Documentation for USDA Survey Nutrient Data Base, Release 7. The Survey Nutrient Data Base is maintained especially for analysis of nationwide dietary intake surveys. Release 7 was developed for the 1991 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII '91). Values for Release 7 were derived primarily from Release 10 of the USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference. Nutrient values were added for nutrients not in the Standard Reference Data Base (e.g. carotene), and complete nutrient profiles were added for missing food items. If analytical data were not available, the added values were imputed from other forms of the foods, or estimates were derived from data for similar foods. Food composition values in this data base are for 100-gram edible portions of each food. Food items containing a general or nonspecific description, for example "Beef, not further specified" have been assigned nutrient values for a commonly eaten form of the food or for a composite of several forms. Values for most items containing two or more ingredients were calculated from ingredient data using representative recipes. Recipes for home prepared foods containing salt as an ingredient have been calculated both with and without the salt, and sodium values for both calculations appear in this data set. For items not calculated from recipes and for recipes where salt is not an ingredient, the two sodium values are identical. Recipes containing fat as an ingredient were also calculated for several different fats and oils. However, due to space limitations, only those nutrient values for analysis of the survey data calculated using the specific fat listed in the recipe are included on this file. Values representing calculations based on other fathe National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Brief descriptions of each food are provided in the data file. More detailed descriptions and weights of selected portion sizes are contained in a separate file--the "Manual of Food Codes for Individual Intake." The files used to create this data base include a primary nutrient data set, a recipe file and a file of nutrient retention factors. These files, along with detailed information about the recipe calculation procedures, can also be downloaded from this board. Nutrient values associated with specific brand named products were supplied by the companies in most cases. When not supplied by companies, values were estimated. Estimates are based on product ingredient lists, or on values for similar products. Mention of commercial products in this data base and the accompanying manual of food codes is solely for identification purposes and does not constitute endorsement by the USDA over other products not mentioned. Mention of brand names is necessary to report factually on available data. USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the products, and the use of brand names by USDA implies no approval of the products to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable. FORMAT OF THE DATA SET: This data set is comma delimited. Text fields are enclosed with double quotation marks. The order of the data fields is as follows: Field Number Description and units of measure 1 Food Item number (7 digits) 2 Description (51 characters) 3 Water (%) 4 Food energy (kilocalories) 5 Protein (gm) 6 Total fat (gm) 7 Total saturated fatty acids (gm) 8 Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm) 9 Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm) 10 Cholesterol (mg) 11 Carbohydate (gm) 12 Total dietary fiber (gm) 13 Alcohol (gm) 14 Vitamin A (IU) 15 Vitamin A (RE) 16 Carotenes (RE) 17 Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol equivalents in mg) 18 Ascorbic acid (mg) 19 Thiamin (mg) 20 Riboflavin (mg) 21 Niacin (mg) 22 Vitamin B-6 (mg) 23 Folate (mcg) 24 Vitamin B-12 (mcg) 25 Calcium (mg) 26 Phosphorus (mg) 27 Magnesium (mg) 28 Iron (mg) 29 Zinc (mg) 30 Copper (mg) 31 Sodium (mg) - Default value (mg) 32 Sodium (mg) - Salt not added (For items not calculated from recipes and those recipes where salt is not an ingredient, the two sodium values are identical. See text above for further description.) 33 Potassium (mg) DATA SETS USED TO CREATE RELEASE 7 OF THE USDA NUTRIENT DATA BASE FOR INDIVIDUAL FOOD INTAKE SURVEYS PRIMARY NUTRIENT DATA SET FOR USDA NATIONWIDE FOOD CONSUMPTION SURVEYS (PDS) RELEASE 7. This data set contains nutrient values used to develop Release 7 of the USDA Nutrient Data Base for Individual Food Intake Surveys, including values for all ingredient items used in recipe calculations. Most of the nutrient data are from Release 10 of the USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference. Nutrient values were added for nutrients not in the Standard Reference Data Base (e.g., carotene), and complete nutrient profiles were added for missing food items. If analytical data were not available the added values were imputed from other forms of the foods, or estimates were derived from data for similar foods. The values are for 100 grams of the edible portion of a food. Included with each value is a code to indicate whether or not it is from the Standard Reference Data Base and whether it is based on analytical data or is an imputed value. A date is included with each value not from release 9 of the Standard Reference Data Base to indicate when it was added to this data set. All items from the Standard Reference Data Base carry the same identification numbers, commonly called NDB numbers, as the Standard Reference Data Base. Added food items have been assigned special numbers distinguished with a 4 in the first position. Data for approximately 3,200 food items are included. A list of food descriptions for this data set is included on this tape. Nutrient values associated with specific brand named products were supplied by the companies in most cases. When not supplied by companies, values were estimated. Estimates are based on product ingredient lists, or on values for similar products. Mention of commercial products in this data base and the accompanying manual of food codes is solely for identification purposes and does not constitute endorsement by the USDA over other products not mentioned. Mention of brand names is necessary to report factually on available data. USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the products, and the use of brand names by USDA implies no approval of the products to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable. NUTRIENT NOTES: Values in the data base for carotene are those assumed by HNIS in arriving at the values for total vitamin A and should not be interpreted as representing solely beta-carotene. Values for beta-carotene content of foods have not been reported frequently, and existing reports are often not clear as to whether a value is explicit for beta carotene or whether it includes other carotenoids. Only limited analytical data exist for vitamin E. Analytical data for vitamin E (as alpha-tocopherol equivalents) are available mainly for basic staple or commodity food items. Values on the data base for dietary fiber generally represent total dietary fiber determined by the method of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The format for the data set is as follows: Field Number of Column Width Decimal Places Description of Field ------ ----- -------------- -------------------- 1- 5 5 NA Food item number (NDB number) 6- 8 3 NA Nutrient or name identification number 000 Abbreviated 20 character name 203 Protein (g) 204 Fat (g) 205 Carbohydrate (g) 208 Energy (kcal) 221 Alcohol (g) 255 Moisture (g) 291 Total Dietary Fiber (g) 301 Calcium (mg) 303 Iron (mg) 304 Magnesium (mg) 305 Phosphorus (mg) 306 Potassium (mg) 307 Sodium (mg) 309 Zinc (mg) 312 Copper (mg) 318 Vitamin A (IU) 392 Vitamin A (RE) 393 Carotene (RE) 394 Alpha-Tocopherol Equiv. (mg) 401 Vitamin C (mg) 404 Thiamin (mg) 405 Riboflavin (mg) 406 Niacin (mg) 415 Vitamin B6 (mg) 417 Folacin (mcg) 418 Vitamin B12 (mcg) 601 Cholesterol (mg) 606 Total Sat. Fatty Acids (g) 645 Total Monounsat Fatty Acids (g) 646 Total Polyunsat. Fatty Acids (g) 9-16 8 3 Nutrient value (amount in 100 grams edible portion) 17 1 NA Source code 1 Analytical data or value calculated from analytical data. Source: Revised AH-8 sections and USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference Release No. 10. 2 Analytical data or value calculated from analytical data. Source: USDA Nutrient Data Bank. Value considered provisional at this time. 3 Source: USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference Release 9. 4 Imputed value. Source: USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference Release No. 9. 5 Value based on manufacturer's label claim (Breakfast Cereals only) Source: USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference Release 9. 6 Imputed value. 7 Assumed zero. 8 Value based on manufacturer's label claim (Breakfast Cereals only) 18 1 NA Blank 19-24 6 NA Date nutrient value added to data set (not present for values from USDA Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference) 25-28 4 NA Blank (except for name record) USDA TABLE OF NUTRIENT RETENTION FACTORS, RELEASE 3. This data set contains the factors for calculating retention of vitamins and minerals during food preparation. It is based primarily on the HNIS "Provisional Table on Percent Retention of Nutrients in Food Preparation," but contains several additional specific categories of foods and cooking methods. Because analytical data on nutrient retention are not available for all nutrients in each specific category, missing factors were estimated to complete the table. Each category has a code for computer access. The format for the data set is as follows: Number of Field Decimal Column Width Places Description of Field ------ ----- ---------- -------------------- 1- 4 4 NARetention code 5-39 35 NAFood category description 40-42 3 2Calcium retention factor 43-45 3 2Iron retention factor 46-48 3 2Magnesium retention factor 49-51 3 2Phosphorus retention factor 52-54 3 2Potassium retention factor 55-57 3 2Sodium retention factor 58-60 3 2Zinc retention factor 61-63 3 2Copper retention factor 64-66 3 2Vitamin C retention factor 67-69 3 2Thiamin retention factor 70-72 3 2Riboflavin retention factor 73-75 3 2Niacin retention factor 76-78 3 2Vitamin B6 retention factor 79-81 3 2Folacin retention factor 82-84 3 2Vitamin B12 retention factor 85-87 3 2Vitamin A retention factor 88-90 3 2Vitamin A retention factor (dupl) 91-93 3 2Carotenes retention factor (vitA) RECIPE FILE FOR RELEASE 7 OF THE USDA NUTRIENT DATA BASE FOR INDIVIDUAL FOOD INTAKE SURVEYS. This data set controlled the generation of the survey nutrient data base using the PDS and the table of retention factors. The items to be included in the survey data base were designated and survey food codes assigned before this file was constructed. In this file, each survey food code is linked to one or more PDS items through a set of recipe codes. Links to single PDS items are treated as one-component recipes. The information included for each recipe is listed below: 1. Recipe components. a. Names. b. NDB numbers. c. Weights of the components in grams, excluding the weight of any refuse. d. Retention codes, where applicable. 2. Changes in moisture and/or fat that occur during cooking, expressed as a percentage (plus or minus) of the total weight of the uncooked recipe. 3. Percent yield of the recipe. This is the final weight of the cooked recipe, expressed as a percentage of the uncooked weight. 4. The NDB number for the type of fat (only for recipes with a fat change). The recipe file contains approximately 6,300 items: one item for every food listed in the survey code book for the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Approximately half are one-component recipes--direct links to single items on the PDS. The recipes for mixed dishes were selected primarily from popular cookbooks and USDA publications. They are intended to be typical of foods as consumed in the United States. Each recipe contains two record types: 1 header record and 1 or more component records. The record formats are listed below. HEADER RECORD (Record types 1 and 2) Number of Field Decimal Column Width Places Description of Field ------ ----- ---------- -------------------- 1 1 NA Record type (Header Record = 1) 2 1 NA Blank 3- 9 7 NA Survey food code 10 1 NA Blank 11-46 36 NA Name of food (abbreviated) 47 1 NA Blank 8-52 5 1 Yield of recipe (cooked weight expressed as percent of uncooked weight) 53 1 NA Blank 54-58 5 1 Moisture change (percent of uncooked weight) 59 1 NA Blank 60-64 5 1 Fat change (percent of uncooked weight) 65 1 NA Blank 66-70 5 NA Type of fat change (NDB number) 71-80 10 NA Blank COMPONENT RECORD FORMAT (Record types 6 and 9) Number of Field Decimal Column Width Places Description of Field ------ ----- ---------- -------------------- 1 1 NA Record type 6 = component 9 = last component 2 1 NA Blank 3- 9 7 NA Survey food code 10 1 NA Blank 11-12 2 NA Component number (sequence number) 13 1 NA Blank 14 1 NA Flag 2 = substituted item 4 = fat component 5 = salt component 15 1 NA Blank 16-22 7 NA Component's NDB number 23-29 7 NA Blank 30-54 25 NA Name 55-58 4 NA Retention code 59 1 NA Blank 60-65 6 NA Measure description 66 1 NA Blank 67-73 7 3 Weight of measure (grams, edible portion) 74-80 7 NA Blank RECIPE CALCULATION METHOD The recipe calculation procedure is the same one used by the USDA National Nutrient Data Bank for preparation of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 (1). Additional details appear in the "Proceedings of the Tenth National Nutrient Data Bank Conference (2). The calculation procedure involves seven basic steps: 1. Determining the weight in grams of each ingredient and subtracting the weight of any inedible part, such as bone. USDA publications were used as sources of data on weight-volume relationships (1,3,4) and refuse (1,3) of ingredients for the recipe file. This step is not a part of the automated procedure. 2. Determining the nutrients in the specified weight of each ingredient. Nutrient values for 100-gram portions of ingredients are stored in the Primary Nutrient Data Set for Food Consumption Surveys. 3. Applying retention factors to vitamin and mineral values where losses may occur during cooking. Retention factors are contained in the USDA Table of Retention Factors. 4. Determining total uncooked weight of the recipe by summing weights of the ingredients. 5. Determining nutrients in the total recipe by summing nutrient values for the ingredients. 6. Adjusting the total values to account for changes in moisture and fat during cooking. Moisture may be lost through evaporation or drippings, or it may be gained through absorption. The total weight of the recipe and the total moisture value are adjusted at this step. (Vitamin and mineral losses are calculated in step 3.) Fat may be lost through drippings or gained through absorption during frying. Fat changes affect total weight, energy, total fat, and fatty acids and sometimes also affect cholesterol, minerals, and fat-soluble vitamins. These values are adjusted at this step. For the recipe file, information on the amount of moisture and fat changes during cooking were taken from Agriculture Handbook No. 102 (5) or derived from unpublished materials used in the development of Agriculture Handbook 8 revisions (1). 7. Converting nutrient values for the total recipe to the 100-gram basis. Steps 2 through 7 are performed by the computer program. To illustrate the procedures here are the calculations for a sample recipe--flounder fillet, breaded, fried. Recipe information in the Recipe File: Retention Weight of Recipe Components NDB No. Code Edible Part ----------------- ------- --- ------------- 1. Flounder, raw 80180 2310 907.2 g 2. Egg, raw 01123 0103 50.0 g 3. Milk 01077 15.2 g 4. Bread crumbs, dry 74750 0305 100.0 g 5. Salt 89630 5.5 g Moisture change = -20% Fat change = +8% Yield = 88% Fat NDB No. = 04031 (vegetable shortening absorbed during frying) The USDA recipe program locates each NDB number on the Primary Nutrient Data Set, calculates the nutrients for the specified weight, and applies the appropriate set of retention factors to the resulting nutrient values if a retention code has been designated. Calculations for thiamin are presented below as an example. Thiamin in Thiamin NDB 100 grams in recipe Retention Thiamin Number (from PDS) Weight portion factor (corrected) ------ ---------- ------ --------- ------- ----------- mg g mg g 1. 80180 0.050 X 907.2 / 100 = 0.454 X .85 = 0.386 2. 01123 0.087 X 50.0 / 100 = 0.044 X .85 = 0.037 3. 01077 0.038 X 15.2 / 100 = 0.006 = 0.006 4. 74750 0.350 X 100.0 / 100 = 0.350 X .75 = 0.262 5. 89630 0.000 X 5.5 / 100 = 0.000 = 0.000 The remaining steps in the recipe calculation procedure are illustrated below for energy and three nutrients. The weight and nutrient values for the individual ingredients are summed, and moisture and fat changes are calculated by multiplying the total weight by the input data for "Moisture change" and "Fat change." The nutrient data for the type of fat absorbed during frying is accessed in the PDS by the NDB number included for "Fat NDB No.," and the individual nutrients in the fat are calculated for the amount of fat absorbed. These values are applied to the subtotals to determine the weight and nutrient content of the cooked recipe, and all nutrient values are converted to the 100 gram basis for storage in the survey nutrient data base. Selected Food Components in Flounder Fillet, Breaded, Fried Total Saturated Weight Energy Moisture Fat Fatty Acids ------- ------ -------- ----- ----------- Kcal g g g g 1. 907.2 717 737.6 7.2 1.8 2. 50.0 79 37.3 5.6 1.7 3. 156.2 9 13.3 .5 .3 4. 100.0 392 6.5 4.6 1.0 5. 5.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ------- ------- --------- ----- ------- Subtotals 1,077.9 1,197 794.7 17.9 4.8 Moisture change -215.6 -215.6 Fat change +86.2 +762 +86.2 +21.6 ------- ------- --------- ----- ------- Yield 948.6 1,959 579.1 104.1 26.4 per 100 Grams 100.0 207 61.0 11.0 2.8 _________ REFERENCES 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1976- . Composition of Foods--Raw, Processed, Prepared. Agric. Handb. No. 8: AH-8-1, Dairy and Egg Products, 1976; AH-8-2, Spices and Herbs, 1977; AH-8-3, Baby Foods, 1978; AH-8-4, Fats and Oils, 1979; AH-8-5, Poultry Products, 1979; AH-8-6, Soups, Sauces, and Gravies, 1980; AH-8-7, Sausages and Luncheon Meats, 1980; AH-8-8, Breakfast Cereals, 1982; AH-8-9, Fruits and Fruit Juices, 1982; AH-8-10, Pork and Pork Products, 1983; AH-8-11, Vegetables and Vegetable Products, 1984; AH-8-12, Nut and Seed Products, 1984; AH-8-13, Beef Products, 1990; AH-8-14, Beverages, 1986; AH-8-15, Finfish and Shellfish Products, 1987; AH-8-16, Legumes and Legume Products, 1986; AH-8-17, Lamb, Veal, and Game Products, 1989; AH-8-18, Baked Products, 1992; AH-8-19, Snacks and Sweets, 1992; AH-8-20, Cereal Grains and Pasta, 1989; AH-8-21, Fast Foods, 1988; First Supplement, 1989; Second Supplement, 1990, Third Supplement, 1992. 2. Perloff, B.P. 1985. Recipe Calculations for NFCS Data Base. Proceedings of Tenth National Nutrient Data Bank Conference, July 22-24, 1985, San Francisco, California. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. 3. Adams, C.F. 1975. Nutritive Value of American Foods. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Handb. No. 456, 291 pp. 4. Fulton, L., E. Matthews, and C. Davis. 1977. Average Weight of a Measured Cup of Various Foods. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Home Econ. Res. Rep. No. 41, 26 pp. 5. Matthews, R.H. and Y.J. Garrison. 1975. Food Yields Summarized by different Stages of Preparation. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agric. Handb. No. 102, 136 pp. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS 1 KEY AMT=AMOUNT KEY APPX=APPROXIMATELY KEY APRCT=APRICOT KEY ART=ARTIFICIAL KEY ASC=ASCORBIC ACID KEY BAN=BANANA KEY BISCT=BISCUIT KEY BKD=BAKED KEY BLD=BOILED KEY BN=BONE KEY BRLD=BROILED KEY BRN=BROWN KEY BRSD=BRAISED KEY BTTR=BATTER KEY BX=BOX KEY C=CUP KEY CA PHOS=CALCIUM PHOSPHATE KEY CA=CALCIUM KEY CAL=KCAL=CALORIES KEY CHERR=CHERRY KEY CHOC=CHOCOLATE KEY CINN=CINNAMON KEY CKD=COOKED KEY CL=CLASS KEY CN=CAN KEY CND=CANNED KEY CNTNR=CONTAINER KEY COCNT=COCONUT KEY COMMER=COMMERCIAL KEY CONC=CONCENTRATE KEY CRCKRS=CRACKERS KEY CRM=CREAM KEY CRM=CREAM KEY CROQ=CROQUETTE KEY CTTNSD=COTTONSEED KEY CU IN=CUBIC INCH KEY DEHY=DEHYDRATED KEY DI NA PHOS=DI SODIUM PHOSPHATE KEY DIAM=DIAMETER KEY DIL=DILUTED KEY DRND=DRAINED KEY E=COLUMN E AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK 8 KEY ENR=ENRICHED KEY EQ=EQUAL KEY F=COLUMN F AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK 8 KEY FE=IRON KEY FL OZ=FLUID OUNCE KEY FLAV=FLAVORED KEY FLR=FLOUR KEY FORT=FORTIFIED KEY FRSTD=FROSTED KEY FRTS=FRUITS KEY FRZ=FROZEN KEY FT=FAT KEY GAL=GALLON KEY GL=GLASS KEY GM=GRAMS KEY GR=GRAIN KEY GRAN=GRANULES KEY GRPE=GRAPE KEY HI-MT=HIGH MEAT KEY HI-PROT=HIGH PROTEIN KEY HLVS=HALVES KEY HYDR=HYDROGENATED KEY IC=ICING KEY IMITN=IMITATION KEY IN=INCH KEY INSTNT=INSTANT KEY JNR=JUNIOR KEY L/F(%)=LN/FT(%)=LEAN FAT RATIO KEY LB=POUND KEY LF=LOAF KEY LG OR LRG=LARGE KEY LIQ=LQ=LIQUIDS KEY LN=LEAN KEY LNG=LONG KEY MARG=MARGARINE KEY MED=MEDIUM KEY MG=MILLIGRAM KEY MILL=MILLED KEY NA CAS=SODIUM CASIENATE KEY NA=SODIUM KEY NFDM=NON FAT DRY MILK KEY NFDMS=NON FAT DRIED MILK SOLIDS KEY NFMS=NON FAT MILK SOLIDS KEY NT WT=NET WEIGHT KEY OZ=OUNCE KEY PAST=PASTEURIZED KEY PC=PIECE KEY PDR=POWDER OR POWDERED KEY PK=PACK KEY PKD=PACKED KEY PKG=PACKAGE KEY PKT=PACKET KEY PNAPPL=PINEAPPLE KEY POL=POLISHED KEY PPD=PREPARED KEY PREP=PREPARED KEY PRESWT=PRESWEETENED KEY PROC=PROCESSED KEY PTTY=PATTY KEY QT=QUART KEY R-T-C=READY TO COOK KEY REC=RECIPE KEY RECT=RECTANGULAR KEY REG=REGULAR KEY RF=REFUSE KEY RSTD=ROASTED KEY RW=RAW KEY SECT=SECTIONS KEY SFLWR=SAFFLOWER KEY SKN=SKIN KEY SL=SLC=SLICE OR SLICES KEY SLT=SALT KEY SM=SMALL KEY SNFLWR=SUNFLOWER KEY SOL=SOLIDS KEY SQ=SQUARE KEY STBL=STABALIZERS KEY STFFNG=STUFFING KEY STK=STICK KEY STR=STRAINED KEY SUG=SUGAR KEY SWTN=SWEETENED KEY SYBN=SOYBEAN KEY SZ=SIZE KEY TBLTS=TABLETS KEY TBSP=TABLESPOON KEY TOT ED=TOTAL EDIBLE PORTION KEY TSP=TEASPOON KEY VAR=VARIETY OR VARIETIES KEY VEG-S=VEGETABLE SHORTENING KEY VEG=VEGETABLES KEY VIT A=VITAMIN A KEY VIT C=VITAMIN C KEY VOL=VOLUME KEY W/=WITH KEY WDG=WEDGE KEY WHL=WHOLE KEY WHT=WHITE KEY WO/=WITHOUT KEY WT=WEIGHT KEY WTR=WATER KEY YEL=YELLOW KEY YLD=YIELD