April 8, 1938. Dear M:q: The official notification will of courm go in the neutt feu days. cawby one or two corn?.anta, atxi, ~;smrelly, my congratu- lationn. bthe presentati ;n of the iter I referred to the fact that although the plans of the Iaatituts tsnd to rmpbr3.ss it8 function uci a center of iaterdepartaental rurrsarch, ft is clearly our un:!erstandhg that the fielder to be eupported are pjychology, paychiotrp, aociolCgY anthropology, rfth 8- poesibillt~sa that there will be collaboration with or aid to such subjects 88 pediatrics, phytsiology, anatQqy# aconomica, history, education and philorophy. upon the understanding of human behavior end that is the principal retubon for aich the present grant wu8 mde. This ia a 1srgdy perroom1 note to and All of these, 8ubJects can be broyyht to fame Ue have 80 fully diecussed the numerous aepctr of the Institute and the form of the aid which has just been voted, that 1 sugaose no further cmisnt Is nesdd. howeverJ want to express my peraanent appreciation of the aid I do, that be been glven me since 1935 on this whole matter, and to thcrllrfc you and ark you to thank all of your atdf for the help they gave IBO in the underbkfng. Uith best r88ards ana wishes for a grofitable trip abroad for you and your family, and with real and continning lnterort for what the Instituta can aacomplieh in the future, IBo2 Y OUTS sinaerely , Mr. Mark Mq xaetitute of hm&n Relations Pals University I?U Haven, Corulscticut. m;x