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Aas Christopher Sandia National Laboratories
Acosta Judith Sandia National Laboratories
Addis Robert Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC
Adkins Kenneth Los Alamos National Laboratory
Aguilar Juan Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Ahrens Brandon U.S. Department of Energy
Alai Maureen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Aldridge Gayla Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Allen Brian National Security Technologies
Allen David U.S. Department of Energy
Allen Steven Sandia National Laboratories/CA
Aller Lezlie Idaho State Department of Environmental Quality
Aloisi Thomas A. U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Ambrosiano Nancy Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ami Don U.S. Department of Energy
Amirmokri Homi U.S. Department of Energy
Andersen Brenda Los Alamos National Laboratory
Anderson Stanley U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Anna Dave U.S. Department of Energy
Archuleta Melecita Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque
Arendale Michael U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
Armstrong Dennis Washington Safety Management Solutions
Arnold Steven Theta Pro2Serve Management Co., LLC
Artley Will Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Ashurst Denise U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Assur Mark U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Atencio Amparo Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Augdahl Robert National Security Technologies
Auletta Kim Stony Brook University
Austin Alyson U.S. DOE
Aycock Bruce SRNS


Baer Ken Washington Savannah River Co.
Bailey Laura B&W Pantex
Baldonado Gary Sandia National Laboratories
Banta Bob National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Barbero Brian National Security Technologies
Barbosa Patricia U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Barker Kally Idaho National Laboratory
Barnea Nir National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Barnes Scott BBWI
Barnes Sharon U.S. Department of Energy
Barry Patrick Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Barthle Christine AlphaTRAC
Baskett Ron Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bauer Sandy Fluor Hanford
Baumann Brian Fluor Hanford
Baumgardner Healy U.S. DOE
Bavlish John Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Bayne Stuart Bechtel Jacobs Co. LLC
Beauchamp Robert Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Bebon Michael Brookhaven National Laboratory
Beck Andy U.S. Department of Energy
Beecher Kathy U.S. Department of Energy
Bellinger Tom B&W Y-12
Bellows Jerry National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Belluardo John U.S. Department of Energy
Bennett Rose Washington Savannah River Co.
Bennevich John Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Benson Allen U.S. Department of Energy
Berger Jeff Los Alamos National Laboratory
Berry Bruce Sandia National Laboratories
Berry Thomas SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
Bettendorf Timm Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Beyers Jesse B&W Pantex
Bigger Samuel Department of Energy
Biggs, Sr. Wesley First Knight Safety & Security Services
Billy Patty Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Binder Deborah U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Birdwell Kevin R Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bjerke Patricia Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Black Thomas U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA
Blackburn Polly Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Blair Natasha Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Blanchard David Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Blue Bennett Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Blystone Lynda Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Bolling John Unwin Company
Bolton Patricia Battelle Seattle Research Center
Bond Jayne-Anne ATL International
Bonner Darryl Bechtel Jacobs Co. LLC
Bonney Carol Sandia National Laboratories
Boucher Ken Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Boulanger Janet U.S. Department of Energy
Bowen Brent B&W Pantex
Boyd Adam U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Boyd Annabelle BCG Transportation Consulting, Inc.
Bradley Mike Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bradley Randy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bragg Thomas Westinghouse Savannah River Co.
Brandhuber Robert Sandia National Laboratories
Brekke David Sandia National Laboratories-Livermore
Bressler George DHS/CBP
Brewer Robert Wackenhut Services Inc.
Briones Jody Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Brizes Cindy US. Department of Energy
Broehm John U.S. DOE
Brog Terry AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Brooks Nicole U.S. Department of Energy
Brown Charlie Systematic Management Systems
Brown James National Security Technologies
Brown Mary Volpentest HAMMER Training and Education Center
Brown Michael Johnson Controls Northern NM
Brown Rob Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Brynildson Mark Sandia National Laboratories
Bucci Howard (Bud) Fluor Hanford Inc.
Budden Susan National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Bugger Brad U.S. Department of Energy
Bullard Becky Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Bunch Bradley Signature Science, LLC
Burger Robert Sandia National Laboratories
Burgess Howard VAS
Burianek Kathleen U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Burk Ken Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Burns Shirley National Security Technologies
Burriss Michael (Doc) Full Moon Technical
Burton Kevin Burton Asset Management, Inc


Cabrilla Dennis U.S. Department of Energy
Callicott Will Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Campbell Corey Washington Safety Management Solutions
Campbell David U.S. DOE
Campbell Greg EMCBC
Campione Christopher J. (Rocky) U.S. Department of Energy
Cappello Paula CIL, Inc.
Carroll Lisa Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Carson Rande Idaho National Laboratory
Carter Cathie Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Carter John U.S. Department of Energy
Carter Regina BWXT
Cassella Victor Brookhaven National Laboratory
Castillo Joseph A. Honeywell FM&T, NM
Cauliflower Teresa Bechtel SAIC
Centore Steve Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cerrone Alan (Al) National Nuclear Securtiy Administration
Chadwick David Office of Secure Transport
Chapman Leslie Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC
Charles Tony B&W Y-12
Childs Carl National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Chiri Toni U.S. DOE Yucca Mtn
Christensen Doran Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Ciolek John AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Clark Tommy Sandia National Laboratories/CA
Clawson Kirk National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Clawson Tom Technical Resources Group
Clendenning Randall U.S. Department of Energy
Coffing Stephen Sandia National Laboratories
Coggins Allen Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Cohen Dorothy Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Coleman Jerrie Protection Strategies Inc.
Colson James Idaho National Laboratory
Comstock Nancy U.S. Department of Energy
Connell Daniel Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Connelly Mary Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Cook Jeff California Air Resources Board
Coombs Timothy Eastern Illinois University
Coon Melissa Idaho National Laboratory
Copper Scott National Nuclear Security Administration
Cornell Thomas Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Cornish Robert U.S. Department of Energy
Cox Warren Sandia National Laboratories
Craft Becky U.S. Department of Energy
Craig Douglas K. Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International
Crandall Thomas M. U.S. Department of Energy
Crocker Holly CHPRC
Crossley Sidney Idaho National Laboratory
Cruz Mark Pantex
Culver Joe U.S. Department of Energy


D'Agostino Thomas DOE/NNSA
Dahlin Jenise National Enrichment Facility
Dale Rick Idaho National Laboratory
Dalton Linda Washington TRU Solutions
Daniel Dale Excalibur Associates
Daniels Jim National Security Technologies
Danner Terry Bechtel Jacobs Co. LLC
Danneskiold Jim Los Alamos National Laboratory
Darr Robert Rocky Flats Project Office
Davenport Sarah J. U.S. Department of Energy
Daves David B&W Pantex
Davidson Michael National Security Technologies
Davidson Todd Excalibur Associates, Inc.
Davis Bobby BJD Emergency Management Services
Davis Frances U.S. Department of Energy
Davis Richard Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Davis Wayne Washington Safety Management Solutions
Day Nancy DOE
De La Cruz Vanessa U.S. Department of Energy
de la Rosa Diana Sandia National Laboratories
Dearolph Douglas U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
DeMeo Tony Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Dennis Raymond Air Resources Laboratory
Deola Regina Sandia National Laboratories
Deplitch Jack Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Detten Tonya B&W Pantex
Detwiler Ed Transportation Security Administration
DeWitte Mike Sandia National Laboratories
Dieckman Lynda Argonne National Laboratory
Dietrich Ed Navarro Research & Engineering, Inc.
Dietzel Dale U.S. Department of Energy
Dillenback JR Unwin Company
Dilley Scott Yale New Haven Health
Dillon Michael Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
DiMatteo Joe U.S. Department of Energy
Douglas George National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dreckman Gail U.S. Department of Energy
Droppo James Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Drost Portia Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Drummond Christine Science Applications International Corporation
Dudziak Alan National Security Complex, U.S. Department of Energy
Duffman Rose U.S. Department of Energy
Dunkle Marie M.K. Dunkle Consulting
Dyer Debra U.S. Department of Energy
Dykes Deanne 4136


Eastham Jim Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Eastment Megan AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Eaton O.W. "Lynn" Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Eckert Christopher U.S. Department of Energy
Edens Victor Bechtel National, Inc.
Edmond Ron Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Edwards Christina Washington Savannah River Co.
Edwards, Jr. Frank Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eichorst Bradley U.S. Department of Energy
Elliott William (Bill) WGI Savannah River
Ellis Jimmy U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Emrick Ann Brookhaven National Laboratory
Englehart Richard U.S. Department of Energy
Erhart Steve Pantex Site Office
Erickson Todd CH2M HILL, Hanford Group, Inc.


Fairobent James U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Farr James K. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fauerbach Chuck National Security Technologies
Faulk Steven M. Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Ferguson Tom Washington TRU Solutions
Fetzer Bruce Sandia National Laboratories
Ficklen Carter Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Finley Brenda U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Administration
Fisher Gayle U.S. Department of Energy
Fitton Robert Excalibur Associates, Inc.
Flaherty Bill Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Fleischman-Gay Joyce Bechtel BWXT Idaho LLC
Flor William Los Alamos National Laboratory
Flynn Brian Uniformed Services University Health Sciences
Fondren Lynn Sandia National Laboratories
Ford Bruce Sandia National Laboratories
Forness Ed U.S. Department of Energy
Foster Catherine Argonne National Laboratory
Foster Connee Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Foster Kevin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Foutch Debra Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC
Fox Jon National Security Technologies
France Joe Imported from listserv
Frankovich Patricia Argonne National Laboratory
Freeman Nicki National Security Technologies
Fremont Douglas U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
French Colleen U.S. Department of Energy
Freshwater David U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Friedrichs Robert U.S. Department of Energy
Froh Bill U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Fulton Judy Stanford Linear Accelerator Center


Gamby John National Security Technologies
Gant Kathy Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Gates Ed Washington Savannah River Co.
Gaver Jim Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC
Gee Robert B&W Y-12
Geib Sandra U.S. Department of Energy
Geiger Kathleen Brookhaven National Laboratory
Gentile Bill U.S. Department of Energy
German John Sandia National Laboratories
Gibeault Gerald Idaho National Laboratory
Gibson Anthony Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Gibson Kerry Ames Laboratory
Gilbert Sheldon Alameda County Fire Department
Gillen Bruce Honeywell International, Federal Manufacturing and Technologies/New Mexico
Gilliam Bob U.S. Department of Energy
Gilmore Sandy B&W Pantex
Glantz Clifford Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Glynn Steven DynMcDermott
Golembeski Dean Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Gonzales Joseph Los Alamos National Laboratory
Gonzalez Rosa SUNY at Erie Community College
Goode George Brookhaven National Laboratory
Granzen Gerald U.S. Department of Energy
Green Patricia Western Area Power Administration
Greenhalgh Diana U.S. Department of Energy
Gresham Larry U.S. Department of Energy
Griest Wayne Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Griffin Gerry Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Griffith Donna B&W Y-12
Griggs Rick Wackenhut Services, Incorporated - Oak Ridge
Grisham Kriss U.S. Department of Energy


Haag Eileen Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Haessly Robert Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Haggard Courtney WSMS-Mid America
Hahn Amity B&W Pantex
Hale Richard Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Hale Roger Spectra Tech, Inc.
Haller Alisa Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hamilton Mark U.S. Department of Energy
Hanlon Carol J. U.S. Department of Energy
Hansard Brett Argonne National Laboratory
Hanson Vincent B&W Pantex
Harms Timothy U.S. Department of Energy
Harrell William Imported from listserv
Harris Alton Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Harris Charles OFCM
Harris John D. U.S. Department of Energy
Harrison Anna National Security Technologies, LLC
Harrison James Sandia National Laboratories, California
Hart Tony Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC
Harter Michael Jefferson County EMA
Hartnett Kevin DOE BSO
Harvey Brad Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Harvey Geoff Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Harvey Kathleen National Security Technologies
Harvey Nathan U.S. Department of Energy
Harwood Jeri Idaho National Laboratory
Hass Robert (Tony) Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Hassler Tom Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory
Hatcher Kathy CH2M-WG Idaho
Havlovick Shelly Idaho National Laboratory
Hawkins Bill U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Hawks Scott U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Hayes Robert B. National Security Technologies
Hayes William Fluor
Heaphy Stephen Sandia National Laboratories
Heinrich Ann U.S. Department of Energy
Heitkamp Michael Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Heller Cindy Imported from listserv
Helvey Elizabeth JK Research Associates, Inc.
Henderson Sam SAIC
Hendrix Bruce CH2M-WG Idaho
Hermansen Vern Sandia National Laboratories
Hickerson T. W. B&W Y-12
Hickey Eva Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hicks Clyde Honeywell Federal Manamgement &Technologies Kansas City
Hicks Tom PXSO
Hill Linda B&W Pantex
Hill Marianne St. Clair County
Hodges Linda Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Hodgin C. Reed AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Hoefs Jeff Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Hoertkorn Thomas U.S. Department of Energy
Hoffman Rick Ofc Pet. Reserves
Hoglund Dan Visionary Solutions, LLC
Holmes Forest Bechtel BWXT Idaho LLC
Holten Rich U.S. Department of Energy
Homann Steven Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Honaker Ricky National Nuclear Security Administration
Hooper Lisa Sandia National Laboratories
Horn Frank Brookhaven National Laboratory
Horst Michael National Security Technologies
Horton Gregory Idaho National Laboratory
Hospodar Mike U.S. Department of Energy
Houghton Susan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Howard Matthew Argonne National Laboratory
Huckabee Jack Navarro Research and Engineering
Huff Darrell U.S. Department of Energy
Hughes Richard Washington Closure Hanford
Hulbert Dan Yucca Moutain Project
Hultquist Chip Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Hunt Patty TJSO
Hunter Chuck Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Hunter Ruth U.S. DOT/Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Hurley Bruce U.S. Department of Energy
Huskin Richard U.S. Department of Energy


Inadomi LeeAnn National Security Technologies
Inglis Robert B&W Pantex
Irvin Calvin U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Isch Scott B&W Pantex
Iverson Cyle U.S. Department of Energy
Izquierdo Casimiro U.S. Department of Energy


Jackson Jan Independent Consultant
Jackson Judy Fermi National Acelerator Laboratory
Jackson Mark U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Jackson Tim B. U.S. Department of Energy
Jackson Yvonne U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Jacobs Holly Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Jacox Sue Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
James William Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Jamison James (Jim) Science Applications International Corporation
Janes Michael Sandia National Laboratories
Jautaikis Brandon U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Jenkins Jack U.S. Department of Energy
Jenkins Paul U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Jennings Tony CH2M Hill
Jivelekas Aprill WSMS-MA
Johansen Karen Office of Emergency Management
Johnson Deborah U.S. Department of Energy
Johnson Duane DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations
Johnson James UT-Battelle
Johnson Ken City of Paso Robles
Johnson Mark Bechtel BWXT Idaho LLC
Johnson Scott Los Alamos National Laboratory
Johnston Donald LLNL
Joiner Steve En-Form Corporation
Jokela Niles AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Jones Chris Isotek
Jones William Lockheed Martin Integration Technology
Joyner Elena Department of Homeland Security
Juette Jon Imported from listserv


Kabela Erik Savannah River National Laboratory
Kahl Robert U.S. Department of Energy
Kajder Cindy Sandia National Laboratories
Karasik Joel Science Applications International Corporation
Karsjen Steve Ames Laboratory
Kaufman Daniel Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Kearns Roy U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Keaton Ken Technical Resources Group, Inc.
Kedzierski Thaddeus Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Keefer Mark Washington Savannah River Co.
Keister Marsha Idaho National Laboratory
Kelly John Jefferson Lab
Kerr Thom Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kerwin Ralph Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Key Barbara Washington Savannah River Co.
Kimbrough Paula Washington Closure Hanford
King Bruce Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Kinney Douglas The National Foreign Affairs Training Center
Kinsey-Cannon Sherry U.S. Department of Energy
Kish Jim U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Knazovich Michael Sandia National Laboratories
Kniphfer Allen Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency
Koller Greg Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kopple Scott U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Kostecki Noelle U.S. Department of Energy
Koutsandreas Denis U.S. Department of Energy
Kramer Christopher Argonne National Laboratory
Kreitlow Bill National Security Technologies
Krol Joseph U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration


La Curtis Pete Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
la Pointe Lisa Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lacher Lou ICF Consulting
Lachman Teri Unwin Company
Lake Laurie Emergency Operations Training Academy
Lamar Sharon WSRC
Lambert Robert National Security Technologies
Langlie Gordy U.S. Department of Energy
Lankford Darrell Darrell M. Lankford and Associates
Lawlor Teresa B&W Y-12
Lazaro Mike Argonne National Laboratory
Lee Hanley U.S. Department of Energy
LePard Melanie Washington Savannah River Co.
Leschnitzer Dale Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lewis Charles U.S. Department of Energy
Little Bart Wackenhut Services Inc.
Locklair Vicki U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Lockwood Joseph B&W Pantex
Long Jeff Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lougee Lance Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Loughead Tracylynn U.S. Department of Energy
Lovell Carl CH2M-WG Idaho, LLC
Lowe Patricia B&W Y-12
Lu Po-Yung Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Luckett Stephen U.S. Department of Energy
Luckett Tanya Imported from listserv
Ludeman Steve Disaster Survival Planning Network, Inc.
Lundy Cindy Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lunsford Dan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lutha Ron U.S. Department of Energy
Lynch Margaret Brookhaven National Laboratory
Lyon Lee Stanford Linear Accelerator Center


Madson Stacey U.S. Department of Energy
Magaldi Debbie Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Maison Leslie National Security Technologies
Maisonet Jose U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Mancieri Saverio Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Manis Lori Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mansfield Jerome U.S. Enrichment Corporation
Maples Ed B&W Y-12
Marcantonio Debra U.S. Department of Energy
Marcus Tim U.S. Department of Energy
Marik Lois U.S. Department of Energy
Marland Nancy U.S. Department of Energy
Marsh Nancy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Marshall Charles Imported from listserv
Marsick Daniel U.S. Department of Energy
Martin Amber Navarro Research and Engineering
Martin April Imported from listserv
Martin Greg Science Applications International Corporation
Martin Pete Systematic Management Systems
Martinez Frances U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Martinez Lauren U.S. DOE Berkeley Site Office
Martinez-Barnish Anna U.S. Department of Energy
Masson Kerry National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Matonis Peter Idaho National Laboratory
Matthews Davida National Security Technologies
Mattingly Jonathan National Institutes of Health
Matz Dina Sassone Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mazzola Carl Shaw Environmental, Inc.
McBride Jeanne Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
McCarty Kathy U.S. Department of Energy
McClelland Vince U.S. Department of Energy
McCollom Teresa Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
McCulloch Arvel U.S. Department of Energy
McDougall Vernon ATL International
McGlothlin Kenneth Yucca Mountain Project
McGregor Steven D. Argonne National Laboratory
McKay David Emergency Operations Training Academy
McNeil Ella U.S. Department of Energy
McNeill Jeff CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc.
McNitt Jim National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
McPeek Eugene Sandia National Laboratories
Medellin Kathy U.S. Department of Energy
Mellor Deborah National Security Technologies
Merrick Jr. John Carolina Emergency Management Consulting
Mescall Yvonne Visionary Solutions LLC
Metz Chris Argonne National Laboratory
Meyers Tilden National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Michel Christopher DynMcDermott
Mickus Kurt U.S. Department of Energy
Midgley Caleb Northrop Grumman
Mignard Robert National Security Technologies
Mikkola Brenda Value Added Solutions, Inc.
Milan David Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Miles David Westinghouse Savannah River Corporation
Miller Cash U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Miller Christopher Sandia National Laboratories
Miller Danielle U.S. Department of Energy
Miller Edward U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Miller Kathy Imported from listserv
Miller Lori U.S. Department of Energy
Miller Mark National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Mills Otis U.S. Department of Energy
Mitchell Jeff Sandia National Laboratories
Mitchell John Knowledge Systems Solutions
Mitchell Roger Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mjoness Mark U.S. Environmental Protection Agency HQ
Mogolesko Fred Entergy Nuclear
Monnett Michael B&W Y-12
Montgomery Tanya U.S. DOE Yucca Mtn
Moonier Nena Argonne National Laboratory
Moore Gerald Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Moore Kevin National Nuclear Security Administration
Moore Tami U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Moorehead George Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Morales Ted Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Morgan Darwin U.S. Department of Energy
Morgan James Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Morgan Roy Washington Savannah River Co.
Morrison Jeff National Security Technologies
Mosho George Argonne National Laboratory
Mounce Rick Polestar Applied Technology
Moussa Frank U.S. Department of Energy
Moy Sen U.S. Department of Energy
Mullens Cynthia U.S. Department of Energy
Mullikin James Department of Homeland Security
Mullins Angelee U.S. Department of Energy
Munding Peter U.S. Department of Energy
Munroe Weatherly Integrated Solutions and Services
Murawski Linda Murawski Enterprises, Inc.
Murawski Robert Murawski Enterprises, Inc.
Murdock Doug Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Murphy Dennis Emergency Operations Training Academy
Murphy Stephen DOE/NNSA
Murrill Janet B&W Y-12


Nangle Craig Wackenhut Services, Inc.
Napier Bruce U.S. Department of Energy
Nashatker Steve Savannah River Site
Nasstrom John Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nations Jim Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center
Neal Patrick U.S. Department of Energy
Nelson Don Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nelson Roger Carlsbad Field Office/WIPP
Neuhoff Jon U.S. Department of Energy
Newby Deborah Idaho National Laboratory
Nickels William National Security Technologies
Nicoll Eric U.S. Department of Energy
Noey Jim Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Nore Terry B&W Y-12


Odland David Unwin Company
Ogden Chad ATL International
Ogilivie Clayton Idaho Operations Office
Ohlsen Richard Brookhaven National Laboratory
O'Keeffe Michael National Security Technologies
O'Kula Kevin Westinghouse Safety Management Solutions
Olds Erik U.S. Department of Energy
Olson Craig Operations Technical Support
O'Neill William Texas DPS
O'Shaughnessy Michele U.s. Department of Energy
O'Steen Lance Washington Savannah River Co.
Otero Melissa Emergency Operations Training Academy
Ott Sarah Idaho National Laboratory
Outlaw Doug SAIC
Oyer Wilam National Security Technologies


Padilla Michael Sandia National Laboratories
Page Andy Oak Ridge Insititute for Science and Education
Palka Virginia Kansas City Site Operations
Palmer Brendan Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Panek Kate U.S. Department of Energy
Parker Kelly AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Paslay Robert Washington TRU Solutions
Pastor-Cohen Genevieve Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Patin Larry United States Capitol Police
Pavetto Carl U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA
Payne Gordon DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations Co.
Pazos Henry National Security Technologies
Pegram David U.S. Department of Energy
Pena Michael BNL/BSA
Pence Bob U.S. Department of Energy
Pendergrass Will National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
Pergerson Bryant Yucca Mountain Project
Perlman Gary ATSDR
Perry Walter U.S. Department of Energy
Petersen Julie U.S. DOE Savannah River Office
Peterson Shana B&W Y-12
Petricek Robert Brookhaven National Laboratory
Petrocchi Rocky URS Washington Division
Petroff Dale Science Applications International Corporation
Pettit Lawrence Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Petty Ricky U.S. Department of Energy
Petty Tonya B&W Pantex
Petullo Mike Excalibur Associates
Pfeiffer Phil Idaho National Laboratory
Phifer Julia U.S. Department of Energy
Picha Kenneth U.S. Department of Energy
Pittman Doyle Tennessee Valley Authority
Pleau Bernard U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Pleau Vickie Dee Systematic Management Systems
Pobanz Brenda National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center
Pollock Marcus U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Possidente William National Security Technologies
Potter Dr. Charles U.S. Department of Energy
Powers Chris U.S. Department of Energy
Powers Jim U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA
Prentice Sara Idaho National Laboratory
Preuss Paul U.S. Department of Energy
Purtymun William Los Alamos National Laboratory


Qassim Linda Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Quirke Brian U.S. Department of Energy Chicago Office


Raaf Larry Bonneville Power Administration
Ramsdell Van Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Randerson Darryl Air Resources Laboratory
Raudenbush Michael AlphaTRAC
Rawn Gordon Brookhaven National Laboratory
Reynolds Charlene U.S. Department of Energy
Reynolds Geoff Washington Savannah River Co.
Richards John Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Richey Richard U.S. Department of Energy
Richter Bonnie U.S. Department of Energy
Riesselmann Kurt Fermi National Acelerator Laboratory
Rishel Jeremy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ritter Erin B&W Pantex
Rivera Jose L. Wackenhut Services, Inc.
Rives Charles B&W Pantex
Roberto Frank Idaho National Laboratory
Roberts Stephen National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Robertson Jeffrey U.S. Department of Energy
Robinson Brian U.S. Department of Energy
Robinson Mark U.S. Department of Energy
Roddy John Bechtel Jacobs Co. LLC
Rodi Diane Argonne National Laboratory
Rodriguez Richard Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Roe Gene Battelle Science and Technology International
Rogers Thomas Unwin Company
Roland Robbie Washington Savannah River Co.
Romero Anita Sandia National Laboratories
Romero Elizabeth U.S. Department of Energy
Rose Howie Roane County
Rosenkrance Shawna Idaho National Laboratory
Rotella Thomas U.S. Department of Energy
Routh Roger Marion County Health Department
Rowe Mona Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rowlett C. David B&W Pantex
Royce Barbara Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rust Steven Fluor Hanford
Ruth, Jr. Lorry B&W Y-12
Rycroft Jack National Nuclear Security Administration
Ryland Judith Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Rynes John National Security Technologies


Sabnis Amishi ATL International
Sahd Greg Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Saidi John U.S. Department of Energy
Salmonson Bradley Battelle Energy Alliance/Idaho National Laboratory
Samtmann Craig Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
SanAgustin Jesus U.S. Department of Energy HQ
Sanchez Monique T. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Sanchez Nancy U.S. Department of Energy
Sandoval Maurice Sandia National Laboratories
Saunders Royce "Rocky" Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sayne Hank Washington Savannah River Co.
Schaenman Phillip Tridata Corporation
Schalk Walt Nevada Test Site
Scheib Bill B&W Y-12
Schiers Jessica AlphaTRAC
Schiller Monika Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Schlotzhauer David Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Schmidt Tarry Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Schoonmaker Chris Operations Tech Support
Schultz Carisa Idaho National Laboratory
Schultz David Eagle Research Group Inc.
Schum Scott
Schwartz Mary Honeywell FM&T, LLC
Schwinn Bill U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Searing John Brookhaven National Laboratory
Seaver Lynda LLNL
Seidel David Los Alamos National Laboratory
Seifert Roger U.S. Department of Energy
Sensi John Sandia National Laboratories
Senutovitch Diane Los Alamos National Laboratory
Shaw Susan U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Shelton Ken Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Sherin Brian Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Sherman Yvonne U.S. Department of Energy
Shewairy John U.S. Department of Energy
Shimosaka Nancy U.S. DOE Livermore Site Office
Shoemaker Cheryl National Security Technologies
Short Berline U.S. Department of Energy
Siegel Carolyn Erie 1 BOCES
Siegel Joel Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services
Sigler Cindy Los Alamos National Laboratory
Silcox Virginia Emergency Operations Training Academy
Silver-Rodis Gillian National Security Technologies
Simkonis Gerald SAIC
Simmons Jud B&W Pantex
Simon Gary DynMcDermott
Simonson Steven U.S. Department of Energy
Simpson Victor (Woody) Honeywell FM&T/NNSA-Albuquerque
Sinclair Claire U.S. DOE Yucca Mtn
Singer Neal Sandia National Laboratories
Skeens Steve USEC
Skene Derek AlphaTRAC, Inc
Slavin William Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Smith Allen Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Smith Ken Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Smith Michael Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Smithey Patricia U.S. Department of Energy
Snyder Tanya Kansas City Plant
Somers Donna J. Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Sood Romesh Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Sorensen John Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Sorrell Steven U.S. Department of Energy
Southerly Michael University of Nevada, Reno
Sparkman Debra U.S. Department of Energy
Speigel Wayne Excalibur Associates, Inc.
Spenia Frank National Security Technologies
St. John Bobby Washington TRU Solutions LLC
Stair Billy ORNL
Stambouli Karim Imported from listserv
Stanford Tony Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stansbury Paul PNNL
Stark Anne LLNL
Steele Dick U.S. Department of Energy
Stevens Lee PAI, Inc.
Stoltz David DynMcDermott Petroleum Operations Co.
Stonhill David Idaho National Laboratory
Stopford Bettina Science Applications International Corporation
Stotts Sidney (Al) U.S. Department of Energy
Strain Charles Washington Savannah River Co.
Stringfellow Kari National Security Technologies
Strosinski Michael U.S. Department of Energy
Stuhan David National Security Technologies
Sugarman Stephen Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Suggs Jeff City of LaPorte Texas
Sullivan David San Francisco Department of Public Health
Sullivan Deborah U.S. DOE Nevada
Swaim Dan B&W Pantex
Swanson Joel Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Talbot Michael U.S. Department of Energy
Tanzman Edward Argonne National Laboratory
Tapia Jonathan LANL
Tarr D. Lynn B&W Pantex
Taylor Eleanor Argonne National Laboratory
Tenorio David U.S. Department of Energy
Terranova Joseph Brookhaven National Laboratory
Terrazas Paul Emergency Operations Training Academy
Thomas Charlotte B&W Pantex
Thomas Jan Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thomas Lori U.S. Department of Energy
Thomas Mack WSRC
Thomas Richard Intercet, Ltd.
Thorsen II William CH2M
Tilford April U.S. Enrichment Corp.
Tindell David Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
Tobin Michael Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management
Tobin Paul U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Transtrum Trudy U.S. Department of Energy
Treadaway Walter U.S. Department of Energy
Trent Joel Idaho Operations Office
Tripp Wayne General Physics
Trummell Candice U.S. DOE Yucca Mtn
Tuccinardi Thomas ATL International
Tufano Nancy National Security Technologies
Tupin Mr. Edward Environmental Protection Agency
Turner Clarke U.S. Department of Energy
Turner Paula U.S. Department of Energy
Tytler Linn Los Alamos National Laboratory


Urban Dennis Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Urban Nichole Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Usrey Elgan Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
Utesch Robert Argonne National Laboratory
Utrera Richard UT-Battelle


Van Gorp Gail Argonne National Laboratory
Van Horn Christine U.S. Department of Energy
Van Saun Phillip University of California, San Diego
van Warmerdam Charlotte Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
VanPelt Dean Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Vaughn Alphonso B&W Pantex
Vazquez Gustavo U.S. Department of Energy
Vermillion Brenda Carson County
VerValin Ty National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Vigeant Steven Shaw Environmental
Virgil Willie U.S. Department of Energy
Vitaliani Ernest Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Von Brook Janice The Jackson Laboratory
Vorachek Mike Idaho National Laboratory
Vosburg Susan Sandia National Laboratories
Vrooman Robert NNSA Sandia Site Office
Vukosovich John U.S. Department of Energy


Waetje Bill BEA
Walker Hoyt Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Walker Lisbeth U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Wallace James U.S. Department of Energy
Wallace James (Brad) U.S. Department of Energy
Walsh John Idaho National Laboratory
Walter August Strategic Petroleum Reserve Operation
Wampler Steve LLNL
Ward Kerry Idaho National Laboratory
Watson Larry Honeywell FM&T/NM
Weaver Sylvester City of Tacoma Police Department
Webb Frederick Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS)
Weber Ray Forest Ventures, Inc.
Weeks Jim Advanced Technologies and Laboratories
Wehrly Sharon National Security Technologies
Wells Ronald National Securities Technologies
Weseman Marcus Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
West Staci PNNL
Wester Robert Wester and Associates
White DiAnn U.S. Department of Transportation
White Virginia WSRC
Whitehead Donna National Security Technologies
Whittaker Don Battelle Energy Alliance
Whyte Helen Imported from listserv
Wical Scott B&W Y12
Wieser Patricia Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Wiggins Gurney Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Wilber Deborah Imported from listserv
Wilburn William (Bill) B&W Y-12
Wiley Albert Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Wilkes Bryan U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Williams Bobbie Washington Savanna River Site
Williams Charles U.S. Department of Energy
Williams Heidi U.S. Department of Energy
Williams Karen E. National Security Technologies
Williams Robert DOT Volpe Center
Williamson Samuel National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Willoughby Ann Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wilson Scott Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wilson Tracy U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Wimer Nathan U.S. Department of Energy
Winchell Kathleen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Windus Robert Bonneville Power Administration
Winner Gary Argonne National Laboratory
Witherspoon Wiley CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company LLC
Wolfenden Steven Washington Group
Wolfgram Michele WSMS Mid-America
Womble Sandy Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Woodard Robert Independent Consultant
Woodring James Argonne National Laboratory-East
Woodward Alan Los Alamos National Laboratory
Worley Gary B&W Y-12
Worstell Thomas Department of Treasury - FMS
Wright Rosaline U.S. Department of Energy
Wyatt Louise Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Wyatt Steven U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Administration


Yahr Keith Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yano Gordon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Yard Charles (Bud) U.S. Department of Energy
Yarris Lynn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Young David National Nuclear Security Administration
Young Kenneth Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Youngblood, Jr. Thomas U.S. Department of Energy
Yu Xiao-Ying Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Zaslow Alan Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
Zellers Cassandra National Security Technologies
Zubka Lisa National Security Technologies