PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Data networks: Hydrologic Benchmark and NASQAN; water-quality program components, 1978 FY September 15, 1977 QUALITY OF WATER BRANCH TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NO. 77.11 Subject: PROGRAMS AND PLANS--Data networks: Hydrologic Benchmark and NASQAN; water-quality program components, 1978 FY New laboratory schedule numbers have been established for NASQAN and Benchmark water-quality samples for water year/fiscal year 1978. These numbers replace the old numbers immediately. In some cases the new schedule numbers are the result of adding new determinations to network operations. The remainder of this memo describes the new schedules as well as changes in sampling frequency and constituents to be determined for the two networks. Appendices A to D are lists of stations in the two networks and Appendix E defines the constituents and sampling requirements that are included in each laboratory schedule. NASQAN Program Major changes in the NASQAN program this year include: (l) adding determinations of total ammonia and dissolved phosphorous to the schedule for nutrient samples; (2) adding dissolved and total barium and silver to the list of trace elements determined; and (3) adding determinations of dissolved and suspended organic carbon to the program. Sampling frequencies have been increased for total organic carbon and decreased at most sites for phytoplankton. A list of current NASQAN stations is included in Appendix A. Approximately 100 stations will be added to NASQAN within the next few weeks. Separate instructions for implementation of the new stations will be issued soon. Sampling frequencies and lab schedules for all NASQAN stations are as follows: 12 per year- field measurements 1/ Temperature, water, deg C 2/ Specific conductance, micromhos per cm at 25 deg C 2/ Instantaneous discharge 3/ pH Dissolved Oxygen Fecal coliform bacteria Fecal streptococci bacteria - Suspended sediment Concentration in mg/l % finer than 0.062 mm - Common constituents, lab schedule 1704 Includes major nutrients 8 per year - Total Organic carbon, lab schedule 1707 Sample taken on the same date as sample for common constituents except for the months when trace element sample (4 per year) is analyzed for DOC and SOC 7 per year - Phytoplankton, lab schedule 1706 Except for Hawaii and Puerto Rico, collect 4 samples in growing season months of June, July, August, and September and 3 samples in non-growing months, preferably in months of November, March, and May. Hawaii and Puerto Rico sites should have phytoplankton collected 12 times per year. 4 per year - Trace elements, dissolved organic carbon, suspended organic carbon; lab schedule 1705 (Do not collect sample for total organic carbon, lab schedule 1707, when lab schedule 1905 is run.) - Periphyton, lab schedule 1708 _________________ 1/ A 24-hour evaluation is to be made once per year at stations in the Missouri River Basin (WRC Region 10) only. Measure during most critical water-quality period (usually late summer low flows, but possibly under ice cover). Measure at least every 2 hours for the following: a. Oxygen, dissolved, mg/L; code 00300 b. pH, units; code 00400 (optional) c. Temperature, water, deg C; code 00010 d. Specific conductance, micromhos per cm at 25 deg C; code 00095 (optional) 2/ Continuous or daily at selected sites. Data from sites with continuous or daily records should be stored using statistic code 00003 or 00011. 3/ Enter discharge at the time of sampling in the water-quality file using parameter code 00061. At certain stations daily mean flow (00060) may be entered instead, with permission from the Region and the QW Branch. In addition, all NASQAN stations are to have records of daily discharge, or there should be the capability to estimate daily discharge based on records from a nearby station. NASQAN Radiochemical Subnetwork Stations listed in Appendix B have radiochemical samples collected at high and low flow periods. The sampling frequency and schedules are: 2 per year - Radiochemical, lab schedule 1703 NASQAN Pesticide Subnetwork Stations in the Pesticide Subnetwork remain essentially the same as in the 1977 water year. Samples are collected 4 times per year in November, February, May, and August. Sample containers are provided by the EPA laboratory, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and samples are analyzed by EPA. The stations in the subnetwork are listed in Appendix C. Benchmark Water-Quality Program Appendix D lists the stations included in the water quality part of the Hydrologic Benchmark program. The last column of the table indicates sampling frequencies, which are: Schedule M - Monthly - Field measurements Instantaneous discharge Specific conductance Temperature, deg C pH Dissolved oxygen Total coliform Fecal coliform Fecal streptococci - Suspended sediment concentration - Common constituents, lab schedule 1700 2 per year - Minor elements, lab schedule 1701 1 per year - Pesticides, lab schedule 1702 - Radiochemical, lab schedule 1703 Schedule B - Bimonthly - Field measurements (same as Schedule M) - Suspended sediment concentration - Common constituents, lab schedule 1700 2 per year - Minor elements, lab schedule 1701 1 per year - Pesticides, lab schedule 1702 - Radiochemical, lab schedule 1703 Schedule Q - Quarterly - Field measurements (same as Schedules M and B) - Common constituents, lab schedule 1700 R. J. Pickering Chief, Quality of Water Branch Attachments Appendixes: A. List of NASQAN stations B. List of NASQAN radiochemical subnetwork stations C. List of NASQAN pesticide subnetwork stations D. List of Benchmark water-quality stations E. Laboratory schedules WRD Distribution: A,B,S,FO,PO APPENDIX A (Unedited) TAsLE I NATIoNAL STREAM OUALITY AccouNTING NETWORK STATIONS IMPLEMENTEO AS OF SEPTEMBER_ 1977 ~soRTED BY STATES? USGS STATION NAME ST LATl- LONGI~ Mo-yR STAT,NO. TUDE TUoE IMPLE- OEG~ oE6~ MENTED MIN MiN 0242oooo ALABAMA RIVER NEAR MONTGOMERY AL 3225 oB624 o2429500 ALABAMA RIVER AT CLAIBORNE AL 3133 o873l o244sooO TOMBIGBE~ RIvER AT GAlNEsvILLE AL 3249 OBsos o2469762 TOMBIGBEE R, AT COFfEEVILLE L~O NR. CFVL AL 3146 o8aos 15024800 STIKINE RIVER NEAR WRANGELL AK 5642 13208 15294350 SUSITNA RIVER AT susITNA STATION AK 6133 15031 15304000 KusKoKwIM RlvER AT CROOKEO CREEK AK 6152 15807 15565447 YUKON RlvER AT PI~oT STATION AK 6156 162s3 15744500 KOBUK RIV~R NEAR KIANA AK 66s9 lZ007 15896000 KUPARUK RIvER NEAR DEAOHORSE AK 7011 14853 os3soooO COLOQADO RIVER AT LEES FERRY AZ 36s2 11135 09401200 LlrTLE COLORAOO RIVER AT CAMERON AZ 35s3 11125 09421500 COLORAOO RIVER sELow HOOVER DA~ AZ 3601 11444 o9426600 BILL WILLIAMS ,R NEAR PLANET AZ 3416 11402 os4294so COLORADO RIVER ABOVE IMpERlAL OAM ~Z 32s3 11428 o9466soo GILA RIVER AT CALVA AZ 3311 11013 o947350o SAN PEOQO RlvER AT WINKELMAN AZ 3259 1~046 09414000 GILA RIVER AT KELVIN AZ 3306 l1059 os4Bsooo SANTA CRUZ RIVER NEAR LAVEEN AZ 3314 11210 osso2oOo SALT RIVER BELOW STEWART MT OAM AZ 3334 11132 09510000 VERDE RIV~R BELOW BARTL~TT DAM AZ 3349 lll3a 09518000 GILA RIVE~ ABOVE DIV AT GILLESPIE DAM AZ 3314 11246 oss2o700 GILA RIvER NEAR MOUTH NEAR YUMA A2 3243 11433 oss22000 COLORADO R AT N INT BDRY AB MORELOS DAM AZ 3243 11443 0703200o MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT/MEMPHIS ~TN~ AR 3508 o9004 o7047soo ST fRANClS RIVER AT PARKIN AR 3516 o9034 o704790o ST FRANCIS sAy AT RIvERFRoNT AR 3516 o9041 o70778oo WHITE RIVER AT CLARENDON AR 3441 oglls o7250ssO ARKANSAS R~VER AT DAM 13 NEAR VAN BUREN AR 3521 o9418 07Z63620 ARKANSAS RIvER AT L AND O 6 LIT RocK AR 3440 Os2os MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR ARKANSAS CI~Y AR 3334 OgllS 073620oo OuAcHITA ~IVE~ AT CAMDEN AQ 3336 Os24s 09424190 COLORADO RIvE~ AOUED. NR SAN JAcINTo CA 3349 11658 10254970 NEW RIVER AT lNT. BDRY- NR. CALEXICO CA 3240 11530 10261500 MOJAVE R, AT LOw NARROWS NR VlCtORVlLLE CA 3434 11719 10277400 OWENS RIVER BLW TINEMAHA o~ NR BIG PINE CA 3703 11813 11074000 SANTA ANA RIVER 8ELOW PRADo OAM CA 3353 11739 ll1030lo LOS ANGELES R.AT WIL.St.BRoG.AT LONG ECH CA 3348 11812 11152300 SALINAS RIvER NEAR CHUALAR CA 3633 12133 01~77 11250000 FRIANr-KERN CANAL AT fRIANT CA 3700 11942 11303500 SAN JOAaUIN RIvEQ NEAR VERNALlS CA 3741 l,2ll6 11325500 MOKELUMNE RIvER AT WOOOBRI~GE CA 3slo l2llB 11447650 SACRAMENTO RIVER AT FREEPORT CA 3827 12180 11467000 RUsSIAN QIvER NEAR GUERNEVILLE ~A 3B30 12256 11530500 KLAMATH QIvER NEAR KLAMATH CA 4131 12358 0676400o SOUTH PLATTE RIVER AT JULESBURG co 4059 10215 Seen Rejected Percentage Characters 2265 25 98.90 Al'Pl:NUlX A--CONr~U~D 08251500 RIO GRANDE NEAR LO~ATOS co 37o5 10545 09152500 GUNNISON RIVER NEAR GRAND JUNCTION co 3859 10827 09163530 COLORADO RIVER BLW. COLO-UTAH STATE LINE co 3905 10906 09251000 YAMPA RIV~R N~AR MAYBELL co 4030 10802 0926000o LITTLE SNAKE RiVER NEAR LILY CO 4033 10825 01184000 CONNECTICUT RIVER AT THOMPSONVILLE CT 4159 o7236 01205500 HOUSATONIC RIVER AT STEVENSON CT 4123 o7310 02231000 ST MARYS RIVER NEAR MACCLENNY FL 3022 os20s o2244450 ST JOHNS RIVER AT PALATKA ~L 2939 0~13B o824sooo SpRucE CREEK hEAR SAMsuLA FL 2903 o8103 02253ooo MAIN CANAL AT VERO BEACH ~L 2739 o8024 022730oo KISSI~MEE ~IVER AT S6sE NEAR OKEECHOBEE ~L 2714 Ososs 02279ooo wEST PALM eEACH CANAL A~ WEST PALM ~EACH fL 2639 osoo4 o228~600 MIAMI CANAL AT NW 36TH STREET- MIAMI ~L Z548 o~ol6 o2292480 CALOOSAHATCHEE CNL AT ORToNA L-NR LABELLE~L 2647 oslls o229675o PEAcE RIVER AT ARCAOIA FL 27l3 osls3 o23030oo HILLsBoRouGH RlvER NEAR zEpHrRHILLs FL 2809 08214 0231300o WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER NEAR HoLDER FL 2859 od22l o23205oo SUWANNEE RIvER At ~RANFORO FL 2957 Os2s6 o23290oo OcHLocKoNEE RIVER NEAR HAVANA fL 3033 o8423 o23s8ooo APALACHlCOLA RIYER AT CHATTAHOOCHEE ~L 3042 os4s2 023s90oo CHIPOLA RIVER NEAR ALTHA fL 3032 Osslo o2366500 CHOCTAWHA~CHEE RIVER NEAR BRUCE FL 3027 o8554 o23680oo YELLOW RIVER AT MILLIGAN fL 3045 o~638 o237s50o ESCAM~IA ~IVER NEAR CENTURY ~L 3057 os7l4 o2202500 OGEEC~EE RIvER NEAR EOEN GA 3211 o8125 02226160 ALTAMAHA RIVER NEAR EVERETT CITY GA 3126 osl36 10~77 o2228000 SATILLA RIVER AT ATKINsON 6A 3113 o8ls2 16031000 WAIMEA RIVER AT WAIMEA HI 2159 15940 16213000 WAIKELE STREAM AT WAIPAHU HI 2123 15801 16229300 KALIHt STREAM AT KALIHI HI 2120 15753 16400000 HALAWA STREAM NEAR HALAWA HI 2llo 15646 16618000 KAHAKULOA STREAM NEA~ HONOKOHAU HI zoss 15633 16704000 WAILUKU RIVER AT PII~ONUA HI 1943 15509 12318500 KOoT~NAI RIVER NEAR COPELAND ID 485s 11625 13154500 SNAKE RIVER AT KING HILL ID 4300 11512 13213000 30ISE RIVER NEAR PARMA ID 4347 11658 13213100 SNAKE RIvER AT NYSSA ~OR) )0 4353 11659 13290450 SNAKE RIV~R At HELLS CANrON OAM 10~) ID 45ls l1642- 13317000 SALMON RIVER AT WHITE ~IRD I~ 454s 11619 o5446500 ROCK RIVER NEAR JOSLIN IL 4l34 o90ll oss43sOO ILLINOIS RIvER AT MARSEILLES IL 4120 o8843 osss6l00 ILLINOIS QIvER AT VAL~EY CITY IL 3942 o9039 O5594loo KASKASKIA RIv~R NEAR VENEDY STATION IL 3827 o893s o559950o 3IG MUD~Y RIvER AT MURPHYS~ORO IL 3745 o892l o327650o WHITEWATEQ RIVER Ar ~ROOKVILLE IN 3924 o8sol 03374100 WHITE RIVER AT HAZELTON IN 3829 o8733 o3378500 WA~AsH RIVER AT NEW HARMONY IN 3808 Os7s6 os420500 MIssIssIppI RIVER A~ CLINTON IA 4147 09015 os474soO MISSISSIPPI RlVER A~ KEOKUK IA 4024 o9122 064g600C MISSOURI RIvER AT SIOU~ CITY IA 4229 o~62s o6so7000 MIssouRI ~IVER AT NE~3RASKA CITY ~N8) IA 4041 0~551 Seen Rejected Percentage Characters 2320 49 97.89 Al'rlNDlX A--coNlllNlJEl) 06856600 REpu~LIcAN RIVER AT CLAY CENTER KS 3921 Os7os 0687760o SMOKY HILL RIVER AT ENTERPRISE KS 3s54 o9?o7 06a~700o BIG 3LUE RIVER NEAR M~NHATTAN KS 3914 o9634 06~92350 KANSA5 RIVER AT DESOTO KS 3859 Os4ss o7137soo ARKANSAS RIVER NR COOLIOGE KS 3ao2 10201 07139500 ARKANSAS RIVE~ At DODGE CITY KS 3745 looo o7146soo 4RKANSAS RIVER AT ARKANSAS CITY KS 3703 Os70~ 03215000 BIG SANDY RIVER AT LOUISA Ky 3810 os23s 03216600 OHIO RIVER AT GREENUP DA~ KY 3839 Oa2s2 03254000 LICKING RIvER AT 8UTLER KY 3847 Os42~ o3z77200 OMIO R, AT MARKLAND OAM NEAR WARsAw Ky 3~46 Os4ss 03290500 KENTUCKY RIVER AT LOCK Z Ar LOCKPORT KY 3826 Os4ss 03301630 RoLLIF~G FORK NEAR LEE~ANON JUNCtION KY 3749 Oss4s o33032so OHIO RIVEU AT CANNELTON DAM KY 3754 Os642 03321230 GREEN RIV~R NEAR ~EECM GROVE KY 3735 oA724 0343e2Zo CUMBERLAND RIVER NEAR GRAND RIVERS KY 3701 Osal3 o36os7so TENNESSEE RIVER AT H~Y 6o NEAR PADucAM KY 3702 oss32 0361250o OMIO RIVER AT L~D 53 NEAR GRANO cHAIN~IL)Ky 3712 o~902 0248950o PEARL RIVER NEAQ BOGALUSA LA 3048 0~949 024920oo BOGUE CHltTO NEAR 6USM LA 3038 o~gs4 073444lo RED RIVER A30VE SHREVEPOR~ ~ LA 3233 Os346 0735550O RE~ RIVER AT ALEXANDRIA LA 3119 o9227 o7367640 OUACMITA RIVER AT COLUMDIA LA 3206 o~204 073695oo TENSAS RIVER jT TENDAL LA 32z6 09122 o7373420 MIssIssIppI RIVER NEAR ST ERANCISVILLE LA 3046 o~124 o7374sos MISSISSIPP~ R~vER At NEW ORLEANS LA 2ss7 o9008 0737e5lo AMITE RIV~R A~ 4-H CAMP NR DENHAM SPGS LA 3026 o~oss 0~381490 ATCHAFALAiA UIVER AT sIMMEsPORt LA 3059 0~148 o73ss700 9AYOU TEChE AT KEysT L NR ST MARTINSVL LA 3004 09150 OaO15900 CALCASIEU RIV~R NEAR LAKE C~ARL~s LA 301~ Og311 01017100 AROOSTOOK RIvER AT CARIBOU ME 4651 o6aoO 01021050 St, CROIX RIvER AT MILLrowN ME 4510 o~7ls 01034500 PENOBSCOT RIVER AT WEST ENEIELO ME 4514 06a3s dlo46soo KENNE3EC RIVE~ AT BI~GHAM ME 4so3 06ss3 01059400 AN3ROSCOG~IN hIVER ~ ~RUNSWICK ME 4355 o69ss 10~75 0106600o SACO RIVER AT CORNISH hE 4348 o7047 01491000 CHOPTANK RIvER NEAR GREENS90RO MD 3soo o7s47 01645500 POTOMAC RIvER AT GREAT FALLS MD 3900 0~715 01096550 MERRIMACK RIVER A30VE LOWELL MA 4238 o7122 01103500 cHARLEs RIvER iT CMARLES RIVER VILLAGE hA 4215 o~116 o4o4oooo ONTONAGON RIVER NEAR ROCKLAND MI 4643 Ossl2 o4o4ssoO TAHOUAMENON R~ NR TAHOUAMENON PARAoIsE MI 4634 Ossl6 o4o4ss~o s~ MARrS ~IVER A80VE SAULT STE MARIE MI 4629 os42s o4os7oo4 MANlS~IQU~ RIVER ABOVE MANIsTIquE MI 4ss7 os6ls o4ossooo ESCANABA RlvER Ar CORNELL hI 4sss 0~713 o4osssoo FORD RIVER NEAR HYOE MI 4s4s 0~112 04108690 KALAMizoo RIVER Ar SAUGATUCK ~I 4239 Os6l2 04122030 MUSKEGON RIVEk NEAR BRIDGETON MI 4319 o8602 0412~520 MiNIS~E RlvER AT MANISTEE MI 4415 o86l9 04132052 C~EBOiGAN RIVER AT CMEBOYGAN .MI 4539 0~42s 04142000 RI~LE RIVER NEAR gTERLING MI 4404 0~401 04157000 SAGINAW RIVER At SAGINAW MI 4325 o8358 04165500 CLINTON RIvER AT MT~ CLEMENS MI 4236 o8255 04165700 OETROIT RIVER AT DETROrT MI 4221 08Z58