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Cassini Returns Never-Before-Seen Views of the Ringed Planet
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured never-before-seen views of Saturn from perspectives high above and below the planet's rings.
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Below are images related to this release.

Blinding Saturn
Surely one of the most gorgeous sights the solar system has to offer, Saturn sits enveloped by the full splendor of its stately rings.
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  Blinding Saturn
The Great Crossing
This life-like movie sequence captures Saturn's rings during a ring plane crossing--which Cassini makes twice per orbit--from the spacecraft's point of view. The movie begins with a view of the sunlit side of the rings. As the spacecraft speeds from south to north, the rings appear to tilt downward and collapse to a thin plane, and then open again to reveal the un-illuminated side of the ring plane, where sunlight filters through only dimly.
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  The Great Crossing
Ring World
Our robotic emissary, flying high above Saturn, captured this view of an alien copper-colored ring world. The overexposed planet has deliberately been removed to show the unlit rings alone, seen from an elevation of 60 degrees, the highest Cassini has yet attained.
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  Ring World
Tourniquet Shadows
Dark and sharply defined ring shadows appear to constrict the flow of color from Saturn's warmly hued south to the bluish northern latitudes.
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  Tourniquet Shadows
Pastel Planet
With pastel blues, pinks, greens and golds, Saturn displays a dazzling diversity of colors and hues.
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  Pastel Planet
Symmetry in Shadow
Magnificent blue and gold Saturn floats obliquely as one of its gravity-bound companions, Dione, hangs in the distance. The darkened rings seem to nearly touch their shadowy reverse images on the planet below.
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  Symmetry in Shadow
Magnificent Vista
Cassini coasts beneath giant Saturn, staring upward at its gleaming crescent and icy rings.
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  Magnificent Vista
The Lore of Saturn
The great planet Saturn reveals mysteries more profound, and stories more grand, than those occasioned by its ancient mythological namesake.
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  The Lore of Saturn