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Austria Local time: 01:57 AM

Austrian Business Service Providers

Quality Translations


Contact: Lydia Wazir, Translator

Bergsteiggasse 32/17
A-1170 Vienna, Austria

Phone: (+43 676) 938 9002
Fax: (+43 1) 944 0967

Quality Translations offers professional translations performed exclusively by native speakers at highly competitive prices. We are specialized in German-English translations, and can provide English-German translations on request. This small business has no overhead, which means that we can keep our prices low. Our guanteed delivery times mean that you will never be late for a deadline: the standard service is delivered within 5 working days. For smaller projects that require a quick turnaround, we offer a special 24-hour service. Please visit our website for more information about our company, including detailed price lists.