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Publication: Eriksson, O. E., H. -O. Baral, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold et al., eds. 2001. Outline of Ascomycota, 2001. Myconet, vol. 7. 1-88.

ITIS records 1 to 500 citing this publication
 Kingdom Fungi
  Abyssomyces Kohlm. -- accepted
  Acarosporaceae Zahlbr., 1906 -- accepted
  Acarosporineae -- accepted
  Acrospermaceae Fuckel, 1870 -- accepted
  Adelococcaceae Triebel, 1993 -- accepted
  Adelolecia Hertel & Hafellner -- accepted
  Agyriaceae Corda, 1838 -- accepted
  Agyriales Clem. & Shear, 1931 -- accepted
  Alectoria Ach. -- accepted
  Aliquandostipitaceae Inderbitzin, 2001 -- accepted
  Amandinea M. Choisy -- accepted
  Amorphotheca Parb. -- accepted
  Amphisphaeriaceae G. Winter, 1885 -- accepted
  Amylocarpus Curr. -- accepted
  Anamylopsoraceae Lumbsch & Lunke, 1995 -- accepted
  Anaptychia Körb. -- accepted
  Annulatascaceae S.W. Wong, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, 1998 -- accepted
  Antennulariellaceae Woron., 1925 -- accepted
  Anzia Stizenb. -- accepted
  Anziaceae M. Sato, 1939 -- accepted
  Aphanopsidaceae Printzen & Rambold, 1995 -- accepted
  Apiosporaceae K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhlich, J.E. Taylor & M.E. Barr, 1998 -- accepted
  Arctomiaceae Th. Fr., 1860 -- accepted
  Arctopeltis Poelt -- accepted
  Argynnaceae Shearer & J.L. Crane, 1980 -- accepted
  Arthoniaceae Reichenb. ex Reichenb., 1841 -- accepted
  Arthoniales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Arthoniomycetes -- accepted
  Arthopyreniaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- accepted
  Arthrodermataceae Currah, 1985 -- accepted
  Arthrorhaphidaceae Poelt & Hafellner, 1976 -- accepted
  Arthrosporum A. Massal. -- accepted
  Ascobolaceae Boud. ex Sacc., 1884 -- accepted
  Ascocorticiaceae J. Schröt., 1893 -- accepted
  Ascodesmidaceae J. Schröt., 1893 -- accepted
  Ascodichaenaceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood, 1982 -- accepted
  Ascoideaceae J. Schröter, 1894 -- accepted
  Ascomycota -- accepted -- asco's, ascomiceto, ascomycetes, ascomycètes, sac fungi
  Ascoporiaceae Kutorga & D. Hawksw., 1997 -- accepted
  Ascosphaeraceae L.S. Olive & Spiltoir, 1955 -- accepted
  Aspidotheliaceae Räsänen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw., 1991 -- accepted
  Asterinaceae Hansf., 1946 -- accepted
  Asterinales M.E. Barr ex D. Hawksw. O.E. Erikss. -- not accepted
  Asterothyriaceae W. Watson ex R. Sant., 1952 -- accepted
  Aulographaceae (Luttr.) P.F. Cannon, 2001 -- accepted
  Auriculora Kalb -- accepted
  Austroblastenia Sipman -- accepted
  Bacidia De Not. -- accepted
  Bacidiaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- accepted
  Bacidina Vezda -- accepted
  Bacidiopsora Kalb -- accepted
  Badimia Vezda -- accepted
  Baeomycetaceae Dumort., 1829 -- accepted
  Bahianora Kalb -- accepted
  Bartlettiella D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg. -- accepted
  Batistiaceae Samuels & K.F. Rodrigues, 1989 -- accepted
  Biatora Fr. -- accepted
  Biatoraceae Massal. -- not accepted
  Biatorella De Not. -- accepted
  Biatorellaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner & Casares-Porcel, 1992 -- accepted
  Bionectriaceae Samuels & Rossmanm, 1999 -- accepted
  Boliniaceae Rick, 1931 -- accepted
  Boliniales P.F. Cannon, 2001 -- accepted
  Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. & H. Syd., 1918 -- accepted
  Brefeldiella Speg. -- accepted
  Brefeldiellaceae (Theis.) E. Müll. & Arx -- not accepted
  Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem., 1982 -- accepted
  Bryonora Poelt -- accepted
  Buellia De Not. -- accepted
  Buelliaceae -- not accepted
  Buelliastrum Zahlbr. -- accepted
  Buergenerula Syd. -- accepted
  Bulgariaceae Fr., 1849 -- accepted
  Calathaspis I.M. Lamb & W.A. Weber -- accepted
  Caliciaceae Chevall., 1826 -- accepted
  Caliciales -- not accepted
  Calosphaeriaceae Munk, 1957 -- accepted
  Calosphaeriales M.E. Barr, 1983 -- accepted
  Calycidiaceae Elenkin, 1929 -- accepted
  Candelariaceae Hakul., 1954 -- accepted
  Capnodiaceae (Sacc.) Höhn. ex Theiss., 1916 -- accepted
  Capnodiales Woron., 1925 -- accepted
  Carbomycetaceae Trappe, 1971 -- accepted
  Carbonea (Hertel) Hertel -- accepted
  Catabotrydaceae Petrak ex M.E. Barr, 1990 -- accepted
  Catillariaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Catinaria Vain. -- accepted
  Catinariaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Catinella Boud., 1907 -- accepted
  Catolechia Flot. -- accepted
  Cecidonia Triebel & Rambold -- accepted
  Cephaloascaceae L.R. Batra, 1973 -- accepted
  Cephalothecaceae Höhn., 1917 -- accepted
  Ceratomycetaceae S. Colla, 1934 -- accepted
  Ceratostomataceae G. Winter, 1885 -- accepted
  Cetraria Ach. -- accepted
  Cetrariaceae Schaer., 1850 -- not accepted
  Chadefaudiellaceae Faurel & Schotter ex Benny & Kimbr., 1980 -- accepted
  Chaetomiaceae G. Winter, 1885 -- accepted
  Chaetoplea (Sacc.) Clem. -- accepted
  Chaetosphaeria Tul. & C. Tul. -- accepted
  Chaetosphaeriaceae Réblová, M.E.Barr & Samuels, 1999 -- accepted
  Chaetothyriaceae Hansf. ex M.E. Barr, 1979 -- accepted
  Chaetothyriales M.E. Barr, 1987 -- accepted
  Chaetothyriomycetes -- accepted
  Chrysotrichaceae Zahlbr., 1905 -- accepted
  Cladia Nyl. -- accepted
  Cladiaceae Filson, 1981 -- not accepted
  Cladidium Hafellner -- accepted
  Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne -- accepted
  Cladoniaceae Zenker, 1827 -- accepted
  Cladoniineae -- not accepted
  Claurouxia D. Hawksw. -- accepted
  Clauzadeana Cl. Roux -- accepted
  Clavicipitaceae (Lindau) Earle ex Rogerson, 1971 -- accepted
  Clavicipitales Nannf. -- not accepted
  Cliostomum Fr. -- accepted
  Clypeosphaeriaceae G. Winter, 1886 -- accepted
  Coccocarpiaceae (Mont. ex Müll. Stuttg.) Henssen, 1986 -- accepted
  Coccodiniaceae Höhn. ex O.E. Erikss., 1981 -- accepted
  Coccoideaceae P. Henn. ex Sacc. & D. Sacc., 1905 -- accepted
  Coccotremataceae Henssen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw., 1991 -- accepted
  Collemataceae Zenker, 1827 -- accepted
  Compsocladium I.M. Lamb -- accepted
  Coniochaetaceae Malloch & Cain, 1971 -- accepted
  Coniocybaceae Reichenb., 1837 -- accepted
  Connersia Malloch -- accepted
  Cookellaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter, 1913 -- accepted
  Cornicularia (Schreb.) Ach. -- accepted
  Corniculariaceae Schaer., 1850 -- not accepted
  Coronoplectrum Brusse -- accepted
  Coryneliaceae Sacc. ex Berl. & Voglino, 1886 -- accepted
  Coryneliales Seaver & Chardon, 1926 -- accepted
  Corynesporascaceae Sivan., 1996 -- accepted
  Crinigera I. Schmidt -- accepted
  Crocynia A. Massal. -- accepted
  Crocyniaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Cryphonectria (Sacc.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. -- accepted
  Cryptodictyon A. Massal. -- accepted
  Cryptomycetaceae Höhn., 1917 -- accepted
  Cucurbitariaceae G. Winter, 1885 -- accepted
  Cudoniaceae P.F. Cannon, 2001 -- accepted
  Cypheliaceae Zahlbr. -- not accepted
  Cyphelium Ach. -- accepted
  Cyttariaceae Speg., 1887 -- accepted
  Cyttariales Luttr. ex Gamundí, 1971 -- accepted
  Dacampiaceae Körb., 1855 -- accepted
  Dactylospora Körb. -- accepted
  Dactylosporaceae Bellem. & Hafellner, 1982 -- accepted
  Daldinia Ces. & De Not. -- accepted
  Degelia Arv. & D.J. Galloway -- accepted
  Delitschiaceae M.E. Barr, 2000 -- accepted
  Dermateaceae Fr., 1849 -- accepted
  Dermatiscum Nyl. -- accepted
  Dermiscellum Hafellner, H. Mayrhofer & Poelt -- accepted
  Diademaceae Shoemaker & C.E. Babc., 1992 -- accepted
  Diaporthaceae Höhn. ex Wehm., 1926 -- not accepted
  Diaporthales Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Diatrypaceae Nitschke, 1869 -- accepted
  Didymosphaeriaceae Munk, 1953 -- accepted
  Dimelaena Norman -- accepted
  Diploicia A. Massal. -- accepted
  Diploschistaceae Zahlbr. -- not accepted
  Diploschistes Norman -- accepted
  Diplotomma Flot. -- accepted
  Dipodascaceae Engl. & E. Gilg, 1924 -- accepted
  Diporothecaceae R.K. Mibey & D. Hawksw., 1995 -- accepted
  Dirinaria (Tuck.) Clem. -- accepted
  Discinaceae Benedix, 1961 -- accepted
  Dothideaceae Chevall., 1826 -- accepted
  Dothideales Lindau, 1897 -- accepted
  Dothideomycetes -- accepted
  Dothioraceae Theiss. & H. Syd., 1917 -- accepted
  Echidnocymbium Brusse -- accepted
  Ectolechiaceae Zahlbr., 1905 -- accepted
  Edrudia W.P. Jordan -- accepted
  Eiglera Hafellner -- accepted
  Eigleraceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Eiona Kohlm. -- accepted
  Elaphomycetaceae Tul. ex Paol., 1889 -- accepted
  Elixiaceae Lumbsch, 1997 -- accepted
  Elsinoaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter, 1913 -- accepted
  Endomycetaceae J. Schröt., 1893 -- accepted
  Englerulaceae P. Henn., 1904 -- accepted
  Eoterfeziaceae G.F. Atk., 1902 -- accepted
  Epigloeaceae Zahlbr., 1903 -- accepted
  Epilichen Clem. -- accepted
  Epiphloea Trev. -- accepted
  Eremascaceae Engl. & E. Gilg, 1924 -- accepted
  Eremomycetaceae Malloch & Cain, 1971 -- accepted
  Eremotheciaceae Kurtzman, 1995 -- accepted
  Eremothecium Borzí -- accepted
  Erioderma Fée -- accepted
  Erysiphaceae Tul. & C.Tul., 1861 -- accepted
  Erysiphales Gwynne-Vaughan, 1922 -- accepted
  Eschatogonia Trevis. -- accepted
  Euantennariaceae Hughes & Corlett, 1972 -- accepted
  Euceratomycetaceae I.I. Tav., 1980 -- accepted
  Euopsis Nyl. -- accepted
  Eurotiaceae Clem. & Shear, 1931 -- not accepted
  Eurotiales G.W. Martin ex Benny & Kimbr., 1980 -- accepted
  Eurotiomycetes -- accepted
  Eurotium Link -- accepted
  Evernia Ach. -- accepted
  Everniaceae Tomas., 1897 -- not accepted
  Fenestellaceae M.E. Barr, 1979 -- accepted
  Fuscideaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Fuscoderma (D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg.) P.M. Jørg. & D.J. Galloway -- accepted
  Geoglossaceae Corda, 1838 -- accepted
  Glaziellaceae J.L. Gibson, 1986 -- accepted
  Gloeoheppiaceae Henssen, 1995 -- accepted
  Gnomonia Ces. & De Not. -- accepted
  Gomphillaceae W. Watson ex Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Graphidaceae Dumort., 1822 -- accepted
  Graphostromataceae M.E. Barr, J.D. Rogers & Y.M. Ju, 1993 -- accepted
  Gyalectaceae (A. Massal.) Stizenb., 1862 -- accepted
  Gyalectales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Gymnoascaceae Baran., 1872 -- accepted
  Gymnoderma Nyl. -- accepted
  Gypsoplacaceae Timdal, 1990 -- accepted
  Gypsoplaceae Timdal -- not accepted
  Haematomma A. Massal. -- accepted
  Haematommataceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Hafellia Kalb, H. Mayrhofer & Scheid. -- accepted
  Haloguignardia A. Cribb & J. Cribb -- accepted
  Halosphaeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Kohlm., 1972 -- accepted
  Halosphaeriales Kohlm., 1986 -- accepted
  Haploloma Trev. -- accepted
  Harpidium Körb. -- accepted
  Helminthosphaeriaceae Samuels, Candoussau & Magní, 1997 -- accepted
  Helocarpaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Helocarpon Fr. -- accepted
  Helotiaceae Rehm, 1886 -- accepted
  Helotiales Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Helvellaceae Fr., 1823 -- accepted
  Hemiphacidiaceae Korf, 1962 -- accepted
  Hemisphaeriales -- not accepted
  Heppiaceae Zahlbr., 1906 -- accepted
  Herpomycetaceae I.I. Tav., 1981 -- accepted
  Herpotrichiellaceae Munk, 1953 -- accepted
  Herteliana P. James -- accepted
  Heterodea Nyl. -- accepted
  Heterodeaceae Filson, 1978 -- not accepted
  Heterodermia Trevis. -- accepted
  Heteromyces Müll. Arg. -- accepted
  Hispidicarpomycetaceae Nakagiri, 1993 -- accepted
  Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Hymeneliaceae Körb., 1855 -- accepted
  Hyperphyscia Müll. Arg. -- accepted
  Hypocenomyce M. Choisy -- accepted
  Hypocreaceae De Not., 1844 -- accepted
  Hypocreales Lindau, 1897 -- accepted
  Hypocreomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997 -- accepted
  Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. -- accepted
  Hypogymniaceae Poelt Ex Elix, 1980 -- not accepted
  Hyponectriaceae Petr., 1923 -- accepted
  Hypsostromataceae Huhndorf, 1994 -- accepted
  Hysteriaceae Chevall., 1826 -- accepted
  Hysteriales Lindau, 1897 -- accepted
  Icmadophilaceae Triebel, 1993 -- accepted
  Japewia Tønsberg -- accepted
  Karstenellaceae Harmaja, 1974 -- accepted
  Kathistaceae Malloch & M. Blackw., 1990 -- accepted
  Kluyveromyces Van der Walt -- accepted
  Koerberiella Stein -- accepted
  Koerberiellaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Koralionastetaceae Kohlm. & Volkm-Kohlm., 1987 -- accepted
  Laboulbeniaceae G. Winter, 1886 -- accepted
  Laboulbeniales Engler, 1898 -- accepted
  Laboulbeniomycetes Engler, 1898 -- accepted
  Lachnocaulon Clem. & Shear -- accepted
  Lahmiaceae O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Lahmiales O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Lasallia Mérat -- accepted
  Lasiolomataceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Lasiosphaeriaceae Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Lautosporaceae Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. &. O.E. Erikss., 1995 -- accepted
  Lecania A. Massal. -- accepted
  Lecaniaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- not accepted
  Lecanora Ach. -- accepted
  Lecanoraceae Körb., 1855 -- accepted
  Lecanorales Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Lecanorineae -- accepted
  Lecanoromycetes -- accepted
  Lecidea Ach. -- accepted
  Lecideaceae Chevall., 1826 -- accepted
  Lecidella Körb. -- accepted
  Lecidoma Gotth. Schneid. & Hertel -- accepted
  Lecidomataceae Hafellner -- not accepted
  Leioderma Nyl. -- accepted
  Leotiaceae Corda, 1842 -- accepted
  Leotiomycetes -- accepted
  Leptogiaceae (Massal.) Körb., 1855 -- not accepted
  Leptopeltidaceae Höhn. ex Trotter, 1928 -- accepted
  Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not. -- accepted
  Leptosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr, 1987 -- accepted
  Letrouitiaceae Bellem. & Hafellner, 1982 -- accepted
  Leuconeurospora Malloch & Cain -- accepted
  Lichenotheliaceae Henssen, 1986 -- accepted
  Lichinaceae Nyl., 1854 -- accepted
  Lichinales Henssen & Büdel, 1986 -- accepted
  Lindra I. Wilson -- accepted
  Lipomycetaceae E.K. Novák & Zsolt, 1961 -- accepted
  Lithographa Nyl. -- accepted
  Lobariaceae Chevall., 1826 -- accepted
  Lopacidia Kalb -- accepted
  Lopadiaceae Haffelner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Lopadium Körb. -- accepted
  Lophiostomataceae Sacc., 1883 -- accepted
  Loramycetaceae Dennis ex Digby & Goos, 1988 -- accepted
  Loxospora A. Massal. -- accepted
  Loxosporaceae Kalb & Staiger, 1995 -- accepted
  Lulworthia G.K. Sutherl. -- accepted
  Lulworthiaceae Kohlm., Spatafora & Volkm-Kohlm., 2000 -- accepted
  Lulworthiales Kohlm., Spatafora & Volkm-Kohlm., 2000 -- accepted
  Magnaporthaceae P.F. Cannon, 1994 -- accepted
  Maronina Hafellner & R.W. Rogers -- accepted
  Massariaceae Nitschke, 1869 -- accepted
  Mastodiaceae Zahlbr., 1907 -- accepted
  Medeolariaceae Korf, 1982 -- accepted
  Medeolariales Korf, 1982 -- accepted
  Megalariaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Megaloblastenia Sipman -- accepted
  Megalosporaceae Vezda ex Hafellner & Bellem., 1982 -- accepted
  Megaspora (Clauzade & Cl. Roux) Hafellner & V. Wirth -- accepted
  Megasporaceae Lumbsch, Feige & K. Schmitz, 1994 -- accepted
  Melanconidaceae G. Winter, 1886 -- accepted
  Melanolecia Hertel -- accepted
  Melanommataceae G. Winter, 1885 -- accepted
  Melanommatales M.E. Barr -- not accepted
  Melanophloea P. James & Vezda -- accepted
  Melaspileaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- accepted
  Meliolaceae G.W. Martin ex Hansf., 1946 -- accepted
  Meliolales Gäum. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Meliolinaceae S. Hughes, 1993 -- accepted
  Mesnieraceae Arx & E. Müll., 1975 -- accepted
  Metacapnodiaceae Hughes & Corlett, 1972 -- accepted
  Metschnikowia T. Kamienski, 1899 -- accepted
  Metschnikowiaceae T. Kamienski, 1899 -- accepted
  Metus D.J. Galloway & P.James -- accepted
  Micarea Fr. -- accepted
  Micareaceae Vezda ex Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Microascaceae Luttr. ex Malloch, 1970 -- accepted
  Microascales Luttr. ex Benny & Kimbr., 1980 -- accepted
  Microcaliciaceae Tibell, 1984 -- accepted
  Micropeltidaceae Clem. & Shear, 1931 -- accepted
  Microtheliopsidaceae O.E. Erikss., 1981 -- accepted
  Microthyriaceae Sacc., 1883 -- accepted
  Miltideaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Miriquidica Hertel & Rambold -- accepted
  Mischoblastia A. Massal. -- accepted
  Mobergia H. Mayrhofer, Sheard & Matzer -- accepted
  Moelleropsis Gyeln. -- accepted
  Monascaceae J. Schröt., 1894 -- accepted
  Monoblastiaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- accepted
  Montagnulaceae M.E. Barr, 2001 -- accepted
  Morchellaceae Reichenb., 1834 -- accepted
  Moriolaceae Zahlbr., 1903 -- accepted
  Mycobilimbia Rehm -- accepted
  Mycobilimbiaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Mycoblastaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Mycocaliciaceae A.F.W. Schmidt, 1970 -- accepted
  Mycocaliciales Tibell & Wedin, 2000 -- accepted
  Mycoporaceae Zahlbr., 1903 -- accepted
  Mycosphaerellaceae Lindau, 1897 -- accepted
  Myeloconaceae P.M. McCarthy -- accepted
  Myelorrhiza Verdon & Elix -- accepted
  Myriangiaceae Nyl., 1854 -- accepted
  Myriangiales Starbäck, 1899 -- accepted
  Myrionora R.C. Harris -- accepted
  Myriostigmella G. Arnaud -- accepted
  Mytilinidiaceae Kirschst., 1924 -- accepted
  Myxotrichaceae Currah, 1985 -- accepted
  Naetrocymbaceae Höhnel ex R.C., 1995 -- accepted
  Nais Kohlm. -- accepted
  Nectriaceae Tul. & C. Tul., 1844 -- accepted
  Neolectaceae Redhead, 1977 -- accepted
  Neolectales Landvik, O.E. Erikss., Gargas & P. Gustafsson, 1993 -- accepted
  Neolectomycetes -- accepted
  Nephromataceae Wetm. ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw., 1991 -- accepted
  Nesolechiaceae Arnold -- not accepted
  Niessliaceae Kirschst., 1939 -- accepted
  Nitschkiaceae (Fitzp.) Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Normandina Nyl. -- accepted
  Obryzaceae Körb., 1855 -- accepted
  Oceanitis Kohlm. -- accepted
  Odontotremataceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood, 1982 -- accepted
  Onygenaceae Berk., 1857 -- accepted
  Onygenales Cif. ex Benny & Kimbr., 1980 -- accepted
  Opegrapha Ach. -- accepted
  Opegraphaceae Stizenb. -- not accepted
  Ophiobolus Riess -- accepted
  Ophioparmaceae R.W. Rogers & Hafellner, 1988 -- accepted
  Ophiostoma Syd. and P. Syd. -- accepted
  Ophiostomataceae Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Ophiostomatales Benny & Kimbr., 1980 -- accepted
  Orbilia Fr. -- accepted
  Orbiliaceae Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Orbiliales ad int., 2001 -- accepted
  Orbiliomycetes ad int., 2001 -- accepted
  Orcadia G. K. Sutherl. -- accepted
  Oropogon Th. Fr. -- accepted
  Orphniospora Körb. -- accepted
  Ostropales Nannf., 1932 -- accepted
  Pachyascaceae Poelt ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David, 2001 -- accepted
  Pachyascus Poelt & Hertel -- accepted
  Pannaria Del. ex Bory -- accepted
  Pannariaceae Tuck., 1872 -- accepted
  Papulosporaceae Winka & O.E. Erikss. -- accepted
  Parmeliaceae Zenker, 1827 -- accepted
  Parmeliella Müll. Arg. -- accepted
  Parmulariaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr, 1979 -- accepted
  Parodiellaceae Theiss. & H. Syd. ex M.E. Barr, 1987 -- accepted
  Parodiopsidaceae (G. Arnaud) ex Toro, 1952 -- accepted
  Patellariaceae Corda, 1838 -- accepted
  Patellariales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Peltigeraceae Dumort., 1822 -- accepted
  Peltigerineae -- accepted
  Peltulaceae Büdel, 1986 -- accepted
  Pertusaria DC. -- accepted
  Pertusariaceae Körb. ex Körb., 1855 -- accepted
  Pertusariales M. Choisy ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Pezizaceae Dumort., 1829 -- accepted
  Pezizales C. Bessey, 1907 -- accepted
  Pezizomycetes -- accepted
  Pezizomycotina -- accepted
  Phacidiaceae Fr., 1821 -- accepted
  Phacopsis Tul. -- accepted
  Phaeochoraceae K.D. Hyde, P.F. Cannon & M.E. Barr, 1997 -- accepted
  Phaeophyscia Mob. -- accepted
  Phaeorrhiza H. Mayrhofer & Poelt -- accepted
  Phaeosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr, 1979 -- accepted
  Phaeotrichaceae Cain, 1956 -- accepted
  Phaneromycetaceae Gamundí & Spinedi, 1986 -- accepted
  Phlyctidaceae Poelt & Vezda ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw., 1991 -- accepted
  Phycomelaina Kohlm. -- accepted
  Phyllachoraceae Theiss. & H. Syd., 1915 -- accepted
  Phyllachorales M.E. Barr, 1983 -- accepted
  Phyllobatheliaceae Bitter & F. Schill., 1927 -- accepted
  Phyllopsora Müll. Arg. -- accepted
  Phyllopsoraceae Zahlbr., 1905 -- not accepted
  Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux -- accepted
  Physciaceae Zahlbr., 1898 -- accepted
  Physcidia Tuck. -- accepted
  Physciella Essl. -- accepted
  Physconia Poelt -- accepted
  Physma A. Massal. -- accepted
  Physmaceae W. Watson, 1929 -- not accepted
  Piedraiaceae Viégas ex Cif., Bat. & Campos, 1956 -- accepted
  Pilocarpaceae Zahlbr., 1905 -- accepted
  Pilophorus Th. Fr., 1857 -- accepted
  Placolecidaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Placolecis Trevis. -- accepted
  Placynthiaceae Å.E. Dahl, 1950 -- accepted
  Planistromellaceae M.E. Barr, 1996 -- accepted
  Pleomassariaceae M.E. Barr, 1979 -- accepted
  Pleopsidium Körb. -- accepted
  Pleospora Rabenh. ex Ces. & De Not. -- accepted
  Pleosporaceae Nitschke, 1869 -- accepted
  Pleosporales Luttrell ex M.E. Barr, 1987 -- accepted
  Pleurotremataceae W. Watson, 1929 -- accepted
  Pneumocystidaceae O.E. Erikss., 1994 -- accepted
  Pneumocystidales O.E. Erikss., 1994 -- accepted
  Pneumocystidomycetes -- accepted
  Poeltinula Hafellner -- accepted
  Polystigmataceae Höhn. ex Nannf., 1932 -- not accepted
  Polystomellaceae Theiss. & H. Syd., 1915 -- accepted
  Pontogeneia Kohlm., 1975 -- accepted
  Pontoporeia Kolhm., 1963 -- accepted
  Porpidiaceae Hertel & Hafellner, 1984 -- accepted
  Protomycetaceae Gray, 1821 -- accepted
  Protoparmelia M. Choisy -- accepted
  Protoscyphaceae Kutorga & D. Hawksw., 1997 -- accepted
  Protothelenellaceae Vezda, H. Mayrhofer & Poelt, 1985 -- accepted
  Psathyrophlyctis Brusse -- accepted
  Pseudeurotiaceae Malloch & Cain, 1970 -- accepted
  Pseudeurotium J.F.H. Beyma -- accepted
  Pseudopannaria (de Lesd.) Zahlbr. -- accepted
  Pseudoperisporiaceae Toro, 1926 -- accepted
  Pseudophysciaceae (Hue) Tomas., 1949 -- not accepted
  Pseudosphaeriales -- not accepted
  Psilolechia A. Massal. -- accepted
  Psoraceae Zahlbr., 1898 -- accepted
  Psorinia Gotth. Schneid. -- accepted
  Psoroma Michaux -- accepted
  Psoromidium Stirt. -- accepted
  Psorotichiella Werner -- accepted
  Psorula Gotth. Schneid. -- accepted
  Psorulaceae Hafellner, 1984 -- not accepted
  Pycnocarpon Theiss. -- accepted
  Pycnothelia Duf. -- accepted
  Pyrenopsidaceae Th. Fr., 1860 -- not accepted
  Pyrenopsis Nyl. -- accepted
  Pyrenotrichaceae Zahlbr., 1926 -- accepted
  Pyrenulaceae Rabenh., 1870 -- accepted
  Pyrenulales Fink ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss., 1986 -- accepted
  Pyronemataceae Corda, 1842 -- accepted
  Pyrrhospora Körb. -- accepted
  Pyxidiophoraceae Arnold, 1971 -- accepted
  Pyxidiophorales P.F. Cannon, 2001 -- accepted

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Sun Feb 8 2009 04:52:51 MST