Minutes of the Dec 5, 2003 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Dept news: a) new Guests Scientists in the Dept - Vinay Boocha and Sasha Valsihev - welcome!; b) CDF thankful to Ron Moore for TDC board DSP code and A48 collimator (both done during shutdown). 2. Andreas on Tev operation over the last two weeks: 8 HEP stores with L from 9 to 22e30, effective emittances somewhat (5-10%) larger than before the shutdown; one case of high proton losses, one case of scallops, pbar lifetime at LB is OK, luminosity lifetime 10 to 22 hrs, p and pbar abort kickers were found mistimed by 6-8 RF cycles (reason not understood yet, RFC=21ns) that resulted in multiple quenches on abort and few days of investigation/adjustments, CDF IP moved further up 0.4 mm after they moved in heavy steel stuff (shielding) on 11/25 and slowly continues to drift up since then; seems that one of few LB quads moved at that time as it resulted in +-5mm vertical orbit distortions ringwide - smoothing has been done (most of change in VA49 - some -0.04 mrad) 3. Peter Ivanov studied stability criteria at 150 and found that now injection is possible at zero chromaticities; stability does not depend on beam position in the Lambertson (all thanks to liner); it's hard to keep chromaticity near zero due to some 1-2 units/hr drift. Jerry : C_vh drifts (as well as newly measured tune drifts which look a bit larger than before) not compensated yet as scale and signs vary measurement to mesaurement - to be further studied. Currently we run at C=4 in v,h and 150 lifetime is better than in Sep (due to to larger aperture, too). Peter thinks that coherent instability at 980 is not head-tail. Signs are not very sensitive to C_v,h, sensitive to coupling and tune changes, often appears while scraping, self-stabilizes and reappears over few min time scale. 4. Ron and Vladimir did separator scans and noticed that for the same variation in luminosity during the scan (say , 4-5%), pbar losses do not change much while scanning beam-beam separation but vary a lot during angle scan. I.e. pbar loss rate very sensitive to crossing angle. Mike M and Valery think that might be due to changes in nearest parasitic points (i.e. not only at the main IP itself). 5. Norm Gelfand presented proposal to move CDF IP down 5mm - it requires tilting girders on which LB quads are set on both sides of IP (many millimeter moves). Effect is promised to be local (i.e. no orbit distortions ringwide, just B0 IP). Jerry and Vladimir are in favor of making first move of some 20% of total to see that things go right. 6. Vaia showed CDF and D0 vertex data pointing to a significant coupling at the IPs: e.g. /(sigmaXsigmaY) is about 0.3 at D0 and 0.1 at CDF and vary along z coordinate. More analysis to follow. 7. Vladimir flew FWs across the same uncoal beam on central orbit and p-helix (at 150 GeV) and comparing reported sigmas concluded that beta_y is +12% and beta_x +6% higher on the helix [that shows the scale of lattice distortions between CO and helices]. 8. Valery performed lattice measurements at 150 and observed vertical dispersion and off-plane beta functions reduced by about 1.5-2 times wrt to what was before shutdown. Mike Syphers pointed that vert dispersion pattern depends on currents in skew correctors which are now different than in Sep. Minutes recorded by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore.