July 25, 2003

New health care provider

I wait with great interest as the Lab unveils more info on the new health care provider United Health Care.

Yet I hear the lyrics from an old song by the Who ringing in my ears, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, we won't be fooled again."

While I have never been a big supporter of Blue Cross Blue Shield, my skepticism is truly getting the better of me. If I had to guess what the new boss is like I am betting we will be slapped with a higher co-pay, higher deductible and more restrictive choice of primary care physicians as well as referral physicians.

This is not to say that I am not thankful for the benefits here at the Lab. I am saying that ever since the change from Qual Med to Lovelace a few years back, the health care system has gone downhill at a greater pace then ever before.

--Jerry Antos