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Attitudes of AIDS actors on condom use in Pemba, Zanzibar.

Nassor HS, Wazir AA; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12; 10: 384 (abstract no. PD0717).

Zanzibar AIDS Control Programme, Tanzania.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the KAPB of AIDS actors on condom use. METHODS: KAPB survey was done to 25 district actors in Pemba where condom use is very law filling in questionnaires. RESULTS: All respondents knew condoms. 87% knew where to get condoms, 13% didn't. 30% used condoms against 70%. 53% didn't use due to religious beliefs and 41.2% due to social factors. 15% didn't respond. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: District actors knew condoms but majority didn't use nor promote them. Attitudes influenced by religious beliefs and social factors were not positive. AIDS manuals giving priority to condom promotion and sensitizing the district actors will be prepared, distributed for use in Pemba.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Attitude
  • Condoms
  • Data Collection
  • Indian Ocean Islands
  • Questionnaires
  • Tanzania
Other ID:
  • 94372240
UI: 102211073

From Meeting Abstracts

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