Saptentber 23, 19LS mar &. 2 Insbmd of calling a of' the Committee at this t&&a, I aa mnding you a report, together with rqwinta, and a map of proposed &udy districts in Colornbo. Oov%mor Vivian has requested a Survey of oux Hospital Racilitiss to b% trade by your conaaittss with th% teahnical assistarm of the U. S. Public Health Serviae and t.'tisr survey will begin about October first. .A study of' 19 Tuberculosis Smatorka Is alreal@ under way* It is sponsored by a spclal con&ttee, of which I)octor &NJ Briakmn, Presidant of the Colorado Tuberculoris Asmciation, is Gh&Lmum. For th% general survey, the Stat% has been divided into 12 districts of SeJveral counti%a each. s%s ilap. At the pr%s%nt tims, it is our plan, with a chsiman to be a%l%ctsd, to bring together lntzrrestsd parties to whoa ths scope and purpaee of this study may be explained. iach m&her of the OOv%morrs committee will be notlfictd in advancr whhtn a meeting is to be held in his district. The chainnan sglscted for each district will be asked to &Lain a pLacs to h&d a mmtlng, and to .invi?x intexx+st@d part;tea to attend. Perhaps thee most im~rtmt thin: to b%%r clesrly in ~nind is that the nation-wide study of hospftal facU~ti%s, of which the Colorado study is a ?gart, is sponsored by the flComxLssion on &spits1 Care", of whlch Mr. Thclaae S. C&Ma, IMversity of ?%nnsylvania, it ChsFman and ti. tdxard L. verson, Prcssident of tb% Board of the Inland Steel Company, ie, Vice- Ch&h?lUiUk. Th% Comission on Ho5pit91 I'are is mad% up of regresentatlves from th% Alilbri.can Hospital Aesootafion, the Protestant Hospital Aasocia- tim and the Catholic Hospital Association. The U. 5. pOb;ic 8ealt.h Service is rasrely loaning to the States experts to m&e an invcatory of existing hospital faclliti%s, and to offer for the consideretim of the Governor's Cmmittee? such suggestions for tiprovement as %mm to be in- dicated. Th% Federal Oovmnamnt und%r a bill now before Ccm~r%ss, Smate rsiU Ho. 191, is ask%d to gfv% to the Ytates some portion of th% building costs of new hospitals recormmded in ths report iand then mthorimd by local authorities in the States. This Bill envisages construction only and not sssintenancar of hos::itals, If Senate Bill 191 is enacted into law an inventory of hospital facilities will be a prerequisite to any Federal aid. This study will meet the requirements of Senate Bill 191 for a preliminary plan. It is the function of your comaittes to study our present hoapital facilities aa they rill be mt forth in the Survey and to paas on th@ ti&dm of the racmndations fur improvIng the distribution of hospital facilities throughout the State. St is thus clear that the ma$or work of thia mmittes till be sftcsr the caERpletfon of the studies and thu analysis of the data by the Camisaion cm Iioapital Care - mmti-.% s-ely inl@& Governor Vivirm ha8 also asked the Amrican Public Health Associa- tion in Elew Tork City, of which Doctor &@nald Atuatnr, formr3.y of C;alarsdo, Is Dhwtor, to make a at&y of our State Health Services, and if Clovernor Vivian1 IJ request is granted you will btt so advised. We will keep you infomted of lmwtirrt developwnts, and I take this opportunity to thank: you for accepting the &mwnorl% request that ycxx serve on this corsaittee. R&q%ctfully, Florence H. &bin, Chairmum GoV%rnor ' a fzicmaitt%4B on Hsalth