AM&RICAN MEDICAL WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION VOLUME I1 hlARCH 1956 NUMBER 3 Anesthesia for Vaginal Delivery VIRGINIA LAPGAR, M.D. F THE CORRECT DRUG IS EMPLOYED, and if there is no mismanagement of anesthesia, I there is no relation of agents or techniques to maternal or infant mortality. Also, if there is no maternal respiratory or circulatory depression as a result of the use of drugs for pain relief, the condition of the infant at birth is unrelated to the use of analgesia and anesthesia. The choice of method of pain relief is made on the basis of medi- cal problems existing in the mother, obstetric prob- lems or the urgency of the moment. Hypnosis is theoretically ideal but time-consum- ing. Antepartum hypnotic sessions during the last trimester are re~mmended or, if this is not possible, thiopentone supplement may be necessary. Prepared childbirth, consisting of lectures to both parents, and exercises in relaxation for the mother also is theoretically ideal, and is also time- ansuming. In a recent series completed at Sloane Hospital for Women, 134 clinic patients attended &. Apgdr is Professor of Anesthesiology, Co/urnbkt University, and Attending Anes- thesiologist, Presbyterian Hospitdl, New 1 york, New York. I such classes and 95 percent delivered vaginally; ZO percent received no medication at a11 during the first stage of labor. For delivery of the infant, 6 per- cent received no anesthesia of any kind, 9 percent pudendal block, 26 percent caudal or spinal anes- thesia, and 59 percent inhalation anesthesia. This distribution of techniques is similar to the experi- ence with several thousand women delivered va- ginally without benefit of classes. Infants were evaluated according to the method shown in Table I. The condition of the infant at birth compared favorably with 3,800 consecutive vaginal deliveries, as seen in Table 11. The drugs used in first stage of labor comprise three groups: Barbiturates are indicated only for apprehension, a symptom common to primiparas, especially those with language difficulty or mini- mal intelligence. Rarely was an intravenous bar- biturate used to counteract overdosage of a drug used for regional anesthesia. An opiate may be given intramuscularly or intravenously when pain becomes uncomfortable. Barbiturates are not in- dicated for pain, nor opiates solely for apprehen- sion. The selection of the opiate and its dose should be made individually. It is our feeling that 50 mg. of demerolm repeated at intervals is a much more satisfactory dose than 75 or 100 mg. If mor- phine is chosen, a dose of 6 mg. is suggested. A derivative of the belladonna group is often added, $A.M.w.A.-M~RCH 1956 83 84 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION TABLE I EVALUATION OF NEWBORN INFANT Method of Scoring Sixty seconds after the complete birth of the infant (disregarding the cord and placenta), the following five objective signs are evaluated and each given a score of 0, 1 or 2. A score of 10 indicates an infant in the best possible condition. SIGN 0 1 2 Heart rate Absent Slow Over 100 (Below 100) Irregular Crying Muscle tone Limp Some flexion Active of extremities motion Resonse to cath- None Grimace Cough or eter in nostril sneeze (tested after oro- pharynx is clear Color Blue Body pink Completely Respiratory effort Absent Slow Good Pale Extremities pink blue to counteract the tendency to vomit from a side action of the opiate, and to add to the general se- dation. Scopolamine 0.4 mg. is especially useful, while atropine, though successful in depressing nausea, causes a patient to be more alert. Amnesia doses of scopolamine are not recommended because of total lack of co-operation of the patient, and extreme restlessness necessitating surgical planes of anesthesia for delivery. In situations beyond the control of the anesthetist, or in accidental over- dosage of barbiturates or opiates, two new drugs which counteract each of these groups of drugs are under investigation. Nomorphine has been used on the obstetric service to counteract opiate depression only 30 times in three years. It produced the expected response in 24 infants. Its action is much more predictable and efficient if given to the infant in the umbilical vein, 0.25 mg., rather than to the mother before delivery. Continuous caudal analgesia solves well the problems of pain relief toward the end of the first stage, and of the second stage. If the anatomy of the caudal region feels completely mysterious, a continuous lumbar epidural anesthesia is per- formed by preference, without subjecting the mother to traumatic attempts at caudal anesthesia. With the first indication of a need for pain relief, we prefer to give one dose of demerol and scopo- lamine. As the effect of these drugs is wearing off, a vinyl plastic catheter is inserted into the caudal TABLE I1 P. C. B. Vaginal deliveries No. of Infants 134 3,800 Scores 0-1-2 3% 5.1 % Scores 3-4-5-6-7 21% 23.8% Scores 8-9-1 0 76% 71.1% canal through a 16 gauge needle so that the tip of the catheter lies at about the second sacral seg- ment. After a test dose of 5 cc. of the drug select- ed, if no sensory or motor change takes place, 10 more cc. are added and the effects observed for about ten minutes. Additional 10 cc. doses are ad- ministered until pain relief is satisfactory. Any of the drugs used for regional anesthesia may be used for continuous caudal anesthesia, in appro- priate concentrations. Our present preference is for 0.75 percent xylocainem with adrenalin 1 : 200,000 if the maternal blood pressure is not over 130/@! mm. Hg. If higher, adrenalin is omitted. The signs of a successful caudal anesthesia are many, the most important being pain relief from con- tractions. This subjective sign does not necessarily accompany any specific level of loss of sensation to pinprick, sympathetic sign, or motor paresis. The most reliable objective signs are those observed in the rectal area, and paresis of the legs. Loss of tone of gluteus minimus, absent anal skin reflex, loss of tone of the anal sphincter, and inability to con- tract it indicate the beginning of a successful cau- dal anesthesia. If pain relief still is not present, addition of more drug will effect this. If the anes- thesia must be administered with speed, the air test is omitted, as is the test dose, and the drug, 15 CC., is injected before the catheter is inserted. With the concentration of xylocaine mentioned, it is d&- cult to tell an accidental intrathecal injection which gives a differential spinal anesthesia from a suc- cessful caudal anesthesia. The real differential diagnosis lies in the occurrence of a typical post- spinal headache. Continuous lumbar epidural anesthesia is ad- ministered to the patient in the sitting position, unless the patient is thin. The sitting position makes the palpation of anatomic landmarks easier, but does increase cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the lumbar area, making it a little more likely that the dura will be punctured. Several methods exist to identify the epidural space. All except one depend on the presence of negative pressure transmitted from the thoracic area. Sucking in of a fluid level in the needle; deflation of a small, inflated balloon attached to the hub; and the springing in of the stylet of the Macintosh needle are examples of the first group. We still find the lessened resistance of a smoothly riding piston of a 2 cc. syringe after the needle has entered the epidural space, as corn- pared with the resistance felt when the tip is in the subflavian ligament, the most useful sign. If by chance the tip has entered the subarachnoid space, pulling back on the piston reveals the presence of spinal fluid, which can be reinjected, and the needle withdrawn until no fluid appears. With this J.A.M.W.A.-VOL. 1 I I PIo. ' ANESTHESIA FOR VAGINAL DELIVERY 85 method, no spinal fluid is lost. With the methods involving the removal of a stylet, the presence of spinal Auid is all too obvious since it shoots out the end of the needle to be lost on the drapes. A Huber tip needle permits the downward placement of the catheter, avoiding the embarrassing situa- tion of having good anesthesia of the lumbar seg- ments and none of the lower sacral segments. Using the Huber tip needle facing caudally, in- serting the catheter for several inches, and turning up the head of the bed will usually assure good sacral anesthesia. Bilateral lumbar sympathetic block, maintained by insertion of catheters, is satisfactory in some hands, but another method is of course needed for management of second stage and delivery. Other blocks useful at the time of delivery are local infiltration of the site of episiotomy, and pu- dendal block performed by the transvaginal route. Five to 10 CC. of one percent xylocaine placed slightly posterior, medial, and inferior to the tip of the ischial spine will give a prompt anesthesia of adequate duraaon. A single dose spinal anesthesia, popularly known as saddle block, is eminently satisfactory for instru- mental delivery. With the end of the delivery table dropped a few inches, the patient is asked to as- sume a relaxed sitting position. A small spinal needle, 0.25 gauge, 2% inch, is inserted quickly into an easily palpable lumbar interspace, without skin wheal, and 3.0 to 4.5 mg. of 0.3 percent hy- perbaric pontocaine*, or 2.5 to 3.75 mg. of hyper- baric 0.25 percent nupercaine is injected between contractions. The sitting position is maintained for 20 to 30 seconds. Intravenous ephedrine is rarely needed to treat hypotension. Many methods are available for general anes- thesia, the success of which of course depends on the availability, the skill, and interest of the anes- thesiologist. Nitrous oxide still remains the most useful gas for inhalation anesthesia. In mixtures of 3% liters to one of oxygen, its administration just as a contraction begins and continued to the height of the contraction is eminently successful in spon- bb taneous delivery. A similar level of analgesia can be reached with any inhalation agent, but the lack of odor of nitrous oxide and its non-explosiveness are especially attractive. This analgesic level, however, is unsafe if forceps are to be applied. Immediate change to first plane anesthesia is instituted. Here again, any inhalation agent other than nitrous ox- ide can be employed. Because of its rapid induc- tion and potency, cyclopropane is by far our first choice. Ethylene, ether, vinethene,@ trilene* or &woform, if cyclopropane is not available, will `Provide satisfactory working conditions. J.A.M.w.A.-MARcH 1956 Under ideal circumstances, intravenous pento- thal@ sodium is satisfactory. The conditions for its use are a visible capur, an ample pelvis, forceps already in the obstetrician's hands, no teaching to be done, and a functional venipuncture. Rapid in- jection of 7.0 to 10 cc. of 2% percent pentothal, and application of the forceps in 15 seconds by the clock will result in the delivery of an infant as active as if no depressant drugs were used. Apnea in the mother is usually prevented by the stimu- lation of the obstetric maneuvers, Of course, equip ment must be at hand for artificial ventilation, and must be used promptly and properly if apnea should occur. A few principles for selection of method of pain relief have become apparent during the past few years: 1. A dyspneic patient should never be allowed to "push" whether the dyspnea is the result of pul- monary or cardiac disease. Continuous caudal analgesia is our first choice in this group. 2. Patients with obstetric hemorrhage or se- vere anemia should not be given spinal or epidural block. Hypotension is much more frequent in this group because of hypovolemia, low hemoglobin content of the blood, and dilatation of the pe- ripheral vascular bed. 3. A history of a recent meal always indicates a regional method of anesthesia. This can always (almost always) be arranged for vaginal delivery, but not always if cesarean section is necessary. 4. A tight uterus can be relaxed only with third plane anesthesia. Any drug can be used to reach third plane, except ethylene and nitrous oxide. Cy. clopropane is by far the most rapid one. Nerve blocks and muscle relaxants are of no use. 5. Spinal anesthesia is not used if there is a history of syphilis, or if a high fever is present, or if central nervous system disease is present, 6. Patients with centra1 nervous system disease (and there is a surprising number of them) should have a tracheotomy set at the bedside and it should be used electively if there is any doubt that the pa- tient is unable to clear her own airway by coughing. We have recently encountered, in the labor room, cases of multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, sub- arachnoid hemorrhage, unexplained convulsions, and brain tumor. 7. Patients with borderline disproportion, uter- ine inertia, and cervical dystocia should not have continuous caudal or epidural anesthesia. 86 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDKAL WOMEN'S ASSOCXATION 8. No anesthetic method, even third plane anesthesia, will help relieve cervical dystodt 9. No method of pain relief wilI improm the strength and length of contractions. IO. No drug includmg morphiine will stop labor, if it really has begun. Aside from these medical and obstetric msid- erations, there are no good arguments for or against any anesthetic agent or technique if the right drug is used, and if it is used correctly. Complications relating to anesthesia shod be few, and fatal complications should be zero. Aspi- ration of vomitus should be prevented by use of regional anesthesia wherever possible. Intentional emptying of the stomach is not practiced as much in these cases as on a general surgical service, be- cause of danger of precipitate delivery, and of in- creasing hemorrhage. When vomiting has occurred, even in the head down position, the jaws are sep arated and the contents scooped out. Suction is of no assistance and a waste of time when solid vom- itus is present. The pulse must be followed and its state reported at frequent intervals. A sudden weakening or disappearance calls for immediate tracheotomy. The use of a laryngoscope in a mouth clamped tight shut and full of solid food is im- possible. Introduction of a blind nasal endotracheal tube only causes tremendous epistaxis and a tube occluded with food. Horizontal incision through the cricothyroid membrane is the quickest, least bloody approach. With moderate extension of the head, the cricoid cartilage holds the lumen of the trachea open, allowing suctioning immediately. We believe tracheotomy preferable to a paralyzing dose of a relaxant in the face of acute anoxia. Although we have not needed to do a tracheotomy on the obstretic service for 17 years, equipment for it is always available. Hypotension as an anesthetic cause of death ranks as high as aspiration of vomitus. ProphyIac- tic measures consist of bringing blood volume up to normal with blood, or second best, a plasma expander; oxygen therapy for cardiac and pulmo- nary disease in the antepartum period; frequent blood pressure observations before and immediately after spinal and caudal anesthesia; and putting the legs in stirrups as soon as a patient resumes the supine position after a saddle spinal anesthesia. Therapeutic measures consist of intravenous vaso- pressor drug, elevating the legs, oxygen therapy, and replacing blood volume. The anesthesiologist should always know what vein he will choose to use next, if an intravenous needfe becomes dis- lodged. The externaf jugular veins are most useful, while iliac crest or sternal puncture should be kept in mind if venipuncture fails. Headache following spinal anesthesia is an uncomfortable and usually unnecessary complication. Prophylactically, it is unwise to choose that route for anesthesia if hi? tory of previous spinal or other severe headache exists. If dehydration is not allowed to occur and if only one small hole is made in the dura, head- aches should not occur. Once present, it is success- fully treated by introducing generous amounts of saline epidurally. Practically, a catheter is intro- duced caudally for about 12 inches, and an initial dose of 40 cc. of isotonic saline pushed through the catheter. Usually, ambulation can be under- taken within a few minutes, with marked relief of the headache. To date, 80 cc. has been our maxi- mum initial dose. The catheter is left in place overnight, and a second dose of saline introduced before removing the catheter. Coccygodynia occurs quite frequently after conrinuods caudal anesthesia even with an easy placement of the needle. "his symptom is temporary, and needs no treatment. J.A.M.\Y`.A.-VVor., 11. Pk'. 3