geom_commdefs  2006 July 10 17:00.

Author:  Arthur L. Edwards (email:

# GEOM command definitions.

# Find in test problems with UNIX command:
#   grep '^COMMAND' ~/work/geom/test/*.test >! junkgrep
# where COMMAND is one of the commands or synonyms below.

! (following delimiter)    Begins an appended comment.
!, #, *, / (in column 1)   Comment line.
. (period)                 Repeat the preceding command (input command $).
; (unquoted)               Do not use after ".", "input", "read" or "return".
; (unquoted)               Do not use after "indo", "redo" or "undo".
; (unquoted)               Separates commands, comments, on same input line.
accelerate, accel          Find parabolic paths of accelerated particles.
alias, al, a               Create/display aliases.
angles, angle, ang         Specify/display/convert angle units.
arc                        Find the curvatures of a quadric surface at a point.
area                       Find the area of a polygon.
axisym                     Create/display axisymmetric quadric surfaces.
base                       Convert decimal values to a specified number base.
big                        Create/display big integers, do math with them.
bin                        Create/display probability bins, for use in PDFs.
bisect                     Bisect an angle.
brick, br                  Create/display bricks.
c or C (before blank)      Comment line.
cc, CC (columns 1 and 2)   Comment line.
circle, circ               Find a circle through 3 points, or tangent circles.
cluster, cl                Create/display clusters of points.
COMMAND help               Display a help message for any command COMMAND.
commands [help]            Display all command words, including synonyms.
commands, comm, alph       Display all command words, including synonyms.
cone                       Create/display circular cones.
contfr                     Find coefficients or value of a continued fraction.
coordinate, coord, cs      Specify/display coordinate system.
copy, cp, duplicate, dup   Copy an object.
cross, outer               Find the cross product of a vector pair.
crt                        Solve the Chinese Remainder Theorem problem.
cute                       Find triangle extension with same perimeter, area.
cuts                       Cut a triangle in two with equal perimeters, areas.
Cxxxx (followed by blank)  Comment line (x = "+", "-" or "_").
cxxxx (followed by blank)  Comment line (x = "+", "-" or "_").
cylinder, cyl              Create/display circular cylinders.
debug                      Display GEOM internal parameters and variables.
define                     Define a command, key word or other geom_base entry.
delete, del, remove, rm    Delete objects.
delimiter, delim           Specify/display the field delimiter.
disk, dk                   Create/display annular disks.
distance, dist, int        Find distances or intersections between objects.
do                         Begin a do loop.
dot, inner                 Find the dot product and angle of a vector pair.
ellipsoid, ell, el         Create/display ellipsoids.
end, exit, quit, split     End the run.  Exit from GEOM.
enddo                      Repeat or end a do loop.
endif                      End a conditional block.
environment [help]         Display a help message for environment commands.
error [help]               Display a help message for error-control commands.
extrema, extr              Find the extrema of a quadric surface.
factor                     Find the prime factors of integers.
factor                     Find the Euler totient function of integers.
geom                       Execution line to execute the GEOM code.
goto                       Jump to a new command in the current input file.
help all                   Display all help messages (many pages of output).
help COMMAND               Display a help message for any command COMMAND.
help commands              Display all command words, including synonyms.
help environment           Display a help message for environment commands.
help error                 Display a help message for error-control commands.
help math                  Display a help message for mathematics commands.
help misc                  Display a help message for miscellaneous commands.
help object                Display a help message for named object commands.
help random                Display a help message for Monte Carlo commands.
help, h                    Display a help message for each category of commands.
hex                        Convert/display hex and decimal formats.
hyperb, saddle             Create/display quadric surface through quadrangle.
icalc                      Do integer arithmetic.
icalc                      Randomly sample integers.
icalc                      Specify mode of integer input and output in icalc.
if/endif                   Specify/end a conditional block.
increment, incr            Increment a blank-delimited string.
indo                       Redo a command, with increments.
input conv.mac             Display or read metric conversion factors.
input, in, i, read, rd, r  Display/repeat previous commands.
input, in, i, read, rd, r  Specify/display input medium or file.
intcirc                    Find the intersection of 2 circles.
invert, inv                Invert points, clusters, vectors, planes, quadrics.
iris                       Find equivalent series of reciprocals of integers.
kiss                       Find tangent circles and spheres.
last                       Create/display base names of objects.
line, ln, l                Create/display lines.
list, display, print       Display names of objects.
lock                       Lock and unlock GEOM.  Not very secure.
marker, mark, m            Specify/display markers and their text.
math [help]                Display a help message for mathematics commands.
mcvol                      Estimate the volume of a zone.
mean                       Find the mean and std dev of a set of variables.
mesh                       Create/display a logical mesh.
mesh block                 Create/display a logical mesh block.
mesh point                 Create mesh points.
misc [help]                Display a help message for miscellaneous commands.
move, translate            Move points, clusters, vectors, planes, quadrics.
object [help]              Display a help message for named object commands.
operator, oper, op         Create/display reflect, rotate, invert, scale oper's.
output, out, o, wr, w      Specify/display output file.
page                       Insert page restore symbol "^L" into output file.
parse                      Display GEOM internal data for parsing input lines.
pdf                        Create/display probability distribution functions.
plane, pl                  Create/display planes.
plot                       Specify plot parameters, make plots.
point, pnt, pt, p          Create/display points.
point, pnt, pt, p          Randomly sample points on surfaces or in volumes.
polygon, polyg, pg         Create/display regular polygons.
polyhedron, polyh, ph      Create/display regular polyhedrons.
project, proj              Project points onto a plane, cylinder, or sphere.
prompt                     Switch between long and short prompts.
quadric, quad, q           Create/display general quadric surfaces.
random [help]              Display a help message for Monte Carlo commands.
ratio, rat                 Find the ratio of terms for a geometric series.
redo                       Redo a command, with replacements.
reflect, refl              Reflect points, clusters, vectors, planes, quadrics.
rename, switch, sw         Rename an object.
return, rtn                Return to the last input medium.
root                       Find the real roots of a polynomial equation.
rootf                      Factor a root out of a polynomial equation.
roots                      Find the roots of a quadratic, cubic or quartic eq.
rotate, rot                Rotate points, clusters, vectors, planes, quadrics.
sample                     Randomly sample from a pdf.
scale, sc                  Scale points, clusters, vectors, planes, quadrics.
search, find               Find a marker text, symbol or alias replacement.
search, find               Find an object name or stem among all named objects.
search, find               Search for a big integer with a specified value.
search, find               Search for a point with a specified coordinate.
search, find               Search for a subscript with a specified name.
search, find               Search for a subscript with a specified value.
search, find               Search for a variable with a specified value.
search, find               Search for a vector with a specified component.
search, find               Search for an object with a specified name.
side; proximal, prox       Find the distances from points to quadric surfaces.
side; proximal, prox       Find the proximal points on quadric surfaces.
side; proximal, prox       Find which sides of quadric surfaces points are on.
slice, cut                 Find planar points in a quadric surface.
slice, cut                 Find the intersection of a quadric with a plane.
solve                      Solve 3 linear equations in 3 unknowns.
sort                       Sort objects by names, with options, and display.
sphere, sph                Create/display spheres.
spin                       Spin the random number sequence.
status, stat               Display title, I/O files, environmental parameters.
steiner, stein             Find the Steiner vertex of a triangle.
sudoku, su                 Solve a Sudoku puzzle.
switch, sw, rename         Rename an object.
symbol, symb, sym          Create/display a symbol with a replacement.
synonym, syn               Display the synonyms of commands, key words.
tables, sizes              Display command name and maximum number for objects.
tetrahedron, tetra, tet    Create/display tetrahedrons.
time, t                    Display the time charged to the problem.
title, id                  Display problem title.
tol                        Specify/display the numerical tolerance limit.
trace                      Display the input medium return path.
track, trk                 Find track distances, intersections.
triangle, tri              Create/display triangles.  See trig, cute, cuts.
trig                       Find the missing parts of a triangle.
triple                     Find any triple intersection point of three planes.
twist, tw                  Twist points around an axis.
undo, u                    Undo one or more preceding commands.
variable, var, set, s      Create/display named variables, do mathematics.
variable, var, set, s      Do floating point arithmetic.
variable, var, set, s      Randomly sample floating point numbers.
vector, vect, v            Create/display vectors.
vector, vect, v            Randomly sample vectors.
vi                         Open text editor vi to display and/or edit a file.
volume                     Find the volume of a rotated polygon.
walk                       Randomly walk points.
when                       Display the code date and the run date.
where                      Find if points are in bricks, tetrahedrons, zones.
zone, zn, z                Create/display zones.

