Table of contents for Political theologies : public religions in a post-secular world / edited by Hent de Vries and Lawrence E. Sullivan.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

 [[contents, p. v]]
	 	Hent de Vries and Lawrence E. Sullivan
	Introduction: Before, Around, and Beyond the Theologico-Political
		Hent de Vries
Part I. What Are Political Theologies? 
	The Gods of Politics in Early Greek Cities
		Marcel Detienne
	Church, State, Resistance
		Jean-Luc Nancy
Politics and Finitude: The Temporal Status of Augustine¿s Civitas Permixta 
		M. B. Pranger
The Scandal of Religion: Luther and Public Speech in the Reformation
	Antónia Szabari
	On the Names of God
		Ernesto Laclau
	The Permanence of the Theologico-Political?
		Claude Lefort
Violence in the State of Exception: Reflections on Theologico-Political Motifs in Benjamin and Schmitt
	Marc de Wilde 
Critique, Coercion, and Sacred Life in Benjamin¿s ¿Critique of Violence¿
	Judith Butler
From Rosenzweig to Levinas: Philosophy of War
	Stéphane Mosès 
Levinas, Spinoza, and the Theologico-Political Meaning of Scripture
	Hent de Vries
Part II. Beyond Tolerance: Pluralism and Agonistic Reason 
	On the Relation between the Secular Liberal State and Religion
	Jürgen Habermas
 On the Prepolitical Moral Foundations of a Free Republic
	Pope Benedict XVI
Bush¿s God Talk
	Bruce Lincoln
Pluralism and Faith
	William E. Connolly
Subjects of Tolerance: Why We Are Civilized and They Are the Barbarians
	Wendy Brown 
Religion, Liberal Democracy, and Citizenship
	Chantal Mouffe
Toleration Without Tolerance: Enlightenment and the Image of Reason
	Lars Tønder
Saint John: The Miracle of Secular Reason
	Matthew Scherer
Part III. Democratic Republicanism, Secularism, and Beyond 
Reinhabiting Civil Disobedience
	Brighupati Singh
Rogue Democracy and the Hidden God
	Samuel Weber
Intimate Publicities: Retreating the Theologico-Political in the Chavez Regime?
	Rafael Sanchez
	The Figure of the Abducted Woman: The Citizen as Sexed
		Veena Das
How to Recognize a Moslem When You See One: Western Secularism and the Politics of Conversion
	Markha G. Valenta
	Laïcité or the Politics of Republican Secularism in France
		Yolande Jansen
	Trying to Understand French Secularism
		Talal Asad
Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh, and the Politics of Tolerance in the Netherlands
	Peter van der Veer
Can a Minority Retain Its Group Identity in Law? The 2005 Multatuli Lecture 
 [[CA]]Job Cohen
	Job Cohen
Prophetic Justice in a Home Haunted by Strangers: Transgressive Solidarity and Trauma in the Work of an Israeli Rabbis¿ Group
	Bettina Prato
Part IV. Opening Societies and the Rights of the Human 
Mysticism and the Foundation of the Open Society: Bergsonian Politics
	Paola Marrati 
The Agency of Assemblages and the North American Blackout
	Jane Bennett
	 Automatic Theologies: Surrealism and the Politics of Equality 
		Kate Khatib
 Theoscopy: Transparency, Omnipotence, and Modernity 
	Stefanos Geroulanos 
 	Come on, Humans, One More Effort if You Want to Be Post-Christians! 
	Thierry de Duve
The Right Not to Use Rights: Human Rights and the Structure of Judgments
	Werner Hamacher

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Political theology.