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Ambassador Robert Holmes Tuttle
Speeches, Remarks & Events

AMBASSADOR Robert Holmes Tuttle

Speeches, Remarks & Events

23 November 2005
Ambassador Tuttle’s Thanksgiving message

Good morning, and Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans, and to the friends of America who have gathered with us to celebrate today. Thanksgiving is first and foremost a day to reflect with gratitude on our blessings. Many Americans, including me, would say that Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday. anticipating Thanksgiving day always evokes warm thoughts of happy times spent with our closest family and our dearest friends.

The deep and enduring friendship between the people of the United States and the people of the United Kingdom makes London the best place to be for Americans who cannot be at home on this special day. This Thanksgiving day, Maria and I are thankful for the tremendous warmth and friendship we have been shown during our first four months in London.

And what a splendid and appropriate place St. Paul's cathedral is to gather to give thanks. we are grateful for the welcome and spiritual support that St. Paul's has long shown to the American community in london. Just last week I was privileged to help rededicate St. Paul's American chapel which is at the end of this marvelous center aisle. This chapel honors the 28,000 servicemen based in the United Kingdom who gave their lives during the second world war. (I urge all of you to visit this sacred space.)

And this year, when America faced the great hardship of Hurricane Katrina, we were touched, but not surprised by the generous display of the bond between our countries, exemplified by the moving memorial service held here at St. Paul's.

On this Thanksgiving day we have much to be thankful for. We are thankful for the shared resolve of our two countries to face down the threats to freedom. And we are thankful for the valor and commitment of our military men and women, who are far away from their British or American homes.

Today, above all, we give thanks for the freedom that we enjoy, and that our two nations have resolutely stood together to defend. It is faith in our ideals that will always see us through difficult times.

Thanksgiving also celebrates the importance of making neighbors of those who may not look like us and may not worship as we do, of breaking down the barriers between different peoples, and of reaching out to others with a helping hand.

Since 1863, when Abraham Lincoln revived the national day of Thanksgiving at a time of great testing for our nation during the civil war, our Presidents have annually issued a proclamation to remind Americans of their blessings and to urge them to gather and to give thanks. It is my honor now to read to you, President Bush's Thanksgiving proclamation:

    Thanksgiving day is a time to remember our many blessings and to celebrate the opportunities that freedom affords. Explorers and settlers arriving in this land often gave thanks for the extraordinary plenty they found. And today, we remain grateful to live in a country of liberty and abundance. We give thanks for the love of family and friends, and we ask God to continue to watch over America.

    This Thanksgiving, we pray and express thanks for the men and women who work to keep America safe and secure. Members of our armed forces, state and local law enforcement, and first responders embody our nation's highest ideals of courage and devotion to duty. Our country is grateful for their service and for the support and sacrifice of their families. We ask God's special blessings on those who have lost loved ones in the line of duty.

    We also remember those affected by the destruction of natural disasters. Their tremendous determination to recover their lives exemplifies the American spirit, and we are grateful for those across our nation who answered the cries of their neighbors in need and provided them with food, shelter, and a helping hand. We ask for continued strength and perseverance as we work to rebuild these communities and return hope to our citizens.

    We give thanks to live in a country where freedom reigns, justice prevails, and hope prospers. We recognize that America is a better place when we answer the universal call to love a neighbor and help those in need. May God bless and guide the United States of America as we move forward.


    George W. Bush,
    President of the United States of America

Thank you once again to our British friends for inviting us to this majestic cathedral to celebrate and give thanks.

May God bless us all.

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