Horsetooth Reservoir Archeological Investigations
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What was Happening Then?
Stone floor, Room 2, Trench 2.

Site #1: Lamb Quarrypage 3

Excavation of the quarry's multi-room structure presented both a challenge and an opportunity. The room interiors were filled, to depths of at least a foot, with reservoir sediments and stones that had fallen from the surrounding walls. Completely digging out even one room would involve considerable time and energy. Our solution to this problem was to dig a narrow (1-foot wide) trench parallel with the long axis of the structure (designated Grid North) and a second trench perpendicular to the first across the open area between the structure and the retaining wall. This strategy opened “windows” into the interior contents of the rooms and adjacent work areas. Before any digging occurred, however, we mapped the entire site area. The site map shows natural and cultural features and the locations of the trenches.

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President Teddy Roosevelt.In 1905, Russia and Japan signed the Treaty of Portsmouth, which concluded their brief war (1904-1905) of imperialistic ambitions. President Teddy Roosevelt of the United States brokered the peace talks. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt married her fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the New York Giants won the World Series, and President Teddy Roosevelt created the Forest Service.


What do you know?

Where would you expect to find the oldest artifacts in one of the rooms? (You have two tries to answer correctly.)

Underneath a stone that fell from the wall
On top of the floor
In reservoir sediments above the floor
On the surface

Stone floor exposed in Room 2, Trench 2

In some rooms, we discovered stone, wooden plank, and earthen floors.

The Artifact Gallery

Wood knot found at the quarry.
A brooch from the quarry.
A wood knot of southern pine was found in Room 4 of Trench 1. A brooch from Room 7 of Trench 1; note the pin for fastening and the paper backing.