From: Jaffe, Lyle D Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:52 AM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: FW: Part II, The Classic Flack and Aspartame -----Original Message----- From: Dr. Betty Martini [] Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 9:55 PM To: becky Cc:; RXH-CFSAN.FDA.GOV; DHATTAN-CFSAN.FDA.GOV; Jaffe Lyle D Subject: Part II, The Classic Flack and Aspartame Dear Becky, You're making a fool of yourself. First of all, at least state it right. Betty didn't just on one hand disparage registered dietitians as ill-informed to comment on the safety of aspartame, then use the letter of a disgruntled registered dietitian. What Betty did is use a letter from a woman of integrity who had done her homework to such a degree she couldn't in conscience continue to be part of an association that pimps poison for profit. And this woman not only stated her case like the best of lawyers with research but even quoted others who had equally done an investigation like The New York Times, and Forbes. She used the ADA's own words to indict them, even from their own records. Let's give Jesse Parker Hobson a standing ovation and an award for integrity for a job well done. Further, Betty didn't just say they were ill-informed she used even more research like from Dr. Julian Whitaker. Further I used my own experiences and I could tell you a lot more. In fact, could easily write a book on the ADA. I do my homework. You just flunked Becky because you used one of the worst examples. And now you pick the American Council on Science and Health. You get the Darwin Award for that one. The ACSH is a front group. You should research how it started and who started it. And you should read books by excellent researchers. I would suggest Racketeering in Medicine by James P. Carter, M.D., and Trust Us We're Experts by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, authors of Toxic Sludge is Good For You, for starters. On page 141 of Trust Us We're Experts, the ACSH is even exposed as another long standing industry funded defender of DDT and dioxin. This is a book on how industry manipulates science and gambles with your future. And I shouldn't quote a lot for you or you'll never learn to do research before you insert your foot in your mouth. On the World Environmental Conference I told you to go and there is all the evidence, including my invitation to speak for the World Environmental Conference. And there is even an update that quotes ACSH. Surely you know about Dr. Barrett and his Quackbusters. I'll even send you the recent article on how he has been charged with racketeering. Becky, you should adopt the principle of good attorneys. They say never ask a question if you don't know the answer. How can you even dispute what I lectured on since there are so many medical books that now document all these symptoms and diseases like Dr. H. J. Roberts medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, A lot of them are right there on the cover including MS. And on the web page I gave you is my letter to the MS folks who took years to write. I got a big laugh one day when an MS victim called who had spoken to the MS Society. They told him their attorneys were looking for Betty Martini. I said: "They wouldn't have to look very far if they would answer all the emails I've sent. Furthermore, my address and phone number is all over the Internet!" And if you want recent research on this which documents beyond a shadow of a doubt the Aspartame and MS Connection read the outstanding article by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D. MS and Aspartame Connection ( It's also discussed in his books, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and Health & Nutrition Secrets to Save Your Life, Dr. Blaylock is no doubt the leading neurosurgeon in the world today on excitotoxins. At the time the email saturated the globe NutraSweet was owned by Monsanto. And all kinds of front groups were set up on the Internet. But they couldn't put out the fire and sold the NutraSweet Company. And I told them to remember the words of Mohammed Ali: "You can run but you can't hide." Oh yes, Monsanto has also been charged with racketeering on this issue. Becky, if you don't know how to do research at least keep up with the news. After the email made world news many people got off aspartame who had been diagnosed with MS and walked out of wheelchairs. One of those people was Cori Brackett, co-owner of Sound and Fury Productions. She did her homework. She was diagnosed with one of the largest lesions in an MS victim and today off aspartame the lesion is all but gone, and she has the MRI to prove it. She walked right out of her wheelchair and went on to make the movie, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World about the issue. ( And in the new movie being made you'll get to meet those involved with the issue of the World Environmental Conference including myself and the so-called mysterious Dr. Esposito, who is getting a copy of this post and probably chuckling to himself. Incidentally, I was on Dr. Barrett's list. Since they tried to say aspartame was safe I immediately started posting government documents and studies. I was barred from posting. The last thing they wanted people to read was evidence they were lying about aspartame. However, they told me that members of their groups (which are front groups for industry,) The National Council Against Health Fraud and The American Council on Science and Health, could post without restriction. They welcome flacks! So you wouldn't be able to publish with the World Natural Health Organization that is committed to Truth, but you could easily put all your propaganda on Dr. Barrett's list. I'll send you a couple of articles about Dr. Barrett and the issue by separate email to educate you although don't you think its time for you to learn to research yourself. After all, you're with the food syndicate, you need to learn about unsafe food. But I'll attach one article below about ACSH. Betty >Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 14:22:30 -0700 (PDT) >From: Tim and Jan Bolen >Subject: American Council on Science and Health and Quackbusters > > >The American Council on Science and Health includes on >their board, 'Dr.'s' Stephen Barrett and Victor >Herbert. Barrett is a vicious attacker of anti-floride >movements, Herbert claims vitamins and food >supplements are murdering Americans! Perhaps this >explains where their money comes from.... >Jan Bolen > >FLACK ATTACK > >I've been called a paid liar for industry so many >times I've lost count," boasts Elizabeth Whelan of the >American Council on Science and Health. > >This year, ACSH celebrated its 20th anniversary as an >"independent" organization that claims to offer a >"sound scientific" understanding of issues related to >public health. Yet a substantial percentage of its >funding comes from the same corporations that produce >the food, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other >chemicals that ACSH routinely and enthusiastically >defends. > >Notwithstanding these funding sources, Whelan insists >that her principles remain pure. "If you consider the >possibility that we do believe in what we're >doing--that it's wrong to terrify people about trace >levels of chemicals that cause cancer in mice--where >could you get money?" she asks. "Where would such >money come from that would not be tainted?" > >Of course, no one but Whelan herself knows whether her >beliefs are "sincere." What matters is why >corporations like Monsanto, Dow Chemical and hosts of >others choose to donate money to ACSH, year in and >year out. > >Corporations are not ruled by concepts like >"sincerity." They are ruled by the need to maximize >profits, and their donations to an organization like >ACSH are designed to serve this need. For them, it >doesn't matter whether Whelan believes what she says, >as long as what she says helps further a vision of >"truth, science and progress" that advances their >business objectives. > >In examining organizations like ACSH, therefore, the >key question is not, "Are they paid liars?" It is more >meaningful to simply ask, "Who funds them, and whose >interests do they serve?" > >Center for Media & Democracy Home Page > >THE JUNKYARD DOGS OF SCIENCE >by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton > >For the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), >the "phthalate issue" (pronounced "THAL ate") is just >another "scare as usual"--another media fire needing >to be extinguished. > >The issue has been simmering for several years, but it >reached a flash point in the United States in November >1998 when the environmental group Greenpeace issued a >report showing that soft vinyl children's toys contain >significant levels of toxic chemicals--up to 41 >percent by weight. Greenpeace warned that children may >ingest the chemicals, known as phthalates, if they put >the toys in their mouths. "When children suck and chew >on soft vinyl toys, it is similar to squeezing a >sponge. Water comes out of a sponge, just as these >toxic softeners can leach out of a toy," explained Joe >Di Gangi, the author of the Greenpeace report. >Greenpeace was not alone on the issue. Health >authorities in several other countries, including >Austria, Denmark and Sweden, had already issued >regulations banning phthalates. Similar measures were >under consideration, along with warning advisories to >parents and requests for retailers to voluntarily >recall vinyl toys, in half a dozen other European >countries and Canada. > >ACSH responded to the "scare" the way it has responded >on many similar past occasions, by announcing that it >was forming a committee to study the question, headed >by former U.S. Surgeon-General Dr. C. Everett Koop. >"Dr. Koop will oversee the blue ribbon committee's >work and ensure that the most qualified scientists are >recruited to look at the science on phthalates," said >ACSH president Elizabeth Whelan. "We know that people >want to hear from independent scientists and >physicians on important safety issues. The committee's >report will provide an authoritative point of view on >the safety of phthalates in vinyl products." > >Most people who read the news probably concluded that >ACSH--described in numerous stories as a "health >advocacy group"--was some sort of impartial consumer >organization that could be expected to look seriously >at the issue. Some reports noted vaguely that ACSH >"gets some funding from industry." Overall, however, >the media did such a thorough job of obscuring ACSH's >identity as an industry front group that Plastics >News, an industry trade publication, mistakenly >credited ACSH for beginning the "barrage" against the >plastics industry over the phthalate issue. >In fact, ACSH is anything but a critic of industry. >Since its founding in 1978, it has actively courted >industry support, offering itself as an off-the-shelf, >available-on-demand source of "sound scientific >expertise" in defense of virtually every form and type >of industrial pollution known to the 20th century. > >FOLLOWING THE MONEY > >For public consumption, ACSH calls itself "a >science-based, public health group that is directed by >a board of 300 leading physicians and scientists . . . >providing mainstream, peer reviewed scientific >information to American consumers." > >When appealing to industry, ACSH uses a different >pitch. A revealing reference crops up, for example, in >the minutes of a March 16, 1978 meeting of the board >of directors of the Manufacturing Chemists' >Association (today known as the Chemical Manufacturers >Association). > >Written in the same month that ACSH began operating, >the minutes record an appeal by MCA director William >J. Driver, who noted that Whelan had founded "a >tax-exempt organization composed of scientists whose >viewpoints are more similar to those of business than >dissimilar. . . . ACSH is being pinched for funds, but >in the interest of independence and credibility will >not accept support from any chemical company or any >company which could even remotely be concerned with >the aims of the council." > >Notwithstanding this desire to make ACSH appear >independent, Driver added that "Dr. Whelan would be >happy to hear from" MCA members who "are interested in >the work of the council and know of possible sources >of funds." > >Shortly after its founding, ACSH abandoned even the >appearance of independent funding. In a 1997 >interview, Whelan explained that she was already being >called a "paid liar for industry," so she figured she >might as well go ahead and take industry money without >restrictions. > >************************************************** >Today, some 40 percent of ACSH's $1.5 million annual >budget is supplied directly by industry, including a >long list of food, drug and chemical companies that >have a vested interest in supporting Whelan's message. >*************************************************** > >STACKING THE DECK > >ACSH claims to be an "independent, nonprofit, >tax-exempt organization" that adds "reason and balance >to debates about public health issues." > >Whatever "balance" means, however, it definitely >doesn't mean ideological neutrality. ACSH is >unabashedly right-wing and pro-industry. Whelan makes >no bones about her political leanings, describing >herself as a lifelong conservative who is "more >libertarian than Republican." ACSH's board of >directors is also heavily stacked with right-wing >ideologues. > >Take, for example, ACSH board chairman A. Alan >Moghissi. A former official with the U.S. >Environmental Protection Agency, Moghissi >characterizes environmentalism as a belief that >"members of endangered species deserve protection and >that, because there are billions of humans, humanity >does not qualify for protection." >As an "expert on risk assessment," Moghissi appears >regularly on rosters of industry-supported "expert >panels" that work to undermine environmental >regulations. He serves on the advisory board of >numerous anti-environmental organizations and >right-wing "think tanks," including the American >Policy Center's "EPA Watch," the Committee for a >Constructive Tomorrow, the Advancement of Sound >Science Coalition, and the National Wilderness >Institute, a "wise use" anti-environmental >organization that calls for abolition of the >Endangered Species Act. > >In 1990, Moghissi served on a panel created by the >far-right Competitive Enterprise Institute, in league >with Consumer Alert and the National Consumer >Coalition to challenge the EPA's policy requiring >asbestos removal from schools and other public >buildings. > >Moghissi also chairs the Science Advisory Committee of >the Environmental Issues Council (EIC), which was >established in 1993 by industry trade associations >including the Association of American Farm Bureaus, >the Association of General Contractors, the National >Cattleman's Association, the American Pulpwood >Association, the Natural Gas Supply Association, the >United States Business and Industrial Council, the >Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF), as well as >the Independent Petroleum Association of America >(IPAA). > >The purpose of the EIC was to serve as a "new ally >against ill-conceived environmental regulation" >according to Petroleum Independent, an IPAA trade >publication. "The industries represented face common >problems," it explained. "The spotted owl might seem >to be an active threat only to the timber industry but >is in actuality a direct threat to agriculture, mining >and virtually any land user. In addition to the >Endangered Species Act, all industries are seriously >threatened by federal policies regarding wetlands, >hazardous waste, and a multitude of other >environmental issues." > >Other members of the ACSH board of directors include: > > Attorney Jerald Hill, a former long-time president >of the Landmark Legal Foundation, which appears in the >Heritage Foundation's list of conservative "resource >organizations." A recipient of funding from right-wing >gazillionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Landmark has a $1 >million annual budget and a reputation as a >"conservative's American Civil Liberties Union." It >has filed lawsuits against labor unions and school >desegregation and has fought for legislation that >would allow parents to direct public education funding >toward their children's private schools. (Whitewater >special investigator Kenneth Starr also has ties to >Landmark, which has focused heavily in recent years on >hyping the Clintongate scandals.) > > Fredric Steinberg of Mainstreet Health Care, a >private HMO in Atlanta, Georgia, who regards Canada's >single-payer healthcare system as "the socialized road >to medical oblivion." > > Henry Miller, a former FDA official now at the >Hoover Institution, who regularly grinds an ax against >what he considers the FDA's "extraordinarily >burdensome regulations" regarding genetically >engineered foods and new drugs. In 1996, Miller also >editorialized against the FDA's proposal to regulate >tobacco. "The FDA's anti-tobacco initiative . . . has >not been without its own costs to American consumers >and taxpayers," he stated, describing FDA commissioner >David Kessler as "personally consumed by this single >issue." > >In addition to the board of directors, ACSH also has a >300-member "board of scientific and policy members." > >[INCLUDING STEPHEN BARRET AND VICTOR HERBERT] > > As journalist Beatrice Trum Hunter observes, however, >"Many of the advisory board members from academia >serve in departments of food science and technology, >mainly supported by the generosity of commercial food >interests." > >Other advisors include familiar names from the list of >"usual suspects" who appear regularly as scientific >experts in a variety of anti-environmental, >pro-industry forums: Dennis Avery, Michael Gough, >Patrick J. Michaels, Stephen Safe, and S. Fred Singer, >to name a few. Several, including Floy Lilley and J. >Gordon Edwards, as well as Moghissi, have written >articles for 21st Century and Technology, a >publication affiliated with lunatic-fringe conspiracy >theorist Lyndon LaRouche. > >PR CONNECTIONS > >The 17-member ACSH board of directors also includes >representatives from two PR and advertising firms: >Albert Nickel of Lyons Lavey Nickel Swift (their >motto: "We change perceptions"), and Lorraine Thelian >of Ketchum Communications. > >Some 40 percent of ACSH's >$1.5 million annual budget >is supplied directly by industry, >including a long list of food, drug >and chemical companies that >have a vested interest in >supporting Whelan's message. > >Thelian is a Ketchum senior partner and director of >its Washington, DC office, which handles the bulk of >the firm's "environmental PR work" on behalf of >clients including Dow Chemical, the Aspirin Foundation >of America, Bristol Myers Squibb, the American >Automobile Manufacturers Association, the Consumer >Aerosol Products Council, the National Pharmaceutical >Council, the North American Insulation Manufacturers >Association, and the American Industrial Health >Council, another industry-funded group that lobbies >against what it considers "excessive" regulation of >carcinogens. Ketchum boasts that the D.C. office "has >dealt with issues ranging from regulation of toxins, >global climate change, electricity deregulation, >nuclear energy, product and chemical contamination, >and agricultural chemicals and Superfund sites, to >name but a few." > >In 1994, for example, Ketchum's DC office worked on >behalf of Dow and the Chlorine Chemistry Council to >round up scientists who would challenge the U.S. >Environmental Protection Agency's 1994 report on the >health effects of dioxin. Even before the report was >released, Ketchum swung into action with a 30-city PR >blitz designed to undercut press coverage for the EPA >report. "We identified a number of independent >scientists and took them on the road" to meet with >journalists, academics, political leaders and local >health officials, Mark Schannon, an associate director >of Ketchum's Washington office, said. "Basically what >we're trying to do is assure that industry's voice is >heard by people who make policy decisions both here >and around the country," Schannon said. >Center for Media & Democracy Home Page > >INTEGRITY AINT CHEAP! > >Corporate funders for the American Council on Science >and Health have included American Cyanamid, American >Meat Institute, Amoco, Anheuser-Busch, Archer Daniels >Midland, Ashland Oil Foundation, Boise Cascade, >Bristol-Myers Squibb, Burger King, Chevron, >Ciba-Geigy, Coca-Cola, Consolidated Edison, Coors, Dow >Chemical, DuPont, Exxon, Ford Motor Co., Frito-Lay, >General Electric, General Mills, General Motors, >Hershey Foods, Johnson & Johnson, Joseph E. Seagrams & >Sons, Kraft Foundation, Kraft General Foods, Merck >Pharmaceuticals, Mobil, Monsanto, National >Agricultural Chemicals Association, National Dairy >Council, National Soft Drink Association, National >Starch and Chemical Foundation, Nestléé, NutraSweet >Co. (owned by Monsanto), Oscar Mayer Foods, >Pepsi-Cola, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Shell Oil, Sugar >Association, Union Carbide Corp., Uniroyal Chemical >Co., USX Corp., and Wine Growers of California. > >The Kellogg Co. has also contributed, but in 1998 it >chose not to renew its $10,000 annual donation. ACSH >responded with an angry letter, accusing Kellogg of >"trying to manipulate scientific findings" by >withholding funding because the ACSH does not support >the company's argument that dietary fiber helps >prevent colon cancer. Whelan pleaded for Kellogg to >reconsider, noting her organization's lengthy history >of combat with the Center for Science in the Public >Interest (CSPI), a group that, unlike ACSH, has >regularly criticized the food and restaurant >industries. > >"We've been there to counter CSPI's claims as [it] has >attacked virtually every aspect of modern-day food >technology, whether it be caffeine, sugar, dietary >fiber, the fat-replacer olestra, dietary fat and >cholesterol, moderate consumption of alcohol--or >whatever other alleged carcinogen, toxin, or 'killer' >ingredient [CSPI] has singled out for indictment," >Whelan stated. > >"I am appalled and regret the level of reaction from >an organization that seems to be of the opinion that >they should be funded forever," responded a Kellogg >representative. > >Center for Media & Democracy Home Page > >PANIC ATTACK: > >ACSH Fears Nothing but Fear Itself > >Although the American Council on Science and Health >styles itself as a "scientific" organization, it does >not carry out any independent primary research. >Instead, it specializes in generating media advisories >that criticize or praise scientists depending on >whether they agree with ACSH's philosophy. It has >mastered the modern media sound byte, issuing a >regular stream of news releases with catchy, quotable >phrases responding to hot-button environmental issues. >USA Today cites ACSH as one of its most >frequently-quoted sources for information on public >health issues. ACSH itself carefully tabulates its >media successes in a periodic "ACSH Media Update" >provided to the corporations and other funders that >support its work. A look at its media update for the >period from July 1997 through January 1998 provides a >revealing list of headlines: >1. "A Global Scare: The Environmental Doomsday Machine >is in High Gear" (one of six stories cited that >dismisses dangers of global warming) >2. "Irradiation Only Sure Method to Protect U.S. Food >Supply" >3. "Safe Meat: There Is a Better Way" (a Wall Street >Journal editorial in which Whelan criticizes the >USDA's August 1997 recall of E. coli contaminated beef >from Hudson Foods) >4. "Evidence Lacking that PCB Levels Harm Health" >5. "The Fuzzy Science Behind New Clean-Air Rules" >6. "Screaming About Breast Cancer" >7. "Environmental Alarmists Can't Explain Progress in >Public Health" >8. "Eat Beef, America" and "Salad Days are Over" >9. "Alcohol's Good Side: Moderate Use" >10. "At Christmas Dinner, Let Us Be Thankful for >Pesticides and Safe Food" > >ACSH calls the U.S. ban on DDT one of the 20 worst >unfounded health scares of the 20th century. It >ridicules the risks that chemical "endocrine >disruptors" pose to human health and fertility. In >addition to pesticides and chemical food additives, it >has defended asbestos, Agent Orange and nuclear power. >Whelan's nutritional advice has also raised eyebrows >among health experts, many of whom take exception to >her claims that there is "no such thing as 'junk >food,' " and that "There is insufficient evidence of a >relationship between diet and any disease." >Whelan is the author of books titled Panic in the >Pantry and Toxic Terror. An ACSH-published magazine >called Priorities features articles with titles like >"Toxic Terror on the Golf Course," which defends the >use of pesticides and chemicals on golf courses; "The >Media's War on Essential Chemicals"; "Inflated Fear on >the Magazine Rack," which criticizes women's magazines >for suggesting that there are health risks from >silicone breast implants; and "The Consumer Rights >Movement Exposed," which takes on Consumer's Union >(the publisher of Consumer Reports), along with the >Center for Science in the Public Interest and the >Consumer Federation of America. > >The notion that environmentalists and consumer groups >are "terrorists" is a recurring theme in ACSH >publications. For example, ACSH uses the term "mouse >terrorism," which it defines as "the indiscriminate >use of a single animal cancer test to determine human >cancer risks," to dismiss the results of toxicology >tests based on animal tests. "'Mouse terrorism' is >becoming the single most influential research method >used to control the availability of or even to ban >useful pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals and >technologies," argued a 1995 ACSH newsletter. The same >issue carried a brief review by Whelan of The Safe >Shopper's Bible, a new book by David Steinman and Dr. >Samuel Epstein. "Those specializing in terrorizing >consumers about alleged toxins in food must be running >out of ideas," Whelan declared. > >Whelan used similar language in 1990, when she >participated in a PR campaign by Ketchum >Communications against Steinman's earlier book, Diet >for a Poisoned Planet. (See related story in this >issue.) > > In Panic in the Pantry and other publications, Whelan >argues that public concerns about food safety are >simply irrational fears fed by unscientific >manipulators of emotion. > >FEAR NOT FACTS > >In 1997, ACSH released a "special report" in pamphlet >form titled "Facts Versus Fears: A Review of the 20 >Greatest Unfounded Health Scares of Recent Times." >Compiled by ACSH Director of Media and Development >Adam Lieberman, the list included DDT, cyclamates, the >hormone DES in beef, the chemical contamination of >Love Canal, dioxin at Times Beach, and asbestos. >Lieberman's "study" devoted approximately one and a >half pages to each "scare," including footnotes (which >draw heavily on Whelan's writings). > >A mass mailing of "Facts Versus Fears" to journalists >generated countless uncritical stories in which >reporters, ranging from Jane Brody of the New York >Times to William Wineke of the Wisconsin State >Journal, repeated Lieberman's conclusions or simply >quoted them verbatim. Paul Harvey described it as >"meticulously documented." An editorial in the >Kentucky Enquirer used arguments from "Facts Versus >Fears" to conclude that "we have plenty of reason and >experience to be wary of overreacting to issues driven >by ideology rather than sound science." > >Not long after its publication, however, Lieberman >himself underwent a political change of heart and >published a confessional in Mother Jones in which he >admitted that his own work was motivated primarily by >conservative ideology. Morever, he noted, ACSH itself >was engaged in fear-mongering. "I was placed in the >position of suggesting that the future of society was >in jeopardy if consumers rejected the use of the fat >substitute olestra or the milk-producing growth >hormone rBST in cows," he stated. > >DO ENVIRONMENTALISTS CAUSE MALARIA? > >It is impossible to find a report anywhere in the mass >media in which a journalist actually attempted to >independently verify or critique the arguments in >"Facts Versus Fears." If they had, they would have >immediately noted serious problems. > >Lieberman's verdict on DDT, for example, is a straight >rehash of Whelan's arguments in Toxic Terror, in which >she claims that environmentalist opposition to the >pesticide is responsible for a worldwide resurgence of >mosquito-borne malaria. > >"The scientific evidence for banning DDT were purely >based on mice studies. There's no evidence of human >health problems," Lieberman added, citing "ACSH >scientists and physicians" who claim that DDT has >prevented hundreds of millions of malaria deaths. >Outside of ACSH, however, most scientists today credit >the DDT ban for rescuing the bald eagle and other >endangered species from the brink of extinction. "And >there's no question that helping save them has helped >save us," adds Louis Guillette, a University of >Florida biologist. "Because if something is affecting >wildlife, it's affecting humans, too." Indeed, the >U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today lists DDT >as a suspected carcinogen. > >"I was placed in the position >of suggesting that the future >of society was in jeopardy >if consumers rejected the use >of the fat substitute olestra >or the milk-producing growth >hormone rBST in cows," >Lieberman admitted. > >To build her case regarding malaria, Whelan points to >the case of Sri Lanka, where use of DDT to control >mosquitoes brought the number of malaria cases down >from 1 million in 1955 to just 18 in 1963. Following >the cessation of DDT use, the mosquitoes (and malaria) >returned to their previous levels. > >The U.S. ban on DDT, however, was not enacted until >1972, and spraying in Sri Lanka was discontinued in >1963 for budgetary reasons, not environmental >concerns. In fact, DDT is still used today in many >parts of the world to control malaria--including >India, China, South America, Africa and Malaysia. >"Widespread continuing usage of DDT is evident across >a wide range of environmental samples (air, water, >soil, sediment, fish, biota, foodstuffs, breast milk, >blood serum, human fat, and more) that are routinely >reported in scientific journals," notes Byron Bodo, a >Canadian scientist and university professor who has >worked extensively on water quality and other >environmental issues. > >One of the major problems with using pesticides, >however, is that insect populations rapidly evolve to >develop resistance to the chemicals. In fact, heavy >use of DDT for agricultural purposes (as distinct from >public health uses) is one of the major factors which >are enabling the disease to make a comeback. > >"At the very time malaria control efforts were >splintering or collapsing, the agricultural use of DDT >and its sister compounds was soaring. Almost overnight >resistant mosquito populations appeared all over the >world," notes author Laurie Garrett in her 1994 book, >The Coming Plague. At about the same time, >antibiotic-resistant strains of malaria began to >emerge. > >"To make matters worse, some Asian strains of the >malaria parasite have developed resistance to >available anti-malarial drugs," Bodo observes. "The >combination of pesticide resistance in the >transmission vector, the resistance of the parasite to >anti-malarial drugs, and the virtual impossibility of >mounting an effective quarantine in a modern world >where 500 million+ people annually move relatively >freely across borders, has knowledgeable public health >officials fearful that a major global resurgence of >malaria may be in the offing." > >Ironically, writer Rachel Carson, whom Lieberman and >Whelan blame for creating the "DDT scare," was one of >the first people to warn that widespread agricultural >use of insecticides could undermine efforts to control >disease. > >"No responsible person contends that insect-borne >disease should be ignored," Carson wrote in her 1962 >book, Silent Spring, before adding prophetically, "The >question that has now urgently presented itself is >whether it is either wise or responsible to attack the >problem by methods that are rapidly making it worse. . >. . The insect enemy has been made stronger by our >efforts. Even worse, we may have destroyed our very >means of fighting." > >IS VEGETARIANISM AN EATING DISORDER? > >Sometimes ACSH's analysis of public health issues is >built around manipulations of emphasis rather than >wholesale rejection of the facts. In a 1997 booklet >titled "Vegetarianism," for example, ACSH staffer >Kathleen Meister performs an artful dance around the >facts which acknowledges the healthy potential of a >meatless diet while simultaneously providing >intellectual ammunition for ACSH's meat-industry >patrons. > >Of course, meat in moderate quantities can be part of >a healthy diet, but the typical American diet today >involves a much higher level of meat consumption than >even ACSH can defend. Meister's study therefore >ignores the consequences of the typical high-fat, >low-fiber Western diet, while dramatizing hypothetical >health risks to that small portion of the American >population which not only avoids meat entirely but >avoids dairy products and eggs as well. By Meister's >own estimate, less than 2 percent of the U.S. >population falls into this category. > >"Many people choose a vegetarian diet because they >believe that vegetarianism is associated with good >health," Meister admits. "A substantial body of >scientific literature supports this belief. Several >large epidemiologic studies have indicated that >vegetarians (primarily lacto- or >lacto-ovo-vegetarians) have lower mortality rates and >lower rates of chronic diseases than do meat eaters." >She then attempts, however, to explain away these >studies by arguing that "Vegetarians may be healthy >for reasons not related to their dietary choices. Many >vegetarians are health conscious; they exercise >regularly, maintain a desirable body weight, don't >smoke, don't abuse illegal drugs, and don't abuse >alcohol." > >"Vegetarianism may represent >a 'politically correct' way to >rationalize an eating disorder >. . . to explain away bizarre >eating practices such as >eating mainly salads and vegetables." >--ACSH's Kathleen Meister > >After quickly disposing of the evidence in favor of >vegetarianism, Meister warms to the attack, warning >about what she calls the "danger of extremism. . . . >There have been tragic cases in which parents who were >attracted to 'alternative' medical practices and >philosophies have irreversibly damaged their >children's health by feeding them inappropriate diets, >relying on unproved health practices, and avoiding >scientifically based medical care. Often, >vegetarianism has been involved in such situations, >usually in combination with other unconventional >practices. . . . The result, in several reported >cases, has been serious--even fatal--illness." >Moreover, Meister adds, these dangers may increase >when kids go off to school: "Animal-rights groups and >environmental organizations that discourage meat >consumption are active on college campuses and even at >some high schools. These organizations are often very >aggressive in presenting their messages, and some >young people are strongly attracted by their emotional >appeals. . . . Some health professionals who treat >young people with eating disorders such as anorexia >nervosa and bulimia report that they are seeing >increasing numbers of young vegetarians who avoid >eating meat because they fear that it will make them >fat." > >The point of the whole exercise is clear from the >headline of the news release that comes packaged with >the pamphlet: "You don't have to give up meat to enjoy >the benefits of a healthy diet." > >Notwithstanding Meister's admission that a meatless >diet can be healthy, the pamphlet provides a ready >source of authoritative-sounding sound bytes that Mary >Young of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association >uses to warn the public against giving in to >vegetarian impulses. > >In response to a newspaper story about vegetarian >actress Jennie Garth, for example, Young cites >Meister's opinion that "some teen-age and college-age >women who describe themselves as vegetarians may >actually be practicing unhealthy forms of weight >control or suffering from an eating disorder." >Center for Media & Democracy Home At 07:16 PM 12/6/2004, becky wrote: >It's interesting, Betty, that on one hand you disparage registered >dieticians as ill-informed to comment on the safety of aspartame, then use >the letter of a disgruntled registered dietician to make a point for your >case. >All right, you don't like the American Dietetic Association. They're part >of your conspiracy theory, I presume. >How about the American Council of Health and Science...are they in on the >plot too? >Their stance is below. >Health scare artists have found a whole new medium for terrorizing the >public - the Internet. Individuals in search of accurate health >information may literally become caught in the Web, where health hoaxes >and urban medical myths run rampant. The health scare messages are always >the same - whatever it is, it will make you sick. >Internet health scares have unique and complicating characteristics that >make them difficult to counter. Many of these health scares are spread >wildly by email, and an email forwarded from a concerned friend certainly >adds credibility to a hoax. Then there's the question of accountability: >Once the scare is out, who should be held responsible? The scare's >originator has suddenly multiplied into the hundreds who have shared it. >And how does one correct this misinformation? There's no place for >retraction, no letters to the editor. And even if there was a place to set >the record straight, how many people are going to pass the word that such >and such product actually "won't make you sick." >The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) is now receiving daily >inquiries regarding one such health hoax about aspartame (see below).The >hoax links the sweetener to multiple sclerosis-like symptoms and systemic >lupus using quasi-medical jargon. Like most of its kind, this Web scare >appears to be credible, pointing to impressive-sounding names like the >Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the "World Environmental Conference" and >the mysterious "Dr. Espisto." Also like its compadres, this article is >packed with misinformation that could frighten those, such as diabetics, >who rely on aspartame. >In fact, aspartame, known as "NutraSweet" and "Equal," is safe. Aspartame >is one of the most thoroughly tested substances in the U.S. food supply. >Numerous authorities, including the Food and Drug Administration, the >Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the FAO/WHO, the European >Community, and the American Medical Association have concluded that >aspartame is a safe product, except in the rare cases of phenylketonuria. >For more information on aspartame, please refer to ACSH's peer-reviewed >booklet Low Calorie Sweeteners. And beware of Internet health hoaxes. >Reprinted below is the absurd aspartame Health Scare spreading via email. >WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE and the MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FOUNDATION >F.D.A. ISSUING FOR COLLUSION WITH MONSANTO Article written by Nancy Markle >(1120197)I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL >CONFERENCE on "ASPARTAME marketed as 'NutraSweet', 'Equal', and 'Spoonful"'. >In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an >epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not >understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United >States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject. >When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol >in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in >turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the >sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus >people were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The >multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is. >In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding it has become almost as >rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi >drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink three to >four 12 oz. Cans of them per day, some even more. In the cases of systemic >lupus, which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim usually does not know >that the aspartame is the culprit The victim continues its use aggravating >the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes life threatening. >When we get people off the aspartame, those with systemic lupus usually >become asymptomatic. Unfortunately, we can not reverse this disease. >On the other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, >(when in reality, the disease is methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms >disappear. We have seen cases where their vision has returned and even >their hearing has returned. This also applies to cases of tinnitus. >During a lecture I said "If you are using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal, >Spoonful, etc.) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, >shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, >headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred >speech, blurred vision, or memory loss -- you probably have ASPARTAME >DISEASE!" People were jumping up during the lecture saying, "I've got >this, is it reversible?" >It is rampant. Some of the speakers at my lecture even were suffering from >these symptoms. In one lecture attended by the Ambassador of Uganda, he >told us that their sugar industry is adding aspartame! He continued by >saying that one of the industry leader's son could no longer walk - due in >part by product usage! >We have a very serious problem. Even a stranger came up to Dr. Espisto >(one of my speakers) and myself and said, '1Could you tell me why so many >people seem to be coming down with MS? During a visit to a hospice, a >nurse said that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had >all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence. Here is the >problem. There were Congressional Hearings when aspartame was included in >100 different products. >Since this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, but >to no avail. Nothing has been done. The drug and chemical lobbies have >very deep pockets. Now there are over 5,000 products containing this >chemical, and the PATENT HAS EXPIRED!!!!! >At the time of this first hearing, people were going blind. The methanolin >the aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the retina of the eye. >Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of dmgs as cyanide and >arsenic-DEADLY POISONS!!! Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly >kill, but it is killing people and causing all kinds of neurological problems. >Aspartame changes the brain's chemistry. It is the reason for severe >seizures. This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what >this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease. This drug >also causes Birth Defects. >There is absolutely no reason to take this product. It is NOT A DIET >PRODUCT!!! The Congressional record said, "It makes you crave >carbohydrates and will make you FAT". Dr. Roberts stated that when he got >patients off aspartame, their average weight loss was 19 pounds per >person. The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips >and thighs. >Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics. All physicians know what >wood alcohol will do to a diabetic. We find that physicians believe that >they have patients with retinopathy, when in fact, it is caused by the >aspartame. The aspartame keeps the blood sugar level out of control, >causing many patients to go into a coma. Unfortunately, many have died. >People were telling us at the Conference of the American College of >Physicians, that they had relatives that switched from saccharin to an >aspartame product and how that relative had eventually gone into a coma. >Their physicians could not get the blood sugar levels under control. Thus, >the patients suffered acute memory loss and eventually coma and death. >Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are >neurotoxic without the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes >past the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons of the brain. >Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, said, "The ingredients stimulates the >neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. >Dr. Blaylock has written a book entitled "EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT >KILLS" (Health Press 1-800-643-2665). >Dr. H.J. Roberts, diabetic specialist and world expert on aspartame >poisoning, has also written a book entitled "DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMER'S >DISEASE" (1-800-814-9800). Dr. Roberts tells how aspartame poisoning is >escalating Alzheimer's Disease, and indeed it is. As the hospice nurse >told me, women are being admitted at 30 years of age with Alzheimer's >Disease. Dr. Blaylock and Dr. Roberts will be writing a position paper >with some case histories and will post it on the Internet. According to >the Conference of the American College of Physicians, 'We are talking >about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly poison". >Dr. Roberts realized what was happening when aspartame was first marketed. >He said "his diabetic patients presented memory loss, confusion, and >severe vision loss". At the Conference of the American College of >Physicians, doctors admitted that they did not know. They had wondered why >seizures were rampant (the phenylalanine in aspartame breaks down the >seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes manic depression, >panic attacks, rage and violence). >Just before the Conference, I received a FAX from Norway, asking for a >possible antidote for this poison because they are experiencing so many >problems in their country. This "poison" is now available in 90 PLUS >countries worldwide. Fortunately, we had speakers and ambassadors at the >Conference from different nations who have pledged their help. >I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of aspartame, knows how deadly it >is. They fund the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic >Association, Congress, and the Conference of the American College of >Physicians. The New York Times, on November 15, 1996, ran an article on >how the American Dietetic Association takes money from the food industry >to endorse their products. Therefore, they can not criticize any additives >or tell about their link to MONSANTO. How bad is this? We told a mother >who had a child on NutraSweet to get off the product. The child was having >grand mal seizures every day. The mother called her physician, who called >the ADA, who told the doctor not to take the child off the NutraSweet. We >are still trying to convince the mother that the aspartame is causing the >seizures. Every time we get someone off of aspartame, the seizures stop. >If the baby dies, you know whose fault it is, and what we are up against. >There are 92 documented symptoms of aspartame, from coma to death. The >majority of them are all neurological, because the aspartame destroys the >nervous system. >Aspartame Disease is partially the cause to what is behind some of the >mystery of the Dessert Storm health problems. The burning tongue and other >problems discussed in over 60 cases can be directly related to the >consumption of an aspartame product. Several thousand pallets of diet >drinks were shipped to the Dessert Storm troops. (Remember heat can >liberate the methanol from the aspartame at 86 degrees F). Diet drinks sat >in the 120 degree F. Arabian sun for weeks at a time on pallets. The >service men and women drank them all day long. All of their symptoms are >identical to aspartame poisoning. Dr. Roberts says "consuming aspartame at >the time of conception can cause birth defects". The phenylalanine >concentrates in the placenta, causing mental retardation, according to Dr. >Louis Elsas, Pediatrician Professor - Genetics, at Emory University in his >testimony before Congress. >In the original lab tests, animals developed brain tumors (phenylalanine >breaks down into DXP, a brain tumor agent). When Dr. Espisto was lecturing >on aspartame to me, one physician in the audience, a neurosurgeon, said, >"when they remove brain tumors, they have found high levels of aspartame >in them". >Stevia, a sweet food, NOT AN ADDITIVE, which helps in the metabolism of >sugar, which would be ideal for diabetics, has now been approved as a >dietary supplement by the F.D.A. For years, the F.D.A. has outlawed this >sweet food because of their loyalty to MONSANTO. >If it says "SUGAR FREE" on the label-- DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!l! >Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote a bill that would have wamed all infants, >pregnant mothers and children of the dangers of aspartame. The bill would >have also instituted independent studies on the problems existing in the >population (seizures, changes in brain chemistry, changes in neurological >and behavioral symptoms). It was killed by the powerful drug and chemical >lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting >public. Since the Conference of the American College of Physicians, we >hope to have the help of some world leaders. > >Dr. Betty Martini writes: >>Becky, you need to be added to the Hall of Shame on You >>are the perfect example of the flack. You believe the American Dietetic >>Association? You don't know how to research or know about the ADA????? >>No wonder you're with the food syndicate. You're exactly what they need >>to push poisons. >>Jesse Parker Hobson sent me a copy of her letter of resignation to Dr. >>Doris Dorelian, President of the ADA. Here is the letter to the people >>you believe in. >>Dr. Derelian: >>"Your sellout to commercial profiteers shames the ADA and all its >>members. The stench of hypocrisy is so unendurable I must resign my 21 >>year Registered Dietitian status as an act of conscience. I'll be no >>part of an organization that pimps poisons in the name of nutrition. >>I have a Master's Degree in Food Science and Nutrition and my thesis was >>Maternal nutrition Critical in Fetal Development, which examined the >>tragic consequences of deficient maternal nutrition; prematurity, >>stillbirth, underdevelopment, retardation and infant morbidity, >>stillbirth. The score is 250,000 birth defects/year and rising. I'm >>horrified the ADA touts aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal, a known abortive and >>teratogen, inducer of birth defects, for 75,000 pieces of silver. >>Spoke Dr. Louis Elsas of Emory Univ (was there for over 25 Years), >>Director of the Division of Medical Genetics and Professor of Pediatrics >>on 11/3/87 in Congressional Testimony. "aspartame is in fact a well >>known neurotoxin and teratogen which in some as yet undefined dose will >>irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain produce adverse effects." >>Your sheet FACTS ABOUT ASPARTAME advise: "People of all ages including >>pregnant or breast feeding women, teens and children over two years old, >>can enjoy products sweetened with aspartame. " Enjoy spontaneous >>abortions, deformed and mentally retarded babies! Unbelievably you've >>prostituted our mission as The New York Times said: >>CORPORATE SUPPORT FOR DIETITIANS GROUP IS CALLED UNHEALTHY >>The stated mission of the ADA is "to improve the health of the public." >>But the being increasingly criticized for its aggressive >>pursuit of cash from trade groups like the Sugar Association, Coca Cola, >>M&M Mars, McDonalds and Sara Lee. 1.4 million was raised from >>corporations and trade groups, another $830,000 from >>advertisements...about 15% of the years budget...the association's most >>fundamental position: THERE ARE NO BAD FOODS. (from Martini: If you >>want to read that article it is dated Nov 15, l995) >>And continued from the letter: "Dr. Derelian agrees that the group "Does >>not believe in negative material" ... Some members do not approve of the >>association's relationship with the Monsanto Company, which hired the >>association to field calls from consumers about the use of the >>controversial bovine growth hormone (BGH). >>Dr. Derelian, did you get your degree at 3 monkey U? Research reveals >>BHG treated cows give milk far higher in pus and IGF, Insulin Growth Factor. >>Excess IGF triggers cancer and the spleens of lab animals were enlarged >>up to 46%, a preleukemic condition! >>You sing: "Aspartame has special benefits for diabetics." Blindness, >>convulsions, seizures, loss of diabetic control and death; all listed in >>the FDA report of 92 adverse reactions, which you ignore. It was even >>listed with the Pentagon in inventory of potential biochemical weapons! >>But greedblind the ADA endangers any dietary debacle: >>Watered juice is just as good Who needs nutrition, >>food, etc? >>MSG is great! For undertakers >>Feel placid 'bout trans-fatty acid Will kill 30,0000 this >>year >>BGH is wonderful! Only maims cows >>and people >>Any McDonald's meal deserves our name You said that Doris! Ugh! >>Blessed by Malaysian Palm OIl Brings you close to the soil >>Olestra is Besta For pains in >>your chesta >>ADA now lobbies in state legislatures for a monopoly on nutritional >>counseling, making it illegal for a coach to tell the team to lay off >>fats, or anyone else to discuss the subject. You plot away our freedom >>of speech with our freedom of foods! VOL 84 of ADA REPORTS >>explain your motive: "the purported purpose is to protect the public. >>This provides competitive advantage economically beneficial for >>dietitians. When you pass the law... get the minimum framework... and >>sock it to them with rules and regs because you sure can. Our board is >>the enforcement. WE ARE THE JUDGE AND JURY". >>ADA HANDS OUT 50,000 DEATH SENTENCES SAYS FORBES MAGAZINE, 4/4/84: >>"Malnutrition is said to cause 50,000 preventable hospital deaths per >>year, while affecting another half million patient recoveries." >>MALNUTRITION IS STARVATION, and I've seen it done. I'm published on pre >>and post surgical geriatric nutritional support, and know that deaths >>skyrocket with dietary insufficiency. When I would advise Food Service >>Directors that certain patients required nutritional support often they >>would respond "that's the doctor's problem" Their goal was cost >>containment, cheap food, not patient survival. >>Their chief motive was to please administration with a low budget. >>You've become a bunch of Nazis, and our schools and hospitals are your >>concentration camps! Now with Gestapo-like treachery you strive for >>total takeover. To strangle freedom of speech, to disenfranchise >>thousands of non ADA nutritional practitioners, to encrust another layer >>of barnacles on the Ship of State, and to empower a gender and >>racially-skewed-elite, 92% white women unfamiliar with ethnic foods, who >>have refused the formation of a Black Caucus within the ADA! >>Dr. Derelian, I believe these lines embody the ideals of the ADA. >>Permission to reproduce this open letter is granted to all readers: >>DIETITIAN AGENDA >>Conflict-of-interest works for us >>We're grabbing the money, so what's the fuss >>Good food, bad food, its all the same >>Grab a Big Mac and come to the game >>Play for money and power and corporate perks >>With the ADA, just a bunch of greedy jerks! >>Sincerely, >>Jesse Parker Hobson " >>Becky, here's someone who knows how to research. Learn from her, but I >>don't think you're interested in facts. Its well known that the >>professional organizations are funded by industry and put out their >>propaganda. The American Diabetes Assn has just been charged with >>racketeering on the issue of aspartame. It says "1 to 50 John Doe's" I >>wonder who will be next! >>In January, l995 Julian Whitaker, M.D. wrote a supplement to Health & >>Healing titled THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION MUST BE STOPPED IN ITS >>TRACKS. He started out by saying "Folks, a female David and mammoth >>Goliath have squared off, and the fight is on. Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., >>certified nutrition specialist (C.N.S.) and former registered dietitian >>(R.D.) has slung a $40 million defamation lawsuit at the brainless head >>of a particularly nasty giant, the American Dietetic Association >>(ADA). And you better hope Shari wins. " >>It's several pages long so I won't type in the whole thing but I'll give >>you some of Dr. Whitaker's comments. >>"Just What Is A Registered Dietitian? The Registered Dietitian (R.D.) >>credential is certification by the association that an individual has >>minimal skills in dietetics such as food service, meal planning and basic >>"entry-level" nutrition knowledge. >>The R.D. certification is not an educational degree, like a Ph.D. or an >>M.D., nor is it a license to do anything. It also does not represent a >>consistent degree of education. In l969, to swell their numbers, the ADA >>"grandfathered" 20,000 with R.D. certifications on those working in the >>food service industry many with no more than undergraduate degree to some >>form of Home Economics. Three years later an ADA study conceded that the >>science training of the R.D's was hardly adequate, yet no certifications >>were withdrawn." >>And this, Becky, is who you put your faith in? But most food flacks do >>who are not interested in facts and only propaganda. >>You must read about the Johnson case in Dr. Whitaker's supplement. "R.D. >>at Work Even in Church" He says: "Ms. Johnson was invited to give >>sermons at two Catholic churches. Guess what! Some pea-brained R.D. >>went into the churches and took notes, looking for "illegal: nutritional >>advice! >>Many of the people wanted to have a private consultation with Ms. >>Johnson. To avoid getting her arrested, they had to drive across the >>border to Kentucky just to talk about nutrition. >>You see, this licensure nonsense doesn't protect anything except the >>vested interest of the dietitians. Even worse, with state powers, the >>activist members of this trade association become a nutrition gestapo >>that monitors, censors, and persecutes all who do not comply with their >>party line." >>Dr. Whitaker sent a message to R.D.'s in his last paragraph. >>"You R.D.'s that are angry with me, the messenger, had best check the >>message. Your leaders don't lead - they intimidate. Their agenda is >>simply a blueprint for tyranny. The rank and file should either clean >>house or walk away. There is no reason why you can't learn new things >>along with the rest of us, and earn respect, instead of hoodwinking state >>legislatures into mandating it for you. If you continue to seek power >>instead of knowledge to coerce instead of to influence, you will only >>reap contempt from those trying to advance the field of nutrition. Is >>that the legacy you wish to leave to your grandchildren? " >>Monsanto sold NutraSweet but the ADA have often been termed their media >>flacks. I remember the milk spill and diet soda spill in Atlanta some >>years ago. I was asked to be a media representative. I was giving an >>interview when a white Mercedes drove up and a woman started shrieking >>"don't listen, RBGH is safe, its safe". I turned around and said: "Have >>you read Monsanto's 53,000 pages on RBGH?" She answered "no". Then I >>said: "Have you even read the label on Posilac"? Again, she answered >>"no". I said: "Then just how you do know its safe?" She replied >>"Because I'm a dietitian". I then said: "Well, why didn't you say so >>from the beginning, except there is another name for those who do it for >>money." >>As I turned around I noticed the TV cameras were still rolling! >>Did you get what Dr. Whitaker said about attacking the messenger? And >>then he said: "they best check the message." Well, I'm the messenger >>and what I do is get the message from giants in medicine with incredible >>credentials who can't be bought, and who have the compassion and concern >>for human life to provide the real facts to consumers. I take this >>message on aspartame to the public so they won't be stumbled by lies from >>flacks who can be bought like the ADA. You seem to be more concerned >>that I was given an honorary doctorate in humanities. You best check the >>message. >>Now you want to talk about WHO and WNHO. Here's the difference. The >>World Health Organization is influenced by industry and power. The World >>Natural Health Organization cannot be so influenced. They publish the >>real facts by these giants like Dr. John Olney, who is one of the most >>renowned neuroscientists in the world today and founded the field of >>neuroscience called excitotoxicity. He did the studies on aspartic acid, >>40% of the deadly aspartame molecule and saw that it caused lesions in >>the brains of mice. He was particularly concerned how it could destroy >>the brains of infants and children and attempted to prevent the approval >>of this neurotoxin you think is so safe because you take the word of >>prostitutes. His CV is on Make sure you have lots of >>paper in your printer because its pages and pages of studies in the most >>prestigious journals of the world. And be sure to check out his awards. >>And then there is neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., who wrote the book >>on excitotoxins called Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. His bio is >>also on too and many of his outstanding papers on >> While you're on this site you can read articles by H. J. >>Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P. who testified before Congress and wrote >>the medical text on aspartame, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored >>Epidemic. He is a Board certified internist, internationally known >>medical consultant and independent researcher. He is listed in Who's Who >>in America, Who's Who In Medicine & Health Care, Who's Who In the World, >>Who's Who in Science and Engineering, and the Best Doctors In the US. He >>has been knighted by the Order of St. George for his professional and >>humanitarian efforts. >>Ralph G. Walton, M.D. is another one who publishes. He is >>Chairman of The Center for Behavioral Medicine, and Professor and >>Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry of the Northwestern Ohio >>Universities College of Medicine. He did a study on aspartame and >>because it was independent and unbiased Monsanto refused to sell him the >>aspartame. >>Obviously they knew what would happen if they didn't control the study. >>Sure enough one person got a retinal detachment, another one was bleeding >>from the eyes, and some said they were poisoned. The institution had to >>stop the study. >>So Dr. Walton went on to write a research paper on scientific peer >>reviewed studies and funding. 92% of independent studies showed the >>problems aspartame causes. He discussed on 60 Minutes in l996 when Dr. >>John Olney made world news on the aspartame/brain tumor >>association. It's on Yes, Becky, aspartame breaks down >>to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent which triggered brain tumors in >>original studies. See all these physicians in the movie, Sweet Misery: A >>Poisoned World ( and more including >>James Bowen, M.D., who told the FDA aspartame is mass poisoning of the >>American public and more than 70+ countries of the world. He's also a >>victim with Lou Gehrigs. >>So you see, the World Natural Health Organization only publishes papers >>of giants in medicine who tell the truth. They are way out of your >>league, Becky. They wouldn't publish your propaganda. They would be >>appalled. >>They will publish articles of "messengers" who quote the facts. And >>talking about messengers that's who Dave Rietz of was. He >>didn't have a medical degree but he set up this web site to save the >>lives of millions of people so they wouldn't be influenced by liars and >>suffer like he did. This is the anniversary of the death of Dave >>Rietz (Mission Possible South Carolina) - aspartame finally took his >>life. You couldn't come up his kneecap. remains a >>memorial to this hero of the aspartame exposure movement. It continues >>to save lives everyday. >>Probably no one will ever know how many millions of people are alive >>today because of Dave Rietz. The site is not updated because he is dead >>so even bio's that on this web site have increased by these true >>humanitarian physicians and scientists. Updates are on the World Natural >>Health Organization. If he was alive today, Becky Billingsley of the >>Food Syndicate, you might have ended up in the Hall of Shame on that site. >>As to the propaganda below read the rebuttal to the IFIC (industry front >>group) by Mark Gold on DORway. He has the Aspartame Toxicity Center, >> and he uses medical references. It's about >>the same nonsense. >>Becky, we are granted free speech in this country but there are laws >>against stumbling the public and lying - Title 18, Section 1001. The FDA >>actually used this law against the manufacturer of aspartame when they >>tried to have them indicted. Unfortunately both U.S. Prosecutors hired >>on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. When >>the District Attorney goes to work for the godfather expect acquittal. >>January 10, l977: In a 33 page letter, FDA Chief Counsel Richard Merrill >>recommended to U.S. Attorney Sam Skinner that a grand jury investigate >>Searle for "apparent violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic >>Act 21, U.S.C. 331 (e) and the False Reports to the Government Act 18, >>U.S.C. 1001 for "their willing and knowing failure to make reports to the >>Food and Drug Administration required by the Act 21 USC 355 (j) and for >>concealing material facts and making false statements in reports of >>animal studies conducted to establish the safety of (aspartame)" The FDA >>called special attention to studies investigating the effect of >>NutraSweet on monkeys and hamsters. >>Today many real nutritionists also are registered dietitians only to keep >>them free from constant harassment. So this is not to say that all RD's >>are like the ADA. Some even write me to say they try to make changes but >>the ADA doesn't want them. >>I've done your homework for you and would be happy to fax you the >>information on the ADA of which I quoted some. You're an example of the >>reason Mission Possible Intl exists - because the public deserves truth >>and not propaganda like you send out. Since a year has passed now since >>we lost Dave Rietz, a true hero who saved millions of lives by many times >>exposing attempted brain washing by people like you, I leave you with his >>words. It is published in Dr. Roberts medical text, Aspartame Disease: >>An Ignored Epidemic. >>"David Rietz expressed the sentiments of many afflicted with aspartame >>disease in his reply to a corporate apologist on the Internet: >>"I am all too familiar with the deceit, subterfuge, bogus tests, fraud .. >>not to mention the players switching sides to work for the manufacturer >>and its representatives. These bogus test results do not negate the >>truth. To your dogma bound dismay, you will, sooner than later, have the >>national disgrace shown in the total light of day - despised in the same >>manner as those who were prosecuted for war crimes after World War II. >>Mass international poisoning makes those crimes against humanity pale in >>comparison!" >>Dr. Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible Intl, 9270 River Club >>Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 and 770 >>242-2599 >> >> >>At 09:57 AM 12/6/2004, becky wrote: >>>Sorry, I'd rather believe the American Dietetic Association. Their data >>>comes from people with REAL medical degrees. And note they cite the REAL >>>World Health Organization, not the "World Natural Health Organization." >>>Straight Answers about Aspartame >>>What is aspartame? >>>Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetening ingredient that provides the sweet >>>taste of sugar without the calories. Aspartame has been used in numerous >>>foods and beverages for more than 20 years and is enjoyed by millions of >>>Americans every day. >>>How is aspartame handled by the body? >>>Aspartame is broken down in the body to the amino acids aspartic acid >>>and phenylalanine as well as a small amount of methanol. These >>>components are also found naturally in foods such as meats, milk, fruits >>>and vegetables. The body uses these components in exactly the same way >>>whether they come from aspartame or common foods. In fact, the foods you >>>consume every day provide much greater amounts of these components than >>>does aspartame. >>>Is aspartame safe? >>>Yes. Aspartame’s safety has been documented in more than 200 objective >>>scientific studies. The safety of aspartame has been confirmed by the >>>regulatory authorities in more than 100 countries, including the U.S. >>>Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, and the European >>>Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food, as well as by experts with >>>the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health >>>Organization. >>>What products contain aspartame and how can I tell? >>>Aspartame is used to sweeten products such as low-calorie tabletop >>>sweeteners, carbonated soft drinks, powdered soft drinks, puddings, >>>gelatins, frozen desserts, yogurt, hot cocoa mixes, teas, breath mints, >>>chewing gum and other foods, as well as some vitamin and cold preparations. >>>To locate these products, look for the word “aspartame” on the >>>ingredient list. >>>Who can use aspartame? >>>Consumers can enjoy products sweetened with aspartame as part of a >>>healthful diet. Aspartame can replace all or part of the sugar and >>>calories in foods and beverages. However, it is important to keep in >>>mind that children, particularly young children, need ample calories for >>>rapid growth and development. In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding >>>women need to consume adequate calories to nourish the fetus or infant >>>and should consult with a physician or a registered dietitian about >>>their nutritional needs. >>>Individuals with the rare genetic disease, phenylketonuria (PKU), cannot >>>properly metabolize phenylalanine. PKU is detected at birth through a >>>mandatory screening program, and these individuals must monitor their >>>intake of phenylalanine from all foods, including foods containing aspartame. >>>That’s why the following statement is found on aspartame-containing >>>products: “Phenylketonurics: contains phenylalanine.” >>>How do foods and beverages sweetened with aspartame fit into healthful >>>eating? >>>As a sweetener, aspartame can reduce or replace the sugar and calories >>>in foods and beverages while maintaining great taste. Thus, aspartame >>>offers one simple step to help people move closer to achieving a more >>>healthful diet. >>>Health experts agree that eating well and being physically active are >>>keys to a healthful lifestyle. To help people achieve a more healthful >>>lifestyle, the US government provides the “Dietary Guidelines for >>>Americans.” One of the guidelines states, “Choose beverages and foods >>>to moderate your intake of sugars.” The World Health Organization also >>>recommends a number of dietary guidelines to combat increases in chronic >>>diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, and >>>diabetes. One recommendation is to limit sugars added to some foods and >>>beverages. >>>How do products sweetened with aspartame aid weight management? >>>With nearly two out of three Americans classified as overweight or >>>obese, taking steps to assure appropriate calorie intake is important >>>for many people. Because products with aspartame are lower in calories >>>than their sugar-sweetened counterparts, using products with aspartame >>>together with regular physical activity can help with weight >>>management. Simply substituting a packet of tabletop sweetener with >>>aspartame for two teaspoons of sugar three times daily—in coffee, on >>>cereal and in ice tea, for example—adds up to a savings of about 100 calories. >>>In addition, a 3-year scientific study done at Harvard Medical School >>>showed that aspartame was a valuable aid to a long-term weight >>>management program that included diet and physical activity. >>>How does aspartame help people with diabetes? >>>Aspartame offers people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes greater variety >>>and flexibility in budgeting their total carbohydrate intake and helps >>>them satisfy their taste for sweets without affecting blood sugar. >>>People with diabetes are more likely to stick with a healthful meal plan >>>when they can include foods they enjoy. In addition, consuming products >>>with aspartame can reduce calories, which helps people with diabetes >>>manage their weight. >>>Is there any truth to the negative information about aspartame I see on >>>the Internet or in the media? >>>No. Negative allegations that aspartame may be associated with numerous >>>ailments are not based on science. Unfortunately, urban myths about >>>aspartame continue to be circulated over the Internet. >>>Aspartame-sweetened products offer yet another choice for those >>>individuals who want to limit calories and moderate sugar intake but not >>>sacrifice great taste. >>>The safety of aspartame has been proven numerous times and has been >>>backed by more than three decades of research and 200 scientific studies. >>>Recently, several governments and expert committees carefully evaluated >>>the Internet allegations and found them to be false, reconfirming the >>>safety of aspartame. Leading health authorities, such as the American >>>Medical Association, the American Dietetic Association, and the American >>>Diabetes Association, agree that aspartame is safe. >>>The American >>>Dietetic >>>Association >>>Knowledge Center >>>SueW writes: >>>>I got the idea of "grading" your letter from you - you felt it was >>>>appropriate to criticize our approach when we presented scientific >>>>information and apparently felt your criticisms were helpful so I just >>>>returned the favor. It is very true that making simple grammatical errors >>>>definitely hurts an attempt to present information well. >>>>Now that we have both "helped each other" by criticizing the >>>>presentation of >>>>information, how about you addressing some of the scientific, cited issues >>>>about aspartame brought up by myself and Dr Betty? :) >>>>Sue >>>>----- Original Message ----- >>>This is the Becky of the Food Syndicate >>>Becky Billingsley >>>The Food Syndicate >>> >>>Food is Fun! >>>20 Apache Trail >>>Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 >>>843-293-1501 >> > > >Becky Billingsley >The Food Syndicate > >Food is Fun! >20 Apache Trail >Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 >843-293-1501