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NPR 3335.1G
Effective Date: July 18, 2005
Expiration Date: July 18, 2010
Printable Format (PDF)

(NASA Only)

Subject: Internal Placement of NASA Employees

Responsible Office: Office of Human Capital Management

| TOC | Preface | ChapterI_1 | ChapterI_2 | ChapterI_3 | ChapterI_4 | ChapterI_5 | AppendixI_A | AppendixI_B | ChapterII_1 | ChapterII_2 | ChapterII_3 | ChapterII_4 | ChapterII_5 | ChapterII_6 | ChapterII_7 | ChapterII_8 | ChapterII_9 | ChapterII_10 | ChapterII_11 | ALL |

PART II. Chapter 3. Career Counseling

3.1 Career counseling is that aspect of the Upward Mobility Program designed to help employees realistically assess their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and aptitudes in relation to the Center's mainstream occupations or other likely upward mobility positions. Through career counseling, lower level employees interested in advancement will be able to better prepare themselves for future upward mobility opportunities.

3.2 The scope of a Center's career counseling services will largely depend on the skills and expertise of the designated career counselor. At a minimum, the counseling services must include assistance to employees in the following:

a. Assessing their skills, abilities, interests, and aptitudes on the basis of past education and training, supervisory evaluations, work accomplishments, and self-appraisals.

b. Determining qualifications required for occupations at the Center and, in general, within the career system. The counselor should assist the employee in understanding the ways these requirements relate to individual capabilities.

c. Defining career goals and developing plans for reaching the goals.

d. Identifying career ladders and programs that provide opportunities.

e. Identifying and assessing education and training opportunities and clarifying enrollment procedures.

f. Identifying factors that may impair career development.

g. Learning about resources, inside or outside the Agency, in which additional assistance is available.

3.3 Communication between the career counselor and the Upward Mobility Program Manager is essential. An exchange of information between the two will reveal the skill level and interests of likely upward mobility applicants and the most likely job opportunities to be announced under the Upward Mobility Program. This exchange of information may be accomplished informally or at regularly scheduled meetings involving all those engaged in the Upward Mobility Program operation.

| TOC | Preface | ChapterI_1 | ChapterI_2 | ChapterI_3 | ChapterI_4 | ChapterI_5 | AppendixI_A | AppendixI_B | ChapterII_1 | ChapterII_2 | ChapterII_3 | ChapterII_4 | ChapterII_5 | ChapterII_6 | ChapterII_7 | ChapterII_8 | ChapterII_9 | ChapterII_10 | ChapterII_11 | ALL |
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