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An Introduction to Panel Surveys in Transportation Studies


Golob, J. M., Screurs, L. J. M., & Smit, J. G. (1986). The design and policy applications of a panel for studying changes in mobility over time. In Behavioral Research for Transport Policy. Utrecht, The Netherlands: VNU Science Press.

Goodwin, P. B. (1997). Have panel surveys told us anything new? In T. Golob, R. Kitamura, and L. Long (eds.), Panels for Transportation Planning: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Norwell, MA: Academic Publishers.

Goulias, K., & Kitamura, R. (1997). A dynamic microsimulation model system for regional travel demand forecasting. In T. Golob, R. Kitamura, and L. Long (eds.), Panels for Transportation Planning: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Norwell, MA: Academic Publishers.

Goulias, K., & Ma, J. (1996). Analysis of Longitudinal Data from the Puget Sound Transportation Panel. Task C: Past Uses of PSTP Databases . U. S. D. O. T. Federal Highway Administration.

Goulias, K., & Ma, J. (1996). Analysis of Longitudinal Data from the Puget Sound Transportation Panel. Task F: Cross Section and Dynamic Analysis of Activity and Travel Patterns in PSTP. U. S. D. O. T. Federal Highway Administration

Hensher, D. A. (1985). Longitudinal surveys in transport: an assessment. In E. Ampt, A. Richardson, and W. Brog (eds.), New Survey Methods in Transport. Utrecht, The Netherlands: VNU Science Press.

Kasprzyk, D., Duncan, G., Kalton, G., & Singh, M. P. (1989). Panel Surveys. New York: J. W. Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Kitamura, R., & Bovy, P. H. L. (1987). Analysis of attrition biases and trip reporting errors for panel data. Transportation Research, 21A, 287-302.

Kitamura, R. (1990). Panel analysis in transportation planning: An overview. Transportation Research, 24A, 401-415.

Murakami, E., & Ulberg, C. (1997). The Puget Sound Transportation Panel. In T. Golob, R. Kitamura, and L. Long (eds.), Panels for Transportation Planning: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Norwell, MA: Academic Publishers.

Murakami, E. & Watterson, W. (1990). The Puget Sound Transportation Panel after two waves. Transportation, 19, 141-158.

Pendyala, R., & Kitamura, R. (1997). Weighting methods for attrition in choice-based panels. In T. Golob, R. Kitamura, and L. Long (eds.), Panels for Transportation Planning: Methods and Applications. Kluwer Norwell, MA: Academic Publishers.

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Richardson, A. J., Ampt, E. S., & Meyburg, A. H. (1995). Survey Methods for Transport Planning. Parkville, Vic: Eucalyptus Press.