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Immediate Release
Contact: Bert Hammond
January 23, 2004
(202) 225-7084

“On February 1, 2003, all Americans were stunned by the Space Shuttle Columbia’s disaster during its return to Earth. Three Dorsey High School students: Amabel Ijan Atiabet, Juan Ortega, and Christina Mojarro, whose Silkworm Experiment was on board Columbia were mortified after hearing that the space shuttle disintegrated. During a subsequent press conference the students stated that they were more concerned about the loss of the seven crew members than their experiment,” said Representative Watson.

“On Monday, January 26, 2004, 9:00 a.m., I will be sponsoring a ‘Day of Remembrance: Space Shuttle Columbia’ at Dorsey High School which is located at 3537 Farmdale Avenue, Los Angeles. The purpose of the event will be a memorial to the Columbia Astronauts and an opportunity for the science students to hear a first hand report from NASA, summarizing the outcome of their experiment along with others that were aboard the space shuttle. Kimberly Campbell, Administrator of the STARS Space HAB Program will present the results, including a list of experiments that survived the shuttle explosion.”

In addition to Watson and Campbell, the following attendees will speak: Christina, Amabel and Juan, the three students who worked on the Silkworm Experiment; Ms. Sharon Robinson, Superintendent, LAUSD District G; Dr. Evelyn Mahmud, Principal, Dorsey High School and Joe Oliver, LAUSD Technology Teacher.

Also, a scholarship fund will be established in behalf of Congresswoman Watson, who introduced the STARS program to science students at her alma mater, Dorsey High School.

Please call Lois Hill Hale, Press Secretary at 323-965-1422 or 310-701-6627 for additional information.

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