Finance & Administration Directorate
EMS Management Review

June 2, 2000


Attendees: S. Briggs, K. Brog, K. Carney, D. Dale, G. Dioguardo, K. Fox, G. Granzen, M. Healey, M. Israel, R. Jansson, J. Laurie, R. Melucci, K. Mohring, G. Ogeka, P. Pohlot, B. Sack, M. White, J. Wilke, M. Windsor, E. Zimmerman

Absent: J. Durnan, W. Foyt, J. Hanson, and R. Manning

K. Mohring handed out the agenda and copies of the EMS presentation materials. Everyone introduced themselves. K. Mohring gave a presentation about the EMS (Environmental Management System), and presented the findings and corrective actions resulting from the April 26, 2000 EMS audit.

J. Laurie spoke on the Photographic & Printing operations. The Library area of the Information Systems Division had no significant aspects. Regarding the disposal of photographic chemicals, P. Pohlot and E. Zimmerman discussed sending the waste off site. P. Pohlot said they could segregate the developer from the fixer, and the developer would go out as a waste or go to sanitary. Then we would have half the waste. However, it’s still not cost effective to send it out. This is still under evaluation. P. Pohlot said we could use an evaporator for the fixer to bring it down to sludge. This is all down the road. The chemicals had always been filtered, and the filtered water was sent to sanitary. This was done for many years per J. Laurie. Hazardous waste reduction of 80% has been achieved.

J. Wilke discussed the Automotive Shop and the Employee Service Station. E. Zimmerman asked if we have ever investigated Safety-Kleen as there have been criminal accusations about their waste disposal practices. J. Wilke and  K. Mohring said no, we haven’t. Per P. Pohlot Safety-Kleen is not cost effective, and we are looking for alternatives. We’ve also looked at a biological treatment system at another facility. We are looking at different technologies.

The new CNG station should be on site within a year and should handle our needs at least through the year 2008. According to B. Sack, the contract for this new fueling station is already in the works, and we’ve been promised funding for this facility.

D. Dale discussed Chemical Storage and Metal Recycling. K. Carney asked if we’ve ever found radioactive items in the scrap yard.  G. Ogeka said yes, this has happened in the past. The material was then transported back to the department for handling. This would also handle the PCB issue if there were one. There has been a decrease in these incidents. Everything that goes to Crestwood (metal recycler) for recycling is clean. K. Brog asked what is done with PCBs found. G. Dioguardo said they call ES&H to have the items evaluated. K. Carney asked if any mercury has been detected. There has been none, per G. Dioguardo and D. Dale.  K. Brog asked if someone signs a process knowledge form when the items are received in the scrap yard. D. Dale stated that forms are requried.  E. Zimmerman asked if we track these items? Absolutely, per D. Dale.

K. Mohring spoke on Food Services and the Housing Area. E. Zimmerman asked if there is any way to communicate to the housing people about proper disposal of batteries, car parts, etc. K. Mohring said we do try to communicate this to everyone. Editor’s note: Included in the information packet for new tenants is a memorandum that addresses procedures for disposing of waste motor oil and the storage of automotive parts. Dissemination of this information has been in place for at least 9 years.

S. Briggs asked if there were any F&A external assessments. E. Zimmerman said there have been none for these areas. P. Pohlot noted that 60% of the high priority process evaluation corrective actions are complete and that F&A will meet the FY 00 requirements.

The Management Review of the EMS is to ensure that senior management is involved in the program per S. Briggs. We don’t have any community issues per K. Mohring. There are three basic questions:

Record of Decision

S. Briggs asked the following:

1) Is the EMS Program effective in achieving environmental policy commitments and achieving environmental objectives and performance measures? B. Sack said that yes it is. We have even understated the progress that we've made regarding EMS. B. Sack said that things have come together in the last 6-7 months, although we have some work to do yet to make sure that everyone knows what our policies are. The answer is a pretty resounding YES!

2) Is the EMS Program adequate to identify significant environmental aspects and impacts? Are resource allocations, organizational expertise, procedural requirements and information systems appropriate?

B. Sack stated that the program and related support is adequate. We do Tier Is across the board, and one of the key things is to make sure we are performing in accordance with our procedures. We also have a pretty vigorous self-assessment program. One of things we could work on a bit more is the procurement of recycled materials. One example is paper. We now use recycled paper. Recycling tires is not going to happen. It is important to follow through to see what technology is doing and, where appropriate, add into our procurement specs to purchase recycled materials.

E. Zimmerman said she feels that our organization is doing a very good job, but one of our goals should be closing out findings from our self-assessment programs in a timely manner even though we have not had many problems with this.

3) What are your recommended changes to the policy?

 B. Sack said he saw no changes needed to neither the policy nor the commitments.

K. Mohring thanked S. Briggs and P. Pohlot for their assistance in the development of the EMS program. B. Sack also thanked everyone for their efforts and participation in making the EMS Review so successful.

Other Follow-up Items/Questions (To be discussed at F&A ESH meetings)

  1. Because of the potential spill of stored unopened chemicals, evaluate the addition of hazardous or industrial waste as a significant aspect in warehouse operations .
  2. Consider where evaluations of vendor environmental performance need to be made, e.g., Safety-Kleen, used oil recycler.


Recorded by D. J. Greco
Edited by K. Mohring

June 7, 2000