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Cat Genome Project

Publications:  1997

[2001] [2000] [1999] [1998] [1997] [1996] [1995]

Allikmets R; Singh N; Sun H; Shroyer NF; Hutchinson A; Chidambaram A; Gerrard B; Baird L; Stauffer D; Peiffer A; Rattner A; Smallwood P; Li Y; Anderson KL; Lewis RA; Nathans J; Leppert M; Dean M; Lupski JR. A  photoreceptor cell-specific atp-binding transporter gene (ABCR) is mutated in recessive Stargardt macular dystrophy. Nature Genetics 15:236-246,  1997 Pubmed
Allikmets R; Shroyer NF; Singh N; Seddon JM; Lewis RA; Bernstein PS; Peiffer  A; Zabriskie NA; Li Y; Hutchinson A; Dean M; Lupski JR; Leppert M. Mutation of the Stargardt disease gene (ABCR) in age-related macular degeneration. Science 277:1805-1807, 1997 Pubmed
Alpers CE; Tsai CC; Hudkins KL; Cui Y; Kuller L; Benveniste RE; Ward JM;  Morton WR. Focal  segmental glomerulosclerosis in primates infected with a simian immunodeficiency  virus. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 13:413-424, 1997 Pubmed
An P; Wei L; Wu X; Yuhki N; O'Brien SJ; Winkler C. Evolutionary analysis of the 5'-terminal region of hepatitis G virus isolated from different  regions in China. J Gen Virol 78:2477-2482, 1997 Pubmed
Barcellos LF; Thomson G; Carrington M; Schafer J; Begovich AB; Lin P; Xu XH; Min BQ; Marti D; Klitz W. Chromosome 19 single-locus and multilocus haplotype associations with multiple sclerosis. Evidence of a new susceptibility locus in Caucasian and Chinese patients. JAMA 278:1256-1261, 1997 Pubmed
Carrington M; Kissner T; Gerrard B; Ivanov S; O'Brien SJ; Dean M. Novel  alleles of the chemokine receptor gene CCR5. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 61:1261-1267, 1997 Pubmed
Carrington M; Stephens JC; Ma WY; Martin M; Harding A; Noble J; Erlich H;  Mann D; Arango C; Jaramillo R; Concha M; Maloney E; Blattner W. Identification  of a novel TAP2 allele in a Colombian black population: gene conversion, acestral intermediate or convergent change?. Mol Biol Evol 14:892-894, 1997 Pubmed
Chidambaram A; Allikmets R; Chandrasekarappa S; Guru SC; Modi W; Gerrard B; Dean M. Characterization of a human homolog (OVOL1) of the Drosophila ovo gene, which maps to chromosome  11q13. Mamm Genome 8:950-951, 1997 Pubmed
Chidambaram A; Gailani M; Gerrard B; Stewart C; Goldstein A; Chumakov I; Bale AE; Dean M. Characterization of a YAC contig containing the NBCCS locus and a novel Kruppel-type zinc finger  sequence on chromsome segment 9q22.3. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 18:212-218, 1997 Pubmed
Cullen M; Noble J; Erlich H; Thorpe K; Beck S; Klitz W; Trowsdale J; Carrington M. Characterization  of recombination in the HLA class II region. Am J Hum Genet 60:397-407, 1997 Pubmed
Dean M. Towards  a unified model of tumor suppression: lessons learned from the human patched gene. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1332:M43-M52, 1997 Pubmed
Digilio L; Giri A; Cho N; Pecon Slattery J; Markham P; Franchini G. The  simian t-lymphotropic/leukemia virus from Pan paniscus (Stlvpanp) belongs to the type II family and infects Asian macaques. J. Virol. 71:3684-3692,  1997 Pubmed
Giri A; Pecon Slattery J; Heneine W; Gessain A; Rivadeneira E; O'Brien SJ;  Desrosiers RC; Rosen L; Anthony R; Pamungas J; Franchini G. The  tax gene sequences form two divergent monophyletic lineages corresponding to type I and II of simian and human t-cell leukemia/lymphotropic viruses. Virol 231: 96-104, 1997 Pubmed
Grgurevich S; Linnekin D; Musso T; Zhang X; Modi W; Varesio L; Ruscetti FW; Ortaldo JR; McVicar DW. The  Csk-like proteins Lsk, Hyl, and Matk represent the same Csk homologous kinase  (Chk) and are regulated by stem cell factor in the megakaryoblastic cell line  MO7e. Growth Factors 14:103-115, 1997 Pubmed
Johnson W and O'Brien SJ. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Felidae using 16S rRNA and NADH-5 mitochondrial genes. J Mol Evol 44(Suppl. 1):S98-S116, 1997 Pubmed
Levanat S; Chidambaram A; Wicking C; Bray-Ward P; Pressman C; Toftgard R;  Gailani MR: Myers JC; Wainwright B; Dean M; Bale AE. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and FISH mapping of chromsome 9q22: placement of a novel zinc finger gene within the NBCCS and ESS1 region. Cytogenet Cell Genet 76:208-213, 1997 Pubmed
Lin L; Jin L; Kimura A; Carrington M; Mignot E. DQ microsatellite association studies in three ethnic groups. Tissue Antigens 50:507-520, 1997 Pubmed
Liu D; Pavlopoulos E; Modi W; Moschonas N; Mavrothalassitis G. ERF: genomic organization, chromosomal localization and promoter analysis of the  human and mouse genes. Oncogene 14:1445-1451, 1997 Pubmed
Lyons LA; Laughlin TF; Copeland NG; Jenkins NA; Womack JE; O'Brien SJ. Comparative  anchored tagged sequences (CATS) for integrative mapping off mammal genomes. Nature Genetics 15:47-56, 1997 Pubmed
Lopez JV; Culver M; Stephens JC; Johnson WE; O'Brien SJ. Rates of nuclear and cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence in mammals. Mol Biol Evol 14:277-286, 1997 Pubmed
Mahieux R; Pecon Slattery J; Gessain A. Molecular  characterization and phylogenetic analyses of a new highly divergent simian T cell lymphotropic virus (STLVmarc-1) in Macaca arctoides. J. Virol. 71:6253-6258, 1997 Pubmed
Malfroy L; Roth MP; Carrington M; Borot N; Volz A; Ziegler A; Coppin H. Heterogeneity  in rates of recombination in the 6-Mb region telomeric to the human major histocompatibility complex. Genomics 43:226-231, 1997 Pubmed
Menotti-Raymond M; David VA; Stephens JC; O'Brien SJ. Genetic individualization of domestic cats using feline STR loci for forensic  applications. J Forensics Sci 42:1039-1051, 1997 Pubmed
Menotti-Raymond MA; David VA; O'Brien SJ. Pet cat hair implicates murder suspect. Nature 386:774, 1997  Pubmed
O'Brien SJ and Dean M. In  search of AIDS-resistance genes. Sci. Amer. 277: 44-51, 1997 Pubmed
O'Brien SJ. The family line: The human-cat connection. National Geographic Magazine 191:77-85, 1997 Pubmed
O'Brien SJ; Wienberg J; Lyons LA. Comparative genomics: Lessons from cats. Trends Genet 13: 393-399, 1997 Pubmed
O'Brien TR; Winkler C; Dean M; Nelson JAE; Carrington M; Michael NL; White GC III. HIV-1  infection with a homozygous CCR5 defect. Lancet 349:1219, 1997 Pubmed
O'Brien SJ; Cevario SJ; Martenson JS; Thompson ME; Nash WG; Chang E; Graves  JAM; Spencer JA; Cho K-W; Tsujimoto H; Lyons LA. Comparative  gene mapping in the domestic cat (Felis catus). J Hered 88:408-414,  1997 Pubmed
Okuda M; Minehata K; Setoguchi A; Cho K-W; Nakamura N; Nishigaki K; Watari T; Cevario S; O'Brien SJ; Tsujimoto H; Hasegawa A. Cloning and chromosomal mapping of the feline genes p21WAF1 and p27Kip1. Gene 198:141-147, 1997 Pubmed
Savary S; Allikmets R; Denizot F; Luciani Mf; Mattei MG; Dean M; Chimini G. Isolation  and chromosomal mapping of a novel ATP-binding cassette transporter conserved in  mouse and human. Genomics 41:275-278, 1997 Pubmed
Schmidt L; Duh F-M; Chen F; Kishida T; Glenn G; Choyke P; Scherer SW; Zhuang Z; Lubensky I; Dean M; Allikmets R; Chidambaram A; Bergerheim UR; Feltis JT;  Casadevall C; ZamarronA; Bernues M; Richard S; Lips CJM; Walther MM; Tsui L-C; Geil L; Orcutt ML; Stackhouse T; Lipan J; Slife L; Brauch H; Decker J; Niehans  G; Hughson MD; Moch H; Storkel S; Lerman MI; Linehan WM; Zbar B. Germline and somatic mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of the MET proto-oncogene in  papillary renal carcinomas. Nature Genetics 16:68-73, 1997 Pubmed
Shani N; Jimenez-Sanchez G; Steel G; Dean M; Valle D. Identification of a fourth half ABC transporter in the human peroxisomal membrane. Hum  Mol Genet 6:1925-1931, 1997 Pubmed
Shriver MD; Smith MW; Jin L; Marcini A; Akey JM; Deka R; Ferrell RE. Ethnic-affiliation estimation by use of population-specific DNA markers. Am J Hum Genet 60:957-964, 1997 Pubmed
Smith MW; Carrington M; Winkler C; Lomb D; Dean M; Huttley G; O'Brien SJ. CCR2  chemokine receptor and AIDS progression. Nat Med 3:1052-1053, 1997 Pubmed
Smith MW; Dean M; Carrington M; Winkler C; Huttley GA; Lomb DA; Goedert JJ;  O'Brien TR; Jacobson LP; Kaslow R; Buchbinder S; Vittinghoff E; Vlahov D; Hoots K; Hilgartner MW; O'Brien SJ. Contrasting  genetic influence of CCR2 and CCR5 variants on HIV-1 infection and disease  progression. Hemophilia Growth and Development Study (HGDS), Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS), Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study (MHCS), San Francisco  City Cohort (SFCC), ALIVE Study. Science 277:959-65, 1997 Pubmed
Smith MW; Dean M; Carrington M; Huttley GA; O'Brien SJ. CCR5-delta 32 gene deletion in HIV-1 infected patients. Lancet 350(9079):741,1997; discussion 742 Pubmed
Stephens JC and Pecon Slattery J. Computational resources for population analyses: In: Molecular genetic analyses of populations. A practical approach.  A.R. Hoelzel Editor.
Taylor AC; Graves JM; Murray ND; O'Brien SJ; Yuhki N; Sherwin B. Conservation genetics of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus): low mitochondrial DNA variation  amongst southern Australian populations. Genet Res 69:25-33, 1997 Pubmed
Tiffany HL: Lautens LL; Gao JL; Pease J; Locati M; Combadiere C; Modi W;  Bonner TI; Murphy PM. Identification  of CCR8: a human monocyte and thymus receptor for the CC chemokine I-309. J Exp Med 186:165-170, 1997 Pubmed
VandeWoude S; O'Brien SJ; Langelier K; Hardy WD; Pecon Slattery J; Hoover EA. Growth  of lion and puma lentiviruses in domestic cat cells and comparisons with FIV. Virol. 233:185-192, 1997 Pubmed
VandeWoude S; O'Brien SJ; Hoover EA. Infectivity  of lion and puma lentiviruses for domestic cats. J Gen Virol 78:795-800, 1997 Pubmed
Wienberg J; Stanyon R; Nash WG; O'Brien PCM, Yang F; O'Brien SJ; Ferguson-Smith MA. Conservation of human vs. feline genome organization revealed by reciprocal chromosome painting. Cytogenet Cell Genet 77:211-217, 1997 Pubmed
Yuhki N and O'Brien SJ. Nature and origin of polymorphism in feline MHC class II DRA and DRB genes. J  Immunol 158:2822-2833, 1997  Pubmed
Last Updated on April 19, 2001 by K. Walters