What's on John's Palm V? * = almost worth buying $ = bought it! _ = trying, probably gonna buy --- Faves $AvantGo (free!) New York Times Wired News D0News QCD Weather 24, Chicago Wall Street Journal Showtimes: Movies $BugMe! 2.62 $Clock+ $CplxCalc $Launcher III v1.42 (free!) *MobileDB Lite Palm Bar Particle Data Group Masses & Widths (I made this!) *The Thesaurus Tiny Sheet *Image Viewer $WhatzUp (free!) --- Mail Netscape Address Syncro *MultiMailPro --- Travel *ABROAD! ---System $BackupBuddyNG $HackMaster $ClearHack $Padlock Plus $TrekSounds Hack MenuHack *EVEdit HackDelete Hack $Switchhack $ContrastButtonHack (free) $SymbolHack $MiddleCapsHack $FlashPro 1.03 $Password Store $CruiseControl (free) --- Games FreeCell *PocketChess ThumbScan WPM --- What's in the "Secondary" Folder? Calc Date Book Graffiti To Do List Welcome ...and anything that is remapped below. --- Buttons I remapped: applications: Gives me Launcher III caclulator: CplxCal Calendar: ThisWeek ToDo List: Whatzup memo: BugMe Contrast button: Clock+ I use SwitchHack and EVEdit to augment these buttons further.