domingue, 2548
Etat des royaumes de Barbare, Tripoly, Tunis, et
  Alger, 321
Etat et tarif des droits, 3599
Etats Generaux, Tracts on, 2500-2522
Etats-Generaux convoques par Louis XVI, 2510
Ethices Compendium, 1250
Ethics, Jefferson's system of, II, 1
Etienne, Jean d', Memoire sur la Decouverte d'un
  Ciment impenetrable a l'Eau, 4204
Eton College, Books for the use of: Aesop, 4365;
  Anthologia Graeca, 4499; Demosthenes, 4661;
  Graece Grammatices, 4751; Johnson, 4498;
  Nicole, 4501
Eton printing: Aesop, 4365; Demosthenes, 4661;
  Graecae Grammatices Rudimenta, 4751
Etude de l'histoire, 2394
Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, 4873
Etymologicum Linguae Latinae, 4792
Etymologicum Magnum, 4759
Euclid: Elementorum Geometricorum, 4744; Ele-
  ments, 3702
Eudoxe, 1123
Eugenia: a Tragedy, 4551
Eugenius Bulgaris, Orthodoxia homologia, 1514
Euler, Leonhard, Lettres a une Princesse d'Alle-
  magne, sur questions de Physique et de Philosophie,
Eulogium in Honor of the late Dr William Cullen, 523
Eulogium intended to perpetuate the memory of David
Rittenhouse, 680
Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, 520
Eulogium on Marcus Aurelius, 425
Eulogiums on Washington, V, 29
Eulogy illustrative of the Life and commemorative of
  the Beneficence of the late Hon. James Bowdoin, 524
Eulogy on the Illustrious George Washington, 3276
Eunapius, 32
Euodia: or, a Discourse on Causes and Cures, 887
Euripides: Iphigenia in Aulide: et Iphigenia in
  Tauris, 4529; Medea et Phoenissae, 4526;
  Tragoediae XIX, 4528; Tragoediae Fragmenta
Epistolae, 4527; Tragedies, 4530; see also 4531
European Pamphlets (1794-1805), 2852-2868
Eusebius Pamphilius: Ecclesiasticae Historiae, 606,
  609; Evangelicae Praeparationis, 1593
Eustis, William, Dr.: Prescribes for Jefferson,
  903; signs resolutions on the Embargo, 3461;
  note on, V, 903
Eutropius, Breviarium Historiae Romanae, 91
Evangelium Infantiae, 4745
Evans, Lewis, General Map of the Middle British
  Colonies in America, 3850
Evans, Oliver: Young Mill-Wright & Miller's
  Guide, 1180; Jefferson on his invention of the
  elevator, 3738, 3744, 3946, 4173; mentioned
  by La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, 4016
Evelyn, John: Sylva, 793; Terra, 742
Ever, Samson, Doctrina Placitandi, 1902
Everett, Edward, 1239, V, 1239
Every Man his own broker, 3573
Every Man his own gardener, 803
Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred
  against the Duke of Yorke, 409
Evidence at large respecting Dr Jenner's discovery of
  Vaccine Inoculation, 954
Evidence for a future period of improvement, 1577
Evidence of our Transactions in the East Indies, 306
Ewell, Thomas: Plain Discourses on the laws or
  properties of matter, 833
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Adet's work,
    834; Bell's Surgery, 858; his own chemistry,
    833; Kirwan's manures, 716; Penington's
Essays, 847; yellow fever, 978
Exact Abridgment of all the Public Acts of Assembly,
  of Virginia (1737), 1871; (1759), 1872
Exact abridgment of all the statutes in force, 1819
Exact abridgment of all the statutes of K. William and
  Queen Mary, 1820
Exact abridgment of the records in the Tower of London, 2727
Exact Pleader, 1898
Examen critique des Voyages dans l'Amerique
  Septentrionale de M. le Marquis de Chastellux, 4039
Examen de la liberte originaire de Venise, 2412
Examen de la Sentence rendue dans la cause entre
  Jean Gravier et la ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans, 3483
Examen des Droits des Etats-Unis et des pretensions
  de M. Edouard Livingston sur la Batture, 3477
Examen du livre intitule Considerations sur la Guerre
  actuelle des Turcs, 303
Examinations into the leading Principles of the Federal
  Constitution, 3014
Examination of Col. Aaron Burr, 3434
Examination of Joseph Galloway, 3134
Examination of Mr Warburton's account, 1599
Examination of the British Doctrine, 2116
Examination of the Claim of the United States and
  of the pretensions of Edward Livingston, to the
  Batture, 3478, 3480
Examination of the Connecticut Claim to lands in
  Pennsylvania, 3143
Examination of the judgment rendered in the cause
  between Jean Gravier and the City of New Orleans,
Examination of the Memorial of the Owners and
  Underwriters of the American Ship the New Jersey,
Examination of the Question, who is the writer of two
  forged Letters, 3300
Examination of the Scheme of Church-Power, 2137
Examination of the Title to the United States to the
  Land called the Batture, 3496
Examination of the various Charges exhibited against
  Aaron Burr, 3446
Examinis Concilii Tridentini, 1533
Excellencie of a Free State, 2331
Excise anatomiz'd, 2961
Excise: being a collection of letters, 2965
Excise tracts, 2958-2978
Excise, Jefferson's definition of, III, 206
Exclusion Bill, 2929, 2930
Excursion into Bethlehem & Nazareth in Pennsyl-
  vania, 4012
Exercitatio Anatomica, 901
Expedicion de los Catalanes y Aragoneses contro
  Turcos y Griegos, 177
Expeditio Alex. Magni (1575), 24; (1757), 25
Expeditio Cyri, 19
Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, 20
Experienced Farmer, 703
Experiences sur les Vegetaux, 829
Experimental Essays, 923
Experimental Husbandman and Gardener, 698
Experiments and observations in urinary and intestinal
  calculi, 850
Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat, 842
Experiments and observations on electricity, 631
Experiments upon the Human Bile, 925
  Explanation of a steam engine, 1217
Explanation of the Magnetic Atlas, 669
Explanation of the Map which delineates that part of
  the Federal Lands comprehended between Pennsyl-
  vania West Line...and Lake Erie, 4041
Explanatory pronouncing Dictionary of the French
  Language, 4831

Explication des Lois criminelles du Territoire d'Or-
  leans, 2177
Explication du Systeme botanique du Chev. Von Linne,
Explication du Table economique, 2371
Expose de la conduite de M. Mounier, 2569
Exposition des motifs d'apres lesquels l'Assemblee
  Nationale a proclame la convocation d'une conven-
  tion nationale, 2637
Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 3801
Exposition of Christian Doctrine, 1546
Exposition of some Facts, 3422
Exposition of the Practices and Machinations which
  led to the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, 3367
Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, 1641
Exquemelin, Alexandre Olivier, Histoire des Aven-
  turiers Filibustiers, 3987
Extract from the Account of East Florida published by
  Dr. Stork, 4037
Extract of a Letter from the Secretary of State, to Mr
  Monroe, relative to Impressments, 3536
Extracts, From Locke's Essay on the Human Under-
  standing and other Writers, 3320
Extracts from a Letter written by a Gentleman who had
  explored Kentucky (MS.), 3510
Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly of
  the Presbyterian Church, in the United States, 1670
Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American
  Continental Congress, 3094
Extrait des registres des deliberations du Club National
  seant aux Jacobins a Bordeaux, 2601
Extrait des registres du Parlement de Franche-Comte,
Extrait du droit public de la France, 2426
Eyes opened, or the Carolinians convinced, 3181
Eymar, Ange Marie, Quelques reflexions sur la
  nouvelle division du Royaume, 2573
Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit, 646


F., G.: Clerks Assistant, 1928; Touchstone of Prece-
  dents, 1924
Fabbroni, Adamo: Dell' Arte di fare il vino, 1210;
  Del Bombice e del Bisso degli Antichi Dissertazione,
  120; Della Farfalla Simbolo Egiziano, 119;
  Dissertazione sopra il Quesito, 816; Istruzzioni
  elementari di Agricoltura, 770
Fabbroni, Giovanni: La Biblioteca, 2875; Dei
  Provvedimenti Annonarj, 3558
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Music, IV,
    400; Notes on Virginia, 4167; Provvedimenti
    Annonari, 3558; wine, 1210
Faber, Basil, Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae,
Faber, Richardus Redemptio, 3314
Faber, Tanaquil, 4459
Fable of the Bees, 1259
Fabre, translator, 3003
Fabrication de la Poudre a Canon, 1202
Fabrication des sirops et des Conserves de Raisins, 1200
Fabricius, Georg, 117
Fabricius, Johann Albert: Bibliotheca Latina,
  4719; editor, Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti,
  1498; Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti,
  1497; Jefferson on, 1498
Fabrot, Charles-Annibal, 2198
Fabulae aliquot Homericae de Ulixis erroribus ethice
  explicatae vertit, 4275
Facciolati, Jacopo, 4738
Facts and Observations relative to the Nature and
  Origin of the Pestilential Fever, 924
Faden, William, engraver and publisher:
  Capper, 3933; Jefferson's Notes on Virginia,
  4167; map of South America, 3857
Faiguet de Villeneuve, 2435
Fairfax, Ferdinando, Oration delivered in Charles-
  town, In Virginia, 4 July, 1805, 4691
Fairplay, Oliver, pseud., Proposals for publishing
  the private and public life of the First Consul, 3317
Falconer, William: Observations on Dr Cadogan's
  Dissertation on the Gout, 935; editor, Dobson's
  Medical Commentary on Fixed Air, 843
Falkland, Viscount, 347
Falkner, Thomas, Description des Terres Magel-
  laniques, 4143
Fall of Saguntum. A Tragedy, 4557
Fallacy detected, by the evidence of facts, 3154
False Alarm, 2758
Family Companion for Health, 907
Fanfan et Colas, 4598
Fantin des Odoards, A. E. N.: Abrege Chrono-
  logique de la Revolution de France, 232; Histoire
  Philosophique de la Revolution de France, 231
Faria e Sousa, Manuel de, Epitome de las His-
  torias Portuguesas, 184
Farmer, A. pseud., 2759, 3442
Farmer of New Jersey, pseud., 3003
Farmer's and Monitor's Letters, 3076
Farmer's Guide in hiring and stocking farms, 706
Farnaby, Thomas, editor: Juvenal and Persius,
  4485; Lucan, 4293; Martial, 4497
Farneworth, Ellis, 2353
Farquhar, George: Beaux Stratagem, a Comedy,
  4609; Works, 4587
Farrand, William P., Farrand's Premium Edition,
  Practice of the Court of Chancery by Joseph
  Harrison, 1736
Farresley, Thomas, Report of all cases determined
  by Sir John Holt, 2072
Farrier's Dispensatory, 944
Fatal Necessity: or Liberty regain'd. A Tragedy,
Father's Legacy to his Daughters, 1354
Fauchet, Claude, Opinion sur le jugement du ci-
  devant Roi, 2652
Fauchet, Jean Antoine Joseph, Joseph Fauchet,
  Minister Plenipotentiary to Mr Randolph, 3769
Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthelemy: Essai de
  Geologie, 640; Histoire Naturelle de la Montagne
  de Saint-Pierre de Maestricht, 638; Voyage en
  Angleterre, en Ecosse et aux Iles Hebrides, 3874;
  Voyage geologique a Oberstein, 658; Correspond-
  ence with Jefferson, 640; Jefferson's opinion
  of, 638
Fauna Suecica, 1018
Faure, translator, 3005
Fausse Magie, comedie en vers, 4566
Favart, Charles Simon, La Belle Arsene, Comedie-
Feerie, 4568
Favole e Novelle del Dot. Pignotti, 4375
Favre, Claude, Seigneur de Vaugelas, 29
Fawcett, Sir William, 1147
Fawkes, Francis, 4381
Featly, Daniel, 1494
Federal Ark, 558
Federal Catechism Metamorphosed, 3314
Federal Farmer, 3020
Federal Gazette, and Philadelphia Evening Post, 540
Federal Republican, A. pseud., Desaussure,
  H. W., 3228
Federalist, The, 3021, V, 3021
Federation Nationale, Discours prononce par M.
  de La Fayette, 3635
Feild, James, 2080
Felibien, Andre, Entretiens sur les Vies et sur les
  Ouvrages des plus excellens Peintres, 4248
Felice, F. B., editor, Code de l'humanite, 1416;
  Jefferson on, V, 1416
Felicite publique, 2384
Fell, John: Allestree, 1624; Archimedes, 3704;
  Bible, 1478; Epictetus, 1302; Josephus, 6;
  Zosimus, 94; note on, V, 6
Femme Jalouse. Comedie, 4596
Fencing, 1168
Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Motte:
  Avantures de Telemaque (1712), 4306; (1795),
  4305; (Eng., 1759), 4307; Dialogues concerning
  Eloquence, 4657
Fennell, James, Description of the Principles and
  Plan of Proposed Establishments of Salt Works,
Fenno, John, publisher, Gazette of the United
  States & Daily Advertiser, 542
Fenno, John Ward, Desultory reflections on the new
  political aspects of public affairs, 3220
Fenton, Elijah, Mariamne. A Tragedy, 4559
Fenwick, Captain, 509
Fenwick, Consul des Etats-Unis, Discours, 2601
Feraud, Jean, Rapport au nom du comite de petitions
  et de correspondence, 2658
Ferguson, James: Astronomy explained upon Sir
  Isaac Newton's principles, 3793; Lectures on Select
  Subjects in Mechanics, 3735
Fermin, Philippe: Description Generale de la
  Colonie de Surinam, 4129; Histoire Naturelle de la
  Hollande Equinoxiale, 4128
Fernandez, Diego, Historia del Peru, 4132
Ferney, Soirees de, 213
Fessenden, Thomas, Theoretic Explanation of the
  science of sanctity, 1610
Feudal property in Great Britain, 2005
Feuquieres, A.M. de Pas, Marquis de: Memoires
  historiques et militaires (1735), 1152; (1750,
  1740), 1153
Few remarks on Mr Hamilton's late letter. By Caius,
Ffirth, Stubbins ,Treatise on Malignant Fever, 983
Ficino, Marsilio, translator: Plato, 1311; Plot-
  inus, 1271
Fickler, Johann Baptist, De Iure magistratuum,
Ficoroni, Francesco de', Vestigia, e rarita de Roma
  Antica ricercate, 4196
Fielding, Sarah, 1307
Fields, Joseph E., 794
Figura telluris determinata per observationes, 3803
Figure de la Terre, 3804
Fillassier, Jean Jacques, Culture de la grosse
  Asperge, 805
Filmer, Sir Robert: Observations concerning the
  original and various forms of government, 2328;
  Patriarcha, 2329
Filson, John, Histoire de Kentucke, 4030
Finch, Sir Heneage, Reports of Cases, 1742; see
  also 2039
Finch, Sir Henry, Law, or, a discourse thereof, 1778
Finch, Thomas, editor, Precedents in Chancery,
Findley, William, History of the Insurrection in the
  Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, 532
Fiorin Grass, Jefferson on, 4904
Firma burgi, 2722
First Book of Judgements, 1922
First Census (1791), 3160; (1802), 3288
First Lines of the Practice of Physic, 895
First Lines of the Practice of Surgery, 859
First report from the select committe on the cultivation
  of waste lands, 767
Fish, Samuel: Cause of Zion defended, 1614;
  Humble Address to every Christian, 1613; New
  Year's Gift to the United States, 1615
Fisher, Daniel, System of military tactics, 1146
Fisher, George, pseud., American Instructor, 1117
Fisher, Jabez, Americanus examined, 3087
Fisher, Miers, Reply to the False Reasoning in the
  "Age of Reason", 1654
Fitch, John, Original steam-boat supported, 1218
Fitz-Adam, Adam, pseud., Moore, Edward, 4514
Fitzgibbon, John, Reports of several cases, 2076
Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony, La Graunde Abridge-
  ment, 1776; see also 2023
Fitzhugh, Peregrine, Letters from Jefferson:
  Aurora, 544; Appendix to the Notes on Virginia,
  3225; note on, V, 544
Fitzosborne, Sir Thomas, pseud., Melmoth,
  William, 4703
Fitzwhylson & Potter, 4733
Five Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United
  States, 3157
Five Pieces of Runic Poetry, 4413
Fixarum Praecipuarum catalogus novus, 3799
Fleetwood, William, Relative duties of parents and
  children, 1568
Fleischer, Wilhelm, Annuaire de la Libraire, 4730
Fleischer, William: Book bought from, 658;
  introduced to Jefferson by Faujas de Saint-
Fond, 640
Fleta, 1772
Fletcher of Saltoun, Andrew, 437
Fletcher, John, 4585
Fletcher, Thomas C., 1863
Fleuriot, Jean Marie Jerome, Voyage de Figaro
  en Espagne, 3898
Flora Boreali-Americana, 1081
Flora Carolinaensis, 1076
Flora Caroliniana, 1077
Flora Lapponica, 1068
Flora Virginica, 1075
Florence, Council of, 611
Flores Historiarum per Matthaeum Westmonasteriensem
  collecti, 344
Florian, J. P. C. de, Deux Billets, Comedie, 4597
Florida: Berquin, Duvallon, 4075; Carnot, L.
  M. N., 239; Ellicott, 4086; Garcilaso de la
  Vega, 4084; Romans, 4079; Stork, 4037, 4085
Florus, Lucius Annaeus: Rerum Romanarum
  Epitome (1692), 65; (1702), 62; (Eng., 1738),
  64; (Fr.), 63
Flourens, Pierre Marie Jean, 1246, V, 1246
Flowerden, Joseph, Compendium of Physic and
  Surgery, 892
Floyer, Sir John, History of Cold Bathing, 918
Foache, Stanislaus, Reflexions sur le commerce, la
  navigation et les colonies, 2538
Foes, Anuce, 876
Foi publique envers les creanciers de L'Etat, 2455
Folkes, Martin, 1038
Folle Journee ou le Mariage de Figaro, 4594
Follie, L. G., Memoire d'un Francois qui sort de
  l'Esclavage, 225
Fonblanque, J. de G., 1720
Fontana, Felice: Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno
  della vipera, 1041; Traite sur le Venin de la
  Vipere, 919
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de: Entretiens sur
  la Pluralite des Mondes, 3782; Histoire des
  Oracles, 604; Nouveaux Dialogues des Morts, 4620
Fontes Quatuor Iuris Civilis in unum collecti, 2201
For the Consideration of Congress, 3346
Forbes, William, Journal of the Session, 2185
Forbin, Claude, Memoires, 204
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1653
Fordyce, George, Elements of Agriculture, 712
Foreign Intercourse Bill, 3202
Forensic Eloquence, 4678
Forest Laws, 1996
Forlorn Hope (newspaper), 548
Form of Prayer used by the Dissenters in Liverpool,
Format of books, Jefferson on, 23
Formulae bene Placitandi, 1884
Formulare Anglicanum, 1934
Foronda, Valentin de: Carta sobre algunas ideas,
  2690; Carta sobre Contribuciones, 2856; Cartas
  sobre los asuntos mas exquisitos de la economia-
  politica, 3557; Cartas sobre la Policia, 2366;
  Lecciones ligeras de Chimica, 832; Logica de Con-
  dillac, puesta en dialogo, 4646; Memorias sobre la
  edificacion de hospitales, 2367; Miscelanea, 3557;
  Reflexiones sobre la memoria elemental, 2689;
  translator, Von Bielfield, 3570; letter from
  Jefferson (Miranda), 4160
Forrester, Alexander, Cases in equity during the
  time of the late Lord Chancellor Talbot, 1752
Forster, Edward, 4405
Forster, J. R., 4026
Forster, Samuel, Digest of all the laws relating to
  the customs, to trade and navigation, 2104
Forsyth, William, Treatise on the culture and man-
  agement of Fruit Trees, 808
Fortescue, Sir John: Difference between an absolute
  and limited monarchy, 2704; De Laudibus Legum
  Angliae, 1775; see also Aland, Sir John Fortescue,
  2079; Case between Sir Francis Goodwin and Sir
  John Fortescue, 2897
Fortis, Alberto, Viaggio in Dalmazia, 3913
Fossombroni, Vittorio, Memorie Idraulico-Storiche
  sopra la Val-di-Chiana, 3921
Foster, James, Sermons, 1565
Foster, John, Oration delivered in the White Meeting-
  House, Stonington-Borough, 3278
Foster, Sir Michael: Examination of the Scheme of
  Church Power, 2137; Report of some Proceedings on
  the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, 1950
Fothergill, Anthony, New inquiry into the suspen-
  sion of vital action, 965
Fothergill, John, 4029
Foulis Press books collected by Jefferson:
  Aeschines, 4671; Aeschylus, 4524; Antoninus,
  1304, 1305; Aristotle, 4692; Boethius, 1326;
  Callimachus, 4396; Cicero, Opera, 4912;
  Cicero, Tusculana, 1319; Demetrius of Phaler-
  um, 4654; Demosthenes, 4662; Epictetus,
  1300; Euclid, 3702; Fenelon, 4657; Geddes,
  4704; Guarini, 4386; Herodotus, 13; Homer,
  4262, 4267, 4270; Horace, 4474; Hutcheson,
  1238, 1256, 1257; Juvenal and Persius, 4483;
  Lucretius, 4458; Milton, 4286; Minucius,
  1332; Moor, J., 4756; More, Sir T., 2337;
  Nepos, 71; Pindar, 4395; Plato, 234; Poetae
  Latinae Minores, 4411; Sallust, 57; Sophocles,
  4521; Tasso, 4291, 4385; Theocritus, 4378;
  Theophrastus, 1303; Thucydides, 14; Tibullus
  and Propertius, 4401; Tyrtaeus, 4397; Virgil,
  4279; Xenophon, 18, 19, 22, 1307, 2355, 2356
  See also V, 13
Fountaine, Sir Andrew, 4853
Four Essays, 4502
Four Letters: correspondence between John and Samuel
  Adams, 3287
Four Letters on Interesting Subjects, 3126
Four Letters to the People on the undue influence of
  Bank Directors, 3330
Fourcroy, Antoine Francois de, Elemens d'histoire
  naturelle et de chimie, 840
Fourteen agricultural experiments to ascertain the best
  rotation of crops, 717
Fowler, Robert, 713
Fox, Charles James: History of the early part of the
  reign of James II, 375; Letter to the worthy and in-
  dependent electors of Westminster, 2829; State of
  the Negotiation, 2810
Fox, Samuel M., Trial of, 2321
Fragmenta Libri singularis regularum, 2200
Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania,
Fragments sur Paris, 3895
Francais libres a leurs freres de la Louisiane, 3244
Francais libres a leurs freres les Canadiens, 3243
France (De la) et de l'Europe, 2861
France et les Etats Unis, 3609
Francis, Philip: Eugenia: A Tragedy, 4551; Poeti-
  cal Translation of the Works of Horace, 4476
Francis, Sir Philip, People's answer to the court
  pamphlet, 2777
Francis, Richard, Maxims of Equity, 1721
Francklin, Thomas, Dissertation on Antient Trag-
  edy, 4705; translator, Tragedies of Sophocles,
Francois, Nicolas Louis, cte. de Neufchateau:
  Rapport sur le perfectionnement des Charrues, 780;
  Voyages agronomiques, 783; see also Lettres du
  lord Somerville, 781; Serres, Olivier de, 693;
  note on, 783
Francois le Fort, 252
Franklin, pseudonym Letters of Franklin on the
  conduct of the Executive, 3178
Franklin, Benjamin: Advice to such as would remove
  to America, 2567; Experiments and observations on
  electricity, 631; Historical Review of the Constitu-
  tion and Government of Pensylvania, 459; Political,
  miscellaneous and philosophical pieces, 3053; Works
  (1809), 4931
  See also: Abridgement of the Book of
  Common Prayer, 1510; American Magazine,
  526; Camus, 1136; Cicero, Cato Major,
  1321; Collection of scarce and interesting
  tracts, 2767; Condorcet, Eloge de Franklin,
   519; Convention, 2309; Coxe, T., 3623;
  Ingenhousz, 828; Nairne, 632; Paine,
  Common Sense (attributed to Franklin),
  3112; Pownall, T., 659; Rapport de l'examen
  du Magnetisme, 956; Raynal (Jefferson's
  reminiscences of Franklin), 466; Shipley,
  Jonathan, 1574; Smith, W., Eulogium on
Franklin, 520; Treaty signed by Franklin,
  2309; Whitehurst, John, 1214
  Books from Franklin's library: Athenaei
  Dipnosophistarum, 42; Derham, Wm., 3727;
  Douglas, John (with Franklin's annota-
  tions), 4729; Dupont de Nemours (gift to
  Jefferson from Franklin), 3551; Freret,
  1291; Miscellanies on America (13 tracts, 4
  with Franklin's annotations), 3056-3068;
  Parliamentary or constitutional history of
  England, 2925; Philostratus, 1336; Ramsay,
  3073; Whately (gift to Jefferson from
Franklin), 3552; Wheelock, 3072
   Correspondence with Jefferson: American
    Philosophical Society (with gift of Vol. 1
    from Franklin), 3753; Pissot's cheap re-
    prints, 101; Rochon's inventions, 3805
    Franklin Press, Books printed at: Charters of
    the Province of Pensilvania, 2163; Fisher,
    George, American Instructor, 1117
    Franklin, William Temple, Books from his
    library: Calonne, 2543; Constitution Francaise,
    2596, 2597; Declaration d'une partie, 2598;
   correspondence with Jefferson, 4931
    Fraser, Donald: Essay on the Origin, Antiquity,
    & c. of the Scots and Irish Nations, 426; History
    of Man, 1396
Fraser, John, 1077, V, 1077
Fraunce, Abraham, Lawiers Logike, 4648
Fraunces, Andrew, Appeal to the legislature of
  the United States, 3172
Freart de Chambray, Roland: Parallele de
  l'Architecture, 4216; translator, Leonardo da
  Vinci, 4237
Frederic II, King of Prussia: Oeuvres complettes,
  270; Grimoard, Tableau historique...de
Frederic le Grand, 265; Laveaux, Vie de Frederic
  II, Roi de Prusse, 264; Traits characteristiques
  et Anecdotes de Frederic II, 266; Von Birkenstock,
  D. M. Friderici II, 4445
Frederic-Guillaume II, Lettre remise a Frederic-
  Guillaume II. par Mirabeau, 2416; see also 267
Frederician Code, 2189
Free Translation of the Preface Bellendenus, 2772
Freedom of challenge, Jefferson on, I, 297
Freedom of navigation, 2134
Freedom of religion, Jefferson on, 2424
Free-Holder, 2730
Freeman, Richard, Reports of Cases in Law and
Equity, from 1670 to 1706, 1745
Freeman-Mitford. See Mitford, John Freeman
Freemasonry, 4308
Freher, Marquard, 2199
Freinshem, Johann, 28
French colonies, Tracts on, 2531-2538
French Constitution revised, 2545
French East India Company, Tracts on,
French originals of all the documents, translations
  of which accompanied the Message of the President
  of the U.S., 3221
French pamphlets, 2675-2680
French Revolution, Pamphlets on, 2606-2639
French Revolution predicted by Mably, 2402
Freneau, Peter, publisher, Carolina Gazette, 547
Freneau, Philip [Morin]: Poems written and
  published during the American Revolution, 4438;
  Poems written between the Years 1768 & 1794,
  4437; editor, The National Gazette, 543; sup-
  posed author, Probationary Odes of Jonathan
  Pindar, 4511; appointed clerk for foreign
  languages in the office of the Secretary of
  State, 543; prints Paine's Thoughts on the
  Establishment of a Mint, 3763; Shecut's Flora
  Carolinaensis dedicated to, 1076
Frere, George, Short History of Barbados, 465
Freret, Nicolas, Lettre de Trasibule a Leucippe,
  (MS.), 1291; see also 4308
Freron, Louis Stanislas, 3658
Freschot, Casimir, Compleat History of the Treaty
  of Utrecht, 1435
  Freval, C. F. G. de, Histoire Raisonnee des Dis-
  cours de M. T. Ciceron, 4672
  Frewin, Richard, Rates of Merchandize, 3614
  Frey des Landres, J. R., translator, Histoire des
  Descouvertes par divers savans Voyageurs, 3925
  Frezier, Amedee Francois,Relation du Voyage de
  la Mer du Sud, 4148
Friend of the People (newspaper), 554
Friend to Common Honesty, pseud., 3398
Friend to Truth and Justice, pseud., 3344
Friends Yearly Meeting, 1696, 1697
Frisi, Paolo, Eloge de l'Imperatrice reine Marie-
  Therese, 277
Fromentin, Eligius, 3410
Frontinus, Sextus Julius: Astutie Militari, 107;
  Strategematicon, 107
Froulle, J. F., Books bought or ordered from:
  Acosta, Historia naturel, 4096; Aeschylus, 4525;
  Alberti de Villaneuve, Dizionario, 4808; Al-
  manach Royal, 2439; Ammianus Marcellinus,
  93; Anghiera, De Orbe novo, 4099; Anville,
  Cartes, 3842; Argenson, Loisirs d'un Ministre,
  1350; Arrets, 2293-2298; Bacon, Historia
  naturalis ventorum, 651; Barbat du Closel
  d'Arnery, Abus et Dangers, 2223; Barbeyrac,
  J., Recueil de Discours, 1415; Barthelemy,
  Voyage du jeune Anacharsis, 41; Baume, Chymie
  experimentale, 839; Bibliotheque physico-economique,
  1095; Boulanger, Recherches, 1274; Bourgoing,
  Nouveau Voyage, 3899; Buffon, Histoire naturelle,
  1024; Burke, AE., on the Cincinnati, 3025;
  Bynkershoek, [Opera], 2205; Callieres, Maniere
  de negocier, 1426; Casas, B. de Las, Tratado
  coprobatorio, 4100; Catesby, Natural History
  of Carolina, 1027; Champlain, Voyage, 4003;
  Chariton, 4327; Chronicon Paschale, 105; Cicero,
  De Officiis, 1315; Cicero, Lettres a Atticus, 4633;
  Cieza de Leon, Historie del Peru, 4113; Cloots,
  Certitude des preuves de Mahometisme, 1294;
  Codex apocryphis, 1498; Codex pesudepigraphus,
  1497; Columbus, J., Fabulae, 4275; Condorcet,
  Essai sur la constitution des Assemblees Pro-
  vinciales, 2441; Condorcet, Reflexions sur l'Es-
  clavage des Negres, 1376; Condorcet, Vie de
  M. Turgot, 217; Connoissance des temps, 3808;
  Corpus juris civilis Romani, 2196; Crevecoeur,
  4020; Deluc, Idees sur la meteorologie, 652;
  Desgodets, Edifices antiques de Rome, 4198;
  Diaz del Castillo, Historia verdadera de la
  conquista, 4118; Diccionario de la lengua Castel-
  lana, 4816; Diodorus Siculus, 38; Dionysius
  of Halicarnassus, Antiquites romaines, 49; Di-
  onysius of Halicarnassus, Opera Omnia, 47;
  Dioscorides (Gr. and Lat. 1549), 1053;
  Dioscorides (Ital., 1573), 1054; Duhamel du
  Monceau, Histoire d'un Insecte, 738; Duhamel
  du Manceau, Traite de la Conservation des
  Grains, 737; Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889;
  Ephemerides, 654; Euripides, Tragoediae, 4528;
  Falkner, T., Description des Terres Magel-
  laniques, 4143; Felice, Code de l'humanite, 1416;
Fenelon, Avantures de Telemaque, 4306; Fer-
  nandez, Historia del Peru, 4132; Fourcroy,
  Elemens d'histoire naturelle, 840; Frederic II,
  Traits characteristiques, 266; Ginanni, Delle
  Malattie del Grano, 740; Godefroy, Fontes
  quatuor Ivris Civilis, 2201; Gravina, Esprit des
  Lois romains, 2204; Gronovius, Flora Virginica,
  1075; Guys, Voyage litteraire, 3914; Helvetius,
  Oeuvres complettes, 1242; Henault, Abrege chron-
  ologique, 181; Hody, De Bibliorum textibus, 1499;
  Horace, Poemata, 4479; Ingenhousz, Nouvelles
  Experiences, 828; Joao Jose de Santa Thereza,
  Istoria delle Guerre, 4138; Keill-LeMonnier,
  Institutions astronomiques, 3795; Lacepede, His-
  toire naturelle des quadrupedes, 1029; Ladvocat,
  Dictionnaire historique et Bibliographique, 146;
  Lafitau, Moeurs des sauvages Ameriquains, 3995;
  Lagrange, Mechanique analitique, 3737; Lalande,
  Voyage en Italie, 3909; Laveaux, Vie de Frederic
  II, 264; Leboucher, Histoire de la derniere
  guerre, 483; Le Clerc, Traite de geometrie, 3710;
  Lery, Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du
  Bresil, 4139; Leunclavius, Iuris Graeco-Romani,
  2199; Linnaeus, Flora Lapponica, 1064; Lin-
  naeus, Fundamenta Botanica, 1070; Linnaeus,
  Genera Plantarum, 1066; Linnaeus, Species
  plantarum, 1067; Lopez de Gomara, Historie
  dell India, 4114; Lucianus, Opera, 4616; Mably,
  De la Legislature, 2390, 2396; Macquer,
  Abrege chronologique, 603; Macquer, Annales
  Romaines, 67; Magnien-Grandpre, Recueil al-
  phabetique, 3606; Maillet, Description de l'Egypte,
  3948; Mathon de la Cour, Collection de
  Comptes-Rendus, 2445; Mayer, Voyage en Suisse,
  3879; Mazzei, Recherches historiques, 3005;
  Menage, Dictionnaire Etymologique, 4827; Miller
  Dictionnaire des Jardiniers, 802; Millot, Elemens
  d'Histoire Generale, Premiere Partie, 126; Ibid.,
  Seconde Partie, 154; Millot, Elemens de
  l'Histoire de France, 189; Mirabeau, Histoire
  secrete de la Cour de Berlin, 281; Montaigne,
  Essais, 1341; Montignot, Etat des etoiles fixes,
  3798; Montucla, Histoire des mathematiques,
  3694; Orosius, Historiographi, 87; Pauw, Re-
  cherches philosophiques, 3968; Peysonnel, Ex-
  amen du livre, 303; Pfeffel, Nouvel abrege
  chronologique, 273; Pidanset de Mairobert,
  Espion Anglais, 3891; Pizzaro y Orellana,
  Varones ilustres del nuevo mundo, 4098; Plutarch,
  Vitae, 69; Polybius, Historiarum, 50, 51;
  Poncelin de la Roche-Tilhac, Etat des Cours
  de l'Europe, 2409; Prudhomme, Resume general,
  2523; Ramsay, History of the Revolution in S.
  Carolina, 488; Ramusio, Navigationi et Viaggi,
  3972; Salmon, Nouvel abrege, 385; Saussure,
  Voyage dans les Alpes, 3880; Savary, Lettres
  sur l'Egypte, 3949; Scamozzi, Cinq ordres
  d'Architecture, 4178; Sejournant, Nouveau Dic-
  tionnaire, 4817; Sevigne, Lettres, 4637; Simon,
  Noticias historiales de las conquistas, 4111;
  Solorzano Pereira, De Indiarum iure, 4092;
  Soules, Histoire des troubles de l'Amerique
  anglaise, 484; Spinoza, Tractatus Theologico-
  politicus, 1266; Sully, Memoires, 199; Tacitus,
  80; Tamayo de Vargas, Restauracion de la
  Ciudad del Salvador, 4137; Theophrastus, De
  Historia plantarum, 1055; Tissot, Ouvrages
  divers, 889; Turgot, Administrations Proviciales,
  2381; Turgot, Conciliateur, 2378; Turgot,
  Lettres sur les grains, 2380; Turgot, Reflexions
  sur la Formation et la Distribution des Richesses,
  2379; Ulpianus, Fragmenta, 2200; Vanini,
  Amphitheatrum aeternae providentiae, 1269; De
  admirandis naturae reginae, 1270; Vargas Ma-
  chuca, Milicia y descripcion de las Indias, 4094;
  Veitia Linage, Norte de la contratacion de las
  Indias occidentales, 4093; Vertot, Revolutions
  de Portugal, 182; Vicq-d'Azyr, Eloge de Vergen-
  nes, 517; Volney, Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte,
  3950; Zarate, Histoire de la Decouverte de
  Perou, 4134
Frowde, Philip, Fall of Saguntum, 4557
Fry, Henry, Letters from Jefferson: On Priestley,
  1528; sends him a book by Priestley, 1526;
  recommends a trotting horse as cure for
  disease, 903
Fry and Jefferson map, 4032
Fugitive Pieces on various subjects, 4921
Fugitive Sheets of Printed Laws (1734-1772), 1841
Fugitive Sheets of Printed Laws (1775-1783), 1842-
Fulbeck, William, Parallele or conference of the civil
  law, 1803
Fvldensivm Antiqvitatvm, 279
Full and plain account of the Gout, 933
Full Exposition of the Clintonian faction, 3280
Full Manifestation of what Mr. H. Laurens falsely
  denominates Candor in Himself, 514
Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661), Ephemeris Parlia-
  mentaria, 2924
Fuller, Thomas (1654-1734), Pharmacopoeia Ex-
  temporanea, 868
Fulton, Robert: Canal Navigation, 1230; Torpedo
  War, 1162; correspondence with Jefferson
  (new inventions), I, 499; introduced to
Jefferson by Joel Barlow, 1162; see also 531,
Fumee, Martin, Sieur de Genille, 4117
Fundamenta Botanica, 1070
Fundamental Constitution of the English Government,
Funeral, The: or Grief a-la-mode, 4604
Furman, Richard, America's Deliverance measures,
Further observations in support of the right of the public
  to the Batture of New Orleans, 3487

Further Report from the Committee appointed to prepare
  and report Aricles against William Blount, V,
Further Report of the Managers appointed to conduct
  the impeachment against William Blount, V, 3168a


G., Z., Excise anatomiz'd, 2961
Gabbema, S.A., 4489
Gabriel's Insurrection: Callender, 3518; Journal
  of the Senate, 3240
Gadbury, John, Doctrine of Nativities, 3780
Gaelic Language, Books printed in: New Testa-
  ment, 4879; Songs and Poems, 4882; Vocabulary.
Gaelic and English, 4881
Gage, Thomas, Nouvelle Relation, contenant les
  Voyages dans la nouvelle Espagne, 4122
Gage, Thomas, General, Proclamation, 3106
Gaignat, Louis Jean, 4726
Gail, Jean Baptiste, 4619
Galatea, 4349
Gale, Samuel, Essay on the nature and principles of
  public credit, 2947
Gale, Thomas, editor: Antoninus, 3864; His-
  toriae Poeticae Scriptores Antiqui, 11; V, 11,
  Psalterium, 4400
Galerie des Antiques, 4243
Galerie des Antiques du Musee Central des Arts, 4242
Galerie Universelle des hommes qui se sont illustres,
Gallatin, Albert: Report on the subject of public
  roads and canals, 1233; Sketch of the Finances of
  the United States, 3523; Speech on the important
  question touching the validity of elections, 3182;
  Speech upon the Foreign Intercourse Bill, 3202;
  Substance of two speeches of Mr. Gallatin, 3214;
  Views of the public debt, 3230
Gallien de Salmorenc, Breviare des Politiques, 1340
Gallileo, Galilei, Opera, 3786
Galloway, Benjamin, Correspondence with Jef-
  ferson (Northmore), 4303
Galloway, Joseph: Examination of Joseph Galloway,
  3134; Letters to a nobleman, 3136; see also 3113;
  book from his library, 2163
Gambara, Lorenzo, 4328
Game Law, 1997
Games: Books on, 1170-1175; illustrations of,
Ganander, Hendrik, Grammatica Lapponica, 4855
Garamond Greek characters, First use of, 1593
Garcia de la Huerta, Vincente, Obras Poeticas,
Garcilaso de la Vega: Commentarios Reales, 4131;
  La Florida del Inca, 4084
Gardeners Dictionary (1768), 801; (French, 1785),
Gardeners Kalendar, 800
Garener's Pocket Dictionary, 804
Gardening, Jefferson on, IV, 385
Gardiner, John, American Gardener, 809
Gardiner, Robert: Instructor Clericalis, 1901;
  New Retorna Brevium, 1931
Gargas, Pierre Andre, Contrat social, 2691
Garnet, Richard, Book of Oaths, 1972
Garnett, John: Plain and concise Projection for
  clearing the Lunar Distances, 3778; Tables requisite
  to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris, 3809;
  editor, Clarke's Seaman's Desiderata, 3807;
  Nautical Almanac, 3810; correspondence with
  Jefferson (Nautical Almanac), 3810
  Garnier, J. J., 188
Garran-Coulon, Jean Philippe, 2604
Garrigues de Froment, 385
Garth, Sir Samuel, The Dispensary, 4472
Gass, Patrick,Journal of the Voyages and Travels
  of a Corps of Discovery under the command of Capt.
  Lewis and Capt. Clarke, 4078
Gassendi, Pierre, Opera Omnia, 4914
Gataker, Thomas, 1304
Gate of Tongues unlocked and opened, 4799
Gates, Horatio, Letter from Jefferson (Kos-
  ciuszko), 1149
Gattel, C. M., Nuevo Diccionario Portatil, Espanol
Gauden, John, 359
Gaudet, Marguerite-Elie, 2637, 3655
Gaudin, J. M., 436
Gautier, Jean Antoine, Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Biponti Plato, 1311; Biponti Seneca,
  1324; Didodorus Siculus, 38; note on, V, 38
Gavel-kind, 2000, 2001
Gavin, Rachel, 1604
Gayton, Edmund, Pleasant Notes upon Don
  Quixot, 4348
Gaza, Theodorus, 1314
Gazet, Angelin, Pia Hilaria, 4494
Gazette de Leyde, 164
Gazette of the United States & Daily Advertiser, 542
Gazetteer of the State of New-York, 4172
Gazetteer of the United States, 4022
Gazzera, Henri: Importance, et Avantages d'une
  Morale Publique et Privee, 1521; Nuits de Ste
  Marie-Magdelaine penitente, 1554; Veilles de
  Saint-Augustin, 1553; see V. 1521
Geddes, James, Essay on the Composition and Man-
  ner of Writing of the Antients, 4704
Gee, Joshua, Trade and Navigation of Great
  Britain considered, 3565
Geffroy, Nicholas, 3300
Gellius, Aulus, Noctium Atticarum, 4905
Gem, Dr., 2522
Geminiani, Francesco: Art of playing on the Violin,
  4255; Rules for playing in True Taste the Violin,
Gemme Antiche, 4232
Genera plantarum, 1066
General Abridgment of Cases in Equity, 1755
General abridgment of law and equity alphabetically
  digested, 1791
General Abridgment of the Common Law, 1790
General Advertiser, 565
General Advertiser and Political Commercial and
  Literary Journal, 544
General and Compleat Treatise on all the Diseases inci-
  dent to Children, 894
General Assembly at Richmond, Acts passed,
General Assembly at Williamsburg, Acts passed,
General Collection of Treatys, Declarations of War,
  Manifestos, 1434
General counting-house and man of business, 1138
General Geography, 3828
General History of China, 311
General History of England, (Guthrie), 378
General History of England, (Tyrrell), 346
General History of the late War, 397
General History of the Vast Continent and Islands of
  America, 4108
General Introduction to the two tracts on civil liberty,
General Map of the Middle British Colonies in
  America, 3850
General Observations respecting a new mechanical
  process for manufacturing Cordage, 1102
General Plan for laying out Towns and Townships,
General Practice of Physic, 884
General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening, 697
General Treatise of Naval trade and commerce, 2105
General treatise of the dominion of the sea, 2114
General Views of the agriculture of the counties of
  England and Scotland, 753-766
Generall Historie of Virginia, 461
Genet, Edmond Charles: Français libres a leurs
  frères les Canadiens, 3243; Liberte Egalité. Les
  Français Libres à leurs frères de la Louisiane, 3244
Geneva, Proposal to remove the University to
  the State of Virginia, 298
Genialium Dierum, Libri Sex, 4906
Genius of Liberty, 574
Genoa, Jefferson on, 3910
Gensonné, Armand, 2609
Gentil, François, Jardinier Solitaire, 798
Gentleman, Francis, Stratford Jubilee, 4603
Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director, 4221
Gentleman Farmer, 710
Gentleman instructed, 1627
Gentleman of the Inner Temple, 1920
Gentleman's Hour Glass, V, 137
Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 4895
Gentleman's New Pocket Companion, 988
Genuine History of the Britons asserted, 334
Genuine Information delivered at the Legislature of the
  State of Maryland, 3015
Genuine Thoughts of a Merchant, 2971
Geographia, 3831
Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and
  Delaware, 4171
Geographie made easie, 3787
Geographie Physique, 639
Geology, 642
Geometrical and Graphical Essays, 3718
Geoponica Bassi, 690, V, 690
George I, King of England, Speech to both Houses
  of Parliament, 2914
George Washington, ship, 3281
Georgia Charter, 3149
Georgia Republican, 557
Georgia Republican Extra, 3310
Gérard de Rayneval, J. M.: Institutions du Droit
  de la Nature et des Gens, 1444, V, 1444; Observa-
  tions on the Justificative memorial of the Court of
  London, 2132, 3140; letter from Jefferson (land
  companies), 3513
Germaine, Lord George, 3107
German Grammar, 4838, 4839
Germantown Society for Promoting Domestic
  Manufactures, 3630
Gerna, Anthony, Letter to Jefferson (Vieyra),
Gerry, Elbridge: Message from His Excellency the
  Governor, 3408; Speech of His Excellency the
  Governor, 3407
    Correspondence with Jefferson: (Batture),
      3501; (Freedom of Religion), II, 89; Jef-
      ferson on Gerry, 3408
Gertoux, B., Opinion sur la forme du jugement
  de Louis XVI, 2654
Gerusalemme Liberata (1745), 4290; (1763), 4291;
  (Eng., 1764), 4292
Gervaise, F. A., Vie de Pierre Abeillard, 4641
Gesner, Conrad, 1035, V, 1035
Gesvres, Marquis de, 2150
Giacomelli, Michel Angelo, 4326
Giannone, Pietro, Istoria civile del regno di Napoli,
Gibbon, Edward: History of the Decline and Fall of
  the Roman Empire, 101; see also Macpherson,
  4377; Gerard de Rayneval, 2132
Gibbs, James: Book of Architecture, 4218; Rules for
  Drawing the several Parts of Architecture, 4184
Gibson, Edmund: Codex juris ecclesiastici Angli-
  cani, 2136; Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ex-
  plain'd, 1638; editor, Camden, Britannia, 327;
  Chronicon Saxonicum, 4837; Quintilianus, 4651;
  see also Foster, Sir M., 2137; Spelman, Sir
  Henry, 2721
Gibson, John, General, Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Appendix to the Notes on Virginia),
  3225, 4051
Gibson, Robert, Treatise of Practical Surveying,
Gibson, William, Farrier's Dispensatory, 944
Giffin, Hubert Van, 4459
Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey: Historical View of the Court
  of Exchequer, 1875; Law and Practice of Eject-
  ments, 1979; Law of Distresses and Replevins,
  1978; Law of Uses and Trusts, 1976; Reports of
  Cases in Equity, 1749; Treatise of Tenures, 1977;
  see also Dodd, William, 1414; General Abridg-
  ment, 1755
Gilbert, Thomas, Poems on several occasions, 4428
Gildas, Description of the State of Great Britain, 335
Giles, William Branch: Speech on the resolution of
  Mr Hillhouse to repeal the Embargo Laws, 3457
    Correspondence with Jefferson: Michael
      Leib, 3303; Edmund Randolph, 3180, V,
Gilibert, J. E., translator: Linnaeus, Abrégé, 1017;
  Linnaeus, Fundamenta Botanica, 1070
Gillet, Thomas, 2339
Gilmer, George: Book from his library, 127;
  Letter from Jefferson (on Dumouriez), 233;
  note on, V, 127
Gilpin, William, Essay upon Prints, 4235
Ginanni, Francesco, Delle Malattie del Grano in
  Erba, 740
Gipsy romances and vocabulary, 4419
Girard, Gabriel, Synonymes François, 4832

Girardin, Louis Hue: Books bought from, 1587,
    Correspondence with Jefferson: Botta, 509;
      Burk, 464; mathematics, 3667, 3682, 3683,
      3694; pamphlets on finance, III, 202;
      Virey, 1051; note on, V, 464
Girey-Dupré, editor, Patriote Français, 2360
Girod-Chantrans, Justin, Voyage d'un Suisse dans
  differentes Colonies d'Amérique, 4156
Giustiniani, Pietro, Rerum Venetarum, 168
Glanville, Ranulf de, Tractatus de legibus et con-
  suetudinibus Anglie (1554), 1769; (1673), 1770
Glenbervie, Baron, 2082
Glendook Acts, 2184
Glisson, William, Common Law epitomiz'd, 1801
Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae & Infirmae Graecita-
  tis, 4775
Glossarium Archaiologicum, 1809
Glossarium Graeco-Barbarum, 4776
Gloucester County, New Jersey, Proceedings of the
  Democratic Association, 3265
Glover, Richard: Leonidas, a Poem, 4300; Poem to
  Sir Isaac Newton, 3722; Substance of the Evidence
  delivered to a Committee of the House of Commons,
  3080; Substance of the Evidence on the petition pre-
  sented by the West-India planters, 3096
Gluck and Piccini, Rivalry of, 4564
Gnadunhutten and Salem massacre, 4011
Gnomici Poetae Graeci, 4466
Gobert, J. N., Observations sur la campagne de 1792,
God Save the King, Musical notation for, 4252
Godard, Luigi, 1366
Godbolt, John, Reports of certain cases, 2049
Godefroi, Maximilien, Military Reflections on Four
  Modes of Defence, 1165
Godefroy, Denys, editor: Corpus Juris Civilis,
  2196, 2197; Memoires de Messire Philippe de
  Comines, 196
Godefroy, Jacques, Fontes Quatuor Iuris Civilis in
  unum collecti, 2201
Godineau, Oration upon religious worship, 2679
Godolphin, John, Orphan's legacy, 2146
Godwin, Francis, Annales of England, 354
Godwin, William: The Enquirer, 2360; Enquiry
  concerning Political Justice, 2359
Gohier, Louis Jérome, Rapport sur les papiers in-
  ventoriés dans les bureaux de la liste civile, 2618
Golborne, John, 3745
Goldesborough, John: Reports, 2029; Reports of
  cases, 2040
Goldsmith, Books bought from by Jefferson:
  Barthélemy, 41; Bastille Dévoilée, 218; Biblio-
  thèque Physico-Economique, 1095; Buffon, 1024;
  Frédéric II, 270; Tacitus, 81
Goldsmith, Lewis: Crimes of Cabinets, 404; trans-
  lator, Hauterive, 2444; correspondence with
  Jefferson, 404, 2444; see also 2846
Goldsmith, Oliver: History of England, 399; His-
  tory of the Earth, and Animated Nature, 1026;
  Roman History, 100; Vicar of Wakefield, 4357
Gonzaga, Luigi, Pr. de Castiglione, Homme de
  Lettres bon Citoyen, 1366
Gonzales de Barcia Carballido y Zuniga,
  Historia General de la Florida, 4084; see also 4110
Gonzalez de Salas, Jusepe Antonio, Nueva Idea
  de la Tragedia Antigua, 4536
Good, John Mason, 2742
Good Land we live in, 1664
Goodinge, Thomas, Law against Bankrupts, 1992
Goodrich, Elizur, Principles of Civil Union and
  Happiness considered, 1648
Goodwin, Sir Francis, Case with Sir John For-
   tescue, 2897
Gordon, Patrick, supposed author, The History
   of the War in America, between Great Britain and
   her Colonies, 449
Gordon, Thomas: Cato's Letters, 2738; Inde-
  pendent Whig, 2739; translator, Tacitus (1737),
  80; (1778), 81
Gordon, William, General counting-house, 1138
Gordon, William, History of the Rise, Progress,
   and Establishment of the Independence of the
   United States of America, 487
Gore, John, 3941
Gorraeus, Joannes, Opera, 886
Gorton, Benjamin, Scriptural Account of the Mil-
   lennium, 1609
Gothic characters, 4857-4859, 4864
Gouan, Antoine, Explication du Systeme botanique
  du Chevalier von Linne, 1079
Goudar, Ange, Espion Chinois, 3888
Goudard, Pierre Louis: Etat et tarif des droits,
  3599; Rapport fait a l'Assemblee Nationale sur la
  suppression des droits de traite, 3598
Gouget des Landres, Maurice, supposed author,
  Retirez-vous donc, 2580
Goujet, Claude Pierre, 144, 4491
Gould, Sir Nathaniel, 2732, 3689
Goulin, Jean, 4672
Goulston, Theodore, 4692
Gout, A Dissertation on, 934
Gouvernement et des lois de Pologne (1781), 2403;
  (1790), 2404
Gouyer, Jacob, 705
Governor's Letter of the 6th of December, 1802, to the
  Speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 3335
Gozzi, Gasparo, 4329
Grabe,John Ernest: Spicilegium SS. Patrum, 1592;
  editor, Septuaginta interpreta, 1459
Gradus ad Parnassum, 4798
Graeca Septuaginta cum Libri Estherae, 1503
Graeca Grammatica Rudimenta in Usum Scholae
   Westmonasteriensis, 4755
Gracae grammatices Rudimenta. In Usum Regiae
  Scholae Etonesis, 4751
Graecia Descriptio, 3919
Graecum Lexicon Manuale, 4762
Graham, John Andrew, Address to the Public,
   together with a copy of a letter to Stephen R. Brad-
   ley, 3322
Gramatica de la Lengua Castellana, 4814
Grammaire Caraibe, 4884
Grammaire Espagnole, 4815
Grammaire Italienne, 4805
Grammar of the English Tongue, 4845
Grammar of the Greek Language originally composed
  for the College-School at Gloucester, 4757
Grammar of the Latin Tongue, 4785
Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, 4860
Grammatica Busbeiana, 4754
Grammatica della Lingua Tedesca, 4839
Grammatica Lapponica, 4855
Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae, 4841
Grammaticae Latinae Institutiones, 4782
Grand Abridgment of the common and statute law of
  England, 1788
Grand Abridgment of the Law continued, 1787
Grand Dictionnaire Historique, 144
Grand Trait de Prudence de M. Hyon, 3647
Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, 3991
Grandeur of the Law, 413
Grands Détails par Pièces authentiques de l'affaire de
  Nancy, 3637
Granger, Gideon: Address to the People of New-
  England, 3462; Vindication of the Measures of the
  Present Administration, 3301
    Correspondence with Jefferson: Batture,
      3501; James Lyon, 553
Grattan, Henry, Present State of Ireland, 2836
Graunde Abridgement (1577), 1776
Graunde Abridgement (1586), 1777
Gravier, Jean: Pièces Probantes a l'Appui des droits
  des habitans de la Cité d'Orléans, 3481, 3482;
  Report. John Gravier vs. The Mayor, Aldermen
  and Inhabitants of the City of New Orleans, 3493
Gravilliers, Section des, 3641
Gravina, Gian Vicenzo: Esprit des Lois Romaines,
  2204; Originum Juris Civilis, 2203
Gray, Francis Calley: Quotes Jefferson on
  Baxter, 405; on Rapin, 369; note on, V, 411
Gray, George L., 2863
Gray, James, Present Duty. A Discourse, 1706
Gray, William F., Books obtained from: Ewell,
  893; Marshall, 496; Priestley, 139; Stewart,
  1244; Walker, 4876
Great Error of American Agriculture exposed, 820
Great French Dictionary, 4821
Great Historical, Geographical Geneological and
  Poetical Dictionary, 145
Great, or American Voyages, Parts I-XI, in Latin,
Grecian History, 39
Greco, Gioachimo, Jeu des Eschets, 1170
Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament,
Greek Grammar, 4752
Green, Francis, Vox Oculis Subjecta, 1125
Green, Jacob, Observations on the Reconciliation of
  Great Britain and the Colonies, 3114, 3122
Greene, Edward Burnaby, 4314
Greenleaf, Thomas, Correspondence with Jef-
  ferson (newspapers), 541
Greenwood, William, Authority, Jurisdiction and
  method of keeping County-Courts, 1877
Grégoire, Henri: Enquiry concerning the intellectual
  and moral faculties and literature of the negroes,
  1399; Lettre aux Philanthropes, 1388; Littérature
  des Negres, 1398, V, 1398; Opinion concernant
  le jugement de Louis XVI, 2655; see also 693
Gregor, Francis, 1775
Gregory, David: Elements of Physical and Geometri-
  cal Astronomy, 3794; Treatise of Practical
  Geometry, 3708
Gregory, John, A Father's Legacy to his Daughters,
Greive, George, 4023
Grenaille, François de, Sieur de Chateaunières,
   Théatre de l'Univers, 3823
Grenet, Abbé: Abrégé de Geographie ancienne et
   moderne, 3838; Atlas portatif, 3837
Grenville, George, Appendix to the present State of
   the Nation, 2755
Grenville, William Wyndham, 2795
Grétry, André Ernest Modeste, 4563, 4567, 4569
Grey, Anchitell, Debates of the House of Commons,
Griffith, Elizabeth, Platonic Wife, 4602
Griffith, Thomas Waters, Indépendence absolue des
  Américains des Etats-Unis, 3200
Griffiths, Elijah: Essay on Ophthalmia, 982; letter
  to Jefferson (introduces John Israel), 550
Griffiths, Ralph, editor, Monthly Review, 4721
Grimoard, Philippe Henri, Tableau Historique et
  Militaire de la Vie et du Regne de Frédéric le
  Grand, 265
Grimston, Sir Harbottle, 1729, 2052
Griselini, Francesco, Memorie anedote spettanti
  alla vita . . . de F. Paolo Servita, 617
Griswold, Stanley: Good Land we live in, 1664;
  Overcoming Evil with Good, 3263; Truth its own
  test and God its only judge, 3236
Gronovius, Abraham, editor: Justinus, Historiae
  Philippicae, 35; Mela, De situ Orbis, 3819
Gronovius [Gronov], Jakob, editor: Gellius,
  Aulus, 4905; Macrobius, 4907
Gronovius [Gronov], Johann Friedrich, editor,
  Plautus, 4571
Gronovius [Gronov], Johannes Fredericus, Flora
  Virginica, 1075
Gros, François Toussaint, Recueil de Pouesiés
  Prouvençalos, 4414
Gros, Johann Daniel, Natural Principles of Rec-
  titude, 1255
Grose, Francis, Provincial Glossary, 4871
Grosier, Jean Baptiste Gabriel Alexandre,
  Description générale de la Chine, 3930
Grosvenor, Benjamin, The Mourner, 1621
Grotius, Hugo: Annales et Historiae de rebus
  Belgicis, 295; De jure Belli ac Pacis, 1404; Droit
  de la Guerre et de la Paix, 1405; Truth of Christian
  Religion, 1518; see also Champagne, 2115;
  Dodd, 1414; Filmer, 2328; Lucan, 4293;
  Menander et Philemon, 4578; Selden, 1420
Grotius, pseud., Clinton, De Witt, 3197
Grounds of Christianity examined, 1708
Grouvelle, P. A., 4637
Gruter, Jan, editor: Historiae Augustae, 83;
  Seneca, 1323
Grymes, Philip, To Gabriel Jones, 3305
Guarini, Giovanni Battista, Il Pastor Fido, 4386
Guatimozin's letters, 2799
Gudin de la Brenellerie, Paul Philippe, L'As-
  tronomie. Poème, 4495
Guerin, Nicolas, Description de l'Academie Royale
  des Arts de Peinture et de Sculpture, 4249
Guerra de Fiandra, 283
Guerras de Flandes, 285
Guest, Henry, Observation on sheathing vessels, 1101
Gueudeville, Nicolas, 4510
Guibert, J. A. H. de, 1158
Guicciardini, Francesco, Della Istoria d'Italia, 165
Guicciardini, Luigi, Il Sacco di Roma, 166
Guide, ou Nouvelle Description d'Amsterdam, 3873
Guide pour le Voyage d'Italie en Poste, 3907
Guide to English juries, 1975
Guide to the Philadelphia Museum, 1045
Guignard, De, Ecole de Mars, 1156
Guilhelm de Clermont-Lodève, G. E. J., His-
  toire des Progrès de la Puissance Navale de l'Angle-
  terre, 396
Guilt, Folly, and Sources of Suicide, 1677
Gulston, Anthony, Common Law epitomiz'd, 1801
Gumilla, José: Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Géogra-
  phique de l'Orenoque, 4082; Orinoco ilustrado, 4127
Gunpowder, 1202
Gurdon, Thornhagh, History of the High Court of
  Parliament, 2877
Gürtler, Nicolaus, Novum Lexicon Universale Qua-
  tuor Linguarum, Latinae, Germanicae, Graecae, et
  Gallicae, 4740
Guthrie, William: General History of England, 378;
  New System of Modern Geography, 3826; transla-
  tor, Cicero, De Oratore, 4653; Epistles to Atticus,
  4635; Morals, 1318; Orations, 4669
Guyet, François, editor, Juvenal, 4486
Guys, Pierre Augustin, Voyage littéraire de la Grèce,
Guyton de Morveau, Claudine, 827
Guyton de Morveau, Louis Bernard, Traité des
  moyens de désinfecter l'air, 851
Guyton de Morveau, N., Vie privée d'un prince
  célèbre, 268
Gwatkin, Mr., 242
Gyllenborg, Gustavus Adolphus, Natural and
  Chemical Elements of Agriculture, 743


Habington, Thomas; Historie of Edward the Fourth,
  349; see also 335
Hackman, James, 4338
Hadrianides, Michael, 4490
Hagley, Jefferson on, 4228
Hakewill, William, Modus tenendi Parliamentum,
Hakluyt, Richard, Principall Navigations, 4007;
  see also 4083
Hale, Sir Matthew: Historia placitorum coronae,
  1946; History of the Common Law of England,
  1799; Original institution, power and jurisdiction
  of Parliaments, 2886; Pleas of the Crown, 1948;
  Provisions for the Poor, 1948; Sheriff's Accompts,
  1948; Trial of Witches, 1948
Hale, Thomas, Complete Body of Husbandry, 700
Hales, Stephen, Statical Essays, 709
Haley, Nathan, Letters from Jefferson: Faujas de
  Saint-Fond, 640; Lasteyrie, 795; Tardieu,
Halfpenny, William, Practical Architecture, 4186,
  V, 4186
Hall, Elisha I., Observations and Documents, rela-
  tive to a Calumny, circulated by John Brown, a
  member of the Senate of the U. S. from Kentucky,
Hall, James, Brief History of the Mississippi Terri-
  tory, 4047
Hall, John Elihu: American Law Journal, 2098;
  letter to Jefferson (Cooper's Chemistry), 853;
  note on, V, 2098
Hall, Parry, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Notes on Virginia), 4167
Hall, Robert, Apology for the Freedom of the Press,
Halley, Edmond, Method of finding the roots of
  equations, 3675; Synopsis of the Astronomy of
  Comets, 3794
Hallot de la Touche, Antoine, 2281
Hamilton, Alexander: Letter concerning the public
  conduct and character of John Adams, 3237; Letters
  of Pacificus, 3169; Second Letter from Phocion,
  3150; see also Callender, J. T., Letters to Alex-
  ander Hamilton, 3279; Hamilton's Observations,
  3515, 3516; Candidus, Plain Truth, 3113; The
  Federalist, 3021; Fraunces, Andrew G., 3172;
  Gazette of the United States, 542; National
  Gazette, 543; correspondence with Jefferson
  (weights and measures), 3760; Jefferson on,
  543, 3169; book from his library, 3582
Hamilton, Archibald, 4722
Hamilton, Duke of, verus Douglas, 2187, V,
Hamilton, Elizabeth, Book from her library (The
  Federalist), 3021
Hamilton, Sir William, Observations on Mount
  Vesuvius, 636; see also 2792
Hamilton to the Federalists of the United States,
Hamiltons versus Eaton, 2167
Hammond, George, 505, V, 505
Hammond, Henry, Paraphrase and Annotations
  upon all the Books of the New Testament, 1488
Hammond, Jabez Delano, Oration delivered on the
  glorious 10th of June, 1809, 3387
Hampton, James, 51
Hand book for Infantry, 1159
Handmaid to the Arts, 1094
Hansard, John, Book of Entries, 1890
Hanson, Alexander Contee, Publications relative
to the Difference of Opinion between the Governor
and the Council, 3329
Hanson, S., Statement of the Bank of Columbia, 3275
Happiness of a People illustrated and explained, 1682
Hardie, James (1760-1826), Account of the
  Malignant Fever, 973
Hardie James, (1750?-1832), American Remem-
  brancer, 152, V, 152
Harding, David, Letter from Jefferson (art of
  reasoning), V, 13
Hardouin de La Reynerie, L. E., Consultation pour
  les actionnaires de la Compagnie des Indes, 2528
Hardres, Sir Thomas, Reports of Cases adjudged in
  the Court of Exchequer, 2058
Hardwicke, Earl of, 2078
Hare, Francis, 4710
Hargrave, Francis, 2019
Hargrove, John: Sermon on the Second Coming of
  Christ, 1672; Substance of a Sermon on the leading
  Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church, 1671
Harington, Sir John, Orlando Furioso in English
  Heroical Verse, 4312
Hariot, Thomas, 3973
Harles, Theophilus Christopher, 88
Harmony of the Evangelists, 1492
Harper, Robert G., 3196
Harpsichord, Jefferson and the, 4254, 4257
Harrington, James, Common-Wealth of Oceana,
Harris, George, 2191
Harris, James: Hermes or a Philosophical Inquiry,
  4735; Philological Inquiries, 4697; Three Treatises,
Harris, John, Navigantium atque Itinerantium
  Bibliotheca, 3829
Harris, Levett, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Atkinson and Walker, 4246; Pallas, 4736,
  4737; Potocki, 3, 4, 248; Romanzoff, 3601
Harrison, Benjamin, 1798
Harrison, Joseph, Practice of the Court of Chancery,
Harrison, William Henry, Letter from William
  Henry Harrison, Governor of the Indiana Territory,
  3358; see also 3342
Hart, Charles, Herminius and Espasia, A Tragedy,
Hart, J., 85
Hartley, David: Address to the Committee of Asso-
  ciation of the County of York, 2788; Address to the
  Mayor and Corporation of the town of Kingston-
  upon-Hull, 2789; Letters on the American War,
  3135; Speech and Motions made in the House of
  Commons, 3098; Two Letters addressed to the Com-
  mittee of the County of York, 2790
Hartley, Thomas, 1545
Harvant, J., Dialogue entre Ibraham Pacha et un
  Municipal, 2587
Harvard University: Catalogus eorum, 422; Ori-
  ental books bequeathed to, 1530
Harvey, William, Exercitatio Anatomica De Motu
  Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus, 901
Harwood, Edward, Biographia Classica, 86
Harzof, Max, 4489
Hasselquist, Fredrik, Voyages dans le Levant, 3924
Hastings, Warren, 2822
Haswell, Anthony, Memoirs and Adventures of
  Captain Matthew Phelps, 518
Hatsell, John, Precedents and Proceedings in the
  House of Commons, 2894
Hau Kiou Choaan or the Pleasing History, 4330
Hauptmann, Johann Gottfried, 4366
Hauterive, Alexandre M. B. de Lanautte, cte. d',
  State of the French Republic, 2444
Haüy, René Just, Traité de Minéralogie, 1089
Havell, Cardinal, 4649
Havercamp, Sigbert, editor: Eutropius, 91;
Josephus, 7
Hawkesworth, John, Account of the Voyages under-
  taken for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemi-
  sphere, 3937
Hawking, 1188
Hawkins, Mary, 2092
Hawkins, William: Abridgement of the First Part of
  Ld. Coke's Institutes, 1785; Treatise of the Pleas of
  the Crown, 1947
Hawles, Sir John: Englishman's Right, 2794; Re-
  marks upon the trials of Edward Fitzharris, [and
  others], 2900
Hay, George: Essay on the Liberty of the Press, 2022;
  The Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, 1962
    Correspondence with Jefferson: Batture
      Case, 3501; book borrowed by him, 1444;
      letters of Curtius, 3526
Hay, William, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Dr. Currie's copy of the Encyclopédie.), 4889;
  see also V, 4889
Hayes, Richard, Modern Book-keeping, 1139
Haywood, Eliza, Secret Histories, Novels, and
  Poems, 4361
Hazard, Ebenezer, Historical Collections, 3044
Healde, Thomas, translator, New Pharmacopoeia,
Hearne, Thomas, Ductor Historicus, 131
Heath, William, Memoirs, 500
Heathcote, George, Letter to the Right Honourable
  the Lord Mayor, 2750
Heathcote, Ralph, Sylva; or, the Wood, 1359
Hébert, Jacques René: Douzieme Entretien, entre
  Jean Bart et le Père Duchêne, 3650; Je suis le
  véritable père Duchêne, 3659
Heckwelder, John, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son (Appendix to the Notes on Virginia), 4050
Hederich, Benjamin, Graecum Lexicon Manuale,
Heely, Joseph, Letters on the beauties of Hagley,
  Envil and the Leasowes, 4228
Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb, editor, Scriptorum
  de lure Nautico, 2122
Heinsius, Daniel, editor: Silius Italicus, 4315;
  Theocritus, 4378
Heinsius, Niklaas, 4409
Heiss Von Kogenheim, Johann, Histoire de
  l'Empire, 274
Helsham, Richard, Course of Lectures in Natural
  Philosophy, 3736
Helvétius, Claude Adrien: Oeuvres Complettes,
  1242; see also Destutt de Tracy (title and corre-
  spondence), 2327; Montesquieu, 2325; Jeffer-
  son's opinion of, 1242; note on the binding of
  the Oeuvres, V, 1242
Helvidius, pseud., James Madison, 3170
Helwig, Christoph, Historical and Chronological
  Theatre, 136
Hemerstuys, Tiberius, 4617
Hemp, 821
Henault, C. J. F.: Abrégé chronologique de l'Histoire
  d'Espagne et de Portugal, 181; Nouvel Abrégé
  Chronologique de l'Histoire de France, 215
Henfrey, Benjamin, Plan for Proposals for forming
  a Company to work mines in the United States, 3776
Hengham, Ralph de, reputed author, Registrum
  Brevium tam Originalium, quam Judicialium, 1880
Hening, William Waller: New Virginia Justice,
   1971; Reports of Cases, 2093; Statutes at Large,
     Correspondence with Jefferson: chiefly con-
       cerning his books, and the borrowing of
       Jefferson's legal MSS., 1822-1832, 1841,
       1863, 1868, 1971, 2093; on Newspapers
       in Virginia, 444
Henisch, George, 879
Henley, Rev. Samuel, Books bought from:
  Bourne, V., Poemata, 4431; Caslon, W., Print-
  ing Types, 1135; Christ, J. F., Dictionnaire des
  Monogrammes, 4241; Chronicon Saxonicum, 4837;
  Cowley, A., Works, 4422; Dante Alighieri,
  Divina Commedia, 4310; Diderot, D., Ouvres de
  Théatre, 4583; Frere, G., History of Barbadoes,
  465; Garth, Sir S., Dispensary, 4472; Grono-
  vius-Clayton, Flora Virginica, 1075; Harris, J.,
  Hermes, 4735; Harris, J., Three Treatises, 1333;
  Jones, Sir William, Poeseos Asiaticae, 4709;
  Junius, Letters, 2741; Lacombe, F., Diction-
  naire, 4820; Lancelot, C., Portroyal Greek
  Grammar, 4750; Langland, W., Vision of Pierce
  Plowman, 4502; Linnaeus, Critica botanica, 1065;
  Linnaeus, Fauna Suecica, 10l8; Linnaeus, Flora
  Lapponica, 1068; Linnaeus, Genera plantarum,
  1066; Linnaeus, Mantissa Plantarum, 1016;
  Linnaeus, Philosophia Botanica, 1064; Linnaeus,
  Species plantarum, 1067; Linnaeus, Systema Na-
  turae, 1015; Macquer, P. J., Dictionnaire de
  Chimie, 841; Milton, J., Paradise Lost, 4289;
  Montagu, E., Essay on Shakespeare, 4711;
  Percy, T., Hermit of Warkworth, 4434; Philips,
  John, Poems in the style of Milton, 4518; Sallust,
  57; Suidas, Lexicon, 4758; Tasso, Jerusalem De-
  livered, 4292; Taylor, J., Elements of Civil Law,
  2209; Tournefort, Institutiones rei herbariae,
  1063; Vegetius, Military Institutes, 1142; Wal-
  pole, Aedes Walpolianae, 4238; Warton, T.,
  Observations on the Fairy Queen, 4713; Whately,
  T., Observations on Modern Gardening, 4227;
  Wotton, W., Short View of Hickes's Thesaurus,
  4854; letter from Jefferson, 242; note on, 465,
  V, 57
Hennepin, Louis: Description de la Louisiane, 4065;
  Nouveau Voyage d'un Pais plus grand que l'Europe,
  4067; Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand Pays,
Henry, John, 3225, V, 3225, 4051
Henshaw, Thomas, 4873
Hepburn, David, American Gardener, 809
Herbert, Edward, Baron of Cherbury, Life and
  Reign of King Henry VIII, 353
Herefordshire Orchards, 799
Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry, 4735
Herminius and Espasia. A Tragedy, 4452
Hermit of Warkworth, 4434
Herne, John: Law of Charitable Uses, 1724; The
  Pleader, 1905
Herodianus, Historiarum Libri VIII, 85
Herodotus, Historia, 13
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de: Description
  des Indes Occidentales, 4109; General History of the
  Vast Continent and Islands of America, 4108;
  Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos
  en las Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano, 4107
Hesiod, [Opera] quae extant, 4463
Heskin, John, 4394
Hesseln, Matthieu Robert de, Dictionnaire Uni-
  versel de la France, 3882
Hessian Fly, 739
Heston, Jacob Franklin, Moral & Political Truth,
Hesychius, 32
Hetley, Sir Thomas, Reports and Cases, 2046
Heumann, Christophe Auguste, 91
Heures (MS), 1512
Heures Royales dediées à Madame, 1511
Hevey, John, Trial by Nisi Prius, 2857
Hewat, Alexander, Historical Account of the Rise
  and Progress of the Colonies of S. Carolina and
  Georgia, 504
Hewitt, John, Interest Compleated, 3698
Hewson, Thomas T., Correspondence with
  Jefferson, 791, 1177
Hexaplorum Origenis, 1458
Hey, Mr., 1691
Heylyn, Peter, Cosmography in Four Books, 3825
Heyne, Christian Gottlob, 12
Heywood, Jasper, 4533-4535
Hickes, George: Antiquae Literaturae Septentrionalis,
  4853; Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, 4860; Insti-
  tutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae, 4836; see
  also Darrell, William, 1627; Wotton, William,
  4854; note on, V, 243
Hickey, W., 3037
Hickman, Richard, 1822-1824
Hidalgo, Juan, editor, Romances de Germania de
  Varios Autores, 4419
Hierocles of Alexandria, Commentarius in aurea
  Pythagoreorum carmina, 1298
Higginson, Francis, New-Englands Plantation,
Hildrop, John, Miscellaneous Works, 1635
Hill, Sir John, Old Man's Guide to Health and
  Longer Life, 908
Hill, Samuel, Thorough Examination of the false
  principles, 2140
Hill, Thomas, Arte of Vulgar Arithmeticke, 3664
Hill, William, 3818
Hill, Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, 3074
Hillhouse, James: Propositions for Amending the
   Constitution of the United States, 3366; Embargo
   repeal, 3457-3460
Hilliard d'Auberteuil, Michel René: Essais His-
   toriques et Politiques sur les Anglo-Américains, 450;
   Histoire de l'Administration de Lord North, 476;
   Jefferson's opinion of. 450; see also 485
Hillsborough, Earl of. See Hill, Wills, Earl of
Hinde, Robert, Modern Practice of the High Court
   of Chancery, 1737
Hints respecting the culture and use of Potatoes, 752
Hints to both Parties, 3364
Hippocrates: Opera Omnia (1595), 876; (1665),
    877; his knowledge of yellow fever, 977
Hirzel, Hans Kaspar, Rural Socrates, 705
Histoire abrégée de la Ville de Nimes, 3886
Histoire ancienne des Egyptiens, 127
Histoire ancienne du Gouvernement de Chérson, 248
Histoire d'Angleterre, 369
Histoire de Cathérine II, Impératrice de Russie, 250
Histoire de Charles IX, 195
Histoire de Constantinople, 96
Histoire de Dannemarc, 263
Histoire de France (1729), 186
Histoire de France (1760-86), 188
Histoire de France depuis la Révolution, 240
Histoire de François I, 192
Histoire de François II, 194
Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, 4346
Histoire de Henri Second, 193
Histoire de Hollande, 290
Histoire de Jean Sobieski, Roi de Pologne, 253
Histoire de Kentucke, 4030
Histoire de l'Administration de Lord North, 476
Histoire de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 3999
Histoire de l'Anarchie de Pologne, 255
Histoire de l'Eglise, 609
Histoire de l'Empire, 274
Histoire de l'Empire de l'Occident, 98
Histoire de l'Empire Othoman, 300
Histoire de la Conjuration de Portugal, 183
Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique, 4080
Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete de Perou,
Histoire de la Derniere Guerre de Suede, 260
Histoire de la derniere Guerre, entre la Grande-
  Bretagne et les Etats-Unis, 483
Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre (1659, 1661), 287;
  (1705), 286
Histoire de la Guerre des Alpes, 210
Histoire de la Guerre et des Negociations qui ont pre-
  cede le Traite de Teschen, 278
Histoire de la Jamique, 4154
Histoire de la Milice Francoise, 1155
Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, 4002
Histoire de la Revolution d'Amerique, 489
Histoire de la Vie privee des Francais, 3889
Histoire de la Virginie, 503
Histoire de Timur-Bec, 310
Histoire des Animaux d'Aristote, 1014
Histoire des arbres forestiers, 1083
Histoire des Aventuriers Filibustiers, 3987
Histoire des Causes premieres, 1293
Histoire des Celtes, 242
Histoire des Chenes de l'Amerique, 1084
Histoire des Croisades, 619
Histoire des Decouvertes faites par divers savans
  Voyageurs dans la Russie et la Perse, 3925
Histoire des Etats Barbaresques, 316
Histoire des Generaux qui se sont illustres dans la
  Guerre de la Revolution, 239
Histoire des Guerres et des Negociations qui precederent
  le traite de Westphalie, 1446
Histoire des Mathematiques, 3694
Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, 4144
Histoire des Oracles, 604
Histoire des Progres de la Puissance de l'Angleterre,
Histoire des Promesses illusoires depuis la Paix des
  Piranees, 1441
Histoire des Recherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle,
Histoire des Revolutions arrivees dans le Gouvernement
  de la Republique Romaine, 66
Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, 371
Histoire des Revolutions de Hongroie, 257
Histoire des Revolutions de l'Empire de Maroc, 318
Histoire des Troubles de l'Amerique Anglaise, 484
Histoire d'un Insecte qui devore les Grains de l'An-
  goumois, 738
Histoire d'un Voyage faict en la Terre du Bresil, 4139
Histoire d'une Detention de Trente-neuf ans, 219
Histoire du Bas-Empire, 102
Histoire du Calvinsme, 1556
Histoire du Grand Genghizcan, 309
Histoire du Nouveau Monde, 4090
Histoire du Paraguay, 4141
Histoire du Prince d'Orange et de Nassau, 294
Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand, 197
Histoire du Royaume d'Alger, 315
Histoire du Siege de Gibraltar, 222
Histoire du Siege du Palais, par le Capitaine d'Agout,
Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne, 202
Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises, 4151
Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France,
Histoire Generale des Goths, 246
Histoire Generalle des Indes Occidentales, 4117
Histoire Geographique de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 4013
Histoire Impartiale des Evenemens militaires et politi-
  ques de la derniere Guerre, 477
Histoire Militaire du Regne de Louis le Grand, 201
Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique de l'Oreno-
  que, 4082
Histoire Naturelle de Buff on, 637, 1021, 1024
Histoire Naturelle de la Hollande Equinoxiale, 4128
Histoire Naturelle de la Montagne de Saint-Pierre de
  Maestricht, 638
Histoire Naturelle de Pline, 1013
Histoire Naturelle des Iles Antilles de l'Amerique, 4152
Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 1021
Histoier Naturelle des Poissons, 1050
Histoire naturelle des Quadrupedes, 1029
Histoire Naturelle des Volcans, 635
Histoire Naturelle du Genre Humain, 1051
Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pensylvanie, 4025
Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, 637
Histoire Philosophique de la Revolution de France, 231
Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens
  et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes,
Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Revolution de
  l'Amerique Septentrionale, 485
Histoire raisonnee des Discours de M. T. Ciceron,
Histoire Romaine, ecrite par Xiphilin, Zonare, et par
  Zosime, 97
Histoire secrete de la Cour de Berlin, 281
Histoire Universelle de Jacques Auguste de Thou, 157
Histoire Universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orien-
  tales, 3984
 Histoire veritable de Jeanne de Saint-Remi, 2228
Historia de la Conquista de la China por el Tartaro,
Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, 4119
Historia de Mexico, 4112
Historia de Nueva-Espana, 4120
Historia de Vitis Pontificum Romanorum, 612
Historia del Concilio Tridentino, 615
Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista de las Pro-
  vincias del Peru, 4133
Historia del Luxo, 176
Historia del Mondo Nuovo, 4130
Historia del Peru, 4132
Historia delle Guerre della Germania inferiore, 280
Historia Ecclesiastica, 607
Historia et Concordia Evangelica, 1491
Historia general de Espana, 172
Historia general de la Yndia Oriental, 307
Historia general de las Indias, 4116
Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las
Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano, 4107
  Historia Major, 343
Historia Natual y moral de las Indias (1590), 4096;
  (1608), 4097
Historia Naturalis Brasiliae, 1025
Historia placitorum coronae, 1946
Historia Plantarum (1644), 1055
Historia Plantarum (1731), 1058
Historia succincta Hospitalis S. Elizabethae, 276
Historia verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva-Es-
  pana, 4118
Historiae Anglicae, 348
Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X, 341
Historiae Augustae Scriptores VI, 83
Historiae Ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum, 4866
Historiae Mundi, 1011
Historiae Novae Libri VI, 94
Historiae Philippicae (1760), 35; (1701), 36
Historiae Poeticae Scriptores Antiqui, 11
Historiarum Libri, 38
Historiarum sui Temporis, 206
Historiarum sui Temporis, 156
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard
  III, 351
Historica Relatione del Regno di Cile, 4142
Historical account of the ancient and modern state of
  the Principality of Wales, 3038
Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio
  Indians, 474
Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes,
Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the
  Colonies of S. Carolina and Georgia, 504
Historical Account of the rise, progress and present
  state of the canal navigation in Pennsylvania, 1234
Historical and Chronological Theatre, 136
Historical and chronological view of Roman Law, 2210
Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in
  Europe, 4706
Historical Collections (1680), 2920
Historical Collections (1792), 3044
Historical collections of private passages of state, 2723
Historical Disquisition on the Mammoth, 1047
Historical dissertation concerning the antiquity of the
  English constitution, 2718
Historical Essay on the English constitution, 2717, V,
Historical Essay on the Legislative power of England,
Historical Eulogium on Joseph Priestley, 423
Historical Law-Tracts, 2008
Historical Letters, 138
Historical Register, 394
Historical Review of the Constitution and Government
  of Pennsylvania, 459
Historical Treatise of Cities, 2729
Historical View of the Court of Exchequer, 1875
Historicall discourse of the uniformity of the govern-
  ment of England (1672), 2713; (1689), 2714
Historie dell'India.  II Part, 4114; III Part, 4115
Historie del Peru, 4113
Historie of Edward the Fourth, 349
Historie of the Councel of Trent, 616
Historie of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland,
Historie of the reigne of King Henry VII, 352
Historie of the West-Indies, 4083
Historiographi clarissimi opus prestantissumum, 87
History, American, Jefferson on, I, p. 196
History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings
  of England, 2952
History and Fate of Sacrilege, 627
History and Practice of Aerostation, 1140
History and Proceedings of the House of Commons,
History and Proceedings of the House of Lords, 2927
  V, 2927
History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in
  the West Indies, 1806, 4153
History of America, 469
History of Cambridge, 528
History of Charles XII, King of Sweden, 259
History of Chess, 1172
History of Cold Bathing, 918
History of Don Francisco de Miranda's Attempt to
  effect a Revolution in South America, 4160
History of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ, 1527
History of England (1744-1746), 378
History of England (1778), 386
History of England (1790, 1791), 370
History of England in a series of Letters from a Noble-
  man to his Son, 399
History of Great Britain, 407
History of Great Britaine, 356
History of Greece, 23
History of his own time, 379
History of Ireland, 438
History of Japan, 313
History of John Duke of Marlborough, 382
History of king Richard III, 350
History of Land titles in Massachusetts, 2155
History of Louisiana, 4068
History of Man, 1396
History of Modern Europe, 161
History of Monastical Conventions, 626
History of New Hampshire, 499
History of New Holland, 3944
History of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
History of Pennsylvania, 460
History of Philosophy (1743), 34
History of Philosophy (1792), 1337
History of Quadrupeds, 1030
History of the Administration of John Adams, 506
History of the American Indians, 3997
History of the American Revolution, 490
History of the British Dominions in North America,
History of the British Expedition of Egypt, 406
History of the British Plantations in America, 462
History of the Campagne in Flanders, 373
History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, 491
History of the Chancery, 1725
History of the Church of Englande, 623
History of the colonization of the Free States of An-
  tiquity, 2995
History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 454
History of the Colony of Nova-Caesaria, 458
History of the Common Law of England, 1799
History of the Corruptions of Christianity, 1526
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
History of the dispute with America, 3001
History of the early part of the reign of James II, 375
History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 1026
History of the Expedition under the command of Cap-
  tains Lewis and Clark, 4168
History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Vir-
  ginia, 463
History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, 445
History of the General Council of the Leeward Islands,
History of the High Court of Parliament, 2877
History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties
  of Pennsylvania, 532
History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts, 501
History of the Internal Affairs of the United Provinces,
History of the Law of Shipping and Navigation, 3612
History of the late Revolution in Sweden, 261
History of the Life of King Henry II, 342
History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 74
History of the Life, Reign, and Death of Edward II,
History of the Life, very strange adventures and Works
  of Captain John Macpherson, 522
History of the Mission of the United States Brethren
  among the Indians, 4011
History of the most remarkable Tryals, 1961
History of the Peloponnesian War, 17
History of the Popes, 613
History of the present Parliament, 2921
History of the present state of the Ottoman Empire, 324
History of the Principal Events of the Reign of
  Frederic William II, 267
History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of
  Commons 2933
History of the Province of New York, 502
History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire,
History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland, 439
History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,
History of the Reformation of the Church of England,
History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain
  (1779), 179
History of the Reign of Philip III, King of Spain
  (1786), 180
History of the Reign of Queen Anne, 381
History of the Reing of the Emperor Charles V, 178
History of the Revolt of Ali Bey, 314
History of the Revolution of South-Carolina, 488
History of the Rights of Princes, 2710
History of the Rise, Progress & Accomplishment of the
  Abolition of the African Slave Trade, 1400
History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of
  the Independence of the United States of America,
History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the
  American Revolution, 508
History of the Robinhood Society, 419
History of the United States for 1796, 3515
History of the War in America, France, Spain and
  Holland, 486
History of the wars which arose out of the French
  Revolution, 430
History of the World, 130
History of Virginia, 464
Histrio-Mastix, 1634
Hite, Colonel, Letter from Jefferson (on La
  Rochefoucauld-Liancourt), 4016
Hoadly, Benjamin: Defence of the enquiry into the
  reasons of the conduct of Great-Britain, 2764; En-
  quiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great Britain,
  2760; Plain Account of the nature and end of the
  Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 1637
Hoare, Michael, 4186
Hobart, Sir Henry, Reports, 2039
Hobbes, Thomas: Elementa philosophica de Cive,
  2388; translator, Thucydides, 16; see also 2328
Hody, Humphrey, De Bibliorum Textibus origi-
  nalibus, 1499
Hoegi, Piere, Tabular System whereby the Art of
  composing Minuets is made so easy, 4261
Hoffmann, J. F. I., editor, Journal polytype des
  Sciences et des Arts, 1096; see also 1136
Hoflandio,  Jacobo, , 48
Hogan, Denis, Appeal to the Public, 3393
Holandre, J. J. J., editor, Miller, Dictionnaire des
  Jardiniers, 802
Holbach, Paul H. D.: Bon-Sens, 1292;
  Christianesimo svelato (MS.). 1273; System of
  Nature, 1260, V, 1260
Holbein, Hans, illustrator, Erasmus, 4510
Holborne, Sir Robert, editor, Tothill, W.,
  Transactions, 1740
Holden, John, Essay towards a Rational System
  of  Music, 4250
Holdsworth, Edward, 4281
Holland, James, Strictures upon the letter of
  General Joseph Dickson, 3233
Holles, Denzil: Case stated of the Jurisdiction of
  the House of Lords, 2913; Considerations
  touching that question, 2888; Lord Hollis his
  Remains, 2888
Hollingworth, Richard, Vindicia Caroline, 361
Hollingsworth, S., Account of the Present State of
  Nova Scotia, 4014
Hollins, John, Letter from Jefferson (Arthur
  Young), 744
Hollinshead, William, 1713
Hollis, Thomas: Memoirs by Francis
  Blackburne, 389; reference to, by Jefferson,
Hollis, Thomas Brand: Report of the Sub-
  Committee of Westminster, 2782
    Correspondence with Jefferson: St.
      Elizabeth's Hospital, 276; Memoirs of
      Hollis, 389; note on, V, 276
Holmes, Abiel: American Annals, 444;. History
  of Cambridge, 528; Memoir of the Moheagan
  Indians, 527; see also Silhouette, E. 1452
    Correspondence with Jefferson on his works
      and on Jefferson's loans to him of source
      material, 151, 152, 444, 527, 528
Holmes, John, Greek Grammar, 4732
Holroyd, John Baker, E. of Sheffield:
  Observations on the Commerce of the
  American States (1783), 3618; (1784), 3616
Holt, Charles, Correspondence with Jefferson, 602    
Holt, Sir John, 2072
Holtzmann, Wilhelm, See Xylander, Gulielmus
Holyoake, Thomas, Large Dictionary in Three
  Parts, 4795
Homberg, A. H., Letter to Jefferson: (Volney's
  model of an Egyptian pyramid), 3950
Home, Charles, New chronological Abridgment
  of the History Of England, 387
Home,  Francis, Principles of Agriculture and
  Vegetation, 711
Home, Henry, Lord Kames: Decisions of the
  Court of Session, 2186; Elements of Criticism,
  4699; Essays on the Principles of Morality,
  1254; Essays upon several subjects
  concerning British Antiquities, 2007;
  Gentleman Farmer, 710; Historical Law
  Tracts, 2008; Introduction to the Art of
  Thinking, 1345; Principles of Equity (1760),
  1716; (1767), 1717; (1778), 1718; Remarkable 
  Decisions of the Court of Session, 1739;
  Statute Law of Scotland abridged, 2183;
  Jefferson on, 1716
Home, John, Agis: A Tragedy, 4553
Homer: Iliad (Gr., 1736), 4262; (1783), 4265;
  (Gr. and Lat., 1689), 4240; (1754), 4263;
  (1778), 4267; (Eng., -1750), 4264; (1773),
  4278; Odyssey, (Gr., 1758), 4270; (Gr. and
  Lat., 1740), 4271; (Eng., 1752), 4272; Iliad and
  Odyssey (Gr. a.nd Lat., 1711), 4269; Works
  (Eng., 1616), 4273; (Ital., 1742), 4277
    See also: Blackwell, Thomas, 30; Columbus,
      Johan, 4275; Didymus Chalcenterus, 4268;
      Quintus Smyrnaeus, 4298; Seber, Wolfgang,
    Jefferson on, 4262
Homespun manufactures, Jefferson on, 4639
Homme de Lettres bon Citoyen, 1366
Homme de Rene Descartes, 10'03
Honoratus, Maurus Servius, 4280
Hooker, Richard, Works, 2334
Hoole, Charles, Common Accidence examined
  and explained, 4789
Hoole, John, translator, Tasso, Jerusalem
  delivered, 4292
Hopkins, Charles, History of Love, 4390
Hopkins, Samuel, Address to the Manufacturers of
  Pot and Pearl Ash, 1223, V, 1223
Hopkinson, Francis: A Pretty Story, 3092; books
  bought through, 3034
   Correspondence with Jefferson: American
      Philosophical Society Transactions, 3753;
        Columbian Magazine, 4902; Harpsichord,
        4257; Marshall, Humphry, 1078, V,
        1078; Nautical Almanack, 3810; Notes on
        Virginia, 4167; Pissot's cheap reprints,
        101; letter from Hopkinson to Robert
        Bremner relative to Jefferson, 4252; note
        on, V, 101
Hoppus, E., Practical Measuring, 3577
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Epistolae ad Pisones,
   4478; Odes and Satires, 4477; Oeuvres en Latin et
   en Francois, 4475; Opera, 4480; Poemata, scholiis
   sive annotationibus, 4479; Poetical Translation of
   the Works of Horace, 4476; Quintus Horatius
   Flaccus; ad lectiones Probatiores diligenter emenda-
   tus, 4474
Horn, Georg, Dissertationes Historicae et politicae,
Hornot, Antoine, 153
Horrebow, Niels, Nouvelle Description Physique-
Historique de l'Islande, 3871
Horrors of Slavery, 320
Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, 701
Horsley, John, Britannia Romana, 328
Horsman, Gilbert, Precedents in Conveyancing, 1938
Hortalez, Rodrigue, 3286
Hortensius, pseud., Hay, George, 2022
Hortus Siccus (MS.), 1074
Hot-pressed edition of the Bible, First American,
Hotman, Francois, De Veteri ritu nuptiarum, 2211
Houard, David, Traite sur les coutumes Anglo-
  Normandes, 1774
Houditot, Comtesse d', V, 2566
House of Representatives, Communication to,
  from Jefferson, with regard to uniformity in
  coinage, weights and measures, 3751
Houston, James, Works, 4081
Howard, Charles, Earl of Carlisle, 1449
Howard, John, State of the Prisons in England and
  Wales, 2364
Howell, David: Letter from Jefferson (on read-
  ing), 4474; presents book to Jefferson, 2018
Howell, James, editor, Selden, Mare Clausum,
Howell, William, Institution of General History, 129
Hoyle, Edmond, Short Treatise on the Game of
  Whist, 1175
Hudibras, 4505
Hudson, John, editor: Josephus, 7; Longinus,
  4701; Thucydides, 15; Velleius Paterculus, 76
Huet, Pierre Daniel, De l'Origine des Romans, 4354
Huez, Charles, Discours au Parlement, 2479
  Hughes, Hugh, Memorial and Documents, 3283
Hughes, John: Siege of Damascus, A Tragedy,
  4558; editor, works of Spenser, 4316
Hughes, Nimrod, An Address, 3417
Hughes, William, Grand Abridgment of the Law
  continued, 1787
Hulme, Obadiah, suggested author of Ramsay's
  Historical Essay, V, 2717
Humane Prudence, 1618
Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, 3061
Humble Address of the Archibishops, the bishops and
  clergy of the Province of Canterbury, 2914
Humble Address to every Christian, 1613
Hume, David: Essays, 1261; History of England,
  370; Jefferson's criticism of, 370, 405, 1806
Humphrey, Hosea; Letter from Jefferson (on
  freedom), I, 297; note on, V, 297
Humphreys, Daniel: Bible needs no apology, 1653,
  V, 1653; The Inquirer, 1649; letter from Jeffer-
  son (Shelton's Tachy-graphy), 1127
Humphreys, David: Discours en Vers, adresse aux
  Officiers et aux soldats des differentes Armees
  Americaines, 4447; Miscellaneous Works, 4449;
  Poem, addressed to the Armies of the United States of
  America, 4443; Poem, on the Happiness of America,
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Chastcllus,
       Voyages, 4021, 4023; Cortes, 4120;
       Poems, 4443; see also 4509
Humphreys, James, Correspondence with
  Jefferson, 4153
Hunter, Alexander, editor, Evelyn, Terra, 742
Hunter, John: Natural History of the Human
  Teeth, 1005; Treatise on the Venereal
  Disease, 930
Hunter, William, Observations on the Pelitions
  from various Merchants of Rhode-lsland,
Hurd, Richard, editor: Cowley, Abraham, 4422;
  Horace, 4478
Huron Vocabulary, First printed, 3991
Husbandry dependent on Live Stock, 771
Husbandry of the Ancients, 692
Hutcheson, Francis: Inquiry into the original of
  our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, 1257; Short
  Introduction to Moral Philosophy, 12 56;
  Synopsis Metaphysica, 1238
Hutchins, Thomas: Topographical description of
  Virginia, 525, 4049; list of errors noted by
  Jefferson, 525; see also 474, 4031
Hutchinson, Thomas.(1698-1769), editor:
  Xenophon, De Cyri Institutione, 2 1; Expeditio
  Cyri, 19
Hutchinson, Thomas (1771-1780): Collection of
  Original Papers relative to the Colony of
  Massachusetts-Bay, 455; History of the
  Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 454
Hutton, Charles: Course of Mathematics, 3683;
  Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary,
  3684; Mathematical Tables, 3697
Hutton, Sir Richard, Reports, 2050
Huxley, George, Second Book of Judgements,
Huygens, Christian, Cosmotheros, 3785
Huzard, Jean Baptiste, Instruction sur
  l'amilioration des Chevaux en France, 779;
  see also 693
Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, History of the
  Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 364
Hydraulic and nautical observations on the
  currents of air in the Atlantic Ocean, 659
Hydrodynamica, 3742
Hygrometer of Deluc, Jefferson's interest in, 652
Ibbetson, R., editor, Antonius, 1304
Ibrahim Pacha, Dialogue entre Ibraham Pacha et
  un Municipal, 2587
Iceland: Horrebow Niels, 3871; Jonsson,
  Arngrimur, 3870
Idees dun citoyen sur I'administration des
  finances du Roi; 2432
Idees priliminaires sur le priviege exclusif de la
  Compagnie des Indes, 2527
Idees sur la miteorologie, 652
Idees sur les secours a donner aux pauvres
  malades, 2386
Ihre, Johann, Scripta versionem Ulphilanam et
  Linguam Morse-Gothicam illustrantia, 4859;
  see also 4856
Il ne faut pas trompet le peuple, 2592
Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope,
  Esq. 4264
Illescas, Gonzalo de, Jornada de Carlos V a
  Tunez, 429
Illustrations of Euripides, 4531
Illustrations of Prophecy, 1548
Illustrations of the Fufillment of the Prediction 
  of  Merlin, 1700            
Imlay, George [i. e. Gilbert], 1398, V, 1398
Impartial Enquiry into certain parts of the
  Conduct of Governor Lewis, 3345
Impartial History of the late Revolution in
  France, 229
Importance des Opinions religieuses, 1520
Importance et Avantages d'une Morale
  Publique et Privie, 1521
Importance of the Sugar Colonies to Great-
  Britain stated, 3045
Impost and Excise, Jefferson's interpretation of,
  III, 206
Impot simplifie, 2456
Improvements in Education, 1113
Inaugural Dissertation on pulmonary
  Consumption, 991
Inaugural Dissertation on the chemical and
  medical Properties of the persimmon tree,
Inaugural Dissertation on the Disease
  produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, 939
Inaugural Dissertation on the Gout, 938
Inaugural Essay on the effects, & modus operandi, of
  the carbonates of lime, magnesia and potash, 835
Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae aliquot Homericae de
  Ulixis Erroribus ethice explicatae vertit, 4275
Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of
  Pennsylvania, 530
Income and Expenditure of Great Britain examined and
  stated, 2940
Independence absolue des Americains des Etats Unis,
Independence des Anglo-Americains demontree utile a
  la Grande-Bretagne, 2989
Independent Chronicle, 562; 589
Independent Gazetteer, 572
Independent Whig, 2739
Index to the Monthly Reviews, 4723
Indian languages and vocabularies: Laet, Jo-
  hannes de, 4090; Lahontan, 3993; Pallas,
  4736, 4737; sent to Jefferson through Amos
  Stoddard, 4077; see also under the various
  languages and tribes
  Indian Vocabulary, The, 4883
Indiana grant, 3145
Indians descended from the ancient Jews, 3997,
Ingenhousz, Jan: Electricite sur les vegetaux, 666;
  Experiences sur les Vegetaux, 829; Nouvelles Ex-
  periences et Observations sur divers objets de physique,
  828; correspondence with Jefferson, 666; Jef-
  ferson on his theories, 829
Ingersoll, Charles Jared, View of the rights and
  wrongs, power and policy of the United States of
  America, 3463
Inglis, Charles: Claim and Answer with the subse-
  quent Proceedings, 3531; True Interest of America
  impartially stated, 3115, 3119
Innes, Harry, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, 3225; natural
  history, I, 456
Innocence d'un magistrat accuse de vol, 2418
Inquirer, The, 1649
Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting, 4234
Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders
  in Council, 3362
Inquiry into the causes of the insurrection of the negroes
  in the Island of St. Domingo, 2604
Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European
  Powers, 2542
Inquiry into the connection between the present price of
  provisions and the size of farms, 2759
Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits upon the
  Human Body and Mind, 980
Inquiry into the Effects of putting a stop to the African
  Slave Trade, 1370
Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of
  nations, 3546
Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth,
Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and
  Virtue, 1257
Inquiry into the Original State and Formation of the
  Earth, 641
Inquiry into the present Stated of the Foreign Relations
  of the Union, 3353
Inquiry into the principles of Political Economy, 3555
Inquiry into the Use of the Omentum, 992
Inquiry into the various Sources of the usual forms of
  Summer & Autumnal Disease, 922
Insectorum sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum,
Instituciones Politicas, 3570
Institutes of Justinian, 2192
Institutes of Natural and revealed Religion, 1524
Institutes of the Laws of England, 1781-1784
Institutio Legalis, 1912
Institutio Logicae, 4642
Institution au Droit Francois, 2214
Institution au Droit Maritime, 2123
Institution de la Religion Chretienne, 1538
Institution of General History, 129
Institutione Oratoria, 4651
Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae, 4836
Institutiones Medicae, 881
Institutiones rei herbariae, 1063
Institutions astronomiques, 3795
Institutions Commerciales, 2103
Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, Gerard
  de Rayneval, 1444
Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, Wolff,    
Institutions religieuses dans l'interieur des familles,
Instituts Politiques et Militaires de Tamerlan, 308
Instruction de l'Assemblee. Nationale, sur la formation
  des assemblies representatives, 3633
Instruction donnee par S. A. S. Monseigneur le Duc
  d'Orlians, 2513
Instruction sur l'amelioration des Chevaux en France,
Instruction sur la maniere de gouverner les insenses,
Instructions-commicons-letters of Advice (MS.), 1831
Instructionsfor a young Nobleman, 1357
Instructions (nouvelles) sur l'histoire de France, 190
Instructor Clericalis, 1901
Intelligencer & Weekly Advertiser, 551
Intercepted Letters; or The Twopenny Post Bag, 45 19
Interest Book, 3699
Interest Compleated, 3698
Interesting Appendix to Sir William Blackstone's
  Commentaries, 2899
Interpreter, 18 12
Intrationum, liber omnibus legum Anglie, 1893 
Introduccion a la Historia Natural de Espana, 3896
Introduction a l'Histoire de l'Asie, de l'Afrique, et de
  l'Amerique, 304
Introduction a l'histoire generale de l'univers, 158
Introduction and notes on Mr. Bird's method of
  dividing astronomical instruments, 1213
Introduction to a course of lectures on Natural
  History, 3775
Introduction to Astronomy, Geography, Navigation
  and other Mathematical Sciences, 3787
Introduction to Chronology, V, 137
Introduction to Natural Philosophy, 3725
Introducsion to Physics and Surgery, 883
Introduction to the Art of Reading with Energy and
  Proprie!y, 1124
Introduction to the Art of Thinking, 1345
Introduction to the Classics, 4714
Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ire-
  land, 333
Introduction to the Law relative to the Trials at Nisi
  Prius, 1974
Introduction to the old English History, 2728 
Introduction to the true Astronomy, 3791
Introductiones ad Veram Physicam el Veram n0miam,
Introductionis in Universam Geographiam, 383 5
Introductory Observations submitted to the
  Consideration of the Board of Agriculture, 728
Invention of a new method of copying letters and
  other writings expeditiously, 1132
Invention of printing, 3872
Inventions, Jefferson on, I, 499
Iphigenie en Aulide, Tragidie Opera, 4562
Iredell, James: Laws of the State of North-Carolina, 
  2165; Public Acts of the General Assembly   North-         
Ireland, Statutes (1678), 2188
Irenee Bonfils, 1704 
Irish Association (a fragment), 2821
Isaack, Jacob, 4915
Isaiah, 1476
Islandic language, 4413
Isocrates: Oeuvres Complettes, 4668; Opera, Orations    
  and Epistles, 4667
Israel, John, 550
Istoria civile del regno di Napoli, 167
Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile, 4138
Istoria delle guerre di Francia, 198
Istoria d'Italia, 165
Istoria o brevissima relatione della Distruttione dell'
  Indie Occidentali, 4101
Istruzzioni elementari di Agricoltura, '770
Iter Britannarium Commentarijs illustratum, 3864
Itineraire des Routes les Plus Frequentees, 3869
Ivernois, Sir Francis d': Effets du blocus continental sur
  le commerce, 3251; Innocence d'un magistrat accuse
  de vol demontree, 2418; Revolutions de France et de
  Geneve, 298; Tableau Historique et Politique des
  Revolutions de Genev note on, 297, note on, 298
Izarn, Joseph, Pierres tombies du Ciel., 648 
Izouard, Jean Claude, 1263, 1353


Jackson, David, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Presbyterian Church), 1670
Jackson, James, Major, 3317
Jackson, John George, Speech delivered in the House
  of Representatives, 3374
Jackson, Jonathan, Thoughts upon the political
  situation of the United States of America, 3012
Jackson, Jonathan, Thoughts upon the political
  situation of the United States of America, 3012
Jackson, William (fl. 1726), Scheme demonstrating
  the Perfection and Harmony of Sounds, 4251
Jackson, William, Bp. of Oxford, editor, Consti-
  tutions of the several independent states of America,
Jackson, William, Major, 331, V, 331
Jacob, Giles: Accomplish'd Conveyancer, 1935; Com-
  mon Law common-placed, 1802; Country Gentle-
  man's Vade-mecum, 695; Law Grammar, 1805;
  Law Military, 1986; Lex Mercatoria, 2100; Re-
  view of the Statutes, 1818; Statute-Law common-
  plac'd, 1821; Treatise of Laws, 1804; editor,
  Farresley, Thomas, 2072
Jacobins a Bordeaux, 2601
Jacobs, W. S.: Experiments and observations in uri-
  nary and intestinal calculi, 850; Student's Chemical
  Pocket Companion, 849
Jacquier, Francois, 3720
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 3841
Jaloux, Le. Comedie, 4595
Jamaica, Laws of, 2173, 2174
James I, King of England, Workes, 4926
James, John, translator: Dezallier d'Argentville,
  4226; Perrault, 4182
Jansen, Comelius, Book from his library, 1335
Jansen, Henri, translator, Playfair, William,
  Tableaux d'arithmetique, 2940
Jardin des Racines Grecques, 4771
Jardinier Solitaire, 798
Jaucourt, Louis, 4833
Jauffret, L. F., Opinion d'un jurisconsulte patriote,
  sur le proces intente a Louis XVI, 2659
Jauregui y Aguilar, J. M. de, 4455
Jay, Sir James, Letter from Jefferson (on Indian
  missions) 4011, V, 4011
Jay, John: Address to the people of the State of New
  York, 3017; Letters, being the whole of the Cor-
  respondence between John Jay and Lewis Littlepage,
  515; see also The Federalist, 3021
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Beaumar-
    chais, 3286; Breteuil, 2296; Gazettes de
    Leyde, 164; Malesherbes, 2427; Necker,
    2437; West Indies, 4151; note on, V, 164
Jay's Treaty, 505, 3520
  Jeannin, Pierre, Negotiations de Monsieur le Presi-
  dent Jeannin, 1447
Jeannot et Diogene a Paris, 3648
Jebb, Frederick, Guatimozin's letters on the present
  state of Ireland, 2799
Jebb, John: Letter to Mr Daniel Adams, 2787;
  Vice-President of the Society for Constitutional
  Information, 2781, 2785
Jefferson College in Mississippi Territory
  founded, 2181
Jefferson, George, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Burk's History, 464; Callendar, 3518;
  fugitive sheets of laws, 1841; newspapers, 464;
  Edmund Randolph's Abridgment, 1867; note
  on, V, 464; see also 1026
Jefferson, John Garland, Letter from Jefferson
  (oratory), 4763
Jefferson, Mary, Name inscribed in Keith's
  History, 462
Jefferson, Thomas:
  Published works: Act for establishing religious
    freedom (Eng. and French), 2566, 3028; Ap-
    pendix to the Notes on Virginia, 3225, 4050,
    V, 3225; Discorsi del Sig. T. Jefferson, 3319;
    Life of Meriwether Lewis (in Vol. I of the
    history of the expedition), 4168; Message
    communicating discoveries made by Captains
    Lewis and Clark, 3512; Message transmitting
    a copy of the Proceedings (Aaron Burr), 1963;
    Message transmitting a Roll of the Persons
    having Office, 4166; Notes on the Establish-
    ment of a Money Unit, 3755; Notes on the
    State of Virginia, 4167; Proceedings of the
    Government of the U. S. in maintaining the
    Public Right to the Beach of the Mississippi,
    3501) 3508, V, 3501; Report of the
    Secretary of State on establishing a
    Uniformity in the Weights, Measures and
    Coins of the U. S., 3760, 3770, V, 3760;
    Report of the Secretary of State on the
    Privileges and Restrictions on the
    Commerce of the U. S. in Foreign
    Countries, 2135, V, 2135; Second Annual
    Message, 11, 357; Speech delivered at his
    Instalment (1801), 3259; (Eng., French,
    German, 1801), 3260; (Ital., 1801), 3261,
    3262; Summary View of the Rights of British
    America, 3085, V, 3085; Test of the
    Religious Principles of Jefferson extracted
    from his Writings, 3291; Description of a
    Mouldboard of Least Resistance and
    Memoir on the Discovery of certain bones
    in a Quadruped of the Clawed Kind, 3 7 5 3
  Writings unpublished during Jefferson's
     lifetime: Commonplace book, 2325; Essay
     on Anglo-Saxon, quotations from, (Bede),
     4866; (Chronicum Saxonicum), 4837;
     (Elstob), 4861; (Hickes, G.), 4836, 4860;
     (Lowth), 4842; (Orosius), 4868; (Somner-
     Benson), 4862; (Wallis, John), 4841;
     Garden Book, 801; Memorandums made
     on a tour of some of the gardens of
     England, quotations from, (Chambers, Sir
     William), 4225; (Heeley, Joseph), 4228;
     (Seeley, B.), 4229; (Whateley, Thomas),
     4227; Memorandums taken on a journey
     from Paris into the Southern parts of
     France and Northern Italy in the year
     1787, quotations from, (Bianconi,i C.),
     3911; (Brusco, G.), 3910; (Guide pour le
     Voyage d'Italie), 3907; (La Sauvagere),
     647; (Maucomble), 3886; Thoughts on
     English Prosody, quotations from or
     references to, (Armstrong, John), 4470;
     (Homer), 4262; (Milton), 4286; (Pope),
     4503; (Shenstone), 4430; (Virgil), 4279;
     (Young), 4548
  "Anas" quoted under the following: Ajax to
     James A. Bayard, 3293; Biggs, History of
     Miranda's Expedition, 4160; Genet, Les
     Francais libres, 3243; Marshall, Life of
     Washington, 496; Pike, Z. M., Expedition,
     4169; Plain Truth, 3113
  Annotations or corrections by Jefferson:
     Adams, J., Thoughts on Government (name
     of author and recipient), 3 124; Act to
     enforce an act (paragraph headings), 3448;
     Aeschines (marginal notes in Greek), 4671;
     Alciphron, 1715 (Index), 4628; . Alciphron,
     1785 (Index), 4629; Andre, J. F. (author's
     name), 2515; Azuni, D. A., Maritime law
     (name of translator), 2113; Batteux,
     Charles (notes), 1293; Beverley, William,
     Abridgment, (author's name and
     annotations), 1870; Blackstone,
     Commentaries (notes), 1806; Blackwell, T.
     on Homer (note on flyleaf), 30; Bracton: H.
     de (note), 1771; Braxton, Carter, Address
     (name an title, book missing), 3125;
     Brissot de Warville, 3 tracts (name on
     titles), 2989, 2990, 2991; Brissott de War-
     ville, tract on money (binding and lettering
     instructions), 3581; Burk, J. D., History
     (corrections), 464; Burke, Edmund,
     Thoughts on present discontents (author's
     name), 2757; Burlamaqui, J. J., Droit
     politique (marginal references, 1408; Burn,
     R., Justice of the Peace (notes), 1968; Can-
     didus, Plain Truth (author's name,
     erroneous ascription to Hamilton), 3120;
     Carthew, T., Reports (note, possibly by
     Jefferson), 2071; Cary, S., Review (pencil
     note), 1709; Cases in Chancery (marginal
     references), 1744; Chaix  de Sourcesol
     (author's name), 1608; Chaix de Sourcesol
     (presentation inscription and author's name),
     1607; Cheetham, J., Conduct of Aaron
     Burr (misbinding corrections), 3443;
     Cheselden, W., Anatomy (marginal note and
     corrections), 996; Cicero (translator's
     name, corrections, and a bibliographical
     note), 4634; Clinton, De Witt, Vindication
     of Jefferson (author's name), 3197; Coke,
     Sir E., Institutes (note), 1783; Coke,
     Reports (notes), 2035; Collection of
     Tracts, Almon and Debrett (expansion of
     contents list), 2767; Condorcet,
     des Droits (name of author, translator and
     corrected title), 2522; Condorcet, Es-
     quisse (footnotes), 1247; Condorcet, Essai
     sur la constitution (author's name), 2441;
     Condorcet, Lettres (author's name), 2467;
     Condorcet, Plan de constitution (paragraph
     headings), 2675; Condorcet, Reflexions
     (author's name), 1376; Convention, 1788
     (marginal annotations), 2309; Corrie, E.,
     Corn laws (author's name), 3593; Covert,
     N., crivener's Guide (notes), 1943; Coxe,
     Tench, Address (author's name), 3626;
     Coxe, Brief Examination (author's name),
     3628; Coxe, Enquiry (author's name),
     3625; Coxe, Observations (author's name
     now torn away), 3627; Coxe, Plan (au-
     thor's name), 3631; Coxe, Rflexions (au-
     thor's name), 3629; Coxe, Thoughts con-
     cerning the Bank (author's name and bind-
     ing instructions), 3624; Croke, Sir A.,
     Remarks (notes), 2129; Cunningham, T.,
     Law of Bills of Exchange (notes), 2107;
     Cunningham, Merchant's Lawyer (mis-
     binding corrections), 2106; Debats du so
     Aout (binding instructions), 2662; Decius's
     Letters (author's name and bibliographi-
     cal information), 3152; Delisle de Sales,
     Philosophic (author's name and reference),
     1263; Demosthenes, 1777 (tabulated col-
     lation of this and other editions), 4664;
     Derbigny, Mtmoire (author's name), 3475;
     another copy (list of 3 tracts), 3479;
     Desaussure, Address (author's name), 3228;
     Dickinson and Lee, Farmer and Monitor's
     Letters (author's names), 3076; Dio Cas-
     sius (marginal references), 84; Drelin-
     court (presentation note), 1604; Dubucq,
     Pour et Contre (chapter no. and subject of
     tracts), 2531; Dupont de Nemours, Irtnie
     Bonfils (author's name), 1704; Eddy, T.,
     State Prison (author's name), 2365; Elwyn,
     T., Letter (author's name and address),
     3324; Errard and Fr6art de Chambray,
     Parallle (notes), 4216; Extracts from a
     letter (note), 35o1; Eymar, Quelques reflex-
     ions (binding instructions), 2573; Fair-
     play, Oliver (real name of author noted
     by Jefferson), 3317; Farresley, Report
     (note), 2072; Federalist (authorship notes),
     3021; Fleta (note), 1772; Franklin, B.,
     Historical Review (author's name), 459;
     Franklin, Political Works (notes), 3053;
     Freeman, R., Reports (marginal notes),
     1745; Fugitive sheets of printed laws,
     1775-1781 (acts numbered), 1849, 1850,
     i85I, 1854; (autograph signature), 1846;
     (chapter numbers inserted), 1848, i852,
     1853, 1856; (date), 1843; Geminiani, F.,
     Art of playing the Violin (quotation from
     Burney), 4255; General Abridgment of Cases
     (notes), i755; Genet, Francais libres (au-
     thor's name), 3244; Gibbon, E., History of
     the Decline and Fall (lines from Ossian),
     o10; Granger, G., Address (note), 3462;
     Gravier, J. (index in 30 lines), 3482; Hale,
     Sir M., History of Common Law (additions
     to the index, and marginal notes), 1799;
     Hamilton, A., Second letter (author's name),
     3150; Hay, G., Essay (real name of author
     besides pseudonym), 2022; Helvetius,
     Oeuvres (note on flyleaf), 1242; Herodianus
     (marginal   reference   numerals),   85;
     Holroyd, J. B., Earl of Sheffield, Observa-
     tions (author's name), 3618; Home, H.,
     Ld. Kames, Essays (note on treatment of
     prisoners of war), 1254; Houard, Coutumes
     Anglo-Normandes (footnote on misbinding),
     1774; Humble Address of the Abp. (index),
     2914; Humphreys, Daniel, Bible needs no
     apology (author's name and family, small
     correction), 1653; Ingenhousz, Experiences
     (note), 829; Instruction donnee (editor's
     name, Sieyes), 2513; Isocrates (index in-
     serted), 4667; Jefferson, Proceedings (an-
     notations, corrections and additions),
     3501, 3508; Jefferson, Summary View (au-
     thor's name and annotations), 3085;
     Jenkinson, C. E. of Liverpool, Discourse
	 (author's name and annotations), 2127;
     Jones, Sir T., Reports (author's name and
     notes), 2065; Jurieu, P., Voeux d'un
     patriote (author's name), 2500; Keith, Sir
     W., History (correction), 462; Kelynge, W.,
     Report (author's name), 2078; Knox, W.,
     Controversy (author's name), erroneously
     ascribed to Grenville), 3077; La Poype,
     J. F., Lois de la Nature (author's name),
     2343; Leavenworth, Mark, Colony Com-
     merce (author's name), 3158; Lee, C.,
     Strictures (author's name), 3091; Levinz,
     Sir C., Reports (annotations), 2068; Linn,
     W., Serious considerations (author's name),
     3226; Lit de justice (instructions to the
     binder), 2547; Livingston, E., Address to
     the People (annotations throughout), 3484;
     Livingston, Correspondence (name of au-
     thor), 3498; Livingston, Examination of
     the title (author's name), 3496; Logan,
     George, Letters 1791 (author's name),
     3156; Logan, Letters, 1792 (author's name),
     3157; Longchamps, Histoire (author's
     name), 477; Lucianus (notes), 4616, 4618;
     Lycurgus (leaves numbered), 4660; Mably,
     Principes (epitaph), 2401; Machiavelli
     Princeps (name of author of second tract,
     and note), 2324; Macpherson, J., Rights
     of Gt. Britain (author's name, erroneous
     attribution), 3107; Madison, J., Political
     Observations (author's name), 3177; Mai-
     soncelle on finances (marginal notes),
     2948; Malisset d'Hertereau, Parfaite In-
     telligence (misbinding indication), 3605;
     Marshall, J., Life of Washington (correc-
     tions and marginal annotations), 496;
     Mazzei, Emigration (author's name), 2567;
     Mazzei, Letter (author's name), 2753;
     Mazzei, Recherches (author's name), 3005;
     Mercer, Abridgment (notes), 1872; Message
     from the President, 1807 (title on flyleaf),
     1963; Middleton, C., Life of Cicero (mar-
     ginal note), 74; Millot, Elemens d'Histoire
     (quotation copied on flyleaf), 126; Mira-
     beau, Sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus (note of
     correction on cancelled leaf), 3024; Mon-
     roe, J., Observations (name of author), 3018;
     Moreau de Lislet, Examen (annotation),
     3483; Moreau de Lislet, Examination (au-
     thor's name), 3490; Morellet, Reflexions
     (name of author), 2446; Morris, G., 
     Answer to War in Disguise (author's name),
     2118; Morris, Observations (author's name),
     3132; Morris, M. Robinson, Considera-
     tions (author's name), 3082; Mounier
     (author's name), 2569; Murray, W. V., 
     Political Sketches (author's name), 3151;
     Necker, J. (collective title of tracts), 2640;
     Newton, Sir I., Chronology (corrections),
     135; Nisbet, R., Slavery not forbidden (au-
     thor's name), 1380; Official reports (note),
     3164; Opinion on the case of the Alluvion
     Land (author's name), 3497; Paine,
     Thomas, Prospects on the Rebicon (author's
     name), 2779; Paine, Rights of the Man (pam-
     phlet number), 2826; Pervis's [sic] collec-
     tion (title and provenance note), 1837;
     Peyroux de la Coudreniere, Etat primitif
     (author's name), 1378, 1369; Pieces trou-
     vees dans l'armoire de fer (note on fly leaf), 
     2663; Pitt, Wm. (date), 2822; Plato,
     Republica (annotations), 2344, 2345; Plato,
     Works (corrective note), 1311; Plowden,
     E., Commentaires (notes), 2026; Plutarch
     (marginal paragraph numerals), 69; Pol-
     lexfen, Sir H., Reports (index), 2056;
     Poydras (author's name), 3485; Price, R.,
     Schemes of a Trinity (author's name), 1659;
     Priestley, J., Harmony of the Evangelists
     (presenation inscription), 1492; Priestley,
     History of early opinions (corrections and a 
     footnote), 1527; Priestley, Socrates and
     Jesus compared (two titles added to list),
     1661; Ramond de Carbonnieres (binding
     instructions, cut away), 2588; Randolph,
     E., Abridgment (author's name), 1867;
     Randolph, Vindication (chronology), 3180;
     Randolph, Sir John, Commonplace book
	 (owner's name supplied), 1798; Rastell,
	 W., Collection in English (marginal cor-
	 rections), 1816; Reponse au pour et contre
	 (marginal annotations), 2532; Reports of
	 cases (marginal notes), 1746; Robinson,
	 R., Discourse (annotations), 2006; Rolle,
	 H., Abridgment (marginal notes), 1786;
	 Romanzoff, N. de (title and author's
	 name), 3601; Roussel de la Tour (names
	 of authors), 2428; Ruston, T., Remarks
	 (author's name), 3619; Sarpi, Councel of
	 Trent (long note), 616; Schlegel, Neutral
	 Rights (corrections and annotations), 2128;
	 Seneca (reference numbers), 1324; Ship-
	 ley, J., Speech (author's name), 3083;
	 Smith, John, Generall Historie of Virginia
	 (corrective note), 461; Smith, Sydney,
	 Letters (author's name), 3385; Smith, W.
	 L., Eyes opened (author's name, erroneous
	 and deleted), 3181; Stanley, T., History of
	 Philosophy (pencil notes), 34; Stevens, J.,
	 Observations on Government (author's name),
	 3003; Stith, W., History (corrections and
	 marginal notes), 463; Sumner, C. P.,
	 Eulogy on Washington (2 short additions),
	 3276; Swanwick, J., Consideration of an
	 Act (author's name), 3028; Swinburne,
	 H., On wills (bibliographical note), 2147;
	 Target, G. J. B., Etats-Generaux (author's
	 name), 2510; Thierry, J. B. S. (author's
	 name), 3477, 3480, 3491; Thierry (an-
	 notations), 3477, 3478; Turgot, Adminis-
	 trations provinciales (note as to authorship),
	 2381; Turgot, Reflexions sur les richesses
	 (footnote), 2379; Vattel, Droit des Gens,
	 1758 (marginal annotations), 1411; Vat-
	 tel, Droit des Gens, 1775 (footnote), 1412;
	 Vaughan, Sir J., Reports (index and a
	 note), 2061; Velleius Paterculus (title),
	 75; Virginia laws, 1623-4 (provenance
	 note), 1822; Virginia laws, 1705 (proven-
     ance note), 1829; Virginia laws, Revisal of
	 1794 (marginal references), 1866; Von
	 Zimmerman, Political survey (note), 2405;
     Washington, Bushrod, Reports of Cases
	 (notes), 2090; Washington, G., Letters
	 (notation spurious), 3176; Washington,
	 Message (corrective note), 3167; Webb,
	 G., Justice of Peace (additions), 1970;
	 Wharton, S., Plain Facts (marginal anno-
	 tations), 3145; Whately, G., Principles of
	 Trade (indications of Franklin's contri-
	 butions), 3552; Wilson, G., Reports (note),
	 2086; Wilson, J., Considerations (author's
	 name), 3089; Winslow-Bruhier d'Ablain-
	 court, Uncertainty of signs of death (author's
	 name), 1007; Woodward, A. B., Considera-
	 tions (author's name), 3256; Xenophon,
	 Expedition of Cyrus (marginal note), 20
  Tracts bound in volumes for Jefferson and
	 listed by him on the fly leaves: American
	 commerce, III, 468; American history, I,
	 253; ancient history, I, 55; Batture Case,
	 III, 402; Britain & America, III, 213;
	 Britain & America, III, 215; chemistry,
	 I, 382; commerce, III, 440; English
	 finance, III, 200; English politics, III, 142;
	 English politics, III, 145; Etats Generaux,
	 III, 67; Etats Generaux, III, 68; European
	 pamphlets (1794-1805), III, 169; Euro-
	 pean pamphlets (1800-1804), III, 174;
	 foreign law, II, 418; foreign politics, III,
	 44; French colonies, III, 75; King and
	 Parliament, III, 63; local politics, III, 350;
	 marine law, II, 369; money, French, III,
	 454; neutral rights, II, 37I; pamphlets,
	 American, III, 287; pamphlets, English
	 (1779-1791), III, 155; pamphlets, English,
	 III, 164; pamphlets, historical, I, 258;
	 pamphlets, religious, II, 167; Parliamen-
	 tary and political tracts by Atkyns &
	 others, III, 185; political, American, III,
	 210; political, American, III, 323; politi-
	 cal, English (1800-1801), III, 150; politi-
	 cal, English on the corn laws, III, 457;
	 Political, foreign, III, 114; political,
	 French, III, 56; political, French, III, 59;
	 political, French, III, 90; politics of
	 America, III, 231; religious pamphlets, II,
	 171; sermons, etc., II, 139; tracts, Ameri-
	 can (sundry papers on commerce), III,
  Jefferson's autobiography quoted or men-
	 tioned under the following: Arret du Conseil,
	 2295; Beccaria, 2349; Jefferson, Notes on
	 the Establishment of a Money Unit, 3755;
	 Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 4167;
	 Jefferson, Summary View, 3085; Nicholas,
	 R. C., 3090; Rushworth, John, 2723;
	 Virginia laws, Code of the Revisors, 1864;
	 Wilson, James, 3013
  Autograph signatures of Jefferson in: Cer-
	 vantes, 4347; Florus, 63; Fugitive sheets of
	 printed laws, 1846; Isocrates, 4666; Jeffer-
	 son, Summary View, 3085; Kennett, B.,
	 Romae Antiquae, 114; Livy, 53; Potter, J.,
	 Archaeologia, 40; Voltaire, History of Charles
  XII, 259; Wilson, Thomas, 1639
	 Bindings for Jefferson, with Monticello
	 Library label, 1837-1862; see also under:
       Bindings, unidentified binders; March,
	 John; Milligan, Joseph
  Books dedicated to Jefferson: Albers, J. A.,
	 Americanische Annalen, 4728; Alliot, P.,
	 Reflexions sur la Louysiane, 3510; Antonio,
	 L. L., Necessita di Reformare la Legislazione,
	 3543; Barton, B. S., New Views, 3998;
	 Barton, Wm., Dissertation, 3134; Brodin de
	 la Jutais, Abondance, 722; Buchanan, G.,
	 Oration, 2816; Burk, J. D., History of Vir-
	 ginia, 464; Callet, J. F., Table of Loga-
	 rithms, 3696; Ewell, James, Medical Com-
	 panion, 893; Ewell, Thomas, Plain Discourses,
	 833; Heston, J. F., Moral & Political Truth,
	 3542; Johnson, S. W., Rural Economy, 1178;
	 Krafft, M., American Distiller, 1208; Lomax,
	 J., Notes of an American Lyre, 4452; Ma-
	 gruder, A. B., Political reflections, 3472;
	 Peel, J., Truth and Reason, 1288; Spurrier,
	 J., Practical Farmer, 702; Stokes, W., De
	 Asphyxia, 942; Thomas, A. L., Eulogium on
	 Marcus Aurelius, 425
  Books in which reference is made to Jeffer-
	 son, exclusive of the Notes on Virginia and
	 the Batture Case (q. v.): Adams, J., Mes-
	 sage, 3210; Address of the Democratic
	 Republican, 3304; Ajax, Address to J. Bayard,
	 3293; Almanach du Commerce de Paris, 3602;
	 Almanach Imperial, 2440; American Museum,
	 4903; American Philosophical Society
	 Transactions, 3753; American Remembrancer,
	 3520; Austin, B., Constitutional Republican-
	 ism, 3534; Austin, Wm., Letters from London,
	 3877; Bache, B. F., To the Democratic
	 Republican Electors, 3318; Baltimore Baptist
	 Association, Minutes, 1703; Barlow, J.,
	 Columbiad, 4301; Barlow, Vision of Columbus,
	 4302; Barnes, J., Treatise on Useful Arts,
	 1225; Barton, B. S., New Views, 3998;
	 Barton, Observations on Natural History,
	 4038; Barton, Remarks on the Speech, 3343;
	 Barton, Wm., Dissertation on the freedom of
	 navigation, 2134; Barton, Memoirs of Ritten-
	 house, 529; Bayard, S., Address to the well-
	 disposed, 3266; Bedinger, D., Letter, 3432;
	 Biggs, James, Miranda's expedition, 4160;
	 Birch, T. E., Virginian Orator, 4680; Bishop,
	 A., Connecticut Republicanism, 3235 Bishop,
	 Oration, 3264; Bishop, Oration, 3473;
	 Bishop, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 3277; Blod-
	 get, S., Economica, 3540; Botta, C. G. G.,
	 Storia della guerra, 509; Branagan, T.
	 Avenia, 4515; Bridel, J. L., Pour et Contre,
	 4033; Brissot de Warville, Nouveau Voyage,
	 4024; Burgh, J., Political Disquistions,
	 2720; Burk, J. D., History of Virginia, 464;
	 Burk, Oration, 3297; Callender, J. T., Pros-
	 pect before us, 3518; Callender, Sedgwick &
	 Co., 3517; Callender, Sketches of the History
	 of America, 3516; Calonne, C. A. de.,
	 Lettre adressee a M. Jefferson, 2303; Carey,
	 M., Olive Branch, 3539; Charlton, T. U. P.,
	 Oration, 3282; Chas, J., Histoire Politique et
	 Philosophique, 485; Chastellux, Voyages,
	 4021; Cheetham, J., Letters, 3311; Cheet-
	 ham, Nine Letters on Aaron Burr, 3444;
	 Cheetham, Peace or War, 3356; Cheetham,
	 View of the Conduct of Aaron Burr, 3443;
	 Chronologist of present war, 151; Churchman,
	 J., Explanation of the Magnetic Atlas, 669;
	 Clark, T., Naval History, 531; Claviere et
	 Brissot de Warville, De la France et des E. U.,
	 3609; Cobbett, William, Republican Rush-
	 Light, 3223; Cobbett, Rush-Light, 3222;
	 Columbian Magazine, 4902; Colvin, John B.,
	 Candid View of Facts, 3315; Colvin, Repub-
	 lican Economy, 3302; Constitution of the
	 several independent states of America, 3006;
	 Constitutionality of the Embargo Laws, 3391;
	 Coxe, J. R., Practical Observations on Vac-
	 cination, 953; Crevecoeur, Lettres d'un
	 Cultivateur Americain, 4020; Critical Review,
	 4722; Croft, Sir H., Letter from Germany,
	 4840; Curtius, Defence of the Administration,
	 3316; Cuvier, Eulogium on Priestley, 423;
	 Darlington, Wm., Dissertation, 990; Daveiss,
	 J. H., View of the President's Conduct, 3350;
	 Davis, George, Concise Sketch, 3389; Davis,
	 M. L., Oration, 3232; Demeunier, J. N.,
	 Essai sur les Etats-Unis, 2950; Desaussure,
	 H. W., Address to the citizens of S. Carolina,
	 3228; Dinmore, R., Long Talk, 3312; Dufief,
	 N. G., Logic of Facts, 3425; Dufief, Nature
	 Displayed, 4819; Election of a president,
	 3410; Elwyn, T., Letter to a Federalist, 3324;
	 Encyclopaedia, 4891; Encyclopedie Methodique,
	 4889; Erskine, D. S., Earl of Buchan,
	 Address, 3403; Fairfax, F., Oration, 4691;
	 Faujas de Saint-Fond, Essai de Geologie,
	 640; Federal catechism metamorphosed Fever, 983;
	 First Census, 3288; Fish, S., Cause of Zion
	 defended, 1614, 1615; Foster, J., Oration,
	 3278; Freneau, Philip, Poems, 4438; Gor-
	 don, William, History, 487; Gregoire,
	 Henri, Litterature des Negres (1808), 1398;
	 (English, 1810), 1399; Griffith, T. W.,
	 Independance absolue des Americains (1798),
	 3200; Griswold, S., Overcoming evil with
	 good, 3263; Hall, E., American Law Journal,
	 2098; Hamilton, Alexander, Letter, 3237;
	 Hamilton to the Federalists, 3413; Hammond,
	 J. D., Oration, 3387; Hardie, J., American
	 Remembrancer, 152; Hay, George, Essay on
	 the Liberty of the Press, 2022; Holland,
	 James, Strictures upon the letter of Gen. J.
	 Dickson, 3233; Holmes, Abiel, American
	 Annals, 444; Humphreys, David, Poem on
	 the Happiness of America, 4444; Ingersoll,
	 C.J., View of the rights and wrongs of the U.S.,
	 3463; Inquiry into the present state of the
	 Union, 3353; Jenks, W., Eulogy of Bowdoin,
	 524; Journal of the Senate, 3240; Journals of
	 Congress, 3147; Kennedy, J., Oration, 3270;
	 Lambert, C. G., Lettre a M. Jefferson, 2306;
	 Leland, J., Stroke at the Branch, 3273;
	 Leonidas, Reply to Junius Brutus, 3271;
	 Letters to the citizens of South-Carolina, 3372;
	 Letters to Alexander Hamilton, 3279; Lettsom,
	 Observations on the Cow-Pock, 949; Lincoln,
	 Levi, Letters to the People, 3442; Livingston,
	 E., Address, 3484; La Rochefoucauld-
	 Liancourt, Voyage, 4016; Laws relative to the
	 embargo, 3448; Lee, H., Memoirs of the late
	 War, 533; Leigh, Joseph, Illustrations of
	 Merlin, 1700; M'Calla, Daniel, Works,
	 1713; Mac Neven, W. J., Pieces of Irish
	 History, 440; Marshall, John, Life of
	 Washington, 496; Martin, Alexander, New
	 Scene, 3208; Mazzei, P., De l'Emigration,
	 2567; Mazzei, Recherches, 3005; Mease, J.,
	 Picture of Philadelphia, 4027; Melish, John,
	 Travels, 4034; Message from the President of
	 the United States, 1963; Miller, S., Brief
	 Retrospect, 4727; Monthly Magazine, 4897;
	 Monthly Register, 3375; Monthly Review,
	 4721; National Aegis, 3441; National Mag-
	 azine, 4899; Niles, H., Things as they are,
	 3384; Northmore, T., Washington, 4303;
	 Nouvelles Extraordinaires [Gazettes de Leyde],
	 164; Nugent, H. P., Letter to W. C. C.
	 Claiborne, 3439; Pacificus, Serious Expostula-
	 tion, 3365; Paine, Thomas, Letter to George
	 Washington, 3189; Pinkerton, J., Modern
	 Geography, edited by B. S. Barton, 3827;
	 Pinkney, Wm., Few Remarks, 3238; Priest-
	 ley, J., Letter to the Rev. J. B. Linn, 1662;
	 Priestley, Memoirs, 390; Proceedings of the
	 democratic association of Gloucester county,
	 3265; Public characters of 1798-1801, 402;
	 Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Memoire, 1119;
	 Quid Mirror, 3426; Ramsay, David, History
	 of the American Revolution, 490; Ramsay, Life
	 of George Washington, 511; Randolph, John,
	 Letters of Decius, 3342; Ray, Wm., Horrors of
	 Slavery, 320; Reasons offered in favor of the
	 removal of the seat of Government from Washing-
	 ton, 3371; Report of the Committee on the
	 Treasury Department, 3245; Repository, The,
	 4901; Resolution of delegates of Washington
	 county, 3449; Review of political affairs, 3453;
	 Rickman, T. C., Poetical Scraps, 4450;
	 Rules and Articles, 1987; Rush, B., Account of
	 the Sugar Maple Tree, 677; Russell, J.,
	 Whole Truth, 3455; St. Elizabeth, Historia
	 succincta, 276; Saint-Paul, N. D. F., Essai,
	 2866; Sampson, W., Memoirs, 441; Samp-
	 son, Trial of Capt. Henry Whitby, 3409;
	 Scott, Joseph, United States Gazetteer, 4022;
	 Second census, 3289; Simcoe, J. G., Remarks
	 on the Travels of Chastellux, 4040; Slave
	 representation by Boreas, 3411; Smith, Wil-
	 liam, Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, 520;
	 Smith, William L., Pretensions of Thomas
	 Jefferson, 3174; Smith, William Stephens,
	 Remarks on the late infraction, 3470; Some
	 remarks and extracts in reply to Mr Pickering's
	 letter, 3452; Soules F., Histoire des troubles
	 de l'Amerique, 484; Spafford, H. G., General
	 Geography, 3828; Stiles, E., United States
	 elevated, 1575; Stoddard, Amos, Sketches of
	 Louisiana, 4077; Story, Isaac, Oration, 3269;
 	 Tarleton, Sir B., History of the Campaigns,
	 491; Test of the religious principles of Mr.
	 Jefferson, 3291; Thacher, S., Oration, 3298;
	 Thierry, Reply to Mr Duponceau, 3491;
	 Thomson, W., Trial of Aaron Burr, 3435;
	 To the Republican Citizens of Pennsylvania,
	 3234; Toulmin, Harry, Statutes of the Mis-
	 sissippi Territory, 2181; Tousard, A. L. de,
	 American Artillerist's Companion, 1160; Treaty
	 of amity, 505; Trial of Aaron Burr, 1962;
	 Valentin, L., Coup d'oeil, 727; Volney,
	 Tableau du Climat, 4032; Von Humboldt,
	 Political Essay, 4158; Von Humboldt,
	 Voyage, 4157; Warren, Mercy Otis, History,
	 508; Waterhouse, Prospect of Exterminating
	 the Small Pox, 946; Webster, Noah, Collec-
	 tion of Essays, 4928; Webster, Rights of
	 Neutrals, 2133; Weekly Magazine, 4898;
	 Williams, Robert, Correspondence with J. W.
	 Bramham, 3369; Wilmer, J. J., Men and
	 Measures, 3386; Wilson, Alexander, Amer-
	 ican Ornithology, 1022; Wilson, John, Volume
	 for all libraries, 4888; Wolcott, O., Address,
	 3285; Wood, John, Full Exposition, 3280;
	 Worthington, W. G. D., Speech, 3394;
	 Yznardi, Joseph, Letter in Vindication of his
	 conduct, 3267
  Notes on the State of Virginia:
   Authors noted or quoted in the book:
	 Beverley, R., Histoire de Virginie, 503;
	 Buffon, G. L. L., Histoire Naturelle, 1024;
	 Catesby, M., Natural History of Carolina,
	 1027; Cook, J., Voyages, 3938; Cuvier,
	 G. L. C. F. D., Tableau elementaire, 1020;
	 Descartes, R., 1003, 3719; Franklin,
	 Benjamin, 631; Galileo, G., Dialogo,
	 3786; Gronovius-Clayton, Flora Virgin-
	 ica, 1075; Hazard, E., Historical Collec-
	 tions, 3044; Homer, Odyssey, 4270; Keith,
	 Sir W., History of British Plantations, 462;
	 Nicholas, R. C., Considerations on the
	 present state of Virginia, 3090; Raynal,
	 G. T. F., Histoire Philosophique, 466;
	 Report of the Committee of Revisors of 1776,
	 1864; Smith, John, Generall Historie, 461;
	 Stith, William, History of Virginia, 463;
	 Voltaire, 4923; Wheatley, Phillis, Poems,
  Mentioned in correspondence: Allens, W.
	 O., 4338; Appleton, T., 734; Barlow,
	 Joel, 4302; Burk, J. D., 464; Davis, M. L.
	 and W., 3760; Hopkinson, F., 3753;
	 Price, Richard, 1248, 1577; Ramsay, D.,
	 488; Von Humboldt, 4157; for the full
	 correspondence concerning the Notes,
	 see no. 4167
     References to, or quotations from, occur
     in the following works: Barton, B. S.,
	 Natural History of Pennsylvania, 1028;
	 Barton, Wm., Memoirs of Rittenhouse, 529;
	 Barton, Observations, 667; Birch, T. E.,
	 Virginian Orator, 4680; Bishop, Abraham,
	 Connecticut Republicanism, 3235; Black-
	 stone, St. G. Tucker's edition, 1807;
	 Brissot de Warville, J. P., Memoire sur les
	 Noirs, 1383; Churchman, J., Magnetic
	 Atlas, 669; Columbian Magazine, 4902;
	 Cordier de Launay de Valeri, 3923;
	 Critical Review, 4722; Encyclopedia, 4891;
	 Faujas de Saint-Fond, Essai de Geologie,
	 640; Gregoire, H., Enquiry, 1399; Gre-
	 goire, Litterature des Negres, 1398; Griffith,
	 T. W., Independence absolue des Americains,
	 3200; Hardie, J., American Remembrancer,
	 152; Holmes, A., Memoir of the Moheagan
	 Indians, 527; La Rochefoucauld-Lian-
	 court, Voyage dans les Etats-Unis, 4016;
	 Lear, Tobias, Observations on the River
	 Potomack, 4043; Linn, William, Blessings
	 of America, 1647; Marshall, J., Life of
	 Washington, 496; Mazzei, Recherches his-
	 toriques, 3005; Miller, Samuel, Brief
	 Retrospect, 4727; Monthly Review, 4721;
	 National Magazine, 4899; New and com-
	 plete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 4893;
	 Peel, J., Truth and Reason, 1288; Rouelle,
	 J., Treatise on the Mineral Waters of
	 Virginia, 671; Spafford, H. G., General
	 Geography, 3828; Taylor, J., Arator, 814;
	 Test of the Religious Principles of Mr. Jeffer-
	 son, 3291; Tucker, St. G., Dissertation on
	 Slavery, 2818; Volney, Tableau du Climat,
	 4031; Von Humboldt, Voyage, 4157;
	 Webster, Noah, Collection of Essays, 4928
   Source book for the following: Barton,
	 B. S., New Views, 3998; Barton, Observa-
	 tions, 4038; Bridel, L., Pour et Contre,
	 4033; Brissot de Warville, Nouveau Voy-
	 age, 4024; Burk, J. D., History of Virginia,
	 464; Filson, J., Histoire de Kentucke, 4030;
	 Guthrie, W., New System, 3826; Holmes,
	 A., American Annals, 444; Melish, J.,
	 Travels, 4034; Pictet, C., Tableau, 3965;
	 Pinkerton's Modern Geography, edited by
	 B. S. Barton, 3827; Scott, J. S., United
	 States Gazetteer, 4022; Virey, J. J., His-
	 toire Naturelle du Genre Humain, 1051;
	 Webster, Noah, Effects of Slavery, 2817;
	 Williams, S., History of Vermont, 437
   Source material used by Jefferson for the
	 Notes: Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage a
	 Siberie, 3923
  Poems written to Jefferson or in which his
	 name occurs: American Museum, 4903;
	 Barlow, Joel, Columbiad, 4301; Barlow,
	 Vision of Columbus, 4302; Birch, T. E.,
	 Virginian Orator, 4680; Federal Catechism
	 Metamorphosed, 3314; Freneau, Philip,
	 Poems, 4438; Humphreys, David, Poem,
	 4444; Leigh, Joseph Illustrations of Merlin,
	 1700; Martin, Alexander, New Scene, 3208;
	 Northmore, T., Washington, 4303; Ray, W.,
	 Horrors of Slavery, 320; Rickman, T.,
	 Poetical Scraps, 4450
  Subscriber to the following books: Alldridge,
	 Universal Merchant, 3572; Ball, I., Analytical
	 View, 1001; Barton, W., Memoirs of Ritten-
	 house, 529; Becourt, R. de, Creation du
	 Monde, 4930; Bible (hot-pressed edition),
	 1469; Bible (T. Scott's edition), 1471;
	 Birch, W., Philadelphia, 4161; Branagan,
	 T., Avenia, 4515; Brown, John, Dictionary
	 of the Bible, 1506; Carey, John, Shorthand,
	 1133; Churchman, J., Explanation of the
	 Magnetic Atlas, 669; Clarkson, T., Slave
	 Trade, 1400; Columbian Magazine, 4902;
	 Dickinson, John, Political Writings, 3055;
	 Dufief, N. G., Dictionary, 4822; Dufief,
	 Nature Displayed, 4819; Edinburgh Review,
	 2811; Edwards, Bryan, British West Indies,
	 4153; Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889; Evans,
	 Oliver, Mill-Wright, 1180; Ewell, T., Plain
	 discourses, 833; Fraser, Donald, History of
	 Man, 1396; Freneau, Philip, Poems, 4438;
	 Gardiner and Hepburn, American Gardiner,
	 809; Gordon, W., History, 487; Hardie, J.,
	 American Remembrancer, 152; Hazard, Eb-
	 enezer, Historical Collections, 3044; Hening,
	 W. W., New Virginia Justice, 1971; Hum-
	 phreys, David, Works, 4449; La Platiere,
	 Galerie Universelle, 149; Lewis and Clark,
	 Expedition, 4168; Lomax, J., American Lyre,
	 4452; Marshall, J., Life of Washington, 496;
	 Maupin sur la vigne, 785; Mease, James,
	 Philadelphia, 4027; Monthly Magazine, 4897;
	 Moreau de Saint-Merey, St. Domingue, 4155;
	 Nouvelles Extraordinaires [Gazettes de Leyde],
	 164; Puglia, S. F., Desengano del hombre,
	 2333; Rickman, T. C., Poetical Scraps, 4450;
	 Rowlett, John, Tables of Discount, 3691;
	 Scott, Joseph, Universal Gazetteer, 3840;
	 Spurrier, J., Practical Farmer, 702; Thomp-
	 son and Price, History of our Blessed Lord,
	 1493; Tooke, Wm., Life of Catherine II,
	 251; Tousard, A. L. de, American Artillerist's
	 Companion, 1160; Useful Cabinet, 1105;
	 Warren, M. O., History of the American
	 Revolution, 508; Weekly Magazine, 4898;
	 Willes, Sir John, Reports, 2084; Wilson, A.,
	 American Ornithology, 1022
  Jefferson, Thomas, Miscellaneous: Account
	 book quoted, 2567; arms of his family, 416;
	 author of advertisement for Ramsay's
	 History, 488; author of the preface for
	 Destutt de Tracy's Commentary and Review,
	 2327; biography of, in Columbian Magazine,
	 4902; classification scheme, 4916; copies
	 MS. on Bacon's Rebellion, 534; corrects
	 errors in Hutchins' map of Mississippi,
	 525; cuts portrait of Vespuccius out of
	 Canovai, 4163; his own account of his
	 escape from Tarleton's troops, 533; holo-
	 graph of Acts of General Assembly, 1855;
	 indices made by Jefferson, 4628, 4629,
	 4667; interested in the translation of
	 English books into French, 487, 488;
	 Jefferson and Madison naturalized citizens
	 of France, 3372; Jefferson and the ship
	 New Jersey, 3344; Jefferson and Washing-
	 ton, prints of, dispute concerning, 2098;
	 Jefferson made a member of the London
	 Board of Agriculture, 767; Jefferson manu-
	 script of Virginia laws, 1863; list of maps
	 copied for the War Office, 3859; map of
	 Virginia drawn by Jefferson, 1533; Morals
	 of Jesus described, 1528; newspaper col-
	 lection lost, 464; no knowledge of the
	 German language, 443; Parliamentary
	 Manual mentioned in the correspondence,
	 240; plans for the University of Virginia,
	 1114; plant named for, 1088; preference
	 for Irish pirated editions, 1716; publisher
	 of the Compact Maritime by Paine, 3242;
	 reads Ossian in the evening, 4377;
	 religious syllabus, 1314, 1526, 1528, 1661;
	 Runic and Gothic alphabets in his auto-
	 graph, 4858; sceptic in the practice of med-
	 icine, 961; supplies information to authors
	 or revises manuscripts, 484, 487, 3005;
	 suspected author of Destutt de Tracy's
	 Commentary, III, 9; translates from Grotius,
	 Von Pufendorf, and Wolff, 1404; trans-
       lator of Destutt de Tracy, 2327; writes lines
       from Ossian in Gibbon's History, 101
Jeffersonia (plant), 1088
Jefferys, Thomas: American Atlas, 3961; Natural
  and Civil History of the French Dominions in North
  and South America, 4000
Jeffreys, George Washington, Letter from Jeffer-
  son, 689
Jeffries, Narrative of two aerial voyages, 1141
Jekyll, Joseph, Life of Ignatius Sancho, 4640
Jellis, Jarrig, 1267
Jenghiz Khan, 309
Jenings, Edmund: Candor of Henry Laurens, 512;
  Full Manifestation of what Mr Henry Laurens falsely
  denominates Candor in himself, 514; Translation to
  the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe, 3065;
  book from his library, 1791
Jenkins, David, Eight Centuries of Reports, 2037
Jenkins, Sir Leoline. Life of, 374
Jenkinson, Charles, Earl of Liverpool: Collection
  of all the Treatise of Peace, 1453; Conduct of Great
  Britain as to neutral nations, 1442; Discourse on
  the conduct of the government of Great Britain, 2127;
  Representation of the Lord of the Committee of
  Council, 3591
Jenks, William, Eulogy, illustrative of the Life of
  James Bowdoin, 524
Jenner, Edward: Coxe, J. R., Practical Observa-
  tions on Vaccination, 953; Jenner, George C.,
  The Evidence at Large, 954; Report on Dr Jenner's
  petition, 950; Valentin, L., Notice Biographique
  sur le Dr. Jenner, 421
Jenner, George C., Evidence at Large respecting Dr
  Jenner's Discovery of Vaccine Inoculation, 954
Jennings on medals, 4698
Jenyns, Soames, Disquisitions on several subjects,
Jerusalem Delivered, 4292
Je suis le veritable pere Duchesne, 3659
Jesuit Relation, 4001
Jesus of Nazareth, Jefferson on, 1526, II, 89
Jeu des Eschets, 1170
Jews, Naturalization of, 3568
Jews, Religious, political, and military system of,
Joao Jose de Santa Thereza, Istoria delle Guerre
  del Regno del Brasile, 4138
Job, Book of, 1475, 1550
Jodrell, Richard Paul: Illustrations of Euripides,
  4531; Persian Heroine. A Tragedy, 4442
Johnson, Charles, 3987
Johnson, John: Clergyman's Vade-Mecum, 2142;
  Collection of all the ecclesiastical laws, 2144
Johnson, Richard, Aristarchus Anti-Bentleianus,
Johnson, Robert, Nova Britannia, 4052
Johnson, Samuel: Dictionary of the English Lan-
  guage, 4874; False Alarm, 2758; Taxation no
  Tyranny, 3103; see also Campbell, Archibald,
  4875; Tasso, 4292
Johnson, Stephen William, Rural Economy, 1178,
  V, 1178
Johnson, Thomas: Novus Graecorum Epigram-
  matum, 4498; editor, Sophocles, 4520, 4521
Johnson, Thomas, editor, Von Pugendorf, 1253
Johnson, William, translator, 2113
Johnson, William, judge, Letter from Jefferson
  on agriculture, I, 323; V, 323
Johnston, Arthur, Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis
  Poetica, 4398
Johnston, Charles, Chrysal: or, The Adventures of
  a Guinea, 4358
Johnston, Josiah Stoddard, Letter from Jefferson,
  V, 3166a
Johnston, William, Pronouncing and Spelling Diction-
  ary, 4849
Johnstone, George, 3133
Joly, Guy, Memoires, 203
Jombert, Charles Antoine, Bibliotheque portative
  d'Architecture elementaire, 4215, 4216
Joncquieres, 300
Jones, David, Journal of Two visits made to some
  Nations of Indians, 4005, 4048
Jones, John, editor, Bell, System of Surgery, 856
Jones, John Paul: Charges and Proofs respecting the
  conduct of Peter Landais, 516; letter from Jeffer-
  son (Gordon's History), 487
Jones, Meriweather, 578, 3085
Jones, Samuel, Letter from Jefferson, 661, 670
Jones, Skelton, publisher: Virginia Examiner, 578
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Newspapers,
  464; Virginia Laws, 1864; note on, V, 464
Jones, Thomas, Welsh and English Dictionary, 4878
Jones, Sir Thomas, Reports de divers special cases
  en le Common Bank, 2065
Jones, Walter, Letter to Jefferson, 860
Jones, Sir William (1566-1640), Reports de Sir
  William Jones, 2053
Jones, Sir William (1746-1794): Essays on the Law
  of Bailments, 1982; Poeseos Asiaticae Commentari-
  orum, 4709; Principles of Government, 2786;
  translator, Calidas, Sacontala, 4435
Jones, William (of W. & S. Jones): Description
  and use of a new portable orrery, 678
  Correspondence with Jefferson: astronomi-
  cal quadrant, 3734; mathematical instru-
  ments, 3718; New Dictionary of Arts and
  Sciences, 4893; portable orrery, 678
Jones, William and Samuel: Catalogue of Optical
  Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, 679
  Books bought from: Adams, Geometrical and
  Graphical Essays, 3718; Adams, Introduction
  to Practical Astronomy, 3797; Arrowsmith's
  maps, 3843; Baxter's History, 405; Com-
  brune's Brewing, 1206; Olmadilla's map
  of S. America by Faden, 3857
Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist, 4606; Epicoene, 4605;
  see also 4056
Jonsson, Arngrimur, Specimen Islandiae Historicum,
Jonsson, Runolfur, Grammatica Islandica, 4836
Jordanes, Histoire generale des Goths, 246
Jornada de Carlos V a Tunez, 429
Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitatum Judaicarum, 6;
  Genuine Works, 8; Opera Omnia Graece et Latine, 7
Jourdan, Jean Baptiste, 4344
Jourgniac Saint-Meard, Francois de, Mon agonie
  de trente-huit heures, 2615
Journal des Colonies, 2639
Journal des debats et des decrets, 2662
Journal des Etats Generaux founded, 2572
Journal du Voyage du Chevalier Chardin en Perse,
Journal d'un Voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720, 4070
Journal during a Residence in France, 220
Journal General d'Indication, 2599
Journal Historique du dernier Voyage que feu M. de
  la Sale fit dans de Golfe de Mexique (1713), 4073;
  (English, 1714), 4074
Journal of a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
  Church, 3027
Journal of a Gentleman, 314
Journal of Andrew Ellicott, 4086
Journal of Captain Cook's last Voyage (1785), 3938;
  (1783), 3940
Journal of Major George Washington, 473
Journal of my Forty-fifth Ascension, 1134
Journal of the First Session of the Senate of the
  United States, 3163
Journal of the House of Burgesses, 3161
Journal of the House of representatives, 3162
Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of 
  Virginia, 3240
Journal of the Session, 2185
Journal of the Transactions and Occurrences in the
  Settlement of Massachusetts, 456
Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Dis-
  covery, under the command of Capt. Lewis and
  Capt. Clarke, 4078
Journal of Two Visits made to some Nations of
  Indians, 4005, 4048
Journal polytype des Sciences et des Arts, 1096
Journals of Congress, 3147
Journee des Dupes, 2586
Journu-Auber, Bernard, Memoire sur l'amelioration
  des races de Betes a laine, 775
Joutel, Henri, Journal Historique du dernier Voyage
  que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique
  (1713), 4073; (English, 1714), 4074
Jovius, Paulus, Historiarum sui Temporis, 206
Joy, George, Letter to James Madison, 1432
Juan Y Santacilia, Jorge: Dissertation Historique
  et Geographique sur le Meridien de Demarcation,
  4091; Observaciones astronomicas y physicas, 4126;
  Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Merid-
  ional, 4125
Judas, Maccabaeus, a Sacred Drama, 4454
Judgements as they were upon solemne arguments given
  in the Upper Bench, 1922
Judges Resolutions upon the several statutes concerning
  Bankrupts, 1993
Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations, 2712
Judicious and select Essays and Observations, 1167
Juliana (ship), 2693
Julianus, Flavius Claudius: Iulani Imperatoris
  Caesares ex recensione et cum adnotationibus T. C.
  Harles, 88
Jullien, Denis Michel, Tableau Historique et Philos-
  ophique des Discussions Importantes, 3642
Jullien, Marc Antoine, Essai general d'Education
  physique, morale, et intellectuelle, 3642
Junius: including letters by the same writer, 2742
Junius, Francis: Boethius, 4867; testaments,
  1462, 1467, 4864; note on, 4864
Junius Redivivus, Letters on men, measures and
  politics, 2837
Jura Coronae, 2706
Jura Ecclesiastica, 2138
Juramenti promissorii obligatione, 1402
Jure Belli ac Pacis, 1404
Jurieu, Pierre, Voeux d'un patriote, 2500
Juris Graeco Romani tam Canonici quam civilis, 1596
Juris Romani, 2205
Jurisdictions: or, the lawful authority of Courts Leet,
Jurisprudentiae Contractae, 2194
Jus Appellandi ad Regem, 1728
Jus Feudale, 1766
Jus Filizarii, 1929
Jus Parliamentarium, 2892
Jus Sigilli, 1727
Jussieu, Antoine de, 1063
Justice, Alexander, General Treatise of the domin-
  ion of the sea, 2114
Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer, 1968
Justice of the Peace for Ireland, 1965
Justice's Case Law, 1969
Justification of General Moreau from a charge of
  conspiracy, 2863
Justin Martyr, Opera, 1581
Justinian: Codex Justinianus, 2195; Institutes, with
  notes by Thomas Cooper, 2192; Institutiones Vinnii,
  2193; Institutionum, translated by George Harris,
Justinus, Marcus Junianus, Historiae Philippicae
  (1760), 35; (Delphin, 1701), 36
Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae (1544), 4484;
  (1648), 4485; (1671), 4486; (1689), 4481;
  (1742), 4483; (English by Dryden), 4487


Kaempfer, Engelbert, History of Japan, 313
Kalm, Pehr, Travels into North America, 4026;
  see also 4025
Kames, Lord. See Home, Henry, Lord Kames
Kamper, Peter, vs. Mary Hawkins, 2092
Keate, George, Account of the Pelew Islands, 3941
Keble, Joseph: Reports in the Court of King's
  Bench, 2063; editor, Statutes at Large, 1815
Keefe, Luke, Aux consuls de la Republique, 2694
Keill, James, Medicina Statica Britannica, 899
Keill, John: Introductiones ad veram Physicam et
  veram Astronomiam (1725), 3724; (English,
  1769), 3791; Institutions Astronomiques, 3795
Keilway, Robert, Reports d'ascuns Cases, 2024
Keith, George Skene: Particular Examination of
  the new French constitution, 2806; Prize Disserta-
  tion on the excellence of the British Constitution,
  2805; Tracts on Weights, Measures and Coins,
Keith, Sir William, History of the British Planta-
  tions in America, 462
Kelynge, William, Report of Select Cases in
  Chancery, 2078
Kennedy, James, Oration delivered before the In-
  habitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, 3270
Kennedy, Joseph Pulaski, To the World, 3429
Kennedy and Lee, Catalogue of Plants and Seeds,
Kennett, Basil: Romae Antiquae Notitia, 114; trans-
  lator, Pascal, 1516; Von Pufendorf, 1407; note
  on, 114
Kennett, White: Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia,
  472, V, 472; Complete History of England, 377;
  editor, Law Dictionary, 1813; Treatise of Gavel-
  Kind, 2000
Kent, James, Laws of the State of New-York, 2162
Kent, John, translator, Chastellux, Travels, 4023
Kent, William, 4217
Kentucky: Criminal law of, Toulmin and Blair,
  2175; To the People of, 3427; see also 3510, 4030
Kentucky Resolutions against the alien and
  sedition laws, 3196
Kericke, Reinhold, 2122
Kerr, Lewis, Explication des lois criminelles du
  Territoire d'Orleans, 2177
Kersaint, A. G. S. Coetnempren de, Discours sur
  les Monuments Publics, 4212; see also 3655
Keteltas, William 548
Kew Gardens, Jefferson on, 4225
Keyssler, Johann Georg, Travels through Ger-
  many, Bohemia, etc., 3863
Kilty, John, Land-holder's assistant, 2172
Kilty, William, Laws of Maryland, 2171
Kimber, Edward: Peerage of England, 416; Peer-
  age of Ireland, 418; Peerage of Scotland, 417
Kimber & Conrad, 3677
King, Charles, 3574
King, James, 3941
King, Peter, 1751
King, Rufus, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Bacon's Rebellion MS, 534; Negro colonies in
  Africa, 2874, 3240; note on, V, 440
King, William, Historical Account of the Heathen
  Gods and Heroes, 1455
King and Parliament, Tracts on 2467-2499
Kingsbury, Susan, Records of the Virginia Com-
  pany, 1831
Kinsey, John, 2163
Kirby, John, Joshua, Perspective of Architecture,
Kirk, Robert, 4877
Kirkman, harpsichord maker, 4254
Kirkpatrick, James, 890
Kirwan, Richard: Estimate of the Temperature of
  Different Latitudes, 650; Manures most advanta-
  geously applicable to the various sorts of soil, 716
  Observations on Coal-Mines, 672; Jefferson on
  Kirwan's manures, 716; corrective note, V, 
Kitchin, John, Jurisdictions, 1878
Kliyogg, 705
Knight, Thomas Andrew, Treatise on the Culture
  of the Apple & Pear, 1211
Knittel, Franz Anton, 4858
Knox, Henry: Plan for the General Arrangement of
  the Militia, 3031; founder of the Order of the
  Church of Scotland, 625
Knox, Samuel: Essay on the best system of liberal
  education, 1114
  Correspondence with Jefferson: George Bu-
  chanan, 433; Notes on Virginia, 4167 (p.
  326); note on, V, 433
Knox, William: Appendix to the present state of the
  Nation, 2755; Controversy between Great Britain
  and her Colonies reviewed, 3077
Koenig, Armand of Strassburg, Books bought
  from or offered by: Aeschines, 4625; Aeschy-
  lus, 4525; AEsop, 4366; Aristophanes, 4575;
  Calepino, 4739; Cicero, 1314; Demetrius of
  Phalerum, 4654; Euripides, 4527; Genander,
  4855; Historiae Augustae, 83; Lindahl, 4856; Livy,
  54; Lycophron, 4343; Maupertuis, 3803; Me-
  nander et Philemon, 4578; Nicephorus, 95;
  Philo Judaeus, 1579; Plato, 1311; Scriptorum de
  Jure Nautico, 2122; Tuningius, 110; Wetstein,
Kolb, Peter, Description du Cap de Bonne-Esperance,
Komarzewski, Jan Chrzciciel: Coup-d'Oeil rapide
  sur les causes reelles de la Decadence de la Pologne,
  256; Memoir on a subterranean graphometer, 1221
Koops, Matthias, Map of the River Rhine, 3862
Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed,
Kornman, Collection des pieces et memoires, 2271
Kosciuszko, T. A. B., Manoeuvres of Horse Artil-
  lery, 1149
Kosmopolites, S. L., 314
Krafft, Johann Karl, and Ransonnette, P. N.,
  Plans, Coupes, Elevations des plus belles Maisons,
Krafft, Michael, American Distiller, 1208, V, 1208
Krag, Neils, De Republica Lacedaemoniorum, 2463
Krebs, Johann Tobias, Decreta Romanorum pro
  Iudaeus facta, 9
Kuhnoel, C. G., 1334
Kunze, J. C., Table of a New Construction for
  calculating the great Eclipse, 3817
Kuster, Ludolph: De Vero usu Verborum Mediorum,
  4768; editor, Aristophanes, 4574; Suidas, 4758


La Barre, Jean de, 121
La Barre, L. F. J. de, editor, Moreri, Grand
  Dictionnaire, 144
La Barthe, Adrien, Changes fait, ou Manuel du
  Banquier et du Negociant, 3700
Labat, Jean Baptiste: Nouveau Voyage aux Isles
  de l'Amerique, 4150; Voyage du Chevalier des
  Marchais en Guinee, 4130; see also 4136
La Bletterie, J. P. R. de, Life of the Emperor
  Julian, 90; see also 89
La Brosse, Pierre, 4910
La Brousse, De, Traite de la Culture du Figuier, 813
La Bruyere, Jean de, 1347
La Bruyere, Jean Louis Barbeau de, 160
Lacepede, Bernard G. E. de la Ville sur Illon,
  comte de: Discours d'ouverture et de cloture du
  Cours de Zoologie, 1044; Histoire Naturelle des
  Poissons, 1050; Histoire Naturelle des Quadru-
  pedes, 1029
La Chausse, Michel Ange de, Le Gemme An-
  tiche, 4232
Lackington, James, dealer, Books bought or
  ordered from: Addison, 3908; Antoninus, M.
  A., 1304; Arrianus, 24; Baretti, 4811; Benti-
  voglio, 282; Bible, Irish, 4877; Bibliotheque des
  sciences et des beaux arts, 4731; Cato, 1330;
  Colden, 445; Curtius Rufus, 28; Eadmer, 336;
  Euclid (Arabic), 4744; Eutropius, 91; Evans,
  L., 3850; Florus, 64; Fortis, 3913; Gius-
  tiniani, 168; Grabe, 1592; Hau Kiou Choaan,
  4330; Horace, 4478; Hume, D., 370; Julianus,
  89; Keith, Sir W., 462; Linnaeus, 1015; Locke,
  J., 1107, 1338, 4918, 4919; Lucretius, 4459;
  Maupertuis, 4924; Mendes da Costa, 1091;
  Molloy, 2112; New Test. (Manx), 4880;
  Newton, Sir I., 3721; Origen, 1585; Orosius,
  4868; Petty, Sir W., 2937; Phaedrus, 4731;
  Plautus, 4573; Plutarch, 69; Polybius, 51;
  Raleigh, Sir W., 130; Ross, 4493; Sophocles,
  4523; Sparrman, 3957; Strada, 285; Suetonius,
  82; Tacitus, 81; Xenophon, 2355; note
  Lackington, V, 24
Lacombe, Francois, Dictionnaire du Vieux Lan-
  gage Francois, 4820
Lacombe, Jacques, Abrege chronologique de l'His-
  toire Ancienne, 123; see also 181
La Condamine, Charles Marie de: Relation
  abregee d'un Voyage fait dans l'Interieur de
  l'Amerique Meridionale, 4146; see also 3804, 4126
La Court, Pieter de, Political Maxims of the
  State of Holland, 289
Lacretelle, Pierre Louis: Convocation des prochains
  Etats-Generaux, 2509; Discours sur le prejuge des
  peines infamantes, 2362
Lacroix, A. Pherotee de, Relation Universelle de
  l'Afrique Ancienne et Moderne, 3951
Locroix, Irenee Amelot de, Military and political
  Hints (1808), 1163
Lacroix, Silvestre Francois, 3713
Lactantius Firmianus, Lucius Coelius: Divina-
  rum Institutionum, 1588; Relation of the death
  of the primitive persecutors, 1580
La Cueva, Alfonso de, supposed author, Squiti-
  nio della liberta Veneta, 2412
Ladies Calling, 1628
Ladvocat, Jean-Baptiste, Dictionnaire Historique
  et Bibliographique Portatif, 146
Laet, Johannes de, Histoire du Nouveau Monde,
  4090; see also 1025
Lafargue, Etienne de, translator, Histoire geo-
  graphique de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 4013
La Faye, Jean Baptiste de, Etat des Royaumes de
  Barbare, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger, 321
La Faye, Polycarpe de: Recherches sur la Prepa-
  ration que les Romains donnoient a la Chaux, 1176,
  4205; see also V, 1176
La Fayette, M. J. P. Y. R. G. Du Motier, Mar-
  quis de, Discours prononce a l'Assemblee Nationale,
  Correspondence: Cabanis, 1246; Capper's
  Travels, 3933; Destutt de Tracy, 2327;
  Edinburgh Review, 2811; Edinburgh Review
  and Destutt de Tracy, 4733; MacIntosh,
  3934; Ramsay, D., 488; note on, V. 488
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine P. de la Vergne,
  Ctsse de, Zayde, Histoire Espagnole, 4354
Lafitau, Joseph Francois, Moeurs des Sauvages
  Ameriquains, 3995
Lafon, Bartholomew, Map of the Territory of
  Orleans, 3859
La Fontaine, Jean de, Fables, 4374
Laforest, Art de Soigner les Pieds, 855
La Forest, A. de, Methode d'Instruction pour
  ramener les Pretendus Reformes a l'Eglise Romaine,
La Forge, Louis de, 1003
Laforgue, Louis, Theorie et Pratique de l'Art du
  Dentiste, 857
La Galissonniere, R. M. Burin, Marquis de, 675
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, Mechanique Analitique,
La Grange, N., translator: Lucretius, 4461;
  Seneca, 1324
Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, Baron
  de: New Voyages to North-American, 3992; Voyages
  dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, 3993
La Houssaye, A. N. A. de, translator, Examen
  de la liberte originaire de Venise, 2412
La Jutais, Fameng de, 722
Lalande, Joseph Jerome Le Francais de: Astron-
  omie, 3796; Voyage en Italie, 3909; editor,
  Montucla, 3694; see also 428, 3803
La Luzerne, Cesar Henri: Memoire des Ministres
  du Roi, 2552; Memoire envoye le 18 juin, 2556
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste P. A. de Monet de,
  Annuaire meteorologique, pour l'an 8, 9, 10 de la
  Republique Francaise, 688
Lambarde, William: Archaionomia, 1767, 4866;
  Eirenarcha, or, The Offices of the Justices of Peace,
  1964; see also 1741
Lambe, Robert, History of Chess, 1172
Lambert, Charles Guillaume, Lettre a M. Jeffer-
  son, Ministre plenipotentiaire, 2306
Lambin, Denys, 4459, 4572
La Metherie, Jean Claude de: Convocation des
  Etats-Generaux, 2511; Essai analytique sur l'air
  pur, 846; Protestation contre la forme des lettres,
Lamigue, Isaac, Histoire du Prince d'Orange et de
  Nassau, 294
Lamiral, Dominique Harcourt, M. Lamiral refute
  par lui meme, 1386
La Mothe Le Vayer, Francois de, 63
La Motte, Jeanne de Saint Remy de Valois,
  Comtesse de: Historie veritable de Jeanne de
  Saint-Remi, 2228; Memoire pour Dame Jeanne de
  Saint-Remy, 2229; Vie de Jeanne de St. Remy, ci
  devant Comtesse de la Motte, 227; see also the
  pamphlets on the Diamond Necklace, 2229-
  2271; note on, 227
Lancaster, Joseph, Improvements in Education, 1113
Lancastrian system of education, Jefferson on,
Lancelot, Claude: Abrege de la Nouvelle Methode
  pour apprendre facilement la langue Latine, 4781;
  Jardin des Racines Grecques, 4771; Nouvelle
  Methode pour apprendre facilement la Langue
  Greque, 4750; Nouvelle Methode de Messieurs de
  Port Royal pour apprendre facilement la Langue
  Latine, 4780
Land companies, Jefferson on, 3513
Landais, Peter, 516
Land-holder's assistant, 2172
Landon, Charles Paul, Annales du Musee et de
  l'Ecole Moderne des Beaux-Arts, 4244
Lane, Sir Richard, Reports in the Court of Ex-
  chequer, 2032
La Neuville, pseud., 290
Langdon, John, Letters from Jefferson: Cath-
  erine II, 250; weight and measures, 3760, V,
Langhorne, Daniel, Elenchus Antiquatatum Al-
  bionensium, 331
Langland, William, Vision of Pierce Plowman, 4502
Langle, Marquis de, 3898
Langles, Louis Methieu, 308
Langley, Batty: Pomona, 807; Practical Geometry
  applied to the Useful Arts, 4185
Language, history of, Jefferson on, 4848
Languages read by Jefferson, V, 59
Languet, Hubert, 2324
Langworthy, Edward, Memoirs of the Life of the
  late Charles Lee, 495
Lanthenas, Francois, Necessite et moyens d'etablir la
  force publique, 2638
Lantier, Etienne Francois de, Voyages d'Antenor
  en Grece et en Asie, 4331
Lapierre de Chateauneuf, A. H. de, Histoire des
  Generaux, 239
La Place, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, Exposition
  du Systeme du Monde, 3801
La Planche, Louis Regnier de, Galerie universelle
  des Hommes qui se sont illustres, 149
Laporte, Joseph de, Voyageur Francois, 3985
La Poype, Jean Francois, Baron de, Lois de la
  Nature, 2343
Lapponia, 247
La Ramee, Pierre de, editor, Bucolica, 4464
Lardizabel Y Uribe, Manuel de, Discurso sobre
  las penas contrahido a las leyes criminelles de
  Espana, 2422
Lardizabel Y Uribe, Miguel: Apologia por los
  Agostes de Navarra, 269
  List of Spanish books already in his posses-
  sion sent by Jefferson to; see Acosta, 4097;
  Garcilaso de la Vega, 4084, 4131; Gumilla,
  4127; Herrera Y Tordesillas, 4107; Juan y
  Santacilia-Ulloa, 4126; Lopez de Gomara,
  4112; Solis, 4119; Torquemada, 4110;
  Ulloa, 4123; Venegas, 4088
Lardoise, Case of, 2272-2275
Large Dictionary English and Dutch, 4869
Large Dictionary in three parts, 4795
La Roche, P. L. Lefebvre de, 2327; V, 2327
La Rochefoucauld, Francois de, Reflexions ou
  sentences et maximes morales, 1342
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, F. A. F, Duc de,
  Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 4016
La Rochefoucault, Louis Armand, Duc de, 3148,
La Roque, de, Voyage d'un Amateur des Arts, en
  Flandre, 3906
La Rouge, Georges Louis, Atlas Ameriquain
  Septentrional, 3962
La Salle, Rene Cavelier, Sieur de: Dernieres De-
  couvertes, 4072; Journal Historique du dernier
  Voyage, 4073; Journal of the Last Voyage, 4074
La Sarraz du Franquesnay, Jean de, Le ministre
  public dans les cours etrangeres, 1424
La Sauvagere, Felix Francois Le R. d'A de,
  Recueil de Dissertations, 647
Lassus, Pierre, Essai ou Discours historique et
  critique sur les Decouvertes faites en Anatomie, 1002
Last dying Speech and confession of the late Parliament,
Lasteyrie-Du Saillant, Charles Philibert de: Du
  Cotonnier et de sa Culture, 791; Traite sur les
  Betes-a-Laine d'Espagne, 795
Lastri, Marco Antonio, Corsi di Agricoltura, 734
Latine Redivivus, 1887, 1888
Latrobe, Benjamin, 1546
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry: Private Letter to the
  Individual Members of Congress, 3347; letter from
  Jefferson (plans for the Capitol), 3332, 4175
Latrobe, Christian Ignatius, 4011
Latude, Jean Henri Masers de, Historie d'une
  Detention de Trente-Neuf Ans, 219; see also 208,
La Tynna, Jean de, Almanach du Commerce de
  Paris, 3602
Laud, William, 1953
Lauder, William, 4729
Lauderdale, Earl of. See Maitland, James,
  Earl of Lauderdale
Laudibus legum Angliae, 1775
Laugier de Tassy, N.: Histoire des Etats Barba-
  resques, 316; Histoire du Royaume d'Alger, 315
Lauraguais, Louis Leon Felicite, De: Disserta-
  tion sur les Assemblees Nationales, 2502; Extrait
  du droit public de la France, 2426; Recueil de
  pieces historiques, 2501
Laurens, Henry, True State of the Case, 513; see
  also 512, 514
Laurent, Abbe, Lettres sur la Censure des Principes
  de Morale de l'Abbe de Mably, 1367
Laurent de Mezieres, Francois Silvain, 2523
Laval, Antoine Francois, Voyage de la Louisiane,
Laval, John, bookseller, 405
Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 223
Laveaux, Jean Charles Thibault de, Vie de
  Frederic II, Roi de Prusse, 264
La Ville, J. Ignace de, 1452
Lavington, George, Moravians compared and de-
  tected, 1542
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, Art of Manufacturing
  Alkaline Salts, 1222; Traite elementaire de chimie,
Law, John, Money and Trade Considered, 3603
Law, Thomas: Ballston Springs, 4453; Second
  Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses, 3250; Thoughts
  on Instinctive Impulses, 3250
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Helvetius,
  1242; Instinctive Impulses, 3250; Lord
  Kames, 1254; 1716; modern history, I,
  62; moral principles, 1252; note on, V,
Law against Bankrupts, 1992
Law and Practice of Ejectments, 1979
Law as a profession, Jefferson on, II, 210
Law bibliography, 4732
Law Dictionary, 1813
Law-Dictionary and Glossary, 1811
Law Grammar, 1805
Law Military, 1986
Law of Actions on the case for torts and wrongs, 1980
Law of Bills of Exchange, 2107
Law of Charitable Uses, 1724
Law of Charitable Uses, revised, 1723
Law of Commons and Commoners, 1981
Law of Covenants, 1983
Law of Distresses and Replevins, 1978
Law of Ejectments, 1984
Law of Evidence, 1985
Law of Mortgages, 1988
Law of Nations, 3377
Law of Tithes, 2145
Law of Trover, 1980
Law of Uses and Trusts, 1976
Law, or a discourse thereof, 1778
Law pamphlets, 2020
Law reports, First to be published regularly,
Law Tracts, 2009
Lawes resolutions of women's rights, 1999
Lawiers Logike, 4648
Lawrence, Sir William, 1000
Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James I,
  II, III, IV, V, ect., 2184
Laws and Orders, Virginia (MS.), 1822
Laws concerning the election of members of Parliament,
Laws of England concerning the game, of hunting,
  hawking, etc., 1997
Laws of England delineated, 1800
Laws of England, Jefferson on, 1771
Laws of Honour, 414
Laws of Jamaica, passed by the Assembly, 2174
Laws of Maryland, 2171
Laws of Michigan, 2176
Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2159
Laws of the Legislature of the State of New York, in
  force against the Loyalists, 2225
Laws of the State of New-York, 2162
Laws of the State of North-Carolina, 2165
Laws of the United States, 1874
Laws relative to the Embargo, 3449
Lawyer, or Man as he ought not be be, 4376
Leander, ship, 3409
Lear, Tobias, Observations on the River Potomack,
Leasowes, Jefferson on, 4228, 4430
Leavenworth, Mark, Colony Commerce, 3158
Le Beau, Charles, Histoire du Bas-Empire, 102
Le Beau, Claude, Avantures parmi les Sauvages de
  l'Amerique Septentrionale, 3996
Le Blanc, Jean Bernard, Letters on the English and
  French Nations, 4636
Le Blond, Jean Baptiste Alexandre, 4226
Leboucher, Odet Julien, Histoire de la derniere
  Guerre, 483
Le Breton, John, 1773
Lebrun, 485
Lebrun, Tondu, Convention Nationale. Compte
  rendu par le Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, 2620
Lecciones ligeras de Chimica, 832
Lechevalier, Jean Baptiste, Voyage de la Troade,
Leclerc, C. G., 146
Le Clerc, Jean: Bibliotheque Choisie, 4720; Physica,
  628; editor, Aeschines, 1306; Livy, 54;
  Menander and Philemon, 4578; Moreri, 144
Le Clerc, Sebastien: Traite d'Architecture avec des
  Remarques, 4180; Traite de Geometrie theorique
  et pratique, 3710
Le Clercq, Chretien, Nouvelle Relation de la
  Gaspesie, 3986
Le Comte, L. D.: Nouveaux Memoires sur l'Etat
  present de la Chine, 3929; editor, Memoires du
  Comte de Forbin, 204
Lecons d'Anatomie comparee, 999
Lecons d'Histoire, 133
Lecons elementaires de chimie, 834
Lectures on History and General Policy, 140
Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy,
Lectures on Political principles, 2326
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 4658
Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, 4659
Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, 3735
Ledesma, Diego de, 4003
Lediard, Thomas, Naval History of England, 392
Le Duchat, Jacob, 4333
Ledyard, John, Journal of Captain Cook's Last
  Voyage, 3940
Lee, Arthur, Appeal to the justice and interests of
  the people of Great Britain, 3093; see also 3076
Lee, Charles: Letters of Major General Lee, 3105;
  Strictures on a pamphlet, 3091; see also 495
Lee, Francis, 1459
Lee, Henry, Memoirs of the War in the Southern
  Department of the United States, 533
Lee, Rachel Fanny Antonia, Essay on Govern-
  ment, 2339
Lee, Richard, Treatise of Captures in War, 1419
Lee, Richard Evers, Richard E. Lee's Letter, the
  Attorney General's opinion relative to the conduct of
  Dr. John K. Read, 3239
Lee, Richard Henry: Observations leading to a
  fair examination of the System of Government, 3020;
  Jefferson on, 3076; letter from Jefferson, with
  Price's pamphlet, 1248; sends book to Jeffer-
  son, inscribed, 3132
Lee, William: Books with his signature, 2812,
  2865, 2873; sends Jefferson an Imperial Alma-
  nac, 2440
Leedes, Edward, 4768
Leeward Islands, 1401
Lefebvre de Villebrune, Jean Baptiste, 4124
Lefevre de La Boderie, Antoine, Ambassades, 1450
Lefevre de la Roche, P. L. abbe, 2327, V, 2327
Lefort, translator, 489
Lefort, Francois, 252
Legende de Charles, Cardinal de Lorraine, 214
Le Gentil de la Galaisiere, G. J. H. J. B., Voyage
  dans les Mers d'Inde a l'occasion du passage de
  Venus, 3935
Legerdemain, 1169
Leges Anglo-Saxonicae, 1768
Leges Atticae Sam. Petitus collegit, 2464
Legibus (De) et Consuetudinibus Angliae, 1771
Legibus Naturae, De, 1417
Legislation ou principes des loix, 2396
Legrand, Augustin, Galerie des Antiques, 4243
Legrand D'Aussy, Pierre Jean Baptiste, Histoire
  de la Vie privee des Francais, 3889
Le Guay d'Oliva, 2234, 2255
Le Hodey, Etienne, 2572
Lehre, Thomas, Book from his library, 3414
Leib, Michael: Conduct of Dr Lee in the Certificate
  Business, 3303; Narrative of Facts, 3428; Veritas,
  Six Letters on the Intrigues etc. of Dr. Michael Leib,
  3430; correspondence with Jefferson, 3426
Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, Substitute proposed by
  Mr Leigh of Dinwiddie, 3231, 3406
Leigh, Joseph, Illustrations of the Fulfilment of the
  Prediction of Merlin, 1700
Leigh & Sotheby, Book bought from, 4773
Leiper, Thomas, Correspondence with Jefferson
  1548; see also V, 1548
Leland, John, Stroke at the branch, 3273
Le Maire, Jacques, 4109
Lemascrier, Jean Baptiste, editor: Dumont de
  Montigny, 4069
Lemery, Nicolas, Dictionaire, ou, Traite universel
  des drogues simples, 863
Le Michaud d'Arcon, Jean C. E., Histoire du
  Siege de Gibraltar, 222
Lemoine D'Essoies, Edme Marie Joseph: Prin-
  cipes de Geographie, 3839; Traite elementaire de
  Mathematiques pures, 3679
Le Monnier, Pierre Charles, 3795
L'Empereur, Constantin, De Legibus Ebraeorum
  forensibus, 2462
Lendemain, Le, 3638
Le Neve, John, Monumenta Anglicana, 329
L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 3859
Lenglet du Fresnoy, Nicolas, Tablettes Chrono-
  logiques de l'Histoire Universelle, 160
Lennard, Samson, translator, Charron, Of
  Wisdome, 1616
Lennep, Jan Daniel van, 4309
Le Normand, Simon Emmanuel Julien, 2304
Leolin, pseud., 3404
Leon Pinelo A. R. de: Epitome de la Biblioteca
  Oriental i Occidental, 4095; Tratado de Confirma-
  ciones Reales, 4095
Leonard, William, Reports and Cases of Law, 2033
Leonardo da Vinci, Treatise of Painting, 4237
Leonhardi, Johann Gottfried, 826
Leoni, Giacomo, 4175
Leonidas, Reply to Lucius Junius Brutus's Examina-
  tion of the President's answer to the New-Haven
  Remonstrance, 3271
Leonidas, a Poem, 4300
Leopold II, Reponse de l'Empereur aux explications
  demandees par le Roi, 2561, 3643
Le Page du Pratz, History of Louisiana, 4068
L'Epee, Charles Michel de, La Veritable Maniere
  d'instruire les Sourds et Muets, 1122
Lequinio, Jose-Marie, Voyage pittoresque et physico-
  economique dans le Jura, 3881
Leris & Lamarque, 2280
Le Roy, Chretien, 4370
Le Roy, Julien, 4089
Le Roy, Julien David, Ruins of Athens, 4189
LeRoy, M., 669
Lery, Jean de, Histoire d'un Voyage faict en la
  Terre du Bresil, 4139
Le Sage, Alain Rene, Histoire de Gil Blas de
  Santillane, 4346
Lescallier, Daniel, Vocabulaire des Termes de
  Marine Anglais et Francais, 1232, V, 1232
Lescarbot, Marc, Histoire de la Nouvelle-France,
Le Semelier, Lettre sur la Chaleur du Globe, 645
Le Seur, Thomas, 3720
Leslie, Charles (1650-1722), Short and easy
  method with Deists, 1684
Leslie, Robert, Proposed standard of measures
  (MS.), 3759
Lesmesle, Ch., V, 2534
Lesparat, Jean Francois, Reflexions sur la necessite
  d'assurer l'amortissement des dettes de l'Etat, 2459,
  V, 2459
Lessons to a young prince, 2798
Lestrade, Marquis de, 3989
Le Sueur, Thomas, 3720
Leti, Gregorio: Teatro Brittanico, 363; Vita di
  Sisto V. Pontefice Romano, 614
Le Tonnelier, Baron de Breteuil. See Breteuil
Le Trosne, Guillaume Francois: De l'Adminis-
  tration provinciale, et de la reforme de l'impot, 2374;
  De l'Ordre social, 2373
Letter addressed to the Members of the Legislature of
  of South-Carolina, 3414
Letter addressed to the people of Piedmont, 2845
Letter, commercial and political, 2830
Letter concerning the Ten Pound Court, 3326
Letter from a Member of Parliament to his friends in
  the country, 2972
Letter from a merchant of London to a Member of
  Parliament, 2974
Letter from a Right Honourable Aristocrat to the Right
  Honourable William Pitt, 2839
Letter from Alexander Hamilton concerning the public
  conduct and character of John Adams, 3237
Letter from Dr Jebb to Mr Daniel Adams, 2787
Letter from Freeman of South-Carolina, 3088
Letter from Germany, to the Princess Royal of England,
Letter from John Phillips Ripley to the Chairman of
  the Committee concerning the Impeachment of
  William Blount, V, 3168a
Letter from the Chevalier d'Yrujo to the Chairman of
  the Committee concerning the Impeachment of
  William Blount, V, 3168a
Letter from the Hon. Timothy Pickering, 3450
Letter from the Right Honourable Charles James Fox,
  to the worthy and independent electors of the city and
  liberty of Westminister, 2829
Letter from William Henry Harrison, Governor of the
  Indiana Territory, 3358
Letter on the Approaching Election of a President of
  the United States, addressed to the Citizens of South-
  Carolina. By a Native of Charleston, 3372
Letter on the behavior of the populace, 2753
Letter to a Federalist, 3324
Letter to a Freeholder on the late reduction of the land
  tax, 2958
Letter to a Friend, giving some account of the pro-
  ceedings in the case of the Ailesbury electors, 2896
Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of the Adherents to
  Mr. Burr, 3445
Letter to a noble peer, relating to the Bill in favour of
  the Sugar-Planters, 3048
Letter to George Washington, 3189
Letter to George Washington. By Jasper Dwight,
Letter to his Excellency William C. C. Claiborne, 3439
Letter to Mr Dodwell, 1597
Letter to Sir William Windham, 2731
Letter to the Citizens of Pennsylvania, 822
Letter to the Earl of Chatham, 3067
Letter to the Honorable John Randolph. By Numa,
Letter to the National Convention of France, 2825
Letter to the Reverend John Blair Linn, 1662
Letter to the Reverend Mr Cary, 1710
Letters to the Right Honourable Charles James Fox,
  from a Westminister elector, 2840
Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Somerville, 720
Letter to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, 2750
Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, 2808
Letter to Thomas Jefferson on weights, measures, etc.
  (MS.), 3765
Lettera apologetica in riposta alle osservazioni sulla
  digestione del sig. (Giovanni Hunter, 1049
Lettere Americane, 3969
Letters addressed to the yeomanry of the United States,
Letters, being the whole of the Correspondence between
  John Jay and Lewis Littlepage, 515
Letters concerning the Trade and Manufactures of
  Ireland, 2982, 2986
Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland,
Letters from an American Farmer, 4018
Letters from George Washington to several of his
  friends, 3176
Letters from London, 3877
Letters from the Secretary of State to Messrs. Monroe
  and Pinkney, 3535
Letters of Common-Sense respecting the State Bank
  and Paper Currency, 3399
Letters of Curtius, 3526
Letters of Decius, 3342
Letters of Franklin on the conduct of the Executive,
Letters of Helvidius, 3170
Letters of Major General Lee, to the Right Honourable
  Earl Percy, 3105
Letters of Pacificus, 3169
Letters of Pliny the Younger, 4632
Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, 4703
Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African, 4640
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M[ar]y
  W[ortle]y M[ontagu]e, 3916
Letters on men, measures and politics, 2837
Letters on our Affairs with Spain, 3311
Letters on the American War, 3135
Letters on the beauties of Hagley, Envil, and the
  Leasowes, 4228
Letters on the elements of Botany, 1060
Letters on the English and French Nations, 4636
Letters on the study and use of history, 2734
Letters on the subject of the Catholics, by Peter
  Plymley, 3385
Letters to a nobleman on the conduct of the war in the
  middle colonies, 3136
Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds.,
Letters to his son Philip Stanhope, 1115
Letters to Mr Justice Blackstone, 1712
Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland (1799),
  3217; (1801), 3252
Letters to the People. By a Farmer, 3442
Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, 2544
Letters to the Right Honourable the Earl of Hills-
  borough, 3074
Lettre a l'Assemblee coloniale de la partie fracaise de
  Saint-Domingue, par M. de Mirbeck, 2562
Lettre a l'auteur du Mercure politique, 2991
Lettre a la Chambre du Commerce de Normandie,
Lettre a M. Barnave, 1389
Lettre a Madame la Baronne de * * * sur la
  Chaleur du Globe, 645
Lettre addressee a la Societe Olympique de Paris,
Lettre adressee a M. Jefferson, 2303
Lettre aux Philanthropes, 1388
Lettre d'Aristote a Alexandre, 1293
Lettre de Brutus, sur les Chars, 1353
Lettre de Monsieur B. a M. le Comte de Mirabeau,
  sur le Papier-monnoie, 3588
Lettre de M. Condorcet, a M * * * , 2668
Lettre de M. de Peysonnel contenant Observations
  relatives aux Memoires de M. le Baron de Tott,
Lettre de M. Lambert a M. Jefferson, Ministre
  plenipotentiaire, 2306
Lettre de M. le Marquis de Beaupoil, a M. de
  Bergasse, 2451
Lettre de M. Roland, Ministre de l'Interieur, a
  L'Assemblee Nationale du 17 Septembre 1792,
Lettre de M. Roland, Ministre de l'Interieur, a
  l'Assemblee Nationale, en lui envoyant la lettre
  qu'il a adressee au Roi, 2610
Lettre de M. Turgot a M. le Docteur Price, 2382
Lettre de Trasibule a Leucippe (MS.), 1291
Lettre d'un Anglois a Paris, 2470
Lettre d'un francais, a M. Pitt, 2692
Lettre d'un Negociant sur le Credit de la Grande-
  Bretagne, 3129
Lettre du comte de Mirabeau sur M. M. de Cagliostro
  et Lavater, 223
Lettre du  General Montesquiou au redacteur du
  Patriote Francais, 2630
Lettre du Ministre de l'Interieur a la Convention
  Nationale du 30 septembre, 2621
Lettre du Roi pour la convocation des Etats-Generaux,
Lettre ecrite au nom du Roi, par M. Montmorin, 2591
Lettre remise a Frederic-Guillaume II, 2416
Lettres a M. Roland, 2613
Lettres critiques et politiques, 2529
Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus, 4633
Lettres de Ciceron, qu'on nomme vulgairement Fami-
  lieres, 4634
Lettres de Jean-Jaques Cart, a Bernard Demuralt,
Lettres de Louis XIV, aux Princes de l'Europe, 200
Lettres de Madame de Sevigne, 4637
Lettres de M. Euler a une Princesse d'Allemagne,
Lettres d'un Bourgeois de New-Heaven, 2443
Lettres d'un citoyen des Etats-Unis, 2467
Lettres d'un Cultivator Americain (1784), 4019;
  (1787), 4020; (Eng., 1783), 4018
Lettres d'un Solitaire, 1048
Lettres du lord Somerville, du duc de Bedford, d'-
  Arthur Young, a Francois (de Neufchateau) sur la
  Charrue, 781
Lettres Grecques par le Rheteur Alciphron, 4629
Lettres-Patentes du 14 Mai, 1786, 2227
Lettres Patentes du Roi, qui, par suite de l'Edit de Mai
  dernier portant creation de six million de Rentes
  viageres, 2316
Lettres physiques et morales, 643
Lettres sur la Censure des Principes de Morale de
  l'Abbe de Mably, 1367
Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat, 2215
Lettres sur l'Egypte, 3949
Lettres sur l'Etat primitif de l'Homme (1785), 1369;
  (1783), 1378
Lettres sur les grains, 2380
Lettres sur quelques parties de la Suisse, 642
Lettsom, John Coakley, Observations on the Cow-
  Pock, 949
Leunclavius, Johannes: Iuris Graeco-Romani tam
  Canonici quam civilis, 2199; translator, Xeno-
  phon, 2356
Levelling Balance and Counter-Balance, 3716
Levinz, Sir Creswell: Collection of select and
  modern entries, 1891; Reports, 2068
Lewis, George Washington, Correspondence
  with Jefferson: Baxter's History, 405; Rapin's
  History, 369; Universal History, 128
Lewis, James L., Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, 3225, 4051
Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William: History
  of the Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi,
  4168; see also Faujas de Saint-Fond, 640; Gass,
  Patrick, 4078; Jefferson, Thomas, Message from
  the President, 3512; McMahon, Bernard, 810;
  Muhlenberg, Henry, 1088; Stork, William,
  4085; Valentin, Louis, 727; Von Humboldt,
Lewis, Morgan, 3345
Lewis, Reuben, Letter from Jefferson (report on
  the Lewis and Clark expedition), 4168
Lewis, Samuel, New and elegant general Atlas, 3836
Lewis, William, 824, 865
Lex Mercatoria, 2100
Lex Mercatoria Rediviva: or, The Merchant's Direc-
  tory, 2101
Lex Parliamentaria, 2893
Lex Testamentaria, 2152
Lex Vadiorum. Law of Mortgages, 1988
Lexicon Graeci Testamenti Alphabeticum, 4763
Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum, 4761
Lexicon Iuridicum Iuris Caesaeri simul, 2190
Lexicon Lapponicum, 4856
Lexicon Medicum renovatum, 873
Lexicon physico-medicum, 875
Lexington, Kentucky, Memorial of the Mechanics
  and Manufacturers, 3397
Lexiphanes, 4875
Ley, James E., of Marlborough, Reports of divers
  resolutions in Law, 2044
Leybourn, William, 4179
Leyden jar, 3730
L'Hospital, Guillaume F. A. de, Traite analy-
  tique des Sections Coniques, 3713
Liber Placitandi, 1896
Liberte de la Presse, 2555
Liberty and Licentiousness of the Press, 3533
Liberty of the Press. At a meeting of the Society for
  Constitutional Information, 2781
Liberty of the press, 2022
Liberty song, 3076
Lichfield Botanical Society, 1069
Liebault, Jean, 694
Life and Pontificate of Leo X, 171
Life and Reign of King Henry VIII, 353
Life of Catherine II, Empress of all the Russias, 251
Life of David, 1286
Life of George Washington, Marshall, 496
Life of George Washington, Ramsay, 511
Life of George Washington, Weems, 507
Life of Lorenzo de'Medici, 170
Life of Mr Paschal, 1517
Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, 374
Life of the Emperor Julian, 90
Life of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, 376
Liger, Charles Louis, Treatise on the Gout, 932
Lightfoot, John, Works, 1530
Ligne de demarcation, 2537
Ligniville, Elizabeth de, 2286
Lillie, John S., 590
Lilly, John: Practical Conveyancer, 1939; Practical
  Register, 1915; Reports and pleadings, 1909
Lilly, William. See Lily, William
Lilly's plays, 4584
Lily, William: onita Pedagogica, 1330; Short
  Introduction of Grammar generally to be used, 4787;
  Short Introduction to Grammar, Latin and English,
Limojon de St. Didier, A. T., Ville et republique
  de Venise, 2410
Limon, Geoffrey, Marquis de, editor, Instruction
  donnee par S. A. S. Mons. le Duc d'Orleans, 2513
Lincoln, Daniel Waldo, Oration pronounced at
  Boston, on July 4, 1810, 4688
Lincoln, Levi: Letters to the People. By a Farmer,
  3442; letter from Jefferson (The Palladium),
  599; note on, V, 599
Lindahl, Erik, Lexicon Lapponicum, 4856
Linden, Jan Antonides Van der, 877
Lindsay, Theophilus, 1661
Linen, William, Narrative of Facts, 3423
Lingua Toscana, 4804
Linguae Graecae Institutiones Grammaticae, 4778
Linguae Latinae Liber Dictionaribus Quadripartitus,
Linguarum totius Orbis Vocabularia comparativa,
Linguet, S. N. H.: Esprit de l'Histoire Generale de
  l'Europe, 162; Lettres a M. Linguet, 2455
Link, H. F., Voyage en Portugal, 3900
Linn, John Blair, Powers of Genius, 4469; see also
  1662, 1663
Linn, William: Blessings of America, 1647; Serious
  considerations on the election of a President, 3226
Linnaeus, Carolus: Abrege du Systeme de la Nature,
  1017; Critica Botanica, 1065; Dissertation on the
  sexes of plants, 1071; Fauna Svevica, 1018; Flora
  Lapponica, 1068; Fundamentica botanica, 1070;
  Genera plantarum, 1066; Mantissa Plantarum,
  1016; Philosophia Botanica, 1064; Reflections on
  the Study of Nature, 1071; Species Plantarum,
  1067; System of Vegetables, 1069; Systema Naturae,
  1015; see also 1079, 3924
Lippi, Carminantonio, Promotion des Sciences
  Utiles, 1098
Lipsius, Justus, Roma illustrata, 117
Liquier, Andre, Discours qui a remporte le Prix de
  l'Academie de Marseille, 3550
Lisle, Semple, pseud., 401
Lister, Martin, 1192
Lit de Justice du 6. Aout, 1787, 2547, V, 2547
Lit de Justice du 8. Mai, 1788, 2549
Lithgow, J., Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Manufacturing interests of the U. S., 3309;
  Notes on Virginia, 4167
Litterature des Negres, 1398
Littlebury, Isaac, 4307
Littlepage, Lewis: Letters, being the Correspond-
  ence between John Jay and Lewis, Littlepage, 515
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Census, 3160;
  Rights of Man, 2826; Note on, V, 515
Littleton, Adam, Linguae Latinae Liber Diction-
  aribus Quadripartitus, 4796
Littleton, Sir Edward, Reports, 2047
Littleton, Sir Thomas, Tenures, 1780
Liturgica Anglicana, Greek, 1508, V, 1508
Liturgica Anglicana, Latin, 1509
Liverpool, Botanic Garden, 1085, 1086
Liverpool Dissenters, Form of Prayer, 1513
Liverpool, Earl of. See Jenkinson, Charles,
  Earl of Liverpool
Lives of the Admirals, 393
Livingston, Edward: Address to the People of the
  United States, 3484; Answer to Mr Jefferson's
  justification of his conduct in the case of the New
  Orleans Batture, 3507; Examination of the Title of
  the United States to the Land called the Batture,
  3496; see also the tracts in connection with the
  Batture Case, 3475-3508, and 2103, 2180
Livingston, Robert: Essay on Sheep, 796
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Aaron Burr,
  1962; Jefferson's pamphlet against Living-
  ston, 3501; agricultural reports and mould-
  board of least resistance, 768; O. de Serres,
  693; weights and measures, 3760; note on,
  V, 768
Livingston, William: Review of the military opera-
  tions in North-America, 448; supposed author,
  Observations on government, 3003; note on, V,
Livius, Titus: Historiarum Libri qui extant (1679-
  82), 52; (1710), 54; (Italian, 1562), 53
Livre des Manifestes, 1607, 1608
Lloyd, Charles, Defence of the Majority, 2752
Lloyd, Nicholas, 141
Lloyd, Thomas, shorthand writer: Debates of the
  Convention, 3009; Proceedings and Debates, 3023;
  Robbery of the Bank, 2321; Trial of Boot &
  Shoemakers, 2322; see also 1133
Lobel, Matthias de, 1062
Local politics, 3325-3347
Loccenius, Johannes, Rerum Suecicarum Historia,
  258; see also 2122
Locke, John: Conduct of the mind, 1297; Essay
  concerning human understanding, 1362, V, 1362;
  Extracts from Locke's Essay on the Human Under-
  standing, 3320; On Toleration, 1338; Some
  Familiar Letters, 4919; Some Thoughts concerning
  Education, 1107; Treatise on Government, 2329;
  Works, 4918; see also 1240, 1362, 1414, 3720
Lodge, Thomas, 1325
Lofft, Capell, translator, Brief account of the
  Hospital of St. Elizabeth, 276
Logan, George: Address on the Natural and Social
  Order of the World, 3204; Five Letters addressed to
  the Yeomanry of the United States, 3157; Fourteen
  agricultural experiments, 717; Letter to the Citizens
  of Pennsylvania on the necessity of promoting agri-
  culture, 822; Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of
  the United States. By a Farmer, 3156, 3173
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Branagan's
  Avenia, 4515, 1394; farming, 717; Young's
  works, 705; Jefferson on, 717; see also 3426
Logan, James, Mingo leader: Barton, 3343, V,
  3343; Bridel, 4033; Croft, 4338; Filson, 4030;
  Jefferson, Appendix, 3225, 4051, V, 3225
Logan, James, 1321
Logarithms, Tables of, 3696
Logic of Facts, 3425
Logica de Condillac, puesta en dialogo por D. Valentin
  de Foronda, (1794), 4646; (English, 1809), 4647
Logicae, 4643
Logick: or, The Right Use of Reason in the Enquiry
  after Truth, 4645
Logotachigraphe, 2606
Lois de la Nature, 2343
Loisirs d'un Ministre, 1350
Loix puisees chez les Grecs, 2202
Lok, Michael, 4083
Lolme, Jean de: Constitution de l'Angleterre, 2719;
  Essay containing a few Strictures on the Union of
  Scotland with England, 2980
Lomax, Judith, Notes of an American Lyre, 4452
Lomax, Lunsford, Book from his library, 1627
Lomax, Thomas, Letter from Jefferson, II, 357
Lonan, Indian chief, V, 3343
London Adviser and Guide, 3876
London and Country Brewer, 1204
London Evening Post, 566
London, Jefferson's opinion of, 3875
London Magazine, 4896
London, Pleadings and Arguments and other pro-
  ceedings upon the Quo Warranto, 2003
Londonderry, Statistical survey of, 442
Long talk, delivered before the Tammany Society of
  Alexandria, 3312
Longchamps, P. C. de, Histoire Impartielle des
  Evenemens militaires et politiques, 477
Longinus, De Sublimitate (1694), 4700; (1777),
  4328; (Italian, 1766), 4329
Lopez de Gomara, Francisco: Histoire Generalle
  des Indes Occidentales, 4117; Historia de Mexico,
  4112; Seconda Part delle historie dell' India, 4114;
  Segunda parte dela Historia general de las Indias,
  4116; Terza Parte delle Historie dell' Indie, 4115
Lopez de Sedano, Juan Jose, editor, Parnaso
  Espanol, 4416
Lord, Nathaniel, Correspondence with Jefferson,
Lord Hollis his Remains, 2881
Lord's Prayer, 4742
Lorenzana y Butron, F. A., 4120
Lorraine, Charles, Cardinal de, 214
Lorton's Tavern, 1827
Los Rios, Vincente de, 4347
Loskiel, George Henry, History of the Mission of
  the United Nations among the Indians, 4011
Louchet, Louis, Opinion sur le proces de Louis
  XVI, 2650
Loudon System, 721
Louis XIV, Lettres aux Princes de l'Europe, a ses
  Generaux, ses Ministres &c. Recuellies par Mr
  Rose, 200
Louis XV, 207, 4211
Louis XVI: Agonie de, 3660; Declaration portant
  fixation de la valeur de l'Or, relativement a
  l'Argent, 2299; Discours a l'Assemblee Nationale,
  2606; Discours prononce a l'Assemblee Nationale, 4
  Fevrier, 1790, 2553; Edits, Reglements, Ordo-
  nannces, 2312-2320; Lettre du Roi pour la con-
  vocation des Etats-Generaux, 2550; Proces de,
  tracts on, 2640-2660
Louisiana: Alliot, Paul, Reflexions historiques
  (MS.), 3510; Account of Louisiana, V, 3166a;
  Baudry des Lozieres Second Voyage, 4076;
  Berquin-Duvallon, F., Vue . . . des Provinces
  de Louisiane, 4075; Bishop, A., Oration, 3473;
  Brackenridge, H. M., Views of Louisiana, 4162;
  Carnot, L. N. M., Reponse au Rapport, 235;
  Constitution ou forme de Gouvernement, 3509;
  Duane, W. Mississippi Question, 3469; Duane,
  Mississippi Question fairly stated, 3471; Dumont
  de Montigny, Memoires Historiques, 4069; Hen-
  nepin, Description de la Louisiane, 4065; Joutel,
  H., Journal Historique, 4073, 4074; Laval, A.F.,
  Voyage de la Louisiane, 4071; Le Page du Pratz,
  History of Louisiana, 4068; Magruder, A. B.,
  Political, commercial and moral reflections, 3472;
  Pike, Z. M., Account of Expeditions, 4169;
  Ramsay, D., Oration, 3474; Stoddard, A.,
  Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, 4077; tracts
  on, 3475-3509; Vallette, Laudun, Journal
  d'un Voyage, 4070; see also 964
Louisiana Purchase, 4168
Louvet de Couvray, J. B.: A Maximilien Robes-
  pierre, 2629; Accusation contre Maximilien Robes-
  pierre, 2625
Love and Madness, 4338
Love's Surveying, 3706
Lover of Truth and Liberty, pseud. Ralph,
  James, 378
Low, Samuel, Ode for the Fourth of July, 3232
Lowe, Solomon, Sententiae Pueriles, 4790
Lowell, John, Eulogy on the Honourable James
  Bowdoin, 521
Lowndes, William, Case of the third Auditor, 2919
Lowth, Robert: De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum, 4710;
  Short Introduction to English Grammar, 4842;
  translator, Isaiah, 1476
Lubersac de Livron, C. F. de, Discours sur les
  monumens publics, 4210
Lubin, Eilhard, editor, Epistolae Apollonii Tyanei,
  Anacharsidis, etc., 4626
Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: Pharsalia (1643),
  4294; (1658), 4293; (English. trans, T. May),
  4296; (English. trans., Rowe), 4295
Lucanus, Ocellus, 1293
Lucas, Robert, Cases in Law and Equity, 2075
Lucerne, Treatise on the culture of, 718
Lucianus: Mythologie Dramatique, 4619; Opera
  (1563), 4616; (1743), 4617; (French, 1604), 4618
Lucretius Carus, Titus: De Rerum Natura (1675),
  4459; (1680), 4456; (1712), 4457; (1759),
  4458; (1773), 4462; (English, 1714), 4460;
  (French, 1799), 4461
Ludlam, William, Introduction and notes on Mr
  Bird's method of dividing astronomical instruments,
Ludlow, Edmund, Memoirs, 365
Ludolf, Hiob, New History of Ethiopia, 323
Ludwell, Philip, Books from his library: Cowell,
  1812; Godolphin, 2146; Jacob, 1804; Manby,
  1817; Toland, 2768; note on, 2146, V, 1812
Lusignan, Sauveur, History of the Revolt of Ali
  Bey, 314
Lussan, Raveneau de, 3987
Luzac, Elie, 1410
Luzac, Jan, Oratio de Eruditione altrice Virtutis
  Civilis, 4446
Lycophron, Cassandra, 4343
Lycosthenes, Conradus, Apophthegmata ex pro-
  batis Graece, Latinaeque linguae scriptoribus, 111
Lycurgus, Oratio contra Leocratem (1548), 4660;
  (French), 4665
Lydgate, John, 4276, 4317
Lye, Edward, Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-
  Latinum, 4863; see also 4857
Lyly, John, 4584
Lyon, James, publisher: Cabinet, 553; Friend of
  the People, 554; Georgia Republican, 558; Na-
  tional Magazine, 4898; Political Mirror, 555;
  correspondence with Jefferson, 553, 557
Lyon, Patrick, 2321
Lyonnet, Peter, Books bought from: Acosta,
  4097; Garcilaso de la Vega, 4131; Gumilla,
  4127; Herrera y Tordesillas, 4107; Martinez
  de la Puente, 3932
Lyons, James, Dissertatio Medica, inauguralis, de
  Cholera, 4676; see also 4773
Lysander, 3325
Lyttelton, George, Baron: Dialogues of the Dead,
  4621; History of the Life of King Henry II, 342;
  Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of
  St. Paul, 1630a


Maaswyck, Pancracius, 109
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de: Doutes proposes aux
  philosophes economistes, 2372, 2393; Droit publique
  de l'Europe, 2398; Droits et devoirs du citoyen,
  2402; Entretiens de Phocion, 2392; Etude de
  l'Histoire, 2394; Gouvernment et lois de Pologne,
  2403; Legislation ou principes des lois, 2396;
  Maniere d'ecrire l'histoire, 2395; Observations sur
  le gouvernement et les lois des Etats-Unis, 2399;
  Observations sur l'histoire de France, 2400; Obser-
  vations sur l'histoire de la Grece, 2390; Observations
  sur les Romains, 2391; Oeuvres posthumes, 2404;
  Principes de Morale, 2401; Principes des negocia-
  tions, 2397; Remarks concerning the government
  and laws of the United States, 3002
  See also: Brizard, Eloge historique de l'abbe
  Mably, 226; Laurent, Lettres sur la Censure
  des Principes de Morale de Mably, 1367;
  epitaph on Mably in Jefferson's autograph
  in the Principes de Morale, 2401; printed
  version of the epitaph, 3894
Macaulay, Catherine, History of England, 386
MacBride, David, Experimental Essays, 923
M'Calla, Daniel, Works, 1713
McClurg, James: Experiments upon the Human
  Bile, 925; Tentamen Medicum Inaugurale, de
  Calore, 673
McCreery, John, The Press. A Poem, 4512
M'Donald, Alexander: Ais-Eiridh na Sean-Chanoin
  Albannaich, 4882; Galick and English Vocabulary,
Mace, Daniel, 1487
M'Fingal: a Modern Poem, 4509
Machiavelli, Niccolo: Arte della guerra, 1143;
  Opere, Tomo I, 169; Tomo III, VIII, 2352;
  Tomo IV, V, 2351; Poetiche, 4579; Princeps,
  2324; Works, 2353
Machin, John, 3721
Machines, 3739
M'Innes' Cotton Machine, 3777
MacIntosh, William, Travels in Europe, Asia and
  Africa, 3934
Mackay, Andrew, Theory and Practice of finding the
  Longitude at Sea or Land, 3815
Mackay, Samuel, 1163
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, Voyages from Montreal,
Mackenzie, George, Earl of Cromarty, 1958
Mackenzie, Roderick, Strictures on Lt. Col.
  Tarleton's History of the Campaigns of 1780 and
Mackinnon, John Daniel, 4153
Mackintosh, Sir James, Vindiciae Gallicae, 2545
McKnight, John, View of the present state of the
  political and religious world, 3253
Mackworth, Sir Humphrey, Vindication of the
  Rights of the Commons of England, 2911
Maclaine, Archibald, 621
Maclaurin, Colin: Account of Sir Issac Newton's
  Philosophical Discoveries, 3723; Treatise of Alge-
  bra, 3673; translator, 3708
Maclure, William: To the People of the United
  States, 2684; letter to Jefferson, and note on,
McMahon, Bernard, American Gardener's Calendar,
MacNally, Leonard, 2073
Mac Neven, William James, Pieces of Irish
  History, 440
Macomb, Alexander, Treatise on Martial Law,
  and Courts-Martial, 2021
Macomb, Robert, Reply to the Resolutions and
  Address of a Meeting convened at Martlings, 3405
McPherson, Charles, Correspondence with Jef-
  ferson, 4377, 4879, 4881
McPherson, Isaac, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son, 3682, 3694, 3695, 3735, 3738, 3744,
  3946, 4173
Macpherson, James: Introduction to the History
  of Great Britain and Ireland, 333; Poems of Ossian,
  4377; Rights of Great Britain asserted agaist the
  claims of America, 3107; Short History of the
  opposition, 3137; translator, the Iliad, 4278;
  letter to Charles McPherson, 4377; note on,
Macpherson, John (1710-1765), Critical Dis-
  sertations on the Origin, Antiquities, Language
  etc. of the Ancient Caledonians, 432
Macpherson, John, History of the Life, very
  strange adventures and Works of Captain John
  Macpherson, 522
Macquer, Philippe: Abrege Chronologique de l'His-
  toire Ecclesiastique, 603; Annales Romaines, 67;
  see also 181
Macquer, Pierre Joseph: Dictionnaire de chimie,
  841; Elements of the theory and practice of chy-
  mistry, 823
Macrobius, Ambrosius, Opera, 4907
Madison, James: All Impressments Unlawful and
  Inadmissable, 3355; Examination of the British
  doctrine, 2116, V, 2116; Extract of a Letter from
  the Secretary of State, to Mr Monroe, relative to
  Impressments, 3536; Letters from the Secretary of
  State to Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney, 3535; 
  Letters of Helvidius, 3170; Memoir containing an
  Examination of the British Doctrine, 3354;
  Political Observations, 3177
  Correspondence with Jefferson: American
  Philosophical Society, 3753; The Arts, IV,
  385; Barthelemy's Anacharsis, 41; Batture
  Case, 3501; Brissot de Warville, 3609;
  Buffon, 1024; Chalmers' Collection of
  Treatise, 1432; Condorcet, Lettres d'un
  citoyen, 2467; Declaration des droits, 2522;
  Silas Deane, 478; Espion Anglais, 3891;
  Federalist, 3021; Frederic II, Works, 270;
  Freneau and the National Gazette, 543;
  Freneau and the Probationary Odes, 4511;
  Jay's Treaty, 3520; Letters of Helvidius,
  3170; Letters of Pacificus, 3169; Mably's
  works, 2390; Maison Quarree, 3886; map
  of S. America, 3857; Mercier's Tableau
  de Paris, 3890; Montmorin, 2591; Moreau
  de Beaumont, 2408; Notes on Virginia,
  4167; Paine's Rights of Man, 2826; Pike's
  Expedition, 4169; Edmund Randolph, 3180;
  William Ray, 320; Sketches on the rotation of
  crops, 707; Smith's History of N. York, 502;
  Society of the Cincinnati, 3024; Spanish
  writers on American history, 4084; Vir-
  ginia act for religious freedom, 2566;
  Walter, Flora Caroliniana, 1077; D. B.
  Warden, 425; Webster, 4850; Whitehurst,
  641; Wynne's Life of Sir L. Jenkins, 374;
  Letter from John Taylor of Caroline,
  3175; Books from Madison's library, 3153,
Madison, Rev. James, Letters from Jefferson:
  Barruel, 1657; Berthollet, 1191; chemistry,
  I, 374; Connoissance des Temps, 3808;
  Cuvier, 999; Fourcroy, 840; hydraulics, 4893;
  Ingenhousz and vegetation, 829; La Place and
  the moon, 3801; La Sauvagere, 647; Lavoisier,
  830; Maupertuis, 3803, 4924; Notes on Vir-
  ginia, 4167; rainbows, 3747; Noah Webster,
  4850; Wishaupt, 2359; Note on, V, 829
Madox, Thomas: Firma burgi, 2722; Formulare
  Anglicanum, 1934; History and Antiquities of the
  Exchequer of the Kings of England, 2952
Madrigal and Trulletta, 4601
Magdalena, Joseph Bruno, Privada y oficial
  correspondencia, 2425
Magellan, J. A. de, editor, Cronstedt, A. F.,
  Essay towards a System of Mineralogy, 1090
Magellanic gold medal, 1126
Magens, Nicholas, Universal Merchant, 3571
Magini, Giovanni Antonio, Histoire Universelle
  des Indes Orientales, 3984
Magliabechi, Antonio da Marco, 4769
Magna Britannia et Hibernia, 3865
Magnae Britanniae Notitia, 395
Magnalia Christi Americana, 452
Magnien-Grandpre, N., Recueil Alphabetique des
  droits de traites uniformes, 3606
Magnus, Olaus, Historia de gentibus breviarum, 244
Magoffin, James, Correspondence with Jefferson
  (Chipman), 2361
Magruder, Allan Bowie, Political, commercial and
  moral reflections on the late Cession of Louisiana,
Magruder, Patrick, Letter from Jefferson (Bat-
  ture Case), 3501
Mahommedanism, 1294
Mahy de Cormere, G. F., Observations importantes
  sur les colonies Francoises de l'Amerique, 2593
Mailhe, Jean Baptiste, Rapport et projet de decret,
Maillet, Benoit de, Description de l'Egypte, 3948
Maimbourg, Louis: Histoire des croisades, 619;
  Histoire du Calvinisme, 1556; critique of, by
  Bayle, 1557
Main, Thomas, Directions for the Transplantation
  and Management of young Thorn, 723
Mairobert, M. F. P. de, Anecdotes sur M. la
  Comtesse Du Barri, 209
Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme, 694
Maisoncelle, de, Situation actuelle des finances de la
  France et de l'Angleterre, 2948; see also 487
Maitland, James, Earl of Lauderdale: Inquiry
  into the nature and origin of public wealth, 3554;
  recall of, 2810; corrective note, V, 3554
Maittaire, Michel: English Grammar, 4844;
  editor, Curtius Rufus, 26; New Testament,
  Greek, 1481; Phaedrus, 4373; note on, 26
Malattie del Grano in Erba, 740
Malcolm, Alexander, New System of Arithmetick,
Malebranche, Nicolas, De la Recherche de la Verite,
Malesherbes, Chretien Guillaume de Lamoignon
  de, Memoire sur le mariage des Protestans, 2427
Malisset d'Hertereau, J. B. A., La Parfaite Intel-
  ligence du commerce, 3605
Mallet, Parfait Jardinier, 811
Mallet, David: Works, 4549; editor, Bacon, Sir
  Francis, 4915; Saint-John, H., Viscount
  Bolingbroke, 1265
Mallet, Paul Henri, Histoire de Dannemarc, 263
Malone, Edmund, 4539
Malthus, Thomas Robert, Essay on the pinciples of
  population, 2938
Malynes, Gerard de, Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mer-
  catoria, 2099
Mameli de'Mannelli, Giovanni Maria, trans-
  lator, Eleanora of Arborea, 2213
Mammoth: Jefferson and the mammoth, 1044,
  4033, 4891; Peale, C. W., and the mammoth,
  1009, 1046, 1047
Mammoth priest, 3273
Man as he is, 1676
Manby, Thomas, Collection of Statutes, 1817
Mandeville, Bernard: Fable of the Bees, Part II,
  1259; Treatise of the Hypochondriack and
  Hysterick Diseases, 927
Mandrillon, Joseph: Memoires pour servir a
  l'Histoire de la Revolution des Provinces-Unies,
  292; Spectateur Americain, 497
Manfredini, Vicenzo, 4256
Mangey, Thomas, editor, Philo Judaeus, 1579
Maniere d'ecrire l'histoire, 2395
Maniere de negocier avec des Souverains, 1426
Manifeste des Francais a toutes les nations de
  l'Europe, 2602
Manifesto de los procedimientos del consejo real,
Manilius, Marcus, Astronomicon, 4492
Manley, Mary de la Riviere, Power of Love, 4359
Manley, Thomas: Clerk's Guide, 1900; editor,
  Cowell's Interpreter, 1812
Manlius, Marcus, Astronomicon, 4492
Manners, John, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Blumenbach, 1019; Cooper's Justinian, 2192;
  Hauy, 1089; Linnaeus, 1015, 1069; Persoon,
  1073; scientific nomenclature, 1019
Manni, Domenico Maria, editor, Vettori, Pietro,
Manning, Owen, editor, Lye, Edward, 4863
Manning, Robert, Shortest Way to end Disputes
  about Religion, 1535
Manoeuvres of Horse Artillery, 1016
Manuale Graecarum Vocum Novi Testamenti, 4764
Manuel des Vegetaux, 1059
Manuel d'Histoire Naturelle, 1019
Manuel du Museum Francais, 4255
Manures most applicable to the various sorts of Soils,
Manuscripts: Abridgment of the Common Law,
  1795; Acts passed at a General Assembly (in Jeffer-
  son's autograph), 1855; Alliot, Paul, 3510;
  Billard, Pierre, 1626; Boulanger, Nicolas
  Antoine, 1273; Christianesimo svelato, 1275;
  Common-Place Book, 1797; Crowninshield, Hor-
  tus Siccus, 1074; Crowninshield, Specimens of
  penmanship, 1130; Cullen, William, 937; Ele-
  ments of Botany, 676; Freret, Nicolas, 1291;
  Heures en velin, 1512; Insurance, several MSS.
  on, 2458; Leslie, Robert, 3759; Lord Ray-
  mond's argument in B. R., 2016; Martin,
  James, 3179; Mathew, Thomas, on Bacon's
  Rebellion, 534; Mercer, John, 1794; Meteoro-
  logie de Marseille, 656; Mountflorence, 2563;
  Morris, Gouverneur, 3765; Opinions of learned
  Counsel, 1796; Paine, Thomas, 3763; Particulars
  of Port-charges at Dunkirk, 2292; Perizonius,
  Jacobus, 45; Petition of the clergy of Virginia,
  2076; Puglia, James Philip, 4600; Virginia,
  Acts of Assembly, 1830; Virginia, Commissions
  and Proclamations, 1823; Virginia, Court
  Book, 2089; Virginia, Journal of Council and
  Assembly, 1825; Virginia, Laws and Orders,
  1822; Virginia, Laws, 1662-1702, 1827; Virginia, Laws,
  1705, 1829; Virginia, Legislative Records,
  1826; Virginia, Miscellaneous Papers, 1831;
  Virginia, Miscellaneous Records, 1606-1692,
Manwood, John, Treatise of the Forest Laws, 1996
Manx Language, New Testament, 4880
Maps: America by Arrowsmith, 3846; America
  Meridional (Faden), 3857; British Colonies,
  3849; Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 3847;
  country near St. Louis, 3854; environs of
  New York, 3853; Europe, Asia, and Africa,
  3843; Gulf of Mexico, 3858; Maryland, 3848;
  Middle Colonies, 3850; North America and
  the West Indies, 3845; Rhine (Koops), 3862;
  South America, 3857; South Carolina, 3855;
  State of New York, 3851; United States,
  3846; western part of the State of New York,
  3852; World, 3842
Maps composed with movable type, 4033
Marat, Jean Paul, 3658
Marbois, Francois de: Correspondence with
  Jefferson (Notes on the state of Virginia),
  4167; see also Barbe Marbois, Francois de
Marcet, Jane, Conversations on Chemistry, 837
Marcgraf, Georg, 1025
March, John:
  Books bought from: Canovai, 4163; Mar-
  shall, 496; Plan of the Territory of Orleans,
  3859; Ramsay, D., 511; Sidney, 2330
  Books bound by: Acts passed at the first Session
  of the 5th Congress, 1874; Adams, G., 3797;
  Adet, 834; Aeschylus, 4525; agricultural
  tracts, various, unspecified; I. 334; Al-
  manach Imperial, 2440; Appianus, 79;
  Archimedes, 3704; Aristotle, 2357; Ar-
  nould, 2686; Arrowsmith, 3846; atlas of
  maps, IV, 100; atlas of towns, 3859;
  Bacon, 1339; Barton, 1061, V, 1061;
  Baxter, 405; Bayard, 3912; Becker, 4223;
  Bell, 858n; Bentham, 2369; Berthe, 921;
  Blackstone, V, 2889; Blumenbach, 1019;
  Bossut, 3695; Boucher, 2123; Bracken-
  ridge, 530; Branagan, 1394, 1395; Bridel,
  4033; Builder's Price-Book, 1181; Burr
  (pamphlets), 3443-3447; Calef, 451;
  Champagne, 2115; Chas, 237; Chavannes,
  1111; Chipman, 2361; Cicero, 1320n;
  Code civil, 2217; Colles, 4164; Condillac,
  4647; Connoissance des temps, 3808; Cooper,
  1994; cow-pox, I, 427; Curran, 4678;
  Curtius Rufus, 26; Cuvier, 999; Damas-
  cenus, 1552; Dampier, 4145; Deane, 478;
  Denon, 3947; Derham, 3727; Despreaux
  de la Condamine, 213; Destutt de Tracy,
  1239; Diogenes Laertius, 33; Dumont de
  Courset, 1082; Dupont de Nemours, 3749;
  Edwards, 4153; Encyclopedie methodique,
  4889; eulogiums on Washington, V, 29;
  European pamphlets, 2869-2875; Ewell,
  833; Fabbroni, 3558; Faujas de Saint-
  Fond, 638, 3874; Findley, 532; Florus,
  63; Francois, 783; Garnett, 3809; Green,
  1125; Grose, 4871; Guyton de Morveau,
  851; Hauy, 1089; Helvetius, 1242, V,
  1242; Jefferson, 3512; Jodrell, 4531;
  Kerr, 2177; Knight, 1211; Krafft and
  Ransonette, 4214; Lacepede, 1050; La
  Charrue, 780-782; land companies, 3513;
  Landon, 4244; law pamphlets, 2020;
  Lechevalier, 3922; Legrand, 4243; Link,
  3900; local politics, 3325-3338; Lucianus,
  4619; Maclure, 2684; M'Donald, 4881;
  Macpherson, 4377; Mallet, 811; map of
  the Britsh Colonies, 3849; map of the
  Territory of Orleans, 3859; map of S.
  Carolina, 3855; Marshall, 496; Masson,
  249; Mathew, 534; Meinert, 4224; Mem-
  oires d'Agriculture, 777-779; Michaux, 1081;
  Millar, 928; Misson, 3901; Mitford, 1738;
  Moliere, 4581; Monthly Magazine, 4897;
  Moreau de Saint-Mery, 4155; Nautical
  almanac, 3810; Notice des statues, 4233;
  orations, 4679; Peel, 1288; Perier, 1517;
  Piranesi, 4197; Poeseos Asiaticae, 4709;
  Portefeuille des artistes, 4222; Potocki, 2;
  Priestley, 1524, V, 1524; Randolph,
  806, V, 806; Rickman, 4450; Rocca, 812;
  Roscoe 170, 171; Say, 3547; Seneca,
  1324; Skipwith, 2683; Sketches of the history
  of France, 228; State papers, 3168n; Sterne,
  4335n; Stockler, 175; Struve, 1092; Swe-
  denborg, 1545; Tacitus, 81; Thomson,
  3526, 3533; Toulongeon, 4245; tracts in
  arts, 1212-1216; tracts in medicine 956-
  959; tracts in religion, 1646-1648; Traite
  sur la vigne, 787; Trumbull, 4509; Tucker,
  4511; Vater, 443; Vieyra, 4743; Villers,
  1364; Virgil, 4465; Volney, 133, 4032;
  Von Pufendorf, 1253; Warren, 508;
  Washington, 3167; Wedekind, 2411; Week-
  ly Magazine, 4898; William and Mary
  College, 2097; Wood, 506; Woodard,
  3945; zoology tracts, 1044-1946; Note on
  March, V, 26
March, John, barrister of Gray's Inn, Reports:
  or, new cases, 2054
Marchand, Prosper, 257
Marchetti, Alessandro, translator, Anacreon,
Marcus, pseud., Davis, Matthew Livingston,
Marcus Aurelius, Eulogium on, by Thomas,
Mare Clausum (1636), 1420; (1663), 1421
Mariage de Figaro, 4594
Mariamne. A Tragedy, 4559
Mariana, Juan de, Historia general de Espana, 172
Marie-Therese, Eloge, 277
Mariner's Compass rectified, 3788
Mariner's Dictionary, 4872
Mariners magazine, 3789
Maritime Compact, 3241
Maritime Law of Europe, 1806, 2113
Marius, John: Advice concerning Bils of Exchange,
  2108; tracts by, 2099
Markland, Jeremiah, 4529
Marlborough, Earl of, 2044
Marmontel, Jean Francois: Belisarius, 4323;
  Contes Moreaux, 4322; Fausse Magie, 4566;
  Oeuvres posthumes, 234; Penelope, 4561; Zemire
  et Azor, 4569
Marolles, Michel de, 4486
Marot, Clement, Pseaumes de David, mis en rime
  francoise (1658), 1477; (1687), 1468
Mar-Plot: Or, the Second Part of the Busie-Body,
Marriott, Sir James, Memoire justificatif de la
  conduite de la Grande Bretagne, 2131
Marshall, Humphrey, 3427
Marshall, Humphry, Arbustrum Americanum, 1078,
  V, 1078
Marshall, John, Life of George Washington, 496;
  see also 4303
Marshall, Joseph, Travels through Holland, Flan-
  ders, Germany, etc., 3861
Marshall, N., Correspondence with Jefferson
  (chart of the coast of Florida), 3856
Marshall, Thomas, 4864
Martel, pseud., Freron, Louis Stanislas, 3658
Martialis, Marcus Valerius, Epigrammata (1633)
  4497; (1701), 4496
Martin, Alexander, New scene interesting to the
  citizens of the United States, 3208
Martin, Benjamin: Philosophia Britannica, 3728;
  Philosophical Grammar, 3726
Martin, Edme, Loix puisees chez les Grecs, 2202
Martin, Francois Xavier: Orleans Term Reports,
  2180; editor, Public Acts of the General Assembly
  of N. Carolina, 2166; translator, Pothier, R. J.,
Martin, James, Oration delivered 4th July 1796 at
  Jamaica, Long Island (MS.), 3179
Martin, Luther: Genuine information, delivered to
  the Legislature of the State of Maryland, 3015;
  see also Appendix to the Notes on Virginia, 3225,
  4051; Thomson, William, 3435
Martinez de la Puente, Jose, Compendio de las
  Historias de los Descubrimientos, Conquista, y
  Guerras de la India Oriental, 3932
Martinique and Guadaloupe, Vindication of the
  Planters, 2564
Martyn, Thomas, 1060
Martyr, Peter. See Anghiera, Pietro Martire d'
Maryland charter, 3149
Maryland laws, Abridgement (1704), 2173
Maryland laws (1799, 1800), 2171
Mascheroni, Lorenzo, Nuove Ricerche sull' Equi-
  librio delle Volte, 4203
Mascranny, Mademoiselle de, 2150
Maseres, Francis, Principles of the Doctrine of Life-
  Annuities, 3689
Maskelyne, Nevil, Tables requisite to be used
  with the Nautical Ephemeris, 3811; see also 3810
Mason, George, V, 1864
Mason, John, Essays on Poetical and Prosaic Num-
  bers, and Elocution, 4656
Mason, Richard, Gentleman's new pocket com-
  panion, 987
Mason, William, Poems, 4537
Massachusetts: Agricultural Society, Papers on
  Agriculture, 774; charter granted by William
  and Mary, 3149; Debates of the Convention of the
  Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 3008; Historical
  Society, 527, 528; land titles, 2155; laws of,
  2157, 2158, 2159; Company formed, 4055;
  Medical Society, pharmacopoeia of, 872
Masse, Enemond, 4003
Massey, James, Travels and Adventures of, 1272
Massillon, Jean Baptiste, Sermons, 1571
Masson, C. F. P., Memoires secrets sur la Russie, 249
Materia medica, Dioscorides the originator of,
Materia Medica for the United States, 969
Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 3684
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 3721
Mathematical Tables, 3697
Mathematics, Jefferson on, IV, 1, 20
Mather, Cotton, Magnalia Christi Americana, 452;
  see also 451
Mathew, Thomas, Beginning, Progress and Con-
  clusion of Bacon's Rebellion (MS.), 534; V, 534
Mathias, Thomas James, Pursuits of Literature,
Mathon de la Cour, Charles Joseph: Collection
  de Comptes-Rendus, 2445; Testament de M.
  Fortune Ricard 3693; see also 2993
Matrimonio ragionamento di un Filosofo Mugellano,
Matthew of Westminister, Flores Historiarum, 344
Matthieu, J. D., Dialogues Rustiques, 1539
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1054
Maucomble, J. F. D. de, Histoire abregee de la
  Ville de Nimes, 3886
Mauduit, Israel, Considerations on the present
  German war, 2748
Mauduit-Duplessis, Thomas Antoine, Chevalier
  de, Aux Manes du Colonel Mauduit, 2594
Maupertuis, P. L. M. de, Figura telluris determina
  per observationes, 3803; Oeuvres, 4924
Maupin: Art de la Vigne, 818; Eclairissements
  concernant la vigne, les vins etc., 1216; Nouvelle
  methode non encore publiee pour planter et cultiver
  la vigne, 785
Mauriceau, Francois, Traite des Maladies des
  Femmes grosses, 854
Maury, James, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  on cold bathing, 918; on William Roscoe, 171,
  1085; Book from his library, 2832
Mauvillon, Jacques, 1031
Mawe, Thomas, Every Man his own gardener, 803
Maximes of Reason, 1973
Maxims of Equity, 1721
Maximus Tyrius, Dissertationes (1677), 1329;
  (French, 1802), 1328
Maxwell, John, translator, Treatise of the Laws
  of Nature, 1418
May, Thomas, translator, Lucan's Pharsalia,
Mayer, Charles Joseph de, Voyage de M. de
  Mayer en Suisse, en 1784, 3879; see also 2979
Mayer & Brantz, importers, Correspondence
  with Jefferson: Aeschylus, 4525; Dumont
  Courset, 1082; Linnaeus, 1066, 1067
Mayeur de Saint-Paul, Francois Marie, Chroni-
  queur desoeuvre, 3893
Mazon, Louis, Aux juges de Louis XVI, 2660
Mazzei, Filippo [Philip]: Emigration, De l', 2567;
  Letter on the behaviour of the populace on a late
  occasion, 2753; Recherches historiques et politiques
  sur les Etats-Unis, 3005; Riflessioni su i mali
  provenienti dalla questua e su i mezzi di evitargli,
  2854; Riflessioni sulla natura della moneta e del
  Cambio, 2855; translator, Discorso del Signor
  Tommaso Jefferson, 3261; see also 2442, 2443,
  2522, 2568, 3516, 4889
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Court of
  Chancery II, 192; Recherches historiques,
  Note on, 2443
Mead, Richard, Medical Works, 904
Means of preserving Health, 913
Mears, John, Authentic copy of the memorial to the
  Rt. Hon. William Wyndham, 2795
Mease, James: Inaugural Dissertation on the Disease
  produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, 939; Observa-
  tions on the Arguments of Professor Rush on the
  Inflammatory Nature of the Disease produced by
  the bite of a Mad Dog, 968; Picture of Philadel-
  phia, 4027
  Correspondence with Jefferson: chemistry
  and the domestic arts, 968; rabies, 939;
  sending Agricultural Memoirs to France
  and Britain, 769
Mecanique Philosophique, 3746
Mechanical Account of the Non-Neutrals, 915
Mechanique Analitique, 3737
Medea et Phoenissae, 4526
Medford, Macall: Observations on European Courts,
  2813; Oil without Vinegar, 2814, 3378
Medical Cautions, 910
Medical dictionary, First to be printed in
  England, 874
Medical Inquiries and Observations, 962
Medical Observations and Inquiries. By a Society of
  Physicians in London, 926
Medical Works of Richard Mead, M. D., 904
Medicina Statica. being the Aphorisms of Santorius,
Medicine, Jefferson's opinion of, I, 395; 988
Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica, 3556
Meeker, Joseph, 1611
Meerman, Jean de, Discours qui a remporte le prix
  de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-
  Lettres, 2979
Megalonix de Jefferson, 640
Megatherium, 640, 682
Meibomius, Marcus, 31
Mein, John, Sagittarius's Letters and Political
  Speculations, 3079
Meinert, Friedrich, Schone Landbaukunst, 4224;
  see also 4222
Mela, Pomponius, De Situ Orbis, 3819
Melanchthon, Philip, 4660
Melange de Litterature, d'Histoire, et de Philosophie,
Melish, John, Travels in the United States of
  America, 4034
  Correspondence with Jefferson: This work,
  4034; Notes on Virginia, 4167; George
  Washington, 2387
Melmoth, William (1666-1743), 1747
Melmoth, William (1710-1799), Letters of Sir
  Thomas Fitzosborne, 4703; see also 3878
Melville, Sir James, Memoires, 435
Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty which has
  been ascribed to the Rattle snake, 681
Memoir containing an Examination of the British
  Doctrine which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade,
Memoir of the Moheagan Indians, 527
Memoir on a subterranean graphometer, 1221
Memoir on the principles and the means of organizing
  the general staff of the United States Military
  power, 3415
Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in Navigation,
Memoire (MS.), 3510
Memoire a consulter, et consultation,  pour F. Francois-
  Valentin Mulot, 2248
Memoire a consulter, et consultation pour les Nego-
  cians faisant le commerce des Marchandises des
  Indes, 2282, 2525
Memoire a consulter, pour Jean-Charles-Vincent de
  Bette d'Etienville, 2231, 2257, 2258, 2260
Memoire a consulter, sur la Reclamation de la
  Batture, 3475, 3479
Memoire contenant le Precis des faits, pour servir de
  Reponse aux Observations envoyees par les Ministres
  d'Angleterre, 1451
Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences, 3767
Memoire d'un Francois qui sort de l'Esclavage, 225
Memoire des Ministres du Roi, adresse a l'Assemblee
  Nationale, 2552
Memoire des princes presentes au Roi, 2506
Memoire du Tiers-Etat a presenter au Roi, 2507
Memoire en forme de consultation, 3494
Memoire envoye le 18 juin, 1790 par M. de Luzerne,
Memoire fait par M. l'Avocat Doillot, pour Dame
  Jeanne de Saint-Remy de Valois, 2250
Memoire justificatif de la conduite de la Grande
  Bretagne, 2131
Memoire justificatif pour Trois Hommes condamnes a
  la Roue, 2272
Memoire pour Dame Jeanne de Saint-Remy de Valois,
Memoire pour des Negocians de l'Orient, 3610
Memoire pour Elizabeth de Ligniville, 2286
Memoire pour la Demoiselle le Guay d'Oliva, 2234;
Memoire pour le Comte de Cagliostro, 2230, 2251,
Memoire pour le comte d'Espagnac, 2285
Memoire pour le Peuple Francois, 2512
Memoire pour le Sieur Antoine Hallot de la Touche,
Memoire pour le Sr. de Bette d'Etienville, 2235, 2236,
Memoire pour le Sieur Reveillon, 2288
Memoire pour les Sieur Leris & Lamarque, 2280
Memoire pour les Sieurs Vaucher, horloger, & Loque,
  bijoutier, 2237, 2259
Memoire pour Louis-Rene-Edouard de Rohan, Cardi-
  nal, 2241, 2262
Memoire pour M. C. L. Ducrest et M. de Bois-
  baudron, 2287
Memoire pour M. le Bon. de Fages-Chaulnes, 2233,
Memoire signifie, pour les Proprietaires des Quinze-
  Vingts, 2283
Memoire Statuts et Prospectus concernant l'Academie
  des Sciences et Beaux Arts des Etats-Unis, 1119
Memoire sur cette question: Quel seroit le meilleur
  procede pour conserver le mais ou ble de Turquie,
Memoire sur l'Amelioration des races de Betes a laine,
Memoire sur l'utilite qu'on peut tirer des marais
  desseches, 778
Memoire sur la Decouverte d'un Ciment impenetrable
  a l'Eau, 4204
Memoire sur la Naturalisation des Arbres Forestiers
  de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 725
Memoire sur la Population, 2435
Memoire sur le mariage des Protestants, 2427
Memoire sur les effets qui doivent resulter de l'Emission
  de la nouvelle Monnoie de cuivre, 3587
Memoire sur les Experiences Aerostatiques faites par
  M M. Robert freres, 1212
Memoire sur les Noirs de l'Amerique, 1383
Memoires agricoles, 784
Memoires concernant les impositions et droits en
  Europe, 2408
Memoires de chymie de M. C. W. Scheele, 827
Memoires de Frederique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse,
  Margrave de Bareith, 271
Memoires de Jacques Graham, Marquis de Montrose,
Memoires de la Societe d'Agriculture du departement
  de la Seine, 776
Memoires de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour, 208
Memoires de Maximilien de Bethune, Duc de Sully,
Memoires de Messire Philippe de Comines, Seigneur
  d'Argenton, 196
Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de
  Brantome, 205
Memoires de Mr Joli, 203
Memoires de M. le Marquis de Feuquieres (1735),
  1152; (1750, 1740), 1153
Memoires de Montecuculi, Generalissime des Troupes
  de l'Empereur, 1154
Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe
  d'Arcueil, 3754
Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa
  Majeste Britannique, 1452
Memoires du Baron de Tott, sur les Turcs et les
  Tartares, 3917
Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, 203
Memoires du comte de Forbin, 204
Memoires du General Dumouriez, 233
Memoires historiques qui concernent le Gouvernement
  de l'ancien & du nouveau Royaume de Tunis, 319
Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane, 4069
Memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-Hill, 435
Memoires Philosophiques, Historiques, Physiques con-
  cernant la decouverte de l'Amerique, 4124
Memoires pour servir a la Vie de M. de Voltaire,
  ecrits par lui-meme, 221
Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de la Revolution des
  Provinces-Unies, 292
Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de M. de Voltaire,
Memoires relatifs a la discussion du privilege de la
  nouvelle Compagnie des Indes, 2526
Memoires Secrets pour servir a l'Histoire de la Republi-
  que des Lettres en France, 3894
Memoires secrets sur la Russie, 249
Memoires sur differens Sujets de Mathematiques, 3687
Memoires sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. Turgot,
Memoires sur les finances du Royaume, 2559
Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps,
Memoirs of Captain Roger Clap, 424
Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795,
Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Esq., 365
Memoirs of General Wilkinson, 3511
Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 372
Memoirs of Jacobinism, 1657
Memoirs of Major General Health, 500
Memoirs of Richard Cumberland. Written by Him-
  self, 391
Memoirs of Socrates, 1307
Memoirs of the American Revolution, 494
Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain, 408
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander
  Pope, Esq., 384
Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse, 529
Memoirs of the Life of the late Charles Lee, 495
Memoirs of the most material transactions in England,
Memoirs of the Philadelphia society of agriculture, 769
Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of
  the United States, 533
Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, 389
Memoirs of William Sampson, 441
Memoiria inedita presentata al Senato Veneti dal
  celebre Fra Paolo Sarpi, 2466
Memorial and Claim of Amelie Eugenie Caron de
  Beaumarchais, 3286
Memorial and Documents in the Case of Colonel
  Hugh Hughes, 3283
Memorial most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of
  Europe, 3064
Memorial of Common-Sense, 3060
Memorial of the Mechanics and Manufacturers of
  Lexington, Kentucky, 3397
Memorial on behalf of the Citizens resident and
  concerned in the City of Washington, 3333
Memorials of the method and manner of proceedings
  in Parliament in passing bills, 2879
Memorias sobre la edificacion de hospitales, 2367
Memorie anedote . . . de F. Paolo Servita, 617
Memorie Idraulico-Storiche sopra la Val-di-Chiana,
Men and Measures from 1774 to 1809. By a
  Native American, 3386
Menage, Gilles, Dictionnaire Etymologique de la
  Langue Francaise, 4827; see also 31
Menander and Philemon, Reliquiae, 4578
Mendes da Costa, Emanuel, Elements of Con-
  chology, 1091
Mendoza Rios, 3816
Mengotti, Francesco: Del Commercio de' Romani,
  3561; Il Colbertismo, 3559
Mer libre, la mer fermee, 2115
Mercer, John: Abridgment of the Public Acts
  (MS.), 1794; Exact Abridgment of all the Public
  Acts of Assembly (1737), 1871; (1759), 1872;
  manscript transcript by Jefferson, 1826
Mercer. pseud., Cheetham, James, 3326
Merchant's Lawyer, 2106
Merchant's Magazine, 3576
Mercier, Josias, 4627
Mercier, Louis Sebastien: An deux mille quatre
  cent quarante, 1352; Destruction de la Ligue, 174;
  Mon Bonnet de Nuit, 1351; Oeuvres dramatiques,
  4593; Portrait de Philippe II, roi d'Espagne, 173;
  Tableau de Paris, 3890
Mercier de la Riviere, P. F. J. H., Ordre naturel
  et essentiel des societes politiques, 2372
Mercure et les Ombres, 4565
Mercurialis, Hieronymus, Variarum lectionum in
  medicinae scriptoribus, 880
Meredith, James, MS. poem by, 1924
Meriwether, William D., Letter from Jefferson
  on brewing, 1204; 1206; V, 1206
Merlin, 1700
Merriwether, Thomas, 4051
Mes reveries sur les doutes modestes, 2431
Mesmer, Friedrich Anton, 956
Message from the President of the United States
  communicating discoveries made in exploring the
  Missouri, 3512
Message from the President of the United States,
  transmitting a Copy of the Proceedings and of the
  Evidence exhibited on the Arraignment of Aaron
  Burr, 1963
Message of the President of the United States, 3210
Message of the President of the United States to
  Congress relative to France and Great Britain, 3167
Message of the President of the United States, trans-
  mitting a Roll of the persons having office or employ-
  ment, 4166
Message from the Senate, communicating a copy of the
  Plea filed by the Counsel in behalf of William
  Blount, V, 3168a
Metabolism, 899
Metals, Art of Assaying, 825
Metastasio, Pietro, Poesie, 4560
Meteorologie de Marseille (MS.), 656
Meteorologie des cultivateurs, 653
Meteors, 3813
Method of Fluxions, 3676
Methode d'Instruction pour ramener les Pretendus
  Reformes a l'Eglise Romaine, 1540
Methode facile de conserver a peu de frais les grains et
  les farines, 817
Methode Iatroliptrice, 906
Methode pour apprendre facilement la Geographie, 3824
Meun, Jean de, 1327
Meurs, Jan Van, Glossarium Graeco, Barbarum,
Mexico, 4121
Meyer, Friedrich Johann Lorenz, Fragments sur
  Paris, 3895
Mezeray, Francois Eudes de, Abrege Chrono-
  logique de l'Histoire de France, 187
Mezirac, Bachet de, 4366, 4367
Miami vocabulary, 4032
Michaelis, C. F., Correspondence with Jefferson,
Michaux, Andre: Flora Boreali-Americana, 1081;
  Histoire des Chenes de l'Amerique, 1084
Michaux, Francois Andre: Histoire des arbres
  forestiers de l'Amerique septentrionale, 1083;
  Memoire sur la Naturalisation des Arbres Forest-
  iers de l'Amerique Septentrionale, 725; Voyage a
  l'Ouest des Monts Alleghanys, 4031; see also 1081
Michel, Jean, 4073
Michigan: Laws of, edited by A. B. Woodward,
  2176; Territory of, 3468
Micographia Illustrata, 1040
Microscope made easy, 1039
Middelink, J. T., paper-maker, 1626
Middleton, Conyers: History of the Life of Marcus
  Tullius Cicero, 74; Miscellaneous works, 1525
Miege, Guy: Great French Dictionary, 4821;
  Relation de trois Ambassades de M. le comte de
  Carlisle, 1449
Mifflin, Warner, Serious expostulation with the
  Members of the House of Representatives of the
  United States, 1379
Miggrode, Jacques de, 4104
Migneron de Brocqueville, Description du pont
  de Brienne, 4200
Mignonneau, Considerations inteessantes sur les
  affaires presentes, 2504
Milan, Jefferson on, 3911
Milicia y Descripcion de las Indias, por el Capitan
  don Bernardo de Vargas Machuca, 4094
Military and political hints, 1163
Military Institutions of Vegetius, translated by
  John Clarke, 1142
Military Reflections on Four Modes of Defence, 1165
Militia Law of New York, 2224
Militia reform'd, 2768
Mill, John, 1478, 1480, 1486
Millan, John, Succession of colonels to all H. M.
  land forces, 1157
Millar, John, Observations on the change of public
  opinion in religion, politics and medicine, 928
Miller, Edward, Report on the Malignant Disease,
Miller, Johann Peter, 4631
Miller, Philip: Dictionnaire des Jardiniers, 802;
  Gardeners Dictionary, 801; Gardeners Kalendar,
Miller, Samuel: Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth
  Century, 4727; Guilt, Folly and Sources of Suicide,
  1677; Sermon delivered before the New York
Missionary Society, 1658; Sermon preached in
  New York, July 4th, 1793, 2815, 4681
  See also Barton, New Views, 3998; Monthly
  Magazine, 4897
Milligan, Joseph:
  Books bought or ordered from: Ainsworth,
  4803; Barton, B. S., 1061; Beccaria, 2349;
  Bell, 1004; Beverley, 503; Bracken, 943;
  Burkhard, 1009; Duane, 1159; Ewell,
  893; Fox, 375; Fulton, 1230; Gardiner and
  Hepburn, 809; Harris, 1333; Harrison,
  1736; Jeffries, 1141; McMahon, 810;
  Malthus, 2398; Marcet, 837; Marshall,
  496; Middleton, 74n; Murray, 1612;
  Nautical Almanac, 3810; Nepos, 70; Pike,
  3666n; Priestley, 139; Rabaut Saint
  Etienne, 229; Ruhliere, 255; Sampson,
  441; Stewart, 1244; Walker, 4876; White,
  1187; Wilson, 1022; Wise, 1118; Young
  Correspondence concerning books not in
  the above list: Belsham, 408; Mitford, 23;
  Rural Socrates, 705; Scriptores de Iure nautico,
  2122; Wynne, 374
  Books bound by: Agricultural tracts, I,
  334; Ainsworth, 4802n; American Phil.
  Soc. Transactions, 3753; Barlow, 4301;
  Batture Case pamphlets, 3485-3492; Book
  of Kings, 411; Brougham, 3363; Brown,
  J., 1506; Carey, 3539; Charpentier de
  Cossigny, 1202, 1209; Connoissance des Temps,
  3808; Cooper, S., 859; Crowninshield, 1074,
  1130; Cumberland, 391; Diodorus Sicu-
  lus, 38; Dufief, 4822n; Embargo tracts,
  3448-64; Fox, 375; Gregoire, 1398;
  Journal of the 1st Session of the Senate, 3163;
  Journal of the H. of Representatives, 3162;
  Lasteyrie-Du Saillant, 791; Lescallier,
  1232; Livingston, E., 3484; Louisiana
  tracts, 3469-3492; Ludlow, 365; Marcet,
  837; Maximus Tyrius, 1328; Memoires
  agricoles, 784; Memoires de la Societe d'Agri-
  culture, 776; Message from the President,
  1963; Nautical Almanac, 3810; New Jersey
  (Ship), 3344; Orations, V, 28; pamphlets on
  canals, 1233-36; pamphlets, political,
  2809-2814, 3348-3355; Parr-Bedloe, 2772;
  Pharmacopoeia of the Mass. Med. Soc., 872;
  physics, tracts, I, 321; Ramsay, 511;
  Seances des Ecoles Normales, 4894; Serres,
  693; Stael-Holstein, 4353n; Von Hum-
  boldt, 4157, 4158; Wythe, 1759-1765
Millot, Claude Francois Xavier: Elemens de
  l'Histoire de France, 189; Elemens d'Histoire
  Generale. Ancienne, 126; Elemens . . . Moderne,
Mills, John, translator: Duhamel du Monceau,
  Practical Treatise of Husbandry, 704; Ency-
  clopedie, 4890; Gyllenborg, G. A., 743
Milton, John: Paradise Lost (1669), 4289; (1758),
  4288; (1770), 4286; Paradise Regain'd, 4287;
  Works, 4917
  See also Filmer, Sir Robert, 2327; Holling-
  worth, Richard, 361; Philips, John, 4518
Milton, John, Signature of, 1816
Milton vindicated from the charge of Plagiarism,
Mineral waters, 1093
Mineralogy, Jefferson on, I, p. 496
Miniana, Jose Manuel de, 172
Ministre public dans les cours etrangeres, 1424
Minor, John, Letters from Jefferson: Matthew
  Bacon, 1792; Bracton, 1771; Coke, 1781
Minorite de Saint Louis, 191
Minot, George Richards, History of the Insurrec-
  tions, in Massachusetts, 501
Minsheu, John, Minshaei Emendatio . . . Guide
  into Tongues, 4741
Minstrel; or the Progress of Genius, 4433
Minucius, Felix Marcus: Octavius (1560), 1331;
  (1750), 1332; see also 1587
Minutes of examination, taken in short notes, 3294
Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti: Aux Ba-
  taves sur le Stathouderat, 2415; Considerations sur
  l'ordre de Cincinnatus (1784), 3024; (1785),
  3194; Constitution Monetaire, 3584; Denonci-
  ation de l'Agiotage de Paris, 2447; Histoire
  secrete de la Cour de Berlin, 281; Lettre remise a
  Frederic-Guillaume II, 2416; Lettre sur M. M.
  Cagliostro et Lavater, 223; Observations sur le
  Second Rapport du Comite des Monnoies, 3585;
  see also V, 3584, 3585, 3586
Mirabeau, Victor de Requetti: Ami des Hommes,
  2377; Theorie de l'impot, 2375
Miranda, Francisco de, 4159, 4160
Mirbeck, Frederic Ignac de, Lettre a l'Assem-
  blee coloniale de la partie francaise de Saint-
  Domingue, 2562
Mirievo, F. I. de, 4737
Mirror of Architecture, 4179
Miscelanea, o collection de varios discursos, 3557
Miscellanea in usum Juventutis Academicae, 4852
Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, 4449
Miscellanies on America (from the library of
  Benjamin Franklin), 3056-3068
Mishnah, 2462
Missionary Proceedings in the Western Country, 1692
Missions to the Indians, Jefferson on, 4011
Mississippi and Missouri, Intended exploration
  of, mentioned by Jefferson, 1044, 4086
Mississippi Question fairly stated. By Camillus,
Mississippi Question, Report of a Debate, 3469
Mississippi Scheme, 3603
Mississippi Territory: Berquin-Duvallon, Vue de
  la colonie, 4075; Davis, George, Sketch of the
  Debates, 3389; Hall, James, Brief History of,
  4047; Toulmin, Harry, Statutes of, 2181
  See also Kennedy, J. P., 3429; Rab and Jane,
Misson, F. M., Voyage d'Italie, 3901
Mitchell, Robert, Plans and Views in Perspective,
  with Descriptions of Buildings in England and
  Scotland, 4208
Mitchill, Samuel Latham: Note to Dr. Valentin
  of Marseilles, 977; Outline of the doctrines in
  natural history, chemistry and economics, 670;
  Picture of New-York, 4006; editor, Darwin,
  Erasmus, Zoonomia, 896; see also 421, 920
Mitford, John Freeman-, Treatise on the Pleadings
  in Suits in the Court of Chancery, 1738
Mitford, William, History of Greece, 23
Mitscherlich, C. W., Epistola Critica in Apollo-
  dorum ad C. G. Heyne, 12
Mittelberger, Gottlieb, 4025
Mizrim ou le Sage a la cour, 2341
Modern Book-keeping, 1139
Modern Chivalry, 4337
Modern Geography, 3827
Modern History, 155
Modern Honour, a Poem in two Cantos; supposed to be
  written by Dean Swift, 4436
Modern Practice of the High Court of Chancery, 1737
Modern Reports, 2075
Modern Story Teller, 4362
Modus intrandi placita generalia, 1885
Modus tenendi Parliamentum, 2891
Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, 3995
Moeurs et Coutumes des Romains, 116
Moffett, Thomas, Insectorum sive Minimorum
  Animalium Theatrum, 1035
Mohawk language, Paternoster and numerals in,
  4050, 4887
Mohegan and Chippewau vocabularies, 4050
Mohegan and Shawanee vocabularies, 4050
Mohegan Indians, 527
Moivre, Abraham de, Doctrine of Chances, 3686
Molasses Act, 3043, 3045-50
Molesworth, Robert, Viscount, Account of Den-
  mark as it was in the year 1692, 262
Moliere, J. B. Poquelin de: Oeuvres (1710), 4581;
  (1783, 1784), 4582
Molina, Juan Ignacio, Compendio della Storia
  Geografica, Naturale e Cive del Regno de Chile, 4159
Molini, 4806
Moll, Herman, map engraver: Compleat Geog-
  rapher, 3822; Salmon, Thomas, Modern History,
Molloy, Charles, De Jure Maritimo, 2112
Molyneux, William, Case of Ireland being bound by
  Acts of Parliament in England, 3041
Monarchia Indiana, 4110
Moncada, Francesco de, Expedicion de los Catalanes
  y Aragoneses contro Turcos y Griegos, 177
Moncada, Sancho de, 4419
Money and trade considered, 3603
Mongault, Nicolas Hubert, 4633
Monnox, Rich., 1
Monroe, James: Correspondence in relation to the
  British Treaty of 1806, 3537; Governor's Letter of
  the 6th of December 1802, to the Speaker, 3335;
  Some Observations on the Constitution, 3018; View
  of the Conduct of the Executive, 1798, 3524
  Correspondence with Jefferson: On his
  works, 3018, 3524; Boucher's Institutions
  Commerciales, 2103; Callender's Political
  Progress, 3184; Prospect before us, 3518;
  Jay's Treaty, 3520; La Place's Systeme du
  Monde, 3801; Arthur Lee, 3076; newspa-
  pers, 602; Notes on Virginia, 4167; George
  Nicholas's pamphlet, 3196; Paine's Rights
  of Man, 2286; Edmund Randolph's resig-
  nation, 3180
  Books from his library, 2692
Monsigny, Pierre Alexandre, 4568
Montagnais language, Lord's Prayer in, 4003
Montagu, Elizabeth, Essay on the Writings and
  Genius of Shakespear, 4711
Montagu, James, editor, James I, Workes, 4926
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, Letters written dur-
  ing her Travels in Europe, 3916
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, Essais, 1341
Montanus, 1483
Montecuccoli, Raimondo, Memories, 1154
Montefiore, Joshua, Commercial Dictionary, 3544
Montesquieu, C. L. de Secondat: Oeuvres, 2325;
  commentary and review by Destutt de Tracy,
  2327; lectures on, by David Williams, 2326
Montesquiou-Fezensac, Anne Pierre: Lettre au
  redacteur du Patriote Francais, 2630; Memoires sur
  les finances du Royaume, 2559; see also 2592
Montfort, William Green, Letter from Jefferson,
Montgaillard, Jean Gabriel M. R. de, De la
  France et de l'Europe sous le gouvernement de
  Bonaparte, 2861; see also 2849
Montgolfier, Joseph Michel, Utilite du Belier
  Hydraulique, 1103
Montgomery, James, 3152
Monthly Magazine, 682
Monthly Magazine and American Review, for the
  Year 1799, 4897
Monthly Register and Review of the United States,
Monthly Review. A Periodical Work, 4721, 4723
Monticello, Jefferson's notes on the decorative
  structures for, 4217; see also 3904
Monticello Library bindings with labels, 1837-
  1862; see also 1731
Montignot, Felix Christophe, Reponse aux reflexions
  de M. Necker, 2641
Montmor, H. L. H., 4914
Montmorin, Armand Marc de, Correspondence de
  M M. de Montmorin et de Bertrand sur le Comite
  Autrichien, 2608; Lettre ecrite au nom du Roi, 2591
Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of, 436
Montucla, Jean-Etienne: Histoire des Mathemati-
  ques, 3694; Histoire des Recherches sur la Quadrature
  du Cercle, 3715
Montyon, Baron de, 2506
Monumens eriges en France a la Gloire de Louis XV,
Monumenta Anglicana, 329
Moor, James: Elementa Linguae Graecae, 4756;
  Essay on Tragedy, 4698; editor and translator,
  Tyrtaeus, 4397
Moore, Bernard, Letter from Jefferson, 1771,
Moore, Edward, editor, The World, 4514
Moore, Sir Francis: Cases collect & report, 2031;
  editor, Duke's Law of Charitable Uses, 1723
Moore, J. Hamilton, Correspondence with
  Jefferson, 3844
Moore, J. J., Mariner's Dictionary, 4872
Moore, John, Journal during a residence in France,
Moore, John, Bishop of Ely, 1616
Moore, Thomas (1760-1822), Great Error of
  American Agriculture exposed, 820
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852):
  Intercepted Letters, 4519; translator, Anacreon,
Moral & Political Truth, 3542
Morals of Cicero, 1318
Moravians compared and detected, 1542
Morden, Robert, Introduction to Astronomy Geo-
  graphy, Navigation, and other Mathematical Sciences,
More, Henry, Opera Omnia, 1532
More, Sir Thomas: History of King Richard III,
  350; Utopia (1555), 2336; (English, 1743),
  2337; (1794, 1795), 2338
More Wonders of the Invisible World, 451
Moreau, Jacob Nicolas: Entendons-nous, ou le
  radotage du vieux notaire, 2430; Memoire con-
  tenant le Precis des faits, 1451; see also 1438
Moreau, Jean Victor Marie: Discours au tribunal
  criminel, 2862; Justification from a charge of
  conspiracy, 2863; Lettre au premier Consul, 2872;
  Memoire justificatif, 2873; Jefferson on, 2873
Moreau de Beaumont, Jean Louis, Memoires
  concernant les Impositions et droits en Europe, 2408
Moreau de Lislet, Louis Casimir Elisabeth:
  Examen de la sentence rendue dans la cause entre
  Jean Gravier et la Ville de la Nouvelle-Orleans,
  3483; (English), 3490; translator, Kerr, Lewis,
  2177; letter from Jefferson, 3501
Moreau de Saint-Mery, Mederic Louis Elie:
  Considerations presentees aux vrais Amis du Repos
  et du Bonheur de la France, 1391; Danse, 1131,
  V, 1131; Description Topographique, Physique...
  de l'Isle Saint Domingue, 4155
Morel, Federic, translator: Aristotle, 2347;
  Plato, 2346
Morel de Chedeville, Etienne: Caravane du
  Caire, Opera, 4567; Panurge dans l'Isle des
  Lanternes, Comedie lyrique, 4563
Morell, Thomas: Judas Maccabaeus, 4454;
  editor, Ainsworth, Robert, 4802
Morellet, Andre: Memoires relatifs a la discussion
  du privilege de la nouvelle Compagnie des Indes,
  2526; Projet de reponse a un memoire, 2508;
  Prospectus d'un Nouveau Dictionnaire de Com-
  merce, 3604; Reflexions sur les avantages de la
  liberte d'ecrire et d'imprimer, 2446; Translator
  Jefferson's Notes on the state of Virginia,
  4167, V, 4167
Morelly, editor, Lettres de Louis XIV, 200
Moreri, Louis: Grand Dictionnaire historique
  (1725-1749), 144; (English by Jeremy Collier,
  1721), 145
Morgan, George, 1962, V, 1962
Morgan, McNamara, Philoclea. A Tragedy, 4554
Morgain, Thomas, Allegations in behalf of the
  High and Mighty Princess the Lady Mary, Queen
  of Scots, 2907
Morgan, William: Appeal to the people of Great
  Britain, 2832; Comparative View of the public
  finances, 2807
Morin, Jean Baptiste, Dictionnaire etymologique
  des Mots Francois derives du Grec, 4826
Morisson, C. F. G.: Opinion du Citoyen Morisson,
  2647; Seconde opinion du Citoyen Morisson, 2648
Morris, Gouverneur: Address to the Assembly of
  Pennsylvania on the abolition of the Bank of North-
  America, 3033; Answer to War in Disquise, 2118,
  3352; Letter to Thomas Jefferson on Weights and
  Measures (MS.), 3765; Notes on the United
  States of America, 3349; Observations on the
  American Revolution, 3132; letter from Jefferson
  (on Joseph Barnes), 1225
Morris, Matthew Robinson, Baron Rokeby:
  Address to the landed, trading and funded interests
  of England, 2775; Considerations on the Measures
  carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in
  N. America, 3082; Further Examination of our
  present American measures, 3056; Peace the best
  policy, 3059
Morris, Richard Valentine: Defence of the Con-
  duct of Commodore Morris, 3321; Jefferson on,
Morris, Robert: Nous soussignes (contract con-
  cerning the importation of tobacco into France),
  2304; Statement of the Accounts of the United
  States of America, 3165
Morris, Robert: Fatal Necessity, 4550; Select
  Architecture, 4219
Morse, Jedidiah: American Gazetteer, 3964; Ameri-
  can Universal Geography, 3963; see also 3840,
Morse, Samuel, publisher: Georgia Republican,
  557; Georgia Republican Extra, 25 April, 1804,
  3310; Sun of Liberty, 459; letter to Jefferson
  (with oration by Charlton), 4682
Mortier, Cornelis, 3834
Mortimer, Cromwell, 825
Mortimer, George, Observations and Remarks made
  during a Voyage to the Islands of Teneriffe, 3943
Mortimer, John, Whole Art of Husbandry, 696
Mortimer, Thomas, Every Man his own Broker,
Morton, Nathaniel, New Englands Memorial, 453;
  see also 4056
Morton, Thomas, New English Canaan, 4056
Morvan de Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste, 4102
Moschus, 4394
Moss, Thomas, Treatise of Guaging, 3712
Motifs des Commissaires, 2551
Motion of Fluids, 3740
Motte, Andrew, translator, Newton's Principia,
Motteux, Peter Anthony, editor, Works of
  Francis Rabelais, 4333
Moufle d'Angerville: Memoires Secrets pour servir
  a l'Histoire de la Republique des Lettres en France,
  3894; Vie privee de Louis XV, 207
Mould board of least resistance, Jefferson's:
  American Philosophical Society, Transactions,
  3753; Emerson, Doctrine of Fluxions, 3678;
  First report from the select committee, 767; Pro-
  gramme des Prix, 729; see also V, 729
Moultrie, William, Memoirs of the American
  Revolution, 494
Mounier, Jean Joseph, Expose de la conduite de
  M. Mounier, 2569
Mounteney, Richard 4661
Mountflorence, J. C.; Copy of a letter from an
  American officer in Paris to his friend in Virginia,
  2563, V, 2563
Mourner, The, 1621
Moussier, J. B., V, 1521
Moustier, E. F. E., comte de, 3160, V, 3160
Moyle, Robert, Exact Book of entries, 1892
Moyle, Walter, Select Collection of Tracts, 2465
Mr Aislabie's second speech on his defence, 2917
Mr. Lauren's True State of the Case, 513
Muhhekaneew Indians, Observations on the
  language of, 4050
Muhlenberg, Frederic Augustus Conrad, 2135,
  V, 2135
Muhlenberg, Henry: Catalogus Plantarum Amer-
  icae Septentrionalis, 1088; correspondence with
  Jefferson, 1088, 4168, V, 1088
Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel, 171
Mulgrave, Baron, 3867
Muller, Gerhard Friedrich, Voyages et Decouvertes
  faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la Mer
  Glaciale, 3926
Munford, William, Reports of Cases, 2093
Murdoch, Patrick, editor and translator:
  Busching, 3860; Maclaurin, C., 3723; Thom-
  son, James 4547
Murray, Alexander, 2882
Murray, Charles, 948
Murray, John, Earl of Dunmore, Books from
  his library: Collection of Debates, 2930; General
  Collection of Treatise, 1434; Law of Commons and
  Commoners 1981; Rollin, Charles, 127; Voiture,
  V., Oeuvres, 4638; note on, V, 127
Murray, Lindley: English Grammar, 4851;
  Power of Religion on the Mind, 1612
Murray of Glendook, Sir Thomas, editor, Laws
  and Acts of Parliament, 2184
Murray, William Vans, Political Sketches, 3151
Musae Anglicanae, 4412
Musaeus, 4369
Muse in Good Humour, 4427
Musgrave, Samuel, 4527
Music, Jefferson on, IV, 400
Musschenbroek, Pieter Van, Cours de Physique
  Experimentale et Mathematique, 3730
Mythologie Dramatique de Lucien, traduite en Fran-
  cois, 4619
Mythology, 43


Nairne, Edward, Desciption and Use of Nairne's
  Patent Electrical Machine, 632
Naismith, John, Observations on different breeds of
  Sheep, 758
Nanni, Giovanni, 1
Napier, John, Lord, 3667, V, 3667
Nardi, Jacopo, 53
Narrationes Modernae, 2057
Narrative of Captain David Woodard and Four
  Seamen, 3945
Narrative of Charles I Imprisonment in the Isle of
  Wight, 358
Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's captivity,
Narrative of Facts, as they occurred, 3423
Narrative of Facts relative to the Conduct of some of the
  Members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 3428
Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton,
Narrative of Mr John Soren, 3249
Narrative of the Building and Description of the
  Construction of Eddystone Lighthouse, 4213
Nash, Melatiah: Letter from Jefferson on his
  Ephemeris, 3666, 3788, 3808; Note on V, 3666
National Aegis, 3441
National Arithmetick, 3620
National Barley Cake, 1668
National Gazette, 543
National Journal, 601
National Magazine, 4899
Native American, pseud., Wilmer, James Jones,
Natural and Chemical Elements of Agriculture, 743
Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in
  North and South America, 4000
Natural and Civil History of Vermont, 457
Natural, Experimental and Medicinal History of the
  Mineral Waters of Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and
  Yorkshire, 1093
Natural history, Jefferson's passion for, I, 456
Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama
  Islands, 1027
Natural History of many curious and Uncommon
  Zoophytes, 1037
Natural History of the Human Teeth, 1005
Natural Principles of Rectitude, 1255
Naturalis Historiae, 1012
Nature and Practice of real actions, 1908
Nature des pouvoirs politiques dans une nation libre,
Nature Displayed, 4819
Nature of the present excise, 2967
Naudowessie vocabulary, 3994
Nautical Almanac, 3810
Naval architecture, 1227
Naval History of England, 392
Naval History of the United States, 531
Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, 3829
Navigationi de Viaggi, 3972
Nazianus, Gregory, 1584
Necessite et moyens d'etablir la force publique, 2638
Necker, Jacques: Administration des Finances de la
  France, 2437; Importance des Opinions Religieuses,
  1520; Reflexions presentees sur le proces intente a
  Louis XVI, 2640; Sur l'Administration de M.
  Necker. Par lui-meme, 2546
  See also: Brissot de Warville, 2521; Conference
  entre un Ministre, 2453; Montesquiou-
  Fezensac, 2559; Mountjoie, Reponse aux
  Reflexions de M. Necker, 2641; Retirez-vous
  donc, 2580
  Character of Necker by Jefferson, 2437
Necker, Karl Friedrich, Constitution and Govern-
  ment of the Germanic Body, 272
Nedham, Marchamont: Excellencie of a Free
  State, 2331; translator, Selden, Mare Clausum,
Needham, Peter, 1303
Neef, Joseph, Sketch of a Plan and Method of
  Education, 1112; see also 1111, 4647
Neele, Samuel J., engraver, 4167
Neely, James, 4168
Negotiations de Monsieur le President Jeannin, 1447
Negro slave, Case of, tried by Sir John Holt, 2072
Nelson, Hugh, Correspondence with (Batture
  Case), 3501
Nelson, James, Essay on the Government of Children,
  1109, V, 1109
Nelson, Robert, Companion for the Festivals, 1636
Nelson, William: Abridgment of the common law,
  1789; Law Dictionary, 1811; Law of Evidence,
  1985; Laws of England concerning the game, 1997;
  Lex Testementaria, 2152; Office and Authority of a 
  Justice of Peace, 1967; Reports of Special cases,
  1743; editor, Care, English Liberties, 2702
  See also Lilly, John, 1909; Reports of Cases,
Nelson, William, Enquiry whether the Act of Con-
  gress called the Sedition Bill is unconstitutional or
  not, 3206
Neology, 4828
Nepos, Cornelius: Vita degli eccellenti commandanti,
  73; Vitae excellentium Imperatorum (1687), 70;
  (1761), 71; 72; see also 68
Neue Garten und Landschafts-Gebaude, 4223
Neumann, Caspar, Chemical Works, 824
Neutral Rights, 2128
New Abridgment and critical review of the State
  Trials, 1959
New Abridgment of the law, 1792
New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences,
New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences,
New and Complete Law-Dictionary, 1814
New and Complete System of Arithmetic, 3666
New and Elegant General Atlas, 3836
New and Impartial History of England, 405
New and old principles of trade compared, 3548
New and Universal Gazetteer, 3840
New Bath Guide, 4508
New Chronological Abridgment of the History of
  England, 387
New Collection of Poems relating to State Affairs, 4423
New Constitution of the Government of Poland, 2824
New Discourse of Trade, 3568
New-England Illuminati, 3219
New-England laws, 2173
New Englands Memorial, 453
New-Englands Plantation, 4057
New English Canaan, 4056
New enquiry into the suspension of vital action, 965
New Grammar of the Latin Tongue, 4785
New Haven Remonstrance, 3271
New History of Ethiopia, 323
New History of the Bible, 620
New Improvements of Planting and Gardening, 799
New Italian, English and French Pocket Dictionary,
New Jersey, ship, 2687, 3344
New Pantheon, 1456
New Pharmocopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians
  of London, 867
New physical system of astronomy, 963
New Pocket Dictionary of the French and English
  Languages, 4834
New Practice of physic, 882
New Precedents in Conveyancing, 1940
New Retorna Brevium, 1931
New Scene interesting to the citizens of the United
  States, 3208
New Sett of Maps, 3833
New System of Arithmetick, 3669
New System of Geography, 3860
New System of Modern Geogrphay, 3826
New System, or, An Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 43
New Testament: (English, 1802), 1490; (Eng-
  lish, 1808, Newcome), 1489; (Gaelic, 1767),
  4879; (Gothic, 1762, Knittel), 4858; (Gothic,
  1750, Lye), 4857; (Gothic and Anglo-Saxon,
  1665, Marshal and Junius), 4864; (Greek,
  1730, Maittaire), 1481; (Greek, 1707, Mill),
  1478; (Greek, 1728, Mill), 1479; (Greek, 1743,
  Mill), 1480; (Greek, 1800, Mill), 1486; (Greek
  and English, 1729, Mace), 1487; (Greek and
  Latin, 1578, Erasmus), 1484; (Greek and
  Latin, 1583, Montanus), 1483; (Latin, 1735,
  Castalione), 1485; (Manx, 1775), 4880; (Poly-
  glot, 1628), 1482
New Universal and Pronouncing Dictionary of the
  French and English Languages, 4822
New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of
  America, 3998
New Virginia Justice, 1971
New Voyages to North-America, 3992
New World, 570
New Year's Gift to the United States, 1615
New York Agricultural Society, Transactions, 661
New-York Journal and Weekly Register, 541
New York Missionary Society, 1658
New York, Province: Acts of Assembly, 2169;
  Laws of, 2173
New York State: Debates and Proceedings of the
  Convention, 3010; Laws of, 1262
Newabbey, Lord, 2182
Newcome, William, version of the New Testa-
  ment, 1489
Newfoundland Intercourse Bill, Debates on,
Newhampshire Latin Grammar, 4788
Newlan, Jacob, Deposition in the Appendix to the
  Notes on Virginia, 3225
Newman, Samuel, Large and Complete Concordance
  to the Bible, 1494
Newspapers: Jefferson on, I, 267, 284; loss of his
  collection, 464
Newspapers in Virginia, prohibition of publica-
  tion of, Jefferson on, 444
Newton, Sir Isaac: Chronology of Ancient King-
  doms amended, 135; Mathematical Principles of
  Natural Philosophy, 3721; Observations upon the
  Prophecies of Daniel, 1549; Opticks, 3747;
  Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,
  3720; Tables for renewing and purchasing the
  Leases of Cathedral-Churches and Colleges, 3690;
  Universal Arithmetick, 3675
  See also Alldridge, W. J., 3572; Maclaurin,
  3723; Magens, 3571; Pemberton, 3722
  Jefferson on Newton, 3720; Jefferson on the
  Opticks, 3747
Newton of France, 3801
Newton, Thomas, editor: Milton, Paradise Lost,
  4286; Paradise Regain'd, 4287
Niagara Falls, 4066
Ni Banqueroute, ni Papier-monnoie, 2578
Nicephorus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople,
  Breviarium Historicum de rebus gestis ab obitu
  ad Constantium usque Copronymum, 95
Nicephorus Callistus, Xanthopoulos, Ecclesi-
  asticae Historiae Libri XVIII, 605
Nicholas, George, Correspondence with the Hon.
  Robert Harper, 3196
Nicholas, John, 3152
Nicholas, Philip Norborne, Correspondence with
  Jefferson (on George Nicholas's pamphlet),
Nicholas, Robert Carter, Considerations on the
  present state of Virginia examined, 3090
Nicholas, Wilson Cary: Two unidentified pam-
  phlets by, 3201, 3215; correspondence with
  Jefferson on agricultural books for the Library
  of Congress, see index under Agricultural
  Books; on Ivernois, 298; note on, V, 689
Nicholson on baptism, 1715
Nicholson, William, Introduction to Natural Phi-
  losophy, 3725
Nicocles, 2392
Nicolai, Armand Charles Marie, 2490
Nicole, Pierre: Epigrammatum Delectus, 4501; see
  also 4750
Nicolson, William, English Historical Library, 4724
Nicot, Jean, 4810
Niles, Hezekiah, Things as they are, 3384
Niles, Nathaniel, Letter to Jefferson (Appendix to
  the Notes on Virginia), 3225; note on, V, 3225
Nimes, 3886, 4209; Jefferson on, 3886
Nine Letters on the subject of Aaron Burr's political
  defection, 3444
Nisbet, Richard, Slavery not forbidden by Scripture,
Nisi prius, 1974
Nixon, Barnaby, Serious Address to the Rules of
  America, 1689
Noailles de Tesse. See Tesse
Noble, Mark, 2823
Noctium Atticarum, 4905
Noguez, Pierre, Anatomie du corps de l'homme en
  abrege, 995
Nollet, Jean de, Art des Experiences, 1184
Nomenclator Botanicus inserviens Florae Danicae, 1056
Noodt, Gerard; Opera Omnia, 2208
Noorthouck, John, 1286, V, 1286
Nootka Sound, 2795
Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales,
North Carolina, Laws of: Iredell, 2165; Iredell
  and Martin 2166
North Pole, Voyage towards, 3868
Northern Hero, 401
Northmore, Thomas, Washington, or Liberty
  restored, 4303
Norvell, John: Baxter's and Hume's Histories,
  405; Beccario, 2349; British history, I, 139;
  history, 370; newspapers, I, 267; Smith's
  Wealth of Nations, 3546
Notable Revolutions, 288
Notation of sounds, Jefferson on, 1129
Notes and various readings to Shakespeare, 4541
Notes of an American Lyre, 4452
Notes of cases in points of practice, 1920
Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit, 3755
Notes on the State of Virginia, 4167
Notes on the United States of America, 3349
Notice biographique sur le Docteur Jenner, 421
Notice des Medailles d'Encouragement donnes par la
  Societe d'Agriculture du Departement de la Seine,
Notice des Statues, Bustes et Bas-Reliefs de la
  Galerie des Antiques du Musee Central des Arts,
Notice sur l'Agriculture des Celtes et des Gaulois, 724
Noticia de la California, 4088
Noticias Americanas, 4123
Noticias historiales de la Conquistas de tierra firme en
  las Indias Occidentales, 4111
Nottingham, Earl of, i. e. Finch, Sir Heneage,
Nouveau Commentaire sur l'Ordonnance de la Marine,
Nouveau Dictionnaire Espagnol-Francois et Latin, 4817
Nouveau Dictionnaire Francais, 4828
Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique, 147
Nouveau recueil de Traitez, 1433
Nouveau Theatre Italien, 4580
Nouveau traite d'Economie rurale, 773
Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, 4145
Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique, 4150
Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique
  Septentrionale, 4024
Nouveau Voyage d'un Pays plus grand que l'Europe,
Nouveau Voyage en Espagne, 3899
Nouveaux Choix des Fables d'Esope, 4370
Nouveaux Dialogues des Morts, 4620
Nouveaux Memoires sur l'Etat present de la Chine,
Nouveaux Moyens de cassation contre la Procedure
  prevotale dans le proces de Bradier . . ., 2279
Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, 3989
Nouvel Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire d'Angle-
  terre, 385
Nouvel Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire de France,
Nouvel abrege chronologique de l'Histoire des Em-
  pereurs, 125
Nouvel Abrege chronologique de l'Histoire et du Droit
  public d'Allemagne, 273
Nouvel Antenor, 4332
Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique, 3744
Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand Pays, 4066
Nouvelle Description des Curiosites de Paris, 3885
Nouvelle Description Physique-Historique, civile et
  politique de l'Islande, 3871
Nouvelle Histoire de l'Afrique Francoise, 3952
Nouvelle Methode de Messieurs de Port Royal pour
  apprendre facilement la Langue Latine, 4780
Nouvelle methode non encore publiee, pour planter et
  cultiver la vigne, 785
Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre facilement la
  Langue Greque, 4750
Nouvelle Relation, contentant les Voyages de Thomas
  Gage dans le nouvelle Espagne, 4122
Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, 3986
Nouvelles Experiences et Observations sur divers
  objets de physique, 828
Nouvelles Extraordinaires de divers endroits, 164
Nouvelles Inventions pour bien bastir et a petits
  Fraiz, 4183
Nova Britannia, 4052
Nova Versio Graeca Proverbiorum, Ecclesiastis, Can-
  tici Canticorum, 1463
Novae Novi Orbis Historiae, 4105
Novar, Melchior, 285
Novelas Exemplares, 4351
Novum Lexicon Universale Quatuor Linguarum, 4740
Novus Graecorum Epigrammatum, 4498
Novus Historiarum Fabellarumque Delectus, 108
Noye, William: Compleat Lawyer, 2095; Reports
  and Cases, 2051; Treatise on the Rights of the
  Crown, 2705
Nueva Idea de la Tragedia Antigua, 4536
Nuevo Diccionario portatil, Espanol e Ingles, 4813
Nugent, H. P.: Letter to his Excellency William C. C.
  Claiborne, 3439; To the Members of the Legisla-
  ture, 3440
Nugent, Thomas, New Pocket Dictionary of the
  French and English Languages, 4834
Nuits de Ste. Marie-Magdelaine, penitente, 1554
Numa, pseud., Colvin, John B., 3376
Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar, Relacion y
  comentarios de lo accaescido en las dos jornados que
  hizo a las Indias, 4140
Nuovo Dizionario Italiano-Francese, 4808
Nuova Guida di Milano, 3911
Nuovo Ricerche sull' Equilibrio delle Volte dell' Abate
  Lorenzo Mascheroni, 4203


Oates, Titus, 2922, 2929, 2930
Oberthur, Franz, 7
O'Brien, Sir Lucius Henry, Letters concerning the
  trade and manufactures of Ireland, 2982, 2986
O'Bryen, Dennis, Utrum Horum?, 2834
Observaciones astronomicas y physicas, 4126
Observateur, 3636
Observations adressees a l'Assemblee Nationale par
  M. de Bertrand, 2609
Observations and Documents relative to a Calumny
  circulated by John Brown, 3284
Observations and Remarks made during a Voyage to the
  Islands of Teneriffe, etc., 3943
Observations concerning the original and various forms
  of government, 2328
Observations designed to show the propriety of estab-
  lishing an Independent System of Banking, 3401
Observations d'un Republicain sur les differens sys-
  temes d'administrations provinciales, 2521
Observations importantes sur les colonies Francoises de
  l'Amerique, 2593
Observations leading to a fair examination, 3020
Observations on a late State of the Nation, 2754
Observations on Coal-Mines, 672
Observations on Dr Cadogan's Dissertation on the
  Gout, 935
Observations on Dr Waterland's Second Defence, 1645
Observations on European Courts, 2813
Observations on Government, 3003
Observations on History, 3379
Observations on Modern Gardening, 4227
Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna and
  other Volcanos, 636
Observations on Reversionary Payments, 3688
Observations on sheathing Vessels, 1101
Observations on some parts of Natural History, 4038
Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl
  Cornwallis, 482
Observations on the Act of Parliament commonly called
  the Boston Port-Bill, 3084
Observations on the agriculture, manufactures and com-
  merce of the United States, 3627
Observations on the Agriculture of the United States
  of American, 819
Observations on the American Revolution, 3132
Observations on the Arguments of Professor Rush in
  favour of the Inflammatory Nature of the Disease
  produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, 968
Observations on the change of public opinion in
  religion, politics and medicine, 928
Observations on the Commerce of the American States
  (1783) 3618; (1784), 3616
Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain, 2762
Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of
  St. Paul, 1630a
Observations on the Cow-Pock, 949
Observations on the different breeds of Sheep, 758
Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser, 4713
Observations on the History and Evidences of the
  Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1630
Observations on the importance of the American Revolu-
  tion, 2993
Observations on the Influence of Soil and Climate upon
  Wool, 797
Observations on the Justificative Memorial of the
  Court of London, 2132, 3140
Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew
  Indians, 4050
Observations on the means of preserving the health of
  soldiers and sailors, 914
Observations on the Nature and Cure of Calculus, Sea
  Scurvy, Constipation, 960
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, 2994, 3109
Observations on the part of the United States, 3530
Observations on the Passage to India, 3933
Observations on the Petitions from various Merchants
  of Rhode-Island, 3308
Observations on the Plan of Government submitted to
  the Federal Convention in Philadelphia, 3016
Observations on the probabilities of the Duration of
  Human Life, 667
Observations on the proposed Plan for an Universal
  Standard of Weights and Measures, 3757
Observations on the Reconciliation of Great-Britain and
  the Colonies, 3114, 3122
Observations on the River Potomack, 4043
Observations on the Speech of Albert Gallatin, on the
  Foreign Intercourse Bill, 3203
Observations philosophiques sur les principes adoptes
  par l'Empereur dan les matieres ecclesiastiques, 2417
Observations preliminaires de M. Bergasse, 2600
Observations sommaires et preuves sur le navire New-
  Jersey, 2687
Observations sommaires sur le Pour et le Contre, 2533
Observations sur "L'Art de faire le Vin" par M.
  Chaptal, 1209
Observations sur l'histoire de France, 2400
Observations sur l'histoire de la Grece, 2390
Observations sur l'histoire et les effets du Rob Anti-
  Syphilitique, 958
Observations sur l'Origine et les Progres du Prejuge
  des Colons Blancs contre les Hommes de Couleur,
Observations sur l'usage des vegetaux exotiques, 959
Observations sur la Campagne de 1792, 2634
Observations sur la prise du navire americain la
  Juliana, 2693
Observations sur la situation politique de Saint-
  Domingue, 2584
Observations sur le gouvernement et les lois des Etats-
  Unis, 2399
Observations sur le Lotus d'Egypte, 686
Observations sur le Manuel du Commerce des Indes
  Orientales, 3562
Observations sur le second Rapport du Comite des
  Monnoies, 3585
Observations sur les pretentions reciproques des trois
  ordres du Royaume, 2515
Observations sur les Romains, 2391
Observations upon the Government of the United States
  of America, 3155
Observations upon the laws of excise, 2962
Observations upon the Origin of the malignant bilious
  or Yellow Fever, 976
Observations upon the present Government of Pennsyl-
  vania, 3128
Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, 1549
Obsopoeus, Vincent, 38
Ochino, Bernardino, On Divorce, On Polygamy,
Ocios del Conde Don Bernardino de Rebolledo, 4417
Ockham, Baron of, 1751, 2078
O'Connor, Arthur: Address to the free electors of
  the county of Antrim, 2835; Etat actuel de la
  Grande-Bretagne, 2851; Present State of Great
  Britain, 2868
Octavius (1560), 1331; (1750), 1332; (1686), 1587
Odes and Satires of Horace, 4477
O'Donnell, William, 4877
Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope,
  Esq., 4272
Oeconomy of Love, A Poetical Essay, 4471
Oeder, Georg Christian, Nomenclator Botanicus,
Oelschlager, Adam, Relation du Voyage d'Adam
Oeuvres d'Horace en Latin et en Fancois, 4475
Oevres posthumes de Marmontel, 234
Of Commerce and Luxury, 3549
Of Justification, 1642
Of the Advancement of Proficiency of Learning, 4916
Of Wisdome (1670), 1616; (1707), 1617
Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace, (Nelson,
  Wm.), 1967
Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace, (Webb,
  George), 1970
Officer of the Brigade of New-York, Brief Obser-
  vations on the Militia, 3327
Official Letters to the Honourable American Congress,
  written by His Excellency George Washington, 492
Official Reports from the Executive Department to the
  House of Representatives, 3164
Officina Brevium, 1882
Officio hominis, De, 1253
Officium Clerici Pacis, 1911
Officium Hominis, 1623
Officium Vicecomitium, 1933
Ogden, John Cosens: Excursion into Bethlehem &
  Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, 4012; Short History of
  late ecclesiastical oppressoins in New-England,
  3209; Tour through Upper and Lower Canada,
  4015; View of the New-England Illuminati, 3219;
  letter to Jefferson, 3209
Ogden, Samuel Gouverneur, 4160
Ogilvie, James: Cursory reflexions on government,
  philosophy and education, 3199; Speech delivered in
  Essex County, 3195
Ogilvie, John, Poems on several subjects, 4429
Ogle, George, editor, Canterbury Tales, 4319
Ogle, William, Accounts of William Ogle, 2987
Oh! Elle est bien nommee Section du Theatre
  Francois, 3648
Ohio: Articles of an Association by the Name of the
  Ohio Company, 4042; see also Cutler, Manasseh,
  4041; State of the British and French Colonies,
  4036; Worthington, T., 3337
Ohrling, Johan, 4856
Oil without Vinegar, 2814, 3378
Olai Magni Gentium septentrionalium historiae brevi-
  arum, 244
Old and New Testament connected in the History of the
  Jews, 1529
Old Baily, Trials at, 1960
Old Man's Guide to Health and Longer Life, 908
Oldcastle, Humphrey, 2733
Oldham, James, Correspondence with Jefferson,
Oldham, John, Works, 4424
Oldmixon, John, British Empire in America, 470,
Old-South, 3534
Oldys, Alexander, 4307
Oldys, Sir William, 130
Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse, 3927
Olive Branch (ship), 3306, 3538
Olive Branch: or Faults on both sides, 3539
Olive tree, Cultivation of, 789
Olmstead, Gideon, Sundry Documents, 3433
On Acids, Air, Water, & c., 3777a
On Monies, Coins, Weights and Measures, 3758
On the Application of Natural Philosophy and Chem-
  istry to Arts, 3772
On the election of the President of the United States,
On the political state of Europe, 2698, 2870
Onania, or, The Heinous sin of self-pollution, 929
O'Neil, Elizabeth, 2820
Onis, Luis de, Correspondence with Jefferson,
Onomasticum Graece et Latine, 4774
Opera Bouffon Italien de Versailles, 4564
Operas, 4561-4570
Opinion de Claude Fauchet, sur le jugement du ci-
  devant Roi, 2652
Opinion de Condorcet sur le jugement de Louis XVI,
Opinion de Denis Marie Pellissier sur le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2651
Opinion de Du Pont (de Nemours). Conseil des
  anciens, 2674
Opinion de Francois Robert, concernant le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2645
Opinion de Jean-Francois Barailon sur le jugement de
  Louis Capet, 2653
Opinion de L. Louchet sur le proces de Louis XVI, 2650
Opinion de M. l'Eveque d'Autun sur la Fabrication
  des Petites Monnoies, 3586
Opinion de Maximilien Robespierre, sur le jugement
  de Louis XVI, 2649
Opinion de Thomas Payne, concernant le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2643
Opinion d'un jurisconsulte patriote, sur le proces
  intente a Louis XVI, 2659
Opinion du citoyen Gregoire concernant le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2655
Opinion du citoyen Morisson, concernant le jugement
  de Louis XVI, 2647
Opinion du citoyen Rouzet concernant le jugement de
  Louis, XVI, 2656
Opinion du citoyen Saint-Just concernant le jugement
  de Louis XVI, 2646
Opinion enoncee a la Societe de 1789 su les lois
  constitutionelles, 2588
Opinion of Judge Cooper, on the effect of a sentence of a 
  foreign court of Admiralty, 2120
Opinion on the case of the Alluvion Land or Batture,
Opinions of Learned Counsel (MS.), 1796
Opinions of several learned antiquaries, 2880
Opposition Mornings, with Betty's Remarks, 2820
Opsopaeus Johannes, Sibyllina Oracula, 1454
Opticks, 3747
Opuscoli di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile dell' Abate
  Spallanzani, 1034
Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris, 1036
Orateur du peuple, 3658
Oratio de Eruditione altrice Virtutis Civilis, 4446
Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium
  Linguas versa, 4742
Oratio habita in capitolio Gulielmopolitano in comitiis
  Universitatis Virginiae, 4675
Oratio Inauguralis habita in Sacello Collegii Yalensis,
Oratio Lycurgi contra Leocratem, 4660
Oration delivered at Wallingford on the 11th of
  March 1801, 3264
Oration delivered before the American Philosophical
  Society, 4677
Oration delivered on the Glorious Tenth of June, 1809,
Oration in honor of the election of President Jefferson,
Oration on the Cession of Louisiana to the United
  States, 3474
Oration to celebrate the Election of Thomas Jefferson,
Oration upon religious worship, 2679
Oration upon the moral and political evil of slavery,
Orations, delivered at the request of the inhabitants of
  the Town of Boston, 4679
Orations, Fourth of July: Barlow, Joel, Oration
  delivered at Washington, 4686; Charlton, T. U. P.,
  Oration delivered at Savannah, 3282, 4682;
  Cheves, Langdon, Oration delivered in St. Philip's
  Church, Charleston, 4687; Davis, M. L., Oration
  delivered in St. Paul's Church, N. Y., 3232;
  Fairfax, Ferdinando, Oration delivered in Charles-
  town in Virginia, 4691; Foster, John, Oration
  delivered in the White Meeting House, Stonington-
  Borough, 3278; Kennedy, James, Oration de-
  livered in St. Philip's Church, Charleston, S. C.,
  3270; Lincoln, Daniel W., Oration pronounced
  at Boston before the Bunker Hill Association, 4688;
  Martin, James, Oration delivered 4th July 1796
  at Jamaica Long Island (MS.), 3179; Miller,
  Samuel, Sermon preached in New-York, July 4th,
  1793, 2815, 4681; Porter, John Ewing, Oration
  in Commemoration of American Independence de-
  livered to the Lysian Society, 4684; Smith, Samuel
  Harrison, Oration pronounced in the City of
  Washington, 4690; Story, Isaac, Oration pro-
  nounced at Worcester, 3269; Story, Joseph,
  Oration pronounced at Salem, 4685; Thacher,
  Stephen, Oration pronounced at Kennebunk, Maine,
  3298, 4683; Toulmin, Harry, Oration delivered
  at Frankfort 3313; Wheaton, Henry, Oration de-
Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 4669
Orbe Novo (De), 4099
Orbis Descriptio, 3818
Ord, George, 1022
Order of the High Court of Chancery made by Philip
  Lord Hardwicke, 1730
Orders and Constitutions for the plantation of the
  Summer Islands, 4054
Orders, essential, fundamental, and standing orders of
  the House of Commons, 2882
Ordinaire, Claude Nicolas, Histoire Naturelle des
  Volcans, 635
Ordinances passed at a Convention at the town of
  Richmond, 1842
Ordinances passed at a Convention held at Williams-
  burg, 1843
Ordinances passed at a General Convention of Delegates
  and Representatives held at Williamsburg, 1844
Ordines Cancellariae, 1731
Ordonez das Seijas y Tobar, Alonso, 4693
Ordonnance du Roi, qui defend le port d'Armes aux
  Chasseurs, 2312
Ordonnances et Reglemens concernant la Marine, 2222
Ordre naturel et essential des societes politiques, 2372
Ordre social, 2373
Oregon, First use of the name, 4010
Origen: Contra Celsum (1677), 1584; (French,
  1700), 1585; Hexaplorum, 1458; Philocalia, 1586
Original Institution, power and jurisdiction of Par-
  liaments, 2886
Original steam-boat supported, 1218
Originality and superior excellence of the Mosaic
  Institutions demonstrated, 1660
Origine de la Grandeur de la Cour de Rome, 618
Origine des Malheurs de Saint-Domingue, 2865
Origines Juridiciales, 2726
Originum Juris Civilis Libri tres, 2203
Orinoco: Histoire naturelle, 4082; Orinoco Ilustrado,
Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse, 4312
Orleans, Pierre Joseph d', Histoire des Revolu-
  tions d'Angleterre, 371
Orleans, Territory of: Acts passed, 2178, 2179;
  Term Reports, 2180
Ornithology of Francis Willughby, 1023
Oroonoko. A Tragedy, 4556
Orosius, Paulus: Anglo-Saxon Version, from the
  Historian Orosius, 4868; Historiographi clarissimi
  opus prestantissimum, 87
Orphan's legacy, 2146
Orpheus, Argonautica Hymni, 4391; see also 4463
Orrery, Portable, 678
Ortelius, Abraham, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,
Orthography, Jefferson on, 4888
Orville, Jacques d', 4327
Osborne, Richard, Narrative of Charles First's
  Imprisonment in the Isle of Wight, 358
Osgood, Samuel, 2455, 3756
Osservazioni Mediche sulla Malattia Febbrile domi-
  nante in Livorno, 972
Osservazioni sopra la coltivazione degli Agrumi del
  Terrotorio Posano, 790
Ossian, 101, 4377, 4452
Otis, George Alexander, Letter from Jefferson,
  198, V, 198
Otis, Samuel A., Letter from Jefferson, 3501
Otto, Louis Guillaume, Letters from Jefferson:
  Buffon, 1024, Crevecoeur, 4020; Diamond
  Necklace, II, 411, Mazzei, 3005, Notes on
  Virginia, 4167; Soules, 484; note on, V, 1024
Otway, Thomas, Works, 4544
Oudin, Charles, Thresor destrois Langues, Espag-
  nole, Francoise et Italienne, 4810
Ould, Robert, Letter from Jefferson, 1113
Outline of the doctrines in natural history, chemistry
  and economics, 670
Outline of the General Report upon the size of Farms,
Outlines of a Plan for Establishing a State Society of
  Agriculture in Pennsylvania, 715
Outlines of the fifteenth chapter of the proposed General
  Report from the Board of Agriculture, 751
Ovalle, Alonzo de, Historica Relatione del Regno di
  Cile, 4142
Overall, John, 2908
Overcoming evil with good, 3263
Ovidius Naso, Publius: Art of Love, 4390; Epistole
  cum comento (1529), 4389; (English, 1746),
  4387; Metamorphoseon, 4339; (English), 4341;
  Opera Omnia, 4340; Tristia (English), 4388
Owen, Thomas, Reports, 2034
Oxford University, Christ Church, Carmina
  Quadragesimalia, 4467
Ozell, John, 4333


Pacificus, Serious Expostulation with the Society of
  Friends in Pennsylvania, 3365
Pacificus, Letters of, 3169
Pacius de Beriga, Julius, 4911
Pacte de famille., 2579
Paganel, Pierre, Essai historique et critique sur la
  Revolution Francaise, 230
Page, John: Address to the Citizens of the District of
  York in Virginia, 3191
  Correspondence with Jefferson Appendix to the
  Notes on Virginia, 3225; Burk, J. D., 464;
  Coke's Institutes, 1781; Connoissance des
  Temps, 3808; on London, 3875; Mazzei,
  3005; Monroe's book, 3524; Nautical
  almanac, 3810; Notes on Virginia, 4167;
  Shelton's Tachy-Graphy, 1127
  Book from his libary, 1837; note on, V, 464;
  John Page Manuscript, Virginia Laws,
Page, Mann, Correspondence with Jefferson,
  3225, V, 3225
Page, Matthew, 1830
Pages, P. F. M. de, Voyages autour du Monde, 3990
Paine, Seth, 547
Paine, Thomas: Agrarian Justice, 3187; Common
  Sense, 3112, 3117; Compact Maritime, 3242;
  Crisis Extraordinary, 3138; Decline and Fall of the
  English System of Finance, 3188; Dissertations on
  government, the affairs of the bank and paper-
  money, 3035; Letter to George Washington, 3189;
  Maritime Compact, 3241; Opinion de Thomas
  Payne concernant le jugement de Louis XVI, 2643;
  Prospects on the Rubicon, 2779; Rights of Man,
  2826; Thoughts on the Establishment of a Mint in
  the United States (MS.), 3763
  See also: Fisher, Miers, Reply to the False
  Reasoning in the "Age of Reason", 1654;
  Inglis, Charles, True Interest of America
  impartially stated, 3115; Richman, Poetical
  Scraps, 4450; Watson, Richard, Christian
  Panoply, 1714
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Arnal, E. d',
  1219; Bache's Aurora, 544; equilibrium of
  arches, 4203; establishment of a mint,
  3763; Ledyard, 3940; manuscripts sent to
  Jefferson, 3242; Mascheroni, 4203; Rights
  of Man, 2826
Pakington, Dorothy, Lady, 1624, 4853
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, Historia de la
  Conquista de la China por el Tartaro, 312
Palairet, John, Concise Description of the English
  and French Possessions in North-America, 4035
Paley, William, View of the Evidences of Chris-
  tianity, 1519; see also 1714
Palfyn, Jean, Description anatomique des parties de
  la Femme, 1042
Palisot de Beauvois, A. M. F. J., Baron: Catalogue
  raisonne du Museum de Mr C. W. Peale (1800),
  3774; (English, 1796), 683
Palladio, Andrea: Architecture (Eng., Fr., Ital.,
  1715), 4175; (1742), 4174; (French, 1650),
  4181; (French, 1764), 4215
Palladium, The., A Literary and Political Weekly
  Register, 599
Palladius, 689
Pallas, Peter Simon: Linguarum totius Orbis
  Vocabularia comparativa, 4736; Vocabulaires com-
  pares des langues de toute la Terre (in Cyrillic
  alphabet), 4737; see also Barton, B. S., 3998;
  Histoire des Decouvertes, 3925
Palloni, Gaetano, Osservazione mediche sulla Malat-
  tia Febbrile dominante in Livorno, 972
Palmer, Elihu: Principles of Nature, 1290; Pros-
  pect, or View of the moral world, 1674; see also 3280
Palmer, Sir Geoffrey: Reports, 2045; editor,
  Moore, Sir Francis, 2031
Pamphlets, Historical, 525-528
Pamphlets, Medical, 966-971
Pamphlets on neutral rights, 2116-2118
Pamphlets, Religious, 1649-1658
Panage, 619
Pancoucke, Charles Joseph, publisher, Encyclo-
  pedie Methodique, 4889
Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano, 2421
Pange, M. F. D. T. de, Reflexions sur la deletion
  et sur le comite des recherches, 2577
Panopticon, 2369
Panurge dans l'Isle des Lanternes, 4563
Papers relative to the Rapture with Spain. In French
  and English, 2423
Paradis de Raymondis, Jean Zacharie, Traite
  elementaire de Morale et du Bonheur, 1249
Paradise, John, Correspondence with Jefferson,
Paradise, Lucy: Correspondence with Jefferson,
  38, 1054, 1055, 4344; note on V, 38
Paradise Lost (1669), 4289; (1758), 4288; (1770),
Paradise Regain'd, 4287
Paraguay, Histoire du, 4141
Parallele de Bonaparte avec Charlemagne, 2860
Parallele de l'Architecture Antique avec le Moderne,
Parallele de la Conduite du Roi avec celle du Roi
  d'Angleterre, 1439
Parallele or confernece of the civil law, 1803
Paraphrase and Annotations upon all the Books of the
  New Testament, 1488
Parfaict Capitaine, 1151
Parfait Boulanger, 1197
Parfait Jardinier, 811
Parfaite Intelligence du Commerce, 3605
Paris, Matthew, Historia Major, 343
Paris Papers, or Mr Silas Deane's late intercepted
  Letters, 478
Parisau, Pierre Germain, Mercure et les Ombres,
Parker, Matthew, 344
Parker, Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, Tryal of
  Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, 1954; see also 2075
Parker, of Lincoln's Inn, Evidence of our Trans-
  actions in the East Indies, 306
Parkhurst, John, Greek and English Lexicon to the
  New Testament, 4773
Parkinson, John, Theatrum Botanicum, 1062
Parkinson, Richard, Experienced Farmer, 703
Parks, William, Books from the press of: Black-
  well, E., Complete System of Fencing, 1168; Gib-
  son, E., Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 1638;
  Journal of the House of Burgesses, 3161; Mercer,
  Exact Abridgment, 1871; Sherlock, Wm., Practi-
  cal Discourse, 1603; Stith, Wm., History, 463;
  Treaty held at Lancaster, 1437; Virginia Gazette
  (1741-1750), 535; Virginia laws, 1833; Webb,
  George, Justice of Peace, 1970
Parliamentary or constitutional history of England,
Parliamentary Register, 2935
Parmentier, Antoine-Auguste: Apercu des Re-
  sultats obtenus de la fabrication des Sirops, 1200;
  Avis aux bonnes menageres des villes et des cam-
  pagnes, 1196; Memoire sur le mais, 662, 1198;
  Methode facile de conserver a peu de frais les grains
  et les farines, 817; Parfait Boulanger, 1197;
  Pommes de Terre, 1199; Recherches sur les Vegetaux
  nourissans, 741; see also Traite theorique et pratique
  sur la Culture de la Vigne, 787
Parnaso Espanol, 4416
Parnell, Thomas, 4272
Parr, Samuel, Free Translation of the Preface to
  Bellendenus, 2772
Parraud, J. P., translator: Filson, Histoire de
  Kentucke, 4030; Gonzaga, Luigi, 1366
Parry, R., auctioneer, Particulars of the breeding
  stock of Mr Robert Fowler, 713
Parsell, Thomas, 1509
Parson's Counsellor, 2141
Parsons, Robert, Answere to the Fifth Part of Re-
  ports lately set forth by Sir Edward Cooke, 2139
Particular Examination of the new French constitution,
Particulars of Port-charges at Dunkirk (MS.), 2292
Particulars of the breeding stock, late the property of
  Mr Robert Fowler, 713
Particulars of the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch,
Pascal, Blaise: Thoughts on Religion, 1516; life of,
  by Perier, 1517
Pasor, Georg, Manuale Graecarum Vocum Novi
  Testamenti, 4764
Pasquali, Nicolo: Art of Fingering the Harpsichord,
  4258; Thorough-Bass made Easy, 4259
Pastor Fido, 4386
Pastoret, C. E. J. P. de, Dissertation sur l'In-
  fluence des lois maritimes des Rhodiens, 2125
Paterson, William, Enquiry into the state of the
  Union of Great Britain, 3040
Patriarcha, 2329
Patrick, Samuel, editor: Clavis Homerica, 4766;
  Hederich, Benjamin, 4762; Plautus, 4573
Patrick, Simon, 1518
Patrie vengee, 2429
Patriot King, 2737
Patriote Francais, 2630
Patte, Pierre, Monumens eriges en France a la
  gloire de Louis XV, 4211
Patterson, Robert, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Buchanan, Claudius, 1711; Callet, Tables,
  3696; Emerson's Fluxions, 3678; Gudin de la
  Brenellerie, 4495; Nautical Almanac, 3810;
  Jefferson's resignation from the presidency of
  the American Philosophical Society, 3753;
  abbe Rochon, 3805; Royal Society, 3751;
  weights and measures, 3760. See also Simpson,
  Thomas, 3677; Webster, John, 3732; note on,
Paul, George, editor, The Lord Chancellor Eger-
  ton's Observations on the Lord Coke's Reports, 2014
Pausanias, Graeciae Description (1583), 3919;
  (English, 1794), 3920
Pauw, Cornelis de, Recherches Philosophiques sur
  les Americains, 3968; see also 3969
Pauw, Johannes Cornelis de, 4298
Payne, John, publisher, Books ordered from by
  Jefferson: Chandler's Debates, 2927; Collection
  of Tracts, 2767; Dickson, Adam, 692; Grose,
  Francis, 4871; Hatsell, John, 2894; Parr,
  Samuel, 2772
Pays de Vaud, Jefferson on, 2681
Paysane Pervertie, 4364
Peace or War?, 3356
Peace the best Policy, 3059
Peale, Charles Willson: Catalogue raisonne du
  Museum, 3774; Epistle to a Friend on the Means
  of preserving Health, 912; Introduction to a course
  of lectures on Natural History, 3775; Scientific and
  descriptive catalogue of Peale's Museum, 683
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Cabanis,
  861; Faujas de Saint-Fond, 638; garden-
  ing, IV, 385; Molina and the Chilihueco,
  4159; Peale's Epistle to a Friend, 912;
  Rembrandt Peale's pamphlet, 1047; Vicq-
  d'Azyr, 517
  See also Burkhard, 1009; New Testament,
Peale, Rembrandt: Account of the Skeleton of the
  Mammoth, 1046; Historical Disquistion on the
  Mammoth, 1047
Peale's Museum, 640
Pearce, John, Thoughts on part of the discourse de-
  livered by Mr Hey, 1691
Pearce, William, General View of the agriculture in
  Berkshire, 759
Pearson, Eliphalet, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son, 521
Pearson, John, 1473
Pechey, John, 903
Pechin, William, publisher, 4167 (pages 326,
  327), 4170
Pecquet, Antoine, Discours de l'art de negocier, 1425
Peel, Joshua, Truth and Reason, 1288
Peerage of England, 416
Peerage of Ireland, 418
Peerage of Scotland, 417
Pelerinage du Calvaire, 1541
Peleus, Julien, Histoire de la dorniere Guerre de
  Suede, 260
Pelew language, vocabulary, 3941
Pelham, William, publisher: System of Notation,
  1129; correspondence with Jefferson, 1129,
Pellissier, Denis Marie, Opinion sur le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2651
Pellizer Garcia, Joseph Emmanuel de, Grammaire
  Espagnole, 4815
Pelloutier, Simon, Histoire des Celtes, 242
Pemberton, Sir Francis, 2898
Pemberton, Henry, View of Sir Isaac Newton's
  Philosophy, 3722
Pemberton, James, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Clarkson's History of Slavery, 1400; Quak-
  ers, 2557; Report of the African Institution, 427;
  note on, V, 427
Pemberton, John: The Ancient Testimony, 3118;
  Plutarch bought from, 69; note on, V, 69
Penal Reform: Brissot de Warville, 2363; Eddy,
  Thomas, 2365; Foronda, V. de, 2366, 2367;
  Howard, John, 2364; Lardizabel y Uribe,
  Manuel, 2422
Pendleton, Edmund: One of the Revisors of
  1776, 1864
  Correspondence with Jefferson: British
  claims, III, 431; Von Martens, 1429; note
  on, V, 1429
Penelope, 4561
Penington, John, Chemical and economical essays,
Penitential Tyrant, 4516
Penn, William: Point de Croix, point de Couronne,
  1555; see also 1578
Pennant, Thomas, History of Quadrupeds, 1030
Pennsylvania: Canals, 1229; charters, 2163,
  3149; Debates and Proceedings of the General As-
  sembly, 3022; Debates of the Convention, 3009;
  laws of, 2163, 2164; Natural History of, 1028;
  Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly,
  3023; Pennsylvania-Connecticut boundary dis-
  pute, 3141-3146
Penny, Thomas, 1035, V, 1035
Pensees diverses, 1276
People's Answer to the Court Pamphlet, 2777
Pepys, Samuel, 1127
Perau, G. L. C., editor: Boileau-Despreaux,
  4491; Piganiol de la Force, 3883
Perceval, Spencer, 410
Percy, Thomas: Four Essays, 4502; Hermit of
  Warkworth, 4434; translator, Five Pieces of
  Runic Poetry, 4413; Hau Kiou Choaan or the
  Pleasing History, 4330; see also Mallet, Histoire
  de Dannemarc, 263
Perefixe, Hardouin de Beaumont de, Histoire du
  Roy Henry le Grand, 197
Perfect Painter, 4239
Perier, Gilberte, Life of Mr Paschal, 1517
Perion, Joachim, editor, Conciones et Orationes,
Peripatetic school teachers, Jefferson on, 1119
Perizonius, Jacobus: Aegyptiarium Originum et
  Temporum Antiquissimorum investigatio, 10;
  Animadversiones historicae, 46; Commentariorum
  in Epitomen historiarum Horatii Tursellini (MS.),
  45; Dissertatio de Morte Judae, 103; Rerum per
  Europam maxime gestarum commentarii, 159;
  Responsio ad nuperam Notitiam de Variis Aeliani,
  103; editor, Aelianus, Claudius, 103; Sanchez,
  Francisco, 4779; note on, 45
Perkins, Jacob, Perkins, Bank Bill Test, 1137
Perkins, John, Profitable booke of Mast. Iohn Per-
  kins, 1779
Pernetti, Antoine Joseph, 3682, 3968
Perraud, J. P., 4030
Perrault, Claude: Treatise of the Five Orders of
  Columns in Architecture, 4182; translator, Vitru-
  vius Pollio, 4173
Perreau, Jean Andre: Elemens de Legislation
  naturelle, 1445; Mizrim, ou le Sage a la cour, 2341;
  Roi voyageur, 2342
Perrier, Francois: Segmenta nobilium signorum e
  statuaru, 4231; see also 4239
Perrot d'Ablncourt, Nicolas, translator: Caesar,
  61; Lucianus, 4618
Persian Heroine. A Tragedy, 4442
Persian language, 4743
Persimmon tree, Jefferson on, 940
Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae, cum posthumis
  Commentariis Joannis Bond, 4488; for other edi-
  tions, see 4481-4487
Person de Berainville, Rene Claude, Recueil de
  Mecanique relatif a l'Agriculture et aux Arts, 3741
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik: Synopsis Plantarum,
  1073; correspondence concerning, 1073, V,
Perspective machine made for Jefferson by W.
  Jones, 678
Perspective of Architecture, 4207
Peru, History of: Cieza de Leon, 4113; Fer-
  nandez, 4132
Pervis. See Purvis, John
Pesselier, Charles Etienne, Doutes proposes a
  l'auteur de la Theorie de l'Impot, 2376
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, 1111, 1112
Petau, Denis, 95
Peter Pindar, Rab and Jane, 3421
Peters, Charles, Critical Dissertation on the Book of
  Job, 1550
Peters, Richard, Agricultural Enquiries on Plaister
  of Paris, 745
Petion de Villeneuve, Jerome, Comte rendu a ses
  citoyens, 2628
Petis de la Croix, Francois, Histoire du Grand
  Genghizcan, 309
Petis de la Croix, Francois fils, translator,
  Sharaf Ad-Din'Ali, 310
Petit, Samuel, Leges Atticae, 2464
Petition nouvelle des Citoyens de Couleur des iles
  Francoises, 1393
Petition of Sundry of the Principal & Important
  Clergy of the Church of England in the Colony of
  Virginia (MS.), 2076
Petition of William Castell exhibited to the High
  Court of Parliament, 4058
Petition respectueuse des Amis de la Societe Chretienne
  apeles Quakers, 2557
Petits Savoyards, 1541, V, 1541
Petronius Arbiter, Titus, Satyricon (1654), 4489;
  (1669), 4490
Petry, Letter to Jefferson from, 2438
Pettus, Sir John: Constitution of Parliaments, 2883;
  erroneous attribution to, 3564
Petty, Sir William: Political Survey of Ireland,
  3042; Several Essays in political arithmetick, 2937;
  Treatise of Taxes & Contributions, 4060;
  erroneous attribution by Jefferson, 2708
Petyt, George, V, 2893
Petyt, William: Antient Right of the Commons of
  England, 2885; Jus Parliamentarium, 2892; Lex
  Parliamentaria, 2893, V, 2893
Peuchet, Jacques, Statistique elementaire de la
  France, 2682
Peyrarede, Jean de, 4486
Peyroux de la Coudreniere [Henri]: Lettres sur
  l'Etat primitif de l'Homme (1783), 1378; (1785),
  1369; System sur le soleil et les etoiles fixes, 668;
  letter from Jefferson, 4168, V, 668
Peysonnel, Charles de: Examen du Livre intitule
  Considerations sur la guerre actuelle des Turcs, par
  M. de Volney, 303; Lettre de M. de Peysonnel, 301
Pfeffel, Chretien Frederic, Nouvel Abrege chrono-
  logique de l'Histoire et du droit public d'Allemagne,
Pfeiffer, August Friedrich, 1579
Pfeiffer, George, Inaugural Dissertation on the
  Gout, 938
Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri quinque
  (1713), 4373; (1725), 4372; (English, 1738),
Phalaris, Epistolae, 4624
Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, 868
Pharmacopoeia officinalis et extemporanea, 864
Pharmacopoeia of the Massachusetts Medical Society,
Pharmacoopoeia Collegii Regalis Londini, 869
Pharsalia (1658), 4239; for other editions, see
  under Lucanus
Phelps, Matthew, 518
Philadelphia, City of, 4161
Philadelphia Gazette, 542, 567
Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal, 3343
Philadelphia Museum Guide, 1045
Philadelphia Prices Current, 598
Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries
  of Public Prisons, 2364
Philadelphia Society of Agriculture, 769
Philadelphien a Geneve, 299
Philanthropist, The, 2850
Philemon, 4578
Philidor, Analyze des Echecs, 1173
Philipps, Henry, Grandeur of the Law, 413
Philippson, Johann, 153
Philips, Ambrose, Distrest Mother, 4555
Philips, John, Poems attempted in the style of Milton,
Phillipart, Sir John: Letter from Jefferson (on
  his own life in Public Characters), 402; note on,
  V, 402
Phillips, Teresia Constantia, Apology for the
  conduct of Mrs T. C. Phillips, 4360
Philo Judaeus, Opera Omnia, 1579
Philocalia, 1584, 1586
Philoclea. A Tragedy, 4554
Philodemos, 3206
Philological Inquiries, 4697
Philosophia Botanica, 1064
Philosophia Britannica, 3728
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 3720
Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of some of
  Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters, 4712
Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries of
  Proclus, 3705
Philosophical and Medical Sketch of the Natural
  History of the Human Mind, 911
Philosophical Commentary on the Words of the Gospel,
Philosophical Dictionary for the Pocket, 1280
Philosophical Grammar, 3726
Philosophical Principles of the Science of Brewing,
Philosophical Survey of the Animal Creation, 1008
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
  London, 3751, 3752
Philosophical Works of Mr William Dudgeon, 1285
Philosophie de Kant, 1364
Philosophie de l'Histoire, 1281
Philosophie de l'Univers, 1264
Philosophie de la Nature, 1263
Philostratus, Flavius, Two first Books concerning
  the Life of Apollonius Tyaneus, 1336
Phipps, Constantine John. Baron Mulgrave,
  Voyage towards the North Pole, 3868
Phocion, pseud.: Hamilton, Alexander, 3150;
  Smith, William Loughton, 3174
Phocion, Entretiens de, 2392
Phoenician History, 5
Phraesologia generalis, 4797
Phylaxa Medicina, 866
Physica, 628
Physica, 628
Physical and mathematical sciences, Jefferson's
  passion for, III, 1
Physical Dictionary, 874
Physical Investigations and deductions, 964
Physico and Astro Theology, 3727
Physiocracy, 2370-2377
Physiocratie, 2370
Physiocratique de Du Pont, 3551
Physiognotrace, Jefferson's portrait engraved in,
Pia Hilaria, 4494
Piazzetta, Giambatista, 4290
Pibrac, Gui du Faur, Sieur de, Quatrains de, 4374
Piccini, Niccola: Music by, 4561; rivalry with
  Gluck, 4564
Pichon, Louis Andre, Lettre d'un Francais a M.
  Pitt, 2692
Pickering, Danby, 1778
Pickering, John, Letter to Jefferson, 4153
Pickering, Timothy: Letter from the Hon. Timothy
  Pickering, 3450; Address to the People of the U.
  States, 3451; correspondence with Jefferson
  (cider), 1211
Pictet, Charles, Tableau de la Situation Actuelle des
  Etats-Unis, d'apres Jedediah Morse, 3965
Pictet, Marc-Auguste: Discours a l'occasion du
  projet de loi sur les douanes, 2859; Voyage de
  Trois Mois en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et en Irelande,
Picture of New York, 4006
Picture of Philadelphia, 4027
Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs
  and Amusements of the Russians, 4246
Pidansat de Mairobert, Mattieu Francois,
  Espion Anglois, 3891
Pidou de St. Olon, Francois, Estat present de
  l'Empire de Maroc, 317
Pieces estraites du recueil periodique intitule: Le
  Republicain, 2670
Pieces justificatives pour M. le Cardinal de Rohan,
  accuse, 2242
Pieces of Irish History, 440
Pieces officielles relatives aux preliminaires de Londres
  et au traite d'Amiens, 2699, 2871
Pieces Probantes a l'Appui des droits des habitans de
  la Cite d'Orleans, 3481, 3482
Pieces relative a la prise de Mons, 2631
Pieces trouves dans l'armoire de fer, 2663
Pierre, Philippe Denys, printer of the Notes on
  Virginia: Clerisseau, 4209; Constitutions, 3148;
  Dupaty, 2272; Etienne, 4204; Jefferson, 4167;
  correspondence with Jefferson, V, 13
Pierres tombees du Ciel, 648
Piers, William, 4526
Piganiol de la Force, J. A., Description historique
  de la Ville de Paris, 3883
Pignotti, Lorenzo, Favole e Novelle, 4735
Pigott, Charles, Strictures on the new political
  tenets of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, 2838,
Pigott, Nathaniel, New Precedents in Conveyancing,
Pigott, Robert, Liberte de la Presse, 2555
Pike, Nicholas, New and Complete System of
  Arithmetic, 3666
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, Account of Expedi-
  tions to the Sources of the Mississippi, 4169
Pilieu, 260
Pinckney, Charles: Observations on the Plan of
  Government, 3016; Three Letters addressed to the
  people of the United States, 1799, 3216; letter
  from Jefferson, 3126; see also Jefferson's
  Proceedings of the Government of the US, 3501 (p.
Pinckney, Thomas, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Barton, William, 2134; Faden's map of
  S. America, 3857; Washington's letters, 492
Pindar, Omnia quae extant, 4395
Pindar, Jonathan, pseud., Tucker, St. George,
Pinelli sale: Diodorus Siculus, 38; Dioscorides,
  1054; Theophrastus, 1055; note on, V, 38
Pinetti, Giuseppe, Amusemens physiques, 1169
Pingre, Alexandre Gui, Cometographie, 3800
Pinkerton, John, Modern Geography, 3827
Pinkney, William: Few Remarks on Mr Hamilton's
  late letter, 3238
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Lee's Essay
  on Government, 2339; Batture Case, 3501
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, Varie vedute di Roma
  antica e moderna, 4197
Piroux, Art de voyager dans les airs, 1228
Pise building, 1177
Piso, Gulielmus, Historiae Naturalis Brasiliae, 1025
Pissot, printer, Jefferson's interest in his cheap
  reprints, 101, 4658
Pitcairne, Archibald, Whole Works, 905
Pitt, Chirstopher, 4281
Pitt, William (1749-1823), General View of the
  agriculture of the County of Stafford, 765
Pitt, William (1759-1806): Conduct of a Rt. Hon.
  Gentleman, 2749; Considerations on the French War,
  2852; Fragment of 1785, 2822; Papers relative to
  the rupture with Spain, 2423; Stael-Holstein, 2688
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), 388
Pitteri, Giovanni Marco, 4290
Pittis, William, History of the present Parliament,
Pius VI, Pope: Bref du Pape Pie VI (1791), 2589;
  (Latin, 1791), 2590
Pizarro y Orellana, Fernando, Varones Ilustres del
  Nuevo Mundo, 4098
Placita Coronae, 1897
Placita generalia specialia, 1904
Placita Latine rediviva, a book of entries, 1883
Placita Parliamentaria, 2889
Plain Account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of
  the Lord's Supper, 1637
Plain and concise Projection for clearing the Lunar
  Distances, 3778
Plain discourses on the laws or properties of matter, 833
Plain facts being an examination into the rights of the
  Indian nations of America, 3145
Plain Tale, supported by authentic Documents, 3436
Plain Truth, 3113, 3120
Plan de Conduite, 2565
Plan de constitution, 2675
Plan d'un Etablissement d'Education Nationale, 1215
Plan d'une banque Nationale, 2457
Plan for encouraging agriculture, 3631
Plan for establishing a Board of Agriculture, 747
Plan for the General Arrangement of the Militia, 3031
Plan of an Agreement among the Powers in Europe, 748
Plan of the re-printed reports of the Board of Agricul-
  ture, 726, 732
Plan with proposals for forming a Company to work
  mines in the United States, 3776
Plans and Views in Perspective, with Descriptions, of
  Buildings erected in England and Scotland, 4208
Plans, Coupes, Elevations des plus belles Maisons,
Plans, Elevations, Sections . . . of the Gardens and
  Buildings at Kew in Surry, 4225
Planter's and Mariner's Medical Companion, 893
Planters Plea, 4055
Platina, Bartolommeo, Historia de Vitis Pontificum
  Romanorum, 612
Plato: Opera quae extant omnia, 1309; Philosophi
  quae exstant, 1311; Republica (Gr., Lat., 1713),
  2344; (Eng., 1763), 2345; (French, 1600),
  2346; Works abridg'd, 1310; Jefferson's opin-
  ion of, 1309, 2344
Platonic Wife, 4602
Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (1622), 4572;
  (1669), 4571; (1724), 4573
Playfair, John, Elements of Geometry, 3711
Playfair, William: Commercial and political atlas,
  2942; V, 2942; Statistical Breviary, 2941;
  Tableaux d'arithmetique lineaire du commerce, 2940
Plea for the poor soldiers, 3153
Plea in vindication of the Connecticut title to the con-
  tested lands, 3144
Pleader, The, 1905
Pleas of the Crown, 1948
Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixot, 4348
Pleasants, Samuel, Books bought from: The
  Book, 410; Franklin B., 4931; Gass, 4078;
  Hening, 1863; Hutton, 3683; Junius, 2742;
  Lee, 533; Lomax, 4452; Mason, 988; Pike,
  4169; Taylor, 814; Virginia laws, 1869; note
  on, V, 410
Pleasures of Hope, 4432
Plees del Coron, 1945
Plinius Secundus, Caius: Historiae Mundi, 1011;
  Histoire Naturelle traduite en Francois, 1013;
  Naturalis Historiae, 1012
Plinius Secundus, Caius Caecilius: Epistolae et
  Panegyricus (1653), 4630; (Lat. and French,
  1750), 4631; Letters of Pliny the Younger, 4632;
  Panegirico, 2421
Plot Discovered. By Marcus, 3395
Plotinus, Operum Philosophicorum, 1271
Plowden, Edmund, Commentaires ou Reportes
  (1578, 1579), 2026; (1761), 2027
Plowden, Francis Peter, Short History of the British
  Empire, 403
Pluche, Noel Antoine, Spectacle de la Nature, 630
Plumer, William: Speech of William Plumer, 3418;
  correspondence, 3085
Plumier, Charles, Art de Tourner, 1183
Plutarch: Ethica sive Moralia, 1312; Opera quae
  extant, 1313; Opuscula, 1312; Vitae Romanorum
  et Graecorum (1517, 1564), 68; (1572, 1774),
  69; note on, 68
Plymley, Peter, 3385
Poem, addressed to the Armies of the United States of
  America, 4443
Poem, on the Happiness of America, 4444
Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus, 4479
Poems by William Mason, M. A., 4537
Poems on several Occasions, 4428
Poems on several subjects, 4429
Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum, 4709
Poesie del Signor Abate Pietro Metastasio, 4560
Poetae Latini Minores, 4411
Poetae Minores Eraeci, 4382
Poetica de Aristoteles dada a nuestra lengua Castel-
  lana, 4693
Poetical Exercises written upon several occasions, 4504
Poetical Scraps, 4450
Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace, 4476
Point de Banqueroute, 2450
Point de Croix, Point de Couronne, 1555
Pointer, John, Miscellanae in usum Juventutis
  Academicae, 4852
Poivre, Pierre, Voyages d'un Philosophe, 3931
Poland, Constitution of, 2824
Political Arithmetic, 2804
Political Baronmeter (newspaper), I, 284
Political Classics, 2338
Political, commercial and moral reflections on the late
  Cession of Louisiana, 3472
Political Disquisitions, 2720
Political economy, 3555
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, 4158
Political Essays, 3218
Political Essays, relative to the War of the French
  Revolution, 3272
Political History of the Devil, 4334
Political Magazine, and parliamentary, naval, military
  and political Journal, 2792
Political Maxims of the State of Holland, 289
Political Mirror, 555
Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces, 3053
Political Observations, 3177
Political Progress of Great Britain, 3184, 3519
Political Register, 3514
Political Sketches, 3151
Political State of Great Britain, 380
Political Survey of Ireland, 3042
Political Survey of the present state of Europe, 2405
Political Truth, 1796, 3186
Political Truth (n. d.), 3248, 3341
Politics for the People, or, a Salmagundy for Swine,
Politicus, 3345
Politique angloise dans l'Inde, 2981
Politique errant, 2419
Politiques d'Aristote, 2347
Poliziano, Angelo, 85
Polk, Charles Peale, Letter to Jefferson (Balti-
  more Baptists), 1703
Polke, Charles, 3225 (p. 313)
Pollexfen, Sir Henry, Arguments and reports, 2056
Pollexfen, John: Discourse of Trade, 3563; Of
  Trade, 3564, V, 3563, 3564
Pollock, Oliver, Case of, 3307, 3467
Pollux, Julius, Onomasticum Graece & Latine, 4774
Pologne, La, 2413
Polyaenus, Strategematum, 109
Polybius: Historiarum (1619), 50; (1763, 1764),
  51; (English, 1762, 1763), 51
Polygraph described by Jefferson in a letter to
  Volney, 4032 (p. 213)
Polyhistor, 3832
Polymetis, 4230
Poly-Olbion, 4468
Polype, Natural History of, 1038
Pombal, Sebastiano Jose, Marquez de, Anecdotes,
Pomey, Francois Antoine, Pantheon, 4801
Pommes de Terre, 1199
Pomona: or the Fruit Garden illustrated, 807
Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Mar-
  quise de, Memoires, 208
Poncelin de la Roche-Tilhac, Jean Charles:
  Almanach Americain, 4064; Etat des Cours de
  l'Europe, 2409
Pons, Francois Raymond Joseph de, Observa-
  tions sur la situtation politique de Saint-Domingue,
Pontanus, Johannes Isaacius, 3870
Pontbriand, Rene Francois du Breuil de,
  Pelinerage du Calvaire, 1541, V, 1541
Pope, Alexander: Iliad of Homer, translated by
  Alexander Pope, Esq., 4264; Odyssey of Homer,
  translated by Alexander Pope, Esq., 4272; Selecta
  Poemata Italorum, 4384; Verses to the Lady Mary
  Wortley Montague, 3916; Works by Warburton,
  4503; see also 384, 4503
Popham, Sir John Ewing, Oration in Commemoration of
  American Independence, 4684
Portrait de Philippe II, roi d'Espagne, 173
Portroyal Greek Grammar, 4750
Portroyal Latin Grammar, 4780
Portroyal Latin Grammar abridged, 4781
Portus, Aemilius, editor: Euripides, 4528;
  Suidas, 4758
Porzio, Simone, 4767
Possibilite d'eteindre les dettes publiques, 2867
Post-Nati, 2013
Postlethwayt, Malachy, Universal Dictionary of
  Trade and Commerce, 2102
Potato not indigenous to the United States, 1031
Pote, Joseph, 4365
Pote, Joseph, and Pote, Thomas, 4365, 4661,
  4751, 4802
Pothier, Robert Joseph, Treatise on Obligations,
Potier, Francois J. B. Marquis de Gesvres, Case
  of Impotency debated, 2150
Potocki, Jan: Chronologie des Deux Premiers Livres
  de Manethon, 3; Dynasties du Second Livre de
  Manethon, 2; Histoire ancienne du Gouvernement
  de Cherson, 248; Principes de Chronologie, 4;
  correspondence with Jefferson, 4
Potter, John (1674?-1747), Archaeolgia Graeca, 40
Potter, John, System of Practical Mathematics, 3667
Potter, Robert, translator: Aeschylus, 4525;
  Euripides, 4530
Pougens, Charles, Books bought or ordered from
  or offered by: Alberti de Villeneuve, 4808;
  Berlie, 122; Bougeant, 1446; Calepino, 4739;
  Chaudon, 147; Coyer, 253; Encyclopedie Metho-
  dique, 4889; Felice, 1416; Grenet et Bonne,
  3837; Henault, 215; Houard, 1774; Lacombe,
  123; Ladvocat, 146; Lefevre de la Boderie,
  1450; Lenglet du Fresnoy, 160; Mably, 2398;
  Pfeffel, 273; Real Academia Espanola, Diccion-
  ario, 4816; Sejournat, 4817; Vaines, 150;
  Wicquefort, 1428; Witt, 1448; Wolff, 1410
Poullin de Vieville, Nicolas Louis Juste, editor,
  Moreau de Beaumont, 2408
Poumairet, John, Letter to Jefferson (map of the
  Territory of Orleans), 3859
Pour et le Contre (1784), 2531
Pour et le Contre (1803), 4033
Pour le Troisieme Fois, rendez nous nos dix-huit francs,
Pouvoir Judiciaire, 2574
Powell, Thomas, Attourney's Academy, 1921
Power, jurisdiction and priviledge of Parliament, 2902
Power of Love, 4359
Power of Religion on the Mind, 1612
Power of Solitude, 4451
Powers of Genius, 4469
Pownall, Thomas: Administration of the Colonies,
  3054; Hydraulic and nautical observations on the
  currents in the Atlantic Ocean, 659; Memorial
  most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe,
  3064; Translation of the Memorial, 3065
Poydras de Lalande, Julien: Adresse au Conseil
  Legislatif du Territoire d'Orleans, 3370, 3383,
  3485; Defence of the right of the public to the
  Batture of New Orleans, 3486; Further Observa-
  tions in support of the right of the public to the
  Batture at New Orleans, 3487; Speech in support
  or the right of the public to the Batture (Feb. 2,
  1810), 3488, 3504; Speech in support of the right
  of the public to the Batture (March 14, 1810),
  3489, 3503, 3505; Speech, n. d. 3505
Practical Architecture, 4186
Practical Conveyancer, 1939
Practical Discourse concerning Death, 1603
Practical Farmer, 702
Practical Geometry applied to the Useful Arts, 4185
Practical Grammar of the English Language, 4846
Practical Measuring, 3577
Practical Observations on Vaccination, 953
Practical Register, 1915
Practical Register in Chancery, 1735
Practical Surveyor's Assistant, 3709
Practical Treatise of Husbandry, 704
Practice of Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron, 1879
Practice of Physick, 885
Practice of spiritual or ecclesiastical courts, 2153
Practice of the Court of Admiralty of England, 2110
Practice of the Court of Chancery, 1736
Practick Part of the Law, 1916
Practicks of the Laws of Scotland, 2182
Praedium Rusticum, 4517
Praelectiones Poetiecae, 4695
Pratique de l'Agriculture, 792
Pratt, Luther, 1664
Praxis Almae Curiae Cancellariae, 1734
Praxis curiae Admiralitatis Angliae, 2111
Praxis in curiis ecclesiasticis, 2154
Precedents in Chancery, 1748
Precedents in conveyancing, 1938
Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons,
Preceptor: containing a general course of Education,
Precis de l'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des
  Etablissemens des Europeens dans les deux Indies,
Precis Historique de la Maladie qui a regne dans
  l'Andalousie, 921
Precis Historique sur la Vie et les Exploits de Francois
  le Fort, 252
Precis pour les grands proprietaires des colonies
  Francaises de l'Amerique, 2536
Preliminary Essay on the Oppression of the exiled sons
  of Africa, 1394
Prelleur, Peter, Compleat Tutor for the Harpsi-
  chord or Spinnet, 4257
Preparative to Pleading, 1930
Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1670
Present Duty. A Discourse, 1706
Present Practice of Fines and Recoveries, 1995
Present State of Great-Britain, 2868
Present State of Ireland, 2836
Present State of Music in France and Italy, 4253
Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands,
  and United Provinces, 4254
Present State of the Morea, 3903
Present state of the unhappy sufferers of the charitable
  corporation consider'd, 3050
Presentation copies to Jefferson (author's presen-
  tation unless otherwise stated): Account of the
  internment from the prison ships, 510; Account of
  the Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester
  (anonymous), 1687; Acts of the legislature of
  Orleans (Governor Claiborne), 2178; Adams,
  J., Defence of the Constitution, 3004; Adams,
  John and Samuel, Four Letters (publishers),
  3287; Adams, J. Q., Lectures on Rhetoric (John
  Adams), 4659; Address on the Advancement of
  Medicine (H. Wheaton), 988; Adet, P. A.,
  Lecons de chimie, 834; African Institution Re-
  ports (James Pemberton), 427; Agricultural
  Society of New York, Transactions (R. R.
  Livingston), 768; Aikin, C. R., Cowpox (2
  editions, Waterhouse and Vaughan), 955;
  Albers, J.A., Americanische Annalen, 4728; Allen,
  T., Submissoin to the Will of God, 1690; Alliot,
  Paul, Reflexions historiques (MS.), 3510; Almanach
  Imperial (2 copies: General Armstrong, William
  Lee), 2440; American Museum (Tench Coxe),
  4900; American Philosophical Society, Trans-
  actions. (various members), 3753; Antonio,
  L.L., Necessita di Reformare la Legislazione, 3543;
  Archer, James, Lime, Magnesia and Potash, 835;
  Atkinson and Walker, Picturesque representa-
  tion of the Russians (Levett Harris), 4246;
  Austin, Benjamin, Constitutional Republicanism,
  3534; Austin, J. T., Resistance to Laws, 3404;
  Austin, Wm., Essay on the human character of
  Christ (Wm. Pelham), 1505; Bakewell, R.,
  Influence of Soil and Climate, 797; Ball, I.,
  Animal Economy, 1001; Barlow, Joel, Columbiad,
  4301; Barlow, Oration, 4686; Barlow, To his
  Fellow Citizens, 3213; Barlow, Vision of Colum-
  bus, 4302; Barnwell, Wm., Physical Investiga-
  tions, 964; Barton, B. S., Rattle-snake, 681;
  Barton, Remarks on the Speech, 3343; Barton,
  Wm., Duration of human life, 667; Barton, Free-
  dom of navigation, 2134; Bassville, N. J. H. de,
  Francois de Fort, 252; Beaufoy, H., Speech
  (J. B. Cutting), 2780; Bee, The (J. Anderson
  and S. Campbell), 4927; Belfast Literary
  Society, Select Papers (D. B. Warden), 4904;
  Bexon, S. J., Prospectus, 2697; Bible, trans.
  from the Septuagint by C. Thomson (trans-
  lator), 1474; Birch, T. E., Virginia Orator, 4680;
  Blackburne, F., Memoirs of Thomas Hollis
  (T. B. Hollis), 389; Blane, Sir G., On Yellow
  Fever, 974; Blodget, S., Wealth and National
  economy (author's anonymous inscription),
  3254; Bonne, Rigobert, Principes sur les Mesures,
  3764; Bonneville, N. de, Esprit des Religions,
  1361; Botta, C. G. G., Storia della guerra, 509;
  Bowers, J., Deceivers made manifest (Isaac Story),
  1686; Boyd, W., Letter to Wm. Pitt, 2808;
  Brackenridge, H. M., Views of Louisiana, 4162;
  Branagan, T., Avenia, 4515; Branagan, Beau-
  ties of Philanthropy, 1395; Branagan, Prelimi-
  nary Essay, 1394; Brissot de Warville, Phila-
  delphien a Geneve, 299; Brizard, G., Eloge de
  Mably, 226; Brodin de la Jutais, L'Abondance
  (Faming de la Jutais), 722; Brown, A. C.
  [i. e. Mark Leavenworth], Colony Commerce,
  3158; Brown, C.B., Address to Congress (George
  Logan), 3464; Brown, John, Dictionary of the
  Bible (Zadoc Cramer), 1506; Brown, R., Truth
  of Physiognomy, 989; Buchanan, Claudius, Two
  Discourses (R. Patterson), 1711; Buchanan,
  George, Oration on slavery, 2816; Buffon,
  G. L. L., Histoire Naturelle, 637; Cabanis,
  P. J. G., Rapports du Physique, 1246; Caines, C.,
  Leeward Islands, 1401; Calidas, Sacontala (B.
  Vaughan), 4435; Callet, J. F., Table de
  Logarithms (translator, D. B. Warden), 3696;
  Carey, M., Olive Branch, 3539; Cart, J. J.,
  Lettres, 2681; Cazalet, J. A., Theorie de la
  Nature, 852; Cervantes, Don Quixote (Wm.
  Short), 4347; Chaix de Sourcesol, Evangile
  eternel, 1608; Chaix de Sourcesol, Livre des
  Manifestes, 1607; Chalmers, G., Collections of
  Treaties (George Joy), 1432; Charlton, T. U. P.,
  Oration (Samuel Morse), 4682; Charpentier
  de Cossigny, J. F., Fabrication de la Poudre de
  Canon, 1202; Chart of the W. coast of Florida
  (N. Marshall), 3856; Charts of N. America
  (J. Hamilton Moore), 3844; Chas, J., Histoire
  Politique et Philosophique, 485; Chas, Parallele
  de Bonaparte avec Charlemagne, 2860; Chas,
  Tableau historique, 237; Chavannes, D. A.,
  Expose de la Methode de Pestalozzi (I. C. Barnet),
  1111; Cheetham, J., Annals of the Corporation,
  3325; Cheetham, Letter concerning the Ten
  Pound Court, 3326; Cheetham, Letters on our
  affairs with Spain, 3311; Cheetham, Reply to
  Aristides, 3447; Cheves, L., Oration (John S.
  Cogdell), 4687; Chipman, N. Sketches of the
  principles of government (Magoffin), 2361;
  Chrestien, J. A., Methode Iatropiptrice, 906;
  Chruchman, John, Magnetic Atlas, 669; Clark,
  T., Naval History of the U.S. (2 copies, authur
  and publisher), 531; Claviere and Brissot de
  Warville, France et les Etats-Unis, 3609; Clinton,
  De Witt, Vindication of Thomas Jefferson, 3197;
  Cobbett, W., Weekly Political Register (J.
  Ronaldson), 3420; Code de Commerce (D. B.
  Warden), 2220; Code d'Instruction criminelle
  (D. B. Warden), 2219; Colles, C., Proposal of
  a Design, 1235; Colvin, J. B., Historical Letters,
  138; Colvin, Letter to the Hon. John Randolph,
  3376; Committee of the African Institution,
  Report (J. Pemberton), 427; Connecticut Agri-
  cultural Society, Transactions (J. Vaughan),
  772; Conover, S. F., Essay on the vermilion
  colour of the blood, 687; Constitution Francaise
  (W. T. Franklin), 2597; Constitution of the
  Spanish Monarchy (Luis de Onis), 2424; Con-
  stitutionality of the Embargo laws, 3391; Cooper,
  Thomas, Bankrupt Law of America, 1994;
  Cooper, Introductory Lecture, 853; Cooper,
  Opinion on sentences, 2120; Cooper, Reply to
  Burke's invective (2 copies, both inscribed),
  2803, 2827; Coxe, J. R., On Vaccination, 953;
  Coxe, Tench, Address (J. B. Cutting), 3622;
  Coxe, Enquiry (J. B. Cutting), 3623; Coxe,
  View of the United States, 3632; Crawford, A.,
  On Animal Heat (B. Vaughan), 842; Creve-
  coeur, Letters from an American Farmer, 4018;
  Croft, Sir H., Letter from Germany, 4840; Croft,
  Love and Madness (W. O. Allens), 4338; Croke,
  Sir Alexander, Remarks on Schlegel (R. King),
  2129; Crowninshield, Hortus Siccus (Dr. Bent-
  ley), 1074; Cutbush, E., Health of Soldiers and
  Sailors, 914; Cutting, N., Process for manufac-
  turing cordage, 1102; Cuvier, Eulogium on
  Priestley (D. B. Warden), 432; Dalzel, A., Col-
  lectanea Graeca Majora, 4908; Dalzel, Collectanea
  Graeca Minora, 4909; Darlington, W., Habits
  and Disease, 990; Daubenton-Bowdoin, Advice
  to Shepherds, 1810 (G. W. Erving), 1811 (Mrs.
  Bowdoin), 794; Debate in the House of Repre-
  sentatives (Governor Claiborne), 3437; Declara-
  tion d'une partie (W. T. Franklin), 2598;
  Derbigny, Refutation du Memoire, 3492; Destutt
  de Tracy, Analyse raisonnee, 1296; Destutt de
  Tracy, Projet d'Elements d'Ideologie (1801, 1804,
  1803), 1239; Deveze, J., Enquiry into Epidemic
  Disease, 684; De Witt, Simeon, Map of New
  York, 3851; Dickinson, John, Address (Dennis-
  ton and Cheetham), 3299; Dickinson, Political
  Writings (J. Vaughan), 3055; Diderot, D.,
  Synonymes Francais (J. Chas), 4833; Dorsey, J.,
  Report on Weights and Measures, 1097; Douette-
  Richardot, N., Pratique de l'Agriculture, 792;
  Drelincourt, C., Consolations (Rachel Gavin),
  1604; Duane, W., American Libary, 1158;
  Duane, Hand Book for Infantry, 1159; Du Buat,
  P. L. G., Principes d'Hydraulique, 3743; Dupont
  de Nemours, P. S., A Messieurs de la Societe
  d'Emulation (Benjamin Franklin), 3551; Du-
  pont de Nemours, Philosophie de l'Univers, 1264;
  Dupont de Nemours, Quelques Memoires, 3749;
  Eddowes, Ralph, Constitution of the First Society
  Of Unitarian Christians, 1699; Eddowes, Right
  Duty and Importance of Free Inquiry, 1698; Elec-
  tion of President (anonymous), 3410; Ellicott,
  Andrew, Astronomical Observations, 657; Ellicott,
  Map of the Western part of New York, 3852;
  Elwyn, T., Letter to a Federalist, 3324; Encyclo-
  pedie Methodique (1 vol., Demeunier), 4889;
  Erskine, D., Earl of Buchan, Address, 3403;
  Ersking, Essays, 437; Essay on the Manufac-
  turing Interest of the U. S., 3309; Ewell, J.,
  Planter's and Mariner's Medical Companion, 893;
  Fabbroni, A., Del Arte di fare il vino, 1210;
  Fabbroni, G., Biblioteca, 2875; Fabbroni, Del
  Provvedimenti Annonarij, 3558; Faujas de Saint-
  Fond, Essai de Geologie, 640; Federal Ark, 558;
  Fennell, J., Salt Works, 1203; Fish, Samuel,
  Cause of Zion, 1614; Fish, Humble Address, 1613;
  Fish, New Year's Gift, 1615; Fisher, D., System
  of Military Tactics, 1146; Foronda, V. de,
  Lecciones, 832; Fossombroni, V., Memorie
  Idraulico-Storiche (Correa de Serra), 3921;
  Fraser, D., Essay on the Origin of Man, 426;
  Freret, N., Lettre de Trasibule (Dufief), 1291;
  Fulton, R., Torpedo War, 1162; Gazzera, H.,
  Importance et Avantages d'une Morale Publique,
  1521; Gazzera, Nuits de Ste. Marie-Magdelaine,
  1554; Gazzera, Veilles de Saint-Augustin, 1535;
  Gerry, Elbridge, Message, 3408; Gerry, Speech,
  3407; Goldsmith, L., Crimes of Cabinets, 404;
  Goodrich, E., Principles of Civil Union, 1648;
  Gorton, B., Scriptural Account of the Millennium,
  1609; Green, F., Vox Oculis Subjecta, 1125;
  Gregoire, H., Enquiry (D. B. Warden), 1399;
  Gregoire, Litterature des Negres, 1398; Griswold,
  S., Good Land we live in (L. Pratt), 1664; Gudin
  de la Brenellerie, Astronomie, 4495; Guest, H.,
  Observations, 1101; Guide to the Philadelphia
  Museum (C. W. Peale), 1045; Hall, J., History
  of Mississippi Territory, 4047; Hallot de la
  Touche, Memoire, 2281; Hammond, J. D.,
  Oration, 3387; Harvard University, Catalogus,
  1806 (N. Lord), 422; Hauterive, State of the
  French Republic, (Lewis Goldsmith), 2444;
  Hening, W. W., Statutes at Large, 1863; Hening,
  W. W.-Munford, W., Reports, 2093; Heston,
  J. F., Moral & Political Truth, 3542; Hilliard
  D'Auberteuil, Essais Historiques, 450; Hilliard
  D'Auberteuil, Histoire de l'Administration de
  Lord North, 476; Holmes, A., American Annals,
  444; Holmes, History of Cambridge, 528; Holmes,
  Memoir of Moheagan Indians, 527; Hopkins, S.,
  Pot and Pearl Ash, 1223; Humphreys, Daniel,
  Bible needs no Apology (J. M. White), 1653;
  Ingenhousz, J., Experiences sur les Vegetaux, 829;
  Ingersoll, C. J., View of the Rights and wrongs,
  3463; Ivernois, Sir F. d', Effets du blocus con-
  tinental, 3251; Ivernois, Revolutions de France et
  de Geneve, 298; Ivernois, Tableau Historique, 297;
  Jacobs, W.S., Experiments and Observations, 850;
  Jacobs, student's Chemical Pocket Companion, 849;
  Jefferson, T., Discorso, (Mazzei), 3261; Jenings,
  E., Candor of Henry Laurens, 512; Jenks, W.,
  Eulogy of James Bowdoin, 524; Jenner, G. C.,
  Evidence at Large, 954; Jodrell, R. P., Persian
  Heroine, 4442; Johnson, S. W., Rural Economy,
  1178, V, 1178; Jones, J.P., Charges and Proofs,
  516; Jones, W., Description of portable orrery,
  678; Jullien, M. A., Essai generale d'Education,
  1108; Justinian, Institutes (Thomas Cooper),
  2192; Keith, G. S., Excellence of the British Con-
  stitution, 2805; Keith, Particular examination of
  the new French Constitution, 2806; Keith, Tracts
  on Weights, Measures and Coins (James Somer-
  ville), 3766; Kerr, Lewis, Lois criminelle du
  Territoire d'Orleans (Governor Claiborne),
  2177; Kilty, W., Laws of Maryland, 2171; Kir-
  wan, R., Manures (T. Ewell and possibly W.
  Strickland), 716; Komarzewski, J. C., Deca-
  dence de Pologne, 256; Kosciuszko, T. A. B.,
  Manoeuvres of Horse Artillery (J. Williams), 1149;
  Krafft, M., American Distiller, 1208; Lacepede,
  Discours, 1044; Lacepede, Histoire Naturelle
  des Poissons, 1050; Lacroix, Military and Politi-
  cal Hints, 1163; La Metherie, J. C. de, Con-
  vocation des Etats-Generaux, 2511; La Metherie,
  Protestation, 2518; La Place, P. S., Exposition
  du Systeme du Monde, 3801; La Sauvagere,
  Recueil de Disserations, 647; Lasteyrie Du
  Saillant, C. P. de, Du Cotonnier, 791; Lasteyrie
  Du Saillant, Traite sur les Betes-a-Laine, 795;
  Lastri, M. A., Corso di Agricoltura (T. Apple-
  ton), 734; Latude, J. H. M. de, Histoire d'une
  detention (Fulwar Skipwith), 219; Laurens,
  Henry, True state of the case, 513; Law, T.,
  Instinctive Impulses, 3250; Lee, Arthur, Appeal,
  3093; Lee, R. F. A., Essay on Government,
  2339; Leigh, J., Illustrations of Fulfilment of
  predictions of Merlin, 1700; Lescallier, D.,
  Vocabulaire, 1232, V, 1232; Leslie, R., Standard
  of Measures (J. Madison), 3759; Lettre d'un
  Anglois a Paris (Mme. de Tesse), 2470; Lettsom,
  J. C., Cow-Pock, 949; Lincoln, D. W., Oration
  (Bunker Hill Association), 4688; Linen, Wm.,
  Narrative of Facts, 3423; Linn, Wm., Blessings
  of America, 1647; Livingston, R., Essay on
  Sheep (J. Madison), 796; Longinus (G. Wythe),
  4700; Louisiana, Constitution (J. Dawson),
  3509; Lowell, J., Eulogy on Bowdoin (Acad. of
  Arts and Sciences), 521; Lyons, J., Dissertatio
  Medica, 4676; Mably, G. B. de, Observations
  sur le gouvernement, 2399; Mackintosh, Sir J.,
  Vindiciae Gallicae (J. B. Cutting), 2545;
  McMahon, B., American Gardener's Calendar,
  810; Mac Neven, W. J., Pieces of Irish History,
  440; Macomb, A., Treatise on Martial Law,
  2021; Magruder, A. B., Political reflections,
  3472; Map of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  (Legislature of Mass. through John Avery),
  3847; Map of the country near St. Louis, 3854;
  Map of the Environs of N. York (T. Bailey), 3853;
  Map of the State of New York, 3851; Map of the
  Western Part of the State of New York (Ellicott),
  3852; maps, various (Sir J. Sinclair, J. Pou-
  mairat, D. Clark, T. B. Robertson), 3859;
  Maximus Tyrius, Dissertations (Combes-
  Dounous), 1328; Mease, James, Dissertation
  on the Bite of a Mad Dog, 939; Mease, Observa-
  tions on the Agruments of Professor Rush, 968;
  Melish, J., Travels In the United States, 4034;
  Memoire signifie (anonymous inscription), 2283;
  Mengotti, F., Il Colbertisimo (Reibelt), 3559;
  Mengotti, Del Commercio  de' Romani (Reibelt),
  3561; Michaux, F. A., Histoire des arbres
  forestiers, 1083; Michaux, Naturalisation des
  Arbres Forestiers, 725; Michaux, Voyage a l'Ouest
  des Monts Alleghanys, 4031; Millar, John, Ob-
  servations on the change of public opinion, 928;
  Miller, Edward, Report on the Malignant Disease,
  975; Miller, Samuel, Brief Retrospect, 4727;
  Miller, Guilt, Folly and Sources of Suicide, 1677;
  Miller, Sermon (1793), 2815; Miller, Sermon
  (1802), 1658; Miscellanies of America (from
  Franklin's library, presented by Dufief),
  3056-3068; Mitchill, S. L., Outlines of the doc-
  trines in natural history (S. Jones), 670; Mitchill,
  Picture of New York, 4006; Molina, J. I.,
  Compendio (F. de Miranda), 4159; Montgail-
  lard, J. G. M. R., De la France et de l'Europe,
  2861; Monthly Magazine (S. Miller), 4897;
  Monthly Register (C.B. Brown), 3375; Moreau,
  J. V. M., Justification (G. L. Gray), 2863;
  Morris, G., Observations (R. H. Lee), 3132;
  Morris, M. Robinson, Address to the landed in-
  terests (J. Adams), 2775; Moultrie, Wm.,
  Memoirs of the American Revolution (presentation
  binding), 494; Muhlenberg, H., Catalogus
  Plantarum, 1088; Murray, W. V., Political
  Sketches, 3151; Nautical Almanacs, 3810; New
  Testament, Gaelic (Charles McPherson),
  4879; Nicholas, G., Correspondence with R. G.
  Harper (P. N. Nicholas), 3196; Niles, H.,
  Things as they are 3384; Northmore, T., Wash-
  ington, 4303; O'Connor, A., Etat actuel de la
  Grande-Bretange, 2851; O'Connor, Present state
  of Great Britain, 2868; Of Commerce and Luxury
  (T. Lang), 3549; Olmsted, G., Sundry Docu-
  ments, 3433; Orations (publisher), 4679; Paganel,
  P., Essai historique et critique, 230; Paine, T.,
  Rights of Man, 2826; Pallas, P. S., Linguarum
  totius Orbis (Levett Harris), 4736; Pallas,
  Vocabulaires compares (Count Romanzoff), 4737;
  Palmer, Elihu, Principles of Nature, 1290; Peale,
  C. W., Epistle to a Friend, 912; Peale, R., Ac-
  count of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, 1046; Peale,
  Historical Disquisition on the Mammoth, 1047:
  Pearce, John, Thoughts on part of the discourse,
  1691; Pelham, Wm., System of Notation, 1129;
  Persoon, C. H., Synopsis Plantarum, 1073; Peti-
  tion respectueuse (James Pemberton), 2557;
  Peuchet, J., Statistique elementaire (D. B.
  Warden), 2682; Porter, J. E., Oration, 4684;
  Potocki, Jan, Chronologie, 3; Potocki, Histoire
  ancienne, 248; Potocki, Principes de Chronolgie,
  4; Presbyterian Church, Extract from Minutes,
  1803 (D. Jackson), 1670; Price, Richard,
  Evidence for a future period, 1577; Price, Review
  of the principal questions in Morals, 1248; Price,
  Sermons, 1569; Price, Two Schemes of a Trinity
  considered, 1659; Priestley, Joseph. Doctrine of
  Phlogiston, 836; Priestley, Doctrines of Heathen
  Philosophy (J. Priestley, Jr.), 1528; Priestley,
  Harmony of the Evangelists, (J. Priestley, Jr.),
  1492; Priestley, Letter to J. B. Linn, 1662;
  Priestley, Letters to the inhabitants of Northumber-
  land (1799), 3217; (1801), 3252; Priestley,
  Memoirs (Thomas Cooper), 390; Priestley,
  Second Letter to J. B. Linn, 1663; Priestley,
  Socrates and Jesus compared, 1661; Projet de Code
  Civil (Wm. Maclure), 2216; Puglia, J. P.,
  4600; Rab and Jane, 3421; Raffeneau-Delile,
  A., Observations sur le Lotus d'Egypte, 686;
  Raffeneau-Delile, On Pulmonary Consumption,
  991; Ramsay, A., Thoughts on government
  (Franklin's copy, by Dufief), 3073; Ramsay,
  D., History of the American Revolution, 490;
  Ramsay, History of the Revolution of South-
  Carolina, 488; Randolph, Edmund, Vindica-
  tion (W. B. Giles), 3180; Randolph, J., Letters
  of Decius (W. A. Burwell), 3342; Rapport sur le
  choix d'une Unite de Mesure (Condorcet), 3762;
  Ray, Wm., Horrors of Slavery, 320; Reale
  Accademia della Crusca, Vocabolario, 1741
  (Molini), 4807; Vocabolario, 1746, 1748
  (Molini), 4806; Regnier, E., Description du
  Dynamometre (D. B. Warden), 1106; Resolu-
  tions of the Republican citizens of Boston (Wm.
  Eustis), 3461; Ricketson, S., Means of pre-
  serving Health, 913; Robbery of the Bank (Thomas
  Lloyd), 2321; Robinson, Sir C., Translation of
  chapters of Consolatio del Mare (R. King), 2130;
  Rochon, A. M., Voyages, 3805; Romanzoff, N.
  de, Tableau du Commerce, 3601; Roscoe, Wil-
  liam, Address (J. Maury), 1085; Roscoe, Cata-
  logue of Plants, 1086; Roscoe, Life of Leo X, 171;
  Royal Jennerian Society, Address (the Society
  through C. Murray), 948; Rotherham, John,
  Observations on the plan for Universal Standard of
  Weights and Measures (Sir John Sinclair), 3757;
  Rush, Banjamin, Eulogium in Honor of Cullen,
  523; Rush, Eulogium, Rittenhouse, 680; Rush,
  Inquiry into the various sources, 922; Rush, Obser-
  vations upon the Origin of Yellow fever, 976; Rush,
  Six Introductory Lectures, 979; Rush, Sixteen In-
  troductory Lectures, 961; Rush, Three Lectures,
  967; Rush, James, Inquiry into the Use of the
  Momentum, 992; Rush, John, Elements of Life,
  981; St. Elizabeth, Historia succincta (T. Brand
  Hollis), 276; Saint Paul, N. D. F. de, Essai
  sur l'avantage des richesses fictives, 2866; Saint
  Paul, Possibilite d'eteindre les dettes publiques,
  2867; Sampson, G. V., Statistical survey of
  Londonderry, 442; Sampson, W., Memoirs, 441;
  Sampson, Trial of Whitby, 3409; Say, J. B.,
  Traite d'Economie Politique, 3547; Scott, J.,
  Gazetteer, 3840; Scott, Geographical Description,
  4171; Segur, L. P., History (Caspar Wistar),
  267; Serres, O. de, Theatre d'Agriculture
  (Societe d'Agriculture du Dept. de la Seine),
  693; Shattuck, G. C., Boylston Prize Questions,
  986, V, 986; Shecut, J. L. E. W., Flora
  Carolinaeensis, 1076; Silvestre, A. F., Rapport sur
  les Travaux, 730; Sinclair, Sir J., Address on the
  Corn Bill, 3594; Sinclair, Address to the Society
  for the Improvement of British Wool, 663; Sinclair,
  Appendix to the History of the Public Revenue, 2939;
  Sinclair, Crise de l'Europe, 2992; Sinclair, Essay
  on Longevity, 985; Sinclair, History of the public
  revenue, 2939; Sinclair, Introductory Observations,
  728; Sinclair, On the political state of Europe,
  2698; Sinclair, Plan of the re-printed Reports,
  726, 732; Sinclair, Prospectus d'un Ouvrage, 3597;
  Sinclair, Report of the County of Banff, 733; Sin-
  clair, Specimen of the Statistical Account of Scot-
  land, 3596; Sinclair, Specimens of statistical re-
  ports, 746; Smeaton, J., Eddystone Lighthouse
  (B. Vaughan), 4213; Smith, James, Common-
  wealth's Man, 3351; Smith, John, Newhamp-
  shire Latin Grammar, 4788; Smith, S. H., Ora-
  tion, 4690; Smith, T. P., Revolutions in Chemistry,
  848; Societe d'Agriculture du department de
  la Seine, Memoires (Silvestre), 776; Society for
  promoting Agriculture in the State of Con-
  necticut, Transactions (John Vaughan), 1802;
  South Carolina Agricultural Society, Address
  and Rules, 815; Spafford, H. G., Gazetteer of
  New-York, 4172; Spafford, General Geography,
  3828; Stael-Holstein, A. L. G., Corinne, 4353;
  Stewart, D., Elements of the Philosophy, 1244;
  Stiles, Ezra, Oratio, 4674; Stiles, United States
  elevated, 1575; Stockler, F. de B. G., Obras, 175;
  Stokes, Wm., Asphyxia, 942; Stone, Thomas,
  Letter to Lord Somerville, 720; Story, Isaac,
  Oration, 3269; Story, Joseph, Oration (J. Crown-
  inshield), 4685; Story, Power of Solitude, 4451;
  Story, Selection of Pleadings, 2156; Sullivan,
  James, Observations upon the Government, 3155;
  Sumner, C. P., Eulogy on Washington, 3276;
  Tallyrand-Perigord, C. M. de, Proposition sur
  les poids et mesures (Wm. Short), 3761; Tatham,
  Wm., Topographical Analysis of Virginia, 3159;
  Tatham, View of the proposed Grand Junction
  Canal, 1236; Tazewell, Wm., Vade-Mecum
  Medicum, 898; Thomas, A. L., Eulogium on
  Marcus Aurelius (D. B. Warden), 425;
  Thomson, John, Letters of Curtius (George
  Hay), 3526; Thomson, William, Trial of
  Aaron Burr, 3435; Thornton, William, Cadmus,
  1126; Toulmin, H., Statutes of Mississippi
  Territory (Gen. Assembly of Mississippi Terri-
  tory), 2181; Towers, J. L., Illustrations of
  Prophecy (T. Leiper), 1548; Trinci, Cosimo,
  Agricoltore Sperimentato (T. Appleton), 736;
  Trumbull, John, M'Fingal, 4509; Tuke, John,
  Agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire (Wm.
  Strickland), 766; Turgot, A. R. J., Oeuvres
  (Dupont de Nemours), 2436; Valentin, L.,
  Coup d'oeil sur la culture de Vegetaux exotiques,
  727; Valentin, Notice sur le Dr. Jenner, 421;
  Valentin, Resultats de l'inoculation, 952; Valen-
  tin, Traite de la Fievre jaune, 920; Varnum,
  J.M., Trevett against Weedon (D. Howell), 2018;
  Vater, J. S., Untersuchungen uber Amerika's
  Bevolkerung, 443; Vaughan, John, Concise His-
  tory of Autumnal Fever, 984; Vaughan, Valedic-
  tory Lecture, 993, 3773; Vaughan, Wm., New
  and Old principles, 3548; Vieyra, Antonio,
  Arabicam Linguam, 4743; Virginia, Acts, 1808
  (William H. Cabell), 1869; Volney, Ruines,
  1277; Volney, Tableau du Climat, 4031; Von
  Humboldt, F. W. H. A., Tableaux de la Nature,
  646; Von Humboldt, Voyage, 4157; Von
  Scheel, H.O., Treatise of Artillery (J. Williams),
  1161; Waldo, J., Rudiments of English Grammar,
  4848; Warren, M. O., History of the American
  Revolution, 508; Warren, Poems, 4439; Wash-
  ington, G., Official Letters (John Carey), 492;
  Waterhouse, B., Botanist, 1087; Waterhouse,
  Cautions to young persons, 994; Waterhouse,
  Prospect of exterminating Small-Pox, 945; Water-
  house, Prospect. Part II, 946; Watson, E.,
  Tour in Holland, 3872; Webster, N., Collection
  of Essays, 4928; Weems, M. L., Life of George
  Washington, 507; Weems, True Patriot, 1665;
  Whately, G., Principles of Trade (B. Franklin),
  3552; Wheaton, H., Oration, 4689; Wheelock,
  M., Reflections (Franklin's copy, by Dufief),
  3072; Wilhelmine of Bayreuth, Memoires
  (Mme. de Tesse), 271; Williams, David,
  Claims of Literature, 3553; Williams, Lectures on
  Political principles, 2326; Williams, J., Thermo-
  metrical Navigation, 649; Wilmer, J. J., Man as
  he is, 1676; Witness bearer (inscribed, anony-
  mous), 1669; Woodhouse, J., Persimmon tree,
  940; Workman, J., Political Essays, 3272;
  Worthington, T., Communication, 3337; Worth-
  ington, W. G. D., Speech, 3394; Young, J.,
  New Physical system of astronomy, 963
President or Presidents, 1906
Press, The, A Poem, 4512
Preston, John, Letter from Jefferson, 1113
Pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency
  examined, 3174
Preti, Francesco Maria, Elementi di Architettura,
Pretty Story written in the Year of our Lord, 2774,
Prevost, Antoine Francois, editor, Cicero, 4634
Price, Joseph, 3934
Price, Richard: Additional Observations on the
  nature and value of civil liberty, 3110; Evidence for
  a future period of improvement in the state of man-
  kind, 1577; General Introduction to the two tracts on
  civil liberty, 3111; Observations on Reversionary
  Payments, 3688; Observations on the Importance
  of the American Revolution, 2993, V, 2993;
  Observations on the nature of civil liberty, 2994,
  3109; Review of the principal questions in Morals,
  1248; Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, 1569, V,
  1569; Two Schemes of a Trinity considered, 1659
  See also Macpherson, James, 3107; Mira-
  beau, 3024; Turgot, 2382
  Introduced by Jefferson to Joel Barlow,
  4302, V, 2825
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Notes on
    Virginia, 4167; his own pamphlets, 1248,
    1577, 2993; Socinian Doctrine, 1569
Price, William Charles, History of our Blessed Lord,
Prichard, Wm., 1720
Prideaux, Humphrey, Old and New Testament
  connected in the History of the Jews, 1529
Priestley, Joseph: Address to the Protestant dissenters,
  2783; Description of a Chart of Biography (1785),
  118; (1803), 139; Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy,
  1528; Doctrine of Phlogiston established (1800),
  3771; (1803), 836; Essay on the first principles of
  Government, 2332; Harmony of the Evangelists,
  1492; History of early opinions concerning Jesus
  Christ, 1527; History of the Corruption of Christi-
  anity, 1526; Institutes of Natural and revealed
  religion, 1524, V, 1524; Lectures on History, 140;
  Letter to the Rev. John Blair Linn, 1662; Letters
  to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its
  Neighbourhood (1799), 3217; (1801), 3252, V,
  3252; Letters to the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, 2544;
  Memoirs to the Year 1795, 390; On Acids, Air,
  Water, &c., 3777a; Originality and superior excel-
  lence of the Mosaic Institutions demonstrated, 1660;
  Second Letter to the Revd. John Blair Linn, 1663;
  Socrates and Jesus compared, 1661; Triumph of
  Truth, 1578; Two Sermons, 1655
  Eulogium on Priestley by Cuvier, 423; see 
  also Blackstone, 2899; Eddowes, Ralph,
  1698; Fourneaux, Philip, 1712; Volney,
   Correspondence with Jefferson: On his own
    works, 836, 1492, 1662, 1663, 3217, 3252;
    The Federalist, 3021; literary style, IV, 410;
    Malthus, 2938; Morals of Jesus, 1528;
    political arithmetic, 2804; reading Greek
    authors in the original, 4262, V, 59;
    Socrates and Jesus compared, 1661; note
    on, 118
Priestley, Joseph, Jr., Correspondence with Jef-
  ferson: On the Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy,
  1528; on his father's Memoirs, 390
Primitive Christianity reviv'd, 1595
Prince, Thomas, 424
Principall Navigations, 4007
Principes d'Hydraulique, 3743
Principes de Chronologie, 4
Principes de Geographie, 3839
Principes de la legislation universelle, 2340
Principes de Morale, 2401
Principes des negociations, 2397
Principes du Droit Naturel, 1409
Principes du Droit Politique, 1408
Principes sur les Mesures en Longueur et en Capacite,
Principia philosohiae, 3719
Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation, 711
Principles of civil Union and Happiness considered,
Principles of Equity (1760), 1716; (1767), 1717;
  (1778), 1718
Principles of Government, 2786
Principles of Nature, 1290
Principles of Surgery, 858
Principles of the Doctrine of Life-Annuities, 3689
Principles of Trade, 3552
Printing Types, 1135
Prison reform in the United States, 2364
Prison ships, 510
Prisoners of war, treatment of, Jefferson on, 1254
Pritchard, William: Book purchased from, 1720;
  letter from Jefferson, 4438
Privada y oficial correspondencia de Don Josef Bruno
  Magdalena, 2425
Private Letter to the Individual Members of Congress,
Privilegia Londini, 2002
Priviligia Parliamentaria, 2884
Prize Dissertation on the excellence of the British
  Constitution, 2805
Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq., 4511
Procedure criminelle, instruite au Chatelet de Paris,
Proceedings and debates of the General Assembly of
  Pennsylvania, 3023
Proceedings for the abolition of slavery, 1381
Proceedings of a Board of General Officers respecting
  Major Andre, 3139
Proceedings of His Majesty's most honourable Privy
  Council respecting an insect supposed to infest wheat,
Proceedings of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
  relative to the Prevention of the Introduction and
  spreading of Contagious Diseases, 966
Proceedings of the Commissioners on the British Debts,
Proceedings of the Democratic Association of Gloucester
  County, 3265
Proceedings of the Government of the United States,
Proceedings of the Provincial Conference of Committees
  of the Province of Pennsylvania, 3123
Proces-verbal de ce qui s'est passe au Lit de Justice,
  6 aout, 1787, 2547
Proces-verbal de l'Assemblee Baillivale de Nemours,
Proces-verbal des seances de l'Assemblee Provinciale
  d'Auvergne, 2460
Proces-Verbaux de l'Assemblee Nationale des Allo-
  broges, 2623
Proclamation. Au nom de la Republique. Nous
  Leger-Felicite Sonthonax, 2678
Proclus, Philosophical and Mathematical Commen-
  taries, 3705; see also 4463
Procopius Caesariensis, Arcana Historia, 99
Profitable booke of Mast. Iohn Perkins, 1779
Programme des Prix remis et proposes par la Societe
  d'Agriculture du Departement de la Seine, 729
Progress of a Divine, 2841
Projet de Code Civil, 2216
Projet de constitution pour la Republique francaise,
Projet d'Elements d'Ideologie, 1239
Projet de reponse a un memoire, 2508
Projet d'un Monument a la gloire d'Henri IV, 2469
Prolusions; or select Pieces of antient Poetry, 4586
Promotion des Sciences Utiles, 1098
Pronouncing and Spelling Dictionary, 4849
Prony, Gaspard C. F. M. R., Baron de: Me-
  canique Philosophique, 3746; Nouvelle Architecture
  Hydraulique, 3744
Proofs of a Conspiracy against Christianity, 3277
Propagation of the Gospel in America and the West
  Indies, 4058
Proposal of a Design for the Promotion of the interests
  of the United States of America, 1235
Proposals by Oliver Fairplay for publishing the private
  and public life of the First Consul, 3317
Proposed Standard of Measures (MS.), 3759
Proposed System of trade with Ireland explained, 2984
Proposition faite a l'Assemblee Nationale, sur les poids
  et mesures par M. l'Eveque d'Autun, 3761
Propositions for amending the Constitution of the
  United States, 3366
Prospect before Us, 3518
Prospect before us! or the state of France, 2849, 2853
Prospect of exterminating the Small-Pox, 945, 946
Prospect of the Consequences of the Present Conduct
  of Great Britain towards America, 3063
Prospect, or View of the moral world, 1674
Prospects on the Rubicon, 2779
Prospectus de la Navigation des rivieres du royaume,
Prospectus d'un nouveau Dictionnaire de Commerce,
Prospectus d'un ouvrage initule: Analyse de l'Etat
  Politique d'Ecosse, 3597
Protestation contre la forme des lettres pour la convoca-
  tion des Etats-Generaux, 2518
Proud, Robert: History of Pennsylvania, 460;
  book from his library, 2462
Provencal language, 4414, 4415
Provincial Glossary, 4871
Provision for the poor, 1948
Provok'd Husband, 4610
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius, [Opera] quae
  exstant, 4409
Prudhomme, Louis Marie, Resume general ou
  extrait des cahiers, 2523
Prunaeus, J. B., 1589
Pryce, William, Correspondence with Jefferson,
Prynne, William: Brief Register of parliamentary
  writs, 2890; Canterburie's Doome, 1953; Histrio-
  Mastix, 1634; editor, Cotton's Exact abridge-
  ment, 2727
Psalms, English versions, Jefferson on, 1513
Psalms Metamorphosed, 3314
Psalms of David: French (Marot, 1658), 1477;
  French (Marot, 1687), 1468; Greek-Latin
  (Duport, 1742), 4399; Greek-Latin (Gale,
  1678), 4400; Latin (Johnston, 1741), 4398
Ptolemaeus, Claudius, Etat des Etoiles fixes, 3798
Public accounts, 3166
Public Acts of the General Assembly of North-Carolina,
Public Characters of 1798-1801, 402
Public roads and canals, 1233
Publications relative to the Difference of Opinion be-
  tween the Governor and the Council, 3329
Publicola, 2826
Publicola, Horatius, Prospect before us, 2849, 2853
Publius, pseud., Andre, Jean Francois, 2515
Pudsey, William, Constitution and Laws of England
  consider'd, 2708
Puglia, Santiago Felipe: El Desengano del hombre,
  2333; Double Disappointment (MS.), 4600
Pulteney, Sir William (Earl of Bath): Budget
  opened, 2975; Review of the Excise-Scheme, 2746;
  see also 2959, 2960, 2969
Pulteney, William, Thoughts on the present state of
  affairs with America, 3062, 3130
Purchas, Samuel, Purchas his Pilgrimage, 3971
Pursuits of Literature, 4513
Purvis, John, Collection of the laws of Virginia,
  1832, 1837
Puysegur, A. H. A. de Chastenet de, Treatise upon
  the Navigation of St. Domingo, 4170
Pyramid, Egyptian, sent to Jefferson, 3950


Quaestionum Juris Civilis, 2206
Quakers: Ancient Testimony, 3118; Barclay, Rob-
  ert, 1537; Brief Account, 1697; Epistle from the
  Yearly Meeting, 1696; Petition respectueuse, 2557
Quand on est a moitie bien, il faut rerter comme l'on
  est, 3653
Quatrains de Pibrac, 4374
Que font ces Clubs?, 3645
Queen Anne binding, 1949
Quelques Memoires sur differens sujets, 3749
Quelques reflexions sur la nouvelle division du Royaume,
Quesnay, Francois: Physiocratie, 2370; Questions
  interessantes sur la population, 2377
Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Alexandre Marie,
  Memoire Statuts et Prospectus concernant l'Academie
  des Sciences et Beaux Arts des Etats-Unis, 1119
Question a decider sur la nouvelle legislature, 3652
Question concerning Impositions, 2954
Questions de Droit Maturel, 1413
Questions d'un bon Patroite, 2471
Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gomez de, 4419
Quid Mirror, 3426
Quincy, John: Lexicon physico-medicum, 875; Phar-
  macopoeia officinalis et extemporanea, 864; trans-
  lator, Sanctorius, 899
Quincy, Josiah, Observations on the Act of Parlia-
  ment commonly called the Boston Port-Bill, 3084
Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius: Declamationum
  Liber, 4673; Institutione Oratoria, 4651
Quintus Calaber, 4298
Quintus Smyrnaeus, Praetermissorum ab Homero
  Libri XIV, 4298
Quo Warranto, 2003


R., C., Arcana Parliamentaris, 2878
Rab & Jane. A Legendary Tale. By Peter Pindar's
  Cousin, 3421
Rabaut Saint-Etienne, Jean Paul: Considerations
  sur les interets du Tiers-Etat, 2516; Impartial
  History of the late Revolution in France, 229
Rabelais, Francois, Works, 4333
Racine, Jean, Distrest Mother, 4555
Radcliff, Jacob, Laws of the State of New-York,
Rader, Matthew, editor, Chronicon Paschale, 105
Raffeneau-Delile, Alire: Inaugural Dissertation on
  Pulmonary Consumption, 991; Observations sur le
  Lotus d'Egypte, 686
Rainbow; First Series, 4929
Rainbows, Jefferson on, 3747
Raisons et causes de Preseance entre la France &
  l'Espagne, 1436
Raleigh, Sir Walter: History of the World, 130;
  Judicious and select Essays, 1167
Raleigh Register and North Carolina State Gazette,
Rallying point for all true friends of their country, 3227
Ralph, James, History of England, 378
Ralphson, James, 3675
Ramond, Louis, V, 3584, 3585, 3586
Ramond de Carbonnieres, L. F. E. Baron de,
  Opinion enoncee a la Societe de 1789, sur les loix
  constitutionelles, 2588
Ramsay, Allan: Historical Essay on the English
  Constitution, 2717, V, 2717; Thoughts on the
  origin and nature of government, 3073
Ramsay, Andrew Michael: Histoire du Vicomte de
  Turenne, 202; Voyages de Cyrus, 4308; see also
Ramsay, David: Histoire de la Revolution d'Ame-
  rique, 489; History of the American Revolution, 490,
  V, 490; History of the Revolution of South-Carolina,
  488; Life of George Washington, 511; Oration on
  the Cession of Louisiana to the United States, 3474;
  see also Gordon, William, 487
  Correspondence with Jefferson: On his
  works, 488, 490; Annual Register, 398
Ramsay, James: Essay on the Treatment and con-
  version of African slaves, 1377; Inquiry into the
  Effects of putting a stop to the African Slave Trade,
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, Delle Navigationi et
  Viaggi, 3972
Randolph, Bernard, Present State of the Morea,
Randolph, Beverley, Book from his library, 1402
Randolph, Edmund: Abridgment of the Public
  Permanent Laws of Virginia, 1867; Political
  Truth, 3186; Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resig-
  nation, 3180, V, 3180; Virginia laws, Edmund
  Randolph Manuscript, 1825; see also 3769
  Books lent to by Jefferson: Mendes da Costa,
  1091; Tull, 701
  Book from his library, 4616; Jefferson on,
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Buffon,
  1024; Cervantes, 4347; Cortes, 4120;
  Felice, V, 1416; Maison Quarree, 3886;
  Treaty of Amity, 505
Randolph, John (1727-1784), Treatise on Gar-
  dening, 806, V, 806; see also 3176
Randolph, John, of Roanoke (1773-1833): Let-
  ters of Decius, 3342; Colvin, J. B., Letter to the
  Hon. John Randolph, 3376; book from his
  libary, 2725; see also V, 2327
Randolph, Sir John: Case of the Planter of To-
  bacco in Virginia, 2976; Commonplace Book, 1798;
  note on, V, 1796
Randolph, Sir John, and Randolph, Peyton,
  Books from their libraries: Anderson, 2030;
  Bendlowes, 2043; Bendlowes-Dalison, 2025;
  Brownlow and Goldesborough, 2040; Bul-
  strode, 2041; Burnet, 624; Carter, 2062;
  Carthew, 2071; Chateillon, 1547; Cooke,
  1919; Curtius Rufus, 28; Cumberland, 1418;
  Egerton, 2014; Finch, 1742; Fitzherbert, 1776;
  Fulbeck, 1803; Gardiner, 1901; Goldesbor-
  ough, 2029; Horsman, 1938; Hutton, 2050;
  Jones, Sir W., 2053; Keble, 2063; Keilway,
  2024; Leonard 2033; Ley, 2044; Lilly, 1909;
  Littelton, 2047; Moyle, 1892; Nelson, 1789;
  Noye, 2051, Opinions of learned counsel, 1796;
  Owen, 2034; Palmer, 2045; Perier, G., 1517;
  Phalaris, 4624; Placita generalis, 1904; Popham,
  2042; Raymond, 2064; Rolle, 1786; Saunders,
  2060; Savile, 2028; Skinner, 2069; Stanford,
  1945, V, 1945; State Trials, 1951; Statutes at
  Large, 1815; Townshend, 2920; Tremaine,
  1897; Virginia laws (MSS.), 1822, 1823, 1825,
  1827, 1828
Randolph, Martha Jefferson: Book from her
  library, 1540
  Letters from Jefferson: Balloon ascent, 1134;
  Herrera, 4108; Priestley, and his own
  Syllabus, 1526
Randolph, Peyton, Peyton Randolph Manu-
  script, 1828, V, 28
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, Letters from Jef-
  ferson: Bell's Anatomy, 1004; Chemistry, I, 374;
  surgery, I, 391
Randolph, Thomas Mann, Books from his
  library: Burke, 446; Decker, 3567; Diogenes
  Laertius, 31; Franklin, 459; Gee, 3565; Necker,
  272; Postlethwayt, 2102; Tucker, 3566
Randolph, Thomas mann, Jr., Letters from
  Jefferson: On the American Constitution, III,
  1; American history, I, 196; Bache's papers,
  544; binding of the Virginia laws, II, 247;
  Abraham Bishop, 3235; Burgh's Political Dis-
  quisitions, 2720; Dupont de Nemours, 1264;
  Federalist, 3021; Fenno and Frenaeu's papers,
  543; Gibbs' Rules of Drawing, 4184; Greek
  authors, 4262; Hume, 1261; laws relative to
  the Embargo, 3448; Lescarbot's and Cham-
  plain's Travels, 4003; George Logan, 717;
  Montesquieu, 2325; newspapers, 542; Paine's
  Rights of Man, 2826; Smith's Wealth of Nations,
  3546; study of the law, II, 210, 384; note on,
  V, 31; see also 1826
Ransonnette, Pierre Nicolas, 4214
Rape of Helen, 4441
Rapin, Rene, Whole Critical Works, 4694
Rapin Thoyras, Paul de, Histoire d'Angleterre,
Rapine, Conrad and Co., Books bought from:
  Lyttelton, 4621; map of Maryland, 3848;
  Pike's Arithmetic, 3666; Volney, 133; Willes,
  Sir John, 2084
Rapport au nom de la commission des vingt-un, pour
  l'examen de la conduite des representans du peuple
  Billaud-Varennes, 2680
Rapport de la procedure du Chatelet, 2582
Rapport de Louis-Jerome Gohier sur les papiers in-
  ventories dans les bureaux de la liste civile, 2618
Rapport des commissaires de la Societe royale de
  medicine sur le magnetisme animal, 957
Rapport des Commissaires sur la qualite de l'eau de
  la Seine, 1220
Rapport des Commissaires sur le Magnetisme animal,
  956, V, 956
Rapport du comite de constitution sur l'organisation du
  Pouvoir Judiciaire, 2574
Rapport du Ministre de l'interieur a l'Assemblee
  Nationale, 2611
Rapport et projet de decret. Presentes a la Convention
  Nationale au nom du comite de legislation, par
  Jean Mailhe, 2642
Rapport fait a l'Assemblee Nationale sur la suppression
  des droits de traite, 3598
Rapport fait a une assemblee de negocians et capitalistes
  de Bordeaux, 2554
Rapport fait au nom de la commission  extraordinaire,
Rapport fait au nom du Comite des Contributions
  Publiques sur la repartition de la constribution
  fonciere, 3583
Rapport fait concernant le revenu public provenant de la
  vente exclusive du tabac, 2581
Rapport lu a l'Academie des Sciences sur le choix d'une
  Unite de Mesure, 3762
Rapport sur le perfectionnement des Charrues, 780
Rapport sur les depenses publiques pour l'annee 1791,
Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture du
  Departement de la Seine, 730
Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme, 1246
Raptus Helenae, 4309
Rastell, John, Termes de la ley, 1810; see also 1776
Rastell, William, Collection in English of the
  statutes now in force, 1816; Collection of entries,
Rates of Merchandize, 3614
Rattle-Snake, 681
Raulin, Joseph, 4154
Ravara, Joseph, Statement of the facts concerning
  Joseph Ravara, 3171
Rawle, William, 3425
Rawlinson, Christopher, 4867
Ray, William, Horrors of Slavery, 320
Rayment, Robert, Income and expenditure of Great-
  Britain, 2949
Raymond, Observations sur l'Origine et les Progres
  du Prejuge des Colons Blancs contre les Hommes
  de couleur, 1390
Raymond, Robert, Lord: Argument between Dr
  Bentley and the Bishop of Ely (MS.), 2016;
  Reports of Cases, 2077; see also 2073
Raymond, Sir Thomas, Reports of divers special
  cases, 2064
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois: Essai
  sur l'administration de St. Domingue, 2530; His-
  toire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens,
  et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes,
  466; Precis de l'Histoire Philosophique & Politique
  des Etablissemens, 467
  For the contradiction by Jefferson in the
  Note on Virginia and elsewhere of Raynal's
  statements, see Barton, 529; Bridel, 4033;
  Demeunier, 2950; Franklin, 631; Mazzei,
  3005; Michaux, 4031; Pauw, 3968; Raynal,
  See also Dubuisson, 2529, Girod-Chantrans,
  4156; note on, 466
Rea, John, Letter to William Bainbridge, 3281
Read, John, Declarations and Pleadings, 1907, V,
Read, John K., 3239, 3240
Reading of that famous lawyer Sr. Robert Brook upon
  the Statute of Limitations, 2012
Real Academia Espanola: Diccionario de la
  Lengua Castellana, 4816; Gramatica de la Lengua
  Castellana, 4814
Reale Accademia della Crusca, Vocabolario degli
  Accademici della Crusca, 4806, 4807
Reason the only Oracle of Man, 1289
Reasoning, Jefferson on the art of, V, 13
Reasons offered to the Consideration of the Citizens of
  the United States in favor of the removal of the seat
  of Government from Washington to Philadelphia,
Rebolledo, Bernardino de, Ocios, 4417
Reboulet, Simon, 204
Recherche de la Verite, 1243
Recherches historiques et philosophiques sur les Etats-
  Unis de l'Amerique, 3005
Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, 3968
Recherches physiques et chimiques sur la Fabrication
  de la Poudre a Canon, 1202
Recherches sur l'Origine du Despotisme Orientale
  (1761), 1274; (Italian, 1766), 1273
Recherches sur la Preparation que les Romains don-
  noient a la Chaux, 1176, 4205
Recherches sur les Vegetaux nourissans, 741
Recit de ce qui s'est passe a la Chambre des Comptes
  a la Cour des Aides, et au Chatelet, 2490
Recueil alphabetique des droits et traites uniformes,
Recueil de Discours sur diverses matieres importantes,
Recueil de Dissertations, 647
Recueil de Mecanique relatif a l'Agriculture et aux
  Arts, 3741
Recueil de Memoires sur les Salines et leur Exploita-
  tion, 1092
Recueil de Pieces authentiques et interessantes con-
  cernant le Cardinal Prince de Rohan, 2226
Recueil de pieces historiques sur la convocation des
  Etats Generaux, 2501
Recueil de Pouesies Prouencalos, 4414
Recueil des Noels Provenceaux, 4415
Recueil des Oeuvres de Moniseur de Voiture, 4638
Recueil de Reglemens, Edits, Declarations et Arrets
  concernant le Commerce, 2289
Rede des Praesidenten der Vereinigen, Staaten, 3260
Redi, Francesco, Esperienze intorno a Diverse Cose
  Naturali, 1033
Redman, John, 924
Reed, Joseph (1723-1787), Madrigal and Trul-
  letta, 4601
Reed, Joseph (1741-1785), Remarks on Governor
  Johnstone's Speech in Parliament, 3133
Reeland, Adrien, 1299
Reeves, John, History of the Law of Shipping and
  Navigation, 3612
Reflections concerning innate moral Principles, 1241
Reflections moral and political on Great Britain and
  her colonies, 3072
Reflections on Bishop Overall's Convocation-Book,
Reflections on the Embargo, 3382
Reflections on the Policy and Necessity of encouraging
  the Commerce of the citizens of the US., 3621
Reflections on the Study of Nature, 1071
Reflections upon a pamphlet entitled Observations upon
  the laws of excise, 2963
Reflexiones sobre la memoria elemental, 2689
Reflexions adressees a l'Assemblee Nationale, 2583
Reflexions critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture,
Reflexions d'un Citoyen non gradue sur un Proces tres
  connu, 2273, 2274
Reflexions d'un Vieillard du pays de Medoc sur l'arret
  qui permet l'admission des etrangers dans nos
  colonies, 2534, V, 2534
Reflexions historiques et politiques sue la Louysiane
  (MS.), 3510
Reflexions on the State of the Union, 3629
Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales, 1342
Reflexions presentees a la nation francaise, 2640
Relfexions rapides pour M. le Cardinal de Rohan sur le
  Sommaire de la Dame de La Motte, 2244, 2267
Reflexions redigees a l'occasion du Memoire sur la
  maniere dont la France & l'Espagne doivent en-
  visager les suites de la querelle entre la Grande-
  Bretagne & ses colonies, 2383
Reflexions succintes sur l'etat actuel de l'Agriculture,
Reflexions sur l'ecrit intitule: Richesse de l'Etat, 2433
Reflexions sur l'esclavage des Negres, 1376
Reflexions sur la deletion, 2577
Reflexions sur la Formation et la Distribution des
  richesses, 2379
Reflexions sur la Liberte de la Presse, 3658
Reflexions sur la necessite d'assurer l'amortissement des
  dettes de l'Etat, 2459
Reflexions sur la Paix, 2688
Reflexions sur la Revolution de 1688, 2605, 2671
Reflexions sur le Code Noir, 1387
Reflexions sur le commerce, la navigation et les colonies,
Reflexions sur les avantages de la liberte d'ecrire et
  d'imprimer, 2446
Reflexions sur les colonies, 2599
Refutation du Memoire en forme de consultation, 3492,
Reggio, Francesco, 655
Registrum Brevium tam Originalium, quam Judicialium,
Reglement fait par le Roi pour l'Administration de ses
  Finances & du Commerce, 2314
Reglement fait par le Roi pour la formation de son
  Conseil royal des Finances et du Commerce, 2313
Regnier, Claude Antoine, 2864
Regnier, Edme, Description et Usage du Dynamo-
  metre, 1106
Regola deli Cinque Ordoni d'Architettura di J. Barozzi,
Regula Placitandi, 1903
Rehearsal, The, 4608
Rei accipit rariae scriptores nunc primum editi, 1188
Reibelt, J. P., Books bought or ordered from:
  Aeschylus, 4525; Aristotle, 1014; Arnould,
  2686; Barre Saint-Venant, 2541; Baudry des
  Lozieres, 4076; Bayard, 3912; Becker, 4223;
  Berquin-Duvallon, 4075; Blumenbach, 1019;
  Bossut, 3695; Boucher, 2103, 2123; Bridel,
  4033; Buffon, 1021; Camus, 1136; Carte du
  Golfe de Mexique, 3858; Castera, 250; Catineau-
  Laroche, 4830; Chaptal, 831; Connoissance des
  temps, 3808; Cuvier, 999; Dumont de Courset,
  653, 1082; Encyclopedie Methodique, 4889n;
  Fantin des Odoards, 231; Faujas de Saint-
  Fond, 638, 3874; Fourcroy, 840; Gerard de
  Rayneval, 1444; Guyton de Morveau, 851;
  Hauy, 1089; Krafft and Ransonnette, 4214;
  Lamarck, 688; Landon, 4244; Lechavelier,
  3922; Legrand, 4243; Link, 3900; Linnaeus,
  1017; Lucretius, 4461; Mallet, 811; Masson,
  249; Meinert, 4224; Mengotti (gifts from Rei-
  belt), 3559-3561; Michaux, 1081, 1084n;
  Montucla, 3694; Morin, 4826; Ordinaire,
  635; Palladio, 4175; Perreau, 1445; Pictet,
  3867; Piranesi, 4197; Pliny, 1031n; Porte-
  feuille, 4222; Prony, 3744, 3746; Rocca, 812;
  Sterne, 4335n; Struve, 1092; Tardy, 4831;
  Tarif, 3598; Toulongeon, 4245; Traite sur la
  vigne, 787; Wedekind, 2411; Note on Reibelt,
  V, 249
Reichard, H. G., 4343
Reid, Andrew, 823
Reiske, Johann Jacob, editor and translator:
  Chariton, 4327; Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 47
Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional,
Relacion y commentarios de lo acascido en las dos
  jornadas que hizo a las Indias, 4140
Relapse, or, Virtue in Danger, 4611
Relation abregee d'un Voyage fait dans l'Interieur de
  l'Amerique Meridionale, 4146
Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France es
  annees 1643 & 1644, 4001
Relation de divers Voyages faits dans l'Afrique, dans
  l'Amerique, 3988
Relation de l'Execution de l'Arret, rendu contre Ma-
  dame de La Motte & les autres dans l'affaire du
  Collier, 2265
Relation de trois Ambassades de M. le comte de Car-
  lisle, 1449
Relation des deux Voyages faits en Allemagne, 3806
Relation du Voyage d'Adam Olearius en Moscovie,
  Tartarie et Perse, 3927
Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du
  Chily et du Perou, 4148
Relation of the death of the primitive persecutors, 1580
Relation of the late wicked contrivance of Stephen
  Blackhead and Robert Young, 431
Relation Universelle de l'Afrique Ancienne et Mo-
  derne, 3951
Relation veritable de la Mort cruelle et Barbare de
  Charles, I, 362
Relationi del Cardinal Bentivoglio, 282
Relative duties of parents and children, 1568
Relectiones Hyemales, de Ratione & Methodo legendi
  ultrasqe, 4725
Religio Medici, 1625
Religion, Freedom of, Jefferson on, II, p.89
Religion of Nature delineated, 1252
Religion of the Indian natives of America, 526
Religious disputes, Jefferson on, 1535
Religious pamphlets, 1659-1678, 1679-1707
Reliquiae  sacrae Carolinae, 360
Remarkable Decisions of the Court of Session, 1739
Remarks concerning the government and the laws of the
  United States, 3002
Remarks occasioned by the late conduct of Mr Wash-
  ington, 3190
Remarks on the late book intitled An Essay on the
  publick debts, 2732
Remarks on the late pamphlet entitled Plain Truth.
  By Rusticus, 3121
Remarks on Governor Johnstone's Speech in Parlia-
  ment, 3133
Remarks on Lord Sheffield's Observations on the Com-
  merce of the American States, 3619
Remarks on Mr Schlegel's work, 2129
Remarks on several Parts of Italy, 3908
Remarks on the Address of Sixteen Members of the
  Assembly of Pennsylvania, 3019
Remarks on the Appendix to the present State of the
  Nation, 2756
Remarks of the assertions of the author of the Memoirs
  of Jacobinism, respecting the character of Emanuel
  Swedenborg, 1657
Remarks on the history of England. From the minutes
  of Humphrey Oldcastle, 2733
Remarks on the late infraction of Treaty at New-
  Orleans, 3470
Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan
  Swift, 383
Remarks on the manufacturing of maple sugar, 1224
Remarks on the "Merchants' Bank", 3328
Remarks on the Speech, attributed by Mr. Jefferson,
  to an Indian Chief, 3343, V, 3343
Remarks on the Travels of the Marquis de Chastellux
  in North-America, 4040
Remarks upon an essay intituled, The History of the
  Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity, 2996
Remarks upon some wrong computations, 2770
Remarks upon the tryals of Edward Fitzharris [and
  others], 2900
Remembrancer, or, Impartial repository of Public
  Events, 3070
Remerciemens du peuple aux notables, 2505
Remon, Alonso, 4118
Remonstrances, Arrets &c. des Parlemens de 1787,
Remonstrances du Parlement de Paris (17 Avril
  1787), 2486
Repeal of the religious laws of Connecticut, 3296
Replacement copies of books: Beccaria, 2349;
  Bracken, 943; Burkhard, 1009; Duane, Hand
  Book, 1159; Ewell, James, 893; Gardiner and
  Hepburn, 809; Harrison, Joseph, 1736; Mur-
  ray, Lindley, 1612; Priestley, Joseph, 139;
  Rabaut Saint Etienne, 229; Sampson, Wm.,
  441; Stewart, Dugald, 1244; Walker, John,
  4876; Young, Joseph, 963
Reply of a Member of Parliament to the Mayor of his
  corporation, 2973
Reply of the Majority of the Representatives from the
  State of Massachusetts in Congress, 3456
Reply of William Cunningham & Co., 3529
Reply to Aristides, 3447
Reply to Lucius Junius Brutus's Examination of the
  President's answer to the New-Haven Remon-
  strance, 3271
Reply to Mr Burke's invective against Mr Cooper, and
  Mr Watt, 2803, 2827
Reply to Mr Duponceau, 3491
Reply to the False Reasoning in the "Age of Reason",
Reply to the Resolutions and Address of a Meeting
  convened at Martlings, 3405
Reply to the Treasury pamphlet, 2773
Reply to the vindication of the representatives of the
  case of the planters of tobacco in Virginia, 2977
Reponse a des Calomnies, 3390
Reponse a l'Adresse aux Provinces, 2576
Reponse a la brochure intitulee Le Pour et le Contre,
Reponse au Contradicteur de la brochure intitulee Le
  Pour et le Contre, 2535
Reponse au Memoire apologetique des Officiers de la
  Prevote de Troyes, contre Bradier, Simare &
  Lardoise, 2278
Reponse au Requisitoire du 11 Aout, 1786, 2276
Reponse aux reflexions de M. Necker, 2641
Reponse de l'Empereur aux explications demandees par
  le Roi, 2561, 3643
Reponse de L. N. M. Carnot, Citoyen Francais, 235
Reponse de Maximilien Robespierre a l'accusation de
  J. B. Louvet, 2626
Reponse du Roi a la Cour des Aides, 2481
Reponse du Roi, du 8 Juillet, 1787, 2484
Reponse du Roi, du 27 Juillet, 1787, 2487
Reponse pour la COmtesse de Valois-La Motte,
  2232, 2252
Reponses au Prussien Clootz, par Roland, Kersaint,
  Guadet et Brissot, 3655
Report from a Committee of the Senate on the Subject
  of Weights and Measures, 1097
Report from the Committee of the House of Commons
  on Dr Jenner's petition, 950
Report from the Committee on the petition of the court
  of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, 2874
Report, in part, of the Committee, appointed to con-
  sider what Rules are necessary to be adopted by the
  Senate in the trial of William Blount, V, 3168a
Report. John Gravier vs. The Mayor, Alderman, and
  Inhabitants of the City of New-Orleans, 3493, 3502
Report of a Case, Kamper against Hawkins, 2092
Report of all the cases determined by Sir John Holt,
Report of Select Cases in Chancery, 2078
Report of some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer
  and Terminer, 1950
Report of the case between Field and Harrison, 1761
Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Presi-
  dent of the US to confer with the Insurgents in the
  western counties of Pennsylvania, 3246
Report of the Commissioners appointed to treat with
  the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, 3141
Report of the Committee appointed to examine into the
  Executive Expenditures, 3336
Report of the Committee appointed to examine into the
  State of the Treasury Department, 3245
Report of the Committee of Revisors appointed by the
  General Assembly of Virginia, 1864
Report of the Committee of the African Institution, 427
Report of the Committee of the House of Representa-
  tives relative to the Territory of Michigan, 3468
Report of the Committee of the House of Representa-
  tives appointed to prepare and report Articles of
  Impeachment against William Blount, V, 3168a
Report of the County of Banff, 733
Report of the Secretary of State on the Subject of
  Establishing a Uniformity in Weights, Measures
  and Coins, 3760, 3770
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject
  of public roads and canals, 1233
Report of the Sub-Committee of Westminister, 2782,
Report on the Cow-Pock Inoculation, 951
Report on the malignant disease which prevailed in
   the City of New-York, 975
Report to the Honourable the Commissioners, 2956
Reports (1683), 2052
Reports and Arguments of that learned Judge, Sir
  John Vaughan, 2061
Reports and Cases (1656), 2051
Reports and Cases (1657), 2046
Reports and cases collected by the learned Sir John
  Popham, 2042
Reports and Cases of Law, 2033
Reports and cases of practice in the Court of Common
  Pleas, Cooke, Sir George, 1919
Reports and pleadings of cases in Assise, 1909
Reports by James Brindley, T. Yeoman and J.
  Golborne relative to Navigable Communication
  betwixt the Firths of Forth and Clyde, 3745
Reports de divers special cases en le Common Bank,
Reports de Gulielme Bendloes Serjeant de la Ley, 2043
Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, 2045
Reports de Sr. Creswell Levinz, 2068
Reports de Sir John Savile, 2028
Reports de Sir William Jones Chevalier, 2053
Reports des divers special cases, 2059
Reports des Tres Honorable Edw. Seigneur Littleton,
Reports du Treserudite Edmund Anderson Chivalier,
Reports du tres erudite Edmund Saunders Chivalier,
Reports in the Court of Exchequer, 2032
Reports in the Court of King's Bench, 2063
Reports of adjudged Cases in the Court of Common
  Pleas, 2084
Reports of adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery,
  King's Bench, etc., 2083
Reports of Cases (1776-90), 1757
Reports of Cases (1781-82), 2085
Reports of Cases (1785), 1758
Reports of Cases (1790), 1754
Reports of Cases (1789, 1791), 2082
Reports of Cases (1790-1807), 2088
Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer,
Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's
  Bench (1728), 2069, 2071
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench
  (1791), 2073
Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court
  of Appeals of Virginia, 2091
Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of
  King's Bench (1754), 2080
Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of
  King's Bench (1792), 2077
Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of
  Appeals of Virginia, 2090
Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of
  King's Bench, 2087
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High
  Court of Admiralty, 2126
Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme
  Court of Virginia, 2093
Reports of cases decreed in the High Court of Chancery,
  during the time Sir Heneage Finch was Lord
  Chancellor, 1742
Reports of Cases determined in the several Courts of
  Westminister-Hall, 2081
Reports of Cases in Equity, 1749
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, from 1670 to
  1706, 1745
Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer, 1753
Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of
  Pennsylvania, 2088
Reports of Cases taken and adjudged in the Court of
  Chancery, 1746
Reports of certain cases, 2049
Reports of divers choice cases, 2040
Reports of divers resolution in Law, 2044
Reports of divers special cases, 2064
Reports of Edward Bulstrode of the Inner Temple,
Reports of select Cases in all the Courts of West-
  minister-Hall, 2079
Reports of several cases (1724), 2070
Reports of several cases (1732), 2076
Reports of several special cases, 2062
Reports of Sir Bartholomew Shower, 2066
Reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt. in English, 2035
Reports of special cases, 2036
Reports of special cases argued and decreed in the
  Court of Chancery, 1743
Reports of that grave and learned judge, Sir John
  Bridgman, 2048
Reports of that late Reverend and Learned Judge,
  Thomas Owen, 2034
Reports of the learned judicious Clerk J. Doulds-
  borough, 2029
Reports of that reverend and learned Judge, Sir
  Humphrey Winch, 2038
Reports of that Reverend and learned Judge, Sir
  Richard Hutton, Kt., 2050
Reports of that reverend and learned judge, the Right
  Hon. Sir Henry Hobart, 2039
Reports of the Cases argued and adjudged in the King's
  Courts at Westminister, 2086
Reports on the Canal between the Friths of Forth and
  Clyde, 3745
Reports or Causes in Chancery, 1741
Reports; or new cases, 2054
Repository, The, 4901
Representation of the case of Oliver Pollock, 3307
Representation of the Lords of the Committee of Coun-
  cil, 3591
Reprints, cheap, Jefferson on, 101
Republica Hebraeorum, 2461
Republica Laced aemoniorum, 2463
Republicain, Le, Pieces extraites par Condorcet, 2670
Republican Economy, 3302
Republican of Massachusetts, 3453
Republican Rush-Light, 3223
Republican Watch-Tower, 588
Republicanism, blessings of, Jefferson on, 3155
Republican's Manual for the use of a Free People, 3348
Republique, Uriac Faber, Federal Catechism
  Metamorphosed, 3314
Republique Francaise aux hommes libres, 2664
Requete a joinder au Memoire du Comte de Cagliostro,
  2245, 2264
Requete au Parlement par le Cardinal de Rohan,
  2239, 2240
Requete au Parlement par le Comte de Cagliostro,
  2238, 2256
Requete au Roi, 2472
Requete introductive au Parlement par le Cardinal de
  Rohan, 2240
Requete justificative adresse par M. le Cardinal de
  Rohan, 2261
Requete pour le Sieur Marc-Antoine Retaux de
  Villette 2247, 2269
Requier, J. B., 2204
Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam praecipui,
Rerum Britannicarum, 338
Rerum Geographicarum, 3820
Rerum Gestarum, 93
Rerum per European maxime gestarum commentarii
  historici, 159
Rerum Scoticarum Historia, 434
Rerum Suecicarum Historia, 258
Rerum Venetarum, 168
Resistance no Rebellion, 3104
Resistance to the Laws of the United States, 3404
Resolutions of the Democratic Meeting of Delegates of
  Washington County, 3449
Resolutions of the Republican Citizens of Boston,
Restauracion de la Ciudad del Salvador, 4137
Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme, Paysane
  pervertie, 4364
Restitution of decayed intelligencies in antiquities, 330
Resultats de l'inoculation de la vaccine dans les
  departemens de la Meurthe, de la Meuse, des Vosges
  et du Haut-Rhin, 952
Resultats des guerres, des negociations, 2686
Resume du Remoire justificatif de Bradier, Simare &
  Lardoise, 2277
Resume general, ou extrait des cahiers, 2523
Retirez-Vous donc, et mourez en paix, 2580
Retrospect of the portraits lately delineated in the
  Short Review, 2778
Return of the whole number of persons within the
  several districts of the United States (1791), 3160;
  (1802), 3288; 3289
Retz, Cardinal de, Memoires 203
Reveillon, Memoire, 2288
Reveries, or, Memoirs concerning the art of war, 1147
Reveries sur les doutes modestes a l'occasion des
  richesses de l'Etat, 2431
Revett, Nicholas, 4190
Review of a Book entitled "The Grounds of Chris-
  tianity examined," 1709
Review of political affairs during the last half year,
Review of the cause of the New Orleans Batture, 3506
Review of the criminal law of the Commonwealth of
  Kentucky, 2175
Review of the excise-scheme, 2746
Review of the Memoirs of the protectoral-house of
  Cromwell, 2823
Review of the military operations in North America,
Review of the principal questions in Morals, 1248
Review of the Statutes, 1818
Revisal of 1783 (Chancellors), 1861
Revisal of 1794, 1862
Revolutions de France et de Geneve, 298
Revolutions de Portugal, 182
Rey de Planazu, Oeuvres d'Agriculture, 664
Reynolds pamphlet, 3515
Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language, 4847
Rhetorices Elementa, 4650
Rhode-Island: Charter granted by King
  Charles II, 2161, 3149; Statement of the Claim
  of the Rhode-Island Brigade, 3339
Rhodes, Maritime laws of, 2124; see also 2125
Rhodomann, Laurent, 38
Ricci, Angiol Maria, 4277
Riccoboni, Luigi, Historical and Critical Account of
  the Theatres in Europe, 4706
Rice, David, Slavery inconsistent with Justice and
  Good Policy, 1675
Rice, Henry, Introduction to the Art of Reading, 1124
Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera, 1041
Richard, Jerome, 4629
Richards, William, Review of the Memoirs of the
  protectoral-house of Cromwell, 2823
Richardson, John, Philosophical Principles of the
  Science of Brewing, 1205
Richardson, Jonathan, Essay on the Theory of
  Painting, 4236
Richardson, Robert: Attorney's Practice in the
  Court of Common Pleas, 1918; Attorney's Practice
  in the Court of King's Bench, 1917
Richardson, Robert, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son, 3518
Richardson, William (1740-1820), 4904
Richardson, William (1743-1815), Philosophical
  Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare's
  Remarkable Characters, 4712
Richelet, Pierre, Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran-
  caise, 4825
Richer, Adrien: Nouvel abrege Chronologique de
  l'Histoire des Empereurs, 125; Vie de Michel de
  Ruiter, 293
Richesse de l'Etat, 2428
Richmond and Manchester Advertiser, 584
Richmond Chronicle, 582
Richmond Enquirer, 534
Ricketson, Shadrach, Means of Preserving Health,
Rickman, John, 3938
Rickman, Thomas Clio, Poetical Scraps, 4450
Ridgway Branch of the Library Company of
  Philadelphia established, 992
Riflessioni su i mali provenienti dalla questua e su i
  mezzi di evitargli, 2584
Riflessioni sulla natura della moneta e del Cambio, 2855
Rigault, Nicolas, editor and translator: Rei
  accipit rariae scriptores, 1188; Thou, Jacques
  Auguste de, 157
Right, Duty and Importance, of Free Inquiry in
  Matters of Religion, 1698
Right of British Subjects to petition and apply to their
  representatives, 2964
Right to the tonnage on all exported tobacco, 3051
Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of
  America, 3107
Rights of Man. Part the second, 2826
Rights of Neutrals, 2133
Rights of the Crown of England, 2707
Riley, J., Correspondence with Jefferson, 4167
Rind, Clementina, and Rind, William, Press of:
  Dickinson, Farmer's and Monitor's Letters, 3076;
  Jefferson, Summary View, 3085; Journal of the
  House of Burgesses, 3161; Rind's Virginia
  Gazette, 537; Virginia, Acts of Assembly, 1840
Rios, Vincente de Los, 4347
Ripley, John Phillips, V, 3168a
Ritchie, Thomas, publisher, The Enquirer, 575
Ritratto di Roma Antica, 4192
Ritratto di Roma Moderna, 4193
Rittenhouse, David: Eulogium by Benjamin
  Rush, 680; memoirs of his life by William
  Barton, 529; see also 667
  Correspondence with Jefferson: American
  Philosophical Society, 3753; Bishop of
  Autun's proposition, 3761; Columbian Mag-
  azine, 4902; Fourcroy, 840; Keith's tracts
  on weights and measures, 3766; La
  Sauvagere, 647; Notes on Virginia, 4167;
  Rochon, 3805; weights and measures, 3760
Rivani, Toscani, 2695
Riverius, Lazarus, Practice of Physick, 885, V, 885
Rives, W., Letters to Jefferson: Macaulay's
  History, 386; Mitford's Greece, 23
Rives, William Cabell, 2327 (p. 11)
Rivington's Royal Gazette, 478
Rivoluzioni del Teatro Musicale Italiano, 4256
Roane, Spencer, Letter from Jefferson, 903, V,
Rob Anti-syphilitique, 958
Robbe, Jacques, Methode pour apprendre facilement
  la Geographie, 3824
Robbery of the Bank of Pennsylvania in 1798,
Robbins, Jonathan, 3216
Robert, P. F. J., Opinion concernant le jugement de
  Louis XVI, 2645
Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, Uranographie, 3781
Robert Freres, Memoire sur les Experiences Aerosta-
  tiques, 1212
Roberts, Lewes, Treasure of Traffike, 4061
Robertson, David, shorthand writer, 3011
Robertson, John, Tables of Latitude and Departure,
Robertson, Thomas, Outline of the General Report
  upon the size of Farms, 750
Robertson, Thomas B., Letter to Jefferson, 3859
Robertson, William (d. 1686?), Phraseologia
  generalis, 4797
Robertson, William (1721-1793): History of
  America, 468; 469; History of the Reign of the
  Emperor Charles V, 178; Jefferson on, 468
Robespierre, Maximilien M. I. de, Opinion sur
  le jugement de Louis XVI, 2649; Reponse a
  l'accusation de J. B. Louvet, 1792, 2626; see
  also 2625, 2629
Robin, Claude C.; New Travels through North
  America, V, 3343; see also Barton, 3343,
  Hilliard d'Auberteuil, 450
Robineau, A. L. B., 4598
Robinet, Jean Baptiste Rene, 4829
Robinhood Society, 419, 1286; note on, V, 1286
Robins, Benjamin, 3830
Robinson, Sir Christopher: Reports of Cases argued
  and determined in the High Court of Admiralty,
  2126; Translation of the chapters 273 and 287 of
  the Consolato del Mare, 2130
Robinson, Robert, Discourse concerning Inherit-
  ances in Fee simple, 2006
Robinson, Sir Thomas, Book of special entries, 1895
Rocca, della, Traite complet sur les abeilles, 812
Roche, P. and C., Books bought from: Cabanis,
  861, 862; Champagne, 2115; Connoissance du
  tems, 3808; Cormon, 4812; Gasset, 4813;
  Lavoisier, 830; Marmontel, 234, 4332; Mon-
  tucla, 3694; Nouvel Antenor, 4332; Pluche, 630;
  Plutarch, note to, 69; Sevigne, 4637; Volney,
  133; Xenophon, 22; note on, V, 22
Rochefort, Cesar de, Histoire Naturelle des Iles
  Antiles de l'Amerique, 4152
Rochefoucault, Louis Armand, Duc de: Consti-
  tutions des treize Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, 3148;
  letter to Jefferson (introduces Demeunier),
Rochester, John, Earl of, Account of his life and
  death, 1687
Rochon, Alexis Marie: Apercu presente au Comite
  des Monnoies de l'Assemblee Nationale, 3582;
  Voyages aux Indes orientales et en Afrique, 3805;
  see also Camus, A. G., 1136; Journal Polytype,
  Correspondence with Jefferson, 3805
Rochon de Chabannes, M. A. J., Le Jaloux,
  Comedie, 4595
Rodgers, John, 1558
Rodgers, John R. B., Dissertatio Medica inaugu-
  ralis, De Dysenteria, 941
Roederer, Pierre Louis, Rapport concernant le
  revenu public provenant de la vente exclusive du
  tabac, 2581
Rogers, Patrick K., Letter from Jefferson, 1140
Rogers, Robert, Concise Account of North America,
  4010, V, 3343
Rogers, Thomas J., Letter from Jefferson, 70
Rohan, Henri, Duc de, Parfaict Capitaine, 1151
Rehan, Louis Rene Edouard, Cardinal, 2226-
  2270; note on, V, 2226
Rohault, Jacques, Traite de Physique, 629
Roi voyageur, 2342
Roland de la Platiere, Jean-Marie: Compte
  moral du Ministre de l'Interieur, 2635; Discours
  sur les moyens pour contenir le fanatisme religieux,
  2612; Lettre a l'Assemblee Nationale en lui
  envoyant la lettre qu'il a adressee au Roi, 2610;
  Lettre a l'Assemblee Nationale du 17 Septembre
  1792, 2619; Lettre a la Convention Nationale,
  du 30 Septembre, 1792, 2621; Le Ministre
  de l'Interieur aux Parisiens, 2636; Rapport
  sur les precautions prises relativement aux evene-
  ments du 22 Juin, 1792, 2611
  See also Champy, 2613; Donnez-nous du Pain,
  3661; Reponses au Prussien Clootz, 3655
Roland de la Platiere, Marie Jeanne Philipon,
  Appel a l'Impartiale Posterite, 236
Roland le Virloys, Dictionnaire d'Architecture, 4206
Rolle, Denys, 4037
Rolle, Henry, Abridgment des plusieurs cases et
  resolutions del Common Ley, 1786
Rollin, Charles, Histoire ancienne des Egyptiens, 127
Roma antica ricercate, 4196
Roma Illustrata, 117
Roma vetus ac recens utriusque AEdificis illustrata, 4195
Romae Antiquae Notitia, 114
Roman History, 100
Romances de Germania de Varios Autores, 4419
Romans, Bernard, Concise Natural History of East
  and West-Florida, 4079
Romanzoff, Nicolas de, Tableau du Commerce de la
  Russie, 3601; see also 4737
Rome de L'Isle, J. B. Louis de, Action du Feu
  Central demontree nulle a la Surface du Globe, 644
Romeyn, John Brodhead, Two Sermons, 1702
Romish Horseleech, 1536
Ronaldson, James, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son (Cobbett's Weekly Political Register), 3420
Ronconi, Ignazio, Dizionario d'agricoltura, 735
Roscoe, William: Address at the opening of the
  Botanic Garden of Liverpool, 1085; Catalogue of
  Plants in the Botanic Garden at Liverpool, 1086;
  Considerations on the Causes . . . of the present
  War, 3361; Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth,
  171; Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, 170; correspon-
  dence concerning, 171, 1086
Rose, George: Answer to the Reply to the supposed
  Treasury pamphlet, 2774; Proposed system of trade
  with Ireland explained, 2984
Rose, Samuel, editor, Comyns, Digest of the Laws
  of England, 1793
Rose, Toussaint, 200
Ross, Alexander, Virgilius Evangelisans, 4493
Ross, James, Short, Plain, Comprehensive, Practical
  Latin Grammar, 4786
Rossi, Filippo de: Ritratto di Roma Antica, 4192;
  Ritratto di Roma Moderna, 4193
Rotherham, John, Observations on the Proposed
  Plan for an Universal Standard of Weights and
  Measures, 3757
Rouelle, John, Complete Treatise on the Mineral
  Waters of Virginia, 671
Rouland, Tableau historique des proprietes et des
  phenomenes de l'air, 844
Rousseau, Jean, 2523
Rousseau, Jean Jacques: Letters on the elements of
  Botany, 1060; Treatise on the social compact, 2338
Roussel de La Tour: Richesse de l'Etat, 2428;
  see also 2433
Rousselot de Surgy, Jacques Philibert: Histoire
  Naturelle et Politique de la Pensylvanie, 4025;
  translator, Horrebow, 3871
Roux, Augustin, Dictionnaire Domestique portatif,
Rouzet de Falmon, J. M., Opinion concernant le
  jugement de Louis XVI, 2656
Rowe, Nicholas: Works, 4545; translator,
  Lucan, 4295
Rowlands, Richard, 330
Rowlett, John, Tables of Discount, 3691
Roy, abbe, 2288
Royal Literary Fund, 2326
Royal Society of London: First book printed by
  order of, 793; Philosophical Transactions,
  abridged 3751; Philosophical Transactions, Vol.
  LXXIV, 3752; Jefferson on, 3751
Royal Treasury of England, 2955
Rozier, Francois, 787
Ruddiman, Thomas: Grammaticae Latinae, 4782;
  Rudiments of the Latin Tongue, 4783; see also 4778
Rudiments Fidei Christianae, 1515
Rudiments of English Grammar, 4848
Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue,
Rudiments of Music, 4252
Rudiments of the Latin Tongue, 4783
Ruhliere, Claude-Carloman de, Histoire de
  l'Anarchie de Pologne, 255
Ruines, Les, 1277, 1278
Ruins of Athens, 4189
Ruins of Balbec, 4188
Ruiter, Michel Adriaanszoon van, 293
Rule of Life, in select sentences, 1343
Rules and articles for the better government of the
  troops, 1987
Rules and Orders of the Court of King's Bench at
  Westminster, 1733
Rules and Orders of the High Court of Chancery, 1732
Rules and Orders of the High Court of Chancery for
  regulating the Practice of the said Court, 1729
Rules for Drawing the several Parts of Architecture,
Rules for Playing in a True Taste on the Violin
  German Flute Violoncello and Harpsichord, 4255
Rules for the Government and Conduct of an Army, 1150
Rulhiere, Claude Carolman de, Histoire de
  l'Anarchie de Pologne, 255
Rumford, Count, 1182, 3867
Rumsey, James: Explanation of a steam engine,
  1217; see also 1225, 1218; correspondence with
  Jefferson, 1218
Rural Economy, Johnson, 1178, V, 1178
Rural Economy, Young, 705
Rural Socrates, 705
Ruscelli, Girolamo, 79
Rush, Benjamin: Account of the Sugar Maple-Tree
  of the United States, a letter to Thomas Jefferson,
  677; Eulogium in Honor of the late Dr. William
  Cullen, 523; Eulogium intended to perpetuate the
  memory of David Rittenhouse, 680; Inquiry into the
  Effects of Ardent Spirits, 980; Inquiry into the
  various sources of the usual forms of Summer &
  Autumnal disease in the US, 922; Medical Inquiries
  and Observations, 962; Observations upon the
  Origin of the malignant bilious or Yellow Fever,
  976; Observations upon the present Government of
  Pennsylvania, 3128; Oration delivered before the
  American Philosophical Society, 4677; Six Intro-
  ductory Lectures, 979; Sixteen Introductory Lectures,
  961; Three Lectures upon Animal Life, 967
  See also Brown, John, 897; Cobbett, William,
  3222; Cutbush, Edward, 914; Ewell,
  Thomas, 978; Mease, James, 968; Nisbet,
  Richard, 1380
  Connection with Jefferson's religious sylla-
  bus, 1661; credits Jefferson with the in-
  vention of the word "vaccination," 979;
  his part in the reconciliation of John
  Adams and Jefferson, 4659; his rules for
  the health of Lewis and Clark in their
  expedition, 4168; Jefferson's opinion of,
  as a doctor, 922
  Correspondence with Jefferson: On Adams's
  homespun, 4659; Batture proceedings,
  3501; Cuvier's Anatomie, 999; Eulogium on
  Cullen, 523; on Rittenhouse, 680; Jeffer-
  son on mathematics, IV, 1; Notes on Vir-
  ginia, 4167; on the philosophers, 1314,
  1324; on his religious syllabus, 1661; La-
  tude, 219; Lewis and Clark expedition,
  4168; Rush's lectures, 961, 967, 979; on
  James Rush's pamphlet, 992; yellow fever,
  922, 976
Rush, James, Inquiry into the Use of the Omentum,
Rush, John, Elements of Life, 981
Rush, Richard; Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Baxter's History, 405; Jefferson's religious
  syllabus, 1661; note on, V, 1661
Rush-Light, 3222
Rushworth, John, Historical Collections, 2723
Russell, Jonathan, Whole Truth, 3455
Russell, William: History of Modern Europe, 161;
  translator, Thomas, Antoine Leonard, 1349
Russell, William, 2903, 2904
Russen, David, 1543
Rusticus, pseud., Dickinson, John, 3121
Ruston, Thomas, Remarks on Lord Sheffields Ob-
  servations on the Commerce of the American States,
Rutherford, John, Letter from Jefferson, 3760
Rutledge, Edward, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son, 4167
Rutledge, James: Essai sur le Caractere et les
  Moeurs des Francois, 3887; Essais politique sur
  l'etat actuel de quelques puissances, 2685
Rutledge, John, Examination of the Question, Who
  is the writer of two forged Letters, 3300, V, 3300
Rutledge, John, Jr., Letter from Jefferson, IV,
Rycaut, Sir Paul, History of the Present State of the
  Ottoman Empire, 324
Rye House Plot, 367
Ryley, William, Placita Parlamentaria, 2889


S., J., History of Monastical Conventions, 626
Saboly, Nicolas de, Recueil des Noels Provenceaux,
Saboureux de La Bonnetrie, C. F., Traduction
  d'Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs a l'Agriculture,
Sacco di Roma, 166
Sacheverell, Henry, Tryal of Dr Henry Sacheverell,
Sacontala; or, The Fatal Ring, 4435
Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum, 4710
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper explain'd, 1638
Sacred Classics defended, 4715
Sacy, Isaac Louis Lempistre de, 4771
Sacy, Louis de, 4631
Sagard-Theodat, Gabriel, Grand Voyage du Pays
  des Hurons, 3991
Sagittarius's Letters and Political Speculation, 3079
St. Amand, George, Historical Essay on the legisla-
  lative power of England, 2876
Saintard, P., Essai sur les Colonies Francoises, 2539
St. Augustine, Confessions, 1590
Saint-Aulaire, Yrieix Beaupoil, Lettre sur l'His-
  toire de M. de Latude, 2451
St. Barnabas, 1501
Saint Domingo: Barbe-Marbois, 2548; Barre
  Saint-Venant, 2541; Bart, 2540; Baudry des
  Lozieres, 4076; Betrand de Molleville, 2560;
  Confederation de tous les Princes de l'Europe, 2603;
  Correspondence secrete, 1384; Gregoire, 1388;
  Inquiry into the causes of the Insurrection, 2604;
  Journal des Colonies, No. XVII, 2639; La
  Luzerne, 2556; Mahy de Cormere, 2593;
  Mirbeck, 2562; Moreau de Saint-Mery, 4155;
  Ordonnance, 2311; Origine des Malheurs, 2865;
  Pons, 2584; Puysegur, 4170; Raymond, 1390;
  Raynal, 2530; Reflexions sur le code noir, 1387;
  Sonthonax, 2678; tracts relative to, 2531-2538
St. Elizabeth, Historia succincta, 276
Saint-Evremond, C. de Margotelle de St. Denys,
  Oeuvres meslees, 4425
Saint Germain, J.J. de, Manuel des Vegetaux, 1059
Saint Gervais, de, Memoires Historiques, 319
St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Opera, 1589
St. Ignatius, Epistolae, 1501
Saint-John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke: Col-
  lection of Political Tracts, 2735; Craftsman, 2732;
  Craftsman extraordinary (1729), 2763; Craftsman
  extraordinary. By John Trot, 2766; Dissertation
  upon parties, 2736; Letter to Sir William Windham,
  2731; Letters on the study and use of History, 2734;
  Patriot King, 2737; Philosophical Works, 1265;
  Reflections concerning innate moral Principles, 1241;
  Remarks on the history of England, 2733; Second
  Craftsman extraordinary, 2765; see also 2960
  Jefferson on, 1265
Saint-Just, A. L. L. de, Opinion concernant le
  jugement de Louis XVI, 2646
Saint-Lambert, Charles Francois de, translator,
  Jefferson, Act for establishing Religious Freedom,
  2566, V, 2566
Saint-Memin, Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret,
  Portrait by, 2134
Saint-Paul, N. D. F. de: Essai sur l'avantage des
  richesses fictives, 2866; Possibilite d'eteindre les
  dettes publiques, 2867
Saint-Real, Cesar Vichard, Oeuvres de Mr l'abbe
  de Saint-Real, 4922
Saint-Simon, Maximilien Henri, Histoire de la
  guerre des Alpes, 210
Saladin, Charles, Coup d'oeil politique sur le
  Continent, 163
Saladin, Jean Baptiste Michel, Rapport au nom
  de la commission des vingt-un, pour l'examen de la
  conduite des representants du peuple Billaud-
  Varennes, 2680
Sale, George, 1457
Salem Female Charitable Society, 1701
Salkeld, William, Reports of Cases adjudged in the
  Court of King's Bench, 2073
Sallustius Crispus, Caius: Opera omnia (1710),
  56; (1725), 58; (1746), 55; (1749), 57
Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck, Constance Marie de
  Theis, Eloge historique de M. de La Lande, 428
Salmasius, Claudius, editor: Achilles Tatius,
  4324; Historiae Augustae, 83; Solinus, 3832
Salmon, Thomas: Modern History, 155, V, 155;
  New Abridgement and critical review of the State
  Trials, 1959; Nouvel abrege chronologique de
  l'Histoire d'Angleterre, 385; editor, State Trials,
  1951, 1952; note on, 155, 385
Salmon, William, Phylaxa Medicina, 866
Salt Works, Plan of, 1203
Saltonstall, Wye, 4799
Salvini, Anton Maria, translator: Anacreon,
  4404; Hesiod and Proclus, 4463; Homer, 4277;
  Theocritus, 4380; Xenophon of Ephesus,
  4325, 4344, 4345
Salzmann, Friedrich Rudolf, Book from his
  library, 29; note on, V, 29
Sammet, Samuel, 4625
Sampson, George Vaughan, Statistical Survey of
  the County of Londonderry, 442
Sampson, William: Memoirs, 441; Trial of Capt.
  Henry Whitby, 3409; correspondence, 441, 442
Sanchez, Francisco, De Causis Linguae Latinae
  Commentarius, 4779
Sancho, Ignatius, Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho,
  an African, 4640
Sanchuniathon, Phoenician History, 5; see also 1500
Sanctorius, Sanctorius, Medicina Statica, 899
Sanderson, Robert, De juramenti promissorii obliga-
  tione, 1402
Sandras de Courtilz, Gatien de, Histoire des
  Promesses illusoires, 1441
Sandys, George, Travels, 3905
San Roman [De Ribandeneyra], Antonio,
  Historia general de la Yndia Oriental, 307
Sans Culottes, 2633
Sanson, Nicolas, Tables Geographiques des Divi-
  sions du Globe Terrestre, 3841
Sanvitale, Federigo, Elementi di Architetura Civile,
Sargeant, Ezra, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Edingurgh Review, 4733; printing of Jefferson's
  proceedings in the Batture Case, 3501
Sarpi, Paolo: Historia del Concilio Tridentino, 615;
  Historie of the Councel of Trent, 616; see also 617,
Sarsfield, comte de, Letter from Jefferson, III,
Saul, Tragedie tiree de l'Ecriture Sainte par Mr. de
  V., 1283
Saunders, Sir Edmund, Reports, 2060
Saunderson, Nicholas: Elements of Algebra, 3671;
  Method of Fluxions, 3676
Saussure, Horace Benedict de, Voyages dans les
  Alpes, 3880
Savage, Richard, Progress of a Divine, 2841
Savary, Claude Etienne, Lettres sur l'Egypte, 3949
Savary des Brulons, 2101, 2102
Savile, Sir Henry, editor, Rerum Anglicarum
  Scriptores, 339
Savile, Sir John, Reports, 2028
Saxe, Maurice, Reveries, 1147
Say, Jean-Baptiste, Traite d'Economie politique,
  3547; see also 2938
Sayre, Stephen, Case of Stephen Sayre, 3295
Scaliger, Joseph Justus, editor: Manilius, 4492;
  Orpheus, 4391; Seneca, 1323
Scamozzi, Vicenzo: Cinq Ordres d'Architecture,
  4178; Discorsi sopra l'Antichita di Roma, 4194;
  Mirror of Architecture, 4179
Scapula, Johann: Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum,
  4761; Scapulae lexicon, 4772
Scarronides: or, Virgile Travestie, 4506
Scheele, Karl Wilhelm: Memoires de chymie, 827;
  Traite chimique de l'air et du feu, 826
Scheffer, Johann, Lapponia, 247
Scheme and conduct of Providence, 1601
Scheme demonstrating the Perfection and Harmony of
  Sounds, 4251
Scheuchzer, Johann Gaspar, 313
Schlegel, Johann Frederik Wilhelm, Neutral
  Rights, 2128
Schmid, George Louis, Principes de la legislation
  universelle, 2340
Schmidt, Fryderyk August, Abrege chronologique
  de l'histoire de Pologne, 254
Schneider, Johann Gottlob, 4124
Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher: Historical
  and chronological view of Roman Law, 2210;
  Treatise on the Maritime laws of Rhodes, 2124
Schone Landbaukunst, 4224
Schoppe, Caspar, 4779
Schouten, Wouter, Voyage aux Indes Orientales,
Schrevelius, Cornelis, editor: Curtius Rufus, 27;
  Lucan, 4293
Schryver, Cornelius de, 244
Schutz, Christian Gottfried, 4525
Schuyler, Philip, Letter to Jefferson, 3760
Schwartz, M., pseud., Condorcet, 1376
Science applied to domestic use, Jefferson on,
Science, Jefferson's preference for over politics,
  III, 1
Scientific and descriptive catalogue of Peale's Museum,
Scipion d'Arnal, 1219
Scobell, Henry: Collection of several Acts of Parlia-
  ment, 2926; Memorials of the method and manner
  of proceedings in Parliament in passing bills, 2879
Scott, George, editor, Memoires of Sir James
  Melvil of Hal-Hill, 435
Scott, Joseph: Geographical Description of the
  States of Maryland and Delaware, 4171; New and
  Universal Gazetteer, 3840; United States Gazetteer,
  4022; correspondence concerning, 3840, 4171
Scott, Le Baron, Aerostat dirigeable a volonte, 1121
Scott, Robert, 11
Scott, Thomas, 1471, V, 1471
Scripta versionem Ulphilanam et Linguam Moese-
  Gothicam illustrantia, 4859
Scriptores Rei Rusticae, 689
Scriptorum de Iure Nautico et Maritimo, 2122
Scriptural Account of the Millennium, 1609
Scrivener's Guide, 1943
Scroggs, Sir William, Practice of Courts-Leet and
  Courts-Baron, 1879; see also 2703
Sealed Book of Charles II, 1507
Seaman's Desiderata, 3807
Seances des Ecoles Normales, 4894
Seasons, The, 4392
Seber, Wolfgang, Argus Homericus, 4274
Second arrete du Parlement, du treize Juillet, 2485
Second Book of Judgements, 1923
Second Census, 3289
Second Craftsman extraordinary, 2765
Second Letter from Phocion, 3150
Second Letter to the Reverend John Blair Linn, 1663
Second Memoire a consulter et Consultation pour Jean
  Charles-Vincent de Bette d'Etienville, 2235, 2257
Second Memoire pour la Demoiselle Le Guay d'Oliva,
  2246, 2268
Second Part of an Argument against excises, 2960
Second Rapport du Grand-Juge relatif aux trames du
  nomme Drake, 2864
Second Voyage a la Louisiane, 4076
Seconda Part delle historie dell' India, 4114
Seconde lettre contre la Compagnie d'Assurances, 2449
Seconde opinion du citoyen Morisson concernant le
  jugement de Louis XVI, 2648
Secret Histories, Novels and Poems, 4361
Sectionum Conicarum Elementa Methodo, 3741
Seddon, John, editor, Form of Prayer for Protestant
  Dissenters at Liverpool, 1513
Sedgwick & Co., 3517
Sedley, Sir Charles, Works, 4590
Seeley, B., Stowe: a Description, 4229
Seemingly experimental religion, 1693
Segrais, Jean Regnauld, Sieur de, 4354
Seguier, Antoine Louis, 2275
Segunda parte dela Historia general de las Indias, 4116
Segur, Louis Philippe, History of the Principal
  Events of the Reign of Frederic William II, King
  of Prussia, 267
Sejournant, Nicolas de, Nouveau Dictionnaire
  Espagnol-Francois et Latin, 4817
Selden, John: Mare Clausum (1636), 1420;
  (English, 1663), 1421; Of the Judicature in
  Parliaments, 2887; Opera Onnia, 4920
  See also Bacon, Nathaniel, 2714; Champagne,
  2115; Drayton, 4468; Eadmer, 336; Fleta,
  1772; Fortescue, 1775
Select Architecture, 4219
Select Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court
  of Chancery, 1751
Select Cases in B. R. 22, 23, & 24, 2055
Select Collection of Tracts, 2465
Select Tracts relating to the Colonies, 3049
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, 89
Selecta Poemata Italorum, 4384
Selection of Patriotic Addresses, 3525
Selection of Pleadings in Civil Actions, 2156
Self-homicide: Donne, John, 1631; Dumas,
  Jean, 1632; Miller, 1677
Selkirk, Alexander: Dampier, William, 4145;
  Dover, Thomas, 888; note on, V, 888
Sellius, Godfried, translator, Christ, J. F.,
  Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, 4241
Sempere y Guarinos, Juan, Historia del Luxo, 176
Semple, James George, Northern Hero, 401
Senac de Meilhan, Gabriel, Considerations sur
  l'Esprit et les Moeurs, 1344
Senator of the United States, pseud., Martin,
  Alexander, 3208
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus: OEuvres, 1324; Opera,
  1324; Seconde Tragedie entituled Thyesyes, 4534;
  Sententiae, 1323; Sixt Tragedie, 4535; Tragedia
  Prima, 4533; Tragoediae, 4532; Workes, 1325;
  Jefferson on, 1324
Senex, John, 4237
Sennert, Andreas, Chaldaismus & Syriasmus, 4748
Sententiae Historicorum, 113
Sententiae Pueriles, 4790
Sentimens d'un Republicain, 2468
Sentimental Journey, 4335
Sentiments upon Religion of Reason and Nature,
Sentinel of Freedom, 552
Sepmanville, 4170
Septuagint, First translation of into English,
Septuaginta Interpretum, 1459
Series of Answers to certain Popular Objections, 3057
Serious address to the Rulers of America, 1373
Serious Address to the Rulers of America in general,
Serious considerations on the election of a President,
Serious enquiries into the motives of our present arma-
  ment against Russia, 2796
Serious expostulation with the Members of the House
  of Representatives of the United States, 1379
Serious Expostulation with the Society of Friends in
  Pennsylvania, 3365
Serlio, Sebastiano, Architecture Liber Septimus,
Sermon on the relations of the Christian Ministry, 1573
Sermon on the Second Coming of Christ, 1672
Sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for
  the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1574
Sermon preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, 1572
Sermons and Discourses on several subjects and occa-
  sions, 1563
Sermons de M. Massillon, eveque de Clermont, 1571
Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, de la Compagnie de
  Jesus, 1570
Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, 1569
Sermons on the following subjects, Clarke, 1561
Sermons on the following subjects, Foster, 1565
Sermons preached upon several occasions, Calamy, 1567
Sermons preached upon several Occasions, South, 1564
Serres, Jean de, 1309
Serres, Olivier de, Theatre d'Agriculture et Mesnage
  des Champs, 693
Servan, Antoine Joseph Michel, Adresse aux amis
  de la paix, 2575
Servieres, Baron de, 212
Servius Honoratus, Marcus, 4280
Seventeen Sermons on several Occasions, 1562
Seventy-Six Association, 4687
Several Discourses preached at the Temple Church,
Several Essays in political arithmetick, 2937
Several Methods by which meridianal lines may be
  found with ease, 3779
Several proceedings and Resolutions in the House of
  Peers, in relation to the Lords impeached, 2910
Severus, Sulpicius, Opera Omnia quae extant, 610
Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin Chantal, Lettres, 4637
Sewel, Willem, Large Dictionary English and Dutch,
Sewell, George: Philips, John, 4518; Pitcairne,
  Archibald, 905
Shadwell Library, Books from: Cervantes, 4347;
  Drelincourt, 1604; Florus, 63; Home, Henry,
  Ld. Kames, 1254; Hume, David, 370; Iso-
  crates, 4666; Kennett, Basil, 114; Livy, 53;
  Warner, F., 438, 439
Shaftesbury, Earl of, 1258
Shakers 1707
Shakespeare, William: Plays of William Shakes-
  peare, 4539; Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare,
  See also Capell, Edward, 4541; Montagu,
  Elizabeth, 4711; Richardson, William,
  Shakespeare concordance, 4542
Sharaf Ad-Din'Ali, Yazdi, Histoire de Timur-Bec,
Sharks of Africa, Petition of, 2802
Sharp, Granville: Declaration of the people's natural
  right to a share in the legislature, 3069; General Plan
  for laying out Towns in Townships, 4045; letter
  from Franklin quoted, 1510
Shattuck, George Cheyne, Three Dissertations on
  Boylston Prize Questions, 986, V, 986
Shaw, John, 4313
Shaw, Peter, New practice of physic, 882
Shaw, Thomas, Travels, or Observations relating to
  several Parts of Barbary and the Levant, 3946
Shawnee vocabularies, 4050
Shecut, John Linnaeus Edward W., Flora
  Carolinaeensis, 1076
Shee, John, 1164
Sheffield, Earl of. See Holroyd, John Baker,
  Earl of Sheffield
Shelton, Maurice, 4854
Shelton, Thomas, Tachy-Graphy, 1127
Shenstone, William, Works in Verse and Prose,
Sheppard, William: Grand Abridgment, 1788;
  President of Presidents, 1906; Touchstone of
  Common Assurances, 1944; see also 2029
Sheridan, Charles Francis, History of the late
  Revolution in Sweden, 261
Sheridan, Thomas: Course of Lectures on Elocu-
  tion, 4655; Rhetorical Grammar of the English
  Language, 4847
Sheriff's Accompts, 1948
Sheringham, Robert, De Anglorum Gentis Origine
  Disceptatio, 332
Sherlock, Thomas: Several Discourses preached at
  the Temple Church, 1566; Use and Intent of
  Prophecy, 1602
Sherlock, William, Practical Discourse concerning
  Death, 1603
Shipley, Jonathan: Sermon preached before the
  Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the
  Gospel, 1574; Speech intended to have been spoken
  on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony
  of Massachusett's Bay, 3083
Shippen, Thomas Lee, Letter from Jefferson,
  3886; see also IV, 358
Shipton, James, 869
Short, Thomas: Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Milk,
  Made-Wines, 917; Natural, Experimental and
  Medicinal History of the Mineral Waters of Derby-
  shire, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, 1093
Short, William, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Barthelemy, 41; Bastille Devoilee, 218; Bibli-
  otheque Physico-Economique, 1095; Buffon, 1024;
  Census of 1791, 3160; Cervantes, 4347; Cicero,
  4912; Cointeraux and Pise building, 1177;
  Cortes, 3899, 4120; Desgodets, 4198; Ephe-
  merides, 654; Epictetus, 1299, 4914; Fenno,
  542; Frederic II, 270; Fulton on canal navi-
  gation, 1230; Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, 4167;
  Jesus of Nazareth as a reformer, II, 89; Mag-
  nien-Grandpre, 3606; Molina, 4159; Moreau,
  2873; Necker, Jacques, 1520; Paine's Rights of
  Man, 542, 2826; Piranesi, 4197; Plato and
  Socrates, 1309; Ramsay, D., 488, V, 488;
  Ritchie, T., 575; Rochon, 3582 (for Short's
  copy of Rochon, see 3805); Rumsey, 1217;
  Seneca, 1324; Socrates, 1307; Tacitus, 81;
  Tallyrand-Perigord's Proposition on Weights and
  Measures, 3760, 3761; Virgil's tomb, 4282;
  Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, 4806;
  Wilhelmine of Bayreuth, 271; note on, V, 218
Short and easy method with Deists, 1684
Short and Plain Instruction for the better Under-
  standing of the Lord's Supper, 1639
Short Description of the State of Tennessee, 3541
Short History of Barbados, 465
Short History of late ecclesiastical oppressions in New
  England, 3209
Short History of the British Empire, 403
Short History of the Nature and consequences of excise
  laws, 3183
Short History of the opposition, 3137
Short Introduction of Grammar generally to be used,
Short Introduction to English Grammar, 4842
Short Introduction to Grammar, Latin and English,
Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, 1256
Short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston, 3078
Short, Plain, Comprehensive, Practical Latin Grammar,
Short Review of the political state of Great-Britain,
Short System of comparative Anatomy, 1000
Short Treatise on the Game of Whist, 1175
Shortest Way to end Disputes about Religion, 1535
Shorthand, Books on: Carey, 1133; Pelham,
  1129; Shelton, 1127; Weston, 1128
Shorthand writing by Jefferson, 2321
Shower, Sir Bartholomew: Cases in Parliament
  resolved and adjudged, 2067; Compleat English
  Copyholder, 2004; Reports, 2066; see also 2060
Sibyllina, Oracula, 1454
Siderfin, Sir Thomas, Reports, 2059
Sidney, Algernon: Discourses concerning Govern-
  ment, 2330; see also Filmer, Sir Robert, 2329;
  Political Classics, 2338
Sidney, Algernon, pseud., Granger, Gideon, 3301,
Sidney, Sir Philip, 4554
Siege of Damascus. A Tragedy, 4558
Sierra Leone Company: Report of the Committee,
  2874; Jefferson on, 2874, 3240
Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph: Editor, Instruction
  donnee par S. A. S. Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans;
  2513; establishes the Assemblee Nationale,
  2571; note on, V, 2513
Sigaud de la Fond, Jean Rene: Essai sur differentes
  especes d'air fixe, 845; translator, Musschenbroek,
Sigonio, Carlo, Republica Hebraeorum, 2461
Sike, Heinrich, editor, Evangelium Infantiae, 4745
S'il est permis de faire arreter un Ambassedeur, 1422
Silhouette, Etienne de, Memoires des Commis-
  saires du Roi, 1452
Silius Italicus, T. C. A., De Bello Punico, 4315
Silvestre, A. F. Baron de: Essai sur les moyens de
  perfectionner les arts economiques, 777; Rapport sur
  les Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture du Departe-
  ment de la Seine, 730
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Medal for
  the mould board of least resistance, 729;
  Memoires de la Societe, 730, 776; de Serres,
  Olivier, 693
Simaire, 2272-2279
Simcoe, John Graves, Remarks on the Travels of
  the Marquis de Chastellux, 4040
Simon, Pedro, Noticias historiales de la Conquistas
  de tierra firme en las Indias Occidentales, 4111
Simons, James, Rallying Point for all true friends to 
  their country, 3227
Simplicius, 1301
Simplification des Langues Orientales, 4747
Simpson, Thomas: Doctrine and Application of
  Fluxions, 3677; Treatise of Algebra, 3674
Sims, William, Rates of Merchandize, 3613
Sinclair, Sir John: Address to the Landed Interest
  on the Corn Bill, 3594; Address to the Society for
  the Improvement of British Wool, 663; Appendix to
  the History of the Public Revenue, 2939, V, 2939;
  Crise de l'Europe, 2992; Essay on Longevity, 985;
  General View of the agriculture of the northern
  counties and Islands of Scotland, 753; Hints re-
  specting the culture and the use of potatoes, 752;
  History of the public revenue of the British Empire,
  2939; Introductory Observations, 728; On the
  political state of Europe, 2698, 2870; Plan for
  establishing a Board of Agriculture, 747; Plan of
  an Agreement among the Powers of Europe, 748;
  Plan of the Reprinted Reports of the Board of Agri-
  culture, 726, 732; Prospectus d'un Ouvrage intitule
  Analyse de l'Etat Politique d'Ecosse, 3597; Report
  of the County of Banff, 733; Specimen of the Sta-
  tistical Account of Scotland, 3596; Specimen of
  statistical reports, 746; Substance of Sir John Sin-
  clair's Address to the Board, 749
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Binns, J.
  A., 721; British wool, 663; corn laws, 3594;
  Jefferson's membership of the London Board
  of Agriculture and his mould board of
  least resistance, 767; pamphlets, 728, 985,
  2870, 3596, 3597; plan of a new town,
  3859; statistical reports, 746; uniformity
  of weights and measures, 3757
Sirr, Charles Henry, 2857
Situation actuelle des finances de la France et de
  l'Angleterre, 2948
Six Introductory Lectures, 979
Six Letters on the Intrigues, Apostacy and Ambition of
  Dr. Michael Leib, 3430
Sixteen Introductory Lectures, 961
Sixtus V, Pope, 614
Skelton, Elizabeth, autograph signature in The
  Christian's Duty, 1622
Skelton, Martha [Jefferson], autograph signature
  in Fenelon, 4307
Skelton, Reuben, Books from his library:
  Acherely, 2711; Bower, 613; Cicero, 1318,
  4635; Covert, 1943; D'Anvers, 1790; Gordon,
  2739; Harwood, 66; Hawkins, 1785; History
  and Proceedings, 2927, 2928; Hutcheson, 1257;
  Le Blane, 4636; Pliny, 4632; Richardson,
  1918, Riccoboni, 4706; Salmon, 1959; Stan-
  ley, 34; tenants law, 1998; Trenchard, 2738;
  Universal History, 128; Watson, 2143; see also
  V, 86, 2927
Sketch of a Plan and Method of Education, 1112
Sketch of the Finances of the United States, 3523
Sketch of the Revolutions in Chemistry, 848
Sketch of the Saxon Heptarchy, 3380
Sketches & Propositions recommending the establish-
  ment of an independent System of Banking, 3400
Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana,
Sketches of the History of America, 3516
Sketches of the History of France. By an American,
Sketches of the Natural, Civil and Political State of
  Swisserland, 3878
Sketches of the Principles of Government, 2361
Sketches on Rotations of Crops (1796), 714; (1797),
Skinner, Robert, Reports of Cases, 2069
Skinner, Stephen, Etymologicon Linguae Angli-
  canae, 4873
Skipwith, Fulwar, Two Letters to General Arm-
  strong, 2683; see also 219, V, 219
Skipwith, Robert, Jefferson's letter and cata-
  logue of August 3, 1771, mentioned or quoted:
  Introduction to Chapter XXXIV, IV, 433;
  Shakespeare, 4538; Sidney, A., 2330; Sterne,
Slack, Mrs., 1117
Slave Representation, 3411
Slave ship, Plan of, probably by Jefferson, 1382
Slavery, Jefferson on: Brissot de Warville, 1374;
  Buchanan, 2816; Gregoire, 1398; Homer, 4270
Slavery, Tracts on: Adresse a l'Assemblee Na-
  tionale pour l'Abolition de la Traite des Noirs, 1385;
  Benezet, Caution to Great Britain, 1371; Brana-
  gan, Avenia, 4515; Branagan, Preliminary Essay,
  1394; Brissot de Warville. Discours, 1374;
  Brissot de Warville, Lettre a M. Barnave, 1389;
  Brissot de Warville, Memoire sur les Noirs de
  l'Amerique, 1383; Buchanan, Oration, 2816;
  Caines, History of the General Council, 1401;
  Clarkson, History of the Abolition of the African
  Slave Trade, 1400; Claviere, Adresse de la Societe
  des Amis des Noirs, 1382; Condorcet, Reflexions
  sur l'Esclavage des Negres, 1376; Cooper, Serious
  Address to the Rulers of America, 1373; Correspon-
  dence secrete, 1384; Gregoire, De la litterature des
  Negres, 1398; Gregoire, Enquiry concerning the
  intellectual and moral faculties of Negroes, 1399;
  Lettre aux Philanthropes, 1388; Lamiral, M.
  Lamiral refute par lui-meme, 1386; Mifflin,
  Serious Expostulation, 1379; Moreau de Saint-
  Mery, Considerations presentes, 1391; Nisbet,
  Slavery not forbidden, 1380; Petition nouvelle des
  Citoyens de Couleur, 1393; Peyroux de la Coudre-
  niere, Lettres sur l'Etat primitif de l'Homme, 1369,
  1378; Proceedings for the Abolition of slavery, 1381;
  Ramsay, Essay on the Treatment of African slaves,
  1377; Ramsay, Inquiry into the Effects of putting
  a stop to the African Slave Trade, 1370; Ray-
  mond, Observations, 1390; Reflexions sur le Code
  Noir, 1387; Rice, Slavery not inconsistent with
  Justice, 1675; Slave Representation by Boreas,
  3411; Societe des Amis des Noirs a Arthur Dillon,
  1392; Tucker, Dissertation on Slavery, 2818;
  Webster, Effects of Slavery, 2817; Woods,
  Thoughts on the Slavery of the Negroes, 1372
Slavery inconsistent with Justice and Good Policy, 1675
Slavery not forbidden by the Scriptures, 1380
Sleidanus, Johannes, Abrege chronologique de l'his-
  toire universelle, 153
Sloane, Sir Hans: Kaempfer, E., History of Japan
  313; Leslie, Charles, Histoire de la Jamaique,
  4154; see also V, 313
Small-Pox, Jefferson on: Coxe, J. R., 953;
  Jenner, J. C., 954; Waterhouse, 945, 946
Small-Pox, Tracts on: Address of the Royal
  Jennerian Society, 948; Aikin, C. R., Concise
  View, 955; Coxe, J. R., Practical Observations on
  Vaccination, 953; Douglass, William, Summary,
  447; Jenner, G. C., Evidence at Large, 954;
  Lettsom, J. C., Observations on the Cow-Pock,
  949; Report on Dr. Jenner's Petition, 950; Report
  on the Cow-Pock Inoculation, 951; Societe de
  Medicine, 947; Valentin, L., Resultats de l'in-
  oculation, 952; Waterhouse, B., Prospect of
  exterminating the Small-Pox, Part I, 945; Part II,
Smart, T. B., Republican's Manual, 3348
Smeaton, John, Narrative of the Building of the
  Eddystone Lighthouse, 4213
Smet, Bonaventura de, 24
Smids, Ludolf, 4496
Smith, Adam, Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
  of the wealth of Nations, 3546
Smith, Charles, 1009
Smith, Daniel, Short Description of the State of
  Tennessee, 3541
Smith, Edmund, 4518
Smith, Elihu Hubbard, 1072
Smith, James, Dr.: Commonwealth's Man, 3351;
  To those who have Sworn to support the Constitu-
  tion, 3323; see also 560
Smith, Sir James Edward, 1071
Smith, John (1580-1631), Generall Historie of
  Virginia, 461; see also 622
Smith, John (1747-1807), 1476
Smith, John (1752-1809), Newhampshire Latin
  Grammar, 4788
Smith, John Augustine, editor, Bell, J., Principles
  of Surgery, 858
Smith, Jonathan B., 2826
Smith, Robert, Secretary of the Navy: Bedin-
  ger, Daniel, 3432; letter from Jefferson, 1102
Smith, S. W., 2116
Smith, Samuel (1720-1776), History of the Colony
  of Nova Caesaria, or New-Jersey, 458
Smith, Samuel (1752-1839): Speech on the
  Resolution of Mr Hillhouse, 3459; letter from
  Jefferson, 3436
Smith, Samuel Harrison: Oration, 4690; pub-
  lisher, National Intelligencer, 596; New World,
  570; Universal Gazette, 595
  First meeting with Jefferson, 2826; cor-
  respondence with Jefferson, 4690, v, 4690
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, Essay on the Causes of
  the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human
  Species, 1010
Smith, Sydney, Letters on the Subject of the Catholics,
Smith, Thomas Peters, Sketch of the Revolutions in
  Chemistry, 848
Smith, William (1711-1803): Eulogium on Ben-
  jamin Franklin, 520; Examination of the Connec-
  ticut Claim to lands in Philadelphia, 3143; His-
  torical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio
  Indians, 474; Sermon preached in Christ-Church,
  Philadelphia, 1572; Works, prospectus of, 1673;
  see also 3113
  Correspondence with Jefferson, 956
Smith, William (1728-1793), History of the Prov-
  ince of New-York, 502, V, 502; see also 448
Smith, William Loughton: Eyes opened, or the
  Carolinians convinced, 3181; Pretensions of Thomas
  Jefferson to the Presidency examined, 3174
Smith, William Pitt, 1647
Smith, William Stephens: Remarks on the late
  infraction of Treaty at New-Orleans, 3470; see also
  Biggs, James, History of Miranda's attempt, 4160
  Correspondence with Jefferson: Burney,
  4254; Notes on Virginia, 4167; Pope's
  Homer, 4264; Ramsay, 488
  Book from his library, 1523
Smith's Distillery, 1207
Smollett, Tobias George: Adventures of Roderick
  Random, 4355; Critical Review, 4722
Snetlage, Leonhard Wilhelm, Nouveau Diction-
  naire Francais, 4828
Soames, Sir William, 2903
Sobieski, Jean, 253
Societe d'Agriculture du Departement de la Seine, 693,
  729, 730, 776, 782
Societe d'Arcueil, Memoires de Physique et de Chimie,
Societe d'Emulation de Londres, 3551
Societe de Gens de Lettres, List of members,
Societe de Medicine, 947
Societe de 1789, 2588
Societe des Allobroges, 2623, 2632
Societe des Amis des Noirs a Arthur Dillon, 1392
Societe Olympique de Paris, 4564
Societe Patriotique, 2514
Societies for Reformation of Manners, 1643
Society for Political Enquiries, 3623
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu-
  factures and Commerce, 3739
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in
  Foreign Parts, 472
Society of Artists and Manufacturers of Phila-
  delphia, 3309
Society of Constitutional Republicans, 3338
Society of the Columbian Illuminati, 3280
Society of the Learned, 1359
Socinian Doctrine, Correspondence on, 1569,
  V, 1569
Socrates and Jesus compared, 1661
Socrates, Jefferson on, 1307
Socrates Scholasticus, Historia Ecclesiastica, 607
Soirees de Ferney, 213
Solander, Daniel Charles, 1037
Solinus, Caius Julius, Polyhistor, 3832
Solis, Antonio de: Histoire de la Conqueste du
  Mexique par Fernand Cortez, 4080; Historia de la
  Conquista de Mexico, 4119
Solitude consideree relativement a l'Esprit et au Coeur,
Solorzano Pereira, Juan de, Disputationem de
  Indiarum Iure, 4092
Some Candid Suggestions towards accomodation of
  differences with America, 3095
Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the Bill now
  depending in the House of Lords relating to the
  trade between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar
  Islands, 3047
Some considerations on the national debts, 2761
Some familiar Letters between Mr Locke and several
  of his Friends, 4919
Some General Considerations concerning the alteration
  and improvement of publick revenues, 2970
Some Observations on the Constitution, 3018
Some observations upon a paper, intituled The List,
Some passages taken out of the History of Florence,
Some Remarks and extracts in reply to Mr Pickering's
  Letter on the Embargo, 3452
Somers, John, Baron Somers: Argument on his
  giving Judgment in the Bankers Case, 2015; Judg-
  ment of whole kingdoms and nations, 2712
Somerville, James, Letter from Jefferson, 3766
Somerville, John Southey, Lord: Lettres du lord
  Somerville, du Duc de Bedford, d'Arthur Young a
  Francois sur la Charrue, 781; see also Bakewell,
  Robert, 797; Stone, Thomas, 720
Somerville, Robert, Outlines of the fifteenth chapter
  of the proposed General Report from the Board of
  Agriculture on the subject of manures, 751
Something New, in eight letters to Joseph Meeker,
Sommaire pour la Comtesse de Valois La Motte, 2243;
Sommersett, James, Case of fames Sommersett, a
  Negro, 2019
Somner, William: Treatise of Gavelkind, 2000;
  Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, 4862
Sonnini de Manoncour, C. N. S., Voyage en
  Grece et en Turque, 3915
Sonthonax, Leger Felicite, Proclamation, 2678
Sophocles: Tragoediae (Gr. Lat., 1665), 4522;
  (1745), 4521; (Lat., 1758), 4520; (Eng. 1758,
  1759), 4523
Soren, John, Narrative of Mr John Soren, 3249
Sotheby and Co., 100
Souchay, Jean Baptiste, 4491
Soules, Antoine Prosper: L'Impot simplifie, 2456;
  Societe Patriotique, 2514
Soules, Francois: Histoire des troubles de l'Ameri-
  que anglaise, 484; Vade-Mecum parlementaire,
  2793; Veritable patriotisme, 2454; see also 3076
South, Robert, Sermons preached upon several
  occasions, 1564
South Carolina Agricultural Society, Address
  and Rules, 815
South Carolina, First history of, 504
Southerne, Thomas, Oroonoko. A Tragedy, 4556
Sozoman, Hermias Salamenes, Historia eccle-
  siastica, 607
Spafford, Horatio Gates: Gazetteer of the State
  of New-York, 4172; General Geography, 3828
   Correspondence with Jefferson:  On   his
    works, 3828, 4172; Blackstone, 1806;
    Jefferson's life in Public Characters, 402; the
    potato, whether indigenous to the U. S.,
    1031; Williams' Natural and Civil History of
    Vermont, 457
Spallanzani, Lazzaro:  Dissertazioni di Fisica
  Animale, 1034; Lettera apologetica in riposta alle
  osservazioni sulla digestione del Sig. G. Hunter,
  1049; Opuscoli di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile,
Spangenberg, August Gottlieb: Account of the
  Manner in which the Protestant Church of the
  Unitas Fratrum preach the Gospel, 1544; Exposi-
  tion of Christian Doctrine as taught in the Protestant
  Church of the United Brethren, 1546
Spanish books, Price of, V, 3932
Spanish Constitution, Jefferson on, 2424
Spanish Dictionary, 4818
Spanish Empire in America, 4106
Spark, Thomas, 94
Spark, Will, 470
Sparrman, Anders, Voyage to the Cape of Good
  Hope, 3957
Spartan Lessons, 4397
Species Plantarum, 1067
Specimen Islandiae Historicum, 3870
Specimen of Printing Types, by W. Caslon and Son,
Specimen of the Statistical Account of Scotland, 3596
Specimens of Statistical reports, 746
Spectacle de la Nature, 630
Spectateur Americain, 497
Speech delivered by the Hon. Henry Clay on the bill for
  raising an additional military force, 3419
Speech delivered in Essex County in support of a
  Memorial on the subject of the Alien and Sedition
  Acts, by James Ogilvie, 3195
Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for
  Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusett's
  Bay, 3083
Speech of Albert Gallatin on the important question
  touching the validity of the elections, 3182
Speech of Albert Gallatin upon the Foreign Intercourse
  Bill, 3202
Speech of E. Burke, Esq. on American Taxation, 3081
Speech of Edmund Burke on moving his resolutions for
  conciliation with the Colonies, 3097
Speech of Henry Brougham, Esq. before the House of
  Commons, 3363
Speech of Julien Poydras, Esq. in support of the right
  of the public to the Batture (Feb. 2, 1810), 3488
Speech of Julien Poydras Esq. in support of the right
  of the public to the Batture (March 14, 1810), 3489
Speech of the Right Hon. John Aislabie, 2916
Speeches and Judgement of the Right Honorable the
  Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, 2187, V,
Speeches in the last session of the present Parliament in
  favour of the rights of America, 3099
Speed, John, History of Great Britaine, 356
Speght, Thomas, 4317
Spelman, Edward, 20
Spelman, Sir Henry: English Works, 2721; Glos-
  sarium Archaiologicum, 1809; History and Fate of
  Sacrilege, 627; Terminis Juridicis, De, 2011
Spence, Ferrand, 1357
Spence, Joseph, Polymetis, 4230
Spence, Thomas, 2844
Spence, William, Britain Independent of Commerce,
Spencer, William, editor, Origenis contra Celsum,
Spens, Hary, 2345
Spenser, Edmund, Works, 4316; see also 4713
Spicilegium SS. Patrum, 1592
Spinning and weaving, 1189
Spinoza, Benedict de: Opera posthuma, 1267;
  Tractatus theologico-politicus (1670), 1266; (Eng-
  lish, 1689), 1268
Spon, Jacques, Voyage of d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de
  Grece et du Levant, 3904
Spottiswood, Sir Robert, Practicks of the Laws of
  Scotland, 2182
Sprat, Thomas: Relation of the late wicked con-
  trivance of Stephen Blackhead and Robert Young,
  431; True Account and Declaration of the horrid
  Conspiracy, 367, V, 367; see also 4421
Spurrier, John, Practical Farmer, 702
Squitinio della Liberta Veneta, 2412
Stackhouse, Thomas, New History of the Holy
  Bible, 620
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de: Cor-
  inne ou l'Italie, 4353; Reflexions sur la paix, 2688;
  letter from Jefferson, 4353
Stamma, Philippe, Maniere de jouer aux echecs 1171
Stanford, Sir William, Plees del Coron, 1945
Stanhope, George, translator, Charron, Of Wis-
  dom, 1617
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield:
  Letters to his son Philip Stanhope, 1115; see also
  Economy of Human Life, 1346
Stanley, Thomas: History of Philosophy, 34;
  editor, Aeschylus, 4524
Stanyan, Abraham, Account of Switzerland, 296
Stanyan, Temple, Grecian History, 39
Stapleton, Thomas, 623
State [Geographical] of Britain, 3865
State of the British and French Colonies in North
  America, 4036
State of the Duties payable by Vessels of the United
  States of America, 2291
State of the French Republic at the end of the year
  VIII, 2444
State of the Negotiation, 2810
State of the Prisons in England and Wales, 2364
State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons with
  relation to the impeached Lords, 2909
State of the public debts, 2943
State paper money, 3034
State papers and public documents, III, 283,
  V, 3168a
State Trials (1719-1730), 1951
State Trials (1741), 1952
Statement of the Accounts of the United Stats of
  America, 3165
Statement of the Claim of the Rhode-Island Brigade,
Statement of the facts concerning Joseph Ravara, 3171
Statement of the Proceedings of the Justices of Chatham
  County, Georgia, in the Case of Edward White,
Statement of the Public Accounts of Ireland, 2951
Statement respecting a large cargo of Cannon and
  Arms purchased in France, 2306
Statements in relation to the foreign and domestic
  debt of the United States, 3037
Statical Essays, 709
Statistica Economico-Normale, 3560
Statistical breviary, 2941
Statistical Survey of the County of Londonderry, 442
Statistics, introduced by Sir John Sinclair, 746
Statistique elementaire de la France, 2682
Statius, Publius Papinus, Sylvarum, 4299
Statute-Law  common-plac'd, 1821
Statute Law of Scotland abridged, 2183
Statute of Limitations, 2012
Statutes at Large (1706), 1815
Statutes at Large (1808-1812) 1863
Statutes relating to High Treason, 1949
Staveley, Thomas, Romish Horseleech, 1536
Staynred, P., 3789
Steam Engines: Arnal, 1219; Fitch, 1218;
  Rumsey, 1217
Steele, Sir Richard: Christian Hero, 1620; Funeral,
Steevens, George, 4538, 4539
Stennett, Joseph: Answer to Mr. David Russen's
  Book, 1543; translator, Plato, 1310
Stenography compleated, 1128
Stephen, James: War in Disguise, 2117, 2809;
  reviewed in The Edinburgh Review, 2811
Stephens, Alexander, History of the Wars which
  arose out of the French Revolution, 430
Stereotype printing, History of: Camus, 1136;
  see also Callet, 3696; Code Napoleon, 2218;
  Journal polytype, 1096; Virgil, 4465
Sterne, Laurence: Sentimental Journey, 4335;
  Sermons, II, 138; Works, 4336; see also 1624
Steuart, Mr., 2019
Stevens, Alexander H., Correspondence with
  Jefferson 2219, V, 2219
Stevens, John, of New Jersey, Observations on
  Government, 3003
Stevens, John (d. 1726): Royal Treasury of
  England, 2955; translator, Herrera y Torde-
  sillas, 4108
Stevenson, William, translator, Fenelon, Dia-
  logues concerning Eloquence, 4657
Stewart, James, translator; New Testament into
  Gaelic, 4879
Stewart, John, The Dawn of Sense, 1375
Stiles, Ezra: Oratio Inauguralis habita in Sacello
  Collegii Yalensis, 4674; United States elevated to
  Glory and Honor, 1575
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Bibliotheque
    Physico-Economique, 1095; Connoissance des
    Temps, 3808
Stillingfleet, Edward, Answer to Mr. Locke's
  Letter, 1240
Stirling, John: Abridgment of Pomey's Pantheon,
  4801; editor, Cato 1330; Clavis Virgiliana, 4800;
  Florus, 64; Ovid, 4388; Phaedrus, 4371;
  Virgil, 4283
Stith, William: History of the First Discovery and
  Settlement of Virginia, 463; see also 1824, 4624
Stockdale, John, Books bought from, and cor-
  respondence of: Abercrombie, 804; Adair,
  910, 911; Adams, J., 3004; Andrews, 486;
  Baretti, 4818; Capper, 3933; Colden, 445;
  Constitution of the several independent States of
  America, 3006; Cook, J., 3941; Curtius Rufus,
  28; Dodd, 4540; Evans, Lewis, 3850; Evelyn,
  742; Florus, 64; Giustiniani, 168; Heathcote,
  1359; History of the Internal Affairs of the United
  Provinces, 291; History of the Proceedings in the
  House of Commons, 2933; Hollingsworth, 4014;
  Homer, 4262, 4270; Homer, 4264; Hutton,
  3697; Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 4167; Jef-
  ferys, 3961; Julianus, 89; Kirwan, 650; Lin-
  naeus, 1071; Ludlam, 1213; MacIntosh, 3934;
  Martin, 3726; Monthly Review, 4721; Phaedrus,
  4371; Priestley, 118; Repository, 4901; Schom-
  berg, 2124; Simcoe, 4040; Soules, 484; Sterne,
  4335; Tacitus, 80; Tarleton, 491; Taylor, B.,
  V, 4207; Trusler, 3876; Watson, 180; note on,
  V, 64
Stockler, F. de Borja Garcao, Obras, 175
Stoddard, Amos, Sketches, Historical and Descrip-
  tive, of Louisiana, 4077
Stoics, Jefferson on, 1299
Stokes, William, Tentamen Medicum inaugurale,
  quaedam de Asphyxia, 942
Stone, Edmond, 3794
Stone, Thomas: General View of the Agriculture in
  the county of Essex, 761; Letter to the Right Hon.
  Lord Somerville, 720
Stonington Baptist Association, Minutes, 1683
Storia della Guerra dell'Independenza degli Stati
  Uniti d'America, 509
Storia delle Arti del Disegno, 4247
Stork, William: Description of East-Florida, 4085;
  Extract from the account of East Florida, 4037
Story, Isaac, Oration on the anniversary of the Inde-
  pendence of the United States, 3269
Story, Joseph: Oration pronounced at Salem, 4685;
  Power of Solitude, 4451; Selection of Pleadings in
  civil actions, 2156
Strabo, Rerum Geographicarum, 3820
Strada, Famianus: De Bello Belgico, 284; Guerras
  de Flandes, 285; Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre
  (1659, 1661), 287; (1705), 286
Strahan, William, 2212
Strange, Sir John, Reports of adjudged cases in the
  Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas
  and Exchequer, 2083
Strategematicon, 107
Strategematum, 109
Stratford Jubilee. A New Comedy, 4603
Stratioticos, 1145
Strickland, William: Observations on the Agricul-
  ture of the United States of America, 819
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Binns, 721;
    Kirwan's Manures, 716; Notes on Virginia,
    4167; Tuke, 766; see also 814
Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled, a "Friendly Address
  to all reasonable Americans", 3091
Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History of the Cam-
  paigns of 1780 and 1781, 493
Strictures on the new political tenets of the Rt. Hon.
  Edmund Burke, 2838, 2848
Strictures upon the letter of General Joseph Dickson,
Stroke at the Branch, 3273
Strong, Nehemiah, Astronomy improved, 3812
Strother, Edward, Euodia, 887
Struve, Henri, Recueil de Memoires sur les Salines
  et leur Exploitation, 1092
Strype, John, Annals of the Reformation and Estab-
  lishment of Religion, 355; see also 377
Stuart, Archibald, Letters from Jefferson:
  Buffon, 1024; George Nicholas, 3196
Stuart, Gilbert, Historical Dissertation concerning
  the antiquity of the English Constitution, 2718
Stuart, James, and Revett, N., Antiquities of
  Athens, 4190; see also 4189
Student's Chemical Pocket Companion, 849
Sturmy, Samuel, Mariners Magazine, 3789
Sturt, John, 4182
Style, William: Narrationes Moderns, 2057; Prac-
  tical Register, 1914; editor, Glisson and Gulston,
Stypmann, Franz, 2122
Submission to the Will of God, 1690
Substance of a Sermon on the leading doctrines of the
  New Jerusalem Church, 1671
Substance of a Speech delivered by James Wilson, 3013
Substance of General Burgoyne's Speeches, 3131
Substance of Sir John Sinclair's Address to the Board,
Substance of the Evidence delivered to a Committee of
  the House of Commons by the Merchants and
  Traders of London, 3080
Substance of the evidence on the petition presented by
  the West-India planters, 3096
Substance of the Speech of Henry Beaufoy, Esq, 2780
Substance of two speeches of Mr Gallatin, 3214
Substitute proposed by Mr Leigh of Dinwiddie, 3231,
Succession of colonels to all H. M. landforces, 1157
Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius, Opera omnia quae
  extant, 82
Sueyro, Emanuel, 81
Sugar, Jefferson's use of, 677
Sugar colonies, Tracts on, 3045-3050
Suidas, Suidae Lexicon, Graece & Latine, 4758
Sullivan, James: History of Land titles in Massa-
  chusetts, 2155; Observations upon the Government of
  the United States, 3155
Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Duc de, Me-
  moires, 199
Sulpicia, 4486
Summary, Historical and Political, 447
Summary of the Law of Nations, 1429
Summary View of the Rights of British America, 3085
Summer Islands, 4054
Sumner, Charles Pinckney, Eulogy on the illustri-
  ous George Washington, 3276
Sun of Liberty, 549
Sundry Documents relative to the Claim of Gideon
  Olmstead, 3433
Sundry Resolutions and Proceedings for carrying into
  effect the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, 3532
Superiority and direct dominion of the Crown of Eng-
  land over the Crown of Scotland, 3039
Supplment et suite aux Memoires du Sieur de Bette
  d'Etienille, 2260
Supplications de la Cour des Aides, 2491
Surflet, Richard, 694
Surgery, Jefferson's opinion of, I, 391
Surinam, 4128, 4129
Survey of the British Customs, 2957
Survey of the Roads of the United States, 4164
Susqehannah Case, 3142
Swan, James: Causes qui se sont opposes aux progres
  du Commerce, 3608; National Arithmetick, 3620
Swanwick, John: Considerations on an Act of the
  Legislature of Virginia, 3028; see also British
  Honour and humanity, 3185
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Du Commerce de l'Ame
  et du Corps, 1365; Treatise on the Nature of Influx,
  1545; see also 1657
Swift, Jonathan: Boyle, John Earl of Orrery,
  383; Temple, Sir William, 366
Swinburne, Henry: Briefe Treatise of Testaments
  and last Willes, 2147; Treatise of Spousals, 2149;
  Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills, 2148
Sydenham, Thomas: Opera, 902; Whole Works,
Sydney, Algernon. See Sidney, Algernon
Sykes, Arthur Ashley: Defence of the Examination
  of Mr. Warburton's account, 1600; Examination of
  Mr. Warburton's account of the conduct of the
  antient legislators, 1599
Sylberg, Frideric, editor: Clement of Alex-
  andria, 1582, 1583; Dionysius of Halicarnas-
  sus, 48; Pausanias, 3919; Scriptores Rei Rusticae,
  689; Theodoretus, 1591; note on, 48
Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, 793
Sylva; or, the Wood, 1359
Sylvester, Joshua, translator, Du Bartas, His
  Deuine Weekes and Workes, 4320
Symboleography, 1941
Symonds, John, Remarks upon an Essay intituled
  The History of the Colonization of the Free States of
  Antiquity, 2996
Synonymes Francois, par Diderot, d'Alembert, et de
  Jaucourt, 4833
Synonymes Francois, 4832
Synopsis Compendiaria librorum Hugonis Grotii, 1414
Synopsis Metaphysicae, 1238
Synopsis Plantarum, 1073
Syropoulos, Sylvester, Vera Historia Unionis non
  verae inter Graecos et Latinos, 611
Syrus, Publius, 1323
System of military tactics, 1146
System of Nature, 1260
System of Notation, 1129
System of Oratory, 4652
System of Practical Mathematics, 3667
System of Short-hand, 1133
System of Surgery, 856
System of Vegetables, 1069
Systema Naturae, 1015
Systematical View of the Laws of England, 1808


Table of a New Construction for calculating the great
  Eclipse, 3817
Tableau de la Situation actuelle des Etats-Unis, 3965
Tableau de Paris, 3890
Tableau des Araneides, 1052
Tableau des droits d'entrees, 3600
Tableau des Varietes de la Vie Humaine, 909
Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis, 4032
Tableau du resultat de ?3,400,000 de rentes viageres
  (MS.), 2458
Tableau elementaire de l'Histoire Naturelle des
  Animaux, 1020
Tableau historique des proprietes et des phenomenes de
  l'air, 844
Tableau Historique et Militaire de la Vie et du Regne
  de Frederic le Grand, 265
Tableau Historique et Philosophique des Discussions
  Importantes, 3642
Tableau Historique et Politique des Operations mili-
  taires et civiles, 237
Tableau Historique et Politique des Revolutions de
  Geneve, 297
Tableau Topographique et Politique de la Siberie, de
  la Chine, de la Zone Moyenne de l'Asie et du Nord de
  l'Amerique, 3923
Tableaux d'arithmetique lineaire du commerce, 2940
Tableaux de la Nature, 646
Tables for Renewing and Purchasing the Leases of
  Cathedral-Churches, 3690
Tables Geographiques des Divisions du Globe Ter-
  restre, 3841
Tables of Discount, 3691
Tables of Latitude and Departure, 3707
Tables of Logarithms, 3696
Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephem-
  eris (1781), 3811
Tables Requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephem-
  eris (1806), 3809
Tablettes Chronologiques de l'Histoire Universelle,
Tabulae Illustres, or the Paternal Arms of the present
  Nobility, 415
Tabular System whereby the Art of Composing Minu-
  ets is made so Easy, 4261
Tachy-Graphy, 1127
Tacitus, Cornelius: Opera quae exstant, 90; Opera
  supplementis, 81; Works trans. by Gordon, 80,
  81; Works in Spanish, 81
Tacquet, Andre, Elementa Geometriae, 3701
Tactics, Books on, 1142-1167
Talbot, Charles, Baron, 1752
Tallyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice, Bp. of
  Autun: Opinion sur la Fabrication des poids et
  mesures, 3761; see also 3760
Tamayo de Vargas, Tomas, Restauracion de la
  Ciudad del Salvador, 4137
Tammany Society: Account of the Interment
  (Wallabout Committee), 510; Dinmore, Rich-
  ard, 3312; Miller, S., 2815
Tar in Sweden, 1185
Tarascon, Louis Anastasius, Address to the Citi-
  zens of Philadelphia, 3340
Tardieu, Antoine Francois, 3845, 3881
Tardy, abbe, Explanatory Pronouncing Dictionary
  of the French Language, 4831
Target, Gui Jean Baptiste, Etats-Generaux con-
  voques par Louis XVI, 2510
Tarif des Droits, Tracts on, 3598-3600
Tarin, Jean, editor, Origenis Adamantii Philo-
  calia, 1586
Tarleton, Sir Banastre, History of the Campaigns
  of 1780 and 1781, 491; Jefferson on, 487, 533
Tasso, Torquato: Aminta (1753), 4385; (Span-
  ish, 1804), 4455; Gerusalemme Liberata (1745),
  4290; (1763), 4291; (English, 1764), 4292
Tate and Brady, Psalms, 1510
Tatham, William: Address to the Shareholders and
  others interested in the Canals of Virginia, 4044;
  Report of a case (Kamper v. Hawkins), 2092; Topo-
  graphical Analysis of the Commonwealth of Vir-
  ginia, 3159; View of the proposed Grand Junction
  Canal, 1236; letters to Jefferson, 1236, 3159
Taxation no Tyranny, 3103
Taylor, Brook, 4207, V, 4207
Taylor, George K., 2080
Taylor, Hugh Paul, Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son; Stith's History, 463; Notes on Virginia, 4167
Taylor, John (1704-1766): Elements of the Civil
  Law, 2209; translator; Aeschines, 4625
Taylor, John (of Caroline): Arator, 814; Defence
  of the Measures of the Administration of Thomas
  Jefferson. By Curtius, 3316; Enquiry into the
  principles and tendency of certain public measures,
  3175; letter from Jefferson, 702
Taylor, Silas: Brevis Relatio de Willelmo, Comite
  Normannorum, 337; History of Gavel-Kind, 2001
Taylor, Thomas, translator and editor: Pau-
  sanias, 3920; Proclus, 3705
Tazewell, Henry, V, 3225
Tazewell, Lyttleton, 1822
Tazewell, Lyttleton Waller, 3501, V, 3501
Tazewell, William, Vade-Mecum Medicum, 898
Teatro Brittanico, 363
Telegraphe and Advertiser, 571
Temple, Sir William, Works, 366, V, 366
Temple, William of Bristol, Books from his
  library: Booth, 1908; Clerke, 2110; Cowell,
  1813; Law of Ejectments, 1984; Rastell, 1894;
  W., T., 1910
Temple of Nature, 4473
Ten practical Discourses concerning Earth and Water,
Tenants Law, 1998
Tennessee, Description of the State of, 3541
Tentamen Medicum Inaugurale, de Calore, 673
Tentamen Medicum inaugurale, quaedam de Asphyxia,
Tenures de Monsieur Littleton, 1780
Terentius Afer, Publius, Comoediae (1726), 4576;
  (1749), 4577
Termes de la ley, 1810
Terminis Juridicis, De, 2011
Terra Australis Cognita, 4147
Terray, abbe, 2380
Terrell, Dabney, Letter from Jefferson, 1781,
  1792, 1808
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florens, Apolo-
  geticus, 1587
Terza Parte delle Historie dell' Indie, 4115
Tesoro della Lingua Greca-Volgare ed Italiana, 4777
Tesse, Adrienne-Catherine de, Noailles, Com-
  tesse de, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Botany, I, 479; Memoirs of the Margrave of
  Bayreuth, 271; Moore's Intercepted Letters, 4519;
  Nimes, 3886; Presents books to Jefferson, 271,
  2470; note on, V, 271
Test of the Religious Principles of Mr. Jefferson, 3291
Testament de M. Fortune Ricard, 3693; see also 2993
Testament politique d'Angleterre, 2990
Testu, publisher, 2440
Texte et nouvelle traduction des lettres et notes anglaises
  trouvees dans un porte-fueille anglais, 2677
Thaarup, Frederik, Veiledning til det Danske
  monarkies statistik, 2414
Thacher, Stephen, Oration pronounced at Kenne-
  bunk, 3298, 4683
Theatre d'Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs, 693
Theatre de l'Univers, 3823
Theatrum Botanicum, 1062
Theatrum Machinarum Universale, 1179
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 3960
Theocritus: [Opera] quas extant (Gr., Lat., 1729),
  4379; (1746), 4378; (Eng., 1767), 4381; (Ital.,
  1754), 4380
Theodolite, 3718
Theodoretus: Graecarum affectionum curatio, 1591;
  Historia Ecclesiastica, 608
Theophilus, Antecessoris Institutionum, 2198
Theophrastus: Characteres Ethici, 1302, 1303,
  1331, 1347; Historia Plantarum, 1055
Theoretic Explanation of the Science of sanctity, 1610
Theorianus, Disputationes, 1594
Theorie Circonspherique des Deux genres de Beau,
Theorie de l'impot, 2375
Theorie de la Nature, 852
Theorie des Lois Criminelles, 2363
Theorie et Pratique de l'Art du Dentiste, 857
Theory and Practice of Brewing, 1206
Theory and Practice of finding the Longitude at sea or
  land, 3815
Theory and Practice of Gardening, 4226
Theory of the Earth, 634
Thermometrical Navigation, 649
Thesaurus Brevium, 1881
Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae, 4765
Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 4760
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Compendarius, 4802
Thesaurus Linguae Romanae & Britannicae, 4794
Thierry, Jean Baptiste Simon: Examen des Droits
  des Etats-Unis et des pretentions de Mr Edouard
  Livingston sur la Batture (1808), 3477; (Eng.,
  1808), 3478, 3480; Reply to Mr Duponceau, 3491;
  Letter from Jefferson, 3501
Thiery, Luc Vincent, Almanach du Voyageur a
  Paris, 3884
Things as they are, 3384
Thomas, Antoine Leonard: Essai sur le caractere,
  les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes (1772), 1348;
  (Eng., 1774), 1349; Eulogium on Marcus
  Aurelius, 425
Thomas, Isaiah: Greek Testament, 1486; Story,
  Isaac, 3269
Thomas, Thomas, Virtues of Hazel, 2842
Thomassin, Michel, 3658
Thompson, Sir Benjamin, Count Von Rum-
  ford, Essays, political, economical and philosophical,
  1182; see also 3867
Thompson, Ebenezer, and Price, W. C., History
  of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1493
Thompson, William, 3207
Thompson's Entries, 1896
Thomson, Charles: Holy Bible, 1474; see also
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Brissot de
    Warville, 3609; Notes on Virginia, 4167;
    translation of the Septuagint, 1474; White-
    hurst, 641
  Jefferson's opinion of, 1474
Thomson, James: Seasons, 4392; Works, 4547;
  essay on, 437
Thomson, John: Enquiry concerning the Liberty
  and Licentiousness of the Press, 3533; Letters of
  Curtius, 3526
Thomson, William of Petersburgh, Compendious
  View of the Trial of Aaron Burr, 3435
Thomson, William (1746-1817), History of the
  Reign of Philip III, 180
Thornton, Anna Maria, 4353
Thornton, William: Cadmus 1126; To the Mem-
  bers of the House of Representatives of the United
  States, 3332; see also V, 1126
Thorough-Bass made Easy, 4259
Thorough Examination of the False Principles, 2140
Thou, Jacques Auguste de: Histoire Universelle,
  157; Historiarum sui Temporis, 156; binding,
Thoughts concerning the Bank of North America, 3624
Thoughts on Government, 3124
Thoughts on instinctive impulses, 3250
Thoughts on part of the discourse delivered by Mr Hey,
Thoughts on Religion, 1516
Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents, 2757
Thoughts on the Establishment of a Mint in the
  United States, 3763
Thoughts on the increasing wealth and national econ-
  omy of the United States, 3254
Thoughts on the origin and nature of government, 3073
Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America,
  3062, 3130
Thoughts on the Slavery of the Negroes, 1372
Thoughts upon a Bill for regulating the export and
  import of Corn, 3592
Thoughts upon the political situation of the United
  States of America, 3012
Thoulie [for Thoulier], Pierre Joseph de, 1322,
  4832, 4913
Three Dissertations on Boylston Prize Questions for
  the Years 1806 and 1807, 986, v, 986
Three Lectures upon Animal Life, 967
Three Letters addressed to the people of the United
  States, 3216
Three Treatise, concerning Art, Music and Poetry,
  Happiness, 1333
Three Years Travels thoughout the Interior Parts of
  North America, 3994
Thresor des trois Langues, Espagnole, Francoise, et
  Italienne, 4810
Thucydides: De Bello Peloponnesiaco (Gr., Lat.,
  1731), 15; (1759), 14; Eight Bookes of the Pelo-
  ponnesian Warre, 16, v, 16; History of the Pelopon-
  nesian War, 17
Thwaites, Edward, 4860
Thweatt, Archibald, Letter from Jefferson, 3501
Thysius, Antoine, editor: Lipsius, Justus, 117;
  Seneca, 4532; Virgilius, Polydorus, 348; note
  on, 117
Tibullus et Propertius, Opera, 4401
Tickell, Richard: Anticipation, 3066; Opposition
  Mornings with Betty's Remarks, 2820
Tickell, Thomas, 4546
Tickell's Aethereal Spirit, 910
Ticknor, George, 411, V, 411
Tiffany, Isaac H., Letter from Jefferson, 2327
Tilghman, William, Letter from Nicholas Bid-
  dle, 4176
Tillotson, John: Works, 1560; see also Barrow,
  Isaac, 1559; Birch, Thomas, 376
Timberland, Ebenezer, 2927
Time an Apparition of Eternity, 1605
Time Piece and Literary Companion, 560
Timur, The Great, Instituts politiques et Militaires
  de Tamerlan, 308; see also 310
Tindal, Matthew, Christianity as old as the Crea-
  tion, 1279
Tissot, Samuel Auguste A.D.: Advice to the people
  in general with regard to their health, 890; Ouvrages
  divers Latins et Francais, 889
To Gabriel Jones, 3305
To the Democratic Republican Electors of the State
  of Pennsylvania, 3318
To the Freeholders of the Congressional District of
  Henrico, 3247
To the Friends of Freedom and Public Faith, 3290
To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of
  Connecticut, 3296
To the Honorable the Senate and House of Repre-
  sentatives, 3476, 3499
To the Members of the Legislature, 3440
To the People of Kentucky, 3427
To the People of the United States, 2684
To the Public, 3424
To the Republican Citizens of the State of Pennsyl-
  vania, 3234, 3292
To the World, 3429
To those who have sworn to support the Constitution,
Toaldo, Giuseppe, editor, Opere di Galileo Galilei,
Tobacco: Act for repealing duties on, 3589; Answer
  to the consideration, 2969; Appeal to the Land-
  holders, 2966; Biscoe, R., 3576; Bureau des
  Achats, Circulaire, 2290; Case of the planters,
  2976; Claviere, 2583; Dulany, 3051; Genuine
  Thoughts, 2971; Letter from a Merchant, 2974;
  Memoire pour des Negocians de l'Orient, 3610;
  Morris, Robert, 2304; Pulteney, Wm., 2975;
  Reply of a Member of Parliament, 2972; Reply to
  the Vindication, 2977; Roederer, 2581; Vintner
  and Tobacconist's Advocate, 2978; Walpole, Sir
  Robert, 2972; Waterhouse, Benjamin, 994
Toland, John, Militia reform'd, 2768; see also 1597
Toledo, Bishop of, 4120
Tollius, Alexander, 78
Tom Thumb, Jefferson on, 1867, 1868
Tonson, Jacob, 4457
Tonti, Henri de, Dernieres Decouvertes dans l'Amer-
  ique Septentrionale, 4072; see also 4004
Tooke, John Horne, Diversions of Purley, 4870,
  V, 4870
Tooke, William, Life of Catherine II, 251
Topicks in Laws of England, 2094
Topographical Analysis of the Commonwealth of
  Virginia, 3159
Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania,
  Maryland, and North Carolina, 525, 4049
Torpedo War, 1162
Torquemada, Juan de, Monarchia Indiana, 4110
Toscani, 2695
Tothill, William, Transactions of the High Court
  of Chancery, 1740
Tott, Francois de: Memoires sur les Turcs et les
  Tartares, 3917; see also 301
Touchstone of Precedents, 1924
Toulmin, Harry: Oration delivered at the Celebra-
  tion of American Independence, 3313; Review of the
  criminal law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
  2175; Statutes of the Mississippi Territory, 2181;
  Jefferson on, 2175
Toulongeon, Francois Emmanuel de: Histoire
  de France depuis la Revolution de 1789, 240;
  Manuel du Museum Francais, 4245; see also 2599
Tour in Holland in 1784, 3872
Tour through Upper and Lower Canada, 4015
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, Institutiones rei
  herbariae, 1063
Tourneisen, J. J., 101, 4658
Tousard, Anne Louis de: American Artillerist's
  Companion, 1160; Aux Manes du Colonel Mauduit,
Toussaint, Francois Vincent, Les Moeurs, 1619
Towers, Joseph Lomas, Illustrations of Prophecy,
Townesend, George: Preparative to Pleading, 1930;
  editor, Huxley, G., Second Book of Judgments,
Townshend, Charles, Defence of the Minority in
  the House of Commons, 2751
Townshend, Heywood, Historical Collections, 2920
Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, 4350
Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglie
  (1554), 1769; (1673), 1770
Tractatus theologico-politicus, 1266
Tracts in biography, 519-523
Tracts of British Biography, 400, 401
Tracts on the liberty of Protestants in England, 2715
Tracts on the Turks, 301-303
Tracts on Weights, Measures, and Coins, 3766
Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain considered,
Traduction d'Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs a
  l'Agriculture, 691
Traite analytique des Sections Coniques, 3713
Traite chimique de l'air et du feu, 826
Traite complet sur les abeilles, 812
Traite d'Architecture, 4180
Traite d'Economie Politique, 3547
Traite d'Origene contre Celse, 1585
Traite de Geometrie theorique et pratique, 3710
Traite de la Conservation des Grains, 737
Traite de la Culture de Eiguier, 813
Traite de la Fievre jaune d'Amerique, 920
Traite de Mineralogie, 1089
Traite de Physique, 629
Traite des Maladies des Femmes Grosses, 854
Traite des moyens de desinfecter l'air, 851
Traite des Trois Imposteurs, 1295
Traite du Juge competent des Ambassadeurs, 1427
Traite du secours que le clerge doit au Roi, 2452
Traite du Suicide, 1632
Traitee elementaire de chimie, 830
Traite elementaire de Mathematiques pures, 3679
Traite elementaire de Morale et du Bonheur, 1249
Traite sur la Nature et la Culture de la Vigne, 786
Traite sur le Venim de la Vipere, 919
Traite sur les Betes-a-Laine d'Espagne, 795
Traite theorique et pratique du Jeu des Echecs, 1174
Traite theorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne,
Traites sur les coutumes Anglo-Normandes, 1774
Traits characteristiques et anecdotes de Frederic II, 266
Transactions of the Agricultural Society of New York,
Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, 1740
Transactions of the Society, for Promoting Agriculture
  in the State of Connecticut, 772
Transactions of the Society, instituted in the State of
  New-York, for the promotion of Agriculture, Arts,
  and Manufactures, 768
Transit of Venus: Chappe d'Auteroche, 4089;
  Hawkesworth, 3937; Le Gentil de la Gala-
  isiere, 3935
Translation of the chapters 273 and 287 of the Con-
  solato del Mare, 2130
Translation of the Memorial to the sovereigns of
  Europe, 3065
Trapp, Joseph, Praelectiones Poeticae, 4695
Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado
  universal, 4100
Tratado de Confirmaciones Reales de Encomiendas,
Trattato di Pietro Vettori delle lodi e della coltivazione
  degli ulivi, 789
Traveller's Pocket Farrier, 943
Travels and Adventures of James Massey, 1272
Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789, 744
Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 3934
Travels in North-America, 4023
Travels in the United States of America, 4034
Travels into North America, 4026
Travels, or Observations relating to several Parts of
  Barbary and the Levant, 3946
Travels through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzer-
  land, 3902
Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary etc.,
Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Den-
  mark etc., 3861
Travels through North & South Carolina, 4029
Travels through Spain and Portugal in 1774, 3897
Travels through the Middle Settlements in North-
  America, 4017
Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, 3958
Treasure of Traffike, 4061
Treaties, Jefferson on, 1404
Treaties. viz. Portugal & Russia, etc., 1431
Treatise concerning the manner of fallowing of ground,
Treatise concerning Trespass, 1989
Treatise of Algebra, 3672-3674
Treatise of Artillery, 1161
Treatise of Captures in War, 1419
Treatise of Equity (1737), 1719; (1807), 1720
Treatise of Frauds, Covins and Collusions, 1722
Treatise of Gauging, 3712
Treatise of Laws, 1804
Treatise of Military Discipline, 1144
Treatise of Painting, 4237
Treatise of Practical Geometry, 3708
Treatise of Practical Surveying, 3707
Treatise of Spousals, 2149
Treatise of Taxes & Contributions, 4060
Treatise of Tenures, 1977
Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills, 2148
Treatise of the Five Orders of Columns in Architecture,
Treatise of the Forest Laws, 1996
Treatise of the Hypochondriack and Hysterick Diseases,
Treatise of the Laws of Nature, 1418
Treatise of the Materia Medica, 871
Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown, 1947
Treatise on Gardening, 806
Treatise on Government, 2537
Treatise on Malignant Fever, 983
Treatise on Martial Law, 2021
Treatise on Obligations, 1990
Treatise on Practical Farming, 721
Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit
  Trees, 808
Treatise on the culture of Lucerne, 718
Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, 1211
Treatise on the Gout, 932
Treatise on the Justice, Policy and Utility of estab-
  lishing an effectual system for promoting the progress
  of Useful Arts, 1225
Treatise on the Maritime Laws of Rhodes, 2124
Treatise on the Nature of Influx, 1545
Treatise on the Pleadings in Suits in the Court of
  Chancery, 1738
Treatise on the police of London, 2368
Treatise on the Rights of the Crown, 2705
Treatise on the Venereal Disease, 930
Treatise on Wet Docks, Quays and Warehouses, 1231
Treatise partly theological, and partly political, 1268
Treatise upon the Navigation of St. Domingo, 4170
Treatise wherein is demonstrated that the Church and
  State of England are in equal danger, 4063
Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations at
  Lancaster, 1437
Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, 505, V,
Treaty of Peace between the Crowns of France &
  Spain, 4059
Treaty of the Pyrennes, 4059
Tree of Liberty, 550
Tremaine, Sir John, Placita Coronae, 1897
Trenchard, John: Cato's Letters, 2738; Inde-
  pendent Whig, 2739
Trevett against Weeden, 2018
Trevigar, Luke, Sectionum Conicarum Elementa
  Methodo, 3714
Trial by Nisi Prius, John Hevey plaintiff, Charles
  Henry Sirr defendant, 2857
Trial of Capt. Henry Whitby for the Murder of John
  Pierce, 3409
Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, 1962
Trial of Elizabeth Canning, 1956
Trial of Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Kingston,
Trial of the Boot & Shoemakers of Philadelphia, 2322
Trial of Witches, 1948
Trials of the Rebel Lords, 1958
Trinci, Cosimo, Agricoltore Sperimentato, 736
Triomphe du Nouveau Monde, 2999
Tristia, 4388
Tristram, Thomas, 4402
Triumph of Truth, 1578
Trois mots aux Parisiens, 2499
Trois roues, Tracts concerning, 2272-2279
Trot, John, pseud., 2766
Trotti de la Chetardie, Instructions for a Young
  Nobleman, 1357
Trotting horse as a cure for visceral complaints,
  Jefferson on, 903
True Account and Declaration of the Horrid Con-
  spiracy, 367
True Briton, 2740
True Christian Method of Educating the Children
  both of the Rich and Poor, 1640
True copy of the Journal-Book of the last Parliament,
True Interest of America impartially stated, 3115,
True Interest of Britain set forth in regard to the
  Colonies, 3108
True Interest of the United States and particularly of
  Pennsylvania considered, 3034
True Method of playing an Adagio made easy, 4260
True Patriot, 1665
True state of the case between the British Northern-
  Colonies and the Sugar Islands in America, 3043
Trumbull, Benjamin, Plea in Vindication of the
  Connecticut title to the contested lands, 3144
Trumbull, Charles, 825
Trumbull, John (1750-1831): M'Fingal, 4509;
  passage quoted in note to Galloway, 3134
Trumbull, John (1756-1843), Correspondence
  with Jefferson: Addison, 3908; Alfred's Oro-
  sius, 4868; Bacon, Sir F., 4915; Baretti, 4811;
  Fortis, 3913; Gordon's History, 487; Locke,
  1362; Newton, Sir I., 3720; Notes on Virginia,
  4167; Raleigh's History, 130; Shakespeare's
  picture, 4538; Sterne, 4335; Xenophon, 2355;
  note on, V, 130
Trumbull, Jonathan, The Susquehannah Case,
Trusler, John, London Adviser and Guide, 3876
Truteau's journal, 4168
Truth and Reason, 1288
Truth as the foundation of morality, Jefferson's
  opinion of, 1252
Truth its own test and God its only judge, 3236
Truth of Christian Religion, 1518
Truth without Guile, 3454
Truths on Manufactures, 1190
Truxton, Thomas, 1166
Tryal of Dr Henry Sacheverell, 1955
Tryal of Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, 1954
Trye, John, Jus Filizarii, 1929
Tucker, Josiah: Essay on the advantages and dis-
  advantages which respectively attend France and
  Great Britain with regard to trade, 3566; Humble
  Address and Earnest Appeal, 3061; Series of Answers
  to certain Popular Objections against separating
  from the rebellious colonies, 3057; True Interest of
  Britain set forth in regard to the Colonies, 3108;
  see also Thoughts upon a Bill for regulating the
  export and import of corn, 3592
Tucker, St. George: Dissertation on slavery, 2818;
  Probationary Odes of Jonathan Pindar, Esq., 4511;
  Reflections on the Policy and Necessity of encouraging
  the Commerce of the Citizens of the United States,
  3621; editor, Blackstone's Commentaries, 1807;
  letter to Jefferson (Appendix to the Notes on
  Virginia), 4050
Tuke, John, General View of the Agriculture of the
  North Riding of Yorkshire, 766
Tull, Jethro, Horse-Hoeing Husbandry, 701
Tuningius, Gerardus, Apophthegmata Graeca, Lat-
  ina, Italica, Gallica, Hispanica, 110
Tunnicliffe, agent for the purchase of books:
  Adams, G., 3718; Arrowsmith's maps, 3843;
  Baxter's History, 405; Combrune, 1206; Knight,
  T. A., 1211; Olmedilla's maps, 3857; note on,
  V, 405
Tupputi, Dominique, Reflexions succinctes sur
  l'etat actuel d'Agriculture, 788
Turenne, Vicomte de, 202
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques: Des Administra-
  tions provinciales, 2381; Le Conciliateur, 2378;
  Lettre de M. le Docteur Price, 2382; Lettres sur les
  grains, 2380; Oeuvres, 2436; Reflexions redigees a
  l'occasion du Memoire, 2383; Reflexions sur la
  formation et la distribution des richesses, 2379
   See also Brissot de Warville, 2521; Condorcet,
    Vie de Turgot, 217; Dupont de Nemours,
    Memoires sur la Vie de Turgot, 216; Mira-
    beau, H. G. R., 3024
   Correspondence concerning, 2436
Turin, Jefferson on, 3907
Turkey a native of America, Jefferson on, 1043
Turlin, Extrait des discours qui ont concouru pour le
  prix, 1120
Turnebus, Adrianus, 4651
Turner, Daniel, Discourse concerning gleets, 931
Turning, 1183, 1184
Turreau, General, 2873
Tursellinus, Horatius, Historiarum ab origine
  mundi, 44
Tusculanarum disputationum, 1319
Two Letters from D. Hartley, Esq. M. P. addressed
  to the Committee of the County of York, 2790
Two Letters from F. Skipwith Esq, to General
  Armstrong, 2683
Two Schemes of a Trinity considered, 1659
Two Sermons, 1655
Two Sermons, delivered in the Presbyterian Church
  in the City of Albany, 1702
Two Sermons preached on a Fast Day during the late
  War with France, 1576
Twysden, Sir Roger: Historiae Anglicanae Scrip-
  tores X, 341; see also Lambarde, William, 1767;
  Spelman, Sir Henry, 627
Tyler, John, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Blackstone, 1806; Batture Case, 3501
Typography, 4512
Tyrannies et Cruautez des Espagnols, 4104
Tyrrell, James: Bibliotheca Politica, 2709; General
  History of England, 346; see also 2728
Tyrtaeus, Spartan Lessons, 4397
Tyson, Edward, Orang-Outang, 1036
Tyssot de Patot, Simon, Travels and Adventures of
  James Massey, 1272


U.S. Telegraph, 600
Ulfilas, 4858, 4864
Ulloa, Antonio de: Memoires Philosophiques, His-
  toriques, Physiques concernant la decouverte de
  l'Amerique, 4124; Noticias Americanas, 4123; see
  also Juan Y Santacilia, Jorge, 4091, 4125, 4126
Ulphilae Versionem Gothicam Epistolae Pauli ad
  Romanos, 4858
Ulpianus, Domitus, Fragmenta Libri singularis
  regularum, 2200
Uncertainty of the Signs of Death, 1007
Unitarianism: Constitutional Rules, 1656; Ed-
  dowes, Ralph, 1698, 1699; New Testament,
  1489; Priestley, Joseph, 1578; Towers, J. L.,
Unitas Fratrum, 1544, 1546
United States Claims on France, 2684
United States elevated to Glory and Honor, 1575
United States Gazetteer, 4022
United States Recorder, 594
United States Senate and the Ship New Jersey,
Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological
  and Poetical Dictionary, 142
Universal Arithmetick, 3675
Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 2102
Universal Gazette, 556; 595
Universal History from the earliest account of Time,
  128, V, 128; see also 3946
Universal Merchant, 3571, 3572
Untersuchungen uber Amerika's Bevolkerung aus dem
  alten Kontinente, 443
Upton, James, Novus Historiarum Fabellarumque
  Delectus, 108
Upton, John, 1300
Uranographie, 3781
Urban, Sylvanus, pseud., Cave, Edward, 4895
Ure, David, General View of the agriculture of the
  County of Kinross, 755
Urquhart, Sir Thomas, translator, Rabelais,
  Francois, 4333
Urry, John, editor, Chaucer's Works, 4318
Us, et Coustumes de la mer, 2121
Use and Intent of Prophecy, 1602
Useful Cabinet, 1105
Ussher, James, De Graeca Septuaginta, 1503
Ussieux, Louis d', Traite theorique et pratique sur la
  Culture de la Vigne, 787
Utilite du Belier Hydraulique, 1103
Utopia, 2336, 2337, 2338
Utrum, Horum?, 2834


Vaccination, Invention of word credited to
  Jefferson by B. Rush, 979
Vaccination, Tracts on, 945-955
Vaccine inoculation, Discovery of, 954
Vade-Mecum Medicum, 898
Vade-Mecum Parlementaire, 2793
Vaines, Francois Jean de, Dictionnaire  Raisonne
  de Diplomatique, 150
Valedictory Lecture before the Philosophical Society of
  Delaware, 993, 3773
Valentin, Louis: Coup d'Oeil su la culture de quel-
  ques Vegetaux exotiques, 727; Notice biographique
  sur le Docteur Jenner, 421; Resultats de l'inocula-
  tion de la vaccine, 952; Traite de la Fievre jaune
  d'Amerique, 920; correspondence, 920, 952; see
  also Mitchill, S. L., Note to Dr Valentin, 977;
  note on, 421
Valerius Maximum, Dictorum factorumque, 106
Vallette Laudun, de, Journal d'un Voyage a la
  Louisiane, 4070
Valmont de Bomare, J. C., Dictionnaire raisonne
  Universel d'Histoire Naturelle, 1006
Valois, Henri de, editor: Ammianus, 92; Euse-
  bius Pamphilius, 606; Socrates Scholasticus,
  607; Theodoretus, 608
Vanbrugh, Sir John: Plays, 4588; Provok'd Hus-
  band, 4610; Relapse: or, Virtue in Danger, 4611
Vancouver, Charles, General View of the Agricul-
  ture in the County of Essex, 760
Van Damme of Amsterdam, Books bought or
  ordered from: Anacreon, 4404; Alciphron,
  4628; Apicius, 1192; Appianus, 78, 79; Aris-
  taenetus, 4627; Arrianus, 25; Bentivoglio, 283;
  Biblia Sacra, 1466; Brisson and Hotman, 2211;
  Bry, T. de, 3973-3983; Dale, A Van, 1500;
  Diodorus Siculus, 38; Dionysius of Halicarnas-
  sus, 48; Frontinus, 107; Gellius, Aulus, note to
  4905; Grotius, 295; Hippocrates, 877; Hobbes,
  T., note to 2388; Julianus, 88; Laval, A. F.,
  4071; Middleton, C., 1525; Plinius Secundus,
  4630; Prudentius, 4409; Selden, 1420; Seneca,
  1324; Severus, 601; Sewel, W., 4869; S'il
  permis de faire arreter un Ambassadeur, 1422;
  Strada, 284; Tyson, 1036; note on, V, 25
Van der Kemp, Letter from Jefferson, 3002
Van Hagen, Music by, 1647
Van Hogendorp, G. K., Correspondence with
  Jefferson: Encyclopedie, 4889; Mazzei, 3005;
  Notes on Virginia, 4167; Raynal, 446
Vaniere, Jacques, Praesidium Rusticum, 4517
Vanini, Lucilio: Amphitheatrum Aeternae Provi-
  dentiae, 1269; De Admirandis Naturae reginae
  deaeque mortalium arcanis, 1269; 1270
Van Ness, William Peter, Examination of the
  various charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, 3446
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 3266
Vargas Machucha, Bernardo de, Milicia y De-
  scripcion de las Indias, 4094
Variarum lectionum in medicinae scriptoribus, 880
Varie vedute di Roma antica e moderna del Piranesi,
Varillas, Antoine: Histoire de Charles IX, 195;
  Histoire de Francois I, 192; Histoire de Francois
  Second, 194; Historie de Henri Second, 193;
  Minorite de Saint Louis, 191
Varnum, James Mitchell, The Case, Trevett
  against Weeden, 2018
Varnum, Joseph Bradley, Letter from Jefferson,
Varones Ilustres del Nuevo Mundo, 4098
Varro, 689
Vasari, Giorgio, Vite de' piu Eccellenti Pittori,
  Scultori et Architetti, 4240
Vater, Johann Severin: Untersuchungen uber Amer-
  ika's Bevolkerung, 443; see also Volney, Vocabu-
  laire de la Langue des Miamis, 4032
Vattel, Emeric de: Droit des Gens (1758), 1411;
  (1775), 1412; Questions de Droit Naturel 1413;
  see also 1404
Vaucher, Memoires, 2233, 2237, 2248, 2254,
  2257, 2259
Vaugelas, Claude Favre, Seigneur de, 29
Vaughan, Benjamin, editor: Franklin's political
  works, 3053; Rural Socrates, 705
   Correspondence: Adair, 910; Chalmers,
    George, 1432; Crawford, 842; Deluc's
    hygrometer, 652; instruments, 632; Paine,
    Rights of Man, 2826; Poivre, 3931; Reposi-
    tory, 4901; Rumsey, 1217; Sacontala, 4435;
    Smeaton, 4213; Dugald Stewart, 1244;
    William Vaughan, 3548; weights and
    measures, 3760
Vaughan, Sir John, Reports and Arguments, 2061
Vaughan, John: Concise History of the Autumnal
  Fever which prevailed in the Borough of Wilmington
  in 1802, 984; Valedictory Lecture before the Philo-
  sophical Society of Delaware, 993, 3773; The
  Wilmingtoniad, 3274
   Correspondence with Jefferon: Aikin, Cow-
    Pox, 955; American Philosophical Society,
    3753; Connecticut Agricultural Society, 
    772; Dickinson, John, 3055; Faujas de St.
    Fond, 640; Lasterie-Du Saillant, 791;
    Lewis and Clark, 4168; Lippi, 1098;
    Michaux, F. A., 1083, 4030; naval archi-
    tecture, 1227; newspapers, I, 284; Notes
    on Virginia, 4167; Priestley, Doctrine of
    Phlogiston, 836; Priestley, Harmony of the
    Evangelists, 1492; Priestley, Seond Letter to
    Blinn, 1663; Rural Socrates, 705; Stockler,
    Obras, 175; Vaughan, Valedictory Lecture,
    993, 3773; Wilmingtoniad, 1800 
Vaughan, William: New and old principles of
  trade compared, 3548; Treatise on Wet Docks,
  Quays, Warehouses for the Port of London, 1231;
  see also 3945
Vectigalium Systema, 3613
Vegetius Renatus, Flavius, Military Institutions,
Vegio, Maffeo, Canto added by Maphaeus to Virgil's
  Twelve Books of Aeneas, 4284
Veiledning til det Danske monarkies statistik, 2414
Veilles de Saint-Augustin, 1553
Veita Linage, Jose de, Norte de la Contratacion de
  las Indias Occidentales, 4093 
Velleius Paterculus, Marcus, [Opera] quae super-
  sunt (1711), 76; (1719), 75 
Velly, Paul Francois, Histoire d France, 188 
Venegas, Miguel, Noticia de la California, 4088
Venturi, Pompeo, 4310 
Vera Figueroa y Zuniga, J. A., El Enbaxador, 
Vera Historia Unionis non vera inter Gracos et 
  Latinos, 611
Verantio, Antonio, Iter Buda Hadrianopolim, 3913
Verdy du Vernois, A. M. F. de, Essais de Geo-
  graphie, de Politique et d'Histoire sur les Possessions
  de l'Empereur des Turcs en Europe, 3918
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de: Eloge by
  Vicq-d'Azur, 517; letter from Jefferson, 2293;
  Jefferson's opinion of, 2295; signer of treaty,
Vergilius, Polydorus, Historiae Anglicae xxvii, 348
Veritable Lettres d'Abeillard et d'Heloise, 4641
Veritable Maniere d'instruire les Sourds et Muets, 1122
Veritable patriotisme, 2454
Veritas, Six Letters on the Intrigues, Apostacy and
  Ambition of Dr. Michael Leib, 3430
Verite sur les faits relatifs a Passassinat des quatres
  deserteurs de l'armee prussienne, 2622
Vermi, comte de, Letter from Jefferson, 484
Vermont, Early printing in, 498
Vernon, Thomas, Cases argued and adjudged
  in the High Court of Chancery, 1747
Vero usu Verborum Mediorum, 4768
Verri, Pietro, Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica,
Verstegen, Richard, Restitution of decayed intelli-
  gencies in antiquities, 330
Vertot, Rene Aubert de: Histoire de la Conjuration
  de Portugal, 183; Histoire des Revolutions arrivees
  dans le Gouvernement de la Republique Romaine, 66;
  Origine de la Grandeur de la Cour de Rome, 618;
  Revolutions de Portugal, 182
Vesey, Francis, Cases argued and determined in the
  High Court of Chancery, 1756
Vespucci, Amerigo: Bandini, 3970; Canovai,
  4163; see also V, 4163
Vestigia e Rarita di Roma Antica ricercate, 4196
Veteris Orbis Tabulae Geographicae, 3834
Veteris Ritu Nuptiarum, 2211
Vetour, Instructions nouvelles sur l'histoire de France,
Vettori, Pietro, Trattato delle lodi e della coltiva-
  zione degli ulivi, 789
Viage al Parnaso, 4352
Viaggio in Dalmazia dell' Abate Alberto Fortis, 3913
Vicar of Wakefield, 4357
Vicq-D'Azyr, Felix, Eloge de M. le Comte de
  Vergennes, 517
Vida, Marco Girolamo, De Arte Poetica, 4402
Vidian, Andrew, The Exact Pleader, 1898
Vie de Frederic II. Roi de Prusse, 264
Vie de Jeanne de St. Remy de Valois, ci-devant Com-
  tesse de La Motte, 227
Vie de Michel de Ruiter, 293
Vie de Monsieur Turgot, 217
Vie de Pierre Abeillard, 4641
Vie de Voltaire, 211
Vie des Dames Galantes, 4363
Vie des Philosophes, 33
Vie privee de Louis XV, 207
Vie privee des Romains, 115
Vie privee d'un prince celebre, 268
View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, 3722
View of the causes and consequences of the present war
  with France, 2833
View of the conduct of the Executive, 3524
View of the Evidences of Christianity, 1519
View of the New-England Illuminati, 3219
View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, 3443
View of the present state of the political and religious
  world, 3253
View of the President's Conduct, 3350
View of the proposed Grand Junction Canal, 1236
View of the rights and wrongs, power and policy of
  the United States of America, 3463
View of the United States, 3632
Views of Louisiana, 4162
Views of the public debt, 3230
Vieyra, Antonio, Brevis, clara, facilis ac jocunda
  non solum Arabicam Linguam sed etiam hodiernam
  Persicam, 4743
Viger, Francois, De Praecipuis Graece Dictionis
  Idiotismis, 4770
Vignier, Nicolas, 1436
Vignola, Regola deli Cinque Ordini d'Architettura de
  J. Barozzi, 4177
Villaret, Claude, 188
Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, 4191
Ville et republique de Venise, 2410
Villedeuil, Laurent de, 2310
Villegas, Estevan Manuel de, Las Eroticas y
  Traduccion de Boecio, 4420
Villeoison, J. B. Gaspard d'Ansse de, 4265
Villers, Charles Francois Dominique de, Philoso-
  phie de Kant, 1364
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham: Genuine
  Works, 4426; The Rehearsal, 4608
Vimont, Barthelomy, Relation de ce qui s'est passe
  en la Nouvelle France es annees 1643 & 1644,
Vince, Samuel, 3827
Vindex (Thomas Cooper), 2116
Vindication of Mr Randolph's Resignation, 3180
Vindication of Providence, 1629
Vindication of the Measures of the Present Administra-
  tion, 3301
Vindication of the opposition of the inhabitants of
  Vermont, 498, 3146
Vindication of the Planters of Martinique & Guada-
  loupe, 2564
Vindication of the rights and prerogatives of the House
  of Lords, 2912
Vindication of the Rights of the Commons of England,
Vindication of Thomas Jefferson, 3197
Vindiciae Carolinae, 361
Vindiciae Gallicae, 2545
Viner, Charles, General Abridgment of the law of
  equity alphabetically digested, 1791
Vinnius, Arnoldus, Jurisprudentiae Contractae, 2194
Vintner and tobacconist's advocate, 2978
Violin, art of playing, 4255
Viper, Venom of, 1041
Viret, Isaac, 2418
Virey, Julien Joseph, Histoire Naturelle du Genre
  Humain, 1051
Virgilius Evangelisans, 4493
Virgilius Maro, Publius: Bucolica (1590), 4464;
  (French, 1806), 4465; Bucolicorum, Eclogae X,
  Georgicorum, Aeneidos (1600), 4280; (1778),
  4279; Eclogues, 4383; Eneide del Annibal Caro,
  4285; Opera; or, The Works of Virgil, 4283;
  Works in Latin and English, 4281; Works, 4282;
  see also Vegio, Maffeo, Canto added to Virgil's
  Twelve Books of Aeneas, 4284; Jefferson on
  Virgil, 4279
Virginia: Act for establishing Religious Freedom,
  1247, 2566; Debates and other Proceedings of the
  Convention of Virginia, 3011; Debates in the House
  of Delegates of Virginia on the Alien and Sedition
  Laws, 3212; Draughts of bills prepared by the
  Committee of Revisors, 1865; earliest map in
  which the name "Virginia" appears, 4099;
  flora of, 1075; Histoire de la Virginie, 503;
  History of Virginia, 464; Journal of the House of
  Burgesses (1740-1785), 3161
   Laws in manuscript: Acts of Assembly
    (1705-1711; John Page MS.), 1830; commis-
    sions and proclamations (1626-1634), 1823,
    laws (1662-1697; Peyton Randolph MS.),
    1828; laws (1662-1702; Charles City MS.),
    1827; laws (1684; Byrd-Wayles), 1832;
    laws (1705; Charles City MS.), 1829;
    Laws and Orders concluded on by the General
    Assembly (March 5, 1623), 1822; legislative
    records (1652-1660; Jefferson), 1826;
    Legislature, journal of Council and As-
    sembly (1642-1662; Edmund Randolph
    MS.), 1825; miscellaneous papers (1606-
    1692), 1831; miscellaneous records (1606-
    1692; the Bland Manuscript), 1824; Vir-
    ginia Company charters, 1824; Virginia
    Court Book (1622-1629), 2089
   Laws, printed: Abridgement (1704), 2173;
    Abridgment of the Publick Laws of Virginia
    (1728), 1870; Acts: of Assembly now in force
    (Revisal of 1748), 1839, 1834; Acts of As-
    sembly now in force (Revisal of 1768), 1840,
    1835; Acts of the General Assembly (1812),
    1869; Collection of all such Public Acts of the
    General Assembly passed since 1768 (1785),
    1861, 1836; Collection of all the Acts of As-
    sembly now in force (1733), 1833, 1838;
    Collection of all such Acts of the General As-
    sembly (Revisal of 1794), 1862, 1866; Col-
    lection of all such Acts of the General Assembly
    of Virginia as are now in force, 1868; Com-
    plete Collection of all the laws of Virginia now
    in force, 1832, 1837; Draughts of such Bills
    as have been prepared by the Committee, 1865;
    Fugitive Sheets (1743-1772), 1841; Fugitive
    Sheets (1775-1783), 1842-1860; Report of
    the Committee of Revisors, 1864
   Law books, the binding of Jefferson's copies,
    II, 246-248; laws published in Virginia,
    first collection of, 1833
   Mineral waters of, 671
   Newspapers: American Gazette (1795-1796,
    Norfolk), 581; Enquirer (1809-1814, Rich-
    mond), 575; Genius of Liberty (1798-1800,
    Fredericksburg), 574; Political Mirror
    (1800-1802, Staunton), 555; Richmond and
    Manchester Advertiser (1795, 1796), 584;
    Richmond Chronicle (1795, 1796), 582; Rind's
    Virginia Gazette (1766-1776, Williamsburg),
    537; Virginia Argus (1797, Richmond), 576;
    Virginia Argus and Virginia Enquirer (1804-
    1808, Richmond), 577; Virginia Argus and
    Virginia Examiner (1797-1803, 1809-1813,
    Richmond), 578; Virginia Gazette (1741-
    1750, Williamsburg, Parks), 535; Virginia
    Gazette (1751-1778, Williamsburg, Hun-
    ter), 536; Virginia Gazette (1775-1780,
    Williamsburg, Purdie), 538; Virginia Ga-
    zette (1779-1781, Williamsburg, Dixon and
    Nicholson), 539; Virginia Gazette (1795,
    Richmond, Pleasants), 579; Virginia Ga-
    zette and Richmond Chronicle (1795, Rich-
    mond, Dixon), 580; Virginia Herald and
    Fredericksburg & Falmouth Advertiser (1795,
    1796, Fredericksburg), 583
   Tracts on: Bullock, 4053; Johnson, 4052
Virginia impartially examined, 4053
Virginia: more especially the South part thereof, richly
  and truly valued, 4008
Virginian Orator, 4680
Virginius, Political Truth, 3248, 3341
Virtues of Hazel, 2842
Vision of Columbus, 4302
Vision of Pierce Plowman, 4502
Vita di san Giosafat convertito da Barlaam, 1552
Vita di Sisto V. Pontefice Romano, 614
Vite de' piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori et Architti,
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus, Dix Liares d'Architec-
  ture, 4173
Vocabolario degli Accademici della Cusca (1741),
  4807; (1746-48), 4806
Vocabulaire des termes de Marine Anglais et Francais,
Vocabulaires compares des langues de toute la terre,
Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, 4862
Voeux d'un patriote, 2500
Voice of the Everlasting Gospel, 1606
Voiture, Vincent, Recueil des Oeuvrea, 4638
Volcans d'Amerique, 3912
Volney, Constantin Francois Chasseboeuf, comte
  de: Answer to Doctor Priestley, 1679, 2819; Con-
  siderations sur la Guerre actuelle des Turcs, 302;
  Lecons d'Histoire, 133; Ruins, 278; Ruines, 1277;
  Simplification des Langues Orientales, 4747; Tab-
  leau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis, 4032;
  Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 3950
   See also Mackenzie, 4078; Pallas, 4737; Pey-
    sonnel, 303; Spafford, 3828
   Correspondence with Jefferson: Volney's
    works, 1277, 1679, 3950, 4032; Cabanis,
    862; Denon, 3947; Lewis and Clark, 4168;
    mould board of least resistance, V, 729
   Criticism by Jefferson, 3828; note on, 133
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de: Commentaire
  sur le livre des delits et des peines, 2350; Henriade,
  4297; History of Charles XII, 259; Memoires
  pour servir a la vie de M. de Voltaire, 221;
  Philosophical Dictionary for the Pocket, 1280;
  Philosophic de l'Histoire, 1281; Saul, 1283;
  Oeuvres, 4923
   See also Beccaria, 2349; Despreaux de la
    Condamine, 213; Du Vernet, 211
Volume for all Libraries, 4888
Von Adelung, Johann Christoph, 443, V, 443
Von Bielfield, Jacob Friedrich, Instituciones Poli-
  ticas, 3570
Von Birkenstock, Johann Melchior, D. M.
  Friderici II, 4445
Von Engestrom, Gustav, 1090
Von Hennin, H. C., 4483
Von Humboldt, F. W. H. A.: Political Essay on
  the Kingdom of New Spain, 4158; Tableaux de la
  Nature, 646; Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland,
   Correspondence with Jefferson: His works,
    646; Arrowsmith, 3836; his Voyage, 4157;
    Lewis and Clark, 4168; Pike and Arrow-
    smith, 4169
Von Mandelso, Johann Albrecht, 3927
Von Martens, Georg Friedrich, Summary of the
  Law of Nations, 1429
Von Mosheim, Johann Lorenz, Ecclesiastical
  History, 621
Von Pufendorf, Samuel: De Officio hominis, 1253;
  Droit de la Nature et des gens, 1406; Introduction
  a l'histoire generale de l'Univers, 158; Law of
  Nature and Nations, 1407; see also 1404
Von Scheel, Heinrich Otto, Treatise of Artillery,
Von Wolff, Christian, Cours de Mathematiques,
Von Zach, Franz Xavier, Fixarum Praecipuarum
  catalogus novus, 3799
Von Zimmerman, Eberhard August Wilhelm:
  Political Survey of the present state of Europe, 2405;
  Zoologie Geographique, 1031
Von Zimmerman, Johann Georg, La Solitude
  consideree relativement a l'Esprit et au Coeur, 1360
Voolit, G., Letter from Jefferson (on science), I,
Voorbroek, Jakob. See Perizonius, Jacobus
Vossius, Gerhard Johann: De Historicis Graecis,
  4717; De Historicis Latinis, 4718; Elementa
  Rhetorica, 4649; Etymologicum Linguae, 4792
Vossius, Isaac, editor: Hody, 1499; Ste. Ignatius,
Votes of the House of Commons, 2914
Vousfoutez-vous de Nous, 2633
Vox Oculis Subjecta, 1125
Voyage l'Ouest des Monts Alleghanys, 4031
Voyage aux Iles de Trinidad, 4165
Voyage aux Terres australes, 4145
Voyage d'Italie, 3901
Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant,
Voyage d'un Amateur des Arts, en Flandre, dans les
  Pays-Bas, etc., 3906
Voyage d'un Suisse dans differences Colonies d'Ame-
  rique, 4156
Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, 3947
Voyage dans les Etats Barbaresques de Maroc, Alger,
  Tunis et Tripoly, 322
Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 4016
Voyage dans les Mers de l'Inde, a l'occasion du pas-
  sage de Venus, 3935
Voyage de Ferracine a Naples, 3912
Voyage de Figaro en Espagne, 3898
Voyage de Gautier Schouten aux Indes Orientales, 3936
Voyage de Guinee, 3953
Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, 4157
Voyage de Madagascar, 3956
Voyage de Marseille a Lima, 4136
Voyage de la Louisiane, 4071
Voyage de la Troade, 3922
Voyage de trois mois en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et en
  Irelande, 3867
Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guinee, 4130
Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece, 41
Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse et aux Iles Hebrides,
Voyage en Grece et en Turquie, 3915
Voyage en Italie, 3909
Voyage en Portugal, 3900
Voyage en Suisse en 1784, 3879
Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 3950
Voyage geologique a Oberstein, 658
Voyage litteraire de la Grece, 3914
Voyage pittoresque et physico-economique dans le Jura,
Voyage round the World, 3830
Voyage to California, 4089
Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 3957
Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 3941
Voyage towards the North Pole, 3868
Voyages agronomiques dans la senatorie de Dijon, 783
Voyages autour du Monde, 3990
Voyages aux Indes orientales et en Afrique, 3805
Voyages d'Antenor en Grece et en Asie, 4331 
Voyages d'un Philosophe, 3931
Voyages dans le Levant, 3924
Voyages dans les Alpes, 3880
Voyages de Cyrus, 4308
Voyages de Francois Coreal aux Indes Occidentales,
Voyages de la Nouvelle France Occidentale, 4003
Voyages de M. le Marquis de Chastellux dans
  l'Amerique Septentrionale, 4021
Voyages du Baron de La Hontan dans l'Amerique
  Septentrionale, 3993
Voyages et Decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des
  cotes de la Mer Glaciale, 3926
Voyages faits par le Sieur D. B. aux Isles Dauphine ou
  Madagascar, 3955
Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North
  America, 4087
Voyages peuvent-ils etre consideres comme un moyen de
  perfectionner education, 1120
Le Voyageur Francois, 3985
Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi, ou des
  Provinces de Louisiane et Floride Occidentale, 4075
Vulcanius, 24


W. J., Officium Clerici Pacis, 1911 
W. T., Clerk of Assize, Judges-Marshall, and Cryer,
  1910, V, 1910
Wafer, Lionel, 4145
Wainewright, Jeremiah, Mechanical Account of the
  Non-Naturals, 915
Wakely, Andrew, Mariner's Compass rectified, 3788
Walckenaer, Charles Athanase, Tableau des
  Arantides, 1052
Waldo, John, Rudiments of English Grammar, 4848;
  see also 4262, 4828
Wales, 3038
Walker, George, 1532
Walker, James, 4246
Walker, John, Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, 4876
Walker, Thomas, Letter from Jefferson (Notes
  on Virginia), 4167
Wallabout Committee, 510
Wallis, John: Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae, 4841;
  Institutio Logicae, 4642; editor, Archimedes,
  3704; Jefferson on, 4841
Wallis, Samuel, Captain, 3937
Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford: Aedes Wal-
  polianae, 4238; Historic Doubts on the Life and
  Reign of King Richard III, 351
Walpole, Sir Robert: Letter from a Member of
  Parliament, 2972; Some general considerations con-
  cerning public revenues, 2970
Walsh, Robert, Letters from Jefferson: Polly
  Baker and Franklin, 466; Montucla, 3694;
  Dugald Stewart, 1244; note on, V, 1244, 3694
Walter, Richard, Voyage round the World by George
  Anson Esq., 3830
Walter, Thomas, Flora Caroliniana, 1077
Wanley, Humfrey, 4853
War in Disguise, 2809, 2117; reviewed in the
  Edinburgh Review, 2811
Warburton, William: Divine Legation of Moses
  demonstrated, 1598; see also Pope, Alexander,
  4503; Virgil, 4281
Ward, John (1679-1755), System of Oratory, 4652
Ward, John, of Chester: Compendium of Algebra,
  3670; roung Mathematician's Guide, 3668
Ward, Robert [Plumer], Enquiry into the founda-
  tion and history of the law of nations, 1430
Warden, David Bailie: Translator, Callet,
  Table of Logarithms, 3696; Cuvier, Historical
  Eulogium, 423; Gr6goire, Enquiry, 1399; Thom-
  as, Eulogium on Marcus Aurelius, 425
   Correspondence with Jefferson, chiefly con-
    cerned with sending him books: Belfast
    Lit. Soc. Papers, 4904; Botta, 509; Callet,
    3696; Charpentier de Cossigny, 1202;
    Code d'Instruction criminelle, 2219; Code de
    Commerce, 2220; Combes-Dounous, 1328;
    Cuvier, 423; Destutt de Tracy, 2327;
    Gregoire, 1399; Jefferson's mould board
  of least resistance, 729; Komarzewski,
  256; Lasteyrie-du-Saillant, 795; Persoon,
  1073; Peuchet, 2682; Regnier, 1106;
  Rochon, 3805; Thomas's Marcus Aure-
  lius, 425; Toulongeon, 240; Von Hum-
  boldt, 4157; Arthur Young, 744; Jeffer-
  son on, 425; note on, V, 240
Warner, Ferdinando: Full and plain account of the
  gout, 933; History of Ireland, 438; History of the
  Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland, 439
Warner, John, Letter to Jefferson (Federael Ark),
Warren, Mercy Otis: History of the Rise, Progress
  and Termination of the American Revolution, 508;
  Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 4439
Warton, Joseph, 4281
Warton, Thomas, Observations on the Fairy Queen
  of Spenser, 4713
Warville. See Brissot de Warville
Wash, R., 3854
Washington, Bushrod, Reports of cases argued and
  determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, 2090
  see also V, 402
Washington, George: Journal of Major George
  Washington (1754), 473; (in French), 1451;
  Letters to several of his friends in June and July
  1776, 3176; Message of the President of the United
  States to Congress, 3167; Oficial Letters to the
  Honorable American Congress, 492; To the People
  of the United States, 2387
   See also Burgoyne, 3131; Duane, 3192; Earl
    of Buchan's Address, 3403; Eulogiums, V,
    29; Marshall, 496; Paine, 3189; Ramsay,
    511; Sumner, 3276; Weems, 507
   Correspondence: Bache's Aurora, 544; Cin-
    cinnati, 3024; Cointeraux and Pise build-
    ing, 1177; National Gazette, 543; Paine, T.,
    2826; Washington's Official Letters, 492
   Jefferson's opinion on treaties, expressed in
    writing to Washington, 1404; Jefferson's
    private notes on   a conversation with
    Washington, 543; Jefferson on Washing-
    ton, 2387, 3403
Washington, Joseph, Exact Abridgment of all the
  statutes of King William and Queen Mary, and of
  King William III and Queen Anne, 1820; see also
Washington, D. C., Earliest book printed in,
Washington Library Bookplate: Comyns, 1793;
  Manley, T., 1900; Statutes at Large, 1815; see
  also 1936
Washington, or Liberty restored, 4303
Washington Phoenix Fire Company, Constitu-
  tion and Bye Laws, 3331
Wasse, Joseph, 14, 15
Watchmaking, 186
Waterhouse, Benjamin: The Botanist, 1087;
  Cautions to Young Persons concerning health, 994;
  Prospect of Exterminating the Small-Pox, 945;
  Prospect of Exterminating the Small Pox, Part II,
   See also Lettsom, 949; Valentin, 727
   Correspondence with Jefferson, 949, 955
Waterland, Daniel, 1645
Waters, Nicholas Baker, 856
Watson, Elkanah, Tour in Holland in 1784. By
  an American, 3872
Watson, John Fanning, To the Public, 3424; see
  also 4733
Watson, Richard: Apology for Christianity, 1651;
  Apology for the Bible, 1652; Chemical Essays 838;
  Christian Panoply, 1714
Watson, Robert: History of the Reign of Philip the
  Second, 179; History of the Reign of Philip the
  Third, 180
Watson, William, Clergy-Man's Law, 2143
Watt, James, Invention of a new method of copying
  letters and other writings expeditiously, 1132; see
  also 2803
Watterston, George: The Lawyer, or Man as he
  ought not to be, 4376
   Books returned to the Library of Congress
   by: Alciphron, 4629; Economy of Human Life,
   1346; Home, Henry, Lord Kames, 1345;
   Ward, J., 4652
    Correspondence: Bacon, 4916; Bzout, 3681;
     epitaph for Dabney Carr, 3005; Robert
     Morris, 3165; William Ray, 320; print of
     Vespucci, V, 4163; Virginia laws (MS.)
     1822; Virginia laws, II, 247, 248
Watts, Gilbert, 4916
Watts, Isaac, Logick: or the Right Use of Reason,
Watts, William, 343
Wayles, John, Books from his library: Ballow,
  1719; Biscoe, 3576; Chubb, 1284; Forbes,
  2185; Lavington,    1542; Manning, 1535;
  Pollexfen, 3564; Rapin, 4694; Regula Placi-
  tandi, 1903; Selden, 2887; State Trials, I952;
  Treatise of Frauds, 1722; Trial of Elizabeth
  Canning, 1956; Trials of the rebel Lords, x958;
  Virginia laws, 1832; 
Warton, 4713; 
Wright, John, 3575
Webb, Daniel, Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting,
  4234, 4698
Webb, George, Office and Authority of a Justice of
  Peace, 1970
Webbe, John, editor, American Magazine, 526
Webster, John, Elements of Natural Philosophy,
Webster, Noah: Collection of Essays and Fugitiv
Writings, 4928; Compendious Dictionary of the
  English Language, 4850; Efects of slavery, 2817;
  Examination into the leading Principles of the Fed-
  eral Constitution, 3014; Rights of Neutrals, 2133;
  correspondence with Jefferson, 4928; Jeffer-
  son's opinion of, 4850
Webster, Pelatiah: Essay on Credit, 3036; Plea for
  the poor soldiers, 3153; Remarks on the address of
  Sixteen Members of the Assembly of Pennsylvania,
Wedekindoid, Antoine Christian, Almanac des Am-
!/:-: - bassades, 2411
Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, 4898
Weekly Political Register, 3420
Weeks, James Eyre, Introduction to Chronology,
  V, 137
Weems, Mason Locke; Life of George Washington,
  507; True Patriot, i665; correspondence, 507,
  1665, 2330
Weights and Measures: Dorsey, John, Io97;
  tracts on, 3755-3769
Weishaupt, Adam, 2359, V, 2359
Wells, Edward: New Sett of Maps, 3833; editor,
  Dionysius Periegetes, 3831; Xenophon, 18
Wells, Samuel Adams, 3134
Wellwood, James: Memoirs of the most material
  transactions in England, 368; editor, Lucanus,
  4295; Rowe, 4545
Welser, M., 2412
Welsh and English Dictionary, 4878
Welsh Nation in America, 4077
Welsted, Leonard, Scheme and conduct of Provi-
  dence, 60 I
West, Gilbert, Observations on the History and Evi-
  dences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1630; see
  also I63oa
West, William, The First Part of Symboleography,
West India planters and merchants, 3096
West Indies, Jefferson on, 415I
Westminster School, 4499, 4500, 4754, 4755
Weston, James, Stenography compleated, 11 28
Wetstein, Johann Rudolf, Pro Graeca et genuina
  Linguae Graecae pronunciatione, 4769
Whaley, John, Journey to Houghton, 4238
Wharton, Charles Henry, Sermon on the relations
  of the Christian Ministry, 1573
Wharton, Henry, Anglia Sacra, 622
Wharton, Philip, True Briton, 2740
Wharton, Samuel, Plain Facts, being an examina-
  tion into the rights of the Indian nations of America,
Whately, George, Principles of Trade, 3552
Whately, Thomas, Observations on Modern Garden-
  ing, 4227
Whatley, Stephen, translator: Necker, 272;
  Tyssot de Patot, 272
Whear, Degory, Relectiones Hyemales, 4725
Wheatley, Phillis, Poems on Various Subjects, 4440
Wheaton, Henry: Oration delivered before the
  Tammany Society, 4689
   Correspondence: Advancement of Medicine,
    988; Edward Livingston, 4689; Oration,
    4689; note on, V, 988
Wheelock, Matthew, Reflections moral and political,
Wheler, Sir George, 3904
Whelock, Abraham, Chronologia Anglo-Saxonica,
  4866; see also 1767
Whig of '76, pseud., Macomb, Robert, 3405
Whiskey Rebellion: Brackenridge, Hugh Henry,
  530; Findley, 532
Whistelo, Alexander, 3373
Whiston, William: Astronomical Principles of Re-
  ligion, 3792; Primitive Christianity reviv'd, 1595;
  editor, Josephus, 8; Tacquet, 3701; bibliog-
  raphy of, 8, 1595; note on, 8
Whitaker, John, Genuine History of the Britons
  asserted, 334
Whitby, Daniel, Ethices compendium, 1250
Whitby, Henry, Trial of, 3409
White, Edward, Statement of the Proceedings in the
  case of, 3431
White, Gilbert, V, 1043
White, James, 229
White, John, Planters Plea, 4055
White, Joseph Moss, 1653, V, 1653
White, Thomas W., 405
White, William, 2898
White's Collateral Bee Boxes, 1187
Whitehead, William, 4281
Whitehurst, John: Attempt toward obtaining in-
  variable Measures of Length, 1214; Inquiry into
  the Original State and Formation of the Earth, 641
Whitford, 641
Whole Art of Husbandry, 696
Whole Duty of Man, 1624, 4853
Whole Truth.  To the Freemen of New-England,
Wicquefort, Abraham de: Ambassadeur et ses
  Fonctions, 1428; translator, Oelschlager, 3927
Wigan, George, 1459
Wiley, Parson, Jefferson's purchase of news-
  papers from, 464
Wilhelmine of Prussia, Margrave of Bayreuth,
  Memoires, 271; see also 411 
Wilkes, John: Junius (reputed author) 2742;
  Papers relative to the rupture with Spain, 2423
Wilkins, David: Leges Anglo-Saxonice ecclesiastics
  & civilies, 1768; editor, Selden, Opera Omnia,
Wilkinson, James: Debate in the House of Repre-
  sentatives respecting the illegal Conduct of General
  Wilkinson, 3437; documents concerning, 3438;
  Memoirs, 3511; Plain Tale, 3436; see also 1022
Willard, Joseph, Letters from Jefferson: Barthel-
  emy, Anacharsis, 41; Clavijero, 4121; Frederic
  II, Oeuvres, 270; Lagrange, 3737; Lalande,
  3796; Montignot, 3798; Rumsey, 1217; Spal-
  lanzani, 1034
Willes, Sir John, Reports of Adjudged Cases in the
  Court of Common Pleas, 2084
William and Mary College: Charter, Transfer and
  Statutes, 2097; adopts Destutt de Tracy's
  review of Montesquieu as an elementary book,
Williamos, Charles: Lavoisier (translator), 1222;
  death of, causing the translation of the Notes on
  Virginia into French, 4167
Williams, Anna, go
Williams, David: Claims of Literature, 3553;
  Lectures on Political Principles, 2326; Lessons to a
  young Prince, 2798; letter from Jefferson, 3553;
  Jefferson's opinion of, 2326
Williams, Edward, Virginia: more especially the
  South Part thereof, richly and truly valued, 4008
Williams, Jonathan: Memoir on the Use of the
  Thermometer in Navigation, 660; Thermometrical
  Navigation, 649; translator, Kosciusko, 1149;
  Von Scheel, 116; see also 3753, V, 66o
Williams, Robert, Correspondence between Gov.
  Williams and James W. Bramham, 3369
Williams, Samuel, Natural and Civil History of
  Vermont, 457
Williams, Thomas H., 2181
Williams, Walter, Jus Appellandi, 1728, V, 1728
Williams, William Peere, Reports of cases, 1750;
  see also 747
Williamson, Hugh, 1043, V, 1043
Willughby, Francis, Ornithology, 1023
Wilmer, James Jones: Man as he is, 1676; Men
  and Measures from 1774 to 1809, 3386
Wilmingtoniad, 3274
Wilson, Alexander, American Ornithology, 1022
Wilson, George: Reports of Cases argued and ad-
  judged in the King's Courts at Westminster, 2086;
  editor, Hale, 1946; Salkeld, 2073
Wilson, Henry, 3941
Wilson, James: Charge delivered to the Grand Jury,
  3193; Considerations on the Bank of North-Amer-
  ica, 3032; Considerations on the nature and extent
  of the Legislative Authority of the British Parlia-
  ment, 3089; Substance of a Speech explanatory of
  the general principles of the proposed Faederal Con-
  stitution, 3013
Wilson, Jasper, pseud., Currie, James, 2830
Wilson, John, Volume for all Libraries, 4888
Wilson, Peter, Letter from Jefferson, 401 
Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas, History of the British
  Expedition to Egypt, 406
Wilson, Thomas: Short and Plain Instructions,
  1639; True Christian Method of Educating the
  Children, 1640
Winch, Sir Humphrey: Le Beau Pledeur, 1899;
  Reports, 2038
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, Storia delle Arti
  del Disegno, 4247
Windisch-Gratz, Joseph Niklas, Ad Lectorem,
Wingate, Edmund: Exact abridgment of all the
  statutes in force, 1819; Maximes of Reason, 1658,
  1973; see also Abridgement, 2173, V, 2173; Brit-
  ton, 1773
Winslow, Jakob Benignus: Anatomical Exposition
  of the Structure of the Human Body, 998; Uncer-
  tainty of the Signs of Death, 1007
Winstanley, Henry, 4213
Winterton, Ralph, Poeta Minores Graeci, 4382
Winthrop, John, Journal of the Transactions and
  Occurrences in the Settlement of Massachusetts, 456
Wirt, William, Correspondence with Jefferson:
  Batture Case, 3501; canons of criticism, V, 38;
  Duane and the Aurora, 544; Marshall's Life of
  Washington, 496; note on, V, 544
Wise's young man's companion, 1118
Wishart, George, Memoires de Jacques Graham,
  Marquis de Montrose, 436
Wishaupt, 2359, V, 2359
Wistar, Caspar, Jr., Correspondence with Jeffer-
  son: Blumenbach and comparative anatomy
  (Jefferson's copy of Blumenbach with Wistar's
  signature), 1000; Faujas de St. Fond, 640;
  Fothergill and Von Humboldt, 965; Guyton
  de Morveau, 851; Jefferson's opinion of medi-
  cine, I, 395; his preference of science to poli-
  tics, III, I; his resignation from the presidency
  of the American Philosophical Society, 3753;
  Lewis and Clark, 4168; Segur, 267; Von
  Humboldt 646, 4157; yellow fever, 924; note
  on, V, 267
Witherspoon, John, Works, 1558
Witness bearer, 1669
Witt, Jan de: Lettres et negociations, 1448; Treatise,
  3049; see also 289
Woensel, Pieter van, 467
Wolcott, Oliver, Address to the People of the United
  States on the Subject of a Report of a Committee,
  3285; see also 3174
Wolf, Hieronymus, editor, Epictetus, 1301
Wolff, Christian, Institutions du Droit de la Nature
  et des Gens, 1410
Wolffhart, Conrad, 111
Wollaston, Captain, 4056
Wollaston, William, Religion of Nature delineated,
Wolseley, Sir Charles, 1358
Woman's lawyer, I999
Wood, John: Full Exposition of the Clintonian
  Faction, 3280; History of the Administration of
  John Adams, 506
Wood, Robert, Ruins of Balbec, 4188
Woodard, David, Narrative of Captain D. Woodard
  and four seamen, 3495
Wooddeson, Richard, Systematical View of the
  Laws of England, 1808
Woodfall, Henry Sampson, 2742
Woodhead, Abraham, translator, St. Augustine's
  Confessions, 1590
Woodhouse, James, Inaugural Dissertation on the
  chemical and medical properties of the persimmon
  tree, 940
Woods, Joseph, Thoughts on the Slavery of the
  Negroes, 1372
Woodward, Augustus Brevoort: Considerations
  on the government of the Territory of Columbia
  (1801), 3256; (No. VII, 1802), 3258, 3466;
  (No. VIII, 1803), 3334; Considerations on the
  Substance of the Sun, 3814; Epaminondas on the
  government of the Territory of Columbia, 3257,
  3465; Laws of Michigan, 2176; Report of the
  Committee of the House of Representatives relative
  to the Territory of Michigan, 3468; Representation
  of the case of Oliver Pollock, 3307; Supplement to
  the Representation of the Case of Oliver Pollock,
   Correspondence: Jefferson on Bacon and
    his classification of the faculties of the
    mind, 4916; ethics, II, 1; Laws of Michigan,
    2176; John Locke, 1362; Origen, 1584
Woodward, John, Geographie Physique, 639
Woodward, Josiah: Account of the Progress of the
  Reformation of Manners, 1644; Account of the
  Societies for Reformation of Manners, 1643
Woodward, William W.: Correspondence with
  Jefferson (his edition of the Bible), 1471, V,
  1471; letter concerning Adam's lectures, 3734
Woodward Code, 2176
Workman, James, Political Essays relative to the
  war of the French Revolution, 3272
World, The, 4514
World's Mistake in Oliver Cromwell, 4062
Worrall, John, Bibliotheca Legum, 4732
Worthington, Thomas, Communication to these
  citizens of the North-Western Territory opposed to
  an alteration of the Boundaries of the States, 3337
Worthington, William G. D., Speech on Brent's
  Resolutions, 3394
Wotton, Edward, 1035, V, 1035
Wotton, Sir Henry, 4179
Wotton, William, Short View of George Hickes's
  Grammatico-Critical and Archeological Treasure of
  the ancient Northern-Languages, 4854; see also
  243, V, 243
Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William, Short Review of
  the political state of Great Britain, 2776
Wright, John, American Negotiator, 3575
Wurtz, 270
Wycherley, William, Plays, 4589
Wynne, William, Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, 374
Wytfliet, Cornelius, Histoire Universelle des Indes
  Occidentales et Orientales, 3984
Wythe, George: Case upon the Statute for Distribu-
  tion, 1760; Decisions of Cases in Virginia, 1759;
  note on the binding, V, 1759
   Reports of Cases: Between Field and Harrison,
    1761; between Fowler and Saunders, 1762;
    Love against Donelson and Hodgson,
    1765; between Wilkins and Taylor and
    Urquhart, 1763; between Yates and Salle
    and others, 1764
   Books from his library: Andrews, G., Reports
    of Cases, 2080; Barclay, R., Apology, 1537;
    Bryant, J., New System, 43; Brydall, J.,
    Ars transferendi Dominium, 1937; Call, D.,
    Reports (inscribed presentation to Wythe),
    2091; Cases in Chancery, 1744; Clarke, S.,
    Brief Concordance to the Holy Bible, 1496;
    Clement of Alexandria, Opera, 1583; Croke,
    Sir G., Reports, 2052; Delany, P., Doctrine
    of Abstinence from Blood, 1633; Hamiltons
    versus Eaton, 2167; Herodotus, 13; Law of
    Actions, 1980; Levinz, Sir C., Reports, 2068;
    Lightfoot, J., Works, 1530; Lucianus, 4617;
    Longinus (with Jefferson's presentation
    inscription), 4700; More, H., Opera omnia,
    1532; New Testament, Greek, 1479;
    Pigott, N., New Precedents, 1940; Plowden,
    E., Commentaries, 2026, 2027; Pothier,
    Treatise on obligations, 1990; Sallustius
    Crispus, Opera Omnia, 55; Shower, Sir B.,
    Reports, 2066; Siderfin, Sir Thomas, 2059;
    Stackhouse, New History of the Bible, 620;
    Vernon, T., Cass argued and adjudged, 1747;
    Viner, C., General Abrdgment, 791; Wins-
    low, J. B., Anatomical Exposition, 998;
    Wythe, G., Decisions of cass, 1759-1765
   Correspondence with Jefferson: binding of
    Jefferson's collection of the printed laws
    of Virginia, II, 246-248; Foulis editions of
    the classics, 13; fugitive sheets of printed
    laws, labelling of, 1842; Jefferson's act for
    establishing religious freedom, 2566; Jef-
    ferson's Notes on Virginia, 4167; Kuster and
    the use of the middle voice in Greek, 4768;
    olive tree, cultivation of, 789; Paine,
    Rights of Man, 2826; Virginia laws, Jeffer-
    son's manuscript list, 1822-1830, 1832;
    Vitruvius, 4173; weights and measures,
    report on, 3760
   See also: Acts passed, 1855; biography by
    Jefferson, note on, 1759; Brydall, Jus
    Sigili, 1727; Committee of Revisors, Wythe
    a member of, 1864; Mathew, T., Bacon's
    Rebellion, 534; portion of Wythe's law
    library given by Jefferson to Dabney Carr,


X Y Z Affair, 3210
Xenophon: De Cyri Institutione (1727), 21; (1767),
  22; Expeditio Cyri (1765), 19; (Eng., 1749), 20;
  Graecorum Res Gestae et Agesilaus, 18; Hiero, sive
  De Regno, 2356; Lacedaemoniorum respublica,
  2355; Memoirs of Socrates and Memorabilia, 1307;
  Oeconomica, Agesilaus, Hieron., etc., 2354
Xenophon of Ephesus, Ephesiacorum (1781),
  4344; (1726), 4345; (Italian), 4235
Xiphilinus, Joannes, editor, Dio Cassius (1592),
  77; (1551, conflated), 84; see also 97
Xylander, Gulielmus, editor: Dio Cassius, 77;
  Diophantus of Alexandria, 3663; Pausanias,


Yale College, awards the first medical degree
  issued in the English colonies of N. America,
Yellow Fever, tracts on: 972-978; see also Davis,
  M. L., 685; Devezc, 684; Facts and Observations,
  924; Rush, B., 922; Valentin, 920
Yeoman, Thomas, 3745
Yorke, Philip, Earl of Hardwicke, Discourse of the
  Judicial Authority belonging  to the Office of Master
  of the Rolls, 1726; see also 1730, 2078
Young, Arthur: Farmer's Guide, 706; Proceedings
  of His Majesty's Privy Council respecting an insect
  supposed to infest wheat, 739; Rural Oeconomy,
  705; Travels during the years 1787, 1788, and 1789,
  744; see also Lettres du lord Somerville, 781
Young, Edward: Vindication of Providence, 1629;
  Works of the Author of Night-Thoughts, 4548;
  Night Thoughts imitated by Gazzera, 1553,
Young, Joseph, New physical system of astronomy,
Young, Patrick 1504
Young, Sir William, 4153
Young Mathematician's Guide, 3668
Young Mill-Wright & Miller's Guide, 1180
Yrujo, Chevalier de, Letter concerning William
  Blount, V, 3168a; see also 2425
Yznardi, Joseph, Letter in indication of his conduct,


Zanolini, Anton, 4463
Zarate, Augustin de, Historia del Descubrimiento y
  Conquista de la Provincias del Peru (1577), 4133;
  (French, 1700), 4134
Zayde, Histoire Espagnole, 4354
Zeisberger, David, Delaware Indian and English
  Spelling Book, 4886
Zemire et Amor, 4569
Zimmerman. See Von Zimmerman
Zonarius. See Cousin, 97
Zonical Tables, 3717
Zoologie Giographique, 1031
Zoonomia, 896
Zosimus, Historiae Norae, 94; see also 97
Zouche, Richard: Elementa Jurisprudentiae, 2207;
  Quaestionum Juris Civilis, 8206; see also 2099
Zuccari, Carlo, True Method of playing an Adagio
  made easy, 4260
Zyl, Johannes van, Theatrum Machinarum Univer-
  sale, 1179

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