Subject: Happy New Year! Brian Update #10 Dear Friends and Family, Brian is still on the downward path---zero white blood cells, stomach pain, mucuositis, vomiting and itching. All of this is "normal" and expected. As soon as his white cell count starts going up, his condition will improve. He developed spots in his lungs that indicate he now has pneumonia. He is on many antibiotics which may help this or they may try different antibiotics. His respiration is a concern, so he now has to be on oxygen. He hates the "nose thing", but he is tolerating it ok. Brian is tiny at 30 lbs. now and coming up with the correct combinations of medicines to relieve his constant pain has been difficult. The pain specialists have been checking twice a day and adjusting his meds constantly. His morphine basal rate went up to 1.5 this morning and up to 1.7 this evening. He continues to need more and more morphine to keep him anywhere near comfortable. His reaction to most medicines continues to still be the opposite of what is expected. Pentobarbitol is the only thing that puts him to sleep. It is a strong barbituate that they usually don't give children, but his failure to sleep for 6 days lead them to try it. We are so thankful that it works. I hope it works as well tonight as it did last night. Steven has been visiting his brother since Wed. evening. He is going with his uncle Rick and family on a soccer trip this weekend. He has enjoyed being with Sara and Stan for a few days. It has been good for him to spend time with Brian. Sara has been in the hospital for 25 straight days! (She did leave for a few hours to go to the dentist in Santa Rosa one Tuesday. But she has not had one night away.) She hopes to get away in the car a few hours tomorrow. It has been impossible for her to even think about going anywhere (other than Happy House) since his condition has been so fragile. At least there were no new negative changes today. I guess we could say he was status quo today. Morphine kept him comfortable most of the day. That is the best we can hope for at this point. Some of you joined this e-mail list after I gave out Brian's address. He'll probably be at this address at least another week. We are hoping for a couple of days home time before the next chemo starts Jan 9th. (It may start later if his recover takes too long.) Patient Brian Warne UCSF Hospital 505 Parnassus St. S.F., Ca. 94143 A special note to you quilters on e-mail. Your e-mailed prayers have been given to Brian and his family. They are touched and blessed by your encouragement and support. Thank you. Thank you. Sheryl, Joy, Mary, Diane, Mary Beth, Debbie, Lesley, Lori, Alycia and all you quilters------Your prayers are helping. Brian did sleep last night! And was more comfortable today. Our prayers are being answered. You are truly a wonderful group of women. Happy New Year! Love, Susan