pro html_basics, filename, header=header, trailer=trailer, title=title, $ nologo=nologo, noimg=noimg, outarr=outarr, credits=credits, $ simple=simple ;+ ; Name: html_basics ; ; NOTE: see , slightly different but ~supported evolutionary branch ; ; Purpose: Return standard header/trailer html ; ; Input Paramters: ; filename (optional) - appends the text to this file ; ; Keyword Paramters: ; header - if set, return header html ; trailer - if set, return trailer html ; credits - if set, include credits in trailer ; noimg - if set, leave off logo ; simple - if set, then just make the basic header and trailer ; ; History: ; Written ?? by S.Freeland ; 24-Oct-96 (MDM) - Renamed from "sxt_html" to "html_basics" ; 6-Jan-99 (MDM) - Added /SIMPLE option ;- trailer=keyword_set(trailer) if not keyword_set(title) then title="UNTITLED: Created by " + get_user() + " at " + ut_time() + " UT" header=keyword_set(header) or keyword_set(nologo) writeit=data_chk(filename,/string) case 1 of keyword_set(header): begin file='header' endcase keyword_set(trailer): begin file=(['trailer','trailer_wcredit'])(keyword_set(credits)) endcase endcase fname=concat_dir(get_logenv('path_http'),file+'_template.html') if (keyword_set(simple)) then begin case 1 of keyword_set(header): begin outarr = ['', $ '', $ '!TITLE!', $ '', $ ''] endcase keyword_set(trailer): begin outarr = ['', ''] endcase endcase end else begin if not file_exist(fname) then begin message,/info,"Cannot find template file: " + fname return endif outarr=rd_tfile(fname) end if keyword_set(nologo) and header then begin logoss=where(strpos(strcompress(strupcase(outarr),/remove),'