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001 package atlantis;
003 import java.awt.Rectangle;
004 import java.awt.Toolkit;
005 import;
006 import;
008 import javax.swing.UIManager;
009 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
010 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
012 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
013 import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
014 import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
015 import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
016 import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
017 import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
018 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
019 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
020 import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
021 import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
023 import atlantis.canvas.ACanvas;
024 import atlantis.config.ADefaultValues;
025 import atlantis.config.AConfigUpdater;
026 import atlantis.event.AEventManager;
027 import atlantis.event.AEventSource.InvalidEventSourceException;
028 import atlantis.event.AEventSource.NoMoreEventsException;
029 import atlantis.event.AEventSource.ReadEventException;
030 import atlantis.event.AEventSourceException;
031 import atlantis.geometry.AAtlasDetector;
032 import atlantis.geometry.ADetectorSystem;
033 import atlantis.gui.AColorMap;
034 import atlantis.gui.ADemoDialog;
035 import atlantis.gui.AEventQueue;
036 import atlantis.gui.AExceptionHandler;
037 import atlantis.gui.AGUI;
038 import atlantis.gui.ACursorFactory;
039 import atlantis.gui.AStartupWindow;
040 import atlantis.gui.AReadEventFromServerDialog;
041 import atlantis.list.AListManager;
042 import atlantis.parameters.APar;
043 import atlantis.projection.AProjectionsManager;
044 import atlantis.utils.AAtlantisException;
045 import atlantis.utils.AUtilities;
046 import atlantis.utils.AMath;
047 import atlantis.utils.xml.AXMLErrorHandler;
048 import atlantis.utils.xml.AXMLUtils;
049 import atlantis.event.AEventHistory;
050 import atlantis.utils.ALogger;
051 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
055 public class Atlantis
056 {    
057     // the attribute gets initialized after command line options
058     // are processed. all other classes will just do 
059     // logger = ALogger.getLogger(Class.class) in their attribute definitions
060     private static ALogger logger = null;
062     // expands into CVS tag
063     public static String versionAtlantisJava = "$Name: AtlantisJava-09-11-11 $";
065     public static final String fileSep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
066     public static final String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
067     public static final String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
069     // flag for displaying HLTAutoKey data
070     public static boolean SHOW_HLTAUTOKEY = false;
071     // limit the total width of Atlantis to this number of pixels (0 = screen width)
072     public static int MAX_WIDTH = 0;
074     public static boolean inDemo = false;
076     // main Atlantis components
077     // static final declaration ensures these objects are always there
078     private static final AEventManager eventManager = new AEventManager();
079     private static final ACursorFactory cursors = new ACursorFactory();
081     private static ADetectorSystem detector;
082     private static ACanvas canvas;
083     private static AGUI gui;
085     private static final String JDK_VERSION_ERROR_MSG =
086         "Atlantis requires Java (JDK or JRE) version 1.5 or newer.\n" +
087         "Please visit: and download Java 1.5";
089     private static final String INIT_ERROR_MSG = 
090         "Error during Atlantis initialization.\n" +
091         "(configuration file related issues might be\n" +
092         "corrected by running with -x (updating customised configuration)).\n" +
093         "See console output for more information.";
095     public static final String LIVE_POINT_1_EVENTS_URL =
096         "";
098     // force Atlantis to update the personal configuration file
099     private static boolean updateConfig = false;
100     // configuration file specified as command line argument
101     private static String configCommandLine = null;
102     // colormap file specified as command line argument
103     private static String colormapCommandLine = null;
104     // server name specified as command line argument for reading event remotely
105     private static String serverName = null;
106     // server port specified as command line argument for reading event remotely
107     private static Integer serverPort = 48965;
108     // archive name specified as command line argument for looping
109     private static String archiveName = null;
110     // access order when using -l to loop through an archive
111     private static boolean accessOrder = ADemoDialog.SEQUENTIAL;
112     // demo mode when using -l to loop through an archive
113     private static boolean demoMode = ADemoDialog.SINGLE_WINDOW_MODE;
114     // selected projections specified as command line argument for looping
115     private static String selectedProjections = null;
116     // timer delay for reading events from server automatically
117     private static Integer loopInterval = null;
118     // default event file specified from command line
119     private static String defaultEventFile = null;
120     // Object for saving event history in a directory
121     private static AEventHistory eventHistory = null;
123     public static final boolean atlantisWithOpenGL = false;
126     /**
127      * Returns the name of the server specified as a command line option or null
128      * @return the server name
129      */
130     private static String getServerName()
131     {
132         return serverName;
133     }  
135     /**
136      * Returns the port number of the server specified as a command line option or null
137      * @return the port number of the server
138      */
139     private static Integer getServerPort()
140     {
141         return serverPort;
142     }
144     /**
145      * Returns the delay for timer for automatic event reading from server
146      * when this option was specified as command line argument 
147      * @return the delay in seconds
148      */
149     private static Integer getLoopInterval()
150     {
151         return loopInterval;
152     }
154     /**
155      * Return the eventHistory object, which saves raw event data, images and
156      * thumbnails into files, keeping a maximum number of files
157      * @return the AEventHistoryObject
158      */
159     public static AEventHistory getEventHistory() {
160       return eventHistory;
161     }
164     /**
165      * Checks the version of user's Java Runtime Environment
166      */
167     private static void checkJDKVersion()
168     {
169         try
170         {
171             UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel");
172         }
173         catch(Exception e)
174         {
175             AExceptionHandler.processException("Error During Setting Look and Feel", e);
176         }
178         String version = System.getProperty("java.version");
179         if(version == null || version.compareTo("1.5") < 0)
180         {
181             AExceptionHandler.processException("fatal", JDK_VERSION_ERROR_MSG);
182         }
184     } // checkJDKVersion() --------------------------------------------------
187     private static void updateStartupWindow(AStartupWindow win, String msg)
188     {
189         win.updateText(msg);
191     } // updateStartupWindow() ----------------------------------------------
195     private static void initAtlantis() {
196     AStartupWindow startupWin = null;
198     try {
199       // replace event queue by AEventQueue ---------------------------
200       System.setProperty("sun.awt.exception.handler",
201               "AAWTExceptionHandler");
202       Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().push(new AEventQueue());
204       startupWin = AStartupWindow.getInstance();
205       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Atlantis initialisation");
207"Atlantis home: " + Atlantis.getHomeDirectory());
209       // reading Atlantis runtime configuration
210"Reading Atlantis runtime configuration");
211       ADefaultValues.readRuntimeValues();
213       // read the configuration xml files -------------------------
214       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Reading Atlantis configuration");
215"Reading the configuration...");
216       // configuration file from the Atlantis distributon
217       String fileNameDist = getHomeDirectory() + "configuration" +
218               fileSep + "config.xml";
219       String fileNameUser = userHome + fileSep + ".Atlantis-config.xml";
220       // this is checksum of the distribution's configuration file
221       // if it doesn't match, Atlantis tries to update user's configuration
222       String fileNameChk = userHome + fileSep + ".Atlantis-config.chk";
224       // check if the checksum file (.chk) is up-to-date,
225       // create one if not exist or not is not up-to-date
226       if ((new File(fileNameChk).exists() &&
227               !AConfigUpdater.compareChecksums(fileNameDist, fileNameChk)) ||
228               !new File(fileNameChk).exists()) {
229         AConfigUpdater.createChecksumFile(fileNameDist, fileNameChk);
230         Atlantis.updateConfig = true;
231"Updating customised configuration forced.");
232       }
234       // if configuration file is specified as command line argument
235       // take it rather than configuration in user's home directory
237       if (Atlantis.configCommandLine != null) {
238"Configuration file specified on command line: " +
239                 Atlantis.configCommandLine);
240         fileNameUser = Atlantis.configCommandLine;
241       }
243       //check if we can read the user configuration file
244       InputStream isConfig = null; // configuration file input stream
246       try {
247"Using configuration file: " + fileNameUser);
248         if (Atlantis.updateConfig) {
249           updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Updating user's configuration");
250 "Updating user's customised configuration file ...");
251           AConfigUpdater.updateConfigurationFile(fileNameDist, fileNameUser);
252         } else {
253 "User's configuration file is up-to-date.");
254         }
255         // read the configuration file from user's home directory
256         isConfig = AUtilities.getFileAsStream(fileNameUser);
257       } catch (AAtlantisException aae) {
258         // read the configuration file from atlantis distribution
259         logger.error("Could not read " + fileNameUser + " reason: " +
260                 aae.getMessage());
261"Using configuration file: " + fileNameDist);
262         isConfig = AUtilities.getFileAsStream(fileNameDist);
263       }
265       //Get document parser instance
266       DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
267       factory.setValidating(true);
268       DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
269       parser.setErrorHandler(new AXMLErrorHandler());
271       //Get the root node
272       Node rootNode = parser.parse(isConfig).getDocumentElement();
274       // read the XML initialization node, and performs initialization
275       Node initializationNode = AXMLUtils.getChild(rootNode, "Initialization");
277       // read colour map (colormap.xml) configuration -----------------
278"Reading the colour map...");
279       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Reading Atlantis colour map");
280       AColorMap.readColorMap(Atlantis.colormapCommandLine);
282       // creating canvas ----------------------------------------------
283"Building Canvas, Projections...");
284       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Building Atlantis Canvas, Projections");
285       Node canvasNode = AXMLUtils.getChild(initializationNode, "Canvas");
286       canvas = new ACanvas(canvasNode);
289       // reading parameters ------------------------------------------
290"Building Parameters...");
291       new APar(AXMLUtils.getChild(rootNode, "Parameters")).update(
292               AXMLUtils.getChild(rootNode, "ParameterDifferences"));
293       // creating the Projections Manager (reading the projections)
294       Node interactionsNode =
295               AXMLUtils.getChild(initializationNode, "Interactions");
296       AProjectionsManager.initialise(interactionsNode);
298       // reading  the geometry ----------------------------------------
299"Reading the geometry...");
300       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Reading Atlantis geometry");
301       String geomPrefix = Atlantis.getHomeDirectory() + "geometry" +
302               Atlantis.fileSep;
303       String geomName = ADefaultValues.get("GeometryName");
304       if (!"".equals(geomName)) {
305         // name of the geometry considered after underscore
306         geomName = "_" + geomName;
308         // do the geometry files exist - just try loading the files
309         String geomNameFull1 = geomPrefix + "AGeometry" + geomName + ".xml";
310         String geomNameFull2 = geomPrefix + "AMuonGeometry" + geomName + ".xml";
311         try {
312           // just accessibility test
313           InputStream i = AUtilities.getFileAsStream(geomNameFull1);
314           i = AUtilities.getFileAsStream(geomNameFull2);
315           i = null;
316         } catch (AAtlantisException ae) {
317           geomName = ""; // will fall back to default geometry
318         }
319       }
320       String geomIdCalo = geomPrefix + "AGeometry" + geomName + ".xml";
321       String geomMuon = geomPrefix + "AMuonGeometry" + geomName + ".xml";
322       detector = new AAtlasDetector(geomIdCalo, geomMuon);
324       canvas.finalizeConstruction();
325       canvas.readCorners(AXMLUtils.getChild(rootNode, "WindowCorners"));
326       // This is needed here, design should be changed to remove this problem
327       canvas.setCurrentWindow(canvas.getCurrentWindowName());
328       //Add the canvas as a NewEvent event listener
329       getEventManager().addNewEventListener(canvas);
331       // reading the event --------------------------------------------
333       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Reading event file");
335       if (Atlantis.archiveName == null && Atlantis.serverName == null) {
336         // read default event from local file system
337         getDefaultEvent();
338       }
340"Atlantis Ready...");
341       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Atlantis Ready");
343       // displaying GUI, Canvas ---------------------------------------
344"Displaying GUI, Canvas...");
345       updateStartupWindow(startupWin, "Displaying Atlantis GUI and Canvas");
346       // update colors to those selected in the config file
347       AColorMap.setColorMap(APar.get("Prefs", "ColorMap").getI());
348       // NB: must calculate the size of GUI after calling
349       // canvas.setVisible(true), in which the real final size of Canvas
350       // will be calculated
351       canvas.setVisible(true);
353       // Now the canvas is on the screen and have a size, check if we need
354       // to rework the aspect ratio on YX projections at all as is the case
355       // when going to control room projectors for example - AD
356       canvas.correctAspectRatios();
358       //Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
359       //This will stretch the GUI over multiple displays
360       //Rather use the canvases graphics config
361       Rectangle screenSize = canvas.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
363       int useWidth = screenSize.width;
364       if (MAX_WIDTH > 0 && useWidth > MAX_WIDTH) {
365         useWidth = MAX_WIDTH;
366       }
367       int guiHeight = canvas.getBounds().height;
368       gui = new AGUI(guiHeight);
369       if (canvas.getCurrentLayout().getName().equals("FULL SCREEN")) {
370         int guiWidth = useWidth / 4;
371         gui.setBounds(useWidth * 3 / 4, 0, guiWidth, guiHeight);
372       } else {
373         int guiWidth = useWidth - canvas.getBounds().width - canvas.getBounds().x;
374         gui.setBounds(canvas.getBounds().x + canvas.getBounds().width,
375                 canvas.getBounds().y, guiWidth, guiHeight);
376       }
377       gui.setVisible(true);
379       if (Atlantis.serverName != null) {
380         if (Atlantis.loopInterval != null) {
381           // both server name (-s) and timer delay (-p) were specified
382           // so create a server dialog
383           AReadEventFromServerDialog dialog =  AReadEventFromServerDialog.getInstance();
384           //set all properties
385           dialog.setServerName(getServerName());
386           dialog.setPortNumber(getServerPort());
387           dialog.setUpdateInterval(getLoopInterval());
388           dialog.showDialog();
389           dialog.startEventLoop();
390         } else {
391           // read a single event from the server
392           //Assemble the xmlrpc source string
393           String sourceName = "xmlrpc://" + getServerName() + ":" + getServerPort();
394           //set new event source and read first event
395           try {
396             Atlantis.getEventManager().setEventSource(sourceName);
397             Atlantis.getEventManager().nextEvent();
398           } catch (AEventSourceException aes) {
399             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(AGUI.getGUI(), "Cannot read event from server - " +
400                     "reading default event instead", "Bad Event Source", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
401             //be a bit verbose
402             logger.error("Unable to read event from server:");
403             logger.error(aes.getCauseMessges());
404             //If we fail, read default event instead
405   "Reading default event instead");
406             getDefaultEvent();
407           }
408         }
409       }
411       if (Atlantis.archiveName != null) // loop an archive in demo mode
412       {
413         // NB: ADemoDialog need GUI to be present to initialize
414         // properly, so put here after GUI's construction
415         ADemoDialog.getInstance().setSelectedFile(Atlantis.archiveName);
416         ADemoDialog.getInstance().setMode(Atlantis.demoMode);
417         ADemoDialog.getInstance().setAccessOrder(Atlantis.accessOrder);
418         if (getLoopInterval() != null)
419             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setTimerInterval(getLoopInterval());
421         if (Atlantis.selectedProjections != null) {
422           ADemoDialog.getInstance().clearProjSelection();
423           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("1") >= 0) {
424             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("YX", true);
425           }
426           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("2") >= 0) {
427             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("VP", true);
428           }
429           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("3") >= 0) {
430             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("EG", true);
431           }
432           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("4") >= 0) {
433             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("RZ", true);
434           }
435           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("5") >= 0) {
436             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("FR", true);
437           }
438           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("6") >= 0) {
439             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("FZ", true);
440           }
441           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("7") >= 0) {
442             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("XZ", true);
443           }
444           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("8") >= 0) {
445             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("YZ", true);
446           }
447           if (selectedProjections.indexOf("9") >= 0) {
448             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setProjStatus("LegoPlot", true);
449           }
450           if (!ADemoDialog.getInstance().checkProjSelection()) {
451             ADemoDialog.getInstance().setDefaultProjSelection();
452           }
453         }
454         String order = (Atlantis.accessOrder) ? "random" : "sequential";
455"Reading event from " + Atlantis.archiveName + " in " + order + " access order");
456         ADemoDialog.getInstance().setVisible(true);
457         ADemoDialog.getInstance().startDemo();
458       }
460       //If we have a history saver, add it now as new event listener
461       if (eventHistory != null)
462         getEventManager().addNewEventListener(eventHistory);
464     } catch (Exception e) {
465       logger.fatal(INIT_ERROR_MSG);
466       logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e);
467       AExceptionHandler.processException(INIT_ERROR_MSG, e);
468     } finally {
469       if (startupWin != null) {
470         startupWin.dispose();
471       }
472     }
474   } // initAtlantis() -----------------------------------------------------
477     /**
478      * @return the event manager object
479      */
480     public static AEventManager getEventManager()
481     {
482         return eventManager;
483     }
485     /**
486      * @return the detector system object
487      */
488     public static ADetectorSystem getDetector()
489     {
490         return detector;
492     }
494     /**
495      * Call from AReadGeometryChooser where the Atlantis geometry is changed
496      * on-the-fly
497      * @param currentDetector the dectector
498      */
499     public static void setDetector(ADetectorSystem currentDetector)
500     {
501         Atlantis.detector = currentDetector;
503     } // setDetector() ------------------------------------------------------
506     /**
507      * Restore all the default configuration
508      */
509     public static void restoreDefaults()
510     {
511       //restore default parameters
512       APar.restoreDefaults();
513       //reset primary vertex in current event if there is one
514       if (getEventManager().getCurrentEvent() != null) {
515          getEventManager().getCurrentEvent().setPrimaryVertex();
516       }
517       //reset all list
518       AListManager.getInstance().reset();
519       //Finally refresh GUI and canvas
520       AGUI.refresh();
521       ACanvas.getCanvas().restoreDefaults();
523     } // restoreDefaults() --------------------------------------------------
526     public static String getHomeDirectory()
527     {
528         // where was this class loaded from
529         String temp = Atlantis.class.getResource("Atlantis.class").getFile();
530         // remove "file:"
531         temp = temp.substring(5);
532         if(temp.indexOf("!") > -1)
533         {
534             // atlantis is in a .jar file
535             temp = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf("!"));
536             temp = temp.replaceAll("%20", " ");
537             return temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
538         }
539         // must be the current working directory of the user
540         return System.getProperty("user.dir") + fileSep;
542     } // getHomeDirectory() -------------------------------------------------
544     private static void processCommandLineParameters(String args[])
545     {
546         HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
548         Options o = new Options();
549         Option hltautokey = new Option("a", false, "show HLTAutoKey tracks");
550         o.addOption(hltautokey);
552         System.out.print("Command line arguments:\n   ");
553         for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
554         {
555             System.out.print(args[i] + " ");
556         }
557         System.out.println("\n");
559         Option config = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file")
560             .hasArg()
561             .withDescription("read configuration from specified file")
562             .withLongOpt("config")
563             .create("c");
564         o.addOption(config);
567         String debugDescr = "log debug messages of severity level to " +
568                             "stdout, if destination (filename) is set " +
569                             "then also to a file. severity levels are " +
570                             ALogger.getStringLevels() + " (INFO is default)"; 
571         Option debug = OptionBuilder.hasArgs(2)
572                        .withArgName("severity destination")
573                        .withDescription(debugDescr)
574                        .withLongOpt("debug").create('d');
575         o.addOption(debug);
578         Option defaultEvent = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file")
579             .hasArg()
580             .withDescription("set default event file at startup")
581             .withLongOpt("default")
582             .create("f");
583         o.addOption(defaultEvent);
586         Option configMode = new Option("g", false, "use configuration demo mode with -l (single window mode by default)");
587         Option help = new Option("h", "help", false, "display this help message");
588         Option projection = OptionBuilder.withArgName("number")
589             .hasArg()
590             .withDescription("set projections used in single window demo mode with -l (e.g. -j 123)"
591                 + "\n 1 --- YX"
592                 + "\n 2 --- " + AMath.PHI + AMath.ETA
593                 + "\n 3 --- " + AMath.PHI + AMath.LAMBDA
594                 + "\n 4 --- " + AMath.RHO + "Z"
595                 + "\n 5 --- " + AMath.PHI + AMath.RHO
596                 + "\n 6 --- " + AMath.PHI + "Z"
597                 + "\n 7 --- X'Z"
598                 + "\n 8 --- Y'Z"
599                 + "\n 9 --- LegoPlot")
600             .withLongOpt("projection")
601             .create("j");
602         Option loop = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file")
603             .hasArg()
604             .withDescription("loop through all events in specified file (.zip archive)")
605             .withLongOpt("loop")
606             .create("l");
607         Option colormap = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file")
608             .hasArg()
609             .withDescription("read colourmap from specified file")
610             .withLongOpt("colormap")
611             .create("m");
612         Option pause = OptionBuilder.withArgName("seconds")
613             .hasArg()
614             .withDescription("set timer interval for -s or -l options")
615             .withLongOpt("pause")
616             .create("p");
617         Option random = new Option("r", "random", false, "use random access order with -l (sequential by default)");
618         Option server = OptionBuilder.withArgName("hostname[:port]")
619             .hasArg()
620             .withDescription("read event from specified remote server")
621             .withLongOpt("server")
622             .create("s");
623         Option updateConfig = new Option("x", "updateconfig", false, "update user's configuration file");
624         Option maxWidth = OptionBuilder.withArgName("maxwidth")
625             .hasArg()
626             .withDescription("maximum screen width used by Atlantis")
627             .withLongOpt("maxwidth")
628             .create("w");
630         // -o --overview - used for monitoring in the ACR - when reading xml
631         // from JiveXML server, save png canvas plot and xml event event
632         // date every N events into specified directory where history of 
633         // M length files is kept
634         String overviewDescr = "save history overview when reading files from " +
635                                "JiveXML server: save PNG and XML " +
636                                "files into directory dir every n events and " +
637                                " keep m events in total";
638         Option monitOverview = OptionBuilder.hasArgs(3)
639                                .withArgName("dir n m")
640                                .withDescription(overviewDescr).
641                                withLongOpt("overview").create('o');        
642         o.addOption(monitOverview);
645         o.addOption(help);
646         OptionGroup group1 = new OptionGroup();
647         group1.addOption(loop);
648         group1.addOption(server);
649         o.addOptionGroup(group1);
650         OptionGroup group2 = new OptionGroup();
651         group2.addOption(configMode);
652         group2.addOption(projection);
653         o.addOptionGroup(group2);
654         o.addOption(colormap);
655         o.addOption(pause);
656         o.addOption(random);
657         o.addOption(updateConfig);
658         o.addOption(maxWidth);
660         CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
661         String headerMsg = "\nMandatory arguments to long options are " +
662                            "mandatory for short options too.\n";
663         String footerMsg = "\n-l and -s are mutually exclusive\n";
664         footerMsg += "-g and -j are mutually exclusive\n";
665         footerMsg += "\nAtlFast objects were supported up to " +
666                      "AtlantisJava-09-05-28 via \"Fast\" option.\n";
667         footerMsg += "Beginner simplified GUI was supported up to " +
668                      "AtlantisJava-09-05-28 via \"Beginner\" option.\n";
669         footerMsg += "CTB 2004 geometry was supported up to " +
670                      "AtlantisJava-09-07-42 via -t, --testbeam option.\n";
672         try
673         {
674             CommandLine l = parser.parse(o, args);
676             // retrieve the argument for options
677             if(l.hasOption('a'))
678             {
679                 Atlantis.SHOW_HLTAUTOKEY = true;
680             }
681             if(l.hasOption('c'))
682             {
683                 Atlantis.configCommandLine = l.getOptionValue('c', null);
684             }
685             if(l.hasOption('d'))
686             {
687                 String[] vals = l.getOptionValues('d');
688                 // vals[0] - severity level
689                 // vals[1] - destination to write logs to
690                 try
691                 {
692                     ALogger.initialize(vals); // need to check vals
693                 }
694                 catch(Exception aa)
695                 {
696                     //aa.printStackTrace();
697                     throw new ParseException(debug.getLongOpt() + 
698                             " settings incorrect: " + aa.getMessage()); 
699                 }                   
700             }
701             if(l.hasOption('f'))
702             {
703                 Atlantis.defaultEventFile = l.getOptionValue('f', null);
704             }
705             if(l.hasOption('h'))
706             {
707                 formatter.printHelp("Atlantis", headerMsg, o, footerMsg);
708                 System.exit(0);
709             }
710             if(l.hasOption('l'))
711             {
712                 Atlantis.archiveName = l.getOptionValue('l', null);
713                 if(l.hasOption('g'))
714                 {
715                     Atlantis.demoMode = ADemoDialog.CONFIGURATION_MODE;
716                 }
717                 else
718                 {
719                     // only valid with one window demo mode
720                     if(l.hasOption('j'))
721                     {
722                         Atlantis.selectedProjections = l.getOptionValue('j', null);
723                     }
724                 }
725                 if(l.hasOption('r'))
726                 {
727                     Atlantis.accessOrder = ADemoDialog.RANDOM;
728                 }
729             }
730             if(l.hasOption('m'))
731             {
732                 // retrieve the argument for options or assign default value
733                 Atlantis.colormapCommandLine = l.getOptionValue('m', null);
734             }
735             if (l.hasOption('s')) {
736               //Get the combined server name:port string
737               String[] serverPortName = l.getOptionValue('s', null).split(":");
738               if ((serverPortName.length < 1) || (serverPortName.length > 2))
739                 throw new ParseException("Server option needs argument in the format 'hostname:port'");
741               //Set server name if given
742               if (!((serverPortName[0]).equals("")))
743                 Atlantis.serverName = serverPortName[0];
745               //Check if port number is given
746               if (serverPortName.length == 2) {
747                 if (!(serverPortName[1]).equals("")) {
748                   try {
749                     //Check wether this was an integer
750                     Atlantis.serverPort = Integer.parseInt(serverPortName[1]);
751                   } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
752                     throw new ParseException("Port number " + serverPortName[1] + " is not valid for -s option");
753                   }
754                 }
755               }
756             }
757             /**
758              * Loop intervall - currently only when reading from server
759              */
760             if (l.hasOption('p')) {
761               String s = l.getOptionValue('p', null);
762               // just check whether integer was supplied
763               try {
764                 loopInterval = Integer.parseInt(s);
765               } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
766                 throw new ParseException(s + " is not integer for -p option");
767               }
768             }
770             if(l.hasOption('w'))
771             {
772                 try 
773                 {
774                     Atlantis.MAX_WIDTH = Integer.parseInt(l.getOptionValue('w', null));
775                 } 
776                 catch (NumberFormatException e) 
777                 {
778                     Atlantis.MAX_WIDTH = 0;
779                 }
780             }
781             if(l.hasOption('x'))
782             {
783                 Atlantis.updateConfig = true;
784             }
785             if(l.hasOption('o'))
786             {
787                 String[] vals = l.getOptionValues('o');
788                 if(vals.length != monitOverview.getArgs())
789                 {
790                     throw new ParseException(monitOverview.getLongOpt() + 
791                             " options takes exactly 3 arguments");
792                 }
793                 // vals[0] - directory to store events and png into
794                 // vals[1] - n - save every n events
795                 // vals[2] - m - keep m files in the directory
796                 try
797                 {
798                 String dir = vals[0];
799                 short n = Short.parseShort(vals[1]);
800                 short m = Short.parseShort(vals[2]);
801                     Atlantis.eventHistory = new AEventHistory(dir,n,m);
802               } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){
803                 throw new ParseException("Invalid parameters to option -o");
804               } catch(Exception aa){
805                     throw new ParseException(aa.getMessage());
806                 }
807             }
808         } // try
809         catch(ParseException ex)
810         {
811             System.err.println("\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n");
812             formatter.printHelp("Atlantis", headerMsg, o, footerMsg);
813             System.exit(1);
814         }
816     } // processCommandLineParameters() -------------------------------------
819     /**
820      * Read in the default event shipped with Atlantis
821      */
822     public static void getDefaultEvent()
823     {
824         //Get the file where the default event is stored
825         String eventPath;
827         //Check if default event is set in command line options
828         if(Atlantis.defaultEventFile != null) {
829             eventPath = Atlantis.defaultEventFile;
830         } else {
831           //Otherwise set it to the current home
832           eventPath = Atlantis.getHomeDirectory() + "events" + Atlantis.fileSep +
833             "";
834         }
836         //be verbose
837"Reading the default event: " + eventPath);
838         //set the event source and read an event
839         try {
840           getEventManager().setEventSource(eventPath);
841           getEventManager().nextEvent();
842         } catch (InvalidEventSourceException ies){
843           //Write error message
844           String msg = "Can not access "+eventPath+": "+ies.getMessage();
845           logger.error(msg);
846           //Show error dialog
847           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ACanvas.getCanvas(), msg,
848                 "Invalid Event Source",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
849         } catch (NoMoreEventsException nme){
850           String msg = "No events in "+eventPath+": "+nme.getMessage();
851           logger.error(msg);
852           //Show error dialog
853           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ACanvas.getCanvas(), msg,
854                 "No Events found",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
855         } catch (ReadEventException rex){
856           String msg = "Can not read events from "+eventPath+": "+rex.getMessage();
857           logger.error(msg);
858           //Show error dialog
859           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ACanvas.getCanvas(), msg,
860                 "Can not read event",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
861         }
862     }
865     private static void setCVSTagInfo()
866     {
867         // CVS expands into $Name: AtlantisJava-09-11-11 $, we only want the tag name
868         String s = Atlantis.versionAtlantisJava;
869         s = Atlantis.versionAtlantisJava.replaceAll("Name", "");
870         s = s.replaceAll("\\$", "").replaceAll(":", "").trim();
871         if("".compareTo(s) == 0)
872         {
873             s = "AtlantisJava (CVS tag n/a)";
874         }
875         Atlantis.versionAtlantisJava = s;
877     }  // setCVSTagInfo() ---------------------------------------------------
881     public static void main(String[] args)
882     {
883         processCommandLineParameters(args);
885         // logger should be initialized from processCommandLineParameters()
886         logger = ALogger.getLogger(Atlantis.class);
888         checkJDKVersion();        
890         setCVSTagInfo();
891         String msg = "Running AtlantisJava version (CVS tag): " +
892                      Atlantis.versionAtlantisJava;        
895         if (Atlantis.atlantisWithOpenGL) {
896   "Testing for OpenGL");
897    ? "Open GL Available" : "Open GL Unavailable");
898         }
900         initAtlantis();
902     } // main() -------------------------------------------------------------
905 } // Atlantis class =========================================================

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