List of Illustrations

Slides     Maps   Tables    Appendices

Slide WI-14     Carolina Point Plantation, rough paving in EU 2 at 5 cm, between great house and outbuildings to the west, 21 September 1992.

Slide WI-32     Carolina Point Plantation, photo station 6, below southeast corner of Great House looking up at overgrown wall, 22 September 1992.

Slide WI-48     Carolina Point Plantation, view of bake oven looking to the east, 22 September 1992.

Slide WI-69     Fred Guessing, Elizabeth Righter, and Ken Wild at Overseer's House at Carolina Point, 24 September 1992.

Slide WI-72     View of Carolina Point Plantation from the Shipman house, 1 October 1992.

Slide WI-76     View of Ruyter's Bay from offshore, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-78     Well in Ruyter's Bay , with ST 1 and 2, 23 September 1992. View to south.

Slide WI-80     Tamarind Tree Bay, view from offshore with sunken boat, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-99     Sprat Bay Structure Site, main structure, view to southwest through doorway. Photo Station 1, 30 September 1992.

Slide WI-118     Providence Point Plantation, Bake Oven, 1 October 1992. View to west towards exterior.

Slide WI-121     Providence Point Plantation, Bake Oven, 1 October 1992. View to east of interior.

Slide WI-126     Providence Point Plantation, Cistern incorporated into modern structure foundation, Photo Station 3, 1 October 1992.

Slide WI-129     Banana Bay Shell Midden, view from offshore, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-132     Banana Bay Shell Midden, profile of shell deposit, 4 October 1992.

Slide WI-136     Banana Bay South/Sand Point, view from offshore, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-139     Banana Bay South/Sand Point, Ruyter's Bay, view from offshore, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-159     Fort Segarra, observation tower, 1992.

Slide WI-161     Fort Segarra, gun emplacement, Kevin Harper, 1992.

Slide WI-164     Fort Segarra, underground bunker complex entranceway, 1992.

Slide WI-169     Sprat Point, view from north looking south, to WW-II era concrete ledge, 1992.

Slide WI-170     Sprat Point, WW-II era concrete ledge, dated 1941. 1992.

Slide WI-173     Sprat Point, view from offshore of rocky shoreline and cliff face, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-177     Elephant Bay, view from offshore, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-194     Revenge Beach, view toward Charlotte Amalie, Amalie Queen wreck, 6 October 1992.

Slide WI-197     David Anderson at Limestone Reef Terraces, with cruiser and cruise ship, 1992.

Slide WI-204     Carolina Point Plantation, West Ammunition Igloo, 6 August 1996.

Slide WI-218     Fort Segarra, north side entrance to underground bunkers, 6 August 1996.

Slide WI-232     Fort Segarra, Underground Bunker Entrance and Observation Tower, D. McCarthy, 7 August 1996.

Slide WI-239     Tamarind Tree Bay, trash filled historic masonry well. 7 August 1996.

Slide WI-246     Banana Point, concrete platform, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-248     Banana Point, concrete platform, corner detail, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-250     Banana Point, crevice in rock overhang, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-252     Banana Point, explosive cache in crevice, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-254     Banana Point, explosive cache in crevice, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-259     Water Island viewed from Charlotte Amalie Harbor through the Hassell Island Cut, 8 August 1996.

Slide WI-273     Greg Heide and Brinnen Carter begin to lay out grid at Carolina Point Plantation, 15 May 1998.

Slide WI-279     Kevin Eberhard and Emily Moss laying out a unit at Carolina Point Plantation, 22 May 1998.

Slide WI-347     Carolina Point Plantation, EU 13 floor at 40 cm, pebble terrace pavement, west side of great house, 28 May 1998.

Slide WI-379     Water Island project historian David Knight speaks to Chris Parker, Brinnen Carter, and Angela Davis at Carolina Point Plantation, 1 June 1998.

Slide WI-417     Greg Heide, Steven Kidd and Amy Young lay out grid in Structure 1 area, slave village, Carolina Point Plantation, 2 June 1998. View to south; note large termite nest in tree.

Slide WI-418     Greg Heide, Steven Kidd and Amy Young lay out grid in slave village, 2 June 1998. View from downslope to north.

Slide WI-421     Kevin Eberhard holding willow ware plate excavated in burned room at Carolina Point Plantation, 2 June 1998.

Slide WI-433     Carolina Point Plantation, great house SE corner room, EU 33, floor at ca. 51 cm, 3 June 1998.

Slide WI-442     Carolina Point Plantation, view of EU 10, 30, 29 and 19 cm in terrace area, western half of great house, 3 June 1998. Thedra Palmer, Liz DeGrummond, and Kevin Eberhard in background.

Slide WI-450     Carolina Point Plantation, great house SE corner room, EU 33 floor at 54 cm, 3 June 1998.

Slide WI-465     Carolina Point Plantation, EU 33, floor at ca. 60 cm, 3 June 1998.

Slide WI-519     Brinnen and Jennifer Carter with Angela Davis working in the northwest corner of the overseer's house at Carolina Point Plantation, 5 June 1998.

Slide WI-576     Tiffanie Bourassa excavating in southwest corner of Structure 1 in the slave village, Carolina Point Plantation, 9 June 1998.

Slide WI-578     Steven Kidd and Greg Heide working on the plaster floor area, Carolina Point plantation slave village, 9 June 1998.

Slide WI-596     Amy Young screening in the slave village, Carolina Point Plantation, 9 June 1998.

Slide WI-605     Amy Young and Josh Kehrberg excavating in the Structure 3 area, Carolina Point Plantation slave village, 10 June 1998.

Slide WI-606     Water Island crew excavating in Structure 3 area, Carolina Point Plantation slave village, 10 June 1998. Phil Carr, Elizabeth DeGrummond, Joshua Kehrberg, and Amy Young.

Slide WI-647     Brinnen Carter pointing to a grinding stone in the fill of the kitchen at Carolina Point, 11 June 1998.

Slide WI-656     Carolina Point Plantation slave village, Structure 3, plaster floor and posthole in EUs 57 and 66 SV, floor at 45 cm, 11 June 1998.

Slide WI-689     Shot of Water Island field crew, in slave village. from left to right: Thedra Palmer, Amy Young, Angela Davis, Phil Carr, David Anderson, Brinnen Carter, Joshua Kehrberg, Tiffanie Bourassa, Steve Kidd, Greg Heide, Liz DeGrummond. 12 June 1998.

Slide WI-698     Water Island crew at Carolina Point Plantation, excavating in Structure 2 area, 12 June 1998. Joshua Kehrberg, Steve Kidd, Greg Heide, Tiffanie Bourassa, and Phil Carr.

Slide WI-701     Structure 2 area excavations, Carolina Point Plantation slave village, 12 June 1998. Greg Heide, Tiffanie Bourassa, and Phil Carr.

Slide WI-704     Carolina Point Plantation great house complex, kitchen outbuilding, frying pan on floor, EU 75 and 76 floor at 61 cm, 15 June 1998.

Slide WI-720     Carolina Point Plantation, kitchen outbuilding showing detail of floor, walls, and cooking surface (?), EUs 63 and 64, floor at 61 cm, 16 June 1998.

Slide WI-727     Carolina Point, view of Great House area from the north, after extensive clearing, 16 June 1998.

Slide WI-733     Carolina Point Plantation slave village, Structure 2 area, wall line in EU 74 SV floor at 34 cm, 16 June 1998.

Slide WI-741     Ruyter's Bay EU 1 and 2, floor at 30 cm, 17 June 1998. Note three strata: humus, recent beach sand, and a dark charcoal and rock filled midden layer.

Slide WI-774     Water Island crew clearing brush at Tamarind Tree Bay, 19 June 1998. Thedra Palmer, Martha Zierden, Greg Heide, Angela Davis, Steve Kidd.

Slide WI-790     Martha Zierden and Thaedra Palmer at Tamarind Tree Bay, 24 June 1998.

Slide WI-851     Tamarind Tree Bay, EUs 4 and 5, floor at ca. 90 cm, opened by historic well, 1 July 1998. Note builder's trench.

Slide WI-890     Tamarind Tree Bay, EUs 1 and 2, floor at 120 cm, opened by historic well, 1 July 1998. Note builders trench.

Slide WI-893     Tamarind Tree Bay, EUs 4 and 5, floor at 90 cm, opened by historic well, 1 July 1998. Note plaster exterior covering.

Slide WI-919     Banana Bay South, EU 2, floor at 50 cm, 1 July 1998. Note conch shell and rock in fill.
Slide WI-920     Greg Heide using transit at Banana Bay South, 2 July 1998.

Slide WI-935     Carolina Pete the iguana amid DGA's fieldnotes, slave structure 1 area, Carolina Point Plantation, 3 July 1998.

Slide WI-951     Banana Bay South, EU 4, floor at 100 cm, 7 July 1998. Note conch shell on floor.

Slide WI-973     Sprat Bay Structure site, large rock pile east of main structure, surface upon clearing, 8 July 1998.

Slide WI-978     Dr. Roger Michael and Dr. Dan F. Morse preparing to excavate large rock pile east of main structure, Sprat Bay Structure site, 8 July 1998.

Slide WI-1020    Mapping and excavation at the Sprat Bay Structure site, 10 July 1998. Greg Heide, Brinnen Carter, and Steve Kidd.

Slide WI-1024    Phyllis Morse and Angela Davis at work in the kitchen outbuilding at the Carolina Point Plantation great house complex, 12 July 1998.

Slide WI-1026    Phyllis Morse and Angela Davis at work in the kitchen outbuilding at the Carolina Point Plantation great house complex, 12 July 1998.

Slide WI-1058    Crew shot, Blackburn house porch, 14 July 1998. Left to right: Chris Clement, Holly Righter, Angela Davis, Helen Savill, Greg Heide, Mike Russo, Steve Kidd, Joshua Kehrberg, Tiffanie Bourassa, Phyllis Morse, Dan F. Morse, Brinnen Carter, David Anderson.

Slide WI-1062    View of the Sprat Bay Structure site and Sprat Point from road to north, 15 July 1998.

Slide WI-1069    Banana Point shell midden, Section A, 15 July 1998.

Slide WI-1073    Banana Point shell midden, Section B, 15 July 1998.

Slide WI-1108    Holly Righter and Dan Morse at Sprat Bay Structure, 15 July 1998.

Slide WI-1115    Sprat Bay Structure site, Structure 2, 16 July 1998. View to northwest.

Slide WI-1130    Sprat Bay Structure site, main structure, EU 10, Feature 1, posthole, 16 July 1998.

Slide WI-1146    Chris Clement and Dan Morse at Sprat Bay Structure, 16 July 1998.

Slide WI-1153    Sprat Bay Structure, main structure, paving under plaster floor in EU 1, 17 July 1998.

Slide WI-1159    Tammy Forehand and Dan Morse excavating small rock scatter east of main structure at Sprat Bay Structure site, 17 July 1998.

Slide WI-1162    Carolina Point Plantation, Structure 1, microlith area in southwest corner, EU 81 floor at ca. 25 cm, 19 July 1998.

Slide WI-1174    John Ehrenhard excavating at Elephant Bay, 20 July 1998.

Slide WI-1175    Steven Kidd at Elephant Bay, 20 July 1998.

Slide WI-1179    Possible manchineel tree flagged with Killer Tree tape, at Elephant Bay, 20 July 1998.

Slide WI-1195    Elephant Bay, EU 2, south profile, 22 July 1998. Note rock filled deposits.

Slide WI-1212    Banana Bay, modern conch shell midden, 23 July 1998.

Slide WI-1217    Mike Russo recording data at the modern conch midden at Banana Bay, 23 July 1998.

Slide WI-1223    Chris Clement, Tammy Forehand and Dan Morse excavating in SE corner burned room, Carolina Point Plantation great house, 23 July 1998.

Slide WI-1227    Carolina Point Plantation, EU 84, wall fall with burned log, SE corner room, 23 July 1998.

Slide WI-1269    Carolina Point Plantation, view of wall line on west side of great house, architectural detail, 27 July 1998.

Slide WI-1294    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail of southwest corner of great house, including wall/fence line and gap leading to the overseer's outbuilding, 27 July 1998.

Slide WI-1299    Carolina Point Plantation, south end of cistern in great house, architectural detail, 27 July 1998.

Slide WI-1304    Dan Morse excavating in the burned room at Carolina Point Plantation, 27 July 1998.

Slide WI-1336    Carolina Point Plantation slave village, Structure 3 plaster floor, 27 July 1998. The outline of the structure is clearly delimited in the units.

Slide WI-1398    Closeup view of brace in EU 93 SV, Structure 2, Carolina Point Plantation slave village, 27 July 1998.

Slide WI-1421    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail, east side of overseer's house, 28 July 1998.

Slide WI-1461    Ruyter's Bay, EU 5, opened beside historic well, floor at ca. 70 cm, 29 July 1998. Note masonry lining for well, recent beach sand layer.

Slide WI-1472    Carolina Point Plantation, dense surface scatter of (primarily) broken bottle fragments, rockpile GPS 2, slave village area, 29 July 1998.

Slide WI-1475    Greg Heide taking a sample from beneath the plaster floor, Structure 3, Carolina Point Plantation slave village, 29 July 1998.

Slide WI-1488    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail from east side of great house, roof support or chimney (?), 29 July 1998. Note the different types of brick and stone employed. 

Slide WI-1496    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail, southwest side of great house, possible stairway and wall line, 29 July 1998.

Slide WI-1552    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail from east side of great house, wall lines and roof support (?), 1 August 1998.

Slide WI-1566    Carolina Point Plantation, architectural detail, SE corner burned room, close of excavations, 1 August 1998.

Slide WI-1578    Sprat Bay structure architectural detail, after backfilling, view to east from west side of main structure, 1 August 1998.

Slide WI-1597    Tamarind Tree Bay, the Carolina Point Plantation area, and Ruyter's Bay, as seen from the Shipman house, 1 August 1998.

Slide WI-1626    View of Carolina Point Plantation from the Shipman house, 1 August 1998. The excavation is in the cleared area; note the outline of the structure.

Slide WI-1644    Gin case bottle found in dense underbrush ca. 50 m downslope from the southeast corner of the great house, Carolina Point Plantation, 1992.

Slide WI-1649    Historic artifacts found at Carolina Point Plantation in 1992.

Banana Point Contour Map

Carolina Point Plantation, contour map and excavation units.

Tamarind Tree Bay Contour Map

Ruyter's Bay Contour Map

Sprat Bay Structure Contour Map

Elephant Bay Contour Map

Banana Bay South Contour Map

The 1719 Gerard van Keulen map of the Water Island area. Note the mention of Albert de Ruyters bay, and the two circles by Carolina Point, that may be houses or wells.

The 1778 Oxholm map showing the Great House and slave village at Carolina Point, and a small structure near Sprat Point.
Map of Military Facilities on Water Island in 1952 (p 104 of 1992 report)

Map of the Water Island area prepared by H. B. Hornbeck from 1835-1839.

Map of the Water Island Area prepared by Imbry and Sons in 1855. Note the numerous structures at both Caroline Lyst and Providence plantations.

Detail of the Water Island area prepared by the U.S. Navy in 1873, adapted from the 1851 British Admiralty Hydrographic Office Map of St. Thomas. 

Fort Segarra Architectural Plan A

Fort Segarra Architectural Plan B

Table 1. Area Excavated in 1998. Investigations at NRHP Eligible Historic Properties, Water Island, U.S. Virgin Islands. (Excel File)

Property ownership and resident population for Water Island, 1769 to 1914 (Excel files):

      A. Carolina Lyst Plantation Ownership and Occupational History 1769-1794

      B. Carolina Lyst Plantation Ownership and Occupational History 1795-1914

      C. La Providence Plantation Ownership and Occupational History 1799-1914