WA0382 1. Ticket Office, southeast corner, showing south and east facades. 2. Ticket Office, south facade. 3. Ticket Office, west facade. 4. Ticket Office, west facade, eaves detail. 5. Ticket Office, interior; north section looking northwest. Stair to second floor office in the Freight Warehouse is on the rear wall to the left, hidden behind the partition wall. 6. Ticket Office interior, south section looking north. 7. Photocopy of photograph (Original print, Wallie V. Funk Collection.) Photographer unknown, c. 1912. Ticket Office, south facade. 8. Photocopy of photograph (Original print, Wallie V. Funk Collection.) Photographer unknown, 1912. Interior of Ticket Office, south section, looking north. Note "Curtis Wharf Co." over cash register.